BPTH :: Volume #5

#411: Also sees the fireworks to bloom

411 chapters see Yanhua to bloom 411章又见烟花绽放 „Do I get rid?” “我出手?” Ye Ruoshui two Bai Mei stand erect suddenly, comes out of the sheath just like the treasured sword, the side imposing manner rises dramatically suddenly, the chilly weather, hesitates, his standing up body, passes on the tone channel toward Senior Shi slowly once more: I understood, multi- Senior Xie direction, if the water!” 夜若水两条白眉陡然间竖立起来,宛如宝剑出鞘般,身边陡然气势飙升,寒气逼人,沉吟一下,他缓缓站起身子,再次朝噬大人传音道:“我懂了,多谢大人指点,若水去了!” Said that Ye Ruoshui wipes on the space ring on hand, a god only sparkles, the brilliant Divine sword emerges out of thin air in the hand, then his corners of the mouth unexpectedly have smiled, the body vanishes sky over East China Sea suddenly. 说完夜若水在手上的空间戒指上一抹,一把神光闪耀,光彩夺目的神剑凭空出现在手中,而后他嘴角居然微微笑了起来,身体陡然消失在东海上空。 Sir, no matter you really? Ye Ruoshui will die!” “大人,你真不管?夜若水会死的!” In dark castle Tientai, Senior Nine of ash-gray formal clothes emerges out of thin air in Senior Shi, the facial expression did not have in those days indifferent graceful, but somewhat was dignified, furry both hands cuped one hand in the other across the chest to say toward Senior Shi. 暗黑城堡天台上,一身灰色礼服的九大人凭空出现在噬大人的身后,神情没有往日的淡然优雅,而是有些凝重,毛茸茸的双手朝噬大人拱手道。 What matter does he die to close my? flatter nine you manage were too many!” “他死关我什么事?阿九你管的太多了!” Senior Shi has not turned head, even the body has not moved, holds to write books as before, light saying. 噬大人没有回头,甚至身体都没有动,依旧捧着书,淡淡的说道。 Matter that this, indeed does not close Sir, but Little Master Han definitely will bear a grudge afterward your!” Senior Nine has cast aside her scarlet fox mouth, tries to continue to persuade Senior Shi. “这,的确不关大人的事,但是事后小寒子肯定会记恨你的!”九大人撇了撇她那猩红的狐狸嘴巴,试图继续劝说噬大人 Joke, Ye Qinghan respects me to be also good, hating me to be also good, what matter also closes my? You know how many people entire god does have to hate me? Also do how many people respect me? Because if others respect you to ask you to hate you, I must get rid, do I want dead of exhaustion while still alive?” Senior Shi has smiled suddenly, saying that corners of the mouth self-ridicule slightly. “笑话,夜轻寒敬我也好,恨我也好,又关我什么事?你知道整个神界有多少人恨我吗?又有多少人敬我?如果因为别人敬你求你恨你,我就要出手的话,我岂不是要活活累死?”噬大人突然笑了起来,嘴角微微自嘲的说道。 Sir! I know that you are not such cruel-hearted person, although you look like always are icy, but I know that your heart definitely is not such ruthless, I can feel! Sir Senior Nine could not bear finally, expressed the aspiration, shouting of entreaty. “大人!我知道你不是这么狠心的人,你虽然看起来总是冷冰冰的,但是我知道,你的心肯定不是这么狠,我能感受得到!大人”九大人最终还是忍不住,道出了心声,哀求的喊道。 Yeah something do not experience, Ye Qinghan will never grow!” “哎有些事情不经历,夜轻寒永远不会成长起来!” On the Senior Shi face presented one not to endure finally, shook the head to sigh slightly, looked up toward the East, said spookily: I have my difficulties, if I am omnipotent, the nest in this small Flame Dragon Potential Surface, later you will not know 噬大人脸上最终还是出现了一丝不忍,微微摇头叹了口气,抬起头朝东方望去,幽幽说道:“我也有我的苦衷,我要是无所不能的话,就不会窝在这小小的炎龙位面了,以后你就会知道了” Ended! Because of me, because of my general idea “完了!都是因为我,都是因为我的大意” Is looking under the blue flame, the golden light on front door is getting more and more gloomy, a Ye Qinghan innermost feelings piece bitter and astringent and lamentation. Was was too negligent, thinks that had the ramble to abstain in Flame Dragon Continent is in an impregnable position. Has not thought now actually 望着蓝色火焰之下,大门上的金光越来越暗淡,夜轻寒内心一片苦涩和悔恨。都是自己太大意了,以为拥有逍遥戒在炎龙大陆就立于不败之地。没想到现在却 He dies has not related, he never dreaded the death. Currently may implicate three females as well as Old Lu, thinks that here his heart suddenly clutches to hurt, incomparable pain! 他死没关系,他从来不畏惧死亡。只是现在却有可能连累三女以及鹿老,想到这里他的心就陡然间揪疼起来,无比的痛! Somewhat wrong, can violate. Some wrong actually cannot violate, the consequence was too serious, cannot withstand to him seriously. 有些错,能犯。些错却是不能犯,后果太严重了,严重到他都不能承受。 Is unfair to Xiao Wu, is unfair to Qingcheng (Beautiful Woman), is unfair to Xiao Yu, is unfair to Old Lu, is unfair to Little Black, because of me, because of me!” “对不起小舞,对不起倾城,对不起小语,对不起鹿老,对不起小黑,都是因为我,因为我!” With the lapse of time, the when golden ray of front door must wither away, Ye Qinghan thorough despaired. Senior Shi has not appeared, nobody can save him, nobody can he 随着时间的推移,大门的金色光芒就要消亡之际,夜轻寒彻底绝望了。噬大人迟迟没有出现,没有人能救他,没有人能够就他 Jie Jie Jie! The Divine sword, was me finally, had the Divine sword, I can go back frankly and uprightly, belonged my, I must take carry back completely. Gold Horn Spirit Clan, you could rest assured that one day, I will make you exterminate the clan, does not kill off you completely, is difficult to put down the anger in my heart “桀桀桀!神剑,终于属于我了,有了神剑,我就能光明正大的回去了,属于我的,我一定全部要拿回来。还有金角神族,你们放心,总有一天,我会让你们灭族的,不全部杀光你们,难平我心中的怒火” The god slaughter looks at the ray on front door to be getting more and more pale, Senior Shi has not appeared, finally feels relieved that the facial expression even more was also excited. Many years, he withstood many humiliations, received many pain. Now actually finally soon succeeds 神主屠望着大门上的光芒越来越淡,噬大人却没有出现,终于放心下来,神情也越发的激动了。多少年了,他承受了多少屈辱,受了多少苦。现在却终于快要成功了 „The thing that abnormal death ray head, you want in this, has put him!” “变态死光头,你要的东西在这,放了他!” The god slaughter wants to intensify the effort, one built up to melt this Space Divine Tool forcefully. At this time his not far away airborne is sudden a vibration, the light sound resounds together. 神主屠本想加大力度,一把强行炼化了这空间神器。只是,这时他的身后不远处的空中却突然一阵抖动,紧接着一道淡淡的声音响起。 Abnormal death ray head?” “变态死光头?” Heard this name, the god slaughter almost wants the violent to walk, but he even if actually suppressed this impulsive, turned head to let somebody cool off or calm down looks, when he saw Ye Ruoshui grasped a sparkling Divine sword, was shocked. Red black double pupil glitters, a moment later, the corners of the mouth actually reveal a ridicule the happy expression: Ye Ruoshui, you could rest assured that waits to be very miserable, Jie Jie Jie who meets me to make you die! With coax I the fake Divine sword? Scolded the abnormal death ray head? My this fake Divine sword I were many, or will deliver you several?” 一听到这个称呼,神主屠差点就要暴走了,但是他却即使压制住了这冲动,回头冷冷一望,当他看到夜若水手持一把闪闪发光的神剑的时,愣住了。一红一黑的双瞳闪烁起来,片刻之后,嘴角却露出一丝嘲弄的笑意:“夜若水,你放心,等会我会让你死的很惨的,桀桀桀!拿把假神剑来忽悠我?骂变态死光头?我这假的神剑我多了,要不等会送你几把?” The god slaughter is not a fool, although Tu Shenwei had said the real Divine sword has 10% opportunities in Ye Ruoshui there, but he does not prepare to stop building up Ye Qinghan Space Divine Tool. Really how even if has in Ye Ruoshui that? Built up to melt Space Divine Tool, went to kill Ye Ruoshui again is. 神主屠不是傻子,虽然屠神卫说过真的神剑有10的机会在夜若水那里,但是他不准备停止炼化夜轻寒空间神器。就算真的在夜若水那有如何?炼化了空间神器,再去把夜若水杀了就是。 Your this idiot, stupid! Divine sword thing such, does the my family boy such meet to bring? Stupid pig! Put his me to give you Divine sword! Otherwise, ahem!” “你这个蠢货,愚蠢至极!神剑这么的东西,我家小子这么会自己带着?蠢猪!放了他我给你神剑!否则,哼哼!” Ye Ruoshui Bai Mei shakes, appears externally unexpectedly aggressively, scolded directly. This scolded the human entire hidden city to be scared, the god slaughter had shocked them a moment ago, moved does not dare to move! Now actually comes to be fiercer? One scolded abnormal death ray head, now is a belt scolds the character? 夜若水白眉一抖,竟然霸气外露,直接开骂了。这一骂把整个隐城的人都吓傻了,刚才神主屠就已经将他们震惊了,动都不敢动!现在却来了个更猛的?一来就骂变态死光头,现在更是句句带骂字? Ancestor? You walk quickly, you are not his match, you will die!” “老祖宗?你快走,你不是他的对手,你会死的!” Ye Qinghan hears that familiar sound to awaken suddenly, immediately is wild with joy, but a moment later infinite replaces panic-stricken. The Saint Realm spirit knowledge is different from God Rank expert Divine Knowledge, until now locks Ye Ruoshui, the rumor comes. 夜轻寒一听到那熟悉的声音猛然惊醒过来,顿时狂喜,只是片刻之后又被无限的惊恐所代替。只是圣人境的灵识和神级强者神识不同,直到现在才锁定夜若水,传言过来。 Little Master Ye, do not make the piffle, your this brings death in vain!” 小夜子,别做傻事,你这样是白白送死!” At this time continuously Hidden Island Master that did not have in the seashore, at this time could not bear finally, take risks to send greetings to Ye Ruoshui. Ye Ruoshui as even with such does, not only could not help Ye Qinghan, instead will lose the life in vain! 这时一直在海边没有动的隐岛岛主,此时也终于忍不住,冒险传音给夜若水夜若水如此做,不仅帮不了夜轻寒,反而会白白丢了性命! Jie Jie Jie!” “桀桀桀!” God slaughter one hear of Ye Ruoshui words do not get angry instead smile, the blue flame on that only translucent golden color big hand was actually more abundant several points, to saying of Ye Ruoshui taunt: Otherwise how is it? Even if the real Divine sword is also what kind in your? When I built up to melt the Divine sword, did I kill your Divine sword directly am also not my? I must kill people, who dares to keep off me?” 神主屠一听夜若水的话不怒反笑,那只半透明的金色大手上的蓝色火焰却是更盛了几分,对着夜若水嘲讽的说道:“否则怎么样?就算真的神剑在你那又怎么样?等我炼化了神剑,我直接杀了你神剑还不是我的?我要杀人,谁敢挡我?” Snort! Abnormal death ray head, since your as even with such is stubborn, that do not blame me, only then gives to Senior Shi the Divine sword, asked her to help me kill you again! You wait to suffer to death!” “哼!变态死光头,既然你如此顽固,那就别怪我了我只有把神剑献给噬大人,再请她帮我杀了你了!你等着受死吧!” Ye Ruoshui has not responded to Ye Qinghan and Hidden Island Master words, but was lets somebody cool off or calm down with god Tu spoke a few words, received the Divine sword unexpectedly, the direct North Korea flickered to move, vanishes in the sky of hidden city! 夜若水没有回应夜轻寒隐岛岛主的话,而是和冷冷和神主屠说了一句话,竟然收起神剑,直接朝北方瞬移,消失在隐城的上空! This “这” God slaughter one hear of facial colors change color suddenly, Divine Knowledge feels the Ye Ruoshui form to appear in the north several hundreds inside and outside. He was daunted suddenly, thinks of the Senior Shi terrifying, if Ye Ruoshui please move Senior Shi to get rid with the Divine sword , was inconceivable on the consequence. 神主屠一听面色陡然变色起来,神识感受着夜若水的身影出现在北方数百里外。他突然被吓住了,想到噬大人的恐怖,如果夜若水真的用神剑请动噬大人出手的话,那就后果不堪设想了。 Somewhat hesitates in him some that moment of fear, he suddenly had actually discovered a matter, is makes him have doubts. 就在他有些迟疑有些害怕的那一刻,他却突然发现了一件事情,更是让他疑惑起来。 Hasn't Ye Ruoshui continued to flicker to move toward the north? Did he flicker to move toward here? 夜若水怎么没有继续往北方瞬移?他怎么朝这边瞬移了过来? It is not right! Was swindled! 不对!上当了! Bang!” “砰!” God slaughter red black double pupil enlarges suddenly, the body has been making the response instantaneously, first flickered to emigrate. The place that at the same time he is, shone to arrive at the dazzling ray suddenly, gigantic Yanhua in the place above of hidden city bloomed suddenly 神主屠一红一黑的双瞳陡然放大,身体在瞬间做出了反应,第一时间瞬移出了去。同一时间他所在的地方,突然亮起了一到刺眼的光芒,一个硕大的烟花陡然间在隐城的上方绽放 Little Master Han, protects itself well, be not thinking revenges for me, the Ye Family matter should not be worried that I have arranged. What you must do, goes to Purple Island to practice diligently, then goes to god to complete our wishes! Do not be sad for me, because I die am valuable, I was have been saving the hope of Ye Family, the hope of Flame Dragon Continent! You forever are the pride of Ye Family!” 小寒子,好好保护自己,别想着为我报仇,夜家的事别担心,我已经安排好了。你要做的是,去紫岛努力修炼,然后去神界完成我们的心愿!不要替我悲伤,因为我死得有价值,我是在拯救了夜家的希望,炎龙大陆的希望!你永远是夜家的骄傲!” Ancestor! No!” “老祖宗!不!” Ye Ruoshui sending greetings resounds that moment, Ye Qinghan discovers the body suddenly active, but the free abstention started to transmit in Ramble Pavilion them automatically. He heard a bang, panic-stricken turning the head suddenly, actually saw in full bloom Yanhua, at this moment he felt that his heart starts to bleed, he starts the pain roars 夜若水的传音响起的那一刻,夜轻寒发现身体陡然间能动了,而逍遥戒开始自动将她们两人传送进逍遥阁内。他听到了一声巨响,惊恐的猛然转头,却看到了一朵盛开的烟花,这一刻他感觉他的心开始流血,他开始痛苦的怒吼起来
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