BPTH :: Volume #5

#452: Etc.!

452 chapters! 452章等! Emperor Dao, Emperor Qiang, Xue Xiwen and Yue Xishui, Long Pifu seeks an interview the Sir!” 刀皇枪皇雪熙文月惜水,龙匹夫求见大人!” After god city that golden color big palm falls, the dark forest actually came several unexpected visitors, several people simultaneously in all directions flicker to move to come toward the dark forest from War-God Prefecture, finally the knees outside the dark castle kneels down, complexion incomparable extremely painful, facial expression even more cold. 神城那只金色大手掌落下之后,暗黑森林却来了几个不速之客,几人同时从战神府四处朝暗黑森林瞬移而来,最后在暗黑城堡外双膝下跪,脸色无比的沉痛,神情愈发的冷峭。 „!” “咻!” A moment later, after five people , a space fluctuation, four forms emerge out of thin air. In four people two bodies are big, the four limbs are strong, on the forehead really has big Wang Word. Another person of appearance slightly is fierce, on the mouth reveals several dense buckteeth, is very the terrifying, one person is the famous female, the appearance is charming, but on pair of white hands has the careful down. 片刻之后,五人身后空间一阵波动,四道身影凭空出现。四人中两名身材非常高大,四肢强壮有力,额头上竟然有个大大的王字。另外一人样子略显狰狞,嘴上露出几只森森的獠牙,很是恐怖,还有一人却是名女子,模样娇媚,只是一双玉手上却是有着细细的绒毛。 Monster Shenfu four monster gods seek an interview the Sir!” Four people they looked at one toward Long Pifu, has not talked too much, kneels down with one voice, shouted to clear the way. “妖神府四妖神求见大人!”四人朝龙匹夫她们望了一眼,没有多言,齐声下跪,同时喝道。 Shenzhou-6 is old, pays a visit Sir, requested that bestows to see!” “蛮神六老,拜见大人,请求赐见!” Yin Gui seeks an interview Senior Shi!” 隐龟求见噬大人!” A moment later, six Barbarian and Hidden Island Master of Shenfu flicker to move completely, seven people have not talked too much, kneels down toward the dark castle in abundance, then the collective silent did not say, static waiting. 片刻之后,蛮神府的六名蛮族隐岛岛主全部瞬移过来,七人也没有多言,纷纷朝暗黑城堡下跪,而后集体沉默不言,静静等待。 That palm of god slaughter, thoroughly mainland the heart of God Rank expert daunting, crushing, made them thoroughly disappointed 神主屠的那一掌,彻底将大陆的神级强者的心给吓住了,给击碎了,也让他们彻底寒心了 1 million people, 1 million living lives, he like this patted unexpectedly, this racket without hesitation, this has given strikes to kill instantaneously! 1000000人,1000000条活生生的生命,他竟然就这样拍下来了,就这样毫不犹豫的拍下来了,就这样全部给瞬间击杀了! The god slaughter was insane! 神主屠疯了! The 15 people of first idea on the scene is, the god slaughter was completely insane! They started frightened, several people of god slaughters dare to strike to kill 1 million people, then he dares to strike to kill thousands of people, even struck to kill the mainland several hundred hundred million people completely 在场的15人的第一想法就是,神主屠完全疯了!他们开始恐惧了,几人神主屠敢击杀1000000人,那么他就敢击杀千万人,甚至将大陆数百亿人全部击杀 Infinite frightened and despair, making their soul shiver, making them feel chill in the air from nine quiet purgatories from the deep place at heart. Finally they have simultaneously thought a person, can save their people, person who can save the mainland 10 billion subjects. 无限的恐惧和绝望,让他们灵魂都颤抖起来,让他们从心里深处感到一丝来自九幽炼狱的寒意。最后他们同时想到了一个人,一个能拯救他们的人,一个能拯救大陆10000000000子民的人。 The King of dark forest, Flame Dragon Continent King Senior Shi! 暗黑森林的王者,炎龙大陆的王者噬大人 However, quite a while passed, in the dark castle is actually silent, the front door of castle has been closely closed, just like inside nobody left, or has not heard the sound that they shiver, hears them to come from the call of soul. 然而,半天过去了,暗黑城堡内却是寂静无声,城堡的大门一直紧紧关闭着,宛如里面空无一人,或者没有听到她们颤抖的声音,听到她们来自灵魂的呐喊。 A day passed by, castle front door shuts tightly as before, outside the castle kneels to set up 15 look blacks people as before. 一天过去了,城堡大门依旧紧闭,城堡外依旧跪立着15个面色阴沉的人。 Three days passed by! 三天过去了! Five days! 五天! The front door of castle opened finally, Senior Nine of ash-gray formal clothes walked leisurely. 城堡的大门终于打开了,一身灰色礼服的九大人款款走了出来。 Senior Nine!” In the field 15 people, simultaneously spirit shakes, cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute with one voice, excited calling out. 九大人!”场中15人,同时精神一震,齐声拱手行礼,激动的叫道。 Senior Nine did not have the past gracefulness, instead somewhat faint saying: Gets up! The Sir made you not need to kneel!” 九大人没有往日的优雅,反而有些淡漠的说道:“诸位都起来吧!大人让你们不用跪了!” Senior Nine, did the Sir say? Whether the Sir can see one side us?” Emperor Dao corner of the eye ***, as if some not good premonitions, flutter to say. 九大人,大人怎么说?大人能否见我们一面?”刀皇眼角一阵***,似乎有种不好的预感,颤声说道。 Oh Senior Nine heavy sighed, what her naturally clear these people were coming kneeling down behavior, sound somewhat low and deep saying: Sir said that you were kneel to be also useless in this, calling you to disperse, she is will not get rid absolutely!” “唉”九大人沉沉一叹,她当然清楚这些人来着下跪所为何事,声音有些低沉的说道:“大人说了,你们就是跪死在这也没用,叫你们都散了,她是绝对不会出手!” He is will not get rid absolutely! 他是绝对不会出手! 15 people of ears reverberate these words, the appearance simultaneously sink, in eye bitter and astringent was actually thicker several points. Emperor Dao wriggled mouth several, wants to say anything, but finally anything could not say. Although they already expected this result, but is hard to accept! 15人耳边回荡起这句话,面目同时一沉,眼中的苦涩却是更浓了几分。刀皇蠕动了嘴巴几下,想说些什么,但是最终什么也说不出来。他们虽然早就料到了这个结果,但还是难以接受! Crazy of god slaughter, the indifference of Senior Shi, making their hearts sink gradually, painful. At this moment they felt that like riding the boat in storm is ordinary, is dragging with the wind, is such being incapable, momentarily can the ship destroy the human to perish 神主屠的疯狂,噬大人的冷漠,让他们的心逐渐沉了下去,痛了起来。此刻他们感觉就像坐在暴风雨中的小船一般,正随风摇曳,是那么的无力,随时都会船毁人亡 Oh, the Flame Dragon Continent genuine catastrophe must approach on that anchor in monster Shenfu the monster gods of several buckteeth, long sighed, stood up, then has not talked too much flickers to move away directly. But other three monster gods also look at each other one, simultaneously shook the head to flicker to move to leave. “唉,炎龙大陆真正的浩劫就要来临了”妖神府的那名嘴上几颗獠牙的妖神,长长一叹,站起身来,而后没有多言直接瞬移走了。而其余三名妖神也是对视一眼,同时摇了摇头瞬移离开。 Ancient times the god, please bestow the tora, how instructing your subjects to pass this extermination of the clan crisis?” “远古蛮神啊,请你赐下神谕,指导您的子民该如何度过这场灭族危机?” Just like six super gorilla six barbarian gods, actually crawls on the ground, the sincere prayer, then the calm face, flickering of being absentminded moves to leave. 宛如六只超级大猩猩般的六名蛮神,却是匍匐在地上,诚心的祷告起来,而后沉着脸,失魂落魄的瞬移离开。 „Really was island host, the predestined time of death of mainland to?” “岛主,难道真是大陆的大限将至了?” Emperor Qiang of face dry skin, actually turns the head to look to Hidden Island Master, a tension fold shameless unceasingly ***, in the eye is braving the last hope, looks at Hidden Island Master of rain clothes. 一脸枯皮的枪皇,却转头看向隐岛岛主,一张褶皱的老脸不断的***着,眼中冒着最后一丝希望,看着一身蓑衣的隐岛岛主 Yue Xishui they also set eyes on Hidden Island Master, Sword Emperor died, mainland God Rank expert, cultivated for closest deity peak was Hidden Island Master. Although they know, no matter Senior Shi, the mainland will fall to the enemy thoroughly under the evil clutches of god slaughter. If the god slaughter continues to get down crazily, perhaps how long could not want, Flame Dragon Continent will exterminate thoroughly. 月惜水她们也将目光锁定隐岛岛主,剑皇死了,大陆神级强者,修为最接近天神巅峰的就算是隐岛岛主了。虽然她们都知道,噬大人不管,大陆将会彻底沦陷在神主屠的魔爪之下。如果神主屠继续疯狂下去,说不定要不了多久,炎龙大陆将会彻底灭绝。 Perhaps, what means can we have? We have!” Hidden Island Master lifted the bamboo hat, in eye has revealed inexplicable meaning. “也许吧,我们能有什么办法?我们只有等!”隐岛岛主抬了抬斗笠,眼中露出一丝莫名意味。 „?” Five people of somewhat doubts looks at Hidden Island Master, does not understand that he said anything. “等?”五人有些疑惑的看着隐岛岛主,不明白他说等什么。 Um! We can only wait for a person, waits for his Cheng Shen! If he is incorrect the words, then everybody prepared to be finished together!” Hidden Island Master looks toward the east side, said lightly, in the eye reveals a hope. “嗯!我们只能等一个人,等他成神!如果他都不行的话,那么大家就准备一起完蛋吧!”隐岛岛主朝东边望去,淡淡说道,眼中露出一丝期盼。 Ye Qinghan!” 夜轻寒!” Yue Xishui and Emperor Dao look at each other one, simultaneously called to make noise. Several people simultaneously ignite a hope, although they do not think this hope in a big way, but at least hopes. 月惜水刀皇对视一眼,同时叫出了声。几人同时燃起一丝希望,虽然她们也不认为这希望有多大,但至少是希望。 Sir, do you prepare not to manage really?” “大人,你真准备不管了?” In Tientai, Senior Nine stands is Senior Shi behind, silent long time, asked finally. She is also Flame Dragon Continent one, although is the demon beast, but becomes the god thousand years, there is a sentiment of person. At this moment sees the mainland to suffer disaster also is very uncomfortable. 天台上,九大人站在是噬大人身后,沉默了良久,最终还是问了出来。她也是属于炎龙大陆的一员,虽然是魔兽,但是成神千年,也有了人的感情。此刻见大陆遭难也很是难受。 Control? Why to want me to go to the control?” Senior Shi that icy, the sound absolutely does not have the slight sentiment, the side to lie down on the bench her does not return saying: “管?凭什么要我去管?”噬大人还是那么的冷冰冰的,声音完全没有丝毫感情,侧躺在长椅上她头也不回说道: God every day must die tens of millions people, do I want to go to manage? When you really I am a Savior? This world is law of the jungle, expert is to honor! A person wants to survive, only has itself to stiffen, but is not thinking must go by others. I can rescue their one time, can I manage their Wan Shi? flatter nine, aren't you clear?” “神界每日都要死去数千万人,难道我都要去管?你真当我是救世主?这个世界本来就是弱肉强食,强者为尊!一个人想要生存下去,唯有自己变强,而不是想着要去靠别人。我能救他们一次,难道我能管他们万世?阿九,你还是不明白吗?” Understood!” “明白了!” Senior Nine somewhat bitter and astringent should say that the truth understands, but in the sentiment can actually be able to let loose? The silent moment she opens the mouth saying: When does Sir prepare to go to god? How long must go to!” 九大人有些苦涩的应道,道理是明白,但是感情上却怎么能放得开?沉默片刻她又开口说道:“大人准备什么时候去神界?要去多久!” To thousand years one Palace Master challenge tournament three years, um three months I have also gone to god, sees the old friend, it is estimated that three years later will come back!” Senior Shi looks at the sky, slightly saying of some feelings. “离千年一次府主挑战赛还有三年吧,嗯过三个月我就去神界,见一见老朋友,估计三年之后会回来!”噬大人望了望天空,略微有些感触的说道。 „Do three months leave? Quickly?” “三个月就离开?这么快?” Senior Nine has somewhat been startled, he thinks Senior Shi will leave three years later, has not thought in three months, walks, moreover goes is three years. The complexion number changes, she slightly somewhat anxious saying: What words does Sir have or the thing must leave Senior Little Black and Little Master Han?” 九大人有些惊了,他原本以为噬大人会在三年之后才会离开,没想到三月之后就走,而且一去就是三年。脸色数变,她微微有些紧张的说道:“大人有什么话或者东西要留给小黑大人小寒子吗?” Little Black? Didn't the thing give him? Did not need to tell him me to leave, moreover he treated safely in Flame Dragon Potential Surface also according to!” After Senior Shi hears the Little Black name is startled slightly, actually indifferent saying: As for Ye Qinghan, you have a few words to him, making him not leave Purple Island, has the snow deer clansman, his life does not have the danger. If he if leaves, that brings about own destruction, whom could not blame 小黑?东西不是给他了?不用告诉他我离开了,而且他待在炎龙位面也据对安全!”噬大人听到小黑的名字微微一怔之后,却又冷漠的说道:“至于夜轻寒,你给他带一句话,让他别离开紫岛,有雪鹿族人在,他生命没有危险。如果他要是离开的话,那就是自寻死路,也怪不了谁了” This, the subordinate knew!” “这唉,属下知道了!” The Senior Nine hear is actually the complexion becomes extremely misses, she thinks before Senior Shi goes to god, definitely will leave behind any thing to guarantee his life to Ye Qinghan, has not thought that is actually a few words. How many times she and Ye Qinghan has seen, somewhat understands his temper faintly, if Ye Family fort once is hit by the total destruction, Ye Qinghan vexed withdrawing in Purple Island? If comes out, Senior Shi is not, who can also guarantee him? 九大人听完却是脸色变得极差起来,她本以为噬大人去神界前,肯定会给夜轻寒留下点什么东西保他一命,没想到却是一句话。她和夜轻寒见过几次,隐隐有些了解他的性子,如果夜家堡一旦遭受灭顶之灾,夜轻寒会窝囊的龟缩在紫岛不出吗?如果出来,噬大人不在,谁还能保他?
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