BPTH :: Volume #5

#486: Long Qishen oil

486 chapters of dragons ride the god oil 486章龙骑神油 Retreated in fear Xiao Hu, in the garret returned to actually normal, nobody disturbed again. It is estimated that was Xiao Hu passed on the words. 吓退了笑虎,阁楼内倒是恢复了平静,再也无人来打扰了。估计是笑虎把话传了出去。 Does not pass the night poorly is very clear, oneself offended Shou Kuang [lineage/vein] thoroughly, if went to hunt and kill the demon beast, perhaps Yan Hou and gold dragon [lineage/vein] had the opportunity, definitely will not let off him, but the Shou Kuang person will chase down himself absolutely. 不过夜清寒很清楚,自己算是彻底得罪了兽狂一脉了,而且如果自己出去猎杀魔兽的话,恐怕艳后和金龙一脉有机会的话,肯定也不会放过他,而兽狂的人绝对会追杀自己。 But Ye Qinghan actually does not care, itself he is a person of opening to persuasion but not to coercion, does not want to stir up trouble, but does not represent him to be afraid of getting into trouble. Also, on Shou Kuang Yan Hou their strength of this day god peak, he could not have had a liking. He thought that the low key should be low-key, but if were bullied has to the end come up, then on high-sounding talk why not? Cannot the pleased life, the strength be high, there is what using? 夜轻寒却一点不在乎,本身他就是一个吃软不吃硬的人,不想惹事,但不代表他怕事。再说了,就兽狂艳后她们这天神巅峰的实力,他还看不上。他觉得,低调是应该低调,但是如果被欺负到头上来了,那就高调又何妨?不能快意人生,实力再高,又有何用? Meets below the time, Ye Qinghan starts to close up directly, the unceasing cultivation supernatural power, will strive soon to practice 2-level the supernatural power, when the time comes can go to outside the mountain valley to slaughter one recklessly. 接来下的时间,夜轻寒开始直接闭关,不断的修炼神力,争取早日将神力修炼到二重,到时候就可以去山谷外肆意杀戮一番了。 Closed up directly for ten days, Ye Qinghan came on time soberly, today is beginning of the month first day, Niu Potian said the beginning of the month first day received in exchange for several points with Divine Stone. It is estimated that today that 1000 integrals will also provide. 直接闭关了十天,夜轻寒准时清醒过来,今日是月初的第一天,牛破天可是说了月初第一天换取几分和神石。估计今天那1000积分也会发放出来吧。 Little Black still in the deep sleep, digests the residual energy in body, Ye Qinghan receives Battle Beast Space him directly, then carries ground Slaughter Divine Blade, goes out of the courtyard, walks toward the Yanhua pavilion. 小黑还在沉睡,消化身体内的残余能量,夜轻寒直接将他收入战兽空间,而后将地上的屠神刀背起,走出院子,朝烟花阁走去。 Really! 果然! Outside in the Yanhua pavilion open area, already lined up, Niu Potian and Sima Shenjiang gives the people to receive in exchange for the integral in that. 烟花阁外面的空地上,早已排起了长队,牛破天和司马神将在那给众人换取积分。 „!” “唰唰!” Ye Qinghan walks, a row of vision has then swept, but in most visions filled despised and despised. Clearly, Ye Qinghan became the person who the tripartite influence is hostile toward together. Especially the Shou Kuang person, in countless person eyes holds light killing intent unexpectedly, is very bad. 夜轻寒一走过去,一排的眼光便扫了过来,但是大多数眼光内都充满了鄙夷和轻蔑。很明显,夜轻寒已经成为了三方势力共同仇视的人。尤其是兽狂的人,无数人竟然眼中含着淡淡的杀意,很是不善。 Ye Qinghan shrugs the arm, has not cared, stands in the one side, calmly waits. In the mountain valley forbids to slaughter, safe, as for arriving at beside mountain valley, who kills who is uncertain. 夜轻寒耸了耸肩膀,没有在意,站在一旁,静静等候。山谷内禁止厮杀,安全的很,至于到了山谷之外,谁杀谁还不一定哪。 Brother, heard that you haven't joined the tripartite influence?” This was light sending greetings passed on together, the sound was somewhat familiar, Ye Qinghan looked askance to look, saw that the man of nearby whole body scales was looking at himself with a smile, that the flying upwards stage was being struck the demon tyrant who flew by the silver-haired great Chinese. “兄弟,听说你也没有加入三方势力?”这是一道淡淡的传音传了过来,声音有些熟悉,夜轻寒侧目望去,看到旁边一个满身鳞甲的男子正含笑望着自己,正是那个在飞升台被银发巨汉击飞的魔霸。 Um! My temper is somewhat wild, is familiar with Shan Gao!” Ye Qinghan shows a faint smile, puts out a hand not to hit the smiling face person, he is very polite replying. “嗯!我性子有些野,习惯单搞!”夜轻寒微微一笑,伸手不打笑脸人,他很是客气的答道。 Ha Ha! Can flying upwards god, that not be a respective potential surface side fierce and ambitious, when the Boss worked as, no one was willing to give the human to become the little brother! More than 300 people that we fly upwards together, starts, only then 100 people have joined them! However to the present, but can also insist had dozens people! I cannot get used to seeing their countenance, does not need to fear the brothers, later I cover you! How to say again that together flies upwards, calculates the fate!” The demon tyrant has pushed the pushing eye, has patted the chest slightly, is very the straightforward biography tone channel. “哈哈!能飞升神界的,那个不是各自位面的一方枭雄,当老大当惯了,谁都不愿给人当小弟!我们一起飞升的300多人,开始只有100人加入了他们!不过到现在,还能坚持的只有数十人了!我就看不惯他们的嘴脸,不用怕兄弟,以后我罩你!再怎么说,都是一起飞升的,也算缘分!”魔霸挤了挤眼睛,微微拍了拍胸膛,很是豪爽的传音道。 „” Ye Qinghan slightly some not comfortable grasping head, this talented person deity 1-level strength, did not fear that the wind dodged the tongue greatly, unexpectedly said that covers him? “呃”夜轻寒微微有些不自在的抓了抓脑袋,这人才天神一重的实力,也不怕风大闪了舌头,居然说罩他? The demon tyrant has suppressed Ye Qinghan, sees his as even with such facial expression, in the eye flashes through one proudly, passes on the tone channel: Hey, you have not believed! I told you, my demon tyrant was our demon kills the mainland greatest talent, I cultivated Heaven Immortal Realm to spend for hundred years! I estimated that is god talent extremely also on this cultivation speed. You look that how long does not need, I can cultivation the deity peak, the god the boundary! When the time comes I will make them have a look at my fierce 魔霸憋了一眼夜轻寒,见他如此神情,眼中闪过一丝傲然,传音道:“嘿嘿,你还不相信!我告诉你,我魔霸可是我们魔杀大陆最伟大的天才,我修炼到天神境只是花费了百年时间!我估计就是神界的绝顶天才也就这个修炼速度吧。你看着吧,无须多久,我就能修炼到天神巅峰,神将境!到时候我会让他们看看我的厉害的” Um! Demon big brother Ba is really fierce! When the time comes must rely upon demon big brother Ba to look after much, the little brother called Ye Qinghan!” Listens to being bewitched tyrant's boast, Ye Qinghan to touch the nose, smiles bitterly. “嗯!魔霸大哥果然厉害!到时候还要仰仗魔霸大哥多多照顾,小弟叫夜轻寒!”听着魔霸的吹嘘,夜轻寒摸了摸鼻子,苦笑起来。 Hundred years of Cheng Shen? Very flamboyant! 百年成神?很牛逼啊! This person actually said that the talent of god is also almost this speed? Senior Shi has said that Double Eye Netherworld Clan has a talent 30-year-old age, broke through God King Realm. 30 years of god are the material potential surfaces double are also 60 years, but this speed is scary was also surprised to know that the demon tyrant actually said this speed and god talent is similar 这人竟然说神界的天才也是差不多这个速度?噬大人可是说过,双瞳幽冥族有一个天才30岁的年纪,就已经突破了神王境。神界的30年是物质位面的双倍也就是60年,但是这速度也是骇人惊闻,魔霸竟然说他这速度和神界天才差不多 Also, if told him, oneself merely have practiced for 20-30 years, moreover can the present strength actually the second of Shatian god peak, be able to frighten to faint he? 再说了,如果告诉他,自己只是仅仅修炼了二三十年,而且现在的实力却能秒杀天神巅峰了,会不会吓昏他啊? Waited for quite a while, Ye Qinghan had not actually seen that iceberg beautiful woman Ye Yaorao, came to receive in exchange for the integral and Divine Stone, has not seen Shou Kuang Yan Hou and that gold dragon. Listened to half-day demon tyrant's boast, finally was one's turn him, awakened Little Black, took the materials in two space rings completely, that 1000 integrals that also bestowed Niu Potian changed Divine Stone completely, said goodbye to the demon tyrant, Ye Qinghan walked toward the west side of mountain valley. 等待了半天,夜轻寒却没有看到那个冰山美女夜妖娆,前来换取积分和神石,也没见到兽狂艳后和那条金龙。听了半天魔霸的吹嘘,终于轮到他了,叫醒小黑,将两个空间戒指内的材料全部拿了出来,又将牛破天赠送的那1000积分全部改换成神石,告别了魔霸,夜轻寒朝山谷的西边走去。 Original No. 1 garret to No. 50 garret, gains the integral, such small garret does not know how to tolerate below these many people?” “原来一号阁楼到50号阁楼,都是获取积分的,这么小的阁楼不知怎么能容的下这多人啊?” Ye Qinghan arrives at the first row of mountain valley west side garret, discovered that many God Rank expert passed and out the garret, somewhat is curious. Has hesitated the moment, enters the tenth entrance has written „the Spirit Pet pavilion garret. 夜轻寒走到山谷西边阁楼的第一排,发现不少神级强者进出了阁楼,不禁有些好奇。沉吟了片刻,走进了第十间门口写着“灵宠阁”的阁楼。 Along with them, enters the garret, in the discovery empty above does not have, has one miniature transmission to send out ray slightly. But two, step into transmission directly, transmitted. Ye Qinghan is then suddenly enlighted, transmission that definitely is a similar Ramble Pavilion parallel space, no wonder the small garret can accommodate that many people. 随着两人,走进阁楼,却发现里面空荡荡的上面也没有,只有一个微型传送阵正散发则微微的光芒。而那两人,直接踏入传送阵,传送走了。夜轻寒这才恍然大悟,传送阵那头肯定是一个类似逍遥阁的平行空间吧,难怪小小的阁楼能容纳那多人了。 Clarified the reason, Ye Qinghan has also had no interest the visit, has drawn back, walked toward the 100 th garret directly. 弄清楚了原由,夜轻寒也无心进去参观,退了了出来,直接朝第100间阁楼走去。 99, 100! Was this!” “99,100!就是这间了!” Ye Qinghan looked at out a garret serial number, saw that on the front door inscribed a devil the small badge more definite. Walked directly, arrives at outside garret, arrives is preparing to knock on a door, actually discovered that actually opened. Inside nobody left, only then transmission, has hesitated the moment, after Old Lu passes message the determination, the Ye Qinghan secretly revolution supernatural power, steps into transmission. 夜轻寒望了一眼阁楼门外的编号,看到大门上刻有有一个恶魔的小型徽章更加确定了。直接走了进去,走到阁楼外,走到正准备敲门,却发现们却自己打开了。里面还是空无一人,只有一个传送阵,沉吟了片刻,和鹿老传音确定之后,夜轻寒暗自运转神力,踏进传送阵。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Ye Qinghan discovered that the white light dodges, oneself appear in a broad hall, in the hall only then an old man is sitting cross-legged there. The old men when Ye Qinghan looked, suddenly has opened the eye, has smiled, the smiling face is very compatible, said lightly: Welcome you to arrive at War-God Pavilion, young people! Excuse me, you must sell the thing, must go shopping!” 夜轻寒发现白光一闪,自己出现在一个宽阔的大厅内,大厅内只有一名老者正在那里盘坐着。老者在夜轻寒望了过来的时候,突然睁开了眼睛,微微笑了起来,笑容很是亲和,淡淡说道:“欢迎你来到战神阁,年轻人!请问,你是要卖东西,还是要买东西!” „, The senior is good! I need to purchase one bottle of dragons to ride the god oil! As well as No. a 3 space ring.” Ye Qinghan discovered that here situation and Old Lu are exactly the same, has not hesitated, respectful saluting, then defers to confession polite saying of Old Lu. “哦,前辈好!我需要购买一瓶龙骑神油!以及一枚三号空间戒指。”夜轻寒发现这里的情况和鹿老一模一样,没有迟疑,恭敬的行礼,而后按照鹿老的交代客气的说道。 Good, altogether 1100 Divine Stone, do you have the VIP card?” The old man hand wipes, in the hand presents a green jade bottle, as well as a black space ring. “好的,一共1100神石,请问你有贵宾卡吗?”老者手一抹,手上出现一个青色的玉瓶,以及一个黑色空间戒指。 VIP card? Does not have, senior this is Divine Stone!” Ye Qinghan stares, transient responded that then took out one pile of Divine Stone from the space ring. “贵宾卡?呃没有,前辈这是神石!”夜轻寒一愣,瞬变反应过来,而后从空间戒指中取出一堆神石 The old men have swept one, the Divine Stone income space ring, the nod said: Is very good, the Divine Stone quantity was right, what need do you have?” 老者扫了一眼,将神石收入空间戒指,点头道:“很好,神石数量对了,请问你还有什么需要吗?” Did not have, thanks the senior!” Ye Qinghan receives the thing, then turns around to step into transmission, returns to the Yanhua tribe. “没有了,谢谢前辈!”夜轻寒将东西收起,而后转身踏入传送阵,回到烟花部落。 „Is this Long Qishen the oil? Does Nyima, feel like the Indian god oil?” “这就是龙骑神油?尼玛,怎么感觉像印度神油啊?” Returns to own courtyard, Ye Qinghan takes out that jade bottle, pulls out decap, looks at inside faint yellow sending out quiet fragrance the liquid. Somewhat has hesitated, this thing Old Lu said to drink, but does not wipe 回到自己的院子里,夜轻寒取出那个玉瓶,拔开瓶塞,看着里面淡黄色的散发则淡淡清香的液体。不禁有些迟疑了起来,这东西鹿老可是说喝下去,而不是抹上去的 Rumble!” “咕噜!” The hesitation moment, Ye Qinghan raised head to drink. This Long Qishen oil, Old Lu had said is the good thing, can let itself in three months, practices deity 2-level the supernatural power fast. He decides to close up for three months, practices deity 2-level the supernatural power directly, when the time comes can leave the Yanhua tribe to hunt and kill the monster beast, enjoyed oneself to the full to slaughter. 沉吟片刻,夜轻寒仰头喝了下去。这龙骑神油,鹿老说过是好东西,能让自己在三个月时间,将神力快速修炼到天神二重。他决定闭关三个月,直接将神力修炼到天神二重,到时候就可以出烟花部落去猎杀妖兽,尽兴杀戮了。
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