BFAMMGS :: Volume #3

#213: Fat whale

On December 21, on Saturday, light rain, temperature 1 ~ 6, southeaster 3 levels, humidity 92. 12月21日,星期六,小雨,温度1~6,东南风三级,湿度92。 The suitable marriage and lead(er) card, breaks ground, buries and breaks ground, marriage, to encoffin and pull out the spirit of toy. 宜结婚、领证、动土、安葬、破土、嫁娶、入殓、抽玩具之灵。 This Jiang Qi looked at the alarm clock ahead of time, because the spirit of extraction toy will lose some time each time, causing the time of extraction to move in the future, today finds the time of spirit of toy is afternoon 4:51. 这次江祺提前看了闹钟,因为每次抽取玩具之灵都会耽误些时间,导致抽取的时间一直在往后挪,今天抽玩具之灵的时间是下午4点51分。 As a result of Saturday full Ke, «Kills Boss» murder mystery game store besides Johann that car(riage) today outside is horror script, the corridor may some people come out to search for the card completely anytime, the changing room is seized by Johann, pulls out the spirit of space toy is also small in the hovel, Jiang Qi brings back to the recycling bag the family/home simply, pulls out at home. 由于周六满课,今天除了老约翰那车《杀死剧本杀店老板》外全部都是恐怖本,走廊随时都有可能有人出来搜证,更衣室又被老约翰占领,在杂物间里抽玩具之灵空间又太小,江祺干脆把回收袋带回家里,在家里抽。 Walks from the shop to the family/home in any case also on 20 minutes of distance, every day walked several to consider to brush the WeChat step. 反正从店里走到家里也就二十分钟的路程,每天多走几趟就当是刷微信步数了。 Here in Jiang Qi happen to puts to go home the recycling bag, such important item always places in the hovel in shop is not quite good, if entered the thief to steal the recycling bag in the evening? 借此机会江祺正好把回收袋放回家里,这么重要的道具老是放在店里的杂物间里也不太好,万一晚上进贼把回收袋偷了呢? Now quick the end of the year the thief sharply is going home to celebrate the new year to the performance, sends out frequently, the small supermarket in alley entered last night. Receives the silver cabinet to be skidded directly, air/Qi the young supermarket boss to curse the damn fool in the merchant group one in the morning. 现在快年底了小偷急着冲业绩回家过年,频繁出动,小巷里的小超市昨晚就进贼了。收银柜直接被撬走,气得小超市老板在商户群大骂该死的笨贼一上午。 According to the young supermarket boss, received the silver cabinet, only then 5 2 hair( boss has every day custom that money takes), but receives silver cabinet value 1200, the thief installing the part of money skidded to cultivate/repair to want several hundred. 据小超市老板说,收银柜里只有五块零二毛(老板有每天把钱取走的习惯),但收银柜本身价值1200块,小偷把装钱的部分撬走了修都要好几百。 The thieves can steal the supermarket today, tomorrow can steal the scenario shop, so long as the thief has done the market survey, will discover that in the alley the business best shop is actually Starry River Scenario Club. 小偷今天能偷超市,明天就能偷剧本店,只要小偷做过市场调查,就会发现小巷里生意最好的店其实是星河剧本社 Now Lili goes home with king two him every day, in the evening no one looks at the shop, in the shop also really uncertain security. 现在丽丽每天都和王二丫回家,晚上没人看店,店里还真不一定安全。 Boss mister, can your time pull out a warhorse to come out to me? Although the race car said that he can carry me to catch the wind, but I after all am the cavalry am not a race driver, the start car(riage) cannot a little be justified.” The cavalries are wielding the saber excitedly. “老板先生,您这次可以给我抽一匹战马出来吗?虽然赛车说他可以载着我兜风,但我毕竟是骑兵不是赛车手,开赛车有点说不过去。”骑兵兴奋地挥动着佩剑。 Because this time pulls out the spirit of toy to pull out at home, woof Xinghua and Lili must play the role of the ghost, the rabbit rabbit have followed woof Xinghua, the race car want delivering goods king two him to in woof Xinghua side learn/study, Johann wants the book size, Huang Fugui had determined own future must go back not to the interest of spirit of toy so to be previously big, therefore this surrounding audience, only then cavalry and sunflower. 由于这次抽玩具之灵是在家里抽,汪杏花和丽丽要扮鬼,兔兔一直跟着汪杏花,赛车要送货王二丫要在汪杏花身边学习,老约翰要开本,黄富贵已经确定自己未来要回去对玩具之灵的兴趣也没有先前那么大,所以这次围观的观众只有骑兵和向日葵。 Jiang Bing is not at home, she watched the movie. 江冰也不在家,她去看电影了。 The time that although the cavalry these days and race car was together does not calculate that many( race car was busy delivering goods every day), but many were infected by the race car lively character, idles is all right will brandish several sabers confusedly, traded the frequency of battery to be higher than much before. 虽然骑兵这些日子和赛车相处的时间不算很多(赛车每天都忙着送货),但多少还是被赛车过于活泼的性格感染了一些,闲着没事的时候也会上窜下跳地挥舞几下佩剑,换电池的频率比之前高了不少。 I as far as possible.” Jiang Qi expressed that this may really not be he tries hard to achieve, looked at time already 4:47, was the time washes the hands. “我尽量。”江祺表示这可真不是他努力就能做到的,看了一眼时间已经4点47分了,是时候去洗手了。 Jiang Qi enters the restroom to start with the washing the hands soap of rose fragrance Jiang Bing buys to wash the hands. 江祺走进厕所开始用江冰买的玫瑰香味的洗手皂洗手。 Why does boss mister want to wash the hands? His hand is not dirty.” The cavalries are not very clear. “为什么老板先生要去洗手啊?他的手也不脏啊。”骑兵不是很明白。 I know, boss mister this is the feudal superstition, is the sacrificial offering.” The sunflower felt oneself understood, I, when the onstage and Miss Lanlan watch the television together has seen, why before inside person prays each time or, wants the bathing burning incense, but must burn joss sticks and worship buddha must wear the strange clothes to dance the strange dance.” “我知道,老板先生这是封建迷信,是祭祀。”向日葵觉得自己懂了,“我在前台和澜澜小姐一起看电视的时候看到过,里面的人每次祈福或者干什么之前都要沐浴焚香,还要烧香拜佛还要穿奇怪的衣服跳奇怪的舞。” „, Boss mister and other must dance, time and?” The cavalries opened the mouth. “啊,那老板先生等一下岂不是要跳舞,时间来的及吗?”骑兵张大了嘴。 4:50, Jiang Qi washes the hands the return. 4点50分,江祺洗完手归来。 His time washes the hands is earnest, what even uses is the 7 washing the hands laws of special washing, only strove for being able to oneself to pull out the Buss light year, really not good pulled out a mount is also good to the cavalry. 他这次洗手洗的特别认真,甚至用的还是七步洗手法,只求能给自己抽个巴斯光年,实在不行给骑兵抽个坐骑也行。 Boss mister, can you change the clothes to dance?” A cavalry face anticipated that looks at Jiang Qi. “老板先生,请问你要换衣服跳舞了吗?”骑兵一脸期待地看着江祺 Jiang Qi:??? 江祺:??? What thing? 什么东西? 4:51, under long-waited( actually only then surrounding of spirits of two toy), Jiang Qi put in the recycling bag the hand. 4点51分,在万众期待之下(其实只有两个玩具之灵的围观),江祺将手伸进了回收袋。 With rose fragrance the unusual clean hand of fragrant soaping, bumped into a very soft thing. 用玫瑰香味的香皂洗的异常干净的手,碰到了一个很柔软的东西。 This touch...... 这个触感…… Stuffed animal? 毛绒玩具? Jiang Qi wants touching the stuffed animal grasps, discovered that unexpectedly is very heavy, he a little grasps shallowly is not quite good to make an effort. 江祺想把摸到的毛绒玩具抓出来,发现居然还挺重,他抓得有点浅不太好使劲。 Changed an angle, Jiang Qi extracted the spirit of fifth toy in one vigorous effort. 换了个角度,江祺一鼓作气抽出了第五个玩具之灵。 Super big, the range estimate is one meter is 40 cms to extend, is soft, seems like the sense of reality quite, modeling also unusual cartoon lovable blue fat big whale. 一个超级大的,目测有一米长40厘米宽的,非常柔软,看上去质感相当好,造型也非常卡通可爱的蓝色的胖头大鲸鱼。 Hello, sorcerer mister.” The fat big whale is opening the big embroidery the eye looks at Jiang Qi, I am the fat whale, do you help the young master who I found me to want?” “你好,巫师先生。”胖头大鲸鱼睁着大大的绣上去的眼睛看着江祺,“我是胖头鲸,请问您帮我找到了我想要的小主人吗?” Called my boss mister was enough.” Jiang Qi discovered that he with the first few words of spirit of each toy is this, I and sorcerer heating power carry out the connection work time had some problems, is the young master who you want what?” “叫我老板先生就行。”江祺发现他和每个玩具之灵的第一句话都是这句,“我和巫师卡卡进行交接工作的时候出现了些问题,请问你想要的小主人是什么样的?” What, so long as is underage was enough.” The fat whale could be said as does not select the master, „, so long as they liked my was enough, actually big master. Our stuffed animal most does not select the master, if boss mister you busily are very very awkward, helping me ask the big master who likes sleeping is also good.” “什么样的都可以,只要是未成年就行。”胖头鲸可以说是非常不挑主人了,“只要他们喜欢我就行,其实大主人也可以。我们毛绒玩具是最不挑主人的,如果老板先生你很忙很为难的话,帮我找个喜欢睡觉的大主人也行。” Likes sleeping?” Jiang Qi 1st request that hears so strange selecting master. “喜欢睡觉?”江祺还是第一次听见如此奇怪的挑主人的要求。 Some fat whale embarrassed tunnels: Because my skill is to help the master goes to sleep fast, cherishes fond hopes, raises the full spirit, 2nd day has a better energy to go to school.” 胖头鲸有些不好意思地道:“因为我的本事就是帮助主人快速入眠,做个美梦,养足精神,第二天有更好的精力去上学。” If the master did not mind that can also by sleep on me, I am the whale puppet of purified cotton, the cotton of cotton material and inside stopper am best, is soft and comfortable.” The fat whale flung own small tail, I cannot move, cannot get wet, is not good to clean up, therefore also troubles boss mister you to help me select a love to have the patience to like my young master cleanly.” “如果主人不介意也可以靠在我身上睡觉,我是纯棉的鲸鱼玩偶,布料和里面塞的棉花都是最好的,柔软又舒服。”胖头鲸甩了甩自己的小尾巴,“不过我不能动,也不怎么能沾水,也不好清理,所以还麻烦老板先生您帮我挑一个爱干净有耐心喜欢我的小主人。” Suddenly, a very right candidate appeared in the brain of Jiang Qi. 突然,一个很合适的人选出现在了江祺的脑子里。 King two he. 王二丫。 Likes having the patience to like the spirit of toy cleanly, before cannot sleep, but the present was OK, moreover she really needs the fat whale to help her go to sleep, after all her present learn/study pressure is a little big. 爱干净有耐心喜欢玩具之灵,之前不能睡觉但现在可以了,而且她很需要胖头鲸帮她入眠,毕竟她现在的学习压力有点大。 Here actually has a candidate is very suitable you, she can also speak with you.” “我这里其实有个人选很适合你,她还可以和你说话。” Real? That was good, if can exchange that is really good, like this before the young master sleeps every day I can ask that what fond dream she wanted.” “真的吗?那太好了,如果能交流的话那真是太棒了,这样在小主人每天睡觉之前我就可以问她想要什么样的美梦了。” Jiang Qi calls king two him. 江祺打电话给王二丫。 The telephone dials for more than ten seconds to put through: Hey, the boss please ask that what matter has?” 电话拨出去十几秒才接通:“喂,老板请问是有什么事情吗?” Two he, I just extracted the spirit of new toy, perhaps you can, when its master, comes back quickly.” “二丫,我刚刚抽出了新的玩具之灵,你没准可以当它的主人,快回来。” Real?” In the king two his voices full is pleasantly surprised, good boss, I comes back now.” “真的吗?”王二丫的声音中满是惊喜,“好的老板,我现在就回来。” The telephone has not hung up, Jiang Qi can hear the dialogue of telephone that head vaguely. 电话还没挂断,江祺依稀能听见电话那头的对话。 Apricot blossom elder sister, the boss said that he pulled out one to be willing to elect me to work as master the spirit of toy!” “杏花姐姐,老板说他抽出来了一个愿意选我当主人的玩具之灵!” How does football spell? Does the boss pull out the spirit of toy today?” “football怎么拼?啊,老板今天抽玩具之灵呐?” Un, he makes me go back quickly.” “嗯,他让我赶快回去。” That two his your quick return quickly! This is the situation also to calculate the making up for a missed lesson time, after this you go back, talks clearly with the boss. This word card that is I makes at noon today, on side the gone back road walks carries, back to basketball, 9 : 00 pm again dictation one time.” “那二丫你快去快回啊!这属于突发情况也算补课时间的,这个你回去之后得和老板说清楚。这个是我今天中午做的单词卡,回去的路上边走边背,背到basketball,晚上9点再听写一次。” Your dictation effect was not very good, 40 words made a mistake 6, evening's dictation must add again dictation one time this afternoon dictation.” “你刚才的听写效果不是很好,40个单词足足错了六个,晚上的听写要把今天下午的听写加起来重新听写一次。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Really ruthless! 真狠啊! Two he does not listen her, comes back to walk well, does not want carries the word while walks, avoid diverts attention, what to do if there is accident/surprise?” Jiang Qi loud say/way. “二丫别听她的,回来就好好走路,不要一边背单词一边走路省得分心,万一出意外怎么办?”江祺大声道。 woof Xinghua of telephone that head heard very much obviously: „, Excuse me two he, I forgot you now is not a ghost, when the person was really troublesome, walked must look at the road.” 电话那头的汪杏花很显然是听到了:“哦,不好意思啊二丫,我忘了你现在不是鬼了,当人真麻烦,走路还要看路。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Before king two him, is not a person time walks must look at the road. 王二丫之前不是人的时候走路也是要看路的。 Our so many people / in ghost, only then you walk do not look at the road. 我们这么多人/鬼里面只有你走路不看路。 That line, the word card comes back to carry again. You ask Uncle Huang to take 20 dollars, goes to the small supermarket to buy an earphone, takes my cell phone, this inside has the English listening that I download, on your road wears an ear to listen to the training language sense. Your cell phone leaves me, I play your cell phone.” “那行吧,单词卡回来再背。你去找黄叔要20块钱,去小超市里买一副耳机,把我的手机带上,这里面有我下载的英语听力,你路上戴一只耳朵听培养语感。你的手机留给我,我玩你的手机。” Boss, money that this buys the earphone you must reimburse!” woof Xinghua to cell phone say/way. “老板,这个买耳机的钱你得报销吧!”汪杏花对着手机道。 „...... The reimbursement, I give you WeChat to give the red packet.” “……报销,我给你微信发红包。” Good, two his you asked Uncle Huang to take 20 dollars, buys the earphone with that 20 dollars. Good, these 20 dollars, I only missed that 4872 dollars can afford me to have a liking for in addition to the earring.” woof Xinghua was joyful. “太好了,二丫你还是去找黄叔要20块钱,用那20块钱买耳机。太好了,加上这20块钱,我只差4872块钱就可以买得起我看上的那对耳环了。”汪杏花快乐极了。 „Did apricot blossom elder sister, how much money you have a liking for that to the earring?” “杏花姐姐,你看上了那对耳环原本要多少钱啊?” 4999.” “4999啊。” Jiang Qi of telephone that head really could not listen: Two he, made the telephone call, came back careful.” 电话那头的江祺实在是听不下去了:“二丫,把电话挂了吧,回来的时候小心点。” Good boss.” “好的老板。” After the telephone hangs up, the fat whale somewhat asked disturbedly: Boss mister, are my future master studies very heavy?” 电话挂断后,胖头鲸有些忐忑地问道:“老板先生,我的未来主人学业很重吗?” „Very heavy.” Jiang Qi nods, if king two he must complete the curriculum of entire junior middle school in 9 months, the studies can say quite heavy. “是挺重的。”江祺点头,王二丫如果要在9个月之内学完整个初中的课程,学业可以说的相当重。 The fat whale low voice inflates to oneself: I must refuel!” 胖头鲸小声给自己打气:“那我要加油了!” After more than 20 minutes, king two he takes woof Xinghua cell phone, an ear has the earphone to appear in the entrance. 20多分钟后,王二丫拿着汪杏花的手机,一只耳朵戴着耳机出现在了门口。 „, Big whale baby!” King two he noticed that enough one meter whale baby said after a sigh. “哇,好大的鲸鱼娃娃!”王二丫看到足足一米长的鲸鱼娃娃感叹道。 Hello, two his masters.” The fat whale met even the masters to call, recognized the lord at the scene, the shy said/tunnel, I was the fat whale, can you give a new name of pleasant to hear to me?” “你好,二丫主人。”胖头鲸一见面连主人都叫出来了,当场认主,羞涩地道,“我是胖头鲸,你可以给我取一个好听的新名字吗?” King two he touched a fat whale soft tail cautiously, the fat whale was joyful to wag the tail close to to swing the tail like the puppy. 王二丫小心翼翼地摸了一下胖头鲸柔软的尾巴,胖头鲸快乐得像小狗摇尾巴那样摇起了尾巴。 You are really willing to let me, when your master?” King two he has not thought that comes happily such suddenly. “你真的愿意让我当你的主人吗?”王二丫没想到幸福来得这么突然。 Naturally.” The fat whale said, two his masters, you can touch my head, my head is very comfortable.” “当然。”胖头鲸道,“二丫主人,你可以摸我的脑袋,我的脑袋很舒服的。” King two he touches the head of fat whale hastily, thinks, said: I actually cannot give the name, my own name is the boss helps me take. If you called the fat whale, I did call you to be fat?” 王二丫连忙摸摸胖头鲸的脑袋,想了想,道:“我其实也不太会取名字,我自己的名字都是老板帮我取的。如果你原本叫胖头鲸的话,那我叫你胖胖好吗?” „The apricot blossom elder sister's rabbit puppet called the rabbit the rabbit, she said that took to the puppet folds the character the name to be lovable and freely spoken like this.” “杏花姐姐的兔子玩偶就叫兔兔,她说给玩偶取这样叠字的名字可爱又顺口。” Thanks two his masters, I like this name very much.” Fat whale happy said/tunnel. “谢谢二丫主人,我很喜欢这个名字。”胖头鲸开心地道。 Jiang Qi, the cavalry and sunflower stand in the entrance silently surround. 江祺,骑兵和向日葵默默站在门口围观。 Really good.” The cavalry whole face envies, really envied the fat whale to come out to find to like its master.” “真好。”骑兵满脸羡慕,“真羡慕胖头鲸一出来就能找到喜欢它的主人。” Actually cavalry mister, if you are very anxious, relaxed the standard also to be able soon to find the master slightly.” Jiang Qi suggested. “其实骑兵先生如果你很急的话,稍微放宽标准也能很快找到主人。”江祺暗示。 Here has one. 这里就有一个。 Relaxes the age standard, the employment, will never be unemployed at the scene. 放宽年龄标准,当场就业,永不失业。 I am not anxious, boss mister you looks for was enough slowly.” Cavalry intimate said/tunnel. “我不急的,老板先生您慢慢找就行。”骑兵贴心地道。 I am also.” The sunflower is swaying the branches and leaves. “我也是。”向日葵摇晃着枝叶。 Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… () ()
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