AT :: Volume #38

#3797: Evil behind-the-scenes manipulators

Never what in the regular heavy sword dissipates is faint trace pale-green flame 从不规则重剑中逸散出来的是一丝丝淡绿色的火焰 . These green fire as if viscous liquids, climb up slowly on the Luo Zheng's hand arm, forms a green head. 这些绿火仿佛一种粘稠的液体,慢慢攀爬在罗征的手臂上,形成一个绿色的头颅。 The head looks very fearsome, as if malicious ghost who crawls from the hell, the head grows the horn, in the mouth gets angry! 头颅看上去十分可怖,仿佛从地狱中爬出来的恶鬼,头上长角,口中冒火! Whish!” “哗!” The malicious ghost head opens the mouth spurts, the blue-green flame has then lit the irregular heavy sword. 恶鬼头颅张口一喷,青绿色的火焰便已点燃不规则重剑。 Luo Zheng looks at Snake Spirit King to say by the blue-green flame, probability extremely condition in the clouds theoretically is the non-solution......” 罗征透过青绿色的火焰望着蛇灵王说道,“概率极态在云中理论上是无解……” We hit like this, indeed no one can do to anyone, because no one is able to strike the opponent who kills an infinite speed!” “我们这样打下去,的确谁也奈何不了谁,因为谁也无法击杀一个无限速度的对手!” Naturally, maintains the probability condition to need the energy extremely, in this partial clouds I can consume you little, but I have a better choice.” “当然,维系概率极态需要能量,在这片云内我可以一点点耗死你,不过我有更好的选择。” Luo Zheng said Ba people to vanish. 罗征言罢人已消失。 Vanishes and appears also conducts. 消失与出现同时进行。 The space and distance under the infinite speed lose the significance. 在无限速度下空间与距离失去意义。 Therefore although he and Snake Spirit King are separated by a distance, in fact can regard it to overlap in the same place! 所以尽管他与蛇灵王相隔着一段距离,实际上可以视之为重叠在一起! Whish!” “哗!” The irregular heavy sword the overhead has divided. 不规则重剑已当头劈下去。 But the Snake Spirit King figure also vanishes directly, this strikes naturally does not have the accomplishment. 蛇灵王的身形也直接消失,这一击自然毫无建功。 Although does not know that this flame is useful, but the might cannot burn on me again greatly, you, you......” “虽然不知道这火焰有什么用,但威力再大也烧不到我身上,你,你……” The Snake Spirit King words told only half that then cannot be justified. 蛇灵王的话说到一半便说不下去。 It saw black presents a piece of diameter several-ten feet hole in the clouds. 它看到黑色的云中出现一片直径达数十丈的窟窿。 This blue-green flame unexpectedly directly dark clouds burning down part. 这青绿色火焰竟直接将黑云给烧掉一部分。 Luo Zheng turns around to look at Snake Spirit King, on the face is hanging as before , if there is smile that resembles not to have. 罗征转身望着蛇灵王,脸上依旧挂着若有似无的微笑。 Probability extremely condition, although is strong, but has the means its restraint.” “概率极态虽然强,不过却有办法将其克制。” „The law of restraint is called......” “克制之法叫做……” Torch extremely condition.” “薪火极态。” The irregular heavy sword will only communicate with the mood, the meaning that it expressed may get an idea cannot explain. 不规则重剑只会用情绪进行沟通,它表达的意思可意会不可言传。 But when Luo Zheng obtains this ability, naturally explains these characters. 罗征获得这能力时,自然就从中解读出这几个字。 Whish!” “哗!” Luo Zheng starts to brandish the irregular heavy sword in this dark clouds. 罗征在这片黑云内开始挥舞不规则重剑。 The blue-green flame spreads in all directions. 青绿色的火焰四处蔓延。 The dark clouds just like a giant theater curtain, will be broken a large cave/hole by this dark green flame incinerator under. 黑云宛若一块巨大的幕布,被这青绿火焰焚烧之下就会破开一个大洞。 Is the Luo Zheng's speed how fast? 罗征的速度何其快? Checks him to melt over a thousand main bodies, wields several thousand swords. 一个刹他能化出上千个本体,挥出数千剑。 Several thousand blue-green flame delimit to pull out several tens of thousands zhang (3.33 m) length and breadth in the dark clouds large cave/hole! 数千片青绿色的火焰就在黑云中划拉出数万丈长宽的大洞! Stop!” “住手!” The Snake Spirit King hysteric roar called out. 蛇灵王歇斯底里般吼叫道。 Afterward it plunges Luo Zheng again, wants to pester Luo Zheng to stop burning down this dark clouds. 随后它再度扑向罗征,想要纠缠罗征停止焚烧这片黑云。 May Luo Zheng and Snake Spirit King in the speed is equivalent...... 可在速度上罗征蛇灵王是相当的…… So long as Luo Zheng maintains the probability extremely condition and dodges unceasingly, Snake Spirit King also does not have the means with him. 只要罗征维系概率极态并不断闪躲,蛇灵王同样拿他毫无办法。 Whish, whish, whish, whish......” “哗,哗,哗,哗……” The irregular heavy sword in Luo Zheng hand turns into one section to burn the fire rake at this moment, agitates everywhere. 罗征手中的不规则重剑此刻变成一截烧火棍,四处煽风点火。 A giant crack then starts to proliferate from the dark clouds center, speed quick extraordinary. 一个巨大的破洞便从黑云中央开始扩散,速度快的出奇。 Roughly after one burning a joss stick time, this crack then occupies the dark clouds 2/3 scopes, the oversized half a stick of incense time, the length and breadth 20-mile dark clouds largely vanish again, is only left over some corners. 约莫一炷香时间后,这个破洞便已占据黑云三分之二的范围,再过大半柱香时间,长宽达20里的黑云基本消失,只剩下一些边边角角。 The corner dark clouds each other are not connected, the Snake Spirit King figure can as in walks randomly back and forth. 边边角角的黑云彼此并不相连,不过蛇灵王的身形依旧能在其中来回游走。 Now Snake Spirit King is anxious like like ants on a heated pan, can worry and have what using again? 现在蛇灵王急得如热锅上的蚂蚁,可再着急又有何用? The dark clouds of quick corner only have the zhang (3.33 m) big or small, Snake Spirit King are also stranded. 很快边边角角的黑云只剩下丈许大小的一块,蛇灵王亦被困其中。 This time Luo Zheng has been separated from the dark clouds, the people in Earth Temple naturally could see the Luo Zheng form. 这时的罗征已从黑云中脱离出来,地坛上的众人自然看得见罗征身影。 Why solely presents Luo Zheng?” “为什么单单出现罗征?” Snake Spirit King?” 蛇灵王呢?” „Does he want to do?” “他想干什么?” „The flame on that sword is quite unusual, flows like the liquid......” “那剑上的火焰好奇特,像液体一样流动……” They then look that Luo Zheng flutters in a direction, holds up the irregular heavy sword to make an effort to wield. 他们便看着罗征朝一个方向飘过去,举起不规则重剑用力一挥。 Whish!” “哗!” Blue-green flame the Snake Spirit King last hiding dark clouds burning down. 青绿色火焰将蛇灵王最后一处藏匿的黑云给烧掉。 Snake Spirit King staggered along to draw back from the dark clouds. 蛇灵王跌跌撞撞从黑云中退了出来。 Hiss-” “嘶-” Snake Spirit King spits tongue, a face is angry. 蛇灵王吐了吐信子,一脸恼怒。 Two black knife points pull up a series of black flowers, cuts toward the Luo Zheng overhead. 两把黑色刀锋撩出一连串黑色的花,朝着罗征当头斩去。 After losing this dark clouds, the probability condition lost the significance extremely, the Snake Spirit King speed returned to normal. 失去这片黑云后,概率极态就失去了意义,蛇灵王的速度恢复正常。 „......” “哐哐哐……” Luo Zheng keeps off with ease it. 罗征轻松将其挡下。 But each standard keeps off, the blue-green flame spreads some toward the black blade edge on. 而每一次格挡,青绿色火焰就朝黑色刀锋上蔓延一些。 When Snake Spirit King this round of attack ended, the blue-green flame has spread quietly on it. 蛇灵王这一轮攻击结束时,青绿色火焰已悄无声息蔓延在它身上。 Torch condition release the pain of torch ignition, Snake Spirit King could not at least have induced extremely, when its this round of attack ended, discovered oneself cover in this flame. 薪火极态释放的薪火并未灼烧之痛,至少蛇灵王感应不到,所以等到它这一轮攻击结束,才发现自己笼罩在这片火焰中。 But Luo Zheng stands in the distant place, on the face is hanging the vague happy expression as before. 罗征则站在远处,脸上依旧挂着若有若无的笑意。 Damn family/home......” “该死的家……” While Snake Spirit King planned when reckless rushes again, blue-green flame fierce exploding opens, immediately flaming burns. 正当蛇灵王打算不顾一切再度冲上去时,青绿色火焰猛的爆开,随即熊熊燃烧起来。 This flame has no heat, to have the astonishing destructive power. 这火焰没有任何热量,可却拥有惊人的破坏力。 Even the body of Guijue as before by its little ignition...... 即便是诡谲之体依旧被其一点点灼烧…… , shouts, shouts, shouts......” “呼,呼,呼,呼……” Snake Spirit King the body of Guijue like one group of lit kerosenes, as the flame burns its fleshly body to start to be defeated and dispersed unceasingly, reduces. 蛇灵王诡谲之体如同一团被点燃的火油,随着火焰不断燃烧它的肉身开始溃散,缩小。 The however ten breath time, the Snake Spirit King then living fever did not have. 不过十来个呼吸时间,蛇灵王便活生生烧没了。 The other shore body of Guijue until now only then two death ways, the first type by Shattering Light exterminate, the second type was corroded thoroughly by Empty Dust, but Snake Spirit King is the third cause of death now, an unprecedented cause of death. 彼岸内的诡谲之体迄今为止只有两种死亡方式,第一种是被破灭之光灭杀,第二种则是被虚尘彻底侵蚀掉,而蛇灵王现在则属于第三种死法,一种前所未有的死法。 Snake Spirit King defeated!” 蛇灵王又败了!” Was burnt unexpectedly livingly!” “竟然被活生生烧死!” „Can the Luo Zheng's flame burn Guijue unexpectedly?” 罗征的火焰居然能烧死诡谲?” At this moment presents all Guijue some vests to send coolly, Snake Lord Snake Spirit, the bird lord Monkey Lords. 这一刻在场所有诡谲都有些背心发凉,无论是蛇主蛇灵们,还是鸟主猴主们 After all they do not have the privilege that refuses stubbornly to extinguish as Guijue, can break this privilege the method suddenly to be many one type, in their hearts the instinct has the sense of crisis. 毕竟作为诡谲他们都有不死不灭的特权,能打破这个特权的手段忽然多了一种,他们心中本能产生危机感。 Finished?” Some people asked. “结束了吗?”有人问道。 No, the Snake Spirit King Coordinate still...... some people replied there”. “不,蛇灵王的坐标还在那里……”有人回答道。 The vision of people gathers in the sky again. 众人的目光再度汇聚在天空上。 Snake Spirit King that jet black such as the Coordinate of black ink fixes there as before. 蛇灵王那漆黑如墨的坐标依旧固定在那里。 The Luo Zheng's figure flashes, then has arrived at the upper air, grasps the irregular heavy sword to cut without hesitation toward the black Coordinate. 罗征的身形一闪,便已经来到高空,手持不规则重剑毫不犹豫朝黑色坐标斩下去。 Loses the protection of elusive spheroid, the black Coordinate is naturally impossible to avoid Luo Zheng this to strike. 失去空灵球体的保护,黑色坐标自然不可能避开罗征这一击。 But in Luo Zheng wields this sword, since the Coordinate place suddenly is bright one group of black light, this black light as if black hole proliferation, stretches out a jet black fist heavy bombing from the black hole in simultaneously on the irregular heavy sword. 可就在罗征挥出这一剑时,自坐标处忽然亮起一团黑光,这黑光仿佛一个黑洞般扩散,同时自黑洞中伸出一只漆黑的拳头猛轰在不规则重剑上。 Bang!” “轰!” Luo Zheng then felt that the irregular heavy sword upload dispatches the strength that cannot be resisted, immediately the whole person flies upside down at the terrifying speed. 罗征便感觉到不规则重剑上传递出一股不可抗逆的力量,随即整个人以恐怖的速度倒飞出去。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz......” “嗡!嗡!嗡……” In the process of flying upside down Luo Zheng uses Space Teleportation unceasingly, he then shuttles back and forth in 20 zhang (3.33 m) distance repeatedly, shuttles back and forth over a hundred just now to stop back and forth. It is not accidental/surprised facing sudden fist Luo Zheng, he uses the tranquil vision to look at the black hole, „the Snake Spirit King strength is you grants, you, ruin the Four Spirits Gate true evil behind-the-scenes manipulator?” 倒飞的过程中罗征不断动用空间挪移,他便在二十丈的距离内反复穿梭,足足穿梭上百个来回方才停下。面对突然出现的拳头罗征并不意外,他用平静的目光望着黑洞,“蛇灵王的力量是你赐予,你,才是毁掉四灵门的真正黑手?”
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