BPTH :: Volume #4

#379: Ended

379 chapters ended 379章完了 Outside Grey City, the fight has achieved the most fiery condition. 苍城外,战斗已经达到最火热的状态了。 War-God Prefecture 400 Saint Realm expert, as well as enter 2000 Emperor Realm expert, one sound made in Ye Ruoshui, completely roared flushed away toward Gold Horn Spirit Clan. 战神府400圣人境强者,以及进2000帝王境强者,在夜若水一声号令下,全部怒吼的朝金角神族冲去。 Before Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan came Grey City, has probably about 600, in War-God Prefecture fights under a round sneak attack, more than 100 injured, but does not have casualties. But a Sword Emperor move „the Sword Emperor Yao day directly has actually claimed more than 200 human lives. Sword Emperor is War-God Prefecture strongest God Rank expert, is War-God Prefecture infinite close deity peak military. 圣级金角神族本来来苍城之前还有大概600左右,在战神府战斗一轮偷袭之下,有100多人受伤,但是却没有一个伤亡。而剑皇的一招“剑皇曜天”却是直接带走了200多条人命。剑皇本来就是战神府最强的神级强者,是战神府无限接近天神巅峰的武者。 What is most important, he from exploding place, he in the Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan center from exploding. Directly-burning soul and Divine Crystal. This may the terrifying energy, extinguish kills 200 Saint level peak military is normal, if naturally gives him the time, these several hundred Saint level peak, it is estimated that less than a half hour he then completely can cut to kill easily, but he does not have the time to cut to kill, will begin Jin Qi to get rid, therefore he can only choose fiercest lethality biggest one move. 最重要的是,他自爆的地点,他是在圣级金角神族的中央自爆的。直接燃烧了灵魂和神晶。这可恐怖的能量,灭杀200圣级巅峰武者算是再正常不过,当然如果给他时间的话,这几百圣级巅峰,估计不到半小时他便全部能轻易斩杀,只是他没时间斩杀,一动手金麒就会出手,所以他只能选择最猛杀伤力最大的一招。 600 Saint level peak alien races, under a round explosion, only remaining are less than 400 military. Moreover what 50% is wounded. War-God Prefecture military flushed, although each is very crazy, but for has not actually lost the reason. Emperor Realm military, has enclosed these injured Saint level alien races completely, but Saint Realm expert is actually two to previous, was exploded while them hoodwinks, pounds to fiercely attack fiercely. 600圣级巅峰异族,一轮爆炸之下,只剩下不到400武者。而且还有一半的是带伤的。战神府武者冲了过来,虽然各个都无比疯狂,但是却为没有丧失理智。帝王境武者,全部围上了那些受伤的圣级异族,而圣人境强者却是两个对上一个,趁着他们被炸蒙了,一个劲的猛砸猛打。 The Jin Qi gloomy face starts to roar, reproved all Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan to meet head-on. 金麒阴沉的脸开始怒吼起来,训斥所有的圣级金角神族迎战。 A moment later, in Jin Qi under roars unceasingly. Under following Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan in 200 injured expert have not led to secure the position temporarily. After all they are the Saint level peak, did not say anything, only needs black flame guard shield opening, Emperor Realm military, then can only stare dry. 片刻之后,在金麒的不断怒吼之下。下面的圣级金角神族在200名没有受伤的强者带领下暂时稳住了阵脚。毕竟他们都是圣级巅峰,不说什么,只需黑色火焰护罩一开启,帝王境武者,便只能干瞪眼了。 But War-God Prefecture Saint level military the population was similar, but do not forget how many War-God Prefecture Saint level peak does have? Is by few more than ten people, Long Pifu is strongest one. But just stepped into the Saint level like Ye Jian this type, the Saint territory completely had not grasped, although after battle beast integration, can achieve Saint Realm 1-level peak close 2-level reluctantly, this class Saint level has! 战神府的圣级武者虽然人数差不多了,但是不要忘记,战神府的圣级巅峰有多少?是由寥寥十多人,龙匹夫算是最强的一个。而像夜剑这种刚刚踏入圣级的,圣域还没完全掌握,虽然战兽合体之后能勉强达到圣人境一重巅峰接近二重,这类的圣级却有很多! Therefore Emperor Realm military, withdraws!” “所以帝王境武者,后撤!” Ye Ruoshui lets somebody cool off or calm down one sound to make, 2000 Emperor Realm military all retroceded, has fallen back on above the Grey City city wall. 2000 Emperor Realm military come back actually remaining 1500, moreover there is an innumerable half wound half remnant. However they actually also took advantage to claim dozens about hundred injured Saint level Gold Horn Spirit Clan lives randomly, was gains. 夜若水冷冷一声号令下,2000帝王境武者全部后退,退到了苍城城墙之上。2000帝王境武者回来的时候却剩下1500不到,而且还有无数半伤半残的。但是他们却也趁乱带走了数十近百条受伤圣级金角神族的生命,算是赚了。 Ye Ruoshui Bai Mei stands erect, wrinkles slightly. Some disparities of situation and expectation. These alien races such quickly calmly came unexpectedly. Must know that these ingenious tactics, is after the War-God Prefecture innumerable military strategist wises, studied many to study day and night. This Emperor Realm attack estimated that can cut to kill the injured 50% alien races completely. Now the alien race ahead of time has actually stabilized position, he will certainly not make these Emperor Realm military bring death in vain. 夜若水白眉竖立,微微皱起。形势和预想的有些差距。这些异族竟然这么快就镇静过来了。要知道这些巧妙的战术,可是经过战神府无数的军师智者,研究了许多个日夜才研究出来的。本来这次帝王境攻击本来预计,能把受伤的一半异族全部斩杀了。现在异族却提前稳定了阵脚,他当然不会让这些帝王境武者白白送死了。 Ye Jian compels very much painstakingly, he avoidance attack of Gold Horn Spirit Clan cautiously, at heart while keeps was cursing angrily. 夜剑很苦逼,他一边小心翼翼的躲避的金角神族的攻击,一边心里不停的怒骂着。 Why isn't the alien race ahead of time how many months to arrive? After just made him break through Saint Realm, arrives? 为何异族不提前几个月降临?却刚刚让他突破圣人境之后降临? His battle beast is seven, Saint Realm just broke through, shortly after Lian Shengyu also just comprehended, at this moment actually must go crazy the same Saint level peak alien race to go all out with one crowd. 他的战兽才是七品,圣人境刚刚突破,连圣域也是刚刚领悟不久,此刻却要和一群发疯了一样的圣级巅峰异族拼命。 He always believes that refuses stubbornly fearfully. Fears feared, dying does not have the value. He just broke through Saint Realm, returns from the Ye Family back side of the mountain, prepares to bring skills into full play, rallies the senior branch prestige, recaptures to belong to his glory. Now has actually joined this bewildered war suddenly, but also had possibility bewildered dying very much. Finally, turned into the history book dead in battle the list innumerably, following not worthy of mentioning. 他始终认为,死不可怕。怕就怕,死的没价值。他刚刚突破圣人境,从夜家后山归来,准备大展拳脚一番,重振大房声威,重新夺回属于他的荣耀。现在却突然加入了这场莫名其妙的战争,还很有可能莫名其妙的死去。最后,变成史书上无数阵亡名单,后面的微不足道的一位。 He is not willingly, is not resigned to his life to shut in light of this, turns into grain of sand dust in historical current in light of this. Therefore he is very careful, the attack also puts on airs, maintains life for the focus, makes every effort to survive in this catastrophe, with the aim of a better illumination giving off heat in the future. 他不甘心,不甘心他的人生就此断路,就此化成历史洪流中的一粒沙尘。所以他很小心,攻击也是装腔作势,保命为主,力求在这场浩劫中存活下去,以便日后更好的发光发热。 Ye Tianlong is also very depressed, although his principle comprehension is not high, only achieves Saint Realm 2-level. However his battle beast is actually eight levels. After integration, fights the air/Qi to cultivate to can reach the Saint Realm peak actually. Although the principle lowered, but can also force to fight several hundred rounds with his opposite alien race. 夜天龙也很苦闷,虽然他法则领悟的不高,只达到圣人境二重。但是他的战兽却是八级的。合体之后,战气修为倒是能达到圣人境巅峰。法则虽然低了点,但是还能勉强和他对面的一名异族战上几百个回合。 He does not fear death, he also knows that like this continues, he will definitely die. He wants before, to look at the point of death finally this made him talk over 50 years of female 他也不怕死,他也知道,这样继续下去,他肯定会死。他只是想在临死前,最后看一看这个让他念叨了50年的女子 Long Pifu and Ye Qingniu are also depressed, has not seen with one's own eyes their granddaughter big marriage, always has such one to regret. However this regret was actually transformed crazy killing intent by them. In several hundred people, their attacks are fiercest, moreover they are coordinate to fight. 龙匹夫夜青牛也苦闷,没有亲眼看到他们的孙女大婚,总是有那么一丝遗憾。但是这丝遗憾却被两人转换成疯狂的杀意。数百人中,两人的攻击最为猛烈,而且两人是配合战斗。 Long Pifu seizes dragon to counter-balance the alien race surface flame guard shield directly, then Ye Qingniu kui Niu Zhan can strike the severe wound the alien race of Long Pifu fetter directly, a wood is the principle, a destruction principle, the flawlessness of coordination, the strength is fierce. 龙匹夫擒龙手直接抵消异族表面的火焰护罩,而后夜青牛一个夔牛斩就可以直接将龙匹夫束缚的异族击成重伤,一个木系法则,一个毁灭法则,配合的天衣无缝,战力凶猛。 They after striking to have killed more than ten meters alien race, actually turns into the focus in field. They by starting attack, turned into taking a beating, being miserable beyond description that they resist, several times barely escape. 只是两人在击杀了十多米异族之后,却变成场上的焦点人物。他们由开始的进攻,变成了挨揍,两人抵御的苦不堪言,几次险死还生。 In the field kills people most instead is Hua Family and Feng Family several Saint Realm, Hua Family is good at assassinating, the as even with such chaos is actually the location that they actually well display. But Feng Family person actually intelligent very much, hides directly behind the human goes, several big sword dances give an exaggerated account of things, are select the injured alien race to start finally, the achievement is actually remarkable. 场中杀人最多反而是花家风家的几名圣人境,花家擅长刺杀,如此混乱局面却是他们却好发挥的场地。而风家的人倒是聪明的很,直接躲在人去后面,几把大剑舞得天花乱坠,最后都是挑受伤的异族下手,倒是成果显著。 Several hundred Saint Realm nobody fear death, but actually various bosom thoughts, some people brave died, some people were hesitate to press forward secretly. Some people went crazy, some people fiercely compete and successfully compete, some people wars more startled. 数百圣人境没有人怕死,但是却各怀心思,有人勇敢的去死了,有人偷偷畏缩不前了。有人发狂了,有人越战越勇,有人越战越惊。 However, to at this moment, therefore the human know that War-God Prefecture defeated. Finally their inside people, could survive some people, is actually can only the surrender of humiliation, can receive in exchange for the survival that barely manages to maintain a feeble existence. 但是,到了此刻,所以人都知道,战神府败了。最终他们里面的人,或许能存活下来一些人,却是只能屈辱的投降,才能换取苟延残喘的生存。 Gold Horn Spirit Clan, in god by militant, savage, is famous lasciviously. A their stable position, a battle. Actually discovery these enemies as if are not very strong. Therefore fiercely competes and successfully competes, presses War-God Prefecture completely is starting to hit. But War-God Prefecture is the casualty is also getting more and more heavy, at this moment died over one-third Saint Realm, moreover this digit also in unceasing increase. 金角神族,在神界就是以好战,凶残,好色著称。他们一稳定阵脚,一交战。却发现这些敌人似乎并不是很强。于是越战越勇,完全将战神府压着开始打。而战神府也是死伤越来越重,此刻已经死去超过1圣人境了,而且这个数字还在不断的增加。 Quack, child completely change the bodies to me, gives me these hateful person clans, has killed to father quan, does not remain!” Jin Qi saw the crucial moment to arrive, general attack order that the binocular red decisiveness issued. “嘎嘎,孩儿们全部给我变身,给我将这些可恶的人族,给老子全杀了,一个不留!”金麒见火候到了,双眼通红的果断下达的总攻命令。 This loss was too big, he does not know, if the person clan had not found the Divine sword he should such to conquer the remaining that tribal groups, as well as East China Sea that side that island. However at this moment he actually could not attend, these do not make him lose the serious person clan complete milling at present become the hashed meat, this foul odor, his heart difficult draw. 这次损失太大了,他都不知道如果人族没有找到神剑他该这么去征服剩下那个族群,以及东海那边那个小岛。不过此刻他却顾不上了,不将眼前这些让他损失惨重的人族全部辗成碎肉,这口恶气不出,他心难平。 Quack “嘎嘎嘎” Remaining more than 200 Gold Horn Spirit Clan are basically complete military, at this moment under a Jin Qi sound command, the excited greatness roars completely with one voice. Then the body black flame collective rises suddenly, the body thickening, the head biangular infinite long grows up thickly, on the face various model communities walk randomly, both eyes also become somewhat dark red. 残余的200多金角神族都是基本完好的武者,此刻在金麒一声号令之下,全部齐声兴奋的巨吼起来。而后身体黑色火焰集体暴涨,身体变粗,头上双角无限长粗长大,脸上各种纹身游走,双眼也变得有些暗红。 Ended “完了” Ye Tianlong both eyes reveal a despair, actually high raising, incomparably accepts as a memento looked at one toward Grey City. Actually discovered that has not seen that female, somewhat loses, the whole body fights the air/Qi to rise, an earth roared, toward threw Gold Horn Spirit Clan to flush away crazily. 夜天龙双眼露出一丝绝望,头却高高的昂起,无比留念的朝苍城望了一眼。却又发现没有看到那个女子,又有些失落,浑身战气一涨,一个大地咆哮,朝疯狂扑来金角神族冲去。 Rushing of the final decisive battle, countless people have roared, some countless people wandered, naturally, small number of people actually start secretly retroceded 最后的决战到了,无数人怒吼的冲了上去,也有无数人徘徊起来了,当然,还有少数人却偷偷的开始后退了
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