BPTH :: Volume #5

#485: Go away

485 chapters leave 485章滚 The following day, Ye Qinghan stays in the garret every day practices the supernatural power, but Little Black every day bored whistling rests in the garret greatly , to continue to digest his within the body Divine Pill remaining efficacy. 接下来的日子,夜轻寒每日都呆在阁楼内修炼神力,而小黑则每日无聊的在阁楼内呼呼大睡,继续消化他体内神丹残余的药力。 After entering into God Rank, the pill nucleus in dantian transformed translucent Divine Crystal, the war air/Qi in body also transformed the water silver supernatural power. However now practices simply, directly absorbs the world aura of god actually, converges in Divine Crystal, transforms the supernatural power then. 迈入神级之后,丹田内的丹核转换成了一枚半透明的神晶,身体内的战气也转换成了水银色的神力。不过现在修炼倒是简单,直接吸收天地中的神之气息,汇入神晶内,转换成神力即可。 This Divine Crystal is very marvelous, only then middle finger size, but actually felt that can absorb the supernatural power to be ordinary infinitely. But the supernatural power achieves certain boundary Divine Crystal to change color, therefore the boundary of supernatural power was easiest to judge. Now just entered God Rank like Ye Qinghan, Divine Crystal translucent, then slowly will turn into the white, turned into the white completely, has achieved deity 3-level, then continued to transform, turns into the white belt to be red, was the deity peak. 神晶很奇妙,只有三指般大小,但是却感觉能无限吸收神力一般。而神力达到一定的界限神晶就会变色,所以神力的境界最容易判断了。就像夜轻寒现在才是刚入神级,神晶半透明,而后会慢慢变成白色,完全变成白色了,就达到了天神三重,而后继续转换,变成白中带红了,就是天神巅峰了。 The cultivation does not have the years, closes one's eyes, opens eyes is half a month, if nobody disturbs, for several years was also a twinkling on the past. 修炼无岁月,一闭眼,一睁眼就是半月,如果无人打扰的话,数年也是一眨眼就过去了。 Bang! Bang!” “砰!砰!” This day, sits cross-legged Ye Qinghan that practices in the garret, was awakened by knocking on a door sound. When his standing up body, goes out of courtyard, sees that smiling face time, the innermost feelings were are also very uncomfortable. 这日,盘坐在阁楼内修炼的夜轻寒,被门外的敲门声音所惊醒过来。当他站起身子,走出院子,看到门外的那张笑脸的时候,内心又是很不舒服起来了。 Shou Kuang subordinate Xiao Hu, for half a month, the happy expression is second time comes visiting. Moreover Yan Hou and a person of Divine Beast [lineage/vein] also came one time, is wins over Ye Qinghan. 门外的正是兽狂的手下笑虎,这半个月来,笑意已经是第二次来访了。而且艳后神兽一脉的人也来了一次,都是来拉拢夜轻寒的。 Little Black when the beast tide approaches, that sharp tooth second has killed the second-level monster beast easily, has brought to the attention of tripartite influence. Although Ye Qinghan looks like the strength is very low, but there is existence of Little Black, the tripartite influence to winning over Ye Qinghan is careful very much, how long this no does not separate, Xiao Hu visited. 小黑在兽潮来临的时候,那锋利的牙齿轻易秒杀了二级妖兽,引起了三方势力的注意。虽然夜轻寒看起来实力很是低下,但是有了小黑的存在,三方势力对拉拢夜轻寒很是上心,这不没隔多久,笑虎又上门了。 Little brother, consideration how? Arrived for half a month hunted and killed the time of monster beast. Sir Shou Kuang said that so long as you join, afterward divides integral Divine Stone, gives you three people of shares, the as even with such good opportunity, crossed this village not this shop, said again, big brother Shou Kuang the strength is powerful “小老弟啊,考虑的怎么样了?还有半个月就到了猎杀妖兽的时间了。兽狂大人可是放话了,只要你们加入,事后分积分神石,给你们三人的份额,如此好的机会,过了这个村没这店啊,再说了,兽狂大哥实力强悍” Xiao Hu is smiling, has swept Little Black of Ye Qinghan shoulder, a moon-face has the affinity very much, Ye Qinghan must see abusing each other of that day him and sleet, definitely also thinks that this is a good-hearted person. Little Black never has responded regarding the outsiders, Xiao Hu wanted unceasing persuasion Ye Qinghan. 笑虎一脸笑意,扫了一眼夜轻寒肩膀的小黑,一张圆脸很有亲和力,夜轻寒要是不是看到那日他和冰雨的对骂,肯定还以为这是一个老好人。小黑一直对于外来人都从来不搭理,笑虎只要不断的劝说夜轻寒了。 Ye Qinghan has practiced half a month, was actually awakened several times, the mood is not very good, saw Xiao Hu is also wordy said a Datong, was bothersomer, has interrupted the Xiao Hu words directly, but the expression was polite: „Below strength status, prepares to practice some time in the tribe, temporarily did not consider hunts and kills the demon beast, Sir Xiao Hu, you looked whether to make me cultivation three years five years, at the appointed time replies you not to be late again!” 夜轻寒修炼了半个月,却被惊醒了数次,心情很是不好,见笑虎又是啰里吧嗦的说了一大通,更加烦了,直接打断了笑虎的话,但是语气还算客气:“在下实力地位,准备在部落内修炼一段时间,暂时不考虑去猎杀魔兽,笑虎大人,你看能否让我修炼个三年五年的,到时再回复你也不迟啊!” Three years five years?” “三年五年?” In Xiao Hu one hear of eyes flashes through one not to be quick slightly, but actually very good concealing in the past, looks at Little Black saying: This, you only need agree to join our king of beasts side, and lets your this Divine Beast, accompanies us to hunt and kill the monster beast, you cultivation in the tribe, how when the time comes similarly divides three to give you?” 笑虎一听眼中微微闪过一丝不快,但是却很好的掩饰过去,又望了望小黑说道:“这样吧,你只需同意加入我们兽王一方,并且让你这神兽,随同我们去猎杀妖兽,你在部落修炼,到时候同样分三份给你们如何?” Snort! 哼! The cloven hoof revealed! 狐狸尾巴露出来了! Ye Qinghan dark snort, Xiao Hu as even with such is diligent, clarifying regarded as important Little Black to hunt and kill the speed of monster beast, wants to call Little Black to act as the coolie and goon, he was more uncomfortable, saying of unemotionally: My this brothers, he will not leave my, had to visit the Sir to be good below cultivation again!” 夜轻寒暗哼一声,笑虎如此勤快,摆明是看重了小黑猎杀妖兽的速度,想叫小黑去充当苦力和打手,他心里更加不舒服了,面无表情的说道:“我这兄弟,他不会离开我的,在下修炼有成再去拜访大人好了!” Xiao Hu one hear, face cold, the body also lightly reveals a pressure, cold Dao: Three years? Snort! Since Sir Shou Kuang said that you do not give an answer now, the Sir definitely very much will be angry, when the time comes feared that is the consequence is very serious, your days will not feel better very much, I thought that you give an affirmation to answer, do not annoy the Sir to be angry!” 笑虎一听,脸冷了下来,身上也淡淡露出一丝威压,冷道:“三年?哼!兽狂大人既然已经放了话,你现在不给个答复的话,大人肯定会很生气,到时候怕是后果很严重,你们两人的日子也会很不好过,我看你还是给个肯定答复吧,别惹大人生气了!” Good!” “好吧!” Ye Qinghan sees this matter not to give an explicit speech today, this Xiao Hu feared that was endless. Moreover he also thinks that Yan Hou and Divine Beast [lineage/vein] will also continue to pester, said simply directly: I reject, my this person acted alone, temper also wild very much, troubled Sir Xiao Hu to have words to Sir Shou Kuang, thanked his deep affection. Naturally, Ye Qinghan will not join any influence, cannot with anybody for the enemy!” 夜轻寒见今天这事不给个明确的说话,这笑虎怕是没完没了了。而且他也想到艳后神兽一脉还会继续来纠缠,索性直接说道:“我拒绝,我这人独行惯了,性子也野的很,麻烦笑虎大人给兽狂大人带句话,感谢他的厚爱。当然,夜轻寒也不会加入任何一番势力,也不会和任何人为敌的!” You “你” Xiao Hu directly has rejected Ye Qinghan this, on face an awkward angry color. He saw Ye Qinghan to be very good to speak, is respectful to him, he had guaranteed in Shou Kuang there draws absolutely them. Now Ye Qinghan was equal to resounding has slapped on his face. 笑虎夜轻寒就这样直接的拒绝了,不禁脸上一阵尴尬恼怒之色。原本他见夜轻寒很好说话,对他非常恭敬,他在兽狂那里已经保证了绝对把两人拉进来。现在夜轻寒等于是响亮的在他脸上打了一巴掌啊。 Boy, you propose a toast do not know that eats to be made to drink as a forfeit! The truth and you said that the person who rejected Sir Shou Kuang the good intention was often out is very pitiful. If you dare to leave the tribe, I can guarantee that you definitely live are about three days!” On the Xiao Hu face cloudy clear has erratically glittered the moment, starts the wicked threat. “小子,你这是敬酒不知道吃罚酒!实话和你说了吧,拒绝兽狂大人好意的人往往下场都很悲惨。你要是敢出部落,我可以保证你肯定活不过三天!”笑虎脸上阴晴不定闪烁了片刻,开始恶狠狠的恐吓起来。 This, didn't I leave the tribe not to?” Ye Qinghan looks at this indifferently just like the clumsy mischief-doer character, is thinking at heart actually, such person can cultivation God Rank unexpectedly, is really the strange event. “这样啊,那我不出部落不就得了?”夜轻寒冷眼看着这个宛如跳梁小丑般的人物,心里却是想着,这样的人居然能修炼到神级,真是怪事。 Snort! Does not exit, I can guarantee that you cannot receive a good duty! Our king of beasts [lineage/vein], some time people wait for in several integral halls, the good duty your do not want to receive. Sir Shou Kuang a few words, you prepares to treat the full thousand years in the tribe!” Xiao Hu lets somebody cool off or calm down one, scoffs to say with a smile. “哼!不出去,我可以保证,你接不到一个好任务!我们兽王一脉,时刻都有人在几处积分大厅守候,好的任务你一个都别想接到。兽狂大人一句话,你就准备在部落待满千年吧!”笑虎冷冷一哼,嗤笑道。 Millenniums? Ha Ha!” “千年?哈哈!” Ye Qinghan one hear laughs actually: I think that Sir Shou Kuang does not use for dozens years, will gain suffices the integral to leave the tribe? Does he prepare to treat the thousand years in the tribe? If so, I am willing to treat actually for over a thousand years.” 夜轻寒一听倒是大笑起来:“我想兽狂大人不用几十年,就会赚够积分离开部落吧?难道他准备在部落待千年?如果是这样,我倒是心甘情愿待上千年。” Sneering on Xiao Hu one hear of face were actually more abundant, the face color on despising was also stronger: Snort! Your this idiot, you are not knowing! King of beasts [lineage/vein] existed for ten thousand years in the tribe, Sir Shou Kuang walked, same next Sir Shou Kuang will continue to lead us! If you do not know the limitation, preparation is waiting for our king of beasts [lineage/vein] *** you. When the time comes, you cry to kneel are asking me, is not good. Finally gives you an opportunity, joins does not join?” 笑虎一听脸上的冷笑却是更盛了,脸上的鄙夷之色也更浓了:“哼!你这个蠢货,你知道个屁!兽王一脉在部落已经存在万年了,兽狂大人走了,同样的下一任兽狂大人会继续带领我们!你如果不识相,就准备等着我们兽王一脉***你吧。到时候,你就算哭着跪着求我,也不行了。最后给你一次机会,加入还是不加入?” Ha Ha!” “哈哈!” Ye Qinghan saw that Xiao Hu has torn to pieces facial skin, naked threat, does not want to be polite with him, a face does not wave to say patiently: *** I? I wait, you help me pass on words while convenient, told Yan Hou and that gold dragon, my any side did not join. I do not want to stir up trouble, you are also best not to come to annoy me! Otherwise the consequence is proud. Good, does not deliver!” Said Ye Qinghan, turns the head to walk toward garret, he was a few words does not want to say with him regarding this person. 夜轻寒看到笑虎已经撕破了脸皮,赤裸裸的威胁起来了,也不想和他客气了,一脸的不耐烦挥手道:“***我?我拭目以待,顺便你帮我传句话,告诉艳后和那条金龙,我任何一方都不加入。我不想惹事,你们也最好别来惹我!否则后果自负。行了,不送!”说完夜轻寒,转头朝阁楼内走去,对于这种人他是一句话都不想和他多说。 The Ye Qinghan manner, makes Xiao Hu wild with rage thoroughly, he is pointing at Ye Qinghan, stands on tiptoes the foot to start to curse angrily unexpectedly: Snort! Did your this waste, give your face you also to install Sir? Your this small beast also a little use, you think that what thing you are? How many times is worth my persuading? Telling that I can be clear about, you ended! If you dare to leave the tribe, I can guarantee you die is very miserable, is very miserable 夜轻寒的态度,彻底让笑虎狂怒起来,他指着夜轻寒,踮着脚竟然开始怒骂起来:“哼!你这个废物,给你脸你还装大爷了?要不是你这小兽还有点用处,你以为你算什么东西?值得我几次来劝说?我可以明确的告诉,你完了!你如果敢出部落,我可以保证你死的很惨,很惨” „Am I die miserable, I do not know!” “我死得惨不惨,我不知道!” Ye Qinghan body, complexion was completely cold, slowly has transferred the body, in the eye is the chill in the air, stared at Xiao Hu to look at the moment, said with very affirmative expression lightly: But I know, if you in three seconds do not tumble out my courtyard, I can guarantee that I left the mountain valley, first will make my battle beast second kill you! Go away!” 夜轻寒的身子一顿,脸色完全冷了下来,缓缓的转过身子,眼中全是寒意,盯着笑虎望了片刻,用十分肯定的语气淡淡说道:“但是我知道,你如果三秒钟内不滚出我的院子,我可以保证,我出了山谷,第一时间会让我的战兽秒杀你!滚!” You “你” Xiao Hu looked by the Ye Qinghan fearful vision is startled, when then he saw Little Black lets somebody cool off or calm down when reveals words the shining tooth, the feeling whole body chill in the air has. 笑虎夜轻寒慑人的目光望得一怔,而后当他看到小黑冷冷的露出一口白得发亮牙齿时,不禁感觉浑身寒意顿生。 Remembers Little Black to pass the road junction in the mountain valley, second easily kills a leader second-level monster beast, the body shrinks, turns around unexpectedly distressedly ran, walks also while was cursing angrily. 想起小黑在山谷通道口,轻易的秒杀一头头二级妖兽,身子一缩,竟然掉头狼狈的跑了出去,一边走还一边怒骂着。 „The places of some people have the rivers and lakes, has the rivers and lakes place to have the degenerate! The ancients do not bully me honestly!” “有人的地方就有江湖,有江湖的地方就有败类!古人诚不欺我!” Ye Qinghan shook the head, entered in the garret 夜轻寒摇了摇头,走进了阁楼内
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