BPTH :: Volume #5

#427: Big chance!

427 chapters of big chances! 427章大机缘! In the mind reappears once more that attractive big eye on top of the head, Ye Qinghan has not stayed, locks the spirit knowledge in the middle two all black pupil directly. 脑海中再次浮现出头顶上的那双漂亮的大眼睛,夜轻寒没有停留,直接将灵识锁定在中间的两个纯黑的眸子。 Slowly, he saw that jet black void, saw that scarlet ~ bare woman. Actually in the complete significance, he could not feel that person is a woman? Is scarlet ~ bare? 慢慢的,他又看到了那一片漆黑的虚空,看到了那个赤~裸的女人。其实完全意义上,他感觉不到那个人是不是女人?到底是不是赤~裸的? When he his spirit knowledge enters this void, in the mind actually suddenly emerges a feeling, this stands the human on void, is one scarlet ~ bare stature perfect incomparable woman. This purely is a feeling, but this feeling is strange, making Ye Qinghan very definite, this feeling real. 只是他当他灵识进入这个虚空的时候,脑海内却是突然涌现一种感觉,这个站在虚空上的人,就是一个赤~裸的身材完美无比的女人。这纯粹是一种感觉,但是这种感觉非常诡异,让夜轻寒非常确定,这感觉就是真的。 The sixth sense of this any woman has not related completely, this and image of this facial expression has the relations. Ye Qinghan is clear, this is this strange chart, transmits to his one information, very definite information. 这个什么女人的第六感完全没有关系,这和这个神情的图像有关系。夜轻寒非常清楚,这是这诡异的图,传递给他的一种信息,十分确定的信息。 Felt that this woman, that summon feeling in heart is getting more and more powerful. At this moment, the Ye Qinghan heart sudden floating a bewildered information, at this moment, he just like hearing a very feminine sound of pleasant to hear resounds in his ear: 一感觉到这个女人,心中的那种召唤感觉越来越强盛。就在此刻,夜轻寒心中突然的浮上一股莫名其妙的信息,这一刻,他宛如听到一个非常好听的女性声音在他耳边响起: So long as you can see clearly me, you may obtain me, and obtains a big chance!” “只要你能看清楚我,你就有可能得到我,并且得到一个大机缘!” This information comes very towering, the meaning is also very ambiguous. 这股信息来得很突兀,意思也很模棱两可。 But deeply has actually shocked Ye Qinghan in that moment, his mind rotates rapidly, quick thought clearly these words the profound meaning of implication. This information has possibility that woman to transmit very much, she in luring oneself spreads toward void in the spirit knowledge unceasingly, until spreading to the place that she stands, covers her god body completely. Like this can see clearly her completely. And may obtain her, as well as obtains a big chance. 但却是在那一刻深深震撼了夜轻寒,他脑海迅速转动,很快就想清楚了这句话内的蕴含的深意。这信息很有可能那女人传递过来的,她在诱使自己不断将灵识朝虚空中蔓延,直至蔓延到她所站立的地方,将她神身体完全笼罩。这样自己就能完全看清楚她。并且有可能得到她,以及得到一个大机缘。 As for can obtain her, moreover this woman really exists, or is only a void illusory image. The big chance is anything, Ye Qinghan actually knows nothing. 至于到底能不能得到她,而且这个女人到底是不是真实存在的,或者只是虚空中的一丝幻影。还有大机缘是什么,夜轻寒却一无所知。 However Ye Qinghan has not considered that many, he is seeks for the chance to break through the boundary at this moment. Now had the as even with such explicit prompt, he has strengthened this determination. He decided spirit knowledge unceasing on that woman toward void approaches, before achieving her body, sees clearly her! 但是夜轻寒没有考虑那么多,他此刻就是来寻找机缘突破境界的。现在有了如此明确的提示,他更加坚定了这丝决心。他决定将灵识不断的往虚空上那个女人靠近,直到达到她的身前,看清楚她! At this moment his spirit knowledge, merely by that two all black eye pupils, enters this void, leaves that woman also to have very far distance. He starts to actuate the spirit knowledge, on very slow the divergence toward void goes. 此刻他的灵识,才仅仅是透过那两个纯黑的眼眸,进入这片虚空,离开那个女人还有很远的距离。他开始驱动灵识,朝虚空上非常缓慢的辐散而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Just spread Little Duan to be away from his spirit knowledge, suddenly his mind is one thunders, the picture of manager vanished immediately, the previous that type just like stabbing pain in deep sorrow, spread once more his whole body. He is holding the head, starts unceasingly tumbles on the ground, roars, the whole body muscle physique convulsion gets up, a delicate face once more becomes the incomparable distortion 在他灵识刚刚蔓延了一小段距离,突然他脑海又是一阵轰鸣,老总的景象立刻消失了,紧接着上次那种宛如万箭穿心的刺痛,再次蔓延了他的全身。他捧着脑袋,开始不断的在地上翻滚,怒吼起来,全身肌肉筋骨都痉挛起来,一张清秀的脸再次变得无比扭曲 The soul abstains to shine a gentle ray in the same old way fast, but this top of the head ray on design once more has not actually shone, this Ye Qinghan actually tumbled on the ground, more than ten minutes completely dark error in the past. 魂戒照样快速亮起一道柔和的光芒,但是这次头顶上的图案上的光芒却没有再次亮起,这这次夜轻寒却在地上翻滚了,十多分钟才完全昏阙过去。 This time lethargic sleep seven days, Ye Qinghan sobered, after waking, similarly the whole body is comfortable, does not have the least bit dizziness ache sign. 这次足足昏睡了七天,夜轻寒才清醒过来,醒过来之后,同样全身舒服无比,没有半点头晕疼痛迹象。 „Can Nyima, young master this whole life be able to grow in the pain? Is it possible that am I Xiaoqiang in legend?” “尼玛的,小爷这辈子难道都要在痛苦中才能成长?莫非我就是传说中的小强?” Ye Qinghan thinks before the stupor, that rending pain, the whole body fine hair stands erect. Did this painful time as if lengthen one time? If next time in lengthening one time, under will have to lengthen one time again next time? That is the god is also played 夜轻寒想到昏迷前那种撕心裂肺的痛苦,浑身汗毛都竖立起来。这次痛苦的时间似乎延长了一倍?如果下次在延长一倍,再下下次有延长一倍?那就是神也会被玩死啊 Then, he discovered that lets he incomparably somewhat disappointed matter, his soul sea big growth, previous time had not risen unexpectedly 1/10, this time actually only then 1%, this makes him wonder, the painful time increased, but soul did expert increase actually reduces? This harvested and pays is in reverse proportion probably. 而后,他又发现一件让他无比有些失望的事情,这次他的灵魂海洋竟然没有多大增长,上次涨了1,这次却只有1,这又让他纳闷起来,痛苦时间加长了,但是灵魂强者增加却减少了?这收获和付出好像成反比了啊。 So long as you can see clearly me, you may obtain me, and obtains a big chance!” “只要你能看清楚我,你就有可能得到我,并且得到一个大机缘!” When he thinks of these words, thinks of sky over hidden city that blooming Yanhua, he does not have to hesitate excessively, takes a break prepares to continue with the spirit knowledge investigation. He remembers clearly, this time he induces that void time, was very longer than the first vice minister. 只是当他想到这句话,想到隐城上空的那个绽放的烟花,他没有过多犹豫,休息片刻又准备继续用灵识探查。他可是记得清清楚楚,这次他感应那虚空的时间,比第一次长了很久。 Overflows the spirit knowledge once more, directly through that pair of all black eye pupil, enters that endless void, not having the least bit to hesitate, directly spirit knowledge slow goes toward that woman divergence. 再次溢出灵识,直接通过那双纯黑的眼眸,进入那无尽的虚空,没有半点犹豫,直接将灵识缓慢的朝那个女人辐散而去。 Bang!” “轰!” A moment later, in martial arts room Ye Qinghan holds the head to tumble on the ground once more, painful calls out. 片刻之后,练功房内夜轻寒再次捧着脑袋在地上翻滚,痛苦的嚎叫起来。 Also had to progress, continue!” “又有进步了,继续!” Sobers later Ye Qinghan is actually the excitement of whole face, he felt each time after dark error, the soul intensity will increase, although now only then 1%, but can increase is also very good. 清醒之后夜轻寒却是满脸的兴奋,他感觉每次昏阙之后,灵魂强度都会增加,虽然现在只有1,但是能有增加也是很不错的。 What is main, he felt that the spirit knowledge can the distance of divergence in void increase each time, although increases a dot, but continues, he sooner or later can approach that woman, sees clearly her perfect ketone body! Then has her! 最主要的是,他感觉每次灵识都能在虚空中辐散的距离有所增加,虽然只是增加一小点,但是持续下去,他迟早能靠近那个女人,看清楚她那完美的酮体!而后拥有她! Therefore, Ye Qinghan started him joyful and life of pain! 于是,夜轻寒开始了他快乐而又痛苦的生活! Murders the god protects is killed for one month later, the god city finally thoroughly vibrates. Must know the god city, although Saint level expert are secretly many, but outwardly on Saint level actually only then four people, the god city has four health/guard! 弑神卫被杀一个月之后,神城终于彻底震动了。要知道神城虽然暗地里圣级强者很多,但是明面上的圣级却只有四人,神城只有四卫! Now on behalf of the four health/guard of god city, vanished suddenly for one month, moreover in the god city knows that under his whereabouts vanishes, this matter was very serious. 现在代表神城的四卫,一个突然消失了一个月了,而且还是在神城知道他的行踪下消失的,这事情就无比严重了。 Cannot wait, burns the god health/guard, we see right in front of one god now! This matter can only make the god adjudicate!” Tu Shenwei looks at the secret order that the hidden city in hand is transmitting, could not sit still again. Half a month ago the Hidden Island messenger, saw to murder the god to protect has not returned, therefore dispatched a squad to go to the Purple Island investigation, finally never to return. Burns the god to protect also to feel that the gravity of matter, they set out hurriedly, rushes to the god pavilion directly. “不能等了,焚神卫,我们现在去面见神主!这事只能让神主裁决了!”屠神卫看着手中的隐城传来的密令,再也坐不住了。半个月前隐岛的使者,见弑神卫迟迟没有归来,于是派遣了一个小队去紫岛探查,结果还是一去不复返。焚神卫也感觉到了事情的严重性,两人匆忙起身,直接奔去神主阁。 Pays a visit the god, the subordinate has important matter to seek an interview!” They disregard young girl who the study room often transmits *** the sound, as well as the young man pitiful yell sound, kneels down directly, the sinking sound shouted to clear the way. “拜见神主,属下有要事求见!”两人无视书房不时传来的少女***声,以及少男惨叫声,直接下跪,沉声喝道。 Jie Jie, said quickly!” How long the god has not separated, passes message. “桀桀,快说!”神主没有隔多久,传音出来。 Purple Island has the unusual circumstance, several investigate the squad to vanish, murders the god to protect goes to investigate in one month, has been missing, did not have the news to feed, this matter relates significantly, the subordinate does not dare to process secretly, therefore asked the god to adjudicate!” Tu Shenwei does not dare rubbish, the matter after reported directly fast reported that actually revolves to fight the air/Qi in secret, prepares to withstand the god the anger. 紫岛出现异常情况,几只探查小队消失,就连弑神卫一月前去探查,也失踪了,至今还没消息传回,此事关系重大,属下不敢私自处理,所以请神主裁决!”屠神卫不敢废话,直接将事情经过快速禀报了一遍,暗中却运转战气,准备承受神主的怒火。 „? Jie Jie “哦?桀桀” God slaughter one hear actually instead laughs, the terrifying laughter, spreads over the entire god pavilion, then the laughter suddenly stops, the incisive sound passed on together: Finally couldn't hold in? Jie Jie, ordering made dark health/guard not go to Purple Island to bring death, murdered the god to protect died, you went dead, chose most expert from the dark health/guard, filled to murder the position that the god protected! Moreover delivers 50 people to come, making first me to me well crisp, after being difficult, I go to Purple Island to make them well again crisp, Jie Jie!” 神主屠一听却反而大笑起来,恐怖的笑声,传遍整个神主阁,而后笑声突然停止,一道尖锐的声音传了出来:“终于憋不住了?桀桀,下令让暗卫别去紫岛送死了,弑神卫都死了,你们去都是死,从暗卫中选一位最强者,填补弑神卫的位置吧!另外给我送50人来,让先我好好爽爽,难后我再去紫岛让她们好好爽爽,桀桀!” 50 people?” “50人?” Burns the god to protect one hear of charming characters and styles the face, actually instantaneously becomes bitter and astringent ugly. Recently the god played is getting bigger and bigger, ten people to 20 people, to 30 people, actually takes 50 people again now? No matter again many people, after are one day one night, completely will be played. Most important he wants person clan and Demon Clan teenage boys and girls, but also wants the appearance superior. 焚神卫一听一张妩媚风情的脸,却是瞬间变得苦涩难看。神主最近玩的越来越大,十人到20人,再到30人,现在却要50人?而且不管再多人,都是一天一夜之后就会全部被玩死。最重要的他只要人族和妖族的少男少女,还要容貌上等的。 War-God Prefecture and monster Shenfu, already had fainted actually from fear regarding secret seizing of god city, moreover started the appearance beautiful man and female starts the secret to shift. She does not know if this had continued, entire War-God Prefecture and can the monster Shenfu the rebellion get up. Can this mainland because of the abnormal hobby of god slaughter, the crazy behavior, eventually initiate third time to extinguish the world war, causing entire Flame Dragon Continent to exterminate finally in light of this? 战神府和妖神府,其实对于神城的秘密抓捕早已惊觉了,而且已经开始将容貌姣好的男子和女子开始秘密转移了。她不知道如果继续这样下去,整个战神府和妖神府会不会暴动起来。这大陆会不会因为神主屠的变态嗜好,疯狂行为,最后引发第三次灭世大战,导致最后整个炎龙大陆就此灭绝?
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