Second day of the lunar New Year, the amusement parkenters preschool the populationto maintainat13,000people.
大年初二,游乐园入园人数维持在1.3万人。3 rd, 14,000people.
初三,1.4万人。4 th, 15,000people.
初四,1.5万人。5 th, achieved the unprecedented18,000people.
初五,达到了史无前例的1.8万人。Said that 5 thon that day, somecampuses in amusement parkpushed are like the train station of spring festival transportation.
就这么说吧,初五那天,游乐园里的部分园区挤得跟春运的火车站一样。6 th......
初六……Excuse me, 6 threportJiang Qihad not looked,hehad not gone to the amusement parkto go to workon that day, 6 thisYanHuaiyouandChenChuchuconducts the day of wedding.
The wedding of rich mannaturallyis the Xunchengonlytwofive-star hotels, becauseYanbosom/mindSukeieandChenclear/painChu does business, the guestare many, thiswedding banquet the hotelentirepackage, suspendedenough88tablesdirectly.
有钱人的婚礼自然是浔城唯二的五星级酒店,因为闫怀佑家和陈楚楚家都是做生意的,宾客非常多,这场婚宴直接把酒店全包,摆了足足八十八桌。It is saidthis is also only the liquor that maleFang Familymanages, seatDing of bride's sidein8 th, inChenChuchunative place. According to the tradition of ChenChuchunative place, herfamily/homewill invite the relatives and friends and villagevillagers, the banquetsuspends a village.
据说这还只是男方家办的酒,女方的席定在初八,在陈楚楚的老家。按照陈楚楚老家的传统,她家会宴请亲朋好友和全村村民,酒席摆一村。ThisseatJiang Qidid not use, what the seat of bride's sidefamily/homemainlyinvitedwas the villager, in fact6 thbanquetis the wedding banquet that both partiesheldtogether.
这个席江祺就不用去了,女方家的席主要宴请的是村里人,实际上初六的酒席就已经是男女双方共同办的婚宴了。ConsideringChenChuchuandYanHuaiyou is not only ownfriend, is the supersuper client of amusement park, Jiang Qiwhenpackagered packetnotmean-spirited, 88,000.
考虑到陈楚楚和闫怀佑既是自己的朋友,又是游乐园的超级大客户,江祺在包红包的时候也没有小气,八万八。Thiscash as a presentisJiang Qisecretly and palacealsohas the orangeventilates the timebrillantdecides, the orangeisYanHuaiyou and ChenChuchucommonoldschoolmate, the palacebrillantisYanHuaiyouformerpartner. Thesetwofilthy richlordsprepared88,000cash as a present, Jiang Qinaturallycannotfall behind.
The happy pairboth sidesguardianshad hit the inconceivablewizard schoolmanage the idea of weddinginXue Villageand, thisweddingbudgetnaturallyismany.
The accompanimentisorchestra.
伴奏都是乐团现场拉的。WhenChenChuchuputs on the nuptial dress, was being held handsto pass through an entireflowerroad that the flower petalspreadsbyMr. Chen, when arrives at the bridegroomYanHuaiyoufront, satincrying that the Jiang Qileftorangemoved.
当陈楚楚穿着婚纱,被陈父牵着手走过花瓣铺出来的一整条花路,走到新郎闫怀佑面前时,坐在江祺左边的橙子都感动的哭了。„Really wastootouching.”Orangelikeplayingemotional script, sorptionnose, whilewipes the tears of corner of the eyewith the paper goodscautiously, so as to avoid the makeupis colored, both handsplace the chestto makeXihuto hold the heartshape, „is neat their moneyreallynot to have the white bloom.”
“真是太感人了。”橙子就像在玩情感本一样,一边吸着鼻子,一边用纸巾小心翼翼地抹去眼角的泪水免得妆花,双手放在胸口做西子捧心状,“楚楚她们这个钱真没白花。”„Lightis good, the orchestrais good, the backgroundis good, the master of ceremoniesalsogrowsnot onlyleads the soundto be of pleasant to hear, whenImarry must look forthisweddingcompany!”
“灯光好,乐团好,布景好,司仪不光长得帅声音还好听,等我结婚也要找这家婚庆公司!”OriginallyalsosomewhataffectedJiang Qi:?
Is yourkey pointthis?
The orangeturns head, the line of sightandspeechlessJiang Qi to, the opens the mouthasked: „Boss, whenImarried, canaskPrincipalPeggyto be the master of ceremonies?”
橙子一扭头,视线和无语的江祺对上,张口问:“老板,等我结婚了,能请佩吉校长做司仪吗?”„...... Youare the candyclassteacher, yourself and principaldiscussed,canpersuade.”Jiang Qisaid.
“……你是糖果课的老师,你自己和校长商量,能说动就可以。”江祺道。Orangeeyeonebright: „Can Irent the schoolassembly hallto hold the wedding?”
橙子眼睛一亮:“那我可以租用学校礼堂办婚礼吗?”Jiang Qi:...... Yourmoneypeopleideais actually consistent.江祺:……你们钱人的想法倒是一致。„Has the staffpreferenceprice?” The orangethenasked.
“有没有员工特惠价?”橙子接着问。Jiang Qithinks: „Saidagain.”江祺想了想:“再说吧。”
If the bystander, Jiang Qiwill definitely rejectwithout hesitation, even ifwill only rent the assembly hallstillto have the influence on the inconceivablewizard school, do not say that will marrythismatterto need a dress rehearsalbeforehand.
如果是外人,江祺肯定会毫不犹豫的拒绝,就算只租用礼堂也会对不可思议魔法学院造成影响,更不要说结婚这种事情是需要事先彩排的。But the orangeis the amusement parkstaff, is the teacher of inconceivablewizard school, issuper one of us.
可橙子是游乐园自家员工,还是不可思议魔法学院的老师,属于超级自家人。This kind of time, is giving the staffappropriatelysomeemployee benefitsalsono reason why nots.
在这种时候,适当的给员工一些员工福利也未尝不可。Jiang Qiestimatesin the staff of entireamusement park, onorangefilthy rich, youngonhas wantedto rent the schoolassembly hallto hold the weddingby the second generation of richmeeting of dulllifecollecting rentto get by.江祺估计整个游乐园的员工里,也就橙子这一位财大气粗的,年纪轻轻就过上了靠收租度日的乏味生活的富二代会想租用学校礼堂办婚礼。
The weddingflowhas conducted Mr. Chento give a speech.
婚礼流程已经进行到了陈父致辞。Thislinkregarding the ordinaryguestsis a quiteboredlink, butregardingis older, has become the parents, even the childrenhave gotten married the guests who orwill soon get married, thiswithout doubtis the softheartedtime.
这个环节对于普通宾客们而言是一个比较无聊的环节,但是对于年纪稍大一些,已经当了父母,甚至儿女已经出嫁或者即将出嫁的宾客们,这无疑是温情时刻。WhatunfortunatelyisJiang Qithistable of heknows the people who not to get married.
不巧的是江祺这一桌他认识的人都没结婚。sideJingseesJiang Qito startto be distracted, dependedtoward his sideslightly, lowers the voiceto ask: „Iheard that youramusement parkapplied for a 50 millionloanto the bank.”
方靖见江祺已经开始走神,稍稍往他那边靠了一些,压低嗓音问道:“我听说你们游乐园向银行申请了一笔5000万的贷款。”Jiang Qiat heartonestartled, thought that iswind sound/rumor that inwhich the ghost disclosed that thismatteronly then the high level of amusement parkknows, the ordinaryyoungleadershad no rightto know.江祺心里一惊,心想是哪个内鬼走漏的风声,这个事情只有游乐园的高层知道,普通小领导都无权知晓。Nowwas notsideJing of amusement parkstaffknew, the baseless rumorhas spread overwhole city, it is estimated thattookintwodays of alleyto open the uncles in sales store to know the amusement parkto be short of money, looks for the bank loan50 millionthings.
Is this scandal?
这算不算丑闻?Canaffect the stock price?
会不会影响股价?Canmake the shareholderloseconfidence, exerts pressure on catch up withoneselffrom the position of bosson the board of directors, thenstarts the commercial war.
It is not right, the amusement parkhas not gone on the market, does not have the shareholder, oneselfcapitalizationholding.
不对,游乐园没上市,也没股东,自己全资控股。Thatwas all right.
那没事了。Jiang Qirelaxes, nods, somewhataskedsideJingcuriously: „How do youknow?”江祺放松下来,点点头,有些好奇的问方靖:“你怎么知道的?”„My fatherhassomeacquaintancesin the bank.”
“我爸在银行有一些熟人。”After all is the formerrichest family, althoughmoneydid not have, butpersonal connectionalso.
毕竟是前首富,虽然钱没了,但人脉还在。Jiang Qiis suddenly enlighted, thenasked: „Can thataskyour fatherto helpmeinquire when thisloancanapprove? In January before 16, canget down? Meis a little anxious.”江祺恍然大悟,接着问:“那能不能拜托你爸帮我打听一下这笔贷款什么时候能批下来?正月十六之前能不能下来?我这边有点急。”sideJing:?
方靖:?Youreallydo not takemeto work as the bystander.
你是真不拿我当外人呐。sideJingsmiles: „Youramusement parkis the key support target of government, the loanis the low-interest loan. The capital statusis good, the cash flowis abundant, youlook for the bank loanbankwithout enough time, surelydid not have the issuehappily.”
方靖笑笑:“你们游乐园是政府的重点扶持对象,贷款都是低息贷款。资金状况良好,现金流充裕,你们找银行贷款银行高兴还来不及,肯定没问题。”On the stage the speech of Mr. Chenhas not said,sideJingthenchatted: „Iheard that youramusement park conducted the new yearspecial eventspecially.”
台上陈父的致辞还没有说完,方靖接着闲聊:“我听说你们游乐园专门搞了新年特别活动。”„Yes.”Jiang Qifeelsa littlethirsty, tooneself ” childexclusivecoconut treejuice, tonsfilled the mostcup, „ issomesmallactivities, the drainage. cup
“是啊。”江祺觉得有点口渴,给自己倒了杯小孩专属椰汁,吨吨灌下大半杯,“都是些小活动,引流。”„New year's celebrationpassenger capacitywas too big, is very open1 stto5 thinconceivablewizard schoolin the new year, startsone-daypassenger capacity is not lower than13,000peoplefrom1 st. Yesterdaymovedlastday, exploded the gardendirectly18,000.”
“过年客流量太大了,初一到初五不可思议魔法学院新年特别开放,从初一开始单日客流量就没有低于过1.3万人。昨天活动最后一天,直接爆园1.8万。”„This yearin the special eventdoesn't haveto play lantern-riddles? Youtold that the stafftraded the lantern riddleto tradeto go well the hemp. Playing lantern-riddlesdelivers the decorative lantern, yesterday a skylightdecorative lanterndelivered1500, thesethresholdlowerferrulesand so onsmallgamenot to mention.”
“今年特别活动里面不是有猜灯谜吗?就这么跟你说吧,工作人员换灯谜换得手都麻了。猜灯谜活动送花灯,昨天一天光花灯就送出去1500盏,那些门槛更低的套圈之类的小游戏就更不用说了。”„Wrapped the snareto result in the babyalmostnot to have, innearbywarehousehad a sell wholesalenot to go outluckily, the preparationbrought the stock in stopperblindbox.”
“套圈套得娃娃差点都没了,幸好附近的仓库里有一批卖不出去的,准备拿来塞盲盒里的库存。”„Yes.” The orangenodechoes, „this morning , in the staffcafeteriaeats meal the colleague who Ilisten to the finance said that these5skylightsold the circleto sell4 million, sold that more than tenstallputting togetherturnovers of cotton candyalso1 million, thesecangainwith the salespost of deducting a percentageturn.”
“是啊是啊。”橙子点头附和,“今天早上在员工食堂里吃饭的时候我听财务的同事说了,这五天光卖圈就卖了400万,卖棉花糖的那十几个小摊加在一起营业额也有100万,那些可以拿提成的销售岗都赚翻了。”Saying, orangealsoquitesomewhatfavoritesay/way: „Theseare the petty profits, selling the crownisourinconceivablewizard school!”
说着,橙子还颇有些得意的道:“不过这些都是蝇头小利,销冠还是我们不可思议魔法学院!”Jiang Qideeplylooked at the teacherperipheralsalerankingsecondorange from the bottom, withoutspeech.江祺深深看了一眼老师周边销售排行榜倒数第二的橙子,没说话。Hearsseveralpeopleto talk, has gone bankrupthoweverinsisted that mustwrap88,000cash as a present the palacesto voice the opinionsbrillant: „, Opens the amusement parkto make money. Yourthiscash flowis really scary, undermoneyYusiwithspace.”
听到几人谈话的,已经破产但是坚持要包八万八的礼金的宫晔发出感叹:“哇,还是开游乐园赚钱。你这现金流真吓人,跟天上下钱雨似的。”Oncein the family/homealsoopened the amusement park, butamusement parkcontinuouslyinsideJing of sustainabilitybordering onbankruptcy:......
曾经家里也开游乐园,但是游乐园一直在可持续性的濒临倒闭的方靖:……sideJingsized upJiang Qicarefully, thought how to seehas not seen the special characteristics of doing businesstalentonJiang Qi.
方靖仔细打量了一下江祺,觉得怎么看都没有在江祺身上看出经商天才的特质。It seems likeoneselfopen the amusement parkto border on the bankruptcy, Jiang Qiopens the amusement parkbusinessred fireis not the Jiang Qiissue, isownissue.
看来自家开游乐园濒临倒闭,江祺开游乐园生意红火不是江祺的问题,是自家的问题。Really, his fatherdoes business the bankruptcyto have the reason.
果然,他爸做生意破产不是没有原因的。sideJingshakes the head.
方靖摇摇头。His father, is not good.
……Just likesideJingexpects, the loan company of amusement parkapprovedquickly. Meanwhile, severaltheaters that before the theatrical troupetouredending, did not fall behindon time, did not rub gently, someeventied the fundsahead of time, sincerecompletelylikenot doing businesscapitalist.
The fundarrives atsuchrapidness, causingJiang Qi11to attaincompleteriverteato calculate the goodmoney in Januarytohim.
The bank loan+theatertail+staffgathers capital+to take by force the biologicalelder sister+ the deposit, equals79 millionYuan.
银行贷款+戏院尾款+员工集资+打劫亲姐+自己存款,合计7900万元。Regardless ofwheresuch a great sum of moneyplaces is quite considerable.
这样一笔巨款无论放在哪里都相当可观。Ifsavesin the bankto take the interest, enoughmakesordinary familiesnot need to worry about food or clothingfor a lifetime.
如果存银行里吃利息,足够让一个普通人家一辈子衣食无忧。ButJiang Qi, will squanderin several minutescompletelyupthemin the realistictime.
而江祺,将会在现实时间几分钟内将它们全部花光光。Thengoes bankrupt.
In the January11bankruptciesor in the January16bankruptcies, thisis an issue.
是正月十一破产还是正月十六破产,这是个问题。Jiang Qisitsin the office, somewhatsadlooks that in the calendarpreviouslylabelled the goodbankruptday, has a look at the balance in bankcard, has a lookto put the itself/Benondeskagain, suddenlysomewhathas mixed feelings.江祺坐在办公室里,有些忧愁的看着日历上自己先前标注好的破产日,又看看银行卡里的余额,再看看已经摆在办公桌上的本,一时间心情有些复杂。Saidcan evade1 st, does not evade15, Jiang Qithishas not arrived at15, 11mustwelcome the bankruptcy.
都说躲得过初一,躲不过十五,江祺这还没到十五,才十一就已经要迎来破产了。Jiang Qilooks atthebox on table.江祺看着桌上的本盒。Thisboxis pitch-black, the virtualgame2077severallarge characters of ice-coldaurais full of the metalstyle, symbolizethisvalue15 milliontheis doomeduncommonly.
本盒是深黑的,充满金属风格的冰冷气息的虚拟游戏2077几个大字,标志着这个价值1500万的本注定不凡。„Oh, look.”
“唉,看吧。”Jiang Qiopensthisbox.江祺打开本盒。Heaving in sightis the hosthandbook.
Before having, enters the experience of scenarioworld, Jiang Qiknowsownmain bodyenters the scenarioworldtime, the thing that canbringis something.
The bodyputs on, in the pocketholds, in the handtakes, canbring.
The small cardpromptmakesJiang Qibring the cell phone, in the bankcardto put awaymoney, Jiang Qinaturallycannotonlylisten to the prompt.
小卡提示让江祺带好手机,银行卡里放好钱,江祺这边自然不会只听提示。Heprepared something.
The world that F1101is atwill be the future world of high tech, the interstellartime. Watches the netarticleso manyyearsexperiencesbyJiang Qi, the people of interstellartimedrink the nourishing cream, the richtalentcan eatgenuinefood.
F1101所在的世界是高科技的未来世界,星际时代。以江祺看网文这么多年的经验,星际时代的人都是喝营养液,只有有钱人才吃得起真正的食物。Thesenourishing creamare often difficultto drink, the rich mancan eatfood of processcooking is not quite usually delicious.
那些营养液往往都非常难喝,有钱人吃得起的经过烹饪的食物通常也不太好吃。As forwhyinterstellartime, foodlinear decrease in basic necessities of life......
至于为什么都星际时代了,衣食住行里的食直线下降……Do not ask,askedfor the opportunity to give the femalelordgiving full play. After allfriestomatoto scramble eggsinonecanbe startledfor the place of Celestial, will prepare food is easyto make one's own wayto move toward the lifepeak the goodskill, does not have the threshold, is goodto begin.
别问,问就是为了给女主大展身手的机会。毕竟在一个炒一盘西红柿炒蛋都能惊为天人的地方,会做菜是一个非常容易发家致富走向人生巅峰的好技能,无门槛,好上手。As for the interstellararticle why Jiang Qireadsis the femalefrequency......
至于为什么江祺看的星际文都是女频的……BecausethesearticlesareJiang Bingpushtohis, the malefrequencyinterstellararticle that he himselfreadsis fighting and improvementscience and technology, the dailydescription of nobasic necessities of life.
因为那些文都是江冰推给他的,他自己看的男频星际文都在打架和提升科技,没什么衣食住行的日常描写。Jiang Qilookedto praise the boaststo borrowtwomagicpockets, installedonepilein the magicpocketwith the magichas maintained freshnesseating, varioustypes of clothing, daily necessities, survivalitem, wildernessseeking livehoodpackageand so onalsoinstalled, toprepareemergency requirement.江祺找夸夸借了两个魔法口袋,在魔法口袋里装了一堆用魔法保鲜过的吃食,各种衣物,生活用品,生存道具,荒野求生包之类的也装了一些,以备不时之需。Jiang QitouchesleftDouli the magicpocket, traces the cell phone in pocket, feltoneselfprepared, deeplyinspiredto put out the hosthandbook, openedp. 1.江祺摸摸左兜里的魔法口袋,摸摸又兜里的手机,觉得自己准备好了,深吸一口气拿出主持人手册,翻开了第一页。‚One, before the playerreadsscenario, the hostneedsto report the basic situation and principal commodities in godterritorycompanyby the status of godterritorycompanyshopping guideto the players.’
‘一、在玩家翻看剧本之前,主持人需要以神域公司导购的身份向玩家们介绍神域公司的基本情况和主要商品。’Verygood, thissituationis good, had looked ata few words. Jiang Qicloses the eye, heprepared!
The safe/without matter happened.
无事发生。Jiang Qi:?江祺:?Whatsituationtoday is this? Beforewasto look at a character, looked attwopunctuations, looked that a itemcardoneentered the scenarioworldontwogroping. Todayhas looked that the vanguardabstracthad not enteredunexpectedly, 15 millionbooksaredifferent!
今天这是什么情况?之前都是看一个字,看两个标点,看一个道具卡就两眼一摸黑地进入剧本世界。今天都已经看完前行提要了居然还没进,1500万的本就是不一样!Jiang Qithenlooksdownward.江祺接着往下看。
The «VirtualGame2077»hosthandbookwritesunusualis detailed, becausehost of this scriptbefore the beginningneedsto the playerto report that world outlookandstorybackground, Jiang Qi is also rarebeforeentering the scenarioworldknows that probablywhatthis scriptsaidwasanything.
《虚拟游戏2077》的主持人手册写的非常详细,由于这个本在开场之前主持人需要向玩家介绍世界观和故事背景,江祺也是难得的在进入剧本世界之前知道这个本大概讲的是什么。«VirtualGame2077»is a machine-madecommercial waritself/Ben, the status of eachplayeris a boss of small company, because the accident of sortsobtainedentered the admission ticket that the toracompanyspent.
《虚拟游戏2077》是一个机制商战本,每个玩家的身份都是一家小公司的老板,因为机缘巧合得到了进入神谕公司消费的入场券。Toracompany, the largest company in thisworld.
The toracompanyis controlling the entirefederallife, regarding the average person, the godterritorycompanyhas infiltrated the aspects that theylive, no onecanachievedoes not use the product of toracompanycompletely.
神谕公司掌控着整个联邦的命脉,对于普通人而言,神域公司早已渗透进他们生活的方方面面,没有人可以做到完全不使用神谕公司的产品。In the toracompany, youcanbuy the commodity that allyouwant, the premiseisyoumustget the expenseadmission ticket.
在神谕公司,你可以买到一切你想要的商品,前提是你要拿到消费入场券。Beforegettingexpenseadmission ticket, you can only buysomegodterritorycompanyforeignopening offers the ordinarycommodity, but after gettingthispreciousexpenseadmission ticket, all that youimagineyoucanbuyandcannot imagine.
The this script9players, are9lucky fellows who attainto spend the admission ticket.这个本的九名玩家,就是拿到消费入场券的九个幸运儿。Thismechanism is actually very simple, to put it bluntlyfights for the resources, forms an alliance, purchases the commodity that oneselfneed, the commercial war, finallycomes out the champion.
The aboveinformationallappearsin the firsttwopages of hosthandbook.
以上信息全部出现在主持人手册的前两页。Jiang Qiafterlooking atapproximatebackgroundandbriefflow, turnsstartsto look at the concreteflowto the nextpage.江祺在看完大致背景和简略流程后,翻到下一页开始看具体流程。‚Provides an expenseadmission tickettoeachplayer, andguides the playerto enter the room.’
‘给每个玩家发放一张消费入场券,并引导玩家进入房间。’Spends the admission ticket?
消费入场券?Jiang Qiputs down the hosthandbook, turnedinthisboxlooked, finallyturned outwas being pressed the expenseadmission ticketinseveralcharacterunder.江祺放下主持人手册,在本盒里翻找了一下,最终在几本人物本的底下翻出了被压着的消费入场券。Onepack, eachexpenseadmission ticket is the same, withoutsignature, place that alsocannotsign.
有一叠,每张消费入场券都是一样的,没有署名,也没有可以署名的地方。Spends the admission ticket the left bottomto haveoneline of Song fontsmall characters: The godterritorycompany, realizes all your dreams the place.
满满的诈骗味。Jiang Qiextractsoneto look at carefullycarefully: „Good and evilis15 millionbooks, thisitemdidis also perfunctory, the paperwas so soft, looked was very easyto break. Such a slightlyfolds, was difficultto be inadequatealsowantsto makeuswear out itselfto print the shopto hit?”江祺抽出一张仔细端详:“好歹是1500万的本,这道具做得也太敷衍了吧,纸这么软,一看就很容易弄破。才给这么一小叠,难不成还想让我们用坏了自己去打印店打?”Is complaining, Jiang Qionlyfeltat presentonewhite, familiarentered the feeling of scenarioworldto come back.
正吐槽着呢,江祺只觉得眼前一白,熟悉的进入剧本世界的感觉又回来了。Inentering the previousquarter of scenarioworld, Jiang Qiput in the hand the pocket, confirmedoneselftouched the cell phone.
在进入剧本世界的前一刻,江祺把手伸进了兜里,确认自己摸到了手机。„Fortunately, hand......”
“还好,手……”In the financialroom, rivertea the soap opera that broadcastsis pressing down the suspensionkey the computeron, looked atoneupwardly, is somewhat surprised.
财务室里,江茶把电脑上正在播放的电视剧按下暂停键,向上看了一眼,有些惊讶。„Unexpectedlywill really vanishdirectly.”
“居然真的会直接消失。”„Has not locked the office.”
“还不锁办公室。”riverteawavedreluctantly, helpingJiang Qilock the office.
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