BTTH :: Volume #3

#463: Practices the accelerator

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Drops the pyller in the Xiao Yan both feet later that flash of ground, his body coagulates in vain, delicate face, just likes the charcoal, and indifferently white mist, having one type to just like the barbecue the sound, seeps from his body. 就在萧炎双脚落进塔门之后地面的那一霎那,其身体徒然凝固,清秀的脸庞,犹如火炭般,并且一股股淡淡的白色雾气,带着一种犹如烤肉般嗤嗤的声响,从其身体之内渗透而出。 Side Xiao Yan, then simultaneously enters Wu Hao in tower with him, is similarly red in this moment face, the white mist is also being exactly the same emits from his body. 萧炎身旁,那与他同时进入塔内的吴昊,也同样是在此刻脸庞通红,白色雾气也是如出一辙的从其身体内冒出。 They stand in the tower entrance place move also motionless, some senior this desire of behind entering reprimanded drink, but after they see the Xiao Yan two people of situations, reprimanding to drink the sound to stop, some hey said with a smile meanly: It seems like should be two initially enters the Inner Academy new student, first entry Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower dares not to have the slight protection unexpectedly, gets what one deserves......” 两人站在塔门口处动也不动,一些本来从后面进入的老生本欲斥喝,可当他们看见萧炎二人的情形之后,却是将斥喝声止了下去,有些幸灾乐祸地嘿嘿笑道:“看来应该是两个初进入内院的新生吧,第一次进入‘天焚炼气塔’竟然敢没有丝毫防备,活该……” Informs in the tower quickly elder, first entry Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, if no getting rid of elder, perhaps they directly by incineration hard coke from inside to outside.” “快去通知塔内长老吧,第一次进入‘天焚炼气塔’,若是没有长老的出手,恐怕他们会直接被由内而外的烧成焦炭。” Naturally, this time Xiao Yan they naturally cannot hear these senior words, now they for the strange situation that own within the body has suddenly were feeling that with amazement and cannot withstand busily. 当然,此时的萧炎两人自然是听不见这些老生的话语,现在他们正为自己体内忽然出现的诡异情形感到骇然并且忙碌不堪。 Damn, this outcome what's the matter?” “该死的,这究竟是怎么回事?” In the Xiao Yan heart has several points to tremble with fear is looking at that suddenly bunch of crafty strange flame that presents from within the body bewilderedly, in the heart somewhat cannot help but flurried, this bunch of flame is strange somewhat stems from the common sense, the reason does not have him, because, this bunch of flame, unexpectedly invisible without merit, if is not Xiao Yan is skilled to control the fire, knows flame, perhaps this bunch of slightly some invisible wondrous item of distortion, will then not be will regard flame. 萧炎心中带着几分惊颤地望着那忽然间从体内莫名其妙出现的一簇诡异火焰,心中不由得有些慌乱了起来,这簇火焰诡异得有些出乎常理,原因无他,只是因为,这簇火焰,竟然无形无状,若非是萧炎精通控火,知晓火焰,恐怕也不会把这簇只是略微有些扭曲的无形奇物,便是当成一种火焰 This bunch of invisible flame and cannot be regarded extremely formidable, however in within the body of person throughout is the frailest place, here, even if Dou Huang Expert, does not dare no matter what at will does not know that the background the energy rushes, so long as here anything presents a damage, losses that causes, will be unquantifiable, even, but can also be of permanence. 这簇无形火苗并算不得太过强大,但是人的体内始终都是最为脆弱的地方,在这里,就算是斗皇强者,也不敢随意任得不知来路的能量闯进去,这里的任何东西只要出现一点损伤,那所造成的损失,将会难以估量,甚至,还会是永久性的那种。 Since this bunch of invisible flame appears, from sends out, but high temperature, was makes the Xiao Yan within the body meridians, the skeleton, muscle wait / etc. organs is starts to have the feelings of some stabbing pain, fire manipulation Xiao Yan knows frequently that this was by the omen that the high temperature burnt, if so were continuing, how long perhaps could not want, the meridians in within the body wait / etc., will then be under this damn flame, lost the function, once the meridians lost the revolution function, then cultivated the Dou Qi person regarding one, without doubt had then judged degenerated into the waste the result! 自从这簇无形火苗出现后,从其中散发而出的高温,便是令得萧炎体内经脉,骨骼,肌肉等等器官都是开始出现了些许刺痛之感,经常玩火萧炎知道,这是被高温灼伤的前兆,若是在这般继续下去,恐怕要不了多久,体内的经脉等等,便是会在这该死的火苗之下,失去作用,而一旦经脉失去了运转作用,那么对于一个修炼斗气的人来说,无疑便是宣判了沦为废物的结局! Calm, calm!” “冷静,冷静!” In the heart deeply inspired, Xiao Yan is suppressing diligently by the somewhat flurried heart that this sudden situation does, after the moment, the mind moves, sees only in that Acceptance Spirit space of channel central location, the green-colored flame terminal velocity gushes out, finally is allowing the direction of Xiao Yan, has shuttled back and forth rapidly meridians, finally blots out the sky by the potential of encircling, that bunch of crafty strange flame surrounding of unknown origin. 心中深吸了一口气,萧炎努力地压制着被这突如其来的情况搞的有些慌乱的心,片刻后,心神一动,只见得气旋中央位置的那点纳灵空间中,青色火焰极速涌出,最后听随着萧炎的指挥,急速穿梭过条条经脉,最后铺天盖地的以围剿之势,将那簇来历不明的诡异火焰包围其中。 Along with the appearance of Green Lotus Core Flame, then from invisible flame seeps, but the high temperature, just now completely was isolated, hence, Xiao Yan just now lightly relaxed, fortunately, has Green Lotus Core Flame to protect the body. 随着青莲地心火的出现,那从无形火焰中渗透而出的高温,方才完全被隔绝了开去,至此,萧炎方才轻松了一口气,还好,有着青莲地心火护体。 „Does this damn thing, how enter my within the body?” Took off the danger, Xiao Yan then started to have doubts, after he entered Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower, has not touched anything, moreover in the meridians also has circulation continuous Dou Qi to make the protection, this wisp of flame was impossible not to have the sound to enter own body...... “这该死的东西,是怎么进入我体内的?”脱去了危险,萧炎这才开始疑惑,他进入“天焚炼气塔”后,没有触摸任何东西,而且经脉之中还有着流转不休的斗气做防护,这缕火焰不可能毫无声息地进入自己的身体啊…… However looked scene that formerly this crafty strange flame presented that probably already was in the body general, but actually does not rush from the outside likely. 然而看先前这股诡异火焰出现的场景,就好像是早就在身体之中一般,倒不像是从外界闯进来。 How possibly already to exist in body, my within the body has the Green Lotus Core Flame protection, common flame is impossible to enter!” Shook the head, Xiao Yan strangles that thought in the heart flashing through but actually rapidly. “怎么可能早就存在于身体内,我体内有青莲地心火保护,寻常火焰根本不可能进入!”摇了摇头,萧炎将心中闪过的那倒念头急速扼杀。 Well? Invisible flame?” In Xiao Yan racks one's brains is puzzled, suddenly has the old amazed sound from his heart to spread. “咦?无形火焰?”就在萧炎苦思不解时,忽然间有着苍老的惊诧声音从其心中传出。 Teacher?” Hears this sound, Xiao Yan immediately great happiness. 老师?”听得这声音,萧炎顿时大喜。 Invisible achromatic color, reveals taking advantage of the heart, not having the mark may seek...... This, this...... This?” Old Yao thought aloud was muttering, after the moment, in the shocking sound, emerged wild with joy. “无形无色,借心而显,无迹可寻……这,这……这?”药老自言自语的喃喃着,片刻后,震惊的声音中,涌现狂喜。 „Is this Fallen Heart Flame?” “这是陨落心炎?” Fallen Heart Flame?” The mind shakes suddenly, Xiao Yan in this in an instant, has almost to plant excitement that cannot dominate the mood, that surrounds invisible flame green-colored flame is also being a fierce ascension, even almost directly dissipated. 陨落心炎?”心神猛然一震,萧炎在这刹那间,几乎有种把持不住情绪的激动,那包围着无形火苗的青色火焰也是一阵剧烈升腾,甚至差点直接消散了去。 do not excited...... do not excited...... Well?” 不要激动……不要激动……咦?” Feels the heart that Xiao Yan surges, Old Yao hurried comforting said that after looking these green-colored flame are calm and steady gradually, just now once again attention as centralized as that bunch of invisible flame , after the moment, actually suddenly sends out together the doubts startled well sound. 感受到萧炎激荡的心,药老急忙安抚道,待瞧得那些青色火焰逐渐安稳下来后,方才再度将注意力集中到那簇无形火苗上,片刻后,却是忽然发出一道疑惑的惊咦声。 How, Teacher?” Mind stubbornly is staring at that bunch of invisible flame, Xiao Yan hears Old Yao startled well the sound, asked hurriedly. “怎么了,老师?”心神死死的盯着那簇无形火焰,萧炎听得药老的惊咦声,急忙问道。 „It is not right...” The Old Yao doubts muttered: Such form quality. Indeed is the performance of Fallen Heart Flame, but will not be such weak...... Right, right...... This wisp of flame...... seems not the Fallen Heart Flame main body, looks like because on the contrary approaching its main body, but was projected the split in heart.” “不对啊…”药老疑惑地喃喃道:“这样的形质。的确是陨落心炎的表现啊,但是不会是这么弱的啊……对了,对了……这缕火焰……似乎并不是陨落心炎的本体,反倒是像因为靠近其本体,而被投射在心中的分体。” What meaning?” Hears Old Yao these words, Xiao Yan is actually more vacant. “什么意思?”听得药老这番话,萧炎却是更加茫然。 This wisp of invisible flame, is not true Fallen Heart Flame, was projected split flame in your innermost feelings by Fallen Heart Flame merely, swallows this wisp of split, is impossible to achieve evolution Flame Mantra the effect.” Old Yao sinking sound track. “这缕无形火苗,并非是真正的陨落心炎,仅仅只是被陨落心炎投射在你内心中的分体火焰,吞噬这缕分体,并不可能达到进化‘焚诀’之效。”药老沉声道。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan slightly somewhat is then clear, immediately is greatly disappointed. 闻言,萧炎这才略有些明白,当下大失所望。 What does this have to be quite disappointed? Since Fallen Heart Flame can project split flame in your innermost feelings, that was said that it was away from you are not very far...... Moreover, now I can also tell you explicitly, you pursue Fallen Heart Flame, should in this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower in! Has not thought that this Jia Nan Academy hides Heavenly Flame in this place unexpectedly, so is no wonder untraceable.” Old Yao laughs saying that in the laughter, has the joy that is hard to conceal. “这有什么好失望的?既然陨落心炎能够在你内心中投射出分体火焰,那便是说它距离你并不是很远……而且,现在我也能够明确地告诉你,你所追求的‘陨落心炎’,应该就是在这座‘天焚炼气塔’之中!没想到啊,这迦南学院竟然把异火隐藏在这种地方,怪不得这般难以寻找。”药老大笑道,笑声中,有着难以掩饰的欣喜。 Fallen Heart Flame in this tower?” Hears this saying, just still also somewhat disappointed Xiao Yan immediately once again energetic. 陨落心炎就在这座塔中?”听得这话,刚刚尚还有些失望的萧炎顿时再度精神了起来。 Also only then this, can explain why Inner Academy student, cultivates in this tower, will have the so quick speed.” Old Yao smiling tunnel. “也只有这样,才能解释为什么内院的学生,在这塔中修炼,会有如此快捷的速度了。”药老笑眯眯地道。 „Is this also related with Fallen Heart Flame?” Xiao Yan astonished tunnel. “这也和陨落心炎有关?”萧炎惊愕地道。 Nature related...... You withdraw Green Lotus Core Flame, revolution Dou Qi, will pass through from this wisp of invisible flame, tries to have anything to respond.” Old Yao to command said. “自然有关……你撤去青莲地心火,运转斗气,从这缕无形火焰之中穿过,试试会有什么反应。”药老吩咐道。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan somewhat is slightly scruple, at once clenches teeth, the mind moves, then green-colored flame of invisible flame heavily surrounding, is whiz one, fast returned Acceptance Spirit. 闻言,萧炎略微有些迟疑,旋即一咬牙,心神一动,那将无形火苗重重包围的青色火焰,便是嗖的一声,飞快地退回了“纳灵”之中。 Along with departure of Green Lotus Core Flame, that high temperature spreads from invisible flame once again, within the body meridians skeleton that made sent out faintly the stabbing pain. Suppresses the stabbing pain in within the body, the Xiao Yan mind is moving slightly, channel Diamond Dou Crystal of that thumb size, trembles slightly, green Dou Qi well up abundantly, finally under his control, has shuttled back and forth several meridians, arrived at the place of invisible flame occupying. 随着青莲地心火的离开,那种高温再度从无形火焰中蔓延而出,令的体内经脉骨骼发出隐隐地刺痛。强忍着体内的刺痛,萧炎心神微动,气旋内的那枚拇指大小的菱形斗晶,微微一颤,一股股青色斗气涌盛而出,最后在他的控制下,穿梭过好几道经脉,来到了无形火焰盘踞之处。 Passes through.” “穿过去。” In heart wicked underground an order. Sees only Dou Qi suddenly spout, at once under the gaze of Xiao Yan mind, has crashed in that repeatedly invisible flame. 心中恶狠狠地下了一道命令。只见得斗气猛然喷涌,旋即在萧炎心神的注视下,冲进了那屡无形火焰之中。 The invisible flame area is minimum, therefore links for one second not to pass, that crashes in green Dou Qi in flame, is once again from other one side, has put on. 无形火焰的面积极小,因此连一秒时间都未曾过去,那冲进火焰之中的青色斗气,便是再度从另外一边,穿了出去。 This......” “这……” The mind closely controls that across invisible flame green Dou Qi, Xiao Yan was discovering astonished that quite sturdy Dou Qi, in passing through invisible flame, reduced about one time unexpectedly! 心神紧紧地控制着那股穿过无形火焰的青色斗气,萧炎惊愕地发现,原本一股颇为粗壮的斗气,在穿过无形火焰之内,竟是生生地缩小了将近一倍之多! However, although the volume reduced one time, but that becomes on small many green Dou Qi, actually gave Xiao Yan one type to congeal extremely the solid feeling, when that feeling, just liked is Dou Qi after invisible flame, by it slightly somewhat empty loose Dou Qi, closely was twisted in one, then, this small size many Dou Qi, strength that can erupt, absolutely was huger than formerly that turbulent Dou Qi! 但是,虽然体积缩小了一倍,可那股变得小上许多的青色斗气,却是给予了萧炎一种极为凝实的感觉,那种感觉,就犹如是斗气在经过无形火焰时,被其生生地将略有些虚散的斗气,紧紧地拧在了一起般,如此一来,这股体积小了许多的斗气,所能爆发出来的力量,却绝对比先前那股汹涌的斗气更加庞大! In the heart realized clearly the change of Dou Qi, the Xiao Yan cannot help but great happiness, hastily is controlling Dou Qi continuously across that repeatedly invisible flame, however, in working as fifth Dou Qi, that became aware invisible flame repeatedly is actually starts to shiver slightly, flame was more unreal, the temperature was getting more and more low, after half pay, finally when was just likes appears general, dissipated once again silently completely. 心中清楚地察觉到斗气的这种变化,萧炎不由得大喜,连忙控制着一股股斗气源源不断的穿过那屡无形火焰,然而,就在当其中第五股斗气穿过之后,那屡悟无形火焰却是开始略微颤抖了起来,紧接着,火焰越加虚幻,温度越来越低,半饷后,终于是犹如出现时一般,再度无声无息地完全消散。 Vanished?” “消失了?” Dou Qi has put on spatial, Xiao Yan somewhat cannot help but stunned, he can feel that that burning hot in within the body felt, started to go rapidly pale. 斗气穿了个空,萧炎不由得有些愕然,他能感觉到,体内的那股炙热感觉,已经开始迅速淡去。 This is only a wisp of extremely small and weak projection split, the purification energy of produces, little, therefore can only support you to purify these Dou Qi.” The Old Yao laughter, solved the doubts for Xiao Yan. “这只是一缕极为弱小的投射分体,所产生的净化能量,很少,所以只能支撑你净化这些斗气。”药老的笑声,替萧炎解去了疑惑。 Hearing this, Xiao Yan then suddenly, slightly somewhat regrets shook the head, the mind moves, Dou Qi pours into that several had been purified once again enters in Dou Crystal in channel. 闻言,萧炎这才恍然,略微有些惋惜地摇了摇头,心神一动,将那几股被净化过的斗气再度灌注进入气旋内的斗晶中。 The mind looks at that Diamond Dou Crystal, Xiao Yan discovered that after these purified Dou Qi irrigation enter Dou Crystal, Dou Crystal of thumb size, as if faintly becomes slightly big a point...... 心神看着那菱形斗晶,萧炎发现,随着这几股被净化的斗气灌注进入斗晶后,拇指大小的斗晶,似乎隐隐变得略大了一点…… This Fallen Heart Flame has this effect unexpectedly, merely is bunch of small and weak split flame that projects, is makes my Dou Qi somewhat strive slightly, if can swallow its main body, that......” thought of here, Xiao Yan has swallowed saliva, the heart was actually cannot bear beat fiercely, this Fallen Heart Flame, can the sharp weapon that simply accelerated to practice, if who can obtain him, perhaps that practice speed, will enter an extremely terrifying boundary! “这陨落心炎居然有这种奇效,仅仅是投射出来的一簇弱小的分体火焰,便是让得我斗气略微有些精进,若是能够将其本体吞噬,那……”想到此处,萧炎咽了一口唾沫,心脏却是忍不住地剧烈跳动了起来,这陨落心炎,简直就是能够让人加速修炼的利器,谁若是能够得到他,那修炼速度,恐怕将会进入一种极为恐怖的境界! What's wrong? Were the kids, excited?” The sound that Old Yao teased, has made a sound. “怎么?小家伙,心动了?”药老戏谑的声音,响了起来。 Xiao Yan smiled, has not concealed the heart of own saliva slightly. 萧炎笑了笑,丝毫没有掩饰自己的垂涎之心。 Teacher, this Fallen Heart Flame, to my help, is perhaps bigger than Green Lotus Core Flame, therefore...... No matter how, I must obtain it!” 老师,这个陨落心炎,对我的帮助,恐怕比青莲地心火还要大,所以……不管如何,我一定要得到它!” ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. Your support, is I biggest power.) (兄弟姐妹们,如果你喜欢土豆的斗破苍穹,请使用“分享到”按钮,分享给你的朋友们吧。您的支持,就是我最大的动力。) Next: 下一篇: Previous: 上一篇:
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