BPTH :: Volume #4

#380: Kills the pig blade

380 chapters kill the pig blade 380章杀猪刀 Ye Ruoshui two Bai Mei weak bent, when Gold Horn Spirit Clan changes that moment of body, he hesitated. He not only wants to order to withdraw troops, under does not dare to carry the surrender Wan Shi infamy. Does not surrender, War-God Prefecture the remaining more than 200 Saint Realm will die completely certainly. 夜若水两条白眉无力的弯了下来,当金角神族变身的那一刻,他犹豫了。他既想下令撤军,又不敢背下投降万世的骂名。只是,不投降,战神府的这残余的200多圣人境将会全部死绝。 Army retreats!” “全军撤退!” Finally in his eyes flashes through one decidedly, the signal flag flung directly, has inserted in the Grey City city wall. In Emperor Dao with city wall, Xue Family Ancestor looks at each other one. Bellows, simultaneously his body vanished baseless. 最终他眼中闪过一丝决然,令旗直接一甩,插入了苍城的城墙上。和城墙上的刀皇,雪家老祖对视一眼。大吼一声,同时他的身体凭空消失了。 Snort! Also comes this move?” “哼!又来这招?” Jin Qi cold snort, body also directly vanished. 金麒冷哼一声,身体也直接消失了。 Ye Ruoshui roars, proceeds to completely Saint Realm has simultaneously stopped the personal appearance, rapid backlash. Although they do not understand that what happened, but military commands are strictly obeyed, they can only retrocede. But Saint Realm that these originally actually retroceded is actually running was more cheerful. 夜若水一声怒吼,全部往前冲的圣人境同时止住了身形,迅速后退。虽然他们不明白发生了什么事情,但是军令如山,他们只能后退。而那些原本却都在后退的圣人境却是跑的更加欢快了。 „The third child, you and Yue Xishui, are leading the seed elite now, flickers to remove Purple Island directly! Gold Horn Spirit Clan one day does not get back one's composure, one day does not permit to leave, this is big brother’s order, immediately carries out!” “老三,你和月惜水,现在带着种子精英,直接瞬移去紫岛金角神族一日不回神界,一日不准离开,这是大哥的命令,立即执行!” Emperor Dao saw Ye Ruoshui the time that the signal flag loses, sent greetings on the earliest possible time to Emperor Qiang of Ye Family back side of the mountain, as well as Yue Xishui of Hanxin Pavilion Tientai, carried out the final fire seed plan. 刀皇看到夜若水把令旗丢过来的时候,就第一时间传音给了夜家后山的枪皇,以及寒心阁天台的月惜水,执行最后的火种计划。 Passes message, he then went to the front vision, was waiting for appearance of Ye Ruoshui, is waiting for Ye Ruoshui, turns into bright Yanhua 传音完,他便将目光投向了前方,等待着夜若水的出现,等待着夜若水,化成一朵灿烂的烟花 The following plot actually not according to occurrence that he thinks, his Divine Knowledge noses to Emperor Qiang and Yue Xishui has not had the human to flicker to move to depart. But did Ye Ruoshui actually as if flicker to move to mistakenly the place? 只是,接下来的情节却没有按照他所想的发生,他神识查探到枪皇月惜水没有带人瞬移离去。而夜若水却似乎瞬移错了地点吧? Ye Ruoshui flickered to transfer to the War-God Prefecture Saint Realm sky unexpectedly, will flicker to move sky over Gold Horn Spirit Clan, the preparation when Ye Ruoshui in the past, the direct god territory locked his Jin Qi to come up empty-handed. 夜若水竟然瞬移到了战神府圣人境的上空,将原本瞬移在金角神族上空,准备待夜若水过去,直接神域锁定他的金麒扑了个空。 What situation? 什么情况? Emperor Dao and Xue Family Ancestor look at each other one, is in abundance surprised. Emperor Qiang and did Yue Xishui fall asleep? Did Ye Ruoshui get drunk? 刀皇雪家老祖对视一眼,纷纷惊疑起来。枪皇月惜水睡着了?夜若水喝醉了? Jin Qi is also eyeful surprised, scary? How does one change a type? This from exploding? You are all right to flicker to move to flicker to remove, amusing? 金麒也是满眼的惊疑,吓人是吧?怎么一下变一个样啊?这回怎么不是自爆了?你没事瞬移来瞬移去的,好玩啊? However he actually does not dare to begin ahead of time, can only three God Rank expert in lock on field. Prepares three people, once flickers to move above Gold Horn Spirit Clan, a use supernatural power then immediately thinks the territory to suppress them, making them from exploding the opportunity does not have, simultaneously first drank to stop Saint level the charge of Gold Horn Spirit Clan, the human the clan, since started to retreat, perhaps was prepares to surrender was uncertain, therefore he prepared to wait and see. 但是他却又不敢提前动手,只能锁定场中的三名神级强者。准备三人一旦瞬移在金角神族上方,一动用神力便立即用神域压制他们,让他们连自爆的机会都没有,同时第一时间喝止了圣级的金角神族的冲锋,人族既然开始撤退了,说不定是准备投降了也不一定,所以他准备观望一下。 Yue Xishui and Emperor Qiang have not certainly fallen asleep, Ye Ruoshui has not gotten drunk. Actually at that moment, Emperor Qiang and Ye Ruoshui received sending greetings of Yue Xishui, passes message the content to have two characters wait / etc.. 月惜水枪皇当然没有睡着,夜若水也没有喝醉。其实那一刻,枪皇夜若水都接到了月惜水的传音,传音内容只有两个字“等等”。 Yue Xishui will certainly not be all right passes message randomly, a moment ago Sword Emperor from exploding, has not seen her to send greetings. Now suddenly passes message, that definitely had her intention. Therefore Emperor Qiang and Ye Ruoshui, choose believe her. 月惜水当然不会没事乱传音,刚才剑皇自爆的时候,都没见她传音。现在突然传音,那肯定有她的用意了。所以枪皇夜若水,都选择都相信她。 They waited for the moment, actually does not know that in anything, all around does not have what mutation! The day is dusky, murky, but has somewhat gotten windy, it is estimated that soon rains! 只是两人等了片刻,却都不知道在等什么,四周也没有什么异变!天还是灰蒙蒙,昏沉沉的,只是有些起风了,估计快要下雨了! Charge, tramples flat the front small town to me!” “冲锋,给我踏平前面的小城!” Jin Qi waited for the moment, sees Ye Ruoshui as before dull standing in airborne, not having the least bit to indicate. Thinks that was played, flies into a rage, the big hand wields, commanded the following Gold Horn Spirit Clan charge directly. But he also decides, goes forward along with Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan together, this can organize opposite party three God Rank expert at any time from exploding. 金麒等了片刻,见夜若水依旧呆呆的立在空中,没有半点表示。以为被耍了,勃然大怒,大手一挥,直接喝令下面的金角神族冲锋。而他也打定主意,随着圣级金角神族一起前进,这样可以随时组织对方三名神级强者的自爆。 To your younger sister's front!” “冲你妹的锋!” In Jin Qi below Gold Horn Spirit Clan, the preparation roars, attacks collectively. The sky transmits sonic boom to drink, lets in their roaring abdomen still birth, was pinched just like a bone in the throat, is caught in the middle, uncomfortable. 就在金麒下方的金角神族,准备怒吼一声,集体出击的时候。天空传来一声爆喝,让他们的怒吼腹死胎中,宛如一个骨头被掐在喉咙内,上不上下不下的,难受之极。 This sound sounds is very as if young , the vicissitudes, as if are very as if incisive, is very low and deep. Moreover this sound utilized obviously has fought the air/Qi addition, the sound simultaneously passed through fluctuates desirably, making the human unable to distinguish clearly the vowel. After this sound fights the air/Qi addition, is very loud and clear, just like a bolt from the blue, exploded above Grey City, exploded Grey City several thousand people of clan alien race military completely silly. 这声音听起来似乎很年轻,又似乎很沧桑,似乎很尖锐,又很低沉。而且这声音明显运用了战气加成,声音同时经过刻意变幻,让人分不清原音。这声音战气加成后无比洪亮,宛如一个晴天霹雳般,炸在了苍城上方,将苍城数千人族异族武者全部炸傻了。 Blew wind, has thundered, immediately must rain, you also a bit faster went back to receive the clothes, what in this to deliberately create trouble?” “都刮风,打雷了,马上就要下雨了,你们还快点回去收衣服,在这胡闹什么?” This sound continues to resound, from time to time is incisive, from time to time the low and deep sound lets the feeling that the human hears to plant to spit blood. Simultaneously a shadow from sky glide rapidly, comes toward the both sides team central slanting taper slide line directly, body line actually elegant natural. In field all people astonished toward time that this form looks, was struck by lightning the expression, now just like again is actually divided one time, on the collective face patted the heavy line, some people even hair stand erect 这声音继续响起,时而尖锐,时而低沉的声音让人听得有种想吐血的感觉。同时一道黑影从天空急速的滑行下来,直接朝双方队伍中央斜斜滑行而来,身行倒是飘逸潇洒。只是,场中所有人惊愕的朝这个身影看去的时候,原本被雷劈中的表情,现在却宛如再次被劈了一次,集体脸上一拍黑线,有些人甚至头发都竖立起来 Comes the human unable to distinguish clearly the men and women, cannot see clearly look, cannot judge his age. Because this person of whole body covers, in black embroiders the dragon to carve in robe. Black devil cloak, on face together Qilin mask. The head is bringing a black bamboo hat. 来人分不清男女,看不清相貌,也不能判断他的年龄。因为这人全身都笼罩在一声黑色绣龙雕凤袍子内。身后一件黑色恶魔披风,脸上一块麒麟面具。头上更是带着一顶黑色的斗笠。 Good, this is unimportant, more importantly, on this person of waist inserted a very strange weapon, as if some similar butcher special-purpose killing pig blades of? 好吧,这都不重要,重要的是,这人腰上插了一把很奇怪的武器,似乎有些类似屠夫专用的杀猪刀? Jin Qi and all Gold Horn Spirit Clan have confused, this Chinese-style gown, this attire they knew. This is a god honor War-God special-purpose attire War-God robe! This War-God robe has not actually engraved to represent the step star. Moreover the quality of this Chinese-style gown worked also misses probably, very obvious this was forge. Why this potential surface will present god, symbolizes the War-God robe of glory and strength? What is most important is forge! Must know the forge War-God robe, but grave offense, in god only then some robber bandits intentionally will do this things 金麒和所有的金角神族迷惑了,这袍子,这装束他们认识。这是神界一种荣誉战神的专用装束战神袍!只是这战神袍却没有刻上代表品阶星星。而且这袍子的质量做工好像也差了一些,很明显这是伪造的。只是,这一位面为何会出现神界,象征荣耀和实力的战神袍?最重要的还是伪造的!要知道伪造战神袍可是重罪,在神界只有少部分强盗土匪才会故意搞些这东西 The War-God Prefecture person also hoodwinked, was this aggressive person who where from braved? Unexpectedly with killing pig blade as even with such insolent came out. It is not right! Does he emerge out of thin air probably? Is God Rank expert? However God Rank expert that many of mainland, this is god comes? God does have the butcher? Otherwise will have to kill pig blade? 战神府的人也蒙了,这是从什么地方冒出来的生猛人?居然拿把杀猪刀如此张狂的就出来了。不对!他好像是凭空出现的?难道是神级强者?但是大陆的神级强者就那么多,这个难道是神界来的?神界也有屠夫?否则怎么会有杀猪刀? Ye Ruoshui Emperor Dao and Xue Family Ancestor work as this person of appearance, in the eye the none remaining dodge suddenly, look at each other one, smiles. However immediately Ye Ruoshui actually as if remembers anything, actually deeps frown, when particularly he covers the dark forest Divine Knowledge, discovers in the dark castle the nobody left time, the brow wrinkled several points. 夜若水刀皇雪家老祖当这人一出现,眼中精光猛然一闪,对视一眼,纷纷微笑起来。但是随即夜若水却似乎想起什么,却眉头紧锁起来,尤其是当他将神识覆盖到暗黑森林,发现暗黑城堡内空无一人的时候,眉头更加皱了几分。 Who are you? Fast retreat, otherwise did not take it ill father to live to rip you!” “你是何人?速速退去,否则休怪老子生撕了你!” The Jin Qi both eyes twinkle, the spunk is obviously full. In situation unclear, perhaps he again presents Senior Shi, therefore has not acted rashly, but is cold and gloomy saying. 金麒双眼闪烁,显然怒意十足。只是在情况不明之下,他恐怕再出现一个噬大人,所以没有妄动,而是森冷的说道。 Old man was surnamed the great master to come from the eastern earth Tang, way place, and others was slaughtering wantonly, some did not endure, therefore urged and others to call a halt. The Niu Tou person, to Sir a face, this matter considers as finished, how?” The black robe person in airborne is light and vertical, during the speeches actually turns the head, the back to Jin Qi, seems to be not fearing him from the sneak attack. Black devil cloak flap flap made noise by Feng Chui, has several points of imposing manner actually, but of waist killing the pig blade, brought several points of humor. “老夫姓大名爷来自东土大唐,途径此地,将尔等正大肆杀戮,有些不忍,故来劝尔等停手。牛头人,给大爷个面子,此事算了,如何?”黑袍人在空中淡淡而立,说话间却转头过去,背对着金麒,似乎不怕他从偷袭般。身后黑色恶魔披风被风吹得猎猎作响,倒是自有几分气势,只是腰间的那把杀猪刀,却带了几分滑稽。 Whose are you Sir? Believes my palm to pat you?” Jin Qi one hear saw does not dare to move, facing a god boundary four deity peak, but also dared the as even with such unscrupulous person, if he were not the fool that definitely is only the super master. The strength of this person of surface is only the Saint level, but is actually emerges out of thin air, is very strange. “你他妈的是谁大爷?信不信我一掌拍死你?”金麒一听一见更加不敢动了,面对一个神将境四名天神巅峰,还敢如此肆无忌惮的人,如果他不是傻子那么肯定就是只是超级高手了。这人表面的实力只是圣级,但是却是凭空出现的,很是诡异啊。 „Do you dare to begin? Sir is only Saint level military, I ensure you have not begun, will Lima turn into pile of muddy fleshes, that big hand imprint of god city you forgets? I do not fear to tell you, that Sir may very much in side, does not believe that you try freely!” The black robe person seems like not super master, but is a fool, unexpectedly from exploding strength. Mentioned by name he is only a Saint level master. Also flagrant pulled the Senior Shi flag to bully the weak by relying on powerful connections. “你敢动手?大爷只是一名圣级武者,我保证你还没动手,就会利马变成一堆肉泥,神城的那个大手印你忘记了?我不怕告诉你,那位大人很有可能就在旁边,不相信你尽管试试!”黑袍人看来不是超级高手,而是一个傻子,居然自爆实力。点名他只是一名圣级高手。还明目张胆的扯出了噬大人的大旗狐假虎威起来。 Saint level? Grass your Sir!” “圣级?草你大爷!” Jin Qi one hear actually suddenly awakens, saw a moment ago this black robe person flickers to move, and as even with such attire. Was somewhat ignorant, now is actually direct Divine Knowledge several investigations, suddenly discovered that this person also is really solid Saint level military, it is estimated that has sensed weak Space Principle, does a crude person to flicker to move scary. 金麒一听却是猛然惊醒,刚才看到这黑袍人瞬移过来,而且如此装束。一丝有些懵了,现在却是直接神识几番探查,竟然发现,这人还真是名实实在在的圣级武者,估计是感悟了鸡肋的空间法则,搞个半吊子瞬移来吓人吧。 Right, his flickering moves to resemble the space fluctuation to be big! 对了,他的瞬移好像空间波动非常大! This is famous Saint level military, famous trash lunatic who just entered the Saint level. This is not god, where some that many recluse masters? 这是名圣级武者,还是名垃圾的刚入圣级的疯子。这不是神界,哪里有那么多隐士高手? to exceed thinks that he is more sober, a face is mad to become dark. Was his solemn god frightened unexpectedly by trash military? This, if passed on the face to lose in a big way. Under becomes angry out of shame, his face twists, the big hand wields, the anger exclaimed: 越想他越清醒过来,一张脸气得发黑起来。他堂堂一名神将武者居然被一个垃圾吓到了?这,要是传出去面子可是丢大了。恼羞成怒之下,他脸都扭曲起来,大手一挥,怒吼道: Father does not begin, child give father to charge completely, gives me to rip the hashed meat this person, under all God Rank military the city ripped completely. The inscription on stone tablet and bronze your four people leave to bring up the rear along with me, the human clan God Rank expert dares to move, extinguished to the father directly completely!” “老子不动手,孩儿们全部给老子冲锋,给我将此人撕成碎肉,把城内所有的神级下武者全部撕了。金石你们四人滚过来随我压阵,人族神级强者敢动,直接给老子全部灭了!” Does not use!” “不用了!” Black robe person sudden imposing manner rises sharply, the imposing manner will compare the following Saint level peak the Gold Horn Spirit Clan imposing manner also to want on the strong several points unexpectedly suddenly. Sinks to drink one, pulls out that killing the pig blade from waist, proceeds to wield directly, the green blade wave turnover, has illuminated the Grey City dim sky together. 黑袍人突然气势大涨,竟然气势突然将比下面的圣级巅峰的金角神族气势还要强上几分。沉喝一声,从腰间掏出那把杀猪刀,直接往前一挥,一道青色的刀浪吞吐而出,照亮了苍城昏暗的天空。 The foot pedal is void, flies directly toward below Gold Horn Spirit Clan, simultaneously his makes the strange sound that the human spits blood resound once more: Since your as even with such is incorrigibly obstinate, Sir a person delivers you to return to the western paradise today completely. This killing pig blade, ten thousand years have not seen the blood, today Sir does not kill the pig to butcher the bastard specially!” 脚踏虚空,直接朝下方的金角神族飞去,同时他那让人吐血的诡异声音再次响起:“既然你们如此顽固不化,大爷今日一人全部送你们归西。这把杀猪刀,万年未曾见血,今日大爷不杀猪专宰畜生!”
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