BPTH :: Volume #5

#451: Explanation

451 chapters of explanations 451章解释 Tranquil several years mainland, recently started some not to be also tranquil. 平静了数年的大陆,最近开始又有些不平静了。 The abnormal hobby of god slaughter is getting more and more serious, burns the god to protect but, can only mobilize the soul slave wantonly. Arrests the teenage boys and girls to get up in War-God Prefecture and monster Shenfu massively. War-God Prefecture and decision-making of monster Shenfu, started since for several years an function, but was missing along with the unceasing massive population. Moreover recently started to have the direct line juniors of respected family to be missing, this matter also concealed unable to suppress finally again, two government offices started to create a disturbance. 神主屠的变态嗜好越来越严重,焚神卫无奈之下,只能大肆发动魂奴。在战神府和妖神府大量的抓捕少男少女起来。战神府和妖神府的决策,开始几年起了一丝作用,但是随着不断的大量人口失踪。而且最近开始有大家族的直系子弟失踪,这事情终于再也隐瞒压制不住了,两府开始骚乱了起来。 Explodes first *** what is chaotic, near a War-God Prefecture southwest small town Linwu city. In a secret arrest, here soul slave was not careful the city main daughters grasping. Then caused that city hosts are angry, send the massive masters, outside city the team of god city intercepting, is only tyrannical under the god City Team strength, immediately has not actually begun. 最先爆***乱的是,战神府西南边的一个小城临武城。一次秘密抓捕行动中,这里的魂奴不小心将城主的女儿给抓了。而后引得城主大怒,派遣大量高手,在城外将神城的队伍给截住了,只是迫于神城队伍实力强横,却没有马上动手。 This inferior, therefore held the hornet's nest, the innumerable small families of Linwu city, common people. City hosts who sees swallowing an insult lost one's temper, immediately had the pillar. The massive military common people's outside the Linwu city the team of god city, encircle. 这下等于是捅了马蜂窝,临武城的无数小家族,普通百姓。见一只忍气吞声的城主动怒了,立刻有了主心骨。大量的武者百姓在临武城外将神城的队伍,团团围住。 The leaders in team are an emperor level peak god city messenger, is facing smelly egg stone that cursing angrily and everywhere of countless person dance in the air. Has pondered for quite a while, finally has made a very stupid decision, silences a witness of crime! 队伍中的首领是一名帝级巅峰的神城使者,面对着无数人的怒骂和漫天飞舞的臭鸡蛋石头。思考了半天,最后做了一个很愚蠢的决定,杀人灭口! An emperor level peak, leads these more than ten American imperialists level expert, descends the mountain just like the brave fighter, plunges about thousand people that outside has gathered round. In the fierce combat, several Emperor Realm expert flesh and blood flying in all directions in city main as well as the field of Linwu city, first were struck to kill. Then the tragedy starts to occur, to the strong military force, ordinary military and common people absolutely does not have the strength of resistance, the cruel slaughter started, outside Linwu city field littered with corpses, horrible to look. 一个帝级巅峰,带领这十多米帝级强者,宛如猛虎下山般,扑向了外面围着的近千人。刀光剑影之中,临武城的城主以及场中的数名帝王境强者血肉横飞,第一时间被击杀了。而后惨剧开始发生,至强的武力之下,普通武者和百姓完全没有抵抗之力,残忍的屠杀开始了,临武城外尸横遍野,惨不忍睹。 Among about thousand -and-a-half people of double-hour, most people were struck to kill. But the messengers in god city kill red the eye, wants for a penny and for a pound, in all people the Linwu city to strike to kill unexpectedly, in order to avoid revelation news. 近千人半个时辰之间,大部分人被击杀。而神城的使者更是杀红了眼睛,竟然想一不做二不休,将临武城内所有人击杀,以免泄露消息。 Therefore under more than ten Emperor Realm lead, the god city about hundred messengers, broke in the Linwu city, starts the brutal slaughter. What rejoices, but folk Saint Realm expert passed by chance, has gotten rid angrily, rescued in the city several thousand subjects. 于是在十多名帝王境界带领下,神城近百使者,冲入了临武城,开始惨无人道的屠杀。庆幸的是,但是恰巧有一名民间的圣人境强者路过,愤怒的出手了,救下了城中数万子民。 Then the entire city started the rebellion, several thousand people started to set out toward Dragon City, request Dragon City to the view, took responsibility for them. The disturbance sweeps across just like the plague, does not have several days, starts to have several thousand people to turn into tens of thousands toward the personnel who Dragon City sets out, finally turns into hundreds of thousands. 而后全城开始暴动了,数千人开始朝龙城进发,要求龙城给个说法,为他们做主。骚乱宛如瘟疫般席卷而过,没出数日,朝龙城进发的人员开始有几千人变成几万,最后变成十几万。 Moreover, this disturbance also infected east monster Shenfu, and has swept across the entire monster Shenfu instantaneously, innumerable Demon Clan were roaring randomly, angry toward the Sky Demon City accumulation, requested to see right in front of one monster god, investigated thoroughly their missing children. 而且,这场骚乱还传染到了妖神府东边,而且瞬间席卷了整个妖神府,无数的妖族乱吼着,愤怒的朝天妖城聚集,要求面见妖神,查清他们失踪的子女。 Entire War-God Prefecture and monster Shenfu, the complete rebellion in half a month gets up, has the innumerable wicked people to start the beating , smashing and looting fever, two palace piece of chaos, are chaotic. 整个战神府和妖神府,在半月内全部暴动起来,更有无数的恶民开始打砸抢烧,两府一片大乱,混乱不堪。 Is facing mammoth ***, Sky Demon City and Dragon City, start only to comfort as far as possible, but the War-God Prefecture five respected families actually remained silent, had the innumerable big or medium families, participated. In one month outside later Dragon City gathered hundreds of thousands of people, the complete facial expression is spirited, the big rebellion is ready to be set off. 面对着声势浩大的***,天妖城龙城,开始只能尽量安抚,而战神府的五大家族却保持了沉默,却更有无数的大小家族,参与了进来。一月之后龙城外聚集了数十万人,全部神情激昂,大暴动一触即发。 Long Pifu but, can only personally act, but is actually not able to give the reasonable explanation, cannot suppress crowd that goes crazy. Finally can only reveal the truth, has aimed at the god city the spear point, and has produced the ample evidence. 龙匹夫无奈之下,只能亲自出面,但是却无法给出合理的解释,压制不住发狂的人群。最后只能公布了真相,将矛头指向了神城,并且拿出了充分的证据。 Then was in a tumult was bigger, sacred place of mainland, was the god city in countless person mind, plundering their children unexpectedly secretly unceasingly? Under under the innumerable evidence, as well as the innumerable respected families promote secretly, the large unit starts to set out toward the god city. Moreover the human are getting more and more, expert of many folk have also joined, started to subjugation of god city. 这下骚动更大了,大陆的圣地,无数人心目中的神城,竟然在暗地里不断的掳掠他们的子女?只是无数的证据下,以及无数的大家族暗地推动下,大部队开始朝神城进发。而且人越来越多,很多民间的强者也纷纷加入了进来,开始了对神城的征讨之中。 Several Yue Hou, in high Divine Mountain, that grand god city, sieges by innumerable Demon Clan and person clan all round, the insult sound, the weeping bitterly sound, the big call, resounds through to keep outside the god city. Innumerable *** was shouting wants the god to come out, wants him to give a reasonable explanation, wants him to cut to kill the murderer, but also their justice. 几个月后,高高的神山上,那座雄伟的神城,被无数的妖族和人族团团围困,辱骂声,痛哭声,大呼声,在神城外响彻个不停。无数***喊着要神主出来,要他给个合理的解释,要他斩杀真凶,还他们一个公道。 Tu Shenwei was anxious, burnt the god to protect anxiously, the god city several thousand messengers were anxious. Because in the god city also started rebellion, outside the slaughter immortal pavilion, burnt outside the immortal pavilion, outside the god pavilion, the subjects by god city was encircled. 屠神卫急了,焚神卫急了,神城数万使者急了。因为神城内也开始暴动了,屠仙阁外、焚仙阁外,神主阁外,被神城的子民团团围住。 Although Tu Shenwei first god city front door closure, and sends the innumerable god city guards to be in the city wall, outside the slaughter immortal pavilion, is guarding outside the god pavilion, is confronting with these rioters, but actually does not dare to begin. In as even with such situation, once there is Mars to light, the big rebellion will initiate thoroughly, the god city will perhaps change into the ruins. 屠神卫虽然第一时间将神城大门关闭,并且派遣无数的神城护卫在城墙上,在屠仙阁外,在神主阁外把守着,和那些暴民对峙着,但是却不敢动手。如此情况下,一旦有丝火星点燃,大暴动将会彻底引发,神城或许将会化为废墟。 1 million Demon Clan person clans and hundreds of thousands of god City Subjects, under the rebellion, the several thousand messengers of god city messenger shortly will be killed completely, what is main, the god city will change into the ruins, the prestige of several thousand years of sacred place will change into the nihility. 1000000妖族人族和数十万神城子民,暴动之下,神城使者的数万使者将会全部顷刻被杀,最主要的是,神城将会化为废墟,数千年的圣地之威将会化为虚无。 In Tu Shenwei but, prepares and burns the god health/guard enters the god pavilion, the instruction god slaughter the time. The entire god city actually resounds an incisive remnant laughter, then in the sky of god city suddenly presented one to wear the scarlet Chinese-style gown, the head was going against a shining big bald man, was the god slaughter! 就在屠神卫无奈之下,准备和焚神卫进入神主阁,请示神主屠的时候。整个神城却响起一阵尖锐的残笑声,而后神城的天空上突然出现了一个身穿大红袍子,头上顶着一个发亮的大光头的男子,正是神主屠! The god City Subjects saw the gods in their heart once more, completely peaceful. But the 1 million Demon Clan person clans outside city also saw in the legend to take to them to stabilize the steady behind god, was peaceful. 1 million eyes have locked that big man in sky completely, was waiting for his speech, is waiting for his explanation. 神城子民再次见到了他们心中的神,全部安静了下来。而城外的1000000妖族人族也见到了传说中带给他们安定平稳身后的神主,也安静了。1000000双眼睛全部锁定了天空中的那个高大男子,等待着他的发言,等待着他的解释。 However! 然而! The slaughter did not say a word, but proudly from the sky was standing, glance that black red double pupil let somebody cool off or calm down under just like ant crowd. Laughs wildly unexpectedly, incisive sound has resounded through the world, the eardrum fresh pain of under 1 million people of shaking, the whole body feels frightened! Then he suddenly has made a strange action, has closed the eye unexpectedly, extended both hands. 屠却一言不发,只是傲然的在空中站立着,一黑一红的双瞳冷冷的扫视着下面宛如蚂蚁般的人群。竟然狂笑起来,尖锐的声音响彻了天地,将下方的1000000人震的耳膜生痛,全身发悸!而后他突然做了一个奇怪的举动,竟然闭上了眼睛,伸出了双手。 As his both hands open, sky suddenly wind and cloud color deterioration in god city, his top of the head appearance together seven color clouds baseless, but in Divine Mountain has gotten windy suddenly, in the sky start in all directions floats the innumerable dark clouds black fog, rapidly gathers toward the top of the head of god slaughter above. A Gansu big pressure covers the entire god city, the endless chill in the air starts to fill the air in the god city four directions. 随着他双手张开,神城上的天空陡然间风云变色,他的头顶凭空的出现一道七彩的云朵,而神山上突然起风了,天空中四面八方的开始飘来无数的黑云黑雾,急速的朝神主屠的头顶上方聚集。一股陇大的威压将整个神城笼罩,无尽的寒意开始在神城四方弥漫。 Below 1 million people, many people start to fear, many people actually when the fear blinks strangely are actually looking at that bald of sky, as if not understand why the god slaughter did not explain, instead makes the miracle. Is it possible that he also wants to close right up against the cheap trick of flickering person, making them continue to strengthen to him believes? No longer investigates this matter? 下方的1000000人,有很多人开始恐惧起来,却有很多人却在恐惧之余纷纷眨着眼睛奇怪的望着天空的那个光头,似乎不明白神主屠为何不解释,反而制造起神迹来。莫非他还想靠着忽悠人的小把戏,让他们继续坚定对他信仰?不再追究此事? The next second, they understood, they made a mistake! 只是下一秒,他们就明白了,他们错了! Jie Jie! Defies my will dead!” “桀桀!违抗我的意志者死!” As of god earth slaughter smiles remnantly, the seven color clouds and dark clouds of sky vanish to disappear completely, what replaces it is a long dozens li (0.5km) golden super big palm, on palm glittering, is mixing with the white electricity glow, with suffocating terrifying pressure. 随着神土屠的一声残笑,天空的七彩云朵和黑云全部消失不见了,取而代之的是一只长几十里金色的超级大手掌,手掌上金光闪闪,夹杂着白色的电芒,和令人窒息的恐怖威压。 The golden big palm brings is disappearing to the strong aura, pats like lightning toward, outside the crowded crowd toward this city pats, pats toward 1 million Demon Clan person clans. 金色大手掌带着泯灭一切的至强气息,闪电般朝下方拍去,朝这城外的密集人群拍去,朝着1000000妖族人族拍去。 Bang!” “轰!” At that moment the entire Divine Mountain in swaying, the big grand god city wall, starts Large expanse of dropping down, the broad smooth glorious square before god city, turned into one deeply not to see the bottom the big hole. 那一刻整个神山都在摇晃起来,高大雄伟的神城城墙,开始成片的倒下,神城前的宽阔平整的荣耀广场,变成了一个深不见底的大坑。 Raising that the giant mist and dust blots out the sky, has blocked from the day, has blocked from the sunlight, has blocked from the god city the hundreds of thousands of subjects pale faces of 巨大的烟尘铺天盖地的升起,遮住了天,遮住了阳光,也遮住了神城内数十万子民苍白的脸 The god slaughter with a palm, has given a person explanation of Flame Dragon Continent, with 1 million lives, has given the Mainlanders a bloody explanation. 神主屠用一掌,给了炎龙大陆的人一个解释,用1000000条生命,给了大陆人一个血淋淋的解释。
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