BPTH :: Volume #5

#470: High-grade goods magical instrument hard helmet

470 chapters of High-Rank Divine Tool hard helmets 470章上品神器头盔 Elder brother!” Little Master Han Qinghan “哥!”“小寒子”“轻寒 The Purple Island north light covers the, five forms stand quietly, look at Ye Qinghan to flush away toward the god slaughter, three females cannot help but calls out in alarm anxiously. 紫岛北面的光罩边上,五道身影悄然站立,望着夜轻寒朝神主屠冲去,三女不由自主的紧张惊呼起来。 „!” “咻!” Old Lu has first released the god territory, covers five people, preventing three female shouts to make Ye Qinghan divert attention, prevents three people to go crazy, rushes toward Ye Qinghan. 鹿老第一时间释放了神域,将五人笼罩进去,防止三女的的喊声让夜轻寒分心,也同时预防三人发疯,朝夜轻寒奔去。 Senior Nine is actually one does not send, the eye pupil closely locked in the Ye Qinghan form, the god has used the will, at this moment arrived at the final moment, was the victory is the defeat, was lives is dies in this moment. 九大人却是一眼不发,眼眸紧紧锁住夜轻寒的身影,神主动用了意志,此刻已经到了最后的关头,是胜是败,是生是死就在这一刻了。 My will cannot defy, dies!” “我的意志不可违抗,去死吧!” The god slaughter smiles one remnantly, in the eye reveals one to pity, the body golden light sits suddenly greatly, head seven color ray disruption, turn into several thousand golden big swords, having the suffocating imposing manner from strike in all directions, *** each dead angle of Ye Qinghan avoidance. If Ye Qinghan wants to escape, only has to flicker to move! 神主屠残笑一声,眼中露出一丝怜悯,身上金光陡然大坐,头上的七彩光芒碎裂,化成数万把金色的大剑,带着让人窒息的气势从四面八方击来,***了夜轻寒躲避的每一个死角。如果夜轻寒想逃跑的话,唯有瞬移! Flickers to move? 瞬移? Ye Qinghan chuckle, the Slaughter Divine Blade green blade glow in hand shakes, rises suddenly to come, to put out together dozens meters blade wave. The foot pedal is void, steps on the strange step, the hand is brandishing like lightning. Along with his swing, the Slaughter Divine Blade green blade glow, cuts the expansive sky, delimits to clear the way unexpectedly a fissure the sky, but his body also releases naked eye obvious fluctuations, the fluctuation and fissure interweaves, from the sky forms a big net. 夜轻寒轻笑一声,手中的屠神刀青色刀芒一震,暴涨而来,吐出一道数十米长的刀浪。脚踏虚空,踩着诡异的步法,手闪电般的挥舞起来。随着他的挥舞,屠神刀青色的刀芒,划破长空,竟然将天空划开道道裂痕,而他身体也释放出一道道肉眼可见的波动,波动和裂痕交织起来,在空中形成一道大网。 Absolute domain!” “绝对领域!” In the Ye Qinghan eye the fine glow rises suddenly, gives a loud shout, in the body forms a black light cover baseless, the body is covered the black fog to cover instantaneously by the light, then the black light covers distorts suddenly, turns into a black big sword, flushes away toward the god slaughter like lightning. 夜轻寒眼中精芒暴涨,大喝一声,身体凭空形成一个黑色的光罩,身体瞬间被光罩内的黑雾笼罩进去,而后黑色光罩陡然变形,化成一把黑色的大剑,朝着神主屠闪电般冲去。 What thing?” “什么东西?” In the eye of god slaughter flashes through doubts, the acrobatics that Ye Qinghan does he, although does not understand, but feels as if very fierce appearance baa? However he does not have to think that continues to control the innumerable golden small swords, the black big sword strangles to death to go to toward that Ye Qinghan forms. 神主屠的眼中闪过一丝疑惑,夜轻寒搞的把戏他虽然不懂,但是感觉似乎很厉害的样子咩?但是他没有多想,继续控制着无数的金色小剑,朝夜轻寒形成的那把黑色大剑绞杀而去。 Absolute domain? 绝对领域? Innumerable God Rank expert also had doubts in this moment, they do not understand that Ye Qinghan is doing, but saw that actually makes a debut delimiting of space a fissure, as if very fierce appearance? 无数神级强者在这一刻也疑惑了,他们都不明白夜轻寒在干什么,但是看到竟然将空间的划出道道裂痕,似乎很厉害的样子? An only Old Lu person, on the face reveals wild with joy, a tall and slender eye opens suddenly, mouth absent-minded twittering gets up: God emperor is supreme! Unexpectedly is Intermediate Rank Principle, absolute domain!” 唯一鹿老一人,脸上露出一丝狂喜,一双细长的眼睛猛然睁大,嘴里失神的呢喃起来:“神皇至尊啊!竟然是中级玄奥,绝对领域!” „!” “咻!” In a twinkling! 说时迟,那时快! The black long sword cuts the expansive sky, the golden small sword that rapid and blots out the sky ran upon. But this golden small sword feudal lord will turns into, has to destroy all, will that cannot contend with! Countless facts showed that under the will attacks, anything can turn into the powder pink / white! 黑色长剑划破长空,迅速和铺天盖地的金色小剑撞上了。这金色小剑可是领主意志化成,拥有毁灭一切,不可抗衡的意志!无数的事实证明,意志攻之下,任何东西都会化成齑粉! That has crashed in the black great sword the golden small sword group, the black ray dodges, immediately are innumerable the golden small sword puts on *** goes, black instantaneous golden color substitution, but suddenly a black fog tumbling in black great sword, black light is greatly abundant, does not care about the golden small sword that throws in all directions , to continue to go toward the god slaughter lasing like lightning! 只是那把黑色巨剑冲进了金色小剑群中,黑色的光芒一闪,顿时无数把金色小剑穿***去,黑色瞬间金色取代,但是眨眼间黑色巨剑内的黑雾一阵翻滚,又黑光大盛起来,丝毫不顾及四面八方扑来的金色小剑,闪电般继续朝神主屠激射而去! This “这” The god slaughter opens the big eye suddenly, incredible is looking at this. It is not good! In his heart startles greatly, a twinkling black big sword arrived front, he just wants to flicker to move, actually discovered that beautiful purple is luminous, his mind instantaneous is then blurry. 神主屠猛然睁开大眼睛,不可置信的望着这一幕。不好!他心中大骇,一眨眼黑色大剑已经到了面前,他刚想瞬移,却发现一片妖艳的紫光亮起,而后他脑海瞬间迷糊起来。 Extinguishes the world to cut!” “灭世斩!” In the black big sword, transmits one ice-cold drinks the sound greatly, huge green blade glow, turns into a huge green fire dragon toward this god slaughter, when under bow cap. Is dozens zhang (3.33 m) green blade wave, illuminates Purple Island nearby suddenly, the fire dragon that eats delicacies crazily brings to destroy all imposing manners, suddenly bang to god slaughter. 黑色的大剑中,传来一个冰冷的大喝声,紧接着一道巨大的青色刀芒,化成一条巨大的青色火龙朝这神主屠当头罩下。长达几十丈的青色刀浪,将紫岛附近陡然照亮,狂啸的火龙带着毁灭一切的气势,猛然轰向神主屠。 Bang!” “轰!” Resounds through the large explosion of world to resound, with the huge explosive sound, all around innumerable golden small sword, vanishes instantaneously, the huge energy burns the vacuum that space of god slaughter. 一声响彻天地的大爆炸响起,随着巨大的爆炸声,四周的无数金色小剑,瞬间消失,巨大的能量将神主屠的那一处空间燃烧成真空。 Rustle!” “簌簌!” The mist and dust dissipates gradually, the innumerable hashed meat start to flutter, red rags piece by piece start from the sky to clamp this everywhere blood fog from the sky to flutter. Naked eye obvious, several stump residual limbs break the arm and intestines lung internal organs, opens the eyes to come bald of big eye with one, toward below weak falling, above black model community also in unceasing flashing 烟尘渐渐消散,无数的碎肉开始飘下,一片片的红色碎布开始在空中夹着这漫天的血雾在空中飘下。肉眼可见,几只残肢断臂、肠肺内脏,和一个睁着来大大眼睛的光头,朝下方无力的落下,上面的黑色纹身还在不断的闪动 Shouted!” “呼!” Airborne that vanishes black big sword suddenly, Ye Qinghan is raising Slaughter Divine Blade, whole face exhausted standing in airborne, the facial expression is actually the incomparable excitement and joyfulness, the vertical body just like invincible War-God, may not resist with all one's strength proudly. 空中的那把黑色大剑陡然消失,夜轻寒提着屠神刀,满脸疲惫的站在空中,神情却是无比的兴奋和愉悦,傲然而立的身子宛如一尊无敌的战神,不可力敌。 This After explosion, nearby entire Purple Island is a silence, a piece dies the general silence. 爆炸过后,整个紫岛附近都是一片寂静,一片死一般的寂静。 Old Lu has licked the lip, some beard trembling of chin shivers. Senior Nine is winking attractive fox eye, the whole body nonchalant is shivering. Yue Qingcheng Ye Qingwu Ye Qingyu starts to smile, smiles very brightly, just like three florets of being in full bloom. 鹿老舔了舔嘴唇,下巴的胡须有些哆嗦的颤抖起来。九大人眨着漂亮的狐狸眼睛,浑身都不经意的颤抖着。月倾城夜轻舞夜轻语开始微笑,笑得很灿烂,宛如三朵盛开的小花。 What?” “什么?” Sky over East China Sea scene is here the entirely different, countless people are actually out of sorts to yell that Hidden Island Master first time took down head bamboo hat, a face of Emperor Qiang dry skin has met just like the veteran spring, suddenly young dozens years old. The Ye Tianlong fan a oneself palm of the hand, then turned the head to look maliciously toward Yue Xishui. Yue Xishui is actually bends down, layer on layer has kissed on the Ye Tianlong face. 东海上空的情景却是和这边截然不同,无数人失神大叫起来,隐岛岛主第一次取下了头上的斗笠,枪皇一张枯皮的脸宛如老树逢春般,突然年轻了几十岁。夜天龙狠狠扇了自己一巴掌,而后转头朝月惜水望去。月惜水却是俯身过来,在夜天龙脸上重重的亲吻了一下。 Walks!” “走!” More than ten God Rank expert, look at each other one mutually, could not suppress wild with joy in heart, simultaneously flickered to move to go toward Purple Island sky over, did not have a look with own eyes, they are unable to believe this absurd fact. 十多名神级强者,相互对视一眼,抑制不了心中的狂喜,同时朝紫岛上空瞬移而去,不亲眼去看看,他们无法相信这个荒谬的事实。 Wait / Etc.! 等等! Old Lu just wants to receive to get back one's composure the territory, having several people to welcome toward sky Ye Qinghan, actually suddenly thinks of anything. The complexion fluctuates instantaneously. 鹿老刚想收回神域,带着几人朝天空的夜轻寒迎去,却突然想到什么。脸色瞬间变幻起来。 It is not right! 不对! He toward the sea , the place that slaughter that drops baldly looks suddenly, simultaneously drinks greatly: Little Master Han, be careful!” 他猛然朝海中,屠那颗光头落下的地方望去,同时大喝起来:“小寒子,小心!” ? 呃? Ye Qinghan hears Old Lu big drinks, remembers a matter suddenly, in the heart startles greatly, the body will retreat suddenly in the future, simultaneously body in midair draws back, while condenses together the space domain once more. 夜轻寒听到鹿老的大喝,也猛然想起一件事情,心中大骇,身子猛然往后退去,同时身体在半空中一边退,一边再次凝聚起一道空间领域。 „!” “咻!” A golden big palm, has braved from the sea silently, but in the below sea area of palm forms vacuum black hole unexpectedly, the fiery red form flushed together, is the god slaughter. 一只金色的大手掌,从海中无声无息的冒了出来,而手掌的下方海域中竟然形成一个真空般的黑洞,一道火红身影跟着冲了出来,正是神主屠。 „” “啊” Flickers to move to three God Rank expert near big palm by chance, had been swept by the golden big palm, leaves behind three pitiful yells, was struck the powder pink / white by the golden palm instantaneously. 恰巧瞬移在大手掌附近的三名神级强者,被金色大手掌扫过,留下三声惨叫,瞬间被金色手掌击成齑粉。 Third Brother, Fourth Brother!” “三哥,四哥!” Old ancestor!” “老祖!” Other God Rank expert luck are good, flicker the place that moves to not in the way of palm attack, sees Barbarian two God Rank expert and Xue Family Ancestor, was patted by the big palm is killed instantaneously. In abundance the facial color becomes pale, hurries to flicker to move once more. 其余的神级强者运气好,瞬移的地点没有在手掌攻击的途径之中,看到蛮族两名神级强者雪家老祖,被大手掌拍过瞬间被杀。纷纷面色变得铁青,慌忙再次瞬移出去。 What's the matter? Didn't the slaughter die?” More than ten God Rank expert, flicker puts aside, greatly startles, panic-stricken is looking at sky that golden color big hand, a moment later actually awakens. “怎么回事?屠不是死了吗?”十多名神级强者,瞬移开去过后,纷纷大骇,惊恐的望着天空那只金色大手,片刻之后却都醒悟过来。 Divine Crystal! 神晶 Although a moment ago the body of god slaughter was rumbled the fragment by Ye Qinghan, but has not actually seen Divine Crystal! Moreover his bald strange is well-preserved, an injury does not have, the soul has not dissipated! His Divine Crystal shifted to the head in! 刚才神主屠的身体虽然被夜轻寒轰成碎片,但是却没有看到神晶!而且他那个光头诡异的保存完好,一点伤势都没有,灵魂没有消散!他的神晶转移到脑袋内了! The God Rank expert soul does not extinguish, Divine Crystal is not broken! The body momentarily can congeal with the supernatural power! What all people are not clear, the god slaughter whole body has broken why to pieces, why his actually not broken? His head is what does? 神级强者灵魂不灭,神晶不碎!身体随时可以用神力凝结而成!只是所有人都不明白的是,为何神主屠全身都碎了,为何他那个头却没有碎?他的头是什么做的? Jie Jie Jie! Luckily initially left the initial capital, spent hundreds of thousands to purchase this High-Rank god helmet, otherwise today was Yingouli capsizes! Boys, now *** made me hold in high esteem!” The god slaughter looks that own golden palm had by that is swallowed the black big sword, the tracing back of the head that had a lingering fear, laughed. “桀桀桀!幸亏当初出了血本,花费数十万购买了这个上品神盔,否则今天算是阴沟里翻船了!小子,今***让我刮目相看了!”神主屠看着自己的金色手掌有被那把黑色大剑吞噬了,不禁心有余悸的摸了摸后脑勺,哈哈大笑起来。 High-Rank god helmet? The strange pattern of back of the head! 上品神盔?后脑勺的诡异花纹! All people understood in this moment, why the god slaughter back of the head really has the strange model community, moreover this model community will also move. Also thinks is the Double Eye Netherworld Clan characteristics, now wants to come unexpectedly is High-Rank Divine Tool. 所有人在这一刻明白了,为何神主屠后脑勺竟然有诡异的纹身,而且这纹身还会动。原本还以为是双瞳幽冥族的特色,现在想来竟是上品神器
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