The salesbuildinghasenough58, canlookfrom the layer, the goods of godterritorycompanyare rich.
The explodingfundscommodity that selling the buildingdemonstratesis worthbuying, theseunsalablelowtechnicalstaramusement parks that justJiang Qiordereddecisivelyfeed specially the goodsto enter the qualifications of salesbuildingnot to havecontinually.
会在销售大楼里展示的都是非常值得一买的爆款商品,刚刚江祺果断下单的那些滞销的低科技星球游乐园专供货品连进入销售大楼的资格都没有。BecauseJiang Qistrolls the goal of salesbuildingis to grow in experience, F1101firstbringsJiang Qito lookthing that mostcangrow in experience.
因为江祺逛销售大楼的目的是为了长见识,F1101就先带江祺看最能长见识的东西。Whatthing of regardinglowtechnicalstar the guestsmostgrows in experience?
武器。Does not have the customer of lowtechnicalstarnot to like the high-techweapon.
没有低科技星球的顾客不喜欢高科技武器。Even ifcannot afford, everyonestillwantsto look.
The salesbuildingfrom the 4 thfloorsto19buildings is a weapon.
销售大楼从四楼到19楼全都是武器。4-8buildingsare the lowtechnicalstars, 9-13buildingsare the technicalstar, 14-19buildingsare the high-techstars.
4-8楼是低科技星球,9-13楼是中科技星球,14-19楼是高科技星球。F1101firstledJiang Qito go to4buildings.
F1101先领着江祺去了四楼。4buildingsbasicallydo not have the guest, shopping guideactuallymore than ten, allidlesvery much, seesJiang Qito move forward to meet somebody.
四楼基本上没有客人,导购倒是有十几个,全都闲得很,一看见江祺就迎了上去。Is banning the law-abiding citizen in spear/gunstateas a life, the principal channel that Jiang Qisees the spear/gunis the soap opera and movie, lastonetime the time of touching the spear/gunor the universitymilitary training. The thermal weaponhehas not traced, the cold weaponshave practicedactually.
作为一个生活在禁枪国度的守法公民,江祺看见枪的主要途径是电视剧和电影,上一次摸枪还是大学军训的时候。热武器他没怎么摸过,冷兵器倒是练过。Jiang Bingis for sometime interestedto the archery, managed an yearscard of archeryclubinXuncheng. AfterwardJiang Bingplayed for twomonthsto have no interestin the archery, the bosswithclubsaidgaveJiang Qi the card.江冰有一段时间对射箭有兴趣,在浔城办了一张射箭俱乐部的年卡。后来江冰玩了两个月对射箭没兴趣,就和俱乐部的老板说了一声把卡送给江祺了。Jiang Qiwas still going to collegeat that time, summer vacationpracticed for twomonths, but alsoverylikes. Originallywantsto wait till the exams for postgraduate schoolsto finishcontinues the card, resultexams for postgraduate schoolsunfavorable situation, clubbecausealsodoes not have the businessto go out of business, Jiang Qihas not traced the bow and arrowagain.江祺那时候还在上大学,暑假练了两个月,还挺喜欢。本来想等到考研结束就续卡,结果考研失利,俱乐部也因为没生意倒闭,江祺就再也没摸过弓箭。ThenJiang Qiarrived at the bow and arrowin4buildingMo.
然后江祺就在四楼摸到弓箭了。„4buildingsunexpectedlyallare the cold weapons!”Jiang Qilooks at4buildingrows, dazzlingsword and spearswordhalberdand so onhehas seenorhas not seen the cold weapons, the whole personwas shocked.
Isn't yourtoracompany a high-techcompany?
你们神谕公司不是一个高科技公司吗?Selling the weaponshould notbe the high energy explosive, the energyspear/gun, the quantumartillerywait/etcdestroyedday of weapon that extinguishes the place, againbadly is also the sniper's rifle, the rifleand so onthermal weapon.
Does thissell the cold weaponsiswhat's the matter?
这卖冷兵器算是怎么回事?Ourgodterritorycompanyactuallyalsoknows the magic, addedbufftothesecold weapons, did a swordget downto be able the mountainto start?
难道我们神域公司其实也懂魔法,给这些冷兵器加buff了,一剑噼下去能把山噼开?„Accurate, 4buildingsand5buildingsare the cold weapons.”F1101 said that „, although4 ~ 8buildingsare the lowtechnicalstarweaponsaleareas, butamong the lowtechnicalstarsalsohas a thinnerdivision. Somescientific and technological standardsstayinancient people the customer of lowtechnicalstaronyourstardefineshave not purchased the jurisdiction of thermal weapon, the commodity that thiskind of customerneedsexcept for the drugs of prolonging the lifeis a weapon.”
“准确来说,四楼和五楼都是冷兵器。”F1101道,“虽然4~8楼是低科技星球武器售卖区,但是低科技星球之间也是有更细的划分的。一些科技水平停留在您星球上定义的古代人的低科技星球的顾客没有购买热武器的权限,这类顾客所需要的商品除了延年益寿的药品就是武器。”„The formerpriceis too highmostlythey unable to afford, the latterbecametheirmostoptimal.”
“前者价格太高大多他们都买不起,后者就成了他们的最优选。”„4 ~ 5facethiskind of customerto be openspecially.”
“4~5层专门面向这类顾客开放。”Jiang Qinodsto show the understanding, after allno onestipulated that the ancientcannothave the system, then the accident of sortsobtains a voucher. Person who canhave the systemin the ancient timesdefinitelyis the ruling class, the wealthby farinoneselfthisamusement parkboss, thiskind of personshouldalsocalculate the excellent customerto the toracompany.江祺点点头表示理解,毕竟没人规定古人不能拥有系统,然后机缘巧合得到一张购物券。能在古代拥有系统的人肯定是统治阶级,财富之多远胜于自己这种游乐园老板,这类人对于神谕公司而言应该也算优质客户。After allbyscientific and technological standard that the toracompanycontrols, the massproducescold weaponssimply should not be too simple, the costis extremely low.
还可以试用!Looks atfrontmaterial qualitysuperior, the modelingwas attractive, touches the touchverygoodbow, Jiang Qicould not bearfor a while, takesoneto test the areato test.
箭在试用区。Looks at the target of distant place, Jiang Qithought that the toracompanyrather could also have a liking for itself, center the targetputis separated by a great distanceto say the loyalty, canshootin the targetis an issue.
The shopping guidehands over the arrow, Jiang Qidraws.
导购递上箭,江祺拉弓。Young, is quite relaxed.
The bow of toracompanyproductis really out of the ordinary.
神谕公司出品的弓果然非同凡响。Jiang Qiaims at the target, lets go.江祺对准靶子,松手。
The featherarrowlikearrives at the meteorwhizoneto depart, points to the bull's eye.
正中红心!Jiang Qiwas shocked, he is not so fierce, when the archeryclubpracticeshas not hit a target the loyalty.江祺惊呆了,他原先也没这么厉害呀,在射箭俱乐部练习的时候也没怎么射中过红心。Today a roundintosoul?
今天怎么一发入魂了?Jiang Qiputs out a hand, hints the shopping guideto come a featherarrowagain.江祺伸出手,示意导购再来一只羽箭。„Whiz.”
正中红心。Jiang Qialtogethershotthreearrows, changedthreetargets, eachtargetiscenter the loyalty.江祺一共就射了三支箭,换了三个靶,每个靶都是正中红心。„!”
“啪啪啪啪啪!”Shopping guidesimultaneous/uniformsimultaneous/uniform who the nearbysurroundsgoes all outto applaud, F1101alsowarmsaid/tunnel: „Mr.Jiang Qiyou were really fierce, simplywas a marksman.”
边上围观的导购齐齐卖力鼓掌,F1101也热情地道:“江祺先生您真是太厉害了,简直就是神射手。”Oneselfdo not haveto thinkoneselfunexpectedlyareJiang Qiembarrassedscratching the head of marksman, is looking at the bow in hand, morelooksmorelikes, feltoneselfandin the handthis is really is predestined friends the bowinborn.
自己也没想到自己居然是神射手的江祺不好意思的挠挠头,看着手中的弓,越看越喜欢,觉得自己和手上这把弓真是天生有缘。Howotherwisecanuseitsevery shot hits the target?
不然怎么会一用它就百发百中呢?Buys, mustbuy!
买,得买!„Thisbowhow muchmoney?”Jiang Qiexpressed that hehad bought the lotsfor the amusement park, isthing that the timebuysto select itselfto liketruly.
“这弓多少钱?”江祺表示他已经为游乐园买了很多东西,是时候买点自己真正喜欢的东西了。F1101 the display monitordemonstratedlooksdirectlytoJiang Qi.
The bow of every shot hits the target: 10 R /.
下单!„Thisbow, sincecalled the percentageinhundred the bow, wasin the production processhas the originality?”Jiang Qiasked.
“这把弓既然叫百分百中的弓,是不是制作工艺上有独到之处?”江祺问。„Yes.”F1101nods, „this bowanditsnecessaryfeatherarrowinstalled the specialchipon, canraise the hit probability of archerylargely. So long asis not a novice, canachieveevery shot hits the target, can only purchasecold weaponslowtechnicalpotential surface the affection of customersdeeply.”
“是的。”F1101点头,“这把弓和其配套的羽箭上都安装了特殊芯片,可以极大程度提高射箭者的命中率。只要不是新手,就可以做到百发百中,深受只能购买冷兵器的低科技位面的顾客们的喜爱。”Jiang Qi: „Do Ialsowantto buy the necessaryarrow?”江祺:“那我是不是还要买配套的箭?”F1101had not replied,showsto give toJiang Qi the shoppingcontact surfacedirectly.
The arrow of every shot hits the target: 1 R /.
百发百中的箭:1R/支。Verygood, the bowsells100, the arrowsells10, yourtoracompanyunderstandsto do business.
很好,弓卖100块,箭卖十块,你们神谕公司懂做生意的。„Should thisarrowverynot be easyto damage?”Jiang Qispeechlesssay/way.
“这个箭该不会很容易损坏吧?”江祺无语道。„Ifis used in the entertainmentlikeyou, is only the purearcherytarget, an arrowusuallycanuse30-50times. But if for the war, can only use1-3timesprobably.”
“如果像您这样用于娱乐,只是单纯的射箭靶的话,一支箭通常可以使用30-50次。可如果用于战争,大概只能使用1-3次。”„The arrow of every shot hits the targetisourtoracompanycold weaponsseriessales volumehighestcommodity, every yearcansell over 10 billion. Manycustomersbuyare several million!”
“百发百中的箭是我们神谕公司冷兵器系列销量最高的商品,每年可以卖出100亿支以上。很多顾客一买就是几千万支呢!”Jiang Qi:......江祺:……Otherwise, otherswerebuy backwent to warin the ancient times, possiblycamefor a lifetimesuch, naturallymustlose everything the explodingfundsgoodthing that boughtto select itself to use.
不然呢,人家都是买回古代打仗的,一辈子可能就来这么一回,当然得倾家荡产买点自己能用的爆款好物啊。Jiang Qitastedto work as the feeling of marksmana moment ago, thought that thisfeelingratiosat10roller coastersalso to makejoyful.江祺回味了一下刚才当神射手的感觉,觉得这个感觉比坐十次过山车还要让愉悦。Thisis a goodthing.
这可是个好东西。Does not drawwith effort, the targetrate/leadis extremely high, a little foundationcanbe the marksman of every shot hits the target. Whatis most essential, Jiang Qidoes not buyto start the cold weaponswarthesethings, an arrow of 10dollarcan the reuse30 ~ 50times, such goodbowalsowant100, is really the king of performance-to-price ratio.
拉弓不费力,中靶率极高,有一点基础就能当百发百中的神射手。最关键的是,江祺又不把这些东西买回去发动冷兵器战争,一支十块钱的箭能重复利用30~50次,这么好的弓也只要100块一把,着实是性价比之王。Amusement parkotherare not many, is the spatialdomainare many, a circlebig piece of landexpandsoutward, doing the outdoorsarcheryfieldis also good.
游乐园别的不多,就是空地盘多,圈一大块地往外扩扩,搞个户外射箭场也是不错的。Mostbuilds a shedin the summer the sun-screening, the costis extremely low.
The incomethiefis high.
收益贼高。Every shot hits the target, an arrowreceives2-3 is not excessive.
百发百中,一支箭收个2-3块不过分吧。Compared with the youngstall keeper of parkarchery, Jiang Qithispricingsimplyis the industryconscience.
和公园射箭的小摊贩相比,江祺这个定价简直就是业界良心。Is the parkarcheryhits a targetmanyto have the prize, Jiang Qiheredoes not have, purearchery.
就是公园射箭射中多少个有奖品,江祺这边没有,纯射箭。NameJiang Qi of thisproject thought that calledevery shot hits the target!
这个项目的名字江祺都想好了,就叫百发百中!Understandssimply, enters the subject.
简单明了,直入主题。„Are the arrows of your every shot hits the target, having the vulnerabilityvery low?”Jiang Qiasked.
The arrow that just the shopping guidehanded overis the made of ironarrow, an arrowpersongot down to shoot throughabsolutely, was a weapon.
刚刚导购递来的箭是铁制的箭头,一箭人下去绝对能把人射穿,是武器。In the amusement parkusesthistype of featherarrow is too dangerous.
The arrow of every shot hits the target( children'snowoundversion): 3 R /.
百发百中的箭(儿童无伤版):3R/支。Really, whatcommodity, so long ashas the relationswith the child, the pricewill rubto riseupward.
果然,无论是什么商品,只要和儿童扯上关系,价格就会蹭蹭蹭地往上涨。Jiang Qiinroughlyestimatedat heart, ordered200bowsand50,000arrows.江祺在心里大致估算了一下,下单了200把弓和5万支箭。Jiang Qithenstrolls.江祺接着逛。
The weapon of lowtechnicalcivilizationhecanunderstandprobably, the toracompanysellsnothing which is not, thisscientific and technological standardquitelowgoodspriceis inexpensive, evenhydrogen bombstill2 million. IfJiang Qihas the interest, when the munitionspeddler, can definitely orderlarge quantities ofmunitionsto go backto resell here.
低科技文明的武器他大概都能理解,神谕公司无所不卖,这种科技水平比较低的物品价格都不贵,就算是氢弹一颗也不过200万。如果江祺有兴趣当军火贩子的话,完全可以在这边订购一大批军火回去倒卖。Resells the hydrogen bomb, so long asJiang Qidaresto resell, heabsolutelyis the munitionspeddlereternalmyth.
倒卖氢弹,只要江祺敢倒卖,他绝对是军火贩子界永恒的神话。Jiang Qihas not wantedto work asthismythat present.江祺目前还不太想当这种神话。
The weapon of technicalstar, Jiang Qicannotunderstand.
The nameis strange, the effectextinguishes the worldat the scene.
The wantingoperate miss that beforeJ9722 said that candraw the weapon that the entirestaris buried along with the deadtogetherto be everywhere, innumerable.
之前J9722说的只要操作失误,就能拉着全星球一起陪葬的武器比比皆是,数不胜数。As for the weapon of high-techstar.
The price that dozenshundred millionRcoinsstartregardless of the time being, says the mightonly, Jiang Qithought that immortal cultivation in riverteaworldcame to firstthink overis the weaponquickerdestructionworldoneselfimmortallaw of opposite partyis quicker.
几十个亿R币起步的价格暂且不论,就单说威力,江祺觉得江茶世界里的修仙者来了都得先掂量一下是对方的武器更快毁灭世界还是自己的仙法更快。HasriverChalai who extinguishes the worldcriminal recordmustsay the sentence: 6.
有灭世前科的江茶来了都得说句:六。As forLilian'smagic world.
The magiciansusefull powerexplodingonlyto be ablewith the science and technologystarmightcommonweaponto compareprobably.
魔法师们倾尽全力的炸炸炸大概只能和中科技星球威力一般的武器比比。Really, so long as the technicaltreeselectsenoughhigh, immortal cultivationcannot catch up with the science and technologywith the magic.
The explodingfundsweapon of visitcompletesection, Jiang Qisilentenough78minutes, opens the mouthto ask: „Are you...... reallyonly in 2077?”
参观完全部的爆款武器,江祺沉默了足足有七八分钟,才开口问道:“你们……真的只是2077年吗?”Jiang Qi is very difficultto believe the science and technology of Earth, so long asdevelops for dozensyears to arrive atsuchaltitudeagain.江祺真的很难相信地球的科技只要再发展几十年就可以到达这样的高度。„Naturally.”F1101said,„weare the new style in 2077, after this yearisto enter into the interstellartime in 2077.”
“当然。”F1101道,“不过我们是新历2077年,今年是迈入星际时代后的第2077年。”„No wonder.”Jiang Qisuddenly.
“怪不得。”江祺恍然。He said that the scientific and technological standard of starF1101is atarriveshighfearfully, let aloneplaces the feudal period, even ifplacesJiang Qinow the age is still the situation that sufficiently and True Godis on par with.
他就说,F1101所在的星球的科技水平高到可怕,别说放在封建时代,就算放在江祺现在所处的年代也是足以和真神比肩的地步。„Whatotherregionrecommendationalsohas?”Jiang Qistrolledbecomes addicted.
“还有什么别的区域推荐的吗?”江祺逛上瘾了。AlthoughsellsmostcommodityJiang Qi in building unable to afford, buthecanlook that enjoys the eyeaddictionalways.
虽然销售大楼里的大部分商品江祺都买不起,但他可以看呐,过眼瘾总是可以的。NowonJiang Qialso20 million, Jiang Qiwantsto offerfor the country, buys the high new technology that a countrycanstudy, for a human civilizationcompletelyownstrength.
现在江祺手上还有两千万,江祺原本是想为国奉献,买点国家可以研究的高新科技,为人类文明尽一份自己的力。FinallyJiang Qidiscovered that hecannot afford.
The commodity of lowtechnicalcivilizationis very cheap, but the science and technologyis very expensive.
The elixirtakes10 billionRcoins, 100 billionRMB, casualJiang Qi does not understand, butaccording toF1101said that is the science and technology that at presentEarthhas not attacked and capturedwants2,000-3,000hundred million. The priceexpensive the consumerwas basically telling that buyscommoditywas enough, buys the technologyto not think about it.
The toracompanyessentiallyis a monopolycapitalistcompany.
神谕公司本质上还是一个垄断的资本家公司。F1101thinks: „Type Ibiologicalperson and display platform of Qbiological modelingpersonin46buildings, yourbigprobabilityis not willingto buy, butcantest, do you want to take a look?”
F1101想了想:“I型彷生人和Q型彷生人的展示台在46楼,您大概率是不愿意买的,但是可以试用,您要去看看吗?”Jiang Qi:......江祺:……
Is hesuchperson?
他是那样的人吗?„Goes.” The Jiang Qifruitblocks the way.
“去。”江祺果断道。Does not buyin any case, came, musthave a look.
反正不买,来都来了,总得看看。F1101leadsJiang Qito go to46buildings.
F1101领着江祺去46楼。46buildingthatcalled a liveliness, beforeJiang Qiwhenstrolled the weaponareanot to bump intoseveralcustomers, becameonetypeactuallyto sellin the buildingnot to have the misconception of manycustomerstoother party.
结果顾客全都在46楼。46buildingsare divided intotworegions, the leftisType Irobotdemonstrationarea, the rightis the Qrobotdemonstrationarea.
46楼分为两个区域,左边是I型机器人展示区,右边是Q型机器人展示区。Thesetwotypes of robotscanhave custom-made, andType Irobotonlyrentsdoes not sell, Type Irobotfordemonstrationalso is completely the suitableitems not for sale, eachhas, conforms topeoplevariousaestheticpursuestomortal body.
这两种机器人都可以定制,且I型机器人只租不卖,用于展示的I型机器人也全部都是适用的非卖品,各个款型的都有,符合人们各种对肉身的审美追求。In the leftregion is completely an illegal broker.
左边区域里全部都是二道贩子。Thatdid not callto buy, callsto snatch.
那都不叫买,叫抢。„This, comesthree!”
“这个款的,来三个!”„Thisgood, cute, comesfive, the styleisthisstyle, the hair color and pupilcolormusttrade, the five sensescannotbe completely same.”
“这个好,可爱,来五个,样式都是这种样式的,发色和眸色要换一下,五官也不能完全一样。”„Tall, comesthree.”
“高个子这款,来三个。”„This, were 6handsa much less? Ok, alwayshas the anomaly, comesone.”
“这个啊,六只手是不是有点多了?算了,总有变态,来一个。”„This, this, this, comes10! Wherethisfoundationdoes not worryto sell.”
“这个,这个,这个,都来十个!这种基础款在哪儿都不愁卖。”Jiang QibeforeenteringType IExhibition Hall, thinks that inthisisby the picture that the harmonioussoundandcannotbroadcast.江祺在走进I型展示厅之前,以为这里面都是会被和谐的声音和不能播的画面。Finallyallcanbroadcast.
It is not thattypecannotbroadcast, beforeJiang Qisubway that seessamecannotbroadcast.
不是那种不能播,是和江祺之前看到的地铁一样的不能播。Reallyunder the premise of immortality, whatpersonbecomesto haveaestheticallyabnormally.
果然在长生不老的前提下,审美变态成什么样的人都有。Eachinbustlingrushing to purchase, for fear thatmissesanyto explode the fundscommodity.
每一个都在热火朝天的抢购,生怕错过任何一个爆款商品。„What? Does thisnew styleneedto wait for a month to deliver?! Do youknow that whatis the new style, canwait for a month itto be the new style? Icanknowmehow muchmoneytobuythisvoucherspent? Yourtoracompanywas not known as that canmeetcustomer'scompleterequest? Couldn't my requestsatisfy?”Has been buying, understood at a glance that is the ample fundsprofiteer, because the matter of goodspoints at the shopping guideto shout abuse.
“什么?这个新款要等一个月才能交货?!你们到底知不知道什么叫新款,要等一个月它还是新款吗?我能知道我为了买这张消费券花了多少钱吗?你们神谕公司不是号称可以满足顾客的全部要求吗?我这点要求都满足不了?”一个一直在买买买,一看就知道是资金雄厚的倒爷因为货品的事情指着导购破口大骂。„Thismisterreallysorry, youorder100,000onetime, ushas not really kept in stock, must the bowingapology that waits for......”shopping guideonly to keep, the attitudeprobablybase and lowbase and low.
A selling price of Type IbiologicalpersonGundam/reaches as high as6 millionRcoins, thesehigh-endweapons that althoughthispricesawwithJiang Qia moment agohave no wayto compare, but the high-endweaponis noteveryone can afford.
The one breathbuys100,000Type Irobots, even the profiteer, this was still the greatprofiteer.
一口气买10万个I型机器人,就算是倒爷,这也是一等一的倒爷了。Jiang Qicould not bearlooks atthisone breath to buy100,000 the superprofiteer who explodes the funds, looks at reverently the appearance of rich man.江祺没忍住多看了一眼这位一口气要买10万个爆款的超级倒爷,瞻仰一下有钱人的样貌。
The rich mencannotacceptthislightapologyobviously, non-stopshouting abuse, brings insurrounding of many. Finallycame outeffectively, receives the VIProomto speak in detailthisrich man, matterissubsidestemporarily.
有钱人显然不能接受这种轻飘飘的道歉,不停破口大骂,引来不少人的围观。最后出来了一个管事的,将这位有钱人领到VIP室详谈,事情才算暂时平息。„Howencountersthissituationyouto processgenerally?”Jiang Qiaskedcuriously.
“遇到这种情况你们一般怎么处理?”江祺好奇地问。F1101smallsound said: „Bigprobabilitywill give the preferential benefit that 97foldor95folds.”
F1101小声道:“大概率会给出97折或者95折的优惠。”Thistype of super clienthits95booklets.
这种大客户才打95折。Jiang Qideeplyfeltoneselfgainedreallyin a big way, unexpectedlycanmake the Fmanagergo into actiontooneself to come the 20% discountpersonally.江祺深深觉得自己真是赚大了,居然能让F型的主管亲自出马给自己要来了8折。Family member who Fmanagerreallyhave not met!
When is moved, Jiang Qiasked: „Bymoney that Ionremainnowon hand, youthought that the commodity in whichaspectIshouldbuy is quite good?”
感动之余,江祺问:“以我现在手头上剩的钱,你觉得我应该买哪方面的商品比较好?”F1101answered: „31-35buildingsare the lifegroceryareas, and some small advantages the sales volumeextremelygoodexplodingfundscommodity, yourinterestedwordscanconsider.”
F1101答:“31-35楼是生活杂货区,有一些便宜且销量极佳的爆款商品,您有兴趣的话可以考虑。”„If the spare cash, youcanconsiderto have custom-made.”
“如果还有闲钱,您可以考虑定制。”„Custom-made?”Jiang Qistopped, „has custom-made the commodity to be very expensive?”
“定制?”江祺停顿了一下,“定制商品应该很贵吧?”„Severalvirtualconstructionservices that youpurchasedbefore, have custom-made.”F1101explained,„has custom-madeitselfnot to overcharge, the concreteexpensemustlook atyourcustom-madething.”
“您之前购买的几次虚拟建造服务,就是定制。”F1101解释,“定制本身并不会额外收费,具体费用还是得看您定制的东西。”Jiang Qiunderstood.江祺懂了。Said that healsoreallyhas the thingto need custom-made.
说起来他还真的有东西需要定制。Jiang Qistares atF1101to look: „Yourtoracompanymeets the lowtechnicalstaramusement parkmeetsonlya lot?”江祺盯着F1101看:“你们神谕公司接低科技星球游乐园的单接得多吗?”F1101has not understood what is heard: „Ifyourefer to the commoditysales volume, thattrulynottoo......”
F1101点头。„Thatwas enough.”Jiang Qishows a smile, „after Ialsowantto go back, loans a lane, ifyoucanhelpmehandle are too good.”
“那就行。”江祺露出一个微笑,“我本来还想回去以后再贷一笔款弄的,如果你们能够帮我搞定就太好了。”„Iwantto construct a newcampus.”
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