BPTH :: Volume #5

#471: God slaughter, death!

471 chapters 471章 God slaughter, death! 神主屠,死! Snort! Looked that your head is hard, is the Divine sword of young master is sharp!” “哼!看你的脑袋硬,还是小爷的神剑锋利!” In the black sword, Ye Qinghan lets somebody cool off or calm down one, clashes once more toward the god slaughter, the Divine sword that on sparkles breaks the black fog, is chopping once more to the god slaughter. 黑剑内,夜轻寒冷冷一哼,再次朝神主屠冲来,一把身上闪闪的神剑破开黑雾,对着神主屠再次砍下。 Bang!” “砰!” The god slaughter does not dodge unexpectedly does not evade, to the Ye Qinghan attack, the sound that a [gold/metal] iron bumps into resounds, Ye Qinghan used that depositing the Divine sword in Ramble Pavilion. The god slaughter head model community sparkles dim light, Ye Qinghan is shaken unexpectedly instead. But the tremendous strength also once more rumbles the god slaughter, grips spray. 神主屠竟然不闪不避,任凭夜轻寒攻击,一阵金铁相撞的声音响起,夜轻寒动用了那把存放在逍遥阁内的神剑。只是神主屠头上的纹身闪耀出一阵幽光,夜轻寒竟然被反震出去。而巨大的力量也将神主屠再次轰到海里,扎起一片浪花。 Jie Jie Jie! The Divine sword is High-Rank Divine Tool, but actually cannot play the might in your hands! Ha Ha, this Divine Tool hard helmet, only if the god grasps High-Rank Divine Tool boundary expert, otherwise Flame Dragon Continent nobody killed me!” “桀桀桀!神剑是上品神器,但是在你手中却发挥不出威力!哈哈,这神器头盔,除非神将境强者手持上品神器,否则炎龙大陆无人杀得了我!哇哈哈” The personal appearance of god slaughter flushed once more, laughs wildly, the red light sparkle in eye, in airborne stands proudly, bellows: Come , to continue to attack! I thought how long your black cover can insist, Ha Ha, the small age has sensed Intermediate Rank Principle unexpectedly, this arrived at god is also the peerless talent, your supernatural power was what a pity insufficient, today will certainly die! Words that naturally you dare to run away today, I pledged that makes Flame Dragon Continent all people exterminate thoroughly! Does not remain!” 神主屠的身形再次冲了出来,狂笑起来,眼中的红光闪耀,在空中傲然而立,大吼起来:“来啊,继续攻击!我看你的这黑罩能坚持多久,哈哈,小小年纪竟然感悟了中级玄奥,这到了神界也是绝世天才啊,可惜你神力不足,今日必将陨落!当然你今天敢逃的话,我发誓彻底让炎龙大陆所有人灭绝!一个不留!” I do not believe! Kills, kills, kills!” “我不相信!杀,杀,杀!” Black great sword times clash, the innumerable sword light sparkle, the god slaughter whole body turns into piece by piece hashed meat. A moment later, the god slaughter flushed once more, the whole body is perfect! 黑色巨剑一次次冲下来,无数的剑光闪耀,神主屠全身又化成一片片碎肉。只是片刻之后,神主屠再次冲了出来,全身完好无损! Not the body of dying? 不死之身? Several times after the attack, Ye Qinghan stopped the attack finally, the corners of the mouth has revealed a bitterness and astringency, abolished the absolute domain, incomparably desolate standing in airborne, in the hand the god only bright Divine sword was also weak dangling. 数次攻击之后,夜轻寒终于停止了攻击,嘴角露出一丝苦涩,将绝对领域撤销了,无比落寞的站在空中,手上神光熠熠的神剑也是无力的垂下。 Lost! Today was loses thoroughly! 输了!今天算是彻底输了! Although have the Intermediate Rank Principle absolute domain, but this death ray has the High-Rank Divine Tool hard helmet, Divine Crystal was also shifts in the mind. Divine Crystal is not broken, the soul does not extinguish, is equal to not the body of dying! Now he fights continually, many supernatural powers had consumed the office, this way, only one dies! 虽然自己拥有中级玄奥绝对领域,但是这死光头却拥有上品神器头盔,神晶也是转移到了脑海内。神晶不碎,灵魂不灭,等于就是不死之身!现在他连番大战,本来不多的神力消耗过办,这样下去,唯有一死! Ended! 完了! Old Lu and Senior Nine long put out the one breath, Old Lu is clearest this High-Rank Divine Tool hard helmet! Even if pounds to him cannot break, the supernatural power cultivates for does not arrive at the god the peak, even if has High-Rank Divine Tool unable to play the might. Senior Shi not in! Unmanned energy deicide main slaughter! 鹿老九大人长长吐出一口气,鹿老最清楚这上品神器头盔!就算是给他砸都砸不碎,神力修为不到神将巅峰,就算拥有上品神器也发挥不出威力。噬大人不在!无人能杀神主屠! Ended! 完了! Flickers to transfer to all around flurriedly, God Rank expert all at heart gushes out these two characters. Ye Qinghan ended, Flame Dragon Continent ended! Although the god slaughter complied not to strike to kill any Flame Dragon Continent person personally, but nobody believed this pledge the real letter. 慌乱瞬移到四周的,神级强者全部都心里涌出这两个字。夜轻寒完了,炎龙大陆完了!虽然神主屠答应了不亲手击杀任何一位炎龙大陆的人,但是没人相信这誓言的真实信。 Ye Qinghan dies, the only hope is disillusioned, Flame Dragon Continent turned into a pigsty, the Flame Dragon Continent 10 billion people turned into the draft animal that the god slaughter reared in a pen, for generations, was controlled by the slaughter is living to kill the comprehensive work. 夜轻寒一死,唯一的希望破灭的,炎龙大陆又变成了一座猪圈,炎龙大陆10000000000人又变成神主屠圈养的牲口,世世代代,被屠掌控着生杀大全。 Jie Jie Jie! Has to plant to hope to be disillusioned, incomparably desperate feeling! Ha Ha hands over the Divine sword, Space Divine Tool, I keep your entire corpse!” The god slaughter face upwards to laugh wildly, was saying to midair in Ye Qinghan. “桀桀桀!是不是有种希望破灭,无比绝望的感觉啊!哈哈交出神剑,空间神器,我留你全尸!”神主屠仰天狂笑,对着半空中的夜轻寒说道。 Entire corpse? He he “全尸?呵呵” Ye Qinghan incomparably desolate Shan Xigui, the vision actually swept to all around, swept to God Rank expert of mainland, has swept the face of Old Lu Senior Nine, finally framed on the Yue Qingcheng Ye Qingwu Ye Qingyu face, in the eye has been full of endless guilty and apology. 夜轻寒无比落寞的单膝跪了下来,眼光却扫向四周,扫向大陆的神级强者,扫过鹿老九大人的脸,最后定格在月倾城夜轻舞夜轻语脸上,眼中充满了无尽的愧疚和歉意。 He is very clear, oneself die, three female absolutely angelicas, An'yue in Ramble Pavilion, perhaps will not be dead characters! 他很清楚,自己一死,三女绝对不会独活,还有逍遥阁内的暗月,恐怕也是一个死字! He he, has struggled the life, in the end is spatial! Ye Qinghan starts to lament itself, if not one, perhaps the mainland also continues to live the peaceful auspicious life. Perhaps Yue Qingcheng they got married, at this moment happy joyful life. 呵呵,奋斗了一生,到头来还是一场空!夜轻寒开始悔恨自己,如果不是自己的话,恐怕大陆还继续过着安静祥和的生活。月倾城她们或许嫁了人,此刻正幸福快乐的生活着吧。 At this time he had remembered the innumerable years ago, oneself in being infatuated with that before garden, it seems like oneself did not belong to this world, crossed over, has actually harmed them, has harmed the mainland 10 billion people 这时他想起了无数年前,自己在醉心园前的那一幕,看来自己还是不属于这个世界,穿越一回,却是害了她们,也害了大陆10000000000人 If do not come this world, or have not obtained the soul abstention, has ended the life with Xiao Yu peacefully, perhaps will not result in the present tragedy. One have struggled for dozens years, actually trades such desolate ending, resists with the day? It seems like or struggles this clever heaven! 要是自己不来这世界,或者自己没有得到魂戒,安安静静和小语过完一生,或许就不会造成现在的惨剧了。自己争了数十年,却换来这样落寞的收场,与天抗争?看来还是争不过这个贼老天啊! If what the life only such as initially sees Qiu Feng Bei Huashan! 人生若只如初见何事秋风悲画扇! Late, now anything late! The Ye Qinghan corners of the mouth are incapable *** gets up, has a mind to kill the thief, is actually powerless! 晚了,现在什么都晚了!夜轻寒嘴角无力的***起来,有心杀贼,却无力回天! Hey! It is not late!” “嘿嘿!不晚!” At this moment, towering 就在这时,突兀的 In the Ye Qingwu mind actually resounds together the sound, making his body shake startling instantaneously, the whole body slightly shivered, in the eye flashed through wild with joy instantaneously, but Lima was concealed by him, he started to shiver sent greetings: „Is Little Black, you? What did you say? Isn't late?” 夜轻舞脑海内却响起一道久违的声音,让他身体瞬间抖了激灵,全身都微微颤抖起来,眼中瞬间闪过一丝狂喜,只是利马就被他掩饰过去,他开始颤抖的传音起来:“小黑,是你吗?你说什么?不晚?” Hey, the Boss, when did I disappoint you?” “嘿嘿,老大,我什么时候让你失望了?” The voice of Little Black ancient spirit demon, filled was cheerful and joyful, was very the proud biography tone channel: Boss, delays the moment time, quickly digests this skill!” 小黑古灵精怪的声音,充满了欢快和愉悦,很是骄傲的传音道:“老大,拖延片刻时间,将这个技能赶快消化!” Volume is good!” “额好!” Ye Qinghan starts to go all out to suppress the innermost feelings excitement! Then on the face ships out the incomparably desolate expression, turns the head to say toward god Tu: You have won, this is a Divine sword! Space Divine Tool I must build up to melt except, after hoping me dead , do not massacre my family member!” 夜轻寒开始拼命压制内心的激动!而后脸上装出无比落寞的表情,转头朝神主屠说道:“你赢了,这是神剑!空间神器我要炼化解除,希望我死后你不要残杀我的亲人!” Said that Ye Qinghan sees the Divine sword in hand, flings toward the god slaughter, from the sky sits cross-legged, solemn relieves builds up the appearance that the ramble abstains. 说完夜轻寒见手中的神剑,朝神主屠一甩,在空中盘坐起来,俨然一副解除炼化逍遥戒的样子。 Divine sword! Divine sword! Jie Jie Jie! I have taken finally, Ha Ha! Good, good! Is the real Divine sword! The 12 th Divine sword, arrived in my hand finally, Ha Ha “神剑!神剑!桀桀桀!我终于拿到手了,哈哈!不错,不错!是真的神剑!第12把神剑,最后还是到了我的手中,哈哈” The god slaughter received airborne Divine sword single-handed, inspects, face upwards to laugh wildly, the Divine sword of single-handed unceasing stroking, the facial expression incomparable joyfulness, cannot attend to Ye Qinghan that sits cross-legged again. 神主屠单手接过空中的神剑,检查一番,仰天狂笑起来,单手不断的抚摸的神剑,神情无比的愉悦,再也顾不上盘坐的夜轻寒 Elder brother, did not fear! I will accompany you to rush to nine quiet purgatories!” “哥,不怕!我会陪你去闯九幽炼狱!” Qinghan, your Little Tao Hua, forever accompanies you to go to any place!” 轻寒,你的小桃花,永远陪你去任何一个地方!” How went to nine quiet purgatories little to result, my Xiao Wu elder sister?” “去九幽炼狱怎么少得了,我小舞姐?” On Purple Island three females are looking at incomparably desolate Ye Qinghan, has smiled unexpectedly, in the eye flashes through one to renounce, they decided that and other Ye Qinghan die, Lima accompanies him to go. Without day that Ye Qinghan accompanies, was too sad, they do not want this way 紫岛上三女望着无比落寞的夜轻寒,竟然都笑了起来,眼中闪过一丝决绝,她们决定等夜轻寒一死,利马陪他而去。没有夜轻寒陪伴的日子,太难过了,她们再也不想这样下去了 Do not impulse! Waits again, has the situation!” Old Lu is actually in the eye emits a none remaining, to three female biography tone channels. He is very clear, the ramble abstains , to relieve the soul relation, does not need to build up! “别冲动!再等等,有情况!”鹿老却是眼中冒出一丝精光,对着三女传音道。他无比清楚,逍遥戒要想解除灵魂联系,根本无须炼化! Mainland God Rank expert of distant place, completely with Ye Qinghan that gazing in the midair is sitting cross-legged, awaits calmly one generation of heroes to move toward the dead end, the mainland most peerless talent, for the mainland common people, for the family, resists with the day, finally must by old man heartless writing off. 远处的大陆神级强者,全部用注视着半空中盘坐的夜轻寒,静待着一代英雄走向末路,大陆最绝世的天才,为了大陆万民,为了自己为了家族,与天抗争,最后还是要被老头无情的抹杀。 Pities the water, lets loose me! Asked you to let loose me!” “惜水,放开我!求你放开我!” Ye Tianlong one shameless full is tears, Yue Xishui uses the supernatural power and river system fusion that he is stronger than quietly is mysterious, released the god territory to deadlock him directly firmly, enabling his supernatural power to use, let alone body vacillation half silk, at this moment can only send greetings with Divine Knowledge, unceasing plea Yue Xishui. 夜天龙一张老脸满是泪水,月惜水悄然利用比他强的神力和水系融合玄奥,直接释放了神域将他牢牢锁死,让他神力都不能动用,更别说身体动摇半丝了,此刻只能用神识传音,不断的恳求月惜水 Does not put, does not put, you died, I cannot the angelica!” Yue Xishui is also mist, unceasing shaking the head, unceasing muttering. “不放,不放,你死了,我也不会独活的!”月惜水也是一眼水雾,不断的摇头,不断的喃喃道。 So to be how long? Boys! Good?” “怎么那么久?小子!好了没有?” A moment later, god slaughter had discovered finally is not right, relieves Space Divine Tool to be so long? Doubts shouted angrily! 片刻之后,神主屠终于发现了不对,怎么解除个空间神器要那么久?不禁疑惑的怒喝起来! Good!” “好了!” Ye Qinghan opened the eye suddenly, in the eye does not have losing, did not have the pain, not bitter and astringent. Has excitedly, wild with joy, excited! 夜轻寒突然睁开眼睛,眼中没有刚才的失落,没有痛苦,没有苦涩。有得只是兴奋,狂喜,激动! He has not looked at slaughter one, actually turned the head they to smile toward Purple Island Yue Qingcheng , grinned saying: Three wives, go back to prepare food, I was hungry!” 他没有看屠一眼,却是转头朝紫岛月倾城她们笑了起来,咧嘴说道:“三位娘子,回去做饭,我饿了!” Goes back to prepare food? Hungry? 回去做饭?饿了? What situation? 什么情况? God slaughter again, by Ye Qinghan did not press the common sense to play a card to do to faint, some confusing looked at one in the Purple Island direction, actually sudden innermost feelings palpitated! A very dangerous aura has covered him. 神主屠再一次,被夜轻寒的不按常理出牌搞晕了,有些迷惑的朝紫岛方向望了一眼,却突然内心一阵悸动!一股十分危险的气息笼罩了他。 It is not good! Has the danger! 不好!有危险! He looks suddenly toward Ye Qinghan, actually sees in the Ye Qinghan eye to emit the bright none remaining! A giant shadow that as well as his top of the head presents suddenly. The shadow unexpectedly is one seems like the demon beast of platyrrhine dog, but this demon beast is opening two to send out at this moment is biting the person ray the eye, the big mouth is opening to him suddenly. 他猛然朝夜轻寒这边望来,却看到夜轻寒眼中冒出熠熠的精光!以及他的头顶陡然出现的一道巨大的黑影。黑影竟然是一只貌似狮鼻犬的魔兽,而这只魔兽此刻正睁开两只散发着噬人光芒的眼睛,大嘴对着他猛然睁开。 Soul Devouring World!” 噬魂天下!” Ye Qinghan gives a loud shout, simultaneously the giant shadow of head, on the mouth reveals the innumerable black air currents suddenly, has covered the god slaughter. 夜轻寒大喝一声,同时头上的巨大黑影,嘴上突然露出无数的黑色气流,将神主屠笼罩了进去。 My grass, Soul Devouring Beast talent magical powers!” “我草,噬魂兽的天赋神通!” The god slaughter awakens suddenly, the pupil in eye enlarges rapidly, on this day bestows on the magical powers he to be very clear, this is specifically attacks the soul the magical powers, the material defense is completely invalid. God spreads the news, isn't Soul Devouring Beast the changing from time is not cannot the talent magical powers in awakening body? 神主屠猛然惊醒,眼中的瞳孔迅速放大,这天赋神通他很清楚,这是专门攻击灵魂的神通,物质防御完全无效。神界传来消息,噬魂兽不达到化形期不是不会觉醒身体内的天赋神通吗? Does not have the time to think, the swaying from side to side body that he goes all out wants to flicker to move to run away, actually the discovery supernatural power actually cannot revolve, desperate roars: You cannot kill me, you have killed me, the god law enforcement team will raze Flame Dragon Continent! Not 没时间多想,他拼命的扭动身躯想瞬移逃去,却发现神力却不能运转,不禁绝望的怒吼起来:“你们不能杀我,你们杀了我,神界执法队会将炎龙大陆夷为平地的!不” Young master, does not frighten to you in a big way! Dies to the young master!” “小爷,不是给你吓大的!给小爷去死!” Ye Qinghan sneers, body supernatural power inspires greatly, the black empty shade on top of the head is also the black light twinkle, of god slaughter on bald, flutters suddenly together flood the golden light sponginess air current, was attracted by the black air current, submerged in the big mouth directly. But the ray in god slaughter eye suddenly one dark, whole body weak soft, flutters toward under. 夜轻寒冷笑一声,身上神力大振,头顶上的黑色虚影也是黑光一阵闪烁,神主屠的那个光头上,陡然飘出一道泛着金光的海绵状气流,被黑色气流一吸,直接没入了大嘴内。而神主屠眼中的光芒陡然一暗,全身无力的软了下来,朝下方飘下。 Simultaneously that greatly on bald, sees the black hard helmet and one is sparkling seven color rays Divine Crystal, fluttered on own initiative, one generation of fierce and ambitiouses, the Flame Dragon Continent supreme feudal lord slaughter died thoroughly. 同时那颗大光头上,一见黑色的头盔和一枚闪耀着七彩光芒的神晶,主动飘了出来,一代枭雄,炎龙大陆至高无上的领主屠彻底死亡。
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