AT :: Volume #38

#3798: With your what does/works

The black fist drills slowly from the black hole. 黑色拳头慢慢从黑洞中钻出来。 Is the head, the shoulder, the torso, the both legs...... 紧接着是头部,肩膀,躯干,双腿…… This is a thing that seems like human race, the head appears the column shape, above has six pairs of hollowing out hollow, the release the bright, is regarded as the eye slightly for the time being. 这是一个看上去像人类的东西,头部呈圆柱状,上面有六对镂空的凹陷,释放出微微亮光,姑且认作是眼睛。 The hands and feet must be longer than human race, looks just like the waste of flax. 手脚都比人类要长,看上去宛若麻杆。 When he drills the black hole, an invisible constriction releases immediately. 当他钻出黑洞时,一股无形的压迫感随即释放出来。 This constriction is not the soul pressure, but presents everyone to feel that he is extremely dangerous. 这种压迫感并非灵魂威压,但在场每一个人都感觉他极度危险。 Nuwa, after Heavenly Venerable Genesis and the others saw this dark existence, the eyelid is twitching unceasingly, even the whole body bloodlines solidify. 女娲,元始天尊等人看到这黑乎乎的存在后,眼皮不断地抽搐着,甚至于浑身血脉都凝固起来。 Actually when previously they saw black light in elusive spheroid, guessed that behind Snake Spirit King also has the subsequent hand. 其实此前他们看到空灵球体中的黑光时,就猜测蛇灵王背后还有后手。 When this subsequent hand openly appears, surprised that in the heart cannot cover up. 可当这个“后手”堂而皇之出现时,心中还是掩不住的惊讶。 Hears the words that Luo Zheng asked again, was shocking. 再听到罗征所问的话,更是震惊不已。 Sweeping away all obstacles did Four Spirits Gate, put in order by this fellow? 所向披靡的四灵门,就是被这家伙整垮的? The Man Spirit complexion is excited exceptionally. 人灵们的脸色更是激动异常。 They incomparably fondly remembered once Four Spirits Gate prosperous passing, simultaneously in the heart has hidden deeply is having doubts. 他们无比怀念曾经四灵门兴盛的过往,同时心中一直藏着深深地疑惑。 Exists facing main world so many powerful, so many natural enemy will Four Spirits Gate, why very collapse completely finally? 面对主界那么多强大存在,那么多天敌四灵门都挺过来了,为什么最终会一败涂地? Even if Snake Spirit King mechanism calculates completely, is impossible to counterattack other heaven gates...... they to understand now, the Snake Spirit King back has other things, moreover perhaps the strength of this thing far exceeds them to expect. 即使蛇灵王机关算尽,也不可能反制其他三灵门……现在他们是明白,蛇灵王背后有其他东西,而且这个东西的实力之强恐怕远超他们预料。 Who he is......” “那他到底是谁……” Why must destroy my Four Spirits Gate!” “为什么要毁我四灵门!” Destroyed Four Spirits Gate, destroyed main world, there is any advantage......” the body of dark green corner/horn to shiver slightly, why he really cannot think through must ruin Four Spirits Gate, the reason is anything. “毁了四灵门,毁了主界,又有什么好处……”苍角的身体在微微颤抖着,他实在想不通为什么要毁掉四灵门,理由是什么。 Now curious is not only Monkey Lord, the bird advocates peace Man Spirit. 现在好奇的不仅仅是猴主,鸟主和人灵们。 Snake Lords that waits for continually also fills puzzled. 连翘首以盼的蛇主们同样充满困惑。 Why will emit such a thing suddenly? 为什么会突然冒出一个这样的东西? Their kings? 它们的王呢? These Snake Lords are not stupid. 这些蛇主们也不蠢。 The Snake Spirit King strength comes certainly from this kind of human body. 蛇灵王的力量一定来自于这个类人体。 Is its goal to ruin Four Spirits Gate unexpectedly? 它的目标竟是毁掉四灵门 Snake Spirit King do not let their one-party rule, dominates main world? 蛇灵王不是要让它们一家独大,称霸主界吗? Hehe Hehe......” black kind of human body exudes strange laughter. 呵呵呵呵呵……”黑色的类人体发出一阵古怪的笑声。 The six pairs of eyes on face are gazing at Luo Zheng, is gazing at the irregular heavy sword in Luo Zheng hand. 脸上的六对眼睛注视着罗征,注视着罗征手中的不规则重剑。 Replied me!” “回答我!” Luo Zheng's sound big several points, is full of the explosive force calm. 罗征的声音大了几分,沉稳而充满爆发力。 Since you asked sincerely, I can only show mercy to tell you,” kind of human body at a moderate pace replied, was.” “既然你诚心问了,那我只能大发慈悲告诉你,”类人体不紧不慢的回答道,“是。” You, you, why you must this!” “你,你,你为什么要这样做!” A sound sound. 一个声音响了起来。 What speech is a Musical Mansion female. 说话的是乐府的一名女子。 This female extremely in indignant, cannot bear opening the mouth ask. 这名女子太过于激愤,忍不住开口质问道。 She asked that presents everyone's aspiration. 她问出在场所有人的心声。 That kind of human body lowers the head to overlook one, eyes in six pairs of compound eye glittered slightly. 那类人体低头俯视一眼,六对复眼中的一只眼睛微微闪烁了一下。 The Luo Zheng forehead jumps, lifts up the irregular heavy sword one to plunder toward, this sword as if must cut to kill something, but his speed is slightly slower, failed. 罗征眉心一跳,扛起不规则重剑就朝着下方一掠,这一剑似乎要斩杀某个东西,但他的速度还是稍慢一些,落空了。 Pitiful yell sound that afterward under transmits that female. 随后下方就传来那名女子的惨叫声。 Aaaaaah......” 啊啊啊啊……” The pain is living being protects own one way. 痛楚是生灵保护自身的一种方式。 The body of Guijue is tenacious and powerful, almost is very difficult the means to make the body of Guijue have the severe pain, even if the body of Guijue were shone upon the collapse is still insufficient to exude so sad and shrill pitiful yell sound by Shattering Light. 诡谲之体本身坚韧而强大,几乎很难有办法让诡谲之体产生剧痛,即使诡谲之体被破灭之光映照崩溃也不至于发出如此凄厉的惨叫声。 This female starts to burst with joy from top to bottom, as if has what gas to proliferate from her within the body, has the white froth to burst out unceasingly, several breath the inadequate shape, has then changed into one group of white pulpy thing finally...... 这女子浑身上下开始沸腾起来,仿佛有什么气体从她体内扩散,不断有白色的泡泡迸发,几个呼吸便已不成形状,最终化为一团白色泥状物…… Witch is joyful!” “巫欣!” You how......” “你怎么了……” Why can like this!” “为什么会这样!” Man Spirit have a big shock. 人灵们大惊失色。 Unexpectedly they cannot think through her to die so painful! crackling......” immediately the people hear hear blasting behind. 他们想不通她竟会死的如此痛苦!“噼啪……”随即众人听到身后传来一阵炸裂声。 An Earth Temple central Coordinate erupts radiant golden light, this Coordinate in flaming burns unexpectedly, rapid disintegration! „The witch joyful Coordinate of!” 地坛中央的一枚坐标爆发出璀璨金光,这坐标竟在熊熊燃烧,迅速崩解!“巫欣的坐标!” The complexion of people becomes uglier, the Coordinate disintegration vanishes, means that she died thoroughly. 众人的脸色变得更加难看,坐标崩解消失,意味着她彻底死亡。 Such small and weak existence, simply does not have the qualifications to get the answer,” this time sky resounds the sound of kind of human body again, I must destroy you, with your what does/works?” “这么弱小的存在,根本没有资格得到答案,”此时天空再度响起类人体的声音,“我要毁灭你们,与你们何干?” Four Spirits Gate in the kind human body eye is basic and ants not different. 在类人体眼中四灵门根本与蝼蚁无异。 This is came from high level despising. 这是来自于更高层级的蔑视。 The Luo Zheng's complexion is gloomy, asked again, „were you...... lowering standards?” 罗征的脸色阴沉,再度问道,“你……是降格者?” Original Divine Blood restores after the ignorant condition, first wants to look for lowering standards, Luo Zheng is helps Original Divine Blood confirm. 起源神血从浑浑噩噩的境况中恢复后,第一时间就想寻找降格者,罗征是帮起源神血进行确认。 Yes,” kind of human body very candid replied. “是,”类人体十分磊落的回答道。 You really deceive Snake Spirit King, the so-called promotion, restoring entire main world radically is the ficticious matter, right?” “你果然欺骗蛇灵王,所谓升格,恢复整个主界根本是子虚乌有的事,对吧?” Luo Zheng asked. 罗征问。 Hehe...... naturally is,” a kind of human body continues to say. 呵呵呵……当然是,”类人体继续说道。 Hears the words of kind of human body, Snake Lords such as suffers severe warning, looks at dumbly at the scene. 听到类人体的话,蛇主们如遭当头棒喝,呆立当场。 Must know that Snake Spirit King has vowed solemnly must bring them to return to main world, restored once shape, after all the fourth Georgian world was the Snake Lords homeland, was the like a fish in water world. 要知道蛇灵王一直信誓旦旦要带着它们回归主界,恢复曾经的形态,毕竟第四格世界才是蛇主们的家园,才是如鱼得水的世界。 The third standard primordial chaos world narrows to them, is too monotonous, as if normal person in good condition loses the eye, survives in a dark world. 第三格混沌世界对它们而言太逼仄,太单调,仿佛好端端的正常人失去眼睛,生存在一个黑暗世界中。 Just Snake Lords was also only puzzled, now understands, they were led into a road of no return by Snake Spirit King. 刚刚蛇主们还只是困惑,现在明白过来,它们被蛇灵王带入一条不归路。 Hiss......” black light! You dare to deceive me!” “嘶……”“黑光!你敢骗我!” Hides Snake Spirit King in black Coordinate to find out the head suddenly, brandishes two black knife points to strike off toward the kind human body including indignant under. 藏匿在黑色坐标内的蛇灵王忽然探出头颅,含愤之下挥舞两把黑色刀锋朝类人体砍去。 When striking to kill the laozi, Snake Spirit King has the suspicion. 在击杀太上老君时,蛇灵王已有了怀疑。 But it has not resulted in elects, can only this road arrive black, then prayed that silently this is not a fact. 可它没得选,只能这一条路走到黑,然后默默祈祷这并不是事实。 But said from the black light mouth personally, Snake Spirit King was controlled by the fire of anger as before. 但从黑光口中亲自说出来时,蛇灵王依旧被愤怒之火所主宰。 It wishes one could to tear to shreds this swindler! The Snake Spirit King blade edge close to the kind human body, that pair of black blade edge has not collapsed the fragment, Snake Spirit King black snake body also disintegrations, in returned Coordinate...... 它恨不得将这个骗子碎尸万段!蛇灵王的刀锋还没靠近类人体,那一对黑色刀锋已崩成碎片,连带着蛇灵王的黑色蛇躯也一块块崩碎,回到了坐标内…… Inundates in star, I once destroyed you am more powerful than hundred times of raising clans and pill clans......” in do not think of limit, I once hoodwinked understanding clearly that is insufferably arrogant, that is also more powerful than ten thousand times to exist you......” “在星漫界中,我曾毁灭比你们强大百倍的养族和丹族……”“在不思极限界,我曾蒙蔽不可一世的圣明,那又是比你们强大万倍存在……” In god immeasurable, these has not obeyed the spirits of my immeasurable, was sent into exile in the time decayed to fall by me, their strengths want 1/1000000, then can change into you must have......” “在神无量界中,那些不曾服从我的无量之灵们,也被我放逐进时间里一个一个的腐朽掉,它们的力量只要百万分之一,便能将你们化为须有……” Cares immeasurably, absolutely I am you am broken to the world the years imagination unable to understand exists......” “在意无量中,我更是你们穷极万万年想象都无法理解的存在……” „......” The six pairs of compound eyes of kind of human body spill over the light ray. “……”类人体的六对复眼泛出淡淡光芒。 That contemptuous mood almost proliferates the mind of everyone. 那种轻蔑的情绪几乎遍布每一个人的心灵。 That is keeping aloof of keeping aloof, he does not overlook all living things, because all living things never enter his eye. 那是高高在上的高高在上,他并不是俯视众生,因为众生从未进入他的眼。 You said, what this Four Spirits Gate in my eyes is?” “你们说,这四灵门在我眼中又算是什么?” The kind human body asked. 类人体问道。
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