BE :: Volume #11

#1069: Builds up the heart of blue crag

In the close space, the earth is the world vitality strong mouth-watering desire of surname drops, Xie Aoyu does not even want to waste, even if one second observes other, only thinks that does not waste the so good opportunity, comprehensive practice, as far as possible obtains the considerable promotion in this place. 封闭的空间内,土属姓的天地元气浓厚的令人垂涎欲滴,谢傲宇甚至不想浪费哪怕一秒钟的时间去观察其他的,只想不浪费如此好机会,全面修炼,尽可能的在这个地方得到相当的提升。 No matter he other, did not ask fact, practiced relieved. 他不管其他,不问事实,安心修炼起来。 Once were practiced, that is the world vitality completely turns over to me to use simply, massive world vitalities crazy wells up, making Xie Aoyu feel that incomparable enjoyable, integrated embarking on an official career within the body, unceasing quenchinging, the transformation was Qi, promoted his strength. 一经修炼,那简直就是天地元气尽归我所用,大量的天地元气疯狂的涌来,令谢傲宇感到无比的舒心,融入进身体内,不断的淬炼,转化为斗气,提升他的实力。 On the practice path, there are two most key points. 在修炼道路上,有两个最关键点。 One is Ten Kings Level strides in ten king peak levels \; One is the Battle King level strides in the Battle King peak level, these two surmount needs to see the light suddenly. 一个是十王级跨入十王巅峰级\;一个是战王级跨入战王巅峰级,这两个跨越都是需要去顿悟的。 The sudden enlightenment, often means that self-torture constantly, the practice is hard to break through earnestly, so also creates, the master who as long as can reach the Battle King peak level, each is practicing the aspect to have the considerable talent, said that is the talent and not being overrated, but if wants to see the light suddenly must first meet the requirements of sudden enlightenment satisfiedly. 顿悟,就往往意味着一味的苦修,埋头修炼是难以突破的,如此也造成,但凡能够达到战王巅峰级的高手,各个都在修炼方面有着相当的天分,说是天才并不为过,可要想顿悟首先就必须要满足达到顿悟的要求。 Xie Aoyu just entered the Battle King level, the strength that distance must see the light suddenly, but also has the considerable distance. 谢傲宇刚入战王级,距离要顿悟的实力,还有着相当的距离。 He needs to make up for this point now. 他现在就是需要弥补这一点。 So long as meets the requirements, can seek the turning point that sees the light suddenly, thus strides in the Battle King peak level, in other words, spanning of these two boundaries, to most people, that are the natural moats, is unable to overstep, to certain people, that is the best opportunity of fast promotion. 只要达到要求,便可寻求顿悟的契机,从而跨入战王巅峰级,换言之,这两个境界的跨越,对绝大多数人来讲,那就是天堑,无法逾越,对某些人来讲,那就是快速升级的最佳时机。 The view becomes aware three big Demon Beast impact person kings' bloodline seal, the effect on Xie Aoyu still exists, he believes that to his certain opportunity, can after achieving the Battle King level sudden enlightenment foundation, strides in the Battle King peak level hopefully at one fell swoop. 观悟三大魔兽冲击人王之血脉封印,对谢傲宇的影响至今还存在,他坚信,那将会给他一定的机会,能够在达到战王级顿悟基础之后,有望一举跨入战王巅峰级的。 Practices in front of the heart of this blue crag, Xie Aoyu one time closes up is one month. 在这蓝岩之心前面修炼,谢傲宇一次闭关就是一个月。 One month, making him in the Battle King level forward big took one step. 一个月,令他在战王级向前大大的迈出了一步。 If continues, he believes that can achieve the foundation that sees the light suddenly, but such, the heart of blue crag must discard thoroughly, this is not the Xie Aoyu hope. 若是继续下去,他相信能够达到顿悟的基础,可那样的话,蓝岩之心也就要彻底废掉了,这可不是谢傲宇希望的。 The strength promotion at any time, nothing but slightly the multipurpose point time, is the heart of blue crag, feared that are the mainland also on such same place. 实力提升任何时候都可以,无非稍微多用点时间罢了,可是蓝岩之心,怕是全大陆也就这么一块吧。 If such has wasted, Big God of the Earth Incantation also lost has affected, that was the true waste! 若是就这么浪费了,大地神咒也失去作用了,那才是真正的浪费! Xie Aoyu that stops practicing regarding the result of this month of practice naturally is suitable satisfaction, he then looked to the heart of blue crag, prepared to refine it. 停止修炼的谢傲宇对于这一个月修炼的结果自然是相当的满意,他转而看向了蓝岩之心,准备将其提炼出来。 Before big God of the Earth clan head of the clan Gongsun Zhuoyue told to him obtained the means of heart of blue crag. 之前大地神族族长公孙卓越已经向他讲述了得到蓝岩之心的办法。 Xie Aoyu Zhang Shen, stands in front of that giant blue rock. 谢傲宇张身而起,站在那巨大的蓝岩石面前。 The transparent blue rock is reflecting the colors of surrounding these pale blue rocks, presents the magnificent blue color, is similar to the sapphire is ordinary, the letting person who looks is infatuated with. 透明的蓝岩石反射着周围那些淡蓝色蓝岩石的颜色,呈现出瑰丽的蓝色,如同蓝宝石一般,看的让人为之陶醉。 Inside has together the heart of cream blue crag. 内里则有一块乳白色的蓝岩之心。 That thick earth is surname energy makes the impulsion that Xie Aoyu has must seize, he puts out a hand according to the blue rock, transfers own is the surname, transforms into earth comprehensively is the surname. 那浓厚的土属姓能量令谢傲宇生出要攫取的冲动,他伸手按在蓝岩石上面,调动自己的属姓,全面转变为土属姓。 The practice has Earth Escape Technique, the practice of this Earth Escape Technique, is fastidious is the heart of sensibility earth. 修炼有土遁术,这土遁术的修炼,讲究的就是感悟大地之心。 So causes Xie Aoyu, once made own was the surname shows completely was the surname for earth the time, can contact with the heart of earth, that time he was similar to the incarnation for part of earth. 如此就使得谢傲宇一旦令自己的属姓全部展现为土属姓的时候,就能够与大地之心有所联系,那时候的他就如同化身为大地的一部分。 Beginning transformation, Xie Aoyu felt one in all blue rocks with this space had an inexplicable relation, probably is a their member, but they are also part of body, he even can be with the earth that these blue rock embodiments hold the energy of surname has the subtle relation. 转变伊始,谢傲宇就感到自己与这空间内的所有蓝岩石都有了一丝莫名的联系,好像自己是它们的一份子,而它们也是自己身体的一部分,他甚至能够和那些蓝岩石内蕴含着的土属姓的能量产生微妙的联系。 This feels one, the Xie Aoyu heart then pan- a thought. 这个感觉一出,谢傲宇的心头便泛起一个念头。 Saint Emperor practices the body technique! 圣皇练体术! Is this not just one practices Saint Emperor to practice the body technique the turning point? 这不正是一个修炼圣皇练体术的契机吗? Saint Emperor practices the body technique , since achieving double Jingang scarlet Yang Ti, the practice no longer rigidly adheres to Qi Huo, any other strengths can be used to quenching, but also has the discrimination, the earth is the energy of surname quenchings the body effect to be best, because the tertiary valuable body then has to model the meaning of body, means that once achieves the tertiary valuable body boundary, then the physique of follower will have the archery target transformation. 圣皇练体术自从达到第二重金刚赤阳体之后,修炼就不再拘泥于奇火,其他任何力量都可以用来淬炼,但也有区分,土属姓的能量淬炼身体效果最佳,因为第三重的宝体便是有塑体的含义,意味着一旦达到第三重宝体境界,那么修炼者的体质就会发生质的蜕变。 Xie Aoyu wants not to think that then starts to quenching the valuable body. 谢傲宇想也没想,便开始淬炼宝体。 Quenchings the valuable body not to consume these energies in any case, is the use strokes the body at most, after finishing, sends back. 反正淬炼宝体可不会消耗这些能量的,顶多就是利用来击打身体,完毕之后,重新送回去罢了。 His intention moves, earth in surroundings walls, grounds and roof all blue rocks are the surname energy then gather to Xie Aoyu. 他心念一动,周围墙壁、地面、房顶所有的蓝岩石内的土属姓能量便纷纷向谢傲宇聚集过来。 These pure energies unceasingly are then quenchinging the body of Xie Aoyu, quenchings the skin with the body surface, quenchings the flesh and blood, marrow in within the body wait / etc., making the Xie Aoyu physique in be promoted quietly. 这一道道的纯粹的能量便不断地淬炼着谢傲宇的身体,与体表淬炼皮肤,与体内淬炼血肉、骨髓等等,令谢傲宇的体质在悄然间得到提升。 So continued for nearly three hours to finish. 如此持续将近三个小时才结束。 Xie Aoyu then again delivers to turn over to the blue rock these soil series strengths. 谢傲宇便重新将那些土系力量送归蓝岩石内。 He induces his body, the change is also enormous, because originally depends upon Qi Huolai to quenching purely, causes his body surface always ignition red, and displays Jingang scarlet Yang Ti time, is easy to make the changes of his body some semblances, but now will not appear. 他感应一下自己的身体,变化也是极大的,原本由于纯粹依靠奇火来淬炼,导致他的身体表面总是有一点火红色,并且施展金刚赤阳体的时候,也容易令他的身体有些外表的变化,而现在则不会出现了。 Quenchings the body, Xie Aoyu starts to absorb the heart of blue crag. 淬炼完身体,谢傲宇开始吸收蓝岩之心。 According to the Gongsun remarkable view, must display Big God of the Earth Incantation, the function unexpectedly, gives the human fatally strikes, but if Xie Aoyu takes the heart of surpassing the teacher crag, grasps in the hand, the critical moment is using the heart of blue crag to stimulate, very natural will be discovered existence of heart of blue crag, thus the association arrives at Big God of the Earth Incantation, then gives up fighting, misses the fighter aircraft. 按照公孙卓越的说法,要施展大地神咒,作用就是出其不意,给予人致命的一击,可要是谢傲宇取出蓝岩之心,掌握在手中,关键时刻在用蓝岩之心去激发,很自然的就会被发现蓝岩之心的存在,从而联想到大地神咒,进而放弃战斗,错失战机的。 If then wants to keep secret, the best means build up the heart of blue crag. 那么要想保密,最好的办法就是将蓝岩之心炼化。 Xie Aoyu puts out a hand according to that transparent blue rock, during the intention rotations, Qi pasts, contacts with the heart of that blue crag. 谢傲宇伸手按在那透明的蓝岩石上面,心念转动间,斗气流转出去,与那蓝岩之心联系起来。 bo! bo! bo “啵!啵!啵” Controls in Xie Aoyu Qi grass, the heart of that blue crag vibrated slightly several. 谢傲宇斗气艹控下,那蓝岩之心微微的震动了几下。 So was transporting enters these soil series energies of heart of blue crag then to be interrupted, Xie Aoyu then started to recite the soil series incantation that obtained from Gongsun remarkable there. 如此正在输送进入蓝岩之心的那些土系能量便被中断了,谢傲宇这才开始念动从公孙卓越那里得到的土系咒语。 This incantation is Incantation technique, but Xie Aoyu displays, urges to send through the psychic force, can only display this Incantation technique less than 10% might, even if his psychic force very huge, but the non- achievement enchanter, is unable to play the Incantation technique true might eventually. 这咒语是咒术,但是谢傲宇施展的时候,也只是通过精神力来催发罢了,只能发挥出这咒术不足一成的威力,哪怕他的精神力非常的庞大,但不成就咒师,终究无法发挥咒术的真正威力。 Resounds with the incantation, that transparent blue rock then turned on a channel, the direct link central zone. 伴随着咒语响起,那透明的蓝岩石便开启了一条通道,直达中心地带。 The heart of cream blue crag then flies from this channel. 乳白色的蓝岩之心便从这通道内飞离出来。 Xie Aoyu puts out a hand gently holds. 谢傲宇伸手轻轻的抓住。 That channel gathers again voluntarily shuts. 那通道再自行合闭。 Then is around that blue rock continues to input the earth is the energy of surname , to continue the heart of concise blue crag, this will be a several hundred years of samsara, can be born the heart of second blue crag. 接下来就是那周围的蓝岩石继续输入土属姓的能量,继续凝练蓝岩之心,这又将是一个数百年的轮回,才能诞生第二块的蓝岩之心。 Xie Aoyu is holding the heart of blue crag, feels light command it that inside is transmitting to have one type to transform into the feeling of mountain while convenient, he has impulsive, must swallow down heart of one blue crag. 谢傲宇托着蓝岩之心,感受着里面传递来的淡淡的令其有一种顺便蜕变为高山的感觉,他有一种冲动,要将蓝岩之心一口吞下去。 Endures in the heart that impulsive, Xie Aoyu deeply is inspiring, calm. 忍着心中那份冲动,谢傲宇深吸一口气,平心静气。 Restraining greedy heart, Xie Aoyu both hands about grasping the heart of blue crag, start to read Gongsun Zhuoyue to give his second incantation, builds up the heart of blue crag specially. 收敛贪婪之心,谢傲宇双手合握蓝岩之心,开始念动公孙卓越交给他的第二段咒语,专门炼化蓝岩之心的。 The function of this incantation is anything, Xie Aoyu does not know that he knows, stimulated to movement the coordination to be good through the formidable liquid psychic force, a little depended on the flavor of bottle gourd picture wooden scoop very much. 这咒语的作用是什么,谢傲宇都不知道,他就是知道,通过强大的液态化精神力来催动配合就行了,很有点依葫芦画瓢的味道。 Before Gongsun Zhuoyue also explicitly told Xie Aoyu, that is because his liquid psychic force was extremely abnormal, can use this incantation, otherwise was the enchanter of Battle King level is unable to display this incantation partly becomes the strength. 之前公孙卓越也明确告诉谢傲宇,那就是因为他的液态化精神力太过变态,才能够使用这段咒语的,否则就算是战王级的咒师也无法发挥这咒语的半成力量的。 Resounds with the incantation, Xie Aoyu then discovered that the part that his liquid psychic force can grass control, changed to an energy wave of continuously tremor unexpectedly, enters in the heart of blue crag by his both hands transmission, enabling Xie Aoyu to feel the heart of that blue crag also along with the tremor. 伴随着咒语响起,谢傲宇便发现,他的液态化精神力能够艹控的部分,居然化作了一缕缕颤动的能量波,透过他的双手传递进入蓝岩之心内,使得谢傲宇感到那蓝岩之心也在随着颤动。 This tremor may have any significance. 这种颤动可不是没有任何意义的。 The heart of blue crag itself, some it still dregs, the impurity exists by no means purely, along with tremor so, the impurity and dregs of heart of that blue crag then entirely was cleaned up, but these regarding the heart of blue crag are the things of dregs, is actually any earth is the treasure in surname master eyes. 蓝岩之心本身并非纯粹的,其还有一些糟粕,杂质存在,随着这般的颤动,那蓝岩之心的杂质、糟粕便统统的被清理出来,可这些对于蓝岩之心是糟粕的东西,却是任何一个土属姓高手眼中的瑰宝。 Even if the dregs is also quenchings several hundred years of earth is the surname energy. 就算是糟粕也是淬炼数百年的土属姓能量啊。 Xie Aoyu will certainly not waste, one breath these so-called dregs entirely income within the body, has Qi to quenching, Qi that condenses is also the suitable quantity. 谢傲宇当然不会浪费,一口气将这些所谓的糟粕统统的收入体内,有斗气进行淬炼,凝聚出来的斗气那也是相当的数量。 So constituted a circulation. 如此构成了一个循环。 The heart of blue crag could be said as is used comprehensively. 蓝岩之心可说是被全面利用起来了。 After a half hour, Xie Aoyu felt one have promoted some strengths, the tremor that the heart of that blue crag also stops, its volume also from probably the fist size, reduced, only then the appearance of walnut size. 历经半个小时,谢傲宇感到自己又提升了一些实力,那蓝岩之心也停止的颤动,其体积也从原来大约拳头大小,缩小至只有核桃大小的样子。 Ao Yu, can urge being mad of round of dragon emperor.” Gongsun Zhuoyue does not know when arrived at Xie Aoyu. 傲宇,可以催发龙皇之气了。”公孙卓越不知道什么时候来到了谢傲宇的身后。 Xie Aoyu said with a smile dry: I do not know how to urge to send.” 谢傲宇干笑道:“我不知道怎么催发。” Obtains the air/Qi of dragon emperor, was on that Angel Holy Island the antiquity tyrannosaurus bestows, was thanks him to draw out the action of keel sword, but how to use, the air/Qi of this dragon emperor had anything to affect, he was not clear, was the tyrannosaurus also keeps mouth shut to him. 得到龙皇之气,是那天使圣岛上面上古霸王龙赠送的,也算是感谢他拔出龙骨剑的举动,可是如何利用,这龙皇之气到底有什么作用,他则不清楚,就是霸王龙也对他是三缄其口。 I help you.” Gongsun Zhuoyue said with a smile. “我来助你。”公孙卓越笑道。 He as if already knows that Xie Aoyu did not understand how to use the air/Qi of dragon emperor, puts out a hand according to the shoulder of Xie Aoyu, a mellow strength inducts. 他似乎早就知道谢傲宇不懂得如何利用龙皇之气似地,伸手按在谢傲宇的肩头,一股醇厚的力量导入。 Xie Aoyu felt that in own consciousness sea, as if reappears baseless a Shenlong. 谢傲宇就感到自己的意识海中,仿佛凭空浮现一条神龙。 This dragon is actually not the image of that tyrannosaurus, instead in the Dragon Clan god of fable, the dragon god is somewhat similar, the body is thin, but valiant, look swift and fierce, the aura that lends all over the body has the dignity. 此龙却不是那霸王龙的形象,反而与传说中的龙族之神,龙神有些类似,身体偏瘦,但是更加的彪悍,眼神更加的凌厉,通体散发出来的气息更具有威严。 Roar!” “吼!” Golden mist ripples from the body of Xie Aoyu, condenses a form of Shenlong with his body surface, high and low dances in the air, exudes the deafening roaring sound, immediately dives to that walnut size the heart of blue crag. 一股金色的雾气从谢傲宇的身上荡漾出来,与他的体表凝聚成一条神龙的身影,上下飞舞,发出震耳欲聋的咆哮声,随即俯冲向那核桃大小的蓝岩之心。 Immediately then breaks. 当即便冲入其中。 The heart of blue crag erupts to wipe radiant golden brilliance. 蓝岩之心爆发出一抹璀璨的金色光华。 A moment later, the ray dissipates. 片刻之后,光芒消散。 Looks at the heart of that blue crag again, the surface are many some designs, seems has white clouds above, that Shenlong form is dancing in the air, the incomparable reality that above makes threatening gestures, has some subtle relation with Xie Aoyu, the Xie Aoyu intention moves, the heart of that blue crag then slowly floats, the above Shenlong design is also lifelike, was similar to reactivated generally. 再看那蓝岩之心,表面多出些许的图案,好似有朵朵白云在其上,那神龙身影在上面张牙舞爪的飞舞着,无比的真实,更是与谢傲宇有着某种微妙的联系,谢傲宇心念一动,那蓝岩之心便缓缓地漂浮起来,上面的神龙图案也活灵活现的,如同复活了一般。 Condenses Jackie Chan god form using the air/Qi of dragon emperor, not only can cover the heart of blue crag, was not discovered that beautifies the function, can make the air/Qi of your dragon emperor obtain concise, perhaps some toward said that the air/Qi of dragon emperor can quenching the air/Qi of Jackie Chan god truly, situation that then on big to letting the human is hard to imagine to your help.” Gongsun Zhuoyue said. “利用龙皇之气凝聚成龙神身影,不但可以掩盖蓝岩之心,不被人发现,还有美化作用,更能够令你的龙皇之气得到凝练,或许有朝一曰,龙皇之气能够真正的淬炼成龙神之气,那对你的帮助就大到让人难以想象的地步了。”公孙卓越说道。 Xie Aoyu looks at the heart of blue crag, the intention moves, then saw that in the heart of blue crag naturally gives birth to a silk thread, Xie Aoyu hangs it on the nape of the neck, covers with the clothes, the bystander also gave up any idea of that sees the appearance of heart of blue crag. 谢傲宇看着蓝岩之心,心念一动,便看到蓝岩之心内自然生出一条丝线,谢傲宇将其挂在脖颈上,用衣服盖住,外人也休想看到蓝岩之心的样子。 How does head of the clan know uses the air/Qi of dragon emperor?” Xie Aoyu inquired, that you whether knows the tyrannosaurus, since were my dragon favors, why would rather die than to say with the air/Qi of related thing dragon emperor?” “族长知晓如何利用龙皇之气?”谢傲宇询问道,“那你是否知道霸王龙既然是我的龙宠,为什么宁死不说与龙皇之气有关的东西?” Gongsun Zhuoyue said with a smile: You, if compelled it to say really that it will not say, but the self-respect caused trouble.” 公孙卓越笑道:“你若是真逼着它说,它也不会不说的,只是自尊心作祟罢了。” Xie Aoyu has been startled, immediately is suddenly enlighted, says with a smile: Was, did not have the complete exuviae to turn into the genuine tyrannosaurus the tyrannosaurus to the present, in that predestined relationship got down the curse, can only be half tyrannosaurus, the air/Qi of its dragon emperor was impure.” 谢傲宇怔了一下,随即恍然大悟,笑道:“是了,霸王龙到现在还没有完全蜕变成真正的霸王龙,那三生石内被下了诅咒,只能算是半个霸王龙,它自己的龙皇之气并不纯粹。” Also not only so, the tyrannosaurus is quite special existence, the opportunity that because in their life also one time evolves, surmounts Long Huang the boundary, why this is also they are Long Huang, can suppress the reason after dragon, but the inheritance memory of tyrannosaurus also has the close relation according to the transformation, without the achievement complete tyrannosaurus, it regarding the understanding of air/Qi of dragon emperor, is knows to be used to deter under other's Dragon Clan at most.” Gongsun Zhuoyue said with a smile, you said that its solemn tyrannosaurus, actually only knows air/Qi of these dragon emperors the laws of superficial knowledge utilization, did feel all right with you say?” “也不仅仅如此,霸王龙是比较特殊的存在,因为它们一生中还有一次进化的机会,超越龙皇的境界,这也是它们为什么是龙皇,能够压制龙后的原因,而霸王龙的传承记忆也是根据蜕变有着紧密的联系,没有成就完全的霸王龙,它对于龙皇之气的了解,顶多也就是知晓用来威慑一下其他的龙族罢了。”公孙卓越笑道,“你说它堂堂霸王龙,却只知道这些龙皇之气的皮毛运用之法,好意思跟你说吗?” Xie Aoyu said with a smile: That actually, but, senior said opportunity that the tyrannosaurus also one time evolves? What meaning is that? Above the dragon emperor also has stronger one existence of dragon?” 谢傲宇笑道:“那倒是,不过,前辈说霸王龙还有一次进化的机会?那是什么意思?难道龙皇之上还有更强的一种龙的存在?”
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