BPTH :: Volume #5

#428: God comes the human

428 chapters of god come the human 428章神界来人 cheng cheng “琤琤” After murdering the god health/guard dies, Purple Island returned to normal, in Small Valley daily resounds melodious tweedle. But Old Lu dislikes troublesome, in entering Ramble Pavilion, all day sits in the Small Valley courtyard, sits cross-legged the cultivation. Has him, Yue Qingcheng and Ye Qingyu did not need a little small sound to go in Ramble Pavilion. 弑神卫死之后,紫岛又恢复了平静,小山谷内又天天响起一阵悠扬的琴声。而鹿老嫌麻烦,不在进入逍遥阁,整日坐在小山谷的院子内,盘坐修炼。有他在,月倾城夜轻语就不需要有点小动静就又进去逍遥阁了。 Although in Ramble Pavilion has the air/Qi of Spiritual God, fights the air/Qi cultivation speed to multiply, but has actually been short of vitality, in world, natural aura of myriad things sending out. If closes up for a long time is actually very good, if all right lives in inside frequently, instead somewhat feels various illness! 逍遥阁内虽然有神灵之气,战气修炼速度倍增,但是却少了一丝生气,一丝天地之间,万物散发的自然气息。如果是长期闭关倒是很不错,如果没事经常在里面居住的话,反而有些感觉各种不适! Ye Qingyu enters shortly after God Rank, to perceive through meditation inside principle to practice the deity peak completely, but must very long time. Therefore she is actually not anxious, now the main duty is consolidated and digestion, thing that she learns, and uses skilled. Therefore can in Ramble Pavilion outside words, she like cultivating in Purple Island. 夜轻语才入神级不久,要想完全参悟里面的法则修炼到天神巅峰,还需很久的时间。所以她倒是不急,现在主要的任务就是巩固和消化,她学到的东西,并且熟练利用。所以能在逍遥阁外面的话,她还是喜欢在紫岛修炼。 As for Yue Qingcheng say nothing, her Divine Sound Principle, unique bloodlines of Yue Family, what main cultivation is the soul, the Ramble Pavilion aura of god , is not only useless to her, instead makes her mood feel unusual constraining. Has to plant to be depressed, unnatural feeling, cultivation speed instead slow. 至于月倾城更不用说了,她的神音法则,月家的独特血脉,主要修炼的是灵魂,逍遥阁内的神之气息非但对她没用,反而让她心境感觉非常的压抑。有种闷闷的,不自然的感觉,修炼速度反而慢的很。 However on this Purple Island, why she actually does not know, felt one can completely and nature agrees with general, plays a stringed musical instrument each time can feel that own soul in the unceasing growth, oneself is increasing to the comprehension of Divine Sound Principle unceasingly, therefore she wants to practice in Purple Island on such one. 但是在这紫岛上,她却不知为何,感觉自己能完全和大自然契合一般,每次弹琴都能感觉,自己的灵魂在不断的增长,自己对神音法则的领悟在不断增加,所以她非常想就这样一只在紫岛修炼下去。 Chirp!” “唧唧!” Little Black in urine Tannei of courtyard front, sneaks to drill, often also throws 12 big fish to come up. It is since after Ramble Pavilion comes out, all day has not listened to Yue Qingcheng to play a stringed musical instrument to nap to drill in Purple Island, day has crossed actually satisfied incomparable. One month, after coming several scouts in god cities, has not appeared again excellently, making it somewhat senseless. 小黑在院子前方的小水潭内,钻进钻出,不时还丢12条大鱼上来。它是自从逍遥阁内出来之后就没有在进去过,整日不是听月倾城弹琴打盹就是在紫岛内钻来钻去,日过倒是过得惬意无比。只是一个月来,除了来了几个神城的探子后,再也没有出现过人,让它有些无趣了。 Grandpa Lu, drinks tea!” “鹿爷爷,喝茶!” Ye Qingyu raised pot tea to walk from nearby mixed room, poured on one cup to give to sit Old Lu in courtyard, then peaceful sitting in the one side, listening to Yue Qingcheng to play a stringed musical instrument. 夜轻语从旁边的杂房内提着一壶茶水走了出来,倒上一杯递给坐在院子内的鹿老,而后安静的坐在一旁,听着月倾城弹琴。 cheng cheng “琤琤” Yue Qingcheng sits cross-legged in the courtyards, closes one's eyes, the manner is indifferent, both hands move in the string, the movement is elegant, the makings leave the dust, is ordinary just like nine days of female celestial. 月倾城盘坐在院子中间,闭着眼睛,神态淡然,双手在琴弦上拨动,动作飘逸优雅,气质出尘,宛如九天仙女一般。 Um?” “嗯?” The Old Lu kind smile, received the tea that Ye Qingyu hands over, carries tea tea Ge Qingkou several cup reasons, blows the tone gently, min the lid serving tea lid. Is preparing to put down, actually in the sudden eye the none remaining rises suddenly, surprise sends out a numerous nasal, suddenly looks toward the sky of West. 鹿老一脸慈祥的微笑,接过夜轻语递过来的茶水,端起茶盏茶盖轻叩几下杯缘,轻轻吹了吹口气,抿了抿盖上茶盖。正准备放下的时候,却突然眼中精光暴涨,诧异的发出一个重重的鼻音,头猛然的朝西方的天空望去。 Clang!” “锵!” Yue Qingcheng hears the Old Lu surprise sound, was awakened opens the eye, the tweedle stops suddenly. Stunned turning the head is looking at Old Lu slightly, but nearby Ye Qingyu also anxiously looked. 月倾城听到鹿老的诧异声,被惊醒睁开眼睛,琴声跟着戛然而止。微微错愕的转头望着鹿老,而旁边的夜轻语也紧张的望了过来。 Safe , to continue to play a stringed musical instrument!” A moment later Old Lu, the facial color returned to normal, waved to explain lightly toward them: God came a person!” “无事,继续弹琴吧!”片刻之后鹿老,面色恢复了平静,淡淡朝两人挥了挥手解释道:“神界来了一个人而已!” God?” Yue Qingcheng one hear had doubts, somewhat feels strange asking that and worries about: Grandpa Lu, you did not say that the ban of Purple Island can isolate outside Divine Knowledge investigation? Why can you discover? Outside matter? Can arrive to be the same with the previous alien race?” “神界?”月倾城一听却是更加疑惑了,有些奇怪和担忧的问道:“鹿爷爷,你不是说紫岛的禁制能隔绝外面的神识探查吗?为何你能发现?外面的事情?会不会和上次异族降临一样?” The sound that he he, this person of arrival was somewhat big, therefore I feel some, might as well! This person does not come ***, you feel relieved!” “呵呵,这人降临的动静有些大了,所以我感觉到一些,无妨!这人不是来***的,你们放心吧!” Indeed! 的确! In a moment ago, did not say Old Lu, almost entire Flame Dragon Continent countless people were shocked. 就在刚才,不说鹿老,几乎整个炎龙大陆的无数人都被震惊了。 Because the sky hears a huge Lei Ming sound suddenly, then presented huge seven color clouds, has almost covered north the entire monster Shenfu, god who the Hidden Island people can see Western sparkle only. 因为突然之间天空传来一阵巨大的雷鸣声,而后出现了一朵巨大的七彩云朵,几乎覆盖了整个妖神府北方,就连隐岛的人都能看到西方闪耀的神光。 The god goes out of long time had not left the study room, the facial color dignifiedly looks toward monster Shenfu sky over. But monster Divine Mountain several monster gods, were daunted completely. Mainland all expert were scared, lest they present an alien race to arrive again, comes one time to extinguish the world war to the mainland again 神主走出了多日没有出过的书房,面色凝重的朝妖神府上空望去。而妖神山的的数位妖神,全部被吓住了。大陆所有的强者被吓坏了,他们唯恐再出现一次异族降临,给大陆再来一次灭世大战 Has made a sound for a half hour in this Lei Ming, seven color clouds have also shone for a half hour, after the people worry was feared very for a long time. The sky shines a giant gate, an appearance is then handsome, wears white Battle Armor, grasps the man of silver long spear, rode a snow white big tall horse to walk, appeared along with his form, the sky blew a howling gale suddenly, his behind seven color clouds also suddenly glowed a glare, illuminated the entire mainland bright as snow. 在这雷鸣响了半个小时,七彩云朵也亮了半个小时,在众人担心受怕很许久之后。天空才亮起一道巨大的门,而后一个容貌英俊无比,身穿白色战甲,手持银色长枪的男子,骑着一头雪白色的高头大马走了出来,随着他的身影出现,天空突然刮起一阵呼啸大风,他身后的七彩云朵也陡然焕发出一道强光,将整个大陆都照得雪亮。 That batch of white horses also suddenly grow two embarrasedly illumination the wings, in airborne slow fanning, a person of horse such float in airborne, earth of glance lets somebody cool off or calm down. Invincible War-God that walks from nine days is ordinary just like one, the powerful incomparable imposing manner, blew God Rank expert of all mainland. 那批白马也突然长出两只讪讪发光的羽翼,在空中缓慢的扇动,一人一马就这样悬浮在空中,冷冷的扫视的大地。宛如一位从九天之上走出来的无敌战神一般,强悍无比的气势,将所有大陆的神级强者都镇住了。 Then, the thunderclap sees to vanish, seven color clouds dodge, the golden front door also vanished. 而后,雷声见见消失,七彩云朵闪去,金色的大门也消失了。 The handsome incomparable man, in airborne danced the long spear in hand suddenly several attractive (spear|gun) flowers, the thorn made a debut the (spear|gun) shade, crack of nearby space under his (spear|gun) shade made a debut unexpectedly a fine drawn. Then, God Rank expert of mainland holds breath an cold air/Qi, expert of what rank this person is, unexpectedly aggressive in this way? The corners of the mouth of god slaughter slightly *** gets up, obviously was also afraid. 英俊无比的男子,突然将手中的长枪在空中舞了几个漂亮的枪花,刺出道道枪影,附近的空间在他枪影之下居然裂出道道细缝。这下,大陆的神级强者都倒吸一口冷气,这人是什么级别的强者,居然生猛如斯?就连神主屠的嘴角都微微***起来,显然也害怕了。 A moment later, this invincible War-God expert suddenly has actually made a strange action, lets mainland innumerable expert, fainted completely. 只是片刻之后,这无敌战神般的强者却突然做了一个奇怪的举动,让大陆无数强者,全部晕了。 In this man his eyes of sparkles a golden light, has swept below innumerable city. Suddenly the corners of the mouth bend a evil aura incomparable smiling face, opens the mouth to say with the magnetism and low and deep sound: Flame Dragon Potential Surface young girls, how are you? My great bites small flying Sir, comes to save you on behalf of god! Cheers!” 这男子他的眼中闪耀起道道金光,在下方的无数城市中扫过。突然嘴角弯起一个邪气无比的笑容,用磁性而又低沉的声音开口说道:“炎龙位面的少女们,你们好吗?我伟大的噬小飞大人,代表神界前来拯救你们!欢呼吧!” „!” “哇!” Put on airs, asking you to save me!” “白马王子,求你拯救我!” God, I waited for a man, came finally!” “神啊,我等待了一声的男人,终于来了!” The innumerable Demon Clan young girl and person clan young girls simultaneously call out in alarm, in the eye shines a fiery ray. Completely just like being bewitched to be the same, crazy is looking at the airborne man, the facial expression incomparable excitedly and bellows to yell frantically. This scene as if one crowd was sieged the young girl by devil, when they loneliest no use despair, a handsome formidable knight arrived suddenly, then 无数的妖族少女和人族少女同时惊叫起来,眼中亮起道道火热的光芒。全部宛如着魔一样,痴痴的望着空中的男子,神情无比的激动和狂热大吼大叫起来。这情景似乎一群被恶魔围困少女,在她们最孤独无助就要绝望的时候,一个英俊强大的骑士突然降临了,而后 Show package!” “骚包!” The innumerable God Rank expert of god slaughter and mainland actually simultaneously criticizes, this person came from god obviously, moreover powerful incomparable. Casual flickers to move can several thousand inside and outside, now is actually riding a Pegasus? God space ring is the most common thing, can he actually carry a long spear? Puts on Battle Armor? Moreover unexpectedly does mean and shameless arrival, use the soul secret technique to entice them for the ordinary young girl? 神主屠和大陆的无数神级强者却同时暗骂起来,这人明显来自神界,而且实力强大无比。随便一个瞬移都能到几千里外,现在却骑着一匹飞马?神界空间戒指算是最普通不过的东西,他却非要背着一把长枪?穿着一身战甲?而且居然卑鄙无耻的一降临,就对普通少女使用灵魂秘术诱惑她们? This person of as even with such powerful arrived, moreover looks at the appearance imposing manner as if flamboyant very much, mainland God Rank expert does not dare to reveal a hostility and provocation. The god slaughter is also the look black is silent, therefore expert has doubts in abundance, why this person arrives at Flame Dragon Continent suddenly, for Divine sword? 只是此人如此强势的降临了,而且看卖相气势似乎牛逼的很,大陆神级强者都不敢露出一丝敌意和挑衅。神主屠也是面色阴沉的沉默起来,所以强者纷纷疑惑起来,这人为何突然降临炎龙大陆,难道又是为了神剑? Snort!” “哼!” This is the sky hears together the light pshaw suddenly, but this sound is very strange, can hear except for God Rank expert actually nobody. Hears this sound, God Rank expert of mainland slightly feels relieved. Because this sound they are very familiar, that formidable woman in dark castle sends out. 这是天空突然传来一道轻哼声,而这道声音很诡异,除了神级强者却无人能听到。听到这声音,大陆的神级强者都微微宽心起来。因为这声音他们无比熟悉,正是暗黑城堡的那个强大的女人发出的。 Rides the handsome man of white horse to hear this cold snort, was callous a moment ago the incomparable makings suddenly changed, waves directly, takes back in the white horse long spear and Battle Armor the space ring completely. Then unexpectedly is smiling and grovels, the North Korea cups one hand in the other across the chest while to say with a smile: Hee hee, the eldest sister do not get angry, my this does not play! I immediately come!” Then, the personal appearance dodges, vanishes in the place above of monster Shenfu. 骑着白马的英俊男子一听到这声冷哼,刚才冷酷无比的气质陡然间变了,直接一挥手,将白马长枪和战甲全部收回空间戒指中。而后居然嬉皮笑脸、点头哈腰的,朝北方一边拱手一边笑道:“嘻嘻,大姐别发火,我这不是玩玩嘛!我马上过来!”说完,身形一闪,消失在妖神府的上方。 This “这” God Rank expert of mainland is in abundance stunned, this person actually called to bite in a big way *** elder sister? The speed of this person of turning hostile was also too fast, a moment ago was invincible War-God, now actually does a twinkling turn into the comedian clown who Bei Yan bowed? However the obvious all people relaxed, is not the alien race arrives fortunately, otherwise this moment mainland eventful time, again comes a time war, may unable to withstand! 大陆的神级强者纷纷错愕起来,这人竟然叫噬大***姐?还有这人变脸的速度也太快了吧,刚才还是一尊无敌的战神,现在却一眨眼变成了卑颜屈膝的小丑了?不过明显所有人松了一口气,还好不是异族降临,否则此刻大陆正是多事之秋,再来一次大战,可承受不起啊!
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