BPTH :: Volume #5

#412: Leave

412 chapters leave 412章滚出来 Bang!” “砰!” All people in hidden city, listen to the bang that the ear is thundering, watches the airborne dazzling glare, feels the ground in entire hidden city to shiver, the house then starts the Large expanse of collapse in fierce swaying. At this moment their as if as if end arrived, countless people start the crazy scream, starts to run all over the place in all directions, starts to cry on each other's shoulders! 隐城的所有人,听着耳边轰鸣的巨响,看着空中刺眼的强光,感受着整个隐城的地面都在颤抖,房屋都在剧烈的摇晃而后开始成片的倒塌。这一刻他们仿佛似乎末日到来了,无数人开始疯狂的尖叫起来,开始四处乱跑,开始抱头痛哭! „!” “咻!” Jie Jie Jie! Your mother, ***! Irritated me, irritated me!” “桀桀桀!你妈的,***!气死我了,气死我了!” After the explosion, the same place, a red form reappears once more, he is looking at the completely empty sky. The thorough violent anger gets up, Divine Knowledge divergence in all directions repeatedly, has swept more than ten mainland carefully. Determined that Ye Qinghan completely vanishes in this potential surface, violent anger bellows. Meanwhile before his body, reappears once more a giant translucent big hand, numerous wields toward the hidden city under! 爆炸之后,同样的地点,一道红色的身影再次浮现,他望着空空如也的天空。彻底的暴怒起来,神识一遍遍的四处辐散,仔仔细细将大陆扫查了十多遍。确定夜轻寒完全消失在这个位面,才暴怒的大吼起来。同时他身前再次浮现出一只巨大的半透明大手,重重的朝隐城下挥去! God appeases anger!” “神主息怒!” The Hidden Island Master personal appearance when the big hand congeals, appeared before the Shísān elder and Yin Ling'er body. Sees the god just like not to hear general, that is only great the hand to continue to wield, but sighed, does not dare to resist, led the people to flicker to move directly. 隐岛岛主的身形在大手凝结的时候,已经出现在十三位长老和隐灵儿身前。见神主宛如没有听到一般,那只巨手继续挥下,无奈一叹,不敢抵挡,直接带着众人瞬移出去。 Bang!” “砰!” Has a heavy touch heavy pounding greatly in the center of hidden city, pounds a super big hand imprint in the hidden city center directly. Covers in this great all constructions, all people completely will shortly be reduced to ashes, the mist and dust of covering heaven and earth raises, the sky of entire hidden city will dye the grey. At that moment, entire Hidden Island slightly vibrated, outside the hidden city sea level mighty waves anger wells up, throws off the innumerable ships of wharf directly, approached just like the real end 巨手重重的砸在隐城的中央,在隐城中央直接砸出一个超级大的手印。笼罩在他这个巨手下的所有建筑,所有人顷刻间全部化为灰烬,遮天盖地的烟尘升起,将整个隐城的天空都染成了灰色。那一刻,整个隐岛都微微震动了起来,隐城外面的海面波涛怒涌,将码头的无数船只直接掀翻,宛如真的末日来临了 „!” “啊!” Devil, he is the devil!” “恶魔,他是恶魔!” Run, Hidden Island must sink “快跑,隐岛要沉了” The entire hidden city rebellion, entire Hidden Island vibrated, countless people call out, countless people run, countless people have been scared, countless people have been injured, countless people died! 整个隐城暴动了,整个隐岛震动了,无数人嘶喊起来,无数人奔跑起来,无数人吓傻了,无数人受伤了,无数人死去! Jie Jie! After Hidden Island, joins the palace war, 200,000 people, few Hidden Island did not need to exist each time!” The god slaughter looked that has not looked at hidden city one, but turns head in the direction that Hidden Island Master flickers to move, saying of grinning fiendishly, then directly flickered to move to leave! “桀桀!隐岛以后加入府战,每次200000人,少一个隐岛就不用存在了!”神主屠看都没有看隐城一眼,而是扭头朝隐岛岛主瞬移的方向,狞笑的说道,而后直接瞬移离开了! Joins the palace war?” “加入府战?” Hidden Island Master brings the seashore that the human just flickered to transfer to him usually to fish, feels under that big hand imprint the innumerable remnant walls to break the tile, was pounded the hashed meat the stump residual limb to break the arm innumerably. Is listening to god slaughter overbearing incomparable announcement, face suddenly surface like dying embers, shortly just like senile dozens years old! 隐岛岛主带人刚刚瞬移到他平常钓鱼的海边,感受到那个大手印下无数的残壁断瓦,无数被砸成碎肉的残肢断臂。听着神主屠霸道无比的宣告,一张脸陡然面如死灰,顷刻间宛如衰老了几十岁! Died, died?” “死了,都死了?” Yin Ling'er actually incomparably loses is looking at the sky, after that huge explosion, that front door of sky, as well as the two in front door disappeared completely! In her heart surges faintly an inexplicable mood. 隐灵儿却无比失落的望着天空,那巨大的爆炸之后,天空的那道大门,以及大门内的两人全部消失了!她心中隐隐涌起一股莫名的情绪。 Supple uncle, Little Han person? Little Han he?” Hua Cao is holding trembling Ru Yan, their whole body is the sea water, in a moment ago steamship by ocean waves of coming throwing off. They in flower supple and the others under help, came ashore, hid in a nearby courtyard. Looks at the completely empty sky, in the Hua Cao eye is flashing through a horridness, holds flowered supple hand anxious saying. “柔叔,寒少人哪?寒少他?”花草抱着瑟瑟发抖的如烟,两人浑身都是海水,就在刚才大船被突然而来的海浪给掀翻了。两人都是在花柔等人的帮助下,才上了岸,躲进了附近的一个院子内。望着空空如也的天空,花草眼中闪过一丝惶恐,抓住花柔的手紧张的说道。 „It is not clear, but only two results, Young Master Han either same vanished with that two young ladies. Either is exploding yeah!” The flower licked lip discovery supply is the salt taste and fishy smell of sea water, was very bitter and astringent. The scruple moment, opens the mouth saying: Young master, this place cannot treat, we must Lima drop Huacheng!” “不清楚,但是只有两个结果,寒公子要么和那两位小姐一样消失了。要么在爆炸中哎!”花柔舔了舔嘴唇发现全是海水的咸味和腥味,很是苦涩。迟疑片刻,开口说道:“少爷,这地方不能待了,我们得利马回落花城!” Explodes too suddenly, glare shines, all person eyes dazzles. All people had not discovered that was anything explodes. 爆炸来得太突然,强光一亮起,所有人眼睛都暂时失明了。所有人都没有发现,到底是什么爆炸了。 Hua Cao looks is frightened absent-minded Ru Yan somewhat, looks at more and more chaotic hidden city, but sighed said: Good, drops Huacheng first, leaves behind them to inquire the Little Han news, has the news to repay rapidly!” 花草看着被吓得有些失神的如烟,又看着越来越混乱的隐城,无奈一叹说道:“好吧,先回落花城,留下两人打探寒少的消息,一有消息迅速回报!” Flowered supple one hear, arranged two dark health/guard to inquire the news immediately, has not sought for complete ships again, but was other Emperor Realm dark glands they, flew directly toward the West. 花柔一听,立即安排好了两名暗卫去打探消息,没有再去寻找完好船只,而是和其余的帝王境界暗卫带着两人,直接朝西方飞去。 Ye Tianlong just built up shortly after Divine Crystal, has closed up the cultivation in the garret in back side of the mountain, today he just combed the mysterious knowledge in mind, wants to start to perceive through meditation immediately strives mysteriously soon becomes the god. Suddenly his inexplicable feeling a palpitation, a palpitation from innermost soul, scared. 夜天龙刚刚炼化神晶不久,一直都在后山的阁楼内闭关修炼,今日他刚刚将脑海内的玄奥知识梳理完毕,本想立刻开始参悟玄奥争取早日成神。只是突然之间他莫名的感觉到一阵心悸,一阵来自灵魂深处的心悸,恐慌。 Um?” “嗯?” Ye Tianlong opens the eye suddenly, he is Saint Realm expert, itself has one type regarding the danger hastens out of the way with the omen. This palpitation and comes obvious of as even with such scared, as even with such is violent. His entire life first meeting, therefore he very obvious has been startled, was afraid. 夜天龙猛然睁开眼睛,他是圣人境强者,本身有一种对于危险的自我趋避和预兆。这阵心悸和恐慌来得如此的明显,如此猛烈。他生平还是第一次遇到,所以他很明显的惊了,害怕了。 Had not pondered that he sets out directly, lightens the room, actually sees, face worried look Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu, toward his room original. 没有细想,他直接起身,闪出房间,却看到,一脸忧色的夜青牛夜白虎,正朝他房间本来。 „Did you also feel?” Ye Tianlong pinches the control, discovered that is the sweat, three people actually simultaneously feel, then represents has certainly any important matter to occur, or occurred. “你们也感觉到了?”夜天龙一捏手心,发现全是汗水,三人竟然同时感觉到,那么代表一定是有什么大事要发生,或者已经发生了。 Head of the clan, under your relation ancestor, I felt that must have the important matter to occur!” Winking that the eye of Ye Qingniu drum drum keeps moves, the facial expression was worried very much, but does not dare to assert that for fear that was feared said. “族长,你联系下老祖宗,我感觉要有大事发生!”夜青牛鼓鼓的眼睛不停的眨动,神情很是担心,但是又不敢断言,生怕被怕说中了。 Ye Tianlong rubbish, pulls out the jade symbol to start to send greetings directly, but this biography passes message his facial color even more to be dignified, because Ye Ruoshui will convey a message in the past promptly, at this moment for a very long time has not actually sent greetings. 夜天龙没有废话,直接掏出玉符开始传音起来,只是这一传传音他面色却是愈发的凝重起来,因为以往夜若水都会及时传话过来,此刻却久久没有传音。 Buzz!” “嗡!” At this moment, in the air of garret a fluctuation, when three people think that is Ye Ruoshui flickers moves to prepare to salute, actually discovered that the human is actually a beautiful white robe female, simultaneously stares. 就在这时,阁楼的空气中一阵波动,就在三人以为是夜若水瞬移过来准备行礼的时候,却发现来人却是一个美丽的白袍女子,不禁同时一愣。 Tianlong, your family ancestor from exploding! Currently the god slaughter very much may catch up toward Ye Family, you follow me immediately!” Comes person Yue Xishui, her elegant face somewhat is faintly sorrowful, expression incomparably dignified saying, the look has actually been full of color of the plea. 天龙,你家老祖宗自爆了!现在神主屠很有可能会朝夜家赶来,你马上跟我走吧!”来人正是月惜水,她一张俏脸隐隐有些悲痛,语气无比凝重的说道,眼神却充满了一丝恳求之色。 What?” “什么?” Three people simultaneously the discoloration, Ye Tianlong is startled goes well the jade symbol unable to assert with confidence, pounds to fall on the ground, has exuded the clear sound. 三人同时色变,夜天龙更是惊得手中的玉符都拿不稳,砸落在地面,发出了清脆的响声。 The Ye Tianlong complexion fluctuated instantaneously several times, in mind rotation fast, he knows that Yue Xishui impossible to crack a joke with this grade of important matter. Then regardless of first what happened, least two points can confirm that first Ye Ruoshui died, the second god slaughter has the possibility to come the Ye Family extermination of the clan very much. 夜天龙脸色瞬间变幻了数次,脑海内飞快的转动起来,他知道月惜水不可能拿这等大事来开玩笑。那么先不论发生了什么事,最少有两点可以确认,第一夜若水死了,第二神主屠很有可能来夜家灭族。 Pities the water you to walk quickly, if possible, helping me take care of the Ye Family juniors! Walks quickly!” “惜水你快走,如果有可能,帮我照顾下夜家的子弟!快走!” How long therefore he has not considered, deep looked at Yue Xishui one. Then, turns the head rapidly to Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu roars: Your idiots, but also is staring doing? Runs! I order you by head of the clan Ye Family, tumbles out Grey City! Immediately!” 所以他没有考虑多久,深深的望了月惜水一眼。而后,迅速转头对着夜青牛夜白虎怒吼起来:“你们两个蠢货,还愣着干什么?跑啊!我以夜家族长命令你们,滚出苍城!立刻!” Tianlong!” 天龙!” Head of the clan!” “族长!” Yue Xishui and Ye Qingniu Ye Baihu stares, simultaneously lost one's voice to call out. Looks at face firm Ye Tianlong, Yue Xishui has not been saying anything, similarly deeply looked at Ye Tianlong one, flickered to move away directly. She and Ye Tianlong are the same kind of person, the rationality are bigger than the perceptual person, can pay all for the family, including sentiment, includes the life. 月惜水夜青牛夜白虎一愣,同时失声叫道。看着一脸坚决的夜天龙,月惜水没有在多说什么,同样深深望了夜天龙一眼,直接瞬移走了。她和夜天龙是同一类人,理性大于感性的人,为了家族可以付出一切,包括感情,也包括生命。 Head of the clan, treasures!” “族长,珍重!” Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu look at Ye Tianlong that roars crazily, simultaneously heavy sighed, not hesitant, they shot to go toward the outside wind directly. They are clear, Ye Tianlong is head of the clan Ye Family, if the god slaughter must extinguish Ye Family, how Ye Tianlong cannot escape dead characters. The present situation only has them to run away, going on living that then barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, the elite juniors who leading Ye Family already in all directions to hide places, steels oneself for revenge, making the seed of Ye Family continue to continue! 夜青牛夜白虎看着疯狂怒吼的夜天龙,同时沉沉一叹,没有犹豫,两人直接朝外面飙射而去。他们清楚,夜天龙夜家族长,如果神主屠要灭夜家的话,夜天龙怎么都逃不过一个死字。现在的情况唯有他们两人逃走,而后苟延残喘的活下去,带领夜家早就四处隐藏安置的精英子弟,卧薪尝胆,让夜家的种子继续延续下去! Buzz “嗡” Just departed the back side of the mountain in Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu, toward the time of outside Grey City flying, Grey City above sudden fluctuation, a wear scarlet Chinese-style gown bald suddenly appears in the sky. 只是就在夜青牛夜白虎刚刚飞出后山,正朝苍城外飞去的时候,苍城上空突然一阵波动,一个穿着大红袍子的光头突然出现在天空中。 With the emergence of this red form, a formidable pressure has covered entire Grey City suddenly, making Grey City all people shortly move unable to move, flies in Ye Qingniu and Ye Baihu of midair is smashed into the ground directly, cannot move the slightest. Then together the incisive sound resounds, resounds through in Grey City each corner, near the ear of each Grey City person: Head of the clan Ye Family leave to me!” 伴随着这个红色身影的出现,一股强大的威压陡然笼罩了整个苍城,让苍城所有人顷刻间一动都不能动,飞在半空的夜青牛夜白虎更是直接被砸入了地面,再也不能移动分毫。而后一道尖锐的声音响起,响彻在苍城的每个角落,每一个苍城人的耳边:“夜家族长给我滚出来!”
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