AOP :: Volume #3

#221: True enemy

Bang! 轰! The flying sand and rocks, the qi energy scurries about. 飞沙走石,气劲乱窜。 Sees only the position that Liu Ping stood to present a gulf. 只见柳平原本所站的位置出现了一个深坑。 Giant receives the fist, the doubts said: 巨人将拳头收回来,疑惑道: Hasn't hit? Not to......” “没打中?不对……” He looks up. 他抬头望去。 Liu Ping stands beyond dozens meters, is rubbing both hands of tingling with numbness. 柳平站在数十米外,正揉搓着发麻的双手。 Giant hesitates saying: that instant, you patted my fist a moment ago, then grazed taking advantage of my strength rapidly.” 巨人沉吟道:“刚才那一瞬间,你拍开了我的拳头,然后借着我的力道迅速飞掠了出去。” On his face shows the dignified expression, is sizing up Liu Ping again , to continue saying: 他脸上露出凝重的表情,再次打量着柳平,继续道: Such response and will skill, how appear in countryside youngster body? I knew, you certainly are the person who the government authorities send.” “这样的反应和技艺,怎么会出现在一个乡下少年身上?我知道了,你一定就是官府派来的人。” Ominous severe killing aura diverges from Giant body. 凶厉的杀气巨人身上发散开来。 Liu Ping suspended fist stance, said with a smile: Said that a strength falls ten meetings, but I like handling big issue with smart power.” 柳平摆了个拳架,笑道:“都说一力降十会,但我个人更喜欢四两拨千斤。” Why?” Giant asked. “为何?”巨人问。 Because my present strength is inferior to you.” Liu Ping said truthfully. “因为我现在的力气不如你。”柳平如实道。 Your very honest —— joins Sacred Cult actually, can treat as an equal to me depending on your skill.” Giant said. “你倒是很坦白——来加入圣教吧,凭你的本事可以跟我平起平坐。”巨人道。 Why are you enter the cult?” “你又是为何入教?” Six months ago, our places encountered the great drought, the rural gentry rather looks that my entire family starved to death does not give financial aid, my enter the cult also food ate, even can bring cult member to kill, got rid of the rural gentry entirely.” “半年前,我们那片地方遭遇大旱,乡绅宁愿看着我全家饿死都不接济,我入教还有一口饭吃,甚至能带着教众杀回去,把乡绅统统干掉。” At your kungfu skill, not enter the cult can also live hand to mouth to eat.” “以你的拳脚功夫,不入教也能混口饭吃。” But is unable to revenge.” “但无法报仇。” Since the enmity has reported that common people who also why kill our these villages?” “既然仇已报,又何必来杀我们这些村庄的普通百姓?” Giant is at a loss for words for a while. 巨人一时语塞。 Liu Ping silent smiling, said: By the person who the wicked desire controls, cannot call Evil Path, can only call it the domestic animal.” 柳平无声的笑了笑,说道:“被恶欲支配的人,连邪道都称不上,只能称之为畜生。” Giant body killing intent is more abundant, walks step by step toward Liu Ping, remains silent to ask: 巨人身上杀意更盛,一步一步朝柳平走来,闷声问道: I want to listen but actually, how your so-called Evil Path is a matter.” “我倒想听听,你所谓的邪道是怎么一回事。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Two people belong to simultaneously silent. 两人同时归于沉默。 Ten meters. 十米。 Five meters. 五米。 Before Giant to/clashes, both hands such as artillery hammer bang to Liu Ping. 巨人一步前冲,双手如炮锤般轰向柳平 Suddenly. 忽然。 In the Giant eye saw a blazing firing line. 巨人眼中看到了一条炽烈的火线。 What is this? 这是什么? In his heart is musing. 他心中暗想着。 Thump! 咚! Line of sight revolving. 视线一阵旋转。 The firing line vanishes, what replaces it is dripping with blood soil land. 火线消失,取而代之的是鲜血淋漓的泥土大地。 Giant saw a five meters high tall and strong figure, without the head, both hands makes the movement of bombardment, stands rigidly is freezing. 巨人看到了一个五米高的魁梧身形,没有头,双手做出轰击的动作,僵立在原地不动。 That is —— 那是—— My body? 我的身体? Giant surprise is thinking. 巨人诧异的想着。 Only hears the voice of that youngster from resound at the same time: 只听那少年的声音从一边响起: Evil Path is anything did not ask, not preach the Dao principle, considering only to take your life to be then quick.” 邪道就是什么都不问,更不讲道理,只顾取你性命而后快。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 All sink to Dark, goes far away gradually. 一切沉入黑暗,渐渐远去。 Giant lost ability of thought that falls into eternal slumber. 巨人丧失了思维的能力,陷入永恒的沉眠之中。 In the Giant corpse not far place, Liu Ping wields long blade at will, looks at the above combustion uncertain roaring flame. 在离巨人尸体不远的地方,柳平随意挥动长刀,看着上面燃烧不定的烈焰。 After killing Giant, the roaring flame seemed to be blazing. 在杀死巨人之后,烈焰仿佛更炽热了。 Liu Ping closed eyes to think several breaths. 柳平闭目想了数息 If —— 如果—— evil cult follower this degree of battle efficiency that if invades one's territory, then oneself can definitely deal with. 如果来犯的邪教信徒只有这种程度的战斗力,那么自己完全可以应付。 The laws life begged oneself to kill 1000 evil cult people. 法则生命央求自己杀一千个邪教徒。 —— that kills. ——那就杀吧。 In any case good for this world. 反正是为了这个世界好。 Liu Ping flings the blade gently, the knife adhere roaring flame vanishes immediately. 柳平将刀轻轻一甩,刀身附着的烈焰顿时消失一空。 He inserts the scabbard the blade, will leave, saw young girl Mizuki in midair to open the eye suddenly, said in a low voice: 他将刀插回剑鞘,正要离开,忽见半空中的少女水树睁开了眼,低声道: Liu Ping, you must be careful.” 柳平,你要小心了。” Un?” “嗯?” Liu Ping then looks. 柳平回头望去。 Sees only that five meters high Giant corpse to move. 只见那具五米高的巨人尸体动了动。 The corpse bends the waist slowly, picks up the head, makes an effort to press in the break nape of the neck place. 尸体缓缓弯下腰,将头颅捡起,用力摁在断裂的脖颈处。 The silk threads granulation locates pop up from the nape of the neck, such as needlework generally fast sutures the head and body. 丝丝缕缕的肉芽从脖颈处冒出来,如针线一般快速的将头颅和身躯缝合。 „Is this also good?” “这也行?” Liu Ping laughs in spite of trying not to was saying, a heart actually sinks gradually the valley. 柳平失笑着说道,一颗心却渐渐沉到谷底。 If this intermediate believer who has certain position cannot kill, that really troubled. 假如这种有一定地位的中级教徒杀不死,那就真的麻烦了。 Giant opens eyes, unemotional observes the situation all around corpse everywhere, then casts the vision toward Liu Ping. 巨人重新睁开眼,面无表情的环视四周的满地尸体,然后把目光投往柳平 It to interfere with the stiff intonation saying: 它以干涉生硬的语调说道: Prevents the age person, will certainly be swallowed by age.” “阻挡时代的人,必将被时代吞噬。” Then, its entire body bends down on the ground, the vision observes closely Liu Ping stubbornly, as if will start momentarily throws strikes. 说完,它整个身躯伏在地上,目光死死盯住柳平,仿佛随时会发动扑击。 Liu Ping holds up long blade, exhibits a defensive, asked earnestly: 柳平重新举起长刀,摆出一个守势,认真问: What thing are you?” “你是什么东西?” In his line of sight, Giant top of the head already appears two lines of small characters: 在他的视线中,巨人头顶已经浮现出两行小字: „?????” “?????” Parasitic body.” “寄生体。” —— this was not that person a moment ago. ——这绝不是刚才那个人。 Actually does not know that is actually anything to parasite in his body. 却不知究竟是什么寄生在他的身上 The mouth of Giant twists the mouth sidewise toward the two sides, reveals the sharp tooth that grows unceasingly, hee said with a smile: 巨人的嘴朝两边咧开,露出正在不断生长的尖利牙齿,嘻笑道: We are civilization Reaper.” “我们是文明收割者。” Thump —— —— The Giant double foot pedal cracked the rock of ground, the figure changes to fuzzy afterimage, direct impact Liu Ping. 巨人双脚蹬裂了地上的岩石,身形化作模糊的残影,直冲柳平而来。 Liu Ping blade even lift/move, the blade potential drifts from place to place, waits for that instant that the opposite party hits with rapt attention. 柳平将刀平举,刀势飘忽不定,凝神等待对方撞上来的那一瞬 In the midair, Mizuki hears that civilization Reaper immediately the complexion to change, the anxious sound shouted: Be careful, its whole body is a weapon!” 半空中,水树听见那句“文明收割者”顿时脸色一变,急声喝道:“小心,它全身都是武器!” in an instant —— 电光火石之间—— Liu Ping did not wait for the opposite party, in the hand the blade potential changed, separated the spatial Consecutive Slashes 36 blades. 柳平也不等对方了,手上刀势一变,隔空连斩三十六刀。 The blazing firing line that 36 blades cut puts together a belt of fire to welcome Giant. 三十六刀斩出的炽烈火线拼成一张火网迎上巨人 Useless!” “没用!” Giant sends out a rave, cracked-up the belt of fire directly, lifting the fist must hit actually discovered that youngster disappeared. 巨人发出一声狂吼,直接撞碎了火网,举拳要打却发现那个少年消失了。 —— flame shone upon all instances, the youngster seized the opportunity, prompt dodging to the blind spot of its line of sight. ——火焰映照一切的瞬间,少年抓住了机会,及时的闪避到了它视线的盲区。 Rolls!” Giant exclaimed crazily. “滚出来!”巨人狂吼道。 Together shadow silent emergence in Giant behind. 一道影子无声无息的出现在巨人身后。 Liu Ping! 柳平 He deeply inspires, silent say/way: Fire, this was your last chance , helping my helping hand!” 他深吸口气,默道:“火,这是你的最后机会了,来助我一臂之力!” But sees long blade to make an effort to face forward to puncture —— 但见长刀用力朝前一刺—— The Giant figure shakes, slowly lowers the head to look, saw only long blade to pierce the own body. 巨人身形一震,慢慢低头望去,只见一柄长刀刺穿了自己的身躯。 Giant said with a smile ferociously: „Does pitiful fellow, depend on this also to kill me?” 巨人狞笑道:“可怜的家伙,就凭这个也想杀我?” Liu Ping exudes one to angrily roar suddenly: 柳平突然发出一声怒吼: Explodes!” “爆!” On long blade rises suddenly the blazing flame, such as Bao Sihai is ordinary, completely submerges the Giant body. 长刀上暴涨起炽烈的火光,如瀑似海一般,全然没入巨人身躯。 Giant exudes together the short squeal. 巨人发出一道短促的尖叫声。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Its body blasts out from inside to outside, is split up, scatters a ignition Blood Rain. 它的身躯由里而外炸开,四分五裂,散落成一场灼烧的血雨 Liu Ping stands in same place, in the hand long blade has become Broken Blade. 柳平站在原地,手上长刀已成断刃 lines of burning small characters appears in him at present: 一行行燃烧的小字浮现在他眼前: The strength that Law of Fire will only remain poured into your blade, defeated with you together??????.” 火之法则将仅剩的力量灌注进了你的刀中,与你一同击败了??????。” You killed newborn outside civilization monster.” “你杀死了一个初生的外文明怪物。” Because this time strikes to kill, the Law of Fire strength obtained a growth, your battle efficiency also obtained some enhancements.” “因为本次击杀,火之法则的力量获得了一丝增长,你的战斗力也得到了些许增强。” „The —— world and laws strength is caring for you.” ——世界与法则的力量正在眷顾你。” Liu Ping facial expression one cold. 柳平神情一凛。 Solely kills this newborn monster, is worth the world and laws cares for oneself? 单单杀死一个这种初生的怪物,就值得世界与法则来眷顾自己 What situation present situation did already collapse? 眼下的局势到底已经崩坏到了什么地步? Mizuki sighed, flew to say from the midair: I cannot participate in this matter, but this strange ceremony presented the extremely ominous omen, I must look at a secret of this world personally......” 水树叹了口气,从半空飞下来道:“原本我是不能参与这件事的,但本次奇诡仪式出现了极其不祥的预兆,我必须要亲自看一眼这个世界的秘密……” Mizuki raises up a finger, shouted lightly: Regeneration!” 水树竖起一根指头,轻喝道:“再生!” The flesh lump that these are split up had burninged out, is only left over the froth of a wee bit flesh to scatter on the ground. 那些四分五裂的肉块原本已被烧尽,只剩下丁点血肉之沫散落在地上。 As Mizuki this drinks, all flesh fly, gathers at the midair. 随着水树这一声喝,所有血肉飞起来,重新聚集在半空。 They condense one group of flesh, crazy creeping motion continuous. 它们凝聚成一团血肉,疯狂的蠕动不休。 About after 35 breaths . 大约三五息后。 A grotesque black beetle appeared in front of Liu Ping and Mizuki. 一只奇形怪状的黑色甲虫出现在了柳平水树面前。 Ended.” Mizuki said in a low voice. “完了。”水树低声道。 What is this?” Liu Ping asked. “这是什么?”柳平问道。 If it is said a moment ago, they are all civilization Reaper, Liu Ping your time strange ceremony are unable to complete.” “如它刚才所说,它们是一切文明收割者,柳平你这次的奇诡仪式是无法完成的。” Mizuki sighed. 水树叹了口气。 How can unable to complete? My present already got the social dealings with Law of Fire.” Liu Ping said. “怎么会无法完成呢?我现在已经火之法则打上了交道。”柳平道。 Mizuki says immediately: Our plan is to make laws attach to you, but looking back now, your world's destruction, stems from completely unmatchable Reaper, all laws will vanish the —— therefore our ceremony already failure in the destruction of this civilization.” 水树立刻道:“我们原本的计划是让法则来依附你,但现在看来,你们世界的毁灭,是源于完全无法对抗的收割者,所有法则都将会在这次文明的毁灭中消失殆尽——所以我们的仪式已经失败了。” You thought that our world absolutely doesn't have the odds of success?” Liu Ping asked. “你觉得我们的世界完全没有胜算?”柳平问。 Yes, this is the extremely affirmative matter, Liu Ping, our beforehand contract already finished, you will also die here.” “是的,这是极其肯定的事,柳平,我们之前的契约已经结束了,你也将死在这里。” Parted forever.” “永别了。” Mizuki said, shakes the head, opens a door in Void, worms one's way into to vanish does not see. 水树说完,摇摇头,在虚空中打开一扇门,钻进去消失不见。 Liu Ping startled. 柳平怔了怔 This strange life actually so does not favor the destiny of human and world. 这个奇诡生命竟然如此不看好人类和世界的命运。 could it be does it understand human enemy —— that so-called civilization Reaper? 难道它非常了解人类的敌人——那个所谓的文明收割者 For all this, cannot run away like this. 尽管如此,也不能就这样跑掉啊。 Liu Ping thought the moment, opens the mouth saying: Among us the contract stipulated that you must help me to the last minute, was I really died, can be the contract terminates thoroughly.” 柳平想了片刻,开口道:“我们之间的契约规定你必须帮我到最后一刻,也就是等我真的死了,才可以算是契约彻底终止。” Before then, cannot run ahead of time.” “在这之前,不能提前跑路。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 Void moved Mizuki to walk silently. 虚空动了水树默默的走了回来。 She stares at Liu Ping saying: Ok, you have the contract final right to interpret, I look that here —— but I must say, your civilization have no chance.” 她盯着柳平道:“行,你有契约的最终解释权,我就在这里看着——但我要说,你们的文明没有任何希望。” In your heyday, you can't be victorious our time enemies?” Liu Ping asked. “在你全盛时期,你也打不过我们这次的敌人?”柳平问道。 Naturally,” Mizuki sneers saying that almost nothing dares to oppose the enemy with them, they are in the strange life one of the most troublesome existences.” “当然,”水树冷笑道,“几乎没有什么敢跟它们对敌,它们是奇诡生命中最麻烦的存在之一。” Liu Ping said: Look, you can withdraw from the certain death destiny, we can also achieve this point.” 柳平道:“看着吧,你都能从必死的命运中脱身,我们也能做到这一点。” Mizuki must ridicule several, suddenly remembers oneself is the opposite party rescues. 水树还要讥讽几句,忽然想起自己乃是对方所救。 She sighed, said: If you really can pass the disaster of this time demise, will have many laws to wander about destitute to your world, seeks the redemption.” 她叹了口气,说道:“如果你们真的能度过这次的灭亡之灾,会有很多法则流落到你们的世界,寻求救赎。” also fine, I have looked.” 也罢,我就一直看下去。” Till you die.” “直到你死为止。”
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