BTTH :: Volume #3

#462: Mystical Heita?

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Xiao Yan, this Pan's Gate just established, you then run away, I have treated these many years in the law enforcement team, but also first time sees your this irresponsible boss......” on a spacious path, half step of Wu Hao to this in front in Xiao Yan that walks, but the tunnel, after formerly this fellow the influence name confirmed that then lost to Xun Er and Hu Jia places the new student, oneself were actually finds the excuse to slide. 萧炎,这‘磐门’刚刚建立,你便是撒腿就跑,我在执法队待了这么多年,还第一次看见你这种不负责任的头儿……”一宽敞道路上,吴昊对这前面正在快步而走的萧炎无奈地道,在先前这个家伙将势力名字确认下来后,便是丢给了熏儿与胡嘉两人安置新生,自己却是找借口溜了出来。 They can do well, I am also the secure gathering will of the people effect, now the person has drawn, these tedious matters, naturally can only depend on them, if some people disturb, we act to be responsible for not being late again.” “她们能弄好的,我也就是起个安聚人心的效果,现在人已拉了过去,那些繁琐的事情,自然只能靠她们,而若是有人捣乱,我们再出面负责也不迟。” Xiao Yan has postponed the footsteps, has smiled one to Wu Hao, then turns the head to look at periphery that spacious path, at this time in the path has Inner Academy senior swept in a flash , but nobody they projects many attention to Xiao Yan but actually, obviously, is not all senior, has heard their this newborn reputations. 萧炎放缓了脚步,冲着吴昊笑了一声,然后转头望着周围那宽敞的道路,此时道路中是不是有着内院老生闪掠而过,不过倒没什么人对萧炎两人投射多少注意力,显然,并非所有老生,都听说过他们这届新生的名头。 Wu Hao shook the head reluctantly, gains ground the path that looks at that to extend in all directions, said: „Do you want to go?” 吴昊无奈地摇了摇头,抬头望着那四通八达的道路,道:“你这是想去哪?” Goes to the north side to have a look at......” Xiao Yan to point at slowly to stroke the jet black ring, has raised the chin to this north, last night listened to Old Yao saying that perhaps in that direction, can obtain point clue about a Heavenly Flame, present Xiao Yan, needs to seek for Heavenly Flame anxiously, so that can promote the strength as soon as possible, therefore, he was the moment does not want to delay. “去北边看看……”萧炎手指缓缓抚摸着漆黑的戒指,对这北方扬了扬下巴,昨夜听药老说,或许在那一个方向,能够得到一点关于异火的线索,现在的萧炎,急切地需要寻找异火,以便自己能够尽快提升实力,所以,他是片刻都不想耽搁。 North?” Stares slightly, Wu Hao nodded actually indifferently, comes out in any case recognizes a familiar road, where goes to be good casually. “北边?”微微一愣,吴昊倒是无所谓地点了点头,反正出来只是认个熟路,随便去哪里都行。 Walks.” Waved, the Xiao Yan sole treads the ground suddenly, along with the energy crack, stature was actually wind has shot together, so the stature speed, made some senior item of dew surprise of communication actually. “走吧。”挥了挥手,萧炎脚掌猛然一踏地面,随着一道能量炸响,身形却是咻的一声飙射了出去,这般身形速度,倒是令得来往的一些老生目露诧异。 This fellow......” shook the head, above the Wu Hao both legs, reappears suddenly some scarlet Dou Qi, Dou Qi fluctuates slightly, the body of Wu Hao becomes somewhat is slightly unreal, at once the body trembles, then strangely vanished when unexpectedly same place, appeared again, was already beyond several meters, several swept in a flash , fast pursued along with Xiao Yan plunders to go “这家伙……”摇了摇头,吴昊双腿之上,忽然浮现些许血色斗气,斗气微微波动,吴昊的身体略微变得有些虚幻起来,旋即身体一颤,竟然便是诡异地消失在了原地,再次出现时,则是已在十几米外,几个闪掠,飞快地随着萧炎追掠而去 Movement Dou Technique that shows respectively from Xiao Yan and Wu Hao, without doubt is the latter must appear faintly recognizable is more difficult to seek, if with the person to the war, this movement, will let the match headache. 萧炎吴昊各自展现出来的身法斗技来看,无疑是后者的要显得更加飘渺难寻一些,若是与人对战,这种身法,将会更让得对手头疼。 Good strange Movement Dou Technique......” communication senior looks is vanishing a blood shade in line of sight, makes noise to say. “好诡异的身法斗技……”来往的老生望着消失在视线内的一道血影,不由地出声赞道。 ...... …… The Inner Academy area is big somewhat stems from Xiao Yan their anticipation, they launched stature to dash about wildly for nearly a half hour, may actually still not arrive at the Inner Academy boundary, can see some along the way actually frequently mutually the war circle that compared notes to be thick as thieves. Beyond these circles, gathers round the people of many watching, some people of talking too much, looked that also respectively was shouting fights flaw that they occasionally show, finally made to encircle they more hit are more fearful more and apprehensive, to finally, can only the whole face receive the hand to draw back depressed. 内院的面积大得有些出乎萧炎两人的意料,两人一路展开身形狂奔了近半个小时,可却依然没有到达内院的界限,沿途之中,倒是经常能够看见一些互相切磋打得火热的战圈。在这些圈子外,都是围着不少观看之人,一些多嘴之人,边看还各自大喊着战斗两人偶尔所露出的破绽,结果令得圈中两人越打越胆颤心惊,到得最后,都只能满脸郁闷地收手而退。 Can enter the Jia Nan Academy Inner Academy person, is really not the ordinary character, so the eyesight, makes the Outer Academy student be able not hold a candle sufficiently.” Fights in the circle to take back the line of sight from one, Xiao Yan somewhat sighs the tunnel. “能够进入迦南学院内院的人,果然都不是普通人物啊,这般眼力,足以让外院的学生望尘莫及。”从一处战圈中收回视线,萧炎有些感叹地道。 Here student, majority of after heavily screening, which is casual to admit in the continent empire, can perhaps be regarded the talent to treat, there are these eyesight, pours to be nothing unusual.” Wu Hao says with a smile: Here atmosphere, pours indeed quite aggressive, a word does not gather, compares notes directly.” “这里的学生,大部分都是经过重重筛选,随便哪一个放进大陆帝国中,恐怕都是能够被当成天才对待,有这些眼力,倒不足为奇。”吴昊笑着道:“不过这里的风气,倒的确颇为凶悍的,一言不合,直接就地切磋。” Xiao Yan nodded with a smile, the vision has swept sweeping in all around, is actually somewhat stunned discovered why does not know, this to the northern path, the increasing number of people have crowded around, displays peak the speed, therefore, Xiao Yan they only see in both sides woods, but unceasing swept in a flash person's shadow as well as whistling the sound of broken wind. 萧炎笑着点了点头,目光在四周扫了扫,却是有些错愕地发现,不知为何,这条向北的路子,越来越多的人簇拥了过来,一个个地将速度施展到极致,于是,萧炎两人就只见到两旁树林上,不断闪掠而过的人影以及呼呼破风的声响。 Probably are they hurrying to north? Actually is that side what?” Wu Hao had discovered similarly student who suddenly increases, some surprise tunnels. “好像他们都在对北面方向赶去?那边究竟是什么?”吴昊同样是发现了忽然增多的学员,有些诧异地道。 Hey, has a look to know.” Xiao Yan smiled, the sole stamps, the stature wind shoots once again, after that Wu Hao just likes the maggot of tarsal bone is ordinary, closely follows. “嘿,去看看就知道了。”萧炎笑了笑,脚掌跺地,身形再度飙射而出,其后,吴昊犹如跗骨之蛆一般,紧紧跟随。 This time terminal velocity hurries along, has continued once again for more than 20 minutes, Xiao Yan they just now gradually slow down the speed, because of this time their front, presented dense large quantities to stop here student. 这一次的极速赶路,也是足足再度持续了将近20多分钟,萧炎两人方才逐渐放缓速度,因为此时他们的面前,已经出现了黑压压的大批停在此处的学员。 How can these many people?” Is looking densely this with ant large military force, Xiao Yan cannot help but astonished. “怎会这么多人?”望着这黑压压的跟蚂蚁似的的大队人马,萧炎不由得一脸愕然。 Does not know that......” Wu Hao is also unfamiliar with the people and place, therefore also can only shake the head reluctantly. “不知道……”吴昊也是人生地不熟,所以也只能无奈地摇头。 The palm rubbed the suo chin, Xiao Yan looked all around the four directions, then arrived under a great tree quickly, was saying to Wu Hao: I had a look......” saying that did not wait for Wu Hao to answer, he was one flees to leap, has jumped onto a bough, stature just liked the spirit monkey is ordinary, climbed up extremely agilely on, merely dozens seconds, stature leapt, then appeared in the big tree peak. 手掌磨挲者下巴,萧炎环顾了一下四方,然后快步来到一处巨树下,对着吴昊道:“我上去看看……”说完,不等吴昊回话,他便是一个窜腾,跃上了一处树干,身形犹如灵猴一般,极为敏捷地攀爬而上,仅仅几十秒时间,身形一跃,便是出现在了大树顶端。 Stands in the top of the tree, Xiao Yan overlooks the following scene exhaltedly, the vision is jumping over that dense crowd, is sweeping off to the front directly, immediately, face is startled, the mouth was also micro slightly open: „Is this......?” 站在树顶,萧炎居高临下地俯视着下面场景,目光跳过那黑压压的人群,直接对着前方扫去,当下,脸庞一怔,嘴巴也是微微张了开来:“这是……?” Appears in the Xiao Yan line of sight, is a hollow terrain, in that hollowly, extremely huge Black tower, deep buried bottom, but reveals a section of spire as well as a jet black entrance in the ground. 出现在萧炎视线之内的,是一处凹陷的地形,在那凹陷地内,一座极为庞大的黑塔,正深埋地底,只是在地面上露出一截塔尖以及一层漆黑入口。 Tower buried bottom? 塔埋地底? This extremely strange scene, lets stunned exceed enriching Sheng on Xiao Yan face, good after long time, just now gradually recovers, mutters: This is that so-called Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower? Has not thought...... Buries under the place unexpectedly, can this also go in the practice?” 这种极为奇异的场景,让得萧炎脸庞上的错愕越加浓盛,好半晌后,方才逐渐回过神来,喃喃道:“难道这就是那所谓的‘天焚炼气塔’?没想到……竟然埋在地底下,这也能进去修炼?” The vision sweeps that to be higher than the tower of ground carefully, a Xiao Yan suddenly brow wrinkle, he discovered that in that tower surrounding space, the feeling of some as if faint distortion as well as wrinkle, this situation, he once in Outer Academy book collection pavilion place has experienced...... 目光仔细地扫过那高出地面的一层塔身,萧炎忽然眉头一皱,他发现,在那塔身周围的空间,似乎隐隐有些扭曲以及皱痕的感觉,这种情况,他曾经在外院的“藏书阁”处见识过…… My goodness, specially has arranged unexpectedly also this defense......” “好家伙,竟然还专门布置了这种防御……” According to previous Hu Gan Deputy Headmaster, Xiao Yan is clear, wants to arrange the defense of this space distortion, at least is needs the Dou Zun rank the strength, just now has the possibility...... 据上次琥乾副院长解说,萧炎清楚,想要布置这种扭曲空间的防御,至少是需要斗尊级别的实力,方才有可能…… Dou Zun......” is smiling bitterly shaking the head, Expert of this rank, was some is extremely really terrorist, actually including space type of faintly recognizable invisible thing, can use for them, that above Dou Sheng, and even Dou Di, was the what kind terrifying boundary? 斗尊……”苦笑着摇了摇头,这种等级的强者,实在是有些太过恐怖了点,竟然是连空间这种飘渺无形的东西,都是能够为他们所用,那更之上的斗圣,乃至斗帝,又是何等恐怖的境界? Scoffs......” “嗤……” When Xiao Yan is the Dou Zun Expert terrorist forces, but exclaiming, suddenly has large quantities of roaring wind to make a sound from behind not far away resounds, the former turns the head, is actually somewhat with amazement discovered that about dozens forms will be coming from distant place swept in a flash , the speeds of these people are quite quick, merely is less than ten seconds, the person's shadow was scattered flashes before on the trunk and branches of Xiao Yan nearby several big trees. 就在萧炎斗尊强者的恐怖势力而惊叹不已时,忽然有着大批的破风声响从身后不远处响起,前者转头,却是有些惊讶地发现,将近几十道身影正从远处闪掠而来,这些人的速度极为快捷,仅仅是不到十秒时间,人影便是错错落落地闪现在了萧炎一旁几颗大树的枝干上。 These person of realities support...... near distance to observe these person's shadows strongly, Xiao Yan discovered that the left chest places of these dozens person's shadows, are wearing a badge of similar piece of coconut tree, it seems like, these people should be are some influence. “这些人实力挺强……”近距离地观察这些人影,萧炎发现,这几十名人影的左胸口处,都是佩戴着一枚类似一片椰子的徽章,看来,这些人应该是同属某一个势力。 Oh, this Inner Academy influence is really numerous, our that Pan's Gate, but also just now starts......” Xiao Yan to smile bitterly shaking the head , the vision is staring at these person's shadows, truly discovered that they after watching a below, is each one directly swept in a flash , large quantities of person's shadows from the upper air dive, rushed to under the place of dense team front finally extremely arbitrarily directly. “唉,这内院果然势力众多啊,我们那‘磐门’,还才刚起步呢……”萧炎苦笑着摇了摇头,目光盯着那些人影,确实发现他们在观看了一番下面后,便是各自径直闪掠而下,大批人影从高空俯冲而下,最后极为蛮横地直接闯到了下面黑压压的队伍前方之处。 This influence thinks, in the Inner Academy strength is very good......” under people's performance to take in the eye, Xiao Yan mutters in a low voice, at once follows the bough, jumps fast. “这支势力想必在内院实力很不错吧……”将下方众人的表现收进眼中,萧炎低声喃喃道,旋即顺着树干,快速地跳跃下去。 The both feet falls to the ground, nearby Wu Hao hurried to welcome, asked: „Was investigation clear?” 双脚落地,一旁的吴昊赶忙迎了上来,问道:“探查清楚了么?” Here probably is that Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower.” Xiao Yan has patted clapping, at once is pushing to the crowd, said with a smile: Walks, making us experience this Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower actually to have what use, can actually so fast to practice.” “这里好像便是那个‘天焚炼气塔’。”萧炎拍了拍手,旋即对着人群挤去,笑道:“走吧,让我们见识一下这‘天焚炼气塔’究竟有何用处,竟然是能够让得人这般快速地修炼。” „Is here Blazing Sky Qi Refining Tower?” Hearing this, Wu Hao complexion micro happy, follows Xiao Yan hurriedly, then goes all out to push to the crowd, obviously, he is also interested in this thing. “这里就是‘天焚炼气塔’?”闻言,吴昊脸色微喜,急忙跟上萧炎,然后拼命地对着人群挤去,显然,他对这东西也颇感兴趣。 They passes through to push difficultly when Xiao Yan, arrives at a stream of people boundary, then again cannot force one's way , the reason is not the front person is filled, on the contrary, before them, is a stretch of extremely spacious open area, but an air-to-surface opposite several meters place, is that depth buries in place bottom mysterious Black tower. 就在萧炎两人经过艰难地挤动,到达人流一处界限时,便是再也挤不进去,原因不是前方人被挤满,相反,在他们面前,是一片极为宽敞的空地,而空地的对面十几米处,便是那座深埋在地底的神秘黑塔 At this time, in that stretch of spacious open area, has to be divided several regions extremely, each place regional, sits cross-legged a troop to close eyes person's shadow, the Xiao Yan vision has been sweeping these person's shadows, discovered that a moment ago in these people who the top of the tree saw also. 此时,在那片宽敞的空地上,极为有致地被划分成好几个区域,每处区域间,都是盘坐着一大群闭目的人影,萧炎目光扫过这些人影,发现刚才在树顶见到的那些人也是在其中。 These people should then be the Inner Academy some quite formidable influences, but also is really very overbearing, does not need to line up, occupies the best position directly, tut tut, no wonder Tai said that in Inner Academy, wants to obtain the best practice condition, that then must form or join the formidable influence.” Nearby, Wu Hao said in a low voice. “这些人应该便是内院一些较为强大的势力吧,还真是挺霸道的,不用排队,直接占据最好的方位,啧啧,难怪阿泰说,在内院中,想要获得最好的修炼条件,那便是必须组建或者加入强大的势力。”一旁,吴昊低声道。 Indeed very overbearing......” Xiao Yan slightly nod, he deeply looked at these to sit cross-legged the to close eyes all influence, has not shown off enters that circle. He understands that present he as well as Pan's Gate, does not have this qualifications, when his when promote to enter Dou Ling rank, perhaps, can be included, however now, restrains some. “的确挺霸道的……”萧炎微微点了点头,他深深地看了一眼那些盘腿闭目的各方势力,并未出风头地走进那处圈子。他明白,现在的他以及“磐门”,并不具备这种资格,等到他什么时候晋入斗灵”级别时,或许,能够跻身其中,然而现在,还是收敛一些吧。 Thump!” “咚!” When Xiao Flame discussed in a low voice, suddenly has ancient Zhong recited the sound enormously and powerful in this region resounds, but recited resounding of sound along with Zhong, the sound that made noise, stopped suddenly immediately. 就在肖炎两人低声谈论时,忽然有着古老的钟吟声浩浩荡荡的在这片区域响起,而随着钟吟声的响起,喧闹的声音,顿时戛然而止。 Opens the tower!” “开塔!” Zhong recited falls, together old sound as if from tower internal breaks. 钟吟落下,一道苍老的声音似乎从塔内穿了出来。 Shortly after the old sound falls, sees only jet black front door that shuts tightly, is creaking slowly opens, indifferently blazing aura, the seepage, making this Heaven and Earth temperature slightly rise slightly. 在苍老声音落下后不久,只见得那紧闭的漆黑大门,便是“嘎吱嘎吱”的缓缓打开,一股淡淡地炽热气息,渗透而出,令得这片天地温度略微升了一些。 Is feeling suddenly the temperature of promotion, Xiao Flame eye pupil shrinks suddenly, the palm was at this moment closely has also been grasping. 感受着忽然提升的温度,肖炎眼瞳骤然一缩,手掌也是在此刻紧紧地握了起来。 Enters the tower!” “进塔!” The old sound, resounds once again, at once above that open area sits cross-legged to close eyes all people, all suddenly opens eyes, sets out suddenly, only hears roaring wind to resound, person's shadows blot out the sky is exploding to the pyller shoots to go. 苍老的声音,再度响起,旋即那空地之上盘腿闭目的所有人,皆是猛然睁开眼来,霍然起身,只听得破风声响起,一道道人影铺天盖地的对着塔门爆射而去。 Walks, we also go.” “走,我们也进去。” Represses the heart that in the heart moves restlessly suddenly, Xiao Flame is waving to Wu Hao, then enters the open area, then half step is going to that deep buried bottom mysterious Black tower line. 按耐住心中忽然躁动的心,肖炎对着吴昊一挥手,便是率先走进空地,然后快步对着那深埋地底的神秘黑塔行去。 Along with the proximity of distance, Xiao Yanfang truly realized that huge of this Black tower area, this reveals one of the ground merely, unexpectedly is then equal to 2-3 building high buildings, a Iceberg corner/horn then so, is hard to imagine, that hides in the place low under tower, has matter what kind boundless? 随着距离的接近,肖炎方才真正地察觉到这座黑塔面积的庞大,这仅仅只是露出地面的一层而已,居然便是相当于一栋两三层楼高的建筑物,冰山一角便是如此,难以想象,那隐藏在地低之下的塔身,有事何等的磅礴? The footsteps in Black tower front several meters places, Xiao Flame making way path, stand in the one side, sizes up this to have several points of ancient Black tower carefully faintly, the Black tower material does not know that is what constructs, is passing faintly for one point sincere and...... Is the ice cold? 脚步顿在黑塔面前几米处,肖炎让开道路,站在一旁,细细地打量着这座隐隐有着几分古老的黑塔,黑塔材料不知是何物所建,隐隐透着一分厚重与……冰寒? Really is the strange place, in tower floods the ignition heat obviously, may actually probably use the belt cold air the material construction tower, this...... Strange.” Shook the head slightly, Xiao Flame somewhat has doubts, one of the clearly opposite effect with saving, this is suppresses some type of thing generally, just now so will execute. “真是古怪的地方,塔里面明明充斥着火热,可却要用带寒气的材料建筑塔身,这……古怪啊。”微微摇了摇头,肖炎有些疑惑,截然相反的效果同存一处,这一般是来镇压某种东西,方才会这般施行的啊。 Walks, Xiao Flame.” Nearby, Wu Hao pulled the eye closely to stare at Black tower Xiao Flame, urged. “走吧,肖炎。”一旁,吴昊拉扯了一下眼睛紧紧盯着黑塔的肖炎,催促到。 Um.” Is smiling nod, Xiao Yanpian is looking at that place pitch-dark front door, why does not know, some thing in within the body, actually slightly touched. “嗯。”微笑着点了点头,肖炎偏头望着那处黑漆漆的大门,不知为何,体内的某种东西,却是微微触动了一下。 Along with the closer Black tower front door, the beat of Xiao Flame heart is fiercer. After the moment, when he stands in the entrance, in the control has filled the sweat unexpectedly. 随着越加接近黑塔大门,肖炎心脏的跳动便是越加剧烈。片刻后,当他站在大门口时,手心中竟然都是已经充满了汗水。 Stands in the entrance, Xiao Yanshen inspired, constrains the mood in heart, clenches teeth, steels one's heart, the footsteps lift, at once was heavily stepped into front door later Darkness...... 站在大门口,肖炎深吸了一口气,将心中的情绪压抑而下,一咬牙,心一横,脚步抬起,旋即便是重重地踏进了大门之后的黑暗中…… Front ray suddenly one dark, after instantaneous, Xiao Yanbian is felt that the both feet stepped on the hard stone facing, however the both feet stepped on, in the heart also without enough time relaxed, Xiao Flame complexion suddenly has actually changed, delicate face, in a flash, was becomes charcoal red, so scene...... Strange! 面前光线忽然一暗,瞬间后,肖炎便是感觉到双脚踩在了坚硬的石面上,然而双脚踩着实地,心中还来不及松口气,肖炎脸色却是陡然大变了起来,一张清秀的脸庞,转瞬间,便是变得火炭般的通红,这般情景……诡异至极! ( Brothers and sisters, if you like the potato Battle Through the Heavens, please use to share button, the share gives your friends. 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