BPTH :: Volume #5

#457: Does the slaughter want to do?

Do 457 chapters of slaughters want to do? 457章屠想干什么? All the way, by the spirit knowledge investigation of his Saint level, he has evaded several formidable demon beasts cautiously, slowly approached the middle castle, cultivation of Saint level has not dared to approach for actually small demon beast, after a double-hour, arrived at the dark castle very much smoothly. 一路上,凭借他圣级的灵识探查,他小心翼翼的躲过了几只强大的魔兽,慢慢的靠近了中间的城堡,圣级的修为倒是小魔兽也不敢靠近,一个时辰后很是顺利的到达了暗黑城堡。 Pays a visit Senior Shi! Ye Jian interview!” “拜见噬大人夜剑求见!” Ye Jian naturally is not a fool, has knelt very much respectfully, calmly is waiting for the answer in castle. 夜剑当然不是个傻子,很是恭敬的跪了下来,静静等待着城堡内的答复。 In the castle the quiet piece, the front door closely is closed, Ye Jian does not dare to make noise, like this continues to kneel. Three days later, he again shouted, then continues to wait. 只是城堡内静悄悄一片,大门紧紧关闭着,夜剑也不敢出声,就这样继续跪着。三天之后,他才再次喊了一句,而后又继续等待起来。 Ten days later, he could not bear again, has stood, then the release Saint territory, started cautiously flew toward Tientai. 十天之后,他再也忍不住,站了起来,而后释放圣域,开始小心翼翼的朝天台飞去。 The Tientai scenery is very beautiful, everywhere is the pot, above type has filled the colorful flower, a very big grape rack, above tied completely the green and glossy grape. An attractive small rabbit, is revealing a red crystal eye to visit him on the grape trellis. 天台景色很美,到处是花盆,上面种满了五颜六色的花,还有一个很大的葡萄架子,上面结满了绿油油的葡萄。还有一只漂亮的小兔子,正在葡萄架上露出一双红色的水晶般的眼睛看着他。 Ye Jian has the important matter to seek an interview Senior Shi!” Ye Jian does not dare to be negligent, Shan Xi kneels down, shouts once more. 夜剑有要事求见噬大人!”夜剑还是没敢大意,单膝下跪,再次喊道。 „!” “咻!” Ye Jian palpitates at heart suddenly, this has the dangerous omen, he in great surprise, the Saint territory opens immediately hastily greatly, hasty backlash, but his split vision sees two red rays to strike like lightning toward him. 夜剑心里突然一悸,这是有危险的预兆,他顿时大惊,连忙圣域大开,仓促后退,而他余光所见两道红色的光芒朝他闪电般击来。 The speed is too fast, Ye Jian cannot avoid, can only resist hardly, first will fight the air/Qi to turn into a giant shield completely, keeps off before the body. 速度太快,夜剑根本不能躲避,只能硬抗,第一时间将战气全部化成一块巨大的盾牌,挡在身前。 Bang!” “砰!” Ye Jian felt that was hit by one directly vigorously, a chest severe pain, a blood spurts crazily. The whole person flies upside down directly, but in flying upside down, Ye Jian actually saw attacks his unexpectedly is that under grape trellis only seems like the human and animals harmless white rabbit. 夜剑感觉直接被一股大力所撞击,胸口一阵剧痛,一口鲜血狂喷而出。整个人直接倒飞出去,而在倒飞的时候,夜剑却看到了攻击他的竟然是葡萄架下的那只看似人畜无害的白色兔子。 Rabbit? It is not Senior Shi! 兔子?不是噬大人 Ye Jian wiped the mouth, in heart secretly rejoiced, this rabbit obviously definitely was the Saint beast, otherwise under was impossible to strike makes his internal organs be injured. Since is not Senior Shi and that only Nine-Tail Fox Divine Beast gets rid, then might go on living. 夜剑抹了抹嘴巴,心中暗喜,这兔子显然肯定是圣兽,否则不可能一击之下让他内脏受伤。但是既然不是噬大人和那只九尾狐狸神兽出手,那么自己就有可能活下去了。 Fights the air/Qi to revolve several, has treated injury slightly. Ye Jian has flown Tientai once more. 战气运转几道,将身上的伤势略微治疗了一番。夜剑再次飞上了天台。 „!” “咻!” Really, that rabbit two red eyeballs, burst out two red rays once more, shoots toward him. This chapter of Ye Jian is prepared, fast moving sideways, evades the attack, then shouts: Do not attack, I have the matter to seek an interview Senior Shi!” 果然,那只兔子两只红色的眼珠子,再次迸发出两道红色的光芒,朝他射来。这回夜剑有准备,快速的闪身,躲过攻击,而后大喊起来:“别攻击,我是有事来求见噬大人的!” „!” Also is two red glow, so long as that rabbit Ye Jian flies into Tientai, changes Lima attacks, does not listen to Ye Jian any explanation. “咻!”又是两道红芒,那只兔子只要夜剑一飞入天台,变利马攻击,根本不听夜剑任何解释。 After several probes, Ye Jian cracks into a smile, stands up from failure outward to fly. His duty has been accomplished, can pass this crisis smoothly Senior Shi and Senior Nine not in! 几次试探之后,夜剑咧嘴一笑,翻身朝外飞去。他的任务已经完成了,可以顺利的度过这次危机了噬大人九大人不在! After two day, the news arrived in the god city. The Tu Shenwei wild with joy color, rushes to the god pavilion wear a look, informs the god Ye Jian investigation immediately. 两日之后,消息到达了神城。屠神卫面带狂喜之色,一路奔去神主阁,将夜剑的探查情况立即告知神主。 The slaughter has not spoken, but sends out Divine Knowledge once more, investigated the dark castle carefully several, then has Divine Knowledge overbearingly has swept after the mainland crazily several, this laughs, said toward Tu Shenwei: According to planning to handle affairs!” 屠却没有说话,而是再次散发出神识,将暗黑城堡仔细的探查了几遍,而后有将神识霸道的在大陆上狂扫了几遍之后,这才大笑起来,朝屠神卫说道:“按计划行事吧!” The god issues an order, the entire god city surges, after the half day, Tu Shenwei brings several hundred expert to soar from the god city, mammoth flies toward the east side. 神主一声令下,整个神城都涌动起来,半日之后屠神卫带着数百强者从神城腾空而起,声势浩大的朝东边飞去。 Simultaneously pass on message are ordinary just like snowflake, sends toward mainland each city. After three day, the god city issued the circular, the circular first pastes the mainland therefore city god city formally to announce completely temporarily received the sovereignty in receive mainland all cities, refusing to accept kills without the amnesty. 同时一道道传讯宛如雪花一般,朝大陆每一座城市发去。三日之后,神城发出通告,通告第一时间贴满了大陆所以城市神城正式宣布暂收接收大陆所有城市的统治权,不服者杀无赦。 This circular gets down, entire mainland in an uproar. The War-God Prefecture innumerable big or medium families, saw family to rule several hundred over a thousand cities to be captured overnight, protested that resisted. 这一通告下来,整个大陆一片哗然。战神府无数大小家族,见家族统治了几百上千的城市一夜之间就要被夺取,纷纷抗议,抗争起来。 Along with issuing of this order, the influence of god city hideaway also completely exposes within one day, the magnanimous dark Wei Hehun slave comes in abundance. Countless people have torn away magnificent long gown, the golden long gown that puts on, has drawn out the sword, has stepped onto the avenue. The innumerable big or medium families, simultaneously announced that the decree of obedient god city, innumerable family elder expert revolts one night War-God Prefecture everywhere is the form of [gold/metal] robe messenger. The god slaughter has managed for several thousand years in Flame Dragon Continent, the innumerable soul slave in hideaway, in has torn away the camouflage at this moment completely, turned into the god city messenger. 只是随着这命令的下达,神城隐藏的势力也在一天之内全部暴露出来,海量的暗卫和魂奴纷纷现身。无数人撕去了华丽的长袍,套上的金色的长袍,拔出了刀剑,走上了大街。无数的大小家族,同时宣布服从神城的旨意,无数的家族长老强者叛变出来一夜之间战神府处处都是金袍使者的身影。神主屠在炎龙大陆经营了数千年,隐藏的无数魂奴,在此刻全部撕去了伪装,变成了神城使者。 But War-God Prefecture five God Rank expert and innumerable Saint level expert, at this moment simultaneously was silent. Feng Family Xue Family Hua Family Yue Family Long Family, although has not taken a stand, has not made any opinion. However actually collectively resigned five big main cities. Has chosen a nearby small town as temporarily the institute of residing temporarily, simultaneously recalls all juniors of family. Has chosen lowering the head very much obviously, submits. 战神府的五位神级强者和无数圣级强者,却在此刻同时沉默了。风家雪家花家月家龙家,虽然都没有表态,没有发出任何言论。但是却集体让出了五大主城。选择了附近的一个小城作为暂时寄居之所,同时召回家族的所有子弟。很明显的选择了低头,屈服。 As for Ye Family say nothing, Zhan Shenwei has moved in Grey City City Lord Mansion before the several years, Grey City early fell to the enemy, the Ye Family fort is in disguised form was imprisoned. 至于夜家就更不用说了,斩神卫早在数年前就已经入住了苍城城主府,苍城早已经沦陷了,夜家堡更是变相的被囚禁了。 Shenfu is very direct, Man'gan father present age god, under direct order, all Barbarian exceedingly indignants aggrieved was silent, nobody revolts, Barbarian all cities exchange ownerships in one day. 蛮神府很直接,蛮干的父亲当代蛮神,直接一道命令之下,所有的蛮族无比愤怒的憋屈的沉默了,无人反抗,蛮族所有城市一日之间易主。 After monster Shenfu undergoes several frigid slaughters, the monster gods in monster Divine Mountain issued the decree, the collective simply have surrendered very much. Hidden Island Master is direct, the god city circular issues, Lima announced that gives up to the Hidden Island sovereignty, guards Hidden Island Ye Jian, has moved in hidden city City Lord Mansion. 妖神府经过几次惨烈的屠杀之后,妖神山的妖神下达了旨意,集体很是干脆的投降了。隐岛岛主更是直接,神城通告一下达,利马宣布放弃对隐岛的统治权,驻守隐岛夜剑,入住了隐城城主府 In one month the time, the entire mainland falls to the enemy completely, facing the absolute threat in force, facing the crazy god slaughter, nobody dares to enrage him, nobody dares to challenge, the god city glorious square 1 million corpses in that gulf did not have completely rottenly. They only then have chosen giving way to traffic, submits to or ambushes. The mainland did not have three palace islands since then, only has a city, the god city. 一月时间,整个大陆全部沦陷,面对绝对的武力威胁下,面对疯狂的神主屠,无人敢触怒他,无人敢挑战,神城荣耀广场上的那个深坑内的1000000尸体可是还没全部腐烂。他们只有选择了避让,臣服或者潜伏。大陆从此没有了三府一岛,唯有一城,神城。 Although the god city in the circular said that receives the sovereignty in mainland temporarily, but many people understood, actually the god city has been ruling them, god slaughter that big hand has been controlling the mainland 10 billion people of life and death. So long as the god wants, he can crumb their neck necks, slaughter them at any time completely, the will of god cannot contend. 神城虽然通告上说是暂时接收大陆的统治权,但是很多人都明白了,其实神城一直在统治着他们,神主屠那只大手一直在掌控着大陆10000000000人的生死。只要神主愿意,他可以随时捏碎他们的颈脖,将他们全部屠杀,神主的意志不可抗衡。 „Does slaughter want to do?” “屠想干什么?” Emperor Dao frowns, looks at Emperor Qiang of face dry skin to ask. Yue Xishui stands in static lake island similarly disappointed looks at the beautiful static lake doubts twittering to say as before, Xue Family Ancestor, Hidden Island Master, four monster gods, six barbarian god these days are thinking deeply about this issue similarly. 刀皇皱着眉头,望着一脸枯皮的枪皇问道。月惜水同样站在静湖岛怅然的望着依旧美丽的静湖疑惑呢喃道,雪家老祖,隐岛岛主,四位妖神,六位蛮神同样这几日都在思索着这个问题。 Not is only they, the head of the clan elders of various respected families are thinking an issue. First time extinguished the world war, the slaughter has established him in the mainland unparalleled status, under a sound command nobody did not dare, since. However he has not actually unified the mainland, but chose has been controlling secretly. 不仅是他们,各大家族的族长长老都在想着个问题。第一次灭世大战,屠已经确立了他在大陆无双的地位,一声号令之下无人敢不从。但是他却没有统一大陆,而是选择了在暗地里控制。 Afterward expert of mainland understood, the slaughter is rears in a pen secretly the Flame Dragon Continent person, making them come the calm and steady tranquil life, let the unceasing increase of population of mainland under the serene tranquil life. Then formulated the palace to fight the rule, was harvesting the soul in groups, such unceasing circulation, forever had the soul that could not harvest, turned into the maximization the benefit. 后来大陆的强者都明白了,屠是暗地里将炎龙大陆的人圈养起来,让他们过来安稳平静的生活,让大陆的人口在安详平静的生活下不断的增加。而后制定了府战规则,成批成批的收割着灵魂,这样不断的循环,永远有收割不完的灵魂,将利益变成了最大化。 However, now actually flagrantly has ruled the mainland, making the people in mainland live in frightened, numb and in constant anxiety. This way the entire mainland people will unable to see the hope, the life do not have the expectation, unceasingly ***, resistance. Will be killed by mistreatment under the sword leather whip of god city messenger unceasingly, the population unceasing reduction, has the possibility population to be getting fewer and fewer finally very much, causing three clans to exterminate thoroughly. 但是,现在却明目张胆的统治了大陆,让大陆的人都活着恐惧、麻木不仁、惶惶不可终日之中。这样下去整个大陆人民将会看不到希望,生活没有盼头,将会不断的***,抗争。将会在神城使者的刀剑皮鞭下不断被虐杀,人口不断的减少,最后很有可能人口越来越少,导致三族彻底灭绝。 As the matter stands and rearing in a pen plan of god slaughter carries to spread, when the time comes Flame Dragon Continent was exterminated, god slaughter does Flame Dragon Feudal Lord have what significance? Does he also harvest the soul? Refines soul Yuan pill? 这样一来和神主屠的圈养计划可谓背道相驰,到时候炎龙大陆被灭绝了,神主屠这个炎龙领主还有何意义可言?他还怎么收割灵魂?怎么炼制灵魂元丹? Master, your this plan, may make the mainland three exterminations of entire extended family think very much! When the time comes “主人,您这计划,很有可能会让大陆三族灭觉啊!到时候” God city, god pavilion! Burns the god to protect worry and being incapable of face, asked question that mainland all expert have wanted to ask. 神城,神主阁!焚神卫一脸的担忧和无力,问出了大陆所有强者都想问出的问题。 God slaughter these days have not continued in the study room, plays chrysanthemum remnant auricularia auricula black game that he most is liking, but stands in the courtyard, has been investigating the situation in mainland, hears to burn the question that the god protects, his double pupil shines a blood red ray, smiles to say loudly remnantly: 神主屠这几日没有继续在书房内,玩着他最爱的菊花残木耳黑游戏,而是站在院子内,一直探查着大陆的情况,听到焚神卫的疑问,他双瞳亮起道道血红的光芒,放声残笑起来道: „Do I want to do? My anything does not think that I only want to obtain that Divine sword as well as that Space Divine Tool smoothly. Jie Jie Divine sword and Space Divine Tool have succeeded in obtaining, how even if Flame Dragon Potential Surface does exterminate? Space Divine Tool I can buy dozens potential surface little animals, if you have not come out, do not blame me to turn into the human purgatory Flame Dragon Potential Surface. The Divine sword I win, this is you compels my, Jie Jie Jie “我想干什么?我什么都不想,我只想顺利获得那把神剑以及那件空间神器。桀桀神剑和空间神器到手了,就算炎龙位面灭绝又如何?一个空间神器我就可以买上数十个位面小畜生,如果你还不出来的话,别怪我将炎龙位面变成人间炼狱。神剑我志在必得,这是你逼我的,桀桀桀”
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