Bumper year297 : 00 pm, the staff memberandJiang Qi of amusement parkrelatives and friendshappily gather in one place, doestogetherin the theater that the new clothingfixes attended the annual meeting.
大年二十九晚上7点,游乐园的全体员工和江祺的亲朋好友欢聚一堂,齐做在新装修好的剧院内参加年会。Most people the 1st time werestepped intojustrepaired the goodtheater.
Everyone inthat moment, repairdeepshockbytheater.
A repair of whatstyle is this?
这是一种什么风格的装修?Thiswasmoneywere simply manynot the flowerrepair.
这简直就是钱多了没地花的装修。Ifsitsin the ordinarystaff of 1buildingordinaryseat is also onlylittleby the bossfilthy richshockingsmallshock, thensat the partners in exchange of improper favorsin2buildingtheater boxshocksgreatly.
如果说坐在一楼普通席的普通员工们还只是一点点被老板的财大气粗给震惊到的小震撼,那么坐在二楼包厢里的关系户们就是大震撼了。Said that YanHuaiyoujuststepped into2buildingtheater boxestimehassuchmomentto feeloneselfpossiblyareemperor's relatives, otherwisecannot seat such goodtheater box.
这么说吧,闫怀佑刚踏进二楼包厢的时候有那么一刻觉得自己可能是皇亲国戚,不然坐不进这么好的包厢。„.”YanHuaiyoufeels the arm rest of large round-backed wooden armchairto express admiration, „had not looked, Jiang Qialsolikesthisstyleunexpectedly.”
“啧啧啧。”闫怀佑摸着太师椅的扶手啧啧称奇,“原先没看出来呀,江祺居然还喜欢这种风格。”„Shouldforwith the theateroverallstylenecessary.”ChenChuchuguessed,„Iremember the setting of thistheaterwithTaiping Townis the samebackground, was the ancientbackground. Allis the woodenfurniture, made that antique, splendidbut actuallyalsopassably.”
“应该只是为了和戏院整体风格配套。”陈楚楚猜测,“我记得这个戏院的设定和太平镇是同一背景,都是古代背景。全都是木质家具,弄得古色古香、富丽堂皇一些倒也说得过去。”YanHuaiyoucomplained: „Whichthisis, Ijustcame inalsothinks that IenteredForbidden City.”
闫怀佑吐槽:“这哪是一些,我刚进来的时候还以为我进了故宫。”„Whereis so exaggerating.”ChenChuchusaid with a smile, „, although the stylewassomeshapes, but also was insufficientForbidden City, mostpalaces.”
“哪有那么夸张。”陈楚楚笑道,“虽然风格是有些像,但也不至于故宫吧,最多王府。”„Forbidden Cityis more appropriate, the palaceIhave not looked.”
The young coupleis chatting, in the theater boxentered the person.
The palaceis brillantandsideJing.
宫晔和方靖。Yes, this year the organizer of annual meetingas beforeis the palacebrillantandhisprofessional team. The programhasamusement parkto be responsible , the palaceis responsible for the liquorwaterbrillant, eatsarrangeswith the location.
是的,今年年会的承办方依旧是宫晔和他的专业团队。节目有游乐园方面负责,宫晔负责酒水,吃食和场地布置。Enoughseveral hundredpeople of participatingannual meetings, without a professional team, ifhad/left the accident is very troublesome.
It is not goodto the impression of person.
给人的观感也不好。„Palaceleads, side.”Sawtwo peopleto come, ChenChuchuset outto clashtwo peopleto nodto hintwith a smile, „Ijustalsofound itstrange, Jiang Qisaidobviouslyour4personpassenger compartments, howourtwosatherequite a whiledid not seeyour two people.”
“宫导,方总。”见两人进来了,陈楚楚起身笑着冲两人点点头示意,“我刚刚还觉得奇怪呢,江祺明明说了我们四个人一个包间,怎么我们两个在这里坐了半天不见你们两个人。”sideJingsmiles: „Icomeis quite late, the palacebrillantIpossiblydelayedin the entrance.”
方靖笑笑:“我来的比较晚,宫晔在门口等我可能耽误了。”„Heard that thisannual meetingis the palaceis brillantyouto prepare.”YanHuaiyouasked.
The palacebeckons with the handbrillant: „Is responsible forarranging the location, does odd jobs, does odd jobspurely, makes a laboriousmoney.”
宫晔摆摆手:“就是负责布置场地,打杂,纯打杂,赚点辛苦钱。”Saying, the palaceis sighingbrillant: „Money-makingis difficult.”
说着,宫晔叹了口气:“赚钱难啊。”Howlistened tohim saying that threepeople of cannot help butchucklesmade noise.
听他怎么说,三人都不由得轻笑出声。IfJiang Qiis in January of being settled16will go bankrupt, then the palacebrillantis the well-knownpresenthas gone bankrupt.
The palaceleadstopathisdogbloodMarylovesTyrant the play, it may be said thatloses everything, not onlysold the realization the stock of bar, onsavingsallpoundson hand, but alsolooked forsideJingjiea lot ofmoney.
宫导为了拍他的狗血玛丽苏言情霸总剧,可谓是倾家荡产,不光把酒吧的股份卖了变现,手头上的积蓄全都砸进去,还找方靖借了不少钱。Whoaskedhimto drawless thaninvests, mustbe the directorto rush to the entertainment worldbravely, can only enter the groupbyowncapitalization?
谁叫他拉不到投资,又非要当导演勇闯娱乐圈,只能由自己全资进组呢?ChenChuchutopalacebrillantbut actually: the tea, asked the cup„Did palaceleadyourracket?”
The palacereceived the teaoneto drink like a fishbrillant, praise: „Thisblack teais good, a whileImustlook forJiang Qito takeonebox.”
宫晔接过茶一顿牛饮,夸赞:“这红茶不错,等会儿我得找江祺要一盒。”„Patted, the original planwas3 rdfinishes, this do not immediately celebrate the new year? The people of dramatic teamdo not thinktorequest a performanceto tow the new year's celebrationfinally, couple days agocaught up withtightlycatches up the finaltailslowlyreceiving. If must make upwhen the time comestakeswhatfootage, that is also the yearslatermatter.” The palacesighedbrillant, „made a play to die of exhaustionme.”
“拍完了,原计划是初三完工,这不是马上要过年吗?剧组的人也不想为了最后一点戏拖到过年,前几天紧赶慢赶把最后的尾给收了。如果到时候还要补拍什么镜头的话,那也是年后的事情。”宫晔叹气,“拍个戏可累死我了。”„Mademesay that alsoreallyfelt strange, Irecruited an actor, countless sufferings and hardships. Deputydirectorcried saying that withmedailycould not recruit the actor, could not recruit the attractiveactor, the youngactors of theseattractivea littlespiritual energies, ratherwent tobigdramatic teamflag holder, is not willingto come to my smalloutdoor shopto developfemalethree, femalefour, femalefive.”
“让我说也真是奇了怪了,我招个演员吧,千难万难。副导演天天跟我哭说招不到演员,招不到好看的演员,那些好看有点灵气的年轻演员,宁可去大剧组跑龙套,也不愿意来我这个小摊子演女三、女四、女五。”„ThisIcanunderstand,ratherfor the chicken headis notphoenix tail. Can my brokenplay not necessarilymount the stagewhen the time comes.”
“这我能理解,宁为鸡头不为凤尾嘛。我这个破戏到时候能不能上台不一定呢。”„ButIgive the Jiang Qiamusement parkrecruits the staff the timeis notthistreatment, onegroup of peopleare weeping and wailingtomethrow the resume. Skillthat on resumecalledrich, 18musical instrumentsevery kindwere skilled, studied the martial arts, studyto dance, wantedanythingto haveanything.”
“可是我给江祺的游乐园招员工的时候可不是这个待遇,一群人哭着喊着给我投简历。简历上的技能那叫一个丰富,十八般乐器样样精通,学武术的、学跳舞的,要啥有啥。”„Ijustcame backyesterday, this afternoondeputydirectoris still callingme, asked that the Jiang Qiamusement parkalsoincurs the non-hiring, his sidereceiveda number ofnewresumes.”
“我昨天刚回来,今天下午副导演还在给我打电话,问江祺的游乐园还招不招人,他那边又收到了一批新简历。”„Yousaid that thisis exasperating!”
“你们说这气不气人!”Mentionedthispalacebrillantona lot ofair/Qi, bumped intoonecrowdwith great difficultynot onlyknewoneselfandknew the Jiang Qiperson, maynot getmakes the best use of the timeto complain.
一提起这个宫晔就一肚子气,好不容易碰上了一群既认识自己又认识江祺的人,可不得抓紧时间吐槽。Regardingpalacebrillantcomplaining, threepeople of responsesare various.
对于宫晔的吐槽,三人的反应各不相同。SideJinMingxianlistens topalacebrillantcomplaining, from the starthas not listened, read the playbillwholeheartedly, lookedalsowhilemuttered.
方靖明显是听惯了宫晔的吐槽的,压根没听,一心看节目单,一边看还一边喃喃自语。„Does one breatheat8hamburger? Chestbrokenbigstone? Ballet«Nutcracker»fragment? «UnforgettableTonight»?”sideJingyuelooked that the playbillmorefeelsstrange, „is Jiang Qithismustmanageis spring late?”
“一口气吃八个汉堡?胸口碎大石?芭蕾舞《胡桃夹子》片段?《难忘今宵》?”方靖越看节目单越觉得离奇,“江祺这是要办春晚?”ChenChuchuwith emphasiscompletelywith the newstaff of amusement parkis being the palacebrillantmoves: „Igo to the art centerno wondertimethought that insideNPCperforming skill is very good, originallyisspecialized. The palaceleadsyouto be able, the hiringveryhas the level.”
The palaceis brillant:......
宫晔:……Formed a partnershipYanHuaiyou of barto listen to the person of palacebrillantspeechwith the palacebrillantonlyearnestly, comforted saying: „Did smallissue, hear? The male and femalelord of yourplayran up to the Jiang Qiinconceivablewizard schoolto patvlog, Ms.slowbrings the racket.”
和宫晔合伙开过酒吧的闫怀佑是唯一认真听了宫晔说话的人,安慰道:“小问题,听说了没?你剧的男女主跑到江祺的不可思议魔法学院拍vlog了,徐女士带着拍的。”„?”Palacebrillantin great surprise.
“啊?”宫晔大惊。„Jiang Qi many are someprofound studieson the body, beforeMs.slowwent to the inconceivablewizard schoolto patvlogto turnred, perhapsthisyourmen and womenlordare red. Yourmale and femalelordturnsred, but alsoworried that yourplayisn't red?”
“江祺多少是有些玄学在身上的,之前徐女士去不可思议魔法学院拍vlog翻红,没准这次你的男女主就红了。你的男女主翻红,还愁你的剧不红?”„Iftheywere really red, your playabsolutelyis the king of performance-to-price ratio, slightlyinvests the bigreturn.”
The palaceholds breathbrillantcold air, thought that YanHuaiyouparticularlysaidis reasonable.
The palaceponderedbrillantcalmly, dialed the telephone of deputydirectordecisively: „Hey, thatsmall......”
宫晔冷静思考了一下,果断拨通了副导演的电话:“喂,那个小……”„Palaceled, has the matteryouto say!”Deputydirector the attentiveandfriendlysoundconveysfromtelephonethat.
“宫导,有事您说!”副导演殷勤且热情的声音从电话那头传来。„Isyoucalls the matter of resumeIsaidin the afternoon, your sideboultsagain, mustallbe the high-qualityoutstandingactor, will sievewill issuemefrom now on.”
三人:……„Do not look that on the palacebrillantmouthcomplained, Ithoughthein factalsoverylikesgivingJiang Qi, whenHR.”ChenChuchucomplainedlow voice.
“别看宫晔嘴上抱怨,我觉得他实际上还挺喜欢给江祺当HR的。”陈楚楚小声吐槽。„Yes.”sideJingnoddedunemotionally, glancedpalacebrillantone, then said that „Jiang Qilethehelped the hiring the time for the 1st time heis excitedin the eveningnot to fall asleep, read a evening'sresume.”
After amusement parkgold medalHRfinished the laboriouswork, satandYanHuaiyouchatted the matters of somebars.
游乐园金牌HR结束自己辛苦的工作后,坐下来和闫怀佑聊了些酒吧的事。Although the palacewas brillantbeforeandYanHuaiyouopens together the bar, afterward the palacewas brillant, becausesold the stock of barby the dreamentertainment world, runs, when the directormakes a movieto cause the barbusinessto suffer a disastrous decline, YanHuaiyoustockpoundsin the hand, butthismatterin the final analysis was actually not the palacebrillantpitYanHuaiyou.
虽说之前宫晔和闫怀佑合开酒吧,后来宫晔因为逐梦演艺圈把酒吧的股份卖了,跑去当导演拍戏导致酒吧生意一落千丈,闫怀佑的股份砸在手里,但这件事情归根结底其实并不算宫晔坑了闫怀佑。Calculatesat mostYanHuaiyoudid not haveself-knowledge.
The palacesells the barstockbrillantisbecause the dramatic teamdrawsless thaninvests, can only throw, is short of money. Before selling , is Yanbosom/mindSukemichiis panting, at that time the palaceurgedYanHuaiyoualsoto sell the stockbrillant, YanHuaiyoudoing businesstalenthas not really selectedto arrive atbaronline.
宫晔卖酒吧股份是因为剧组拉不到投资,只能自己投,缺钱。卖之前是和闫怀佑通过气的,当时宫晔劝闫怀佑也把股份卖了,闫怀佑的做生意天赋实在是没有点到酒吧这条线上。YanHuaiyouC. Ctransformed after at that time , the businessis excellent, the self-confidencebursting, feltoneselfchange a partnernot to have the issue.
偏偏那个时候闫怀佑的C.C转型后生意大好,自信心爆棚,觉得自己换个合伙人也没问题。Then the baronfailing , the stockhas not sold.
为此闫怀佑还emo了好几个月。Naturally, nowYanHuaiyouhas seen through, in failsonfailing. HealsohasC. C, businessman who does not calculate the completefailure.
The next doortheater box of theater box the YanHuaiyou4people of institutesare is Jiang Jiapeopletheater box, tomorrowwill beeve of the Lunar New Year, riverdawnlightwill wearincluding the riverhas come backfromoutside area, the whole familywill happen to gatheris watching the performancetogether.
闫怀佑四人所在的包厢的隔壁包厢就是江家人的包厢,明天就是大年三十,江晓光一家包括江佩都已经从外地回来,正好全家人聚在一块看演出。At this moment, riverdawnlightsomewhatis on nettles.
此时此刻,江晓光有些忐忑不安。this afternoon, hisThird Brother, wasJiang Qibiological fatherJiang Xiaoliangandhesaid a matter.
就在今天下午,他的三弟,也就是江祺的亲爹江晓亮和他说了一件事。Jiang Qimustdeliverhim a house.江祺要送他一栋房子。
It is not the expensive/noblehouse, is not the speciallygoodsection. Isrottenendconstructs, an associationrow of villa that at the beginning of last yearstartedto repair, after ventilatingthoroughly, canmovemost probablyyear after year.
不是多贵的房子,也不是特别好的地段。是烂尾后又重新建好,去年年初开始装修,透气透了大半年年后就可以搬进去住的联排别墅。Placeriverdawnlighthas lookedthis afternoon, is not truly good, open area that peripheralhas not developed. Feltto seem likeonce the property developer to build the upscalecommunitythis, thenonlyconstructed5housesto travelon the bankruptcy, causingperipheralanythingnot to have, the afforestationhas not done, overgrown with weeds, made that the haunted house was the same.
地方江晓光今天下午去看过了,确实不好,周边都是没开发的空地。给人的感觉就好像是曾经有一个房地产开发商想要把这一块打造成高档小区,然后只建了五个房子就破产跑路了,导致周边啥都没有,绿化都没有搞完,杂草丛生,弄得鬼屋一样。However the Third Brotherhas toldhim, the peripheralafforestationhad not processedisbecauseno onemovesnow, whenreallycanmove, not onlyafforestscanprocess, the roadwill also repaironeto come out.
The surroundingopen areabigprobabilitywill also developin the future, it can be said thatin the futuremay the house of time.
周围的空地大概率在未来也会开发,可以说是未来可期的房子。riverdawnlightworksoutsideso manyyears, cakeso forthatemuch.
The cakeeatsdoes not supporthim, but the houseis real.
饼吃不撑他,但房子是货真价实的。Sees that bighouse, in addition that goodrepair, littlesaid that alsowantsseveral hundred thousandin a big way.
见那么大一栋房子,再加上那么好的装修,少说也要大几十万。riverdawnlightsaw the daughter who fiddles with the drink, thinks,sitstoriverside, askedlow voice: „Peppe, your did the Third Unclehavewithyoufor these dayssays an important matter?”
江晓光看了看正在捣鼓饮料的女儿,想了想,坐到江佩身边,小声问:“佩佩呀,这几天你三叔有没有跟你说一件大事?”riverPeiis trying itselfto adjust the Red bayberryair/Qito soak in water, listening to the biological father such a to ask,stopsmovementon handto think, asked: „Isnearby the amusement parkhas5associationrow of villas, does the Third Unclewantto deliverusoneone? Said that is the presentJiang Qiices the focal point of icelifeandenterpriseinthis, rarelygoes to the urban district, ifwehave a housenew year's celebrationto be able here here, convenient.”
江佩正在尝试自己调杨梅气泡水,听亲爹这么一问,停下手头的动作想了想,问:“是不是游乐园附近有五栋联排别墅,三叔要送我们一家一栋?说是现在无论是江祺还是冰冰生活和事业的重心都在这一块,很少去市区,如果我们在这边有一栋房子过年就可以在这边过,方便。”„Iced the iceto leadmeto lookyesterday, Ifeltgood, the housewas very big, laterhad the New Year supper is not definitely crowdedin the unclefamily/home.”
“冰冰昨天带我去看了,我觉得挺好的,房子很大,以后在大伯家吃年夜饭肯定不挤。”„Mykey pointis notthis!”Jiang Xiaoliangsees the daughtercompletelynot to understand that ownmeaning, somewhatanxiously, „key pointdelivers!”
“我的重点不是这个!”江晓亮见女儿完全没有理解自己的意思,有些急,“重点是送!”„YourThird Unclefamily/homeshowed improvement after illnessfor these yearswith great difficulty, the smallauspiciouspresentis the amusement parkpresidents, althoughis a president, butalsoworkstoothersat best, practices favoritism to be reportedon official business? Ifwhat to do he workdid lose?”
江佩:……riverPeitook a look at a biological fatherearnestly, discovered that originalher fatherreallyletter/believed the Third UncleandJiang QiJiang Qiis only the nonsense of amusement parkpresident.
江佩认真打量了一下亲爹,发现原来她爹真的信了三叔和江祺的江祺只是游乐园园长的鬼话。HowJiang Qipossiblyis only the amusement parkpresident.江祺怎么可能只是游乐园园长。
Does whichfamily/homehit the workerto go to workto become his?
谁家打工人上班上成他这样?Jiang Qiis the bossis obviously good.江祺明显是老板好吧。HowalthoughriverPei not clearJiang Qigets so far as an amusement parksuddenly, butJiang Qioneis not1stday the riches and honor, in the past was also extravagant.
虽说江佩不清楚江祺一家是怎么突然弄到一个游乐园的,但江祺一家又不是第一天富贵,当年也是阔过的。Jiang Xiaoliangdid businesshas not gone bankrupttimeriverPeito go to school, had very clearmemoryto an Third Uncleoncerichdegree. The after rich man of starting from scratchgoes bankrupt, afterstruggle, starts from scratchagainis notnot possible.
江晓亮做生意还没有破产的时候江佩已经上学了,对三叔一家曾经的有钱程度有非常清晰的记忆。白手起家的有钱人破产之后经过奋斗,再度白手起家也不是不可能的。riverPeiguessed that Jiang Qishouldbe one of the amusement parkprincipal shareholders, enrollingpresident, aboveestimatehas a richmajor stockholder, otherwise the amusement parknot possiblefilthy rich to have repaired the newproject, every other dayonsearches forhotly.
江佩猜测江祺应该是游乐园的主要股东之一,挂名园长,上面估计有一个有钱的大股东,不然游乐园也不可能财大气粗到一直修新项目,三天两头的上热搜。„All right.”riverPeidao, „Ithought that the Third Uncletheirfamily/homeshouldhave the stockin the amusement park, many are a youngshareholder.”
“没事的。”江佩道,“我觉得三叔他们家在游乐园应该有股份,多少是个小股东。”riverdawnlightis shocked: „? Like this? Howto see?”
江晓光震惊:“啊?这样吗?怎么看出来的?”riverPei: „...... IsIguess, when the fatherdoes not knowwas enough. If the fatherreallyfeelsembarrassed, usuallysends the round of friendcircle, helping the amusement parkpropagandize, embraces a guest.”
江佩:“……都是我猜的吧,爸就当不知道就行了。爸要是真的觉得不好意思,平时多发发朋友圈,帮游乐园宣传一下,揽点客。”At this point, riverPeilooked at an owncell phone, thinksoneself is the friendcircle of amusement parkpicture, the promotional filmandposter.
说到这里,江佩看了一眼自己的手机,想到了自己全是游乐园照片、宣传片、海报的朋友圈。NowriverPeiwas jokingly calledbyhercolleaguesfor the amusement parkunofficialassigns the propagandaambassador.
现在江佩被她的同事们戏称为游乐园非官方指定宣传大使。„.”riverdawnlightnods, sends the friendto encircle.
“哦哦。”江晓光点点头,发朋友圈去了。Comparedinriverdawnlightuneasy, riverXiaokangandJiang Xiaohongacceptsgood. These twolook atJiang Xiaoliang, withJiang Xiaolianglooked that Jiang BingandJiang Qi are the same, 800metafiltrationmirrorin additionhold.
相较于江晓光的忐忑不安,江晓康和江晓红就接受良好了。这两人看江晓亮,就跟江晓亮看江冰和江祺一样,有八百层滤镜加持。riverXiaokang: MyThird Brotherwas the past yearsa littledowns on one's luck, the personhad the skill.
江晓康:我三弟就是当年有点时运不济,人还是非常有本事的。Jiang Xiaohong: MyThird Brotherhas the skilltosince childhoodin a big way!
The children of twonobrainfansalsositin the theater boxlaugh foolishly.
After the rivergracefullysince the exams for postgraduate schoolsended, a period of veryjoyfulflight clearanceself-life. Firstlivedin the amusement parkplayedhalf a month, thenwent outto travelwith the schoolmates, playscouple of days agoto come back.
江婉婉自从考研结束后,就过了一段非常快乐的放飞自我的生活。先是住在游乐园里玩了半个月,然后就和同学们出去旅游,玩到前两天才回来。Was the university student, Venlo'sdaydoes not have the riversoto be gracefully merry, a while agojustbysuffering extreme distress that the examination yuansuffered, had a vacationto wantwith the cousinto playin the amusement parkwith great difficultytogether, finally the riverrangracefully the traveling.
同是大学生,温洛的日子就没江婉婉这么快活了,前段时间刚被考试院折磨的死去活来,好不容易放假回来了想和表姐在游乐园里一起玩,结果江婉婉又跑出去旅游了。Venloisthattype, ifplayraisesperson not vigorously, in the amusement parklived intwodayslaterruns back the hometo stayis playing the game.
The palacebrillantprofessional teamprepareseats the typeto be many, varioustypes of junk foodhave everything expected to find, fried chickenandhamburger, friesanddesserttype of calorie-richfoodmanagesenough.
宫晔的专业团队准备的吃食种类很多,各种垃圾食品应有尽有,炸鸡、汉堡,薯条、甜点这种高热量食品管够。Venlowhileeatingdelighteddoes not forgetto care about the dearcousin: „The elder sister, when do youtake exams for postgraduate schools the resultto leavegracefully?”
温洛在吃得不亦乐乎的同时不忘关心亲爱的表姐:“婉婉姐,你考研成绩什么时候出啊?”BigstutteringTiramisurivergracefully, ill-humoredwhite a Venlo: „Youmayreallylove to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points, 3 rdachieves the result.”
正在大口吃提拉米苏的江婉婉,没好气的白了一眼温洛:“你可真是哪壶不开提哪壶,初三出成绩。”„Youthought that youcanbe accepted?”Venlo who the irondoes not fear deathcontinuesto ask.
The riverdeeplysaw a unluckyyounger male cousingracefullyspeechless, said: „Does not know.”
江婉婉非常无语地深深看了一眼倒霉表弟,说:“不知道。”„IfeltIstudygood, does not know that the teacherfeltgood that Istudy.”
“我觉得我学的挺好的,就是不知道老师觉得我学的好不好。”Listens totwojuniorsto chatthis, Jiang Xiaohongcollectsto ask: „, The paternal auntaskedyourmattergracefully. Weren't youbeforeonthathighnumberremedial classin the amusement park the class on TeacherJohn? Iheard that whatmagic schoolnowTeacherJohnwent tothatto go to work, did healsocounseltallnumber/count?”
听两个小辈聊起这个,江晓红凑过来问:“婉婉呀,姑姑问你个事。你之前在游乐园里上的那个高数辅导班不是约翰老师上的课吗?我听说现在约翰老师去那个什么魔法学校上班了,他还辅导高数吗?”ThisissuestumpedriverWanwan, shedoes not know how shouldreply, she also has not askedTeacherJohn.
这个问题把江婉婉问住了,她也不知道该怎么回答,她又没问过约翰老师。When the riveris gracefully silent, Jiang Qipushed the doorto walk, helpingriverWanwananswerthisissue: „Will start work.”
在江婉婉沉默的时候,江祺推门走了进来,帮江婉婉回答了这个问题:“会开班。”„TeacherJohnusuallyis the morningteachestallnumber/count, does not affecthimto attend classin the inconceivablewizard schoolin the afternoon.”Jiang Qisaid.
“约翰老师通常都是上午教高数,不影响他在不可思议魔法学院里下午上课。”江祺道。AlthoughJohannbecause the long lasting work feels sick, the choicestrikesto travel, butfulfills dutyto fulfill responsibilityin the work.
老约翰虽然会因为长期工作感到厌烦,选择罢工出去旅游,但在工作的时候还是非常尽职尽责的。Helikesattending class, comparesinmorerests the quickerdwarfarchitectureearnestly, under Johannlikesmounting the stage the student to raise up the ear, tallnumber/count who listenswith total concentration.
他喜欢上课,相较于越认真睡得越快的矮人建筑学,老约翰更喜欢上台下的学生全都竖起耳朵,聚精会神地听讲的高数。„Paternal auntyouasked that whatthisdoes make?”
“姑姑你问这个做什么?”„IamhelpVenloask that isn't he must take exams for postgraduate schoolsimmediately? Ahead of timeis ready!”
温洛:???Venlohas not thought that hebigtwo, had been arranged the exams for postgraduate schoolshighnumberremedial classby the biological mother.
温洛没有想到他才大二,就已经被亲妈安排好了考研高数辅导班。„Aiya, the hostmounted the stage, is slightly auspiciousyouto sitquickly, the partymuststart.”SitsinforefrontQiaoHuifangnoticed the situation on stage, hintedeveryoneto completequickly.
“哎呀,主持人上台了,小祺你快坐好,晚会要开始了。”坐在最前面的乔慧芳注意到了台上的情况,示意大家快做好。Jiang Qitakes a seathastily.江祺连忙落座。In the passenger compartment of cardsigncharacter, kingtwohehugsis pursing the lips not happyLili, askedtemperately: „Isn't Lilihappy? WaitedisLilian'smagicwill perform.”
卡牌人物的包间里,王二丫抱着撅着嘴不高兴的丽丽,温和地问:“丽丽怎么不高兴呀?等会就是莉莉安的魔法表演了。”„Boardboardis badly bad!” The Lilivitality/angrysaid/tunnel, „does not accompanyLili!”
“板板坏坏!”丽丽生气地道,“不陪丽丽!”KingtwohesmilinglyhelpsJiang Qiexplain: „Because the boardboardmustaccompanyhisfamily member, weareLili'sfamily members, thereforeweare also accompanyingLilito watch the program.”
王二丫笑眯眯地帮江祺解释:“因为板板要陪他的家人呐,我们都是丽丽的家人,所以我们也在陪丽丽看节目呀。”Listened tokingtwohim saying that Liliwas not angryreluctantly, but the mouthis digging, the small handinserted the waist, said: „Lilimustpull out the award!”
听王二丫这么说,丽丽才勉强不生气,不过嘴还是撅着的,小手一插腰,道:“丽丽要抽大奖!”„Buys the baby?”Kingtwoheasked.
“买娃娃吗?”王二丫问。„Lends the boardboard!” The Liliearnestsaid/tunnel, „suchLiliwas notfirst from the bottom!”
“借给板板!”丽丽认真地道,“这样丽丽就不是倒数第一了!”Yes, at presentLiliisJiang Qi of creditorrankingfirst from the bottom.
是的,目前丽丽是江祺的债主排行榜的倒数第一。Becausethischilddoes not know the number, over100aremany, therefore603 are also many.
因为这孩子不识数,超过100都是很多,所以603块也是很多。Praised the boastsnot to think that his2000 can also arrangeto arrivesecond from the bottom.
夸夸都没想到他的2000块还能排到倒数第二。Third from the bottom isLilian, 6721.57Yuan.
倒数第三是莉莉安,6721.57元。Liliputs out a hand: „In addition150,000, is Lili...... several?”
丽丽伸出手:“加上15万,丽丽就是第…第…第几?”Thisunluckychilddoes not know the number.
众人:……Ononeyear of tallShuketallnumber/countTeacherJohannclosed the eyepainfully.
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