BPTH :: Volume #5

#456: The sorrow of night sword

Sorrow of 456 chapters of Ye Jian 456章夜剑的悲哀 Ye Jian just flew Dragon City, had actually been summoned by the Flying Pigeon pass on message, Ye Family and Senior Shi relate well, Tu Shenwei decided that goes to investigate with the Ye Family person. 夜剑刚飞到龙城,却又被飞鸽传讯召了回来,夜家噬大人关系不错,屠神卫决定用夜家的人前去探查一番。 After Ye Jian hear, complained of hardship secretly, but does not dare to violate, can only fly Grey City, assembles the Ye Family elder who two had just rebelled and fled, let their going dark forest investigation. 夜剑听完之后却暗暗叫苦,但是不敢违背,只能飞去苍城,调集了两名刚叛逃出来的夜家长老,让他们前去暗黑森林探查。 Earnestly advising of doing best to convince, an excuse of righteousness words. Ye Jian makes these two go to the dark forest to pray for rescue, these two elders actually silly believed. The secret leaves Grey City, changes external appearances only, then directly soars the dark forest. 一番苦口婆心的苦劝,一番义正言辞的说辞。夜剑让这两人前往暗黑森林求救,这两名长老竟然傻乎乎相信了。秘密离开苍城,改头换面,而后直奔暗黑森林。 They have not gone to the dark castle, like this harebrainedly intruded the dark forest. What is very unfortunate, because Senior Nine is not , the demon beasts of dark forest have not received the order. Therefore they strolled in the dark forest randomly, have enraged eight levels of demon beast Long Shi in forest, was chased down, finally ran away distressedly. 两人没有去过暗黑城堡,就这样冒冒失失闯入了暗黑森林。很不幸的是,因为九大人不在,暗黑森林的魔兽们没有接到命令。于是两人在暗黑森林乱逛,触怒了森林内的八级魔兽龙狮,一路被追杀,最后狼狈逃了出来。 The first investigation is defeated, the news biography gets back one's composure the city, Tu Shenwei is angry. Ordered Zhan Shenwei to cut to kill them, then personally the host, has sent two secret Hua Family soul slaves, as well as expert of several shade leopard clans, carried the map to directly soar the dark castle. 第一次探查失败,消息传回神城,屠神卫大怒。下令斩神卫将两人斩杀,而后亲自主持,派遣了两名秘密的花家魂奴,以及数名影豹一族的强者,携带地图直奔暗黑城堡。 Finally the Hua Family soul slave by moving under water the secret technique, arrived at the dark castle successfully, but just wants to enter investigates, completely was actually given to strike to kill by the protection Saint beast of castle. But expert of shade leopard clan has not achieved the dark castle, in Saint beast of the continuously by forest striking to kill in halfway. 最后花家的魂奴凭借潜行秘术,成功到达了暗黑城堡,只是刚想进入探查一番,却被城堡的守护圣兽全部给击杀了。而影豹一族的强者都没有达到暗黑城堡,在半路被森林内的一直圣兽给击杀了。 Because this time scout carries this pass on message symbol, all information fed in the god city. Finally enters in the dark castle, has not obtained the useful news, how the Hua Family person dead slightly, this everyone is unknown. 由于这次的探子都携带这传讯符,所有一路的情报都被传回了神城。只是最后进入暗黑城堡内,却没有得到丝毫有用的消息,花家的人到底是怎么死的,这点谁也不得而知。 The deaths of Hua Family two expert, have daunted Tu Shenwei, he does not dare in continual sent for going. If Hua Family they are the words that Senior Shi strikes to kill, then send for being equal to that again was identifies one's role when first coming on stage to court death. 花家两名强者的死亡,吓住了屠神卫,他不敢在连续的派人前去了。万一花家两人是噬大人击杀的话,那么自己再派人去等于就是自报家门找死了。 Burns the god health/guard, you said how this does manage is good?” In the slaughter immortal pavilion, Tu Shenwei worries very much, so long as shortly verified Senior Shi to go to the god news, facilitated Mark to implement to plan, the Tu Qianjun big enmity then can result in reports. What has not thought is not actually able to verify the special details, plans unable to carry on as usual. “焚神卫,你说这如何办才好?”屠仙阁内,屠神卫很是着急的,眼看着只要查明噬大人去了神界的消息,便利马可以实行计划,屠千军的大仇便可以得报了。没有想到的是却无法查明具体情况,计划不能照常进行。 Sir, this matter is very thorny, you can under the instruction the god!” Burns the god to protect not to want the multi- ginseng to gather obviously, blinking of said. “大人,这事很是棘手,你可以去请示下神主!”焚神卫显然不愿意多参合进来,眨了眨眼皮说道。 I asked for instructions!” Tu Shenwei worried saying: Not slightly information, I, if asked for instructions, must lie down for several months, the temperament of god you were not do not know that tries to find the solution quickly!” “我请示个屁!”屠神卫苦恼的说道:“没有丝毫情报,我要是去请示,肯定又得躺几个月,神主的脾气你又不是不知道,快想想办法!” Burns the god to protect the silent moment, analysis said: Is very obvious, Hua Family two, either are Senior Shi strike to kill, the demon beast that either remains behind strikes to kill. The god had said Senior Shi and Senior Nine have not investigated in the dark castle, then may is the protection beast of dark castle, therefore I suggested that you send Saint level expert to investigate.” 焚神卫沉默片刻,分析道:“很明显,花家的两人,要么就是噬大人击杀的,要么就是留守的魔兽击杀的。神主说过噬大人九大人没有探查在暗黑城堡,那么很有可能就是暗黑城堡的守护兽,所以我建议你派一名圣级强者去探查一番。” Saint level expert?” “圣级强者?” Tu Shenwei was then more worried, sighed: You are not do not know that Saint level expert of god city control planted the soul to plant, if Senior Shi in the castle, that definitely will expose . The exposed words, the god had said makes me commit suicide directly.” 屠神卫这下更苦恼了,叹道:“你又不是不知道,神城控制的圣级强者都是种下了魂种的,如果噬大人真在城堡内,那肯定会暴露。暴露的话,神主可是说过让我直接自裁的。” This, I did not have means!” Burns the god to protect sighed. “这,我也没办法了!”焚神卫一叹道。 Did not have the means that only then bet!” “没办法了,只有赌了!” Tu Shenwei clenched teeth a decision, said maliciously: In and other months, when the time comes god Palace Master challenge tournament, only then six months, I have not believed that Senior Shi hasn't gone back? When the time comes makes Ye Jian go to investigate, was really not good sacrificed him!” 屠神卫一咬牙下了个决定,狠狠说道:“在等两个月,到时候神界府主挑战赛只有半年的时间了,我不相信噬大人还不回去?到时候让夜剑前去探查,实在不行只有牺牲他了!” „, This little man, can the as even with such age enter the soul silencing space unexpectedly? No wonder, no wonder Die Wu unexpectedly has not stripped few hosts, this secret technique coordinates Illusion Palace, but practices God Emperor to be easy. But this little man has a Divine sword and soul abstention, in the future will have very big opportunity to obtain Illusion Palace very much, Die Wu Die Wu you are that farsighted “啧啧,这小男人,如此年纪竟然能进入灵魂静寂空间?难怪了,难怪蝶舞竟然没有将少主剥离出来,这秘术配合梦幻宫,可是修炼到神帝轻而易举啊。而这小男人拥有一把神剑和魂戒,将来很有很大机会得到梦幻宫,蝶舞蝶舞你还是那么的深谋远虑啊” Yao Ji this thinks that deep sleep more than two years, sleep wakes up, discovered that Illusion Palace did get windy unexpectedly? This lets her in great surprise, Illusion Palace no way, does entire on an iron basket of closure, how get windy? Only waited for that she turns the head to look, actually at present one bright. 妖姬这一觉沉睡了两年多,一觉醒来,发现梦幻宫竟然起风了?这让她大惊,梦幻宫门都没有,整个就一个关闭的铁笼子,如何起风?只等待她转头一望的时候,却眼前一亮。 The soul silencing, god has human to sense this condition, but has basically sensed this condition expert, so long as does not die, and can fortunately this state control words. Finally turned into great person of ruling a region by force, moreover is that soul attack defense strong that. 灵魂静寂,神界不是没有人感悟这一状态,但是基本上感悟了这一状态的强者,只要不死的话,并且能有幸将这一状态控制的话。最后都变成了雄霸一方的大人物,而且是那种灵魂攻击防御超强的那种。 This condition was indescribable that nobody knows how to sense, but bewildered entered. Naturally so long as this kind of talent were discovered by the big influence, either was subdued, either was struck to kill. Moreover Yao Ji looked that the Ye Qinghan situation also entered the second condition, if wants completely to control a condition, achieves momentarily can enter, Ye Qinghan must sense this condition to fifth is good. 这种状态无法形容,没有人知道如何去感悟,只是莫名其妙的就进入了。当然这类天才只要被大势力发现,要么被收服,要么被击杀。而且妖姬夜轻寒的情况也才只是进入了第二层的状态,而要想完全控制着一状态,达到随时可以进入,夜轻寒还必须将这状态感悟到第五层才行。 Cluck-cluck, has consumed my hundred years of cloudy Yuan drop of Bewitching Demon Honey, it seems like has not wasted, little man your luck good enviable!” Yao Ji lazy rolling up body slightly, whole person just like a sexy small stray cat general whole body weak is lying, blinked sighing of some hopes: “咯咯,耗费了我的百年阴元一滴妖魅之蜜,看来没有白费啊,小男人你运气好的让人羡慕!”妖姬慵懒的微微蜷缩身子,整个人宛如一只性感的小野猫一般浑身无力的趴着,眨了眨眼间有些期盼的叹道: Several months, hope that you can tread the last step, hee hee! When the time comes, god has the first principle that history comes to sense, breaks through from the Saint level to the god directly the talent of boundary, must be born on my Senior Yao Ji! The little men a bit faster break through, but elder sister and other favor! Several thousand years, have not tasted manly smell, but also are really somewhat think of “还有几个月时间了,希望你能踏出最后一步,嘻嘻!到时候,神界有史一来的第一位法则感悟,由圣级直接突破到神将境的天才,就要在我妖姬大人手上诞生了!小男人快点突破吧,姐姐可是等你的恩宠哪!数千年,没有尝过男人味了,还真是有些想念啊” Yao Ji is looking at Ye Qinghan that uneven delicate face, as well as that seems like the physique of solid muscle the emaciated actually whole body fills. In the eye has revealed hunger and thirst, stretches out a pink tongue to lick on the sexy red lip slowly, both hands actually unrestrainedly entered in the fine gauze to skid, the appearance looked like must arouse much has multi- arousing, was overwhelmed with emotion the incomparable, moving heart and soul. 妖姬望着夜轻寒那张有棱有角的清秀脸庞,以及那看似羸弱却浑身充满的结实肌肉的身板。眼中露出了一丝饥渴,伸出一条粉红色的舌头在性感的红唇上慢慢舔过,双手却情不自禁的伸入了轻纱内滑动起来,样子看起来要多撩人就有多撩人,销魂无比,动人心魄。 Ye Jian gingerly the low-altitude flying in the dark forest, a face was black with wiping the coal grey, gloomy fearfulness. 夜剑战战兢兢的在暗黑森林内低空飞行着,一张脸黑得跟抹了炭灰一般,阴沉的可怕。 He felt that he looks like joined a gang of evildoers general, murders the god health/guard? Dog deng! 他感觉他像上了贼船一般,弑神卫?狗屎! In the surface he became god city one of the four health/guard, but actually discovered that he simply does not have the right and status that a god protects, the god city has not sent to him a subordinate, has not given him the proper honor. Although in his surface is the soul slave of god, but he has not actually seen one side the god, instead the feeling turned into the Tu Shenwei soul slave, complete doing odd jobs is the same. 表面上他成为了神城的四卫之一,但是却发现他根本没有一点神卫的权利和地位,神城没有派给他一个手下,没有给他应有的荣誉。虽然他表面上是神主的魂奴,但是他却没有见过神主一面,反而感觉变成了屠神卫的魂奴,完全一个打杂的一样。 Moreover he had discovered an astonishing fact, makes he desperate incomparable fact, the soul plant, once plants, is irrelievable, only if the god dies! Moreover soul slave, so long as under the god read, the Lima soul annihilation, will die thoroughly. 而且他发现了一个惊人的事实,一个让他绝望无比的事实,魂种一旦种下,根本不能解除,除非神主死!而且魂奴只要神主一念之下,将会利马灵魂湮灭,彻底死去。 Ye Qingkuang was planted the soul to plant, Ye Qingxian and night light breeze was grasped by the god city, was planted the soul to plant, now run upon the muzzle on own initiative, turned into the soul slave. He also finds that Ye Qingkuang their fresh sons, a birth must be planted the soul to plant, in other words, their generation after generation always turned into the slave of god. 夜轻狂被种上了魂种,紧接着夜轻闲和夜轻风被神城抓去,也被种上了魂种,现在自己主动撞上枪口去,也变成了魂奴。他还了解到,夜轻狂他们生的儿子,一出生也要被种上魂种,也就是说,自己的子子孙孙永世都变成了神主的奴隶。 This is a very pitiful fact, but is actually not able to change the fact that or is unable to reverse. Ye Jian was very once angry, was almost once insane, but the matter turned into this, he has not wanted dead, then only has to obey the arrangement of god city. Now Tu Shenwei actually issues to him went to the order of dark castle investigation, doesn't this clarify to make him die? 这是一个很可悲的事实,但是却无法改变或者说无法逆转的事实。夜剑曾经很愤怒,曾经差点疯了,但是事情已经变成了这样,他还不想死,那么唯有听从神城的安排。只是,现在屠神卫却给他下达了去暗黑城堡探查的命令,这不摆明让他去死吗? Dog deng! Tu Shenwei will happen one day I will kill you, then displaces!” Ye Jian saying bitterly, body getting up of flight cautiously even more, conceals taking advantage of the big grove that castle among the forests rushes unceasingly. “狗屎!屠神卫终有一天我会杀了你,然后取而代之的!”夜剑恨恨的说道,飞行的身子越发的小心翼翼起来,借着高大的树丛掩饰不断朝森林中间那座城堡奔去。
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