AT :: Volume #38

#3792: Grants the strength

When Luo Zheng leaves the stone palace, cuts the next Saint stone from the stone palace wall conveniently. 罗征离开石殿时,从石殿墙壁上随手切下一块圣石。 This is the rank highest Saint stone has the fist size, Shattering Light of release has the effect extremely. 这是品阶最高的圣石且有拳头大小,释放的破灭之光极有效果。 If trades Luo Zheng own that Saint stone, perhaps exterminate the body of so huge Guijue. 若是换罗征自己的那块圣石,恐怕灭杀不了如此庞大的诡谲之体。 „Under buzz......” Snake Spirit King body of a collapse Guijue, that three gems shine then vanish do not see. “嗡……”蛇灵王诡谲之体一崩溃,那三颗宝石忽闪之下便消失不见。 In the Earth Temple, Nuwa and the others saw this excited almost must jump. 地坛上,女娲等人看到这一幕激动的几乎要跳起来。 After all according to the initial plan, human race is not responsible for resisting Snake Spirit King. 毕竟按照最初的打算,人族并不负责对抗蛇灵王 The Snake Spirit King opponent is Monkey Spirit King, that is they biggest card in hand. 蛇灵王的对手是猴灵王,那才是他们最大的底牌。 After Monkey Spirit King suffers defeat was also cursed, this card in hand does not exist, theoretically they have collapsed completely. 猴灵王败北又被诅咒后,这张底牌不复存在,理论上他们已经一败涂地。 Who knows that resists a sword from the Luo Zheng Earth Temple, Snake Spirit King that hits directly does not have the strength to hit back! bo!” 谁知道从罗征地坛内抗出一把剑,直接打的蛇灵王毫无还手之力!“啵!” „After bo......” bo bo bo......” guidance space stone flies away, these square shape spaces that it creates start to expire. “啵……”“啵啵啵……”引导空间石飞走后,它所创造的那些方形空间开始失效。 Fetters Da Gu, the Kong Gu square shape space is taking the lead to explode, was compressed body of the Guijue to gain the freedom one after another. 束缚着大古,空古的方形空间率先爆开,被压缩其中的诡谲之体一个接着一个获得自由。 These cubic shapes the bodies of Guijue struggle, immediately starts to transform the shape, finally restores the original design. 那些立方形的诡谲之体挣扎一番,随即开始变换形状,最终恢复原样。 Felt stifled I!” “憋死我了!” Finally gains the freedom!” “终于获得自由!” Here, the boy, human race Luo Zheng does not defeat Snake Spirit King with emphasis!” “重点不在这里,那小子,人族罗征打败蛇灵王!” Although they were stranded in the square shape space, but does not affect them to observe the situation, the Luo Zheng a series of inconceivable attack methods take Snake Spirit King with ease, they look in the eye. 虽然他们被困在方形空间内,但并不影响他们观察外界的情况,罗征一连串不可思议的攻击手段轻松拿下蛇灵王,他们可是看在眼中。 Snake Lord Snake Spirit of another side hoodwinked the circle. 另外一方的蛇主蛇灵们则蒙圈了。 Especially Great Snake Shuang Qi, day Yin Snake Lords, plan of their very clear Snake Spirit King. 尤其是双歧大蛇,天阴蛇主们,它们很清楚蛇灵王的计划。 Let Luo Zheng take out that the sword is a part of plan. 罗征取出那把剑就是计划的一部分。 According to truth Snake Spirit King should have the countermeasure early, how to have the lopsided potential state! 按道理蛇灵王早该有对策,怎么会出现一面倒的势态! This is not normal! However regardless of Snake Lord or Monkey Lord, Bird Lords, does not have anxiously fight, the key to success of this fight is not they, but is Luo Zheng and Snake Spirit King! After Snake Spirit King routs, Luo Zheng then raised the head upwardly stares. 这不正常!不过无论蛇主还是猴主,鸟主们,都没有急着交手,这场战斗的成败关键已经不是他们,而是罗征蛇灵王!将蛇灵王击溃后,罗征便抬头向上凝望。 Floats a transparent sphere there, the Snake Spirit King Coordinate is then hiding to be one of them. 在那里漂浮着一个透明圆球,蛇灵王的坐标便藏匿在其中。 To kill Snake Spirit King thoroughly, must ruin this sphere. 想要彻底杀死蛇灵王,必须将这颗圆球毁掉。 Luo Zheng! That sphere has the special strength protection,” the Nuwa reminder said. 罗征!那个圆球拥有特殊力量守护,”女娲提醒道。 Previously Monkey Spirit King pressed out all the strength of dermal tooth necklace, almost ruined the Coordinate in sphere and sphere. 此前猴灵王将真牙项链的力量尽数榨出来,差点毁掉圆球以及圆球内的坐标。 But at crucial moment presents one group black light to cover it, the sphere black light is weird. 但关键时候却出现一团黑光将其笼罩,无论是圆球本身还是黑光都非常邪门。 Special strength?” “特殊的力量?” Luo Zheng raised the head to size up one. 罗征抬头打量了一眼。 The Coordinate in sphere glitters golden light, the energy that the Coordinate contains is being very abundant, but doesn't Snake Spirit King have first to come back to life unexpectedly? 圆球内的坐标闪烁着金光,坐标蕴藏的能量很充沛,但蛇灵王竟没有第一时间复生? Luo Zheng pulls open two steps, grabs the irregular heavy sword fierce wields. 罗征拉开两步,抓着不规则重剑猛的一挥。 The sword glow of half a month shape goes toward the sphere directly shoots together. 一道半月状的剑芒朝着圆球直射而去。 This sword glow is very ordinary, but the might is huge, to enough cuts the situation of Snake Spirit King body. 这剑芒很普通但威力巨大,大到足够斩开蛇灵王身体的地步。 „!” “唰!” The sword glow has passed through several thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance to hit in the wink of an eye to the sphere. 瞬息之间剑芒已穿越数千丈距离打向圆球。 But that sphere as if not exist general, passes through like this quietly. 可那圆球仿佛不存在一般,就这样悄无声息穿了过去。 Luo Zheng blinks, this is actually not accidental/surprised, he lifts then to say the irregular heavy sword, gives you?” 罗征眨了眨眼,这一幕倒是并不意外,他将不规则重剑举起来便说道,“交给你?” In the irregular heavy sword transmits an eager mood! This is willing to end the Snake Spirit King life the sword. 不规则重剑中传递出一股跃跃欲试的情绪!这把剑很愿意终结蛇灵王的性命。 The strength of space the sphere contains is extremely perhaps mysterious, is skilled in the space rule Bird Spirit King unable to touch continually. 圆球蕴藏的空间之力或许极其玄奥,连精通空间规则的鸟灵王都无法触及。 But is not difficult to Luo Zheng, Original Divine Blood has the complete space and time quadrant, the strength of your space is special, cannot avoid the 93 abilities in space and time quadrant. 但对罗征而言却并不难,起源神血拥有完整的时空象限,你的空间之力再特殊,也避不开时空象限中的九十三种能力。 But the irregular heavy sword can display the pinnacle the Original Divine Blood ability, breaks open this sphere is not the challenge to Luo Zheng. 而不规则重剑更是能将起源神血的能力发挥到极致,破开这圆球对罗征而言算不上挑战。 Luo Zheng pulls open one step again, prepares to cut the second sword. 罗征再度拉开一步,准备斩开第二剑。 In the crack on heavy sword sword blade glitters to make a debut a blue glow, the mysterious space aura dissipates. 重剑剑身上的裂缝中闪烁出道道蓝芒,玄奥的空间气息逸散出来。 With Luo Zheng thinks, the ability of irregular heavy sword utilization is the space and time quadrant, reaches 19 types! In the Luo Zheng plan wields a sword, Great Snake Shuang Qi of distant place launches an attack suddenly, directly soars Luo Zheng. 罗征想的一样,不规则重剑运用的能力皆属时空象限,多达十九种!就在罗征打算挥出一剑时,远处的双歧大蛇忽然发难,直奔罗征而来。 Although it knows oneself are not the Luo Zheng opponent, but this moment savior cannot attend to anything cherished. 它虽然知道自己不是罗征对手,可此刻救主心切也顾不得什么。 A Luo Zheng brow wrinkle, starts to walk gently one step, at once the form appears like the ghosts and demons in the back of Great Snake Shuang Qi, simultaneously the irregular long sword ray flashes. 罗征眉头一皱,轻轻迈开一步,旋即身影如鬼魅般出现在双歧大蛇的后背,同时不规则长剑光芒一闪。 Rubs......” a disorderly cutting sound to transmit. “蹭蹭蹭蹭……”一阵凌乱的切割声传递而出。 Great Snake Shuang Qi the body of Guijue had been cut several tens of thousands triangles. 双歧大蛇诡谲之体已被切割成数万份三角形。 Luo Zheng pulls out the Saint stone from Sumeru Space, the activation, release Shattering Light, Great Snake Shuang Qi the body of Guijue collapses rapidly. 罗征须弥空间中掏出圣石,激活,释放破灭之光,双歧大蛇诡谲之体迅速崩溃。 The Great Snake Shuang Qi strength is also top existence in Guijue. 双歧大蛇的实力在诡谲中也属顶尖的存在。 Previously only depended on one's effort, it has then made a big row Night View Island. 此前仅凭一己之力,它便大闹过夜见岛 Now insists two breath time facing Luo Zheng! Da Gu, Kong Gu, Xia Gu and other Monkey Lords saw that in this heart shivers slightly, always militant they cannot bear take itself and Great Snake Shuang Qi comparison. 现在面对罗征坚持不过两个呼吸时间!大古,空古,夏古猴主们看到这一幕心中微微颤抖起来,一向好战的它们忍不住拿自己和双歧大蛇比较。 Their strengths and Great Snake Shuang Qi compare certain disparity, after all they were sealed up in Night View Island so many years. 它们的实力与双歧大蛇相比有一定差距,毕竟它们被封闭在夜见岛那么多年。 If they face directly Luo Zheng, perhaps defeats more miserable...... at this moment, in the Da Gu and other Monkey Lord hearts the rebirth has one to rejoice: Good Luo Zheng looked for Night View Island initially, and stands with them in the same battleline, has not become their enemies! Solves Great Snake Shuang Qi, Luo Zheng wields the long sword again. 它们若直面罗征,恐怕败的更惨……此时此刻,大古猴主心中更生出一丝庆幸:还好罗征当初找上夜见岛,并和它们站在同一个阵线,没有成为它们的敌人!解决掉双歧大蛇,罗征再度挥出长剑。 Whish!” “哗!” Gathers 19 types of the sword glow of space quadrant abilities to shine, directly soars the sphere to go. 集合十九种空间象限能力的剑芒忽闪忽闪,直奔圆球而去。 The speed of this sword glow is not fast, but the sphere as if forgets to move aside. 这道剑芒的速度并不快,可圆球似乎忘记躲闪。 kua!” “咵!” These time a sword glow that contains the strength of space across the sphere, has not cut really in the sphere surface. 这一次蕴藏空间之力的剑芒没有穿过圆球,实打实斩在圆球表面。 crackling!” 噼啪!” The sphere surface blows out cracks. 圆球表面爆出一道道裂纹。 This sphere compared with firm of Luo Zheng imagination, therefore he cuts the second sword without hesitation, the third sword...... when the Luo Zheng destruction sphere, in the Snake Spirit King Coordinate is having the intense dispute. 这圆球比罗征想象的要坚固,于是他毫不犹豫斩出第二剑,第三剑……就在罗征破坏圆球时,蛇灵王的坐标内正发生着激烈的争执。 Is you make me emit that fellow, but he can want my life now!” “是你让我放出那家伙,可现在他能要我的命!” You must give a stronger strength!” “你要给予更强的力量!” Otherwise we die together!” “不然我们一起死!” Guatemalan mechanism Snake Spirit King has not had scruples again. 机关蛇灵王再也没有顾忌。 Then reached in the Coordinate in this time sphere shatter sound, Snake Spirit King was more anxious, yells, „ that boy in attack elusive spheroid! At this moment, black light actually continuously is silent...... Snake Spirit King to be pushed by it by the stage. 便在这时圆球破碎的声音传进坐标内,蛇灵王更加紧张,大叫道,“那小子在攻击空灵球体!此时此刻,黑光却一直在沉默着……蛇灵王一直被它推在台前。 But puts out that after Luo Zheng the sword, the significance that Snake Spirit King has is not big. 但从罗征拿出那把剑后,蛇灵王存在的意义已经不大了。 The pattern of other shore, Place of Origins that Snake Spirit King constructs under its arrangement, it can take over control with ease. 无论是彼岸的格局,还是蛇灵王在它的安排下构筑的始生之地,它都能够轻松接管。 Let Snake Spirit King die in the Luo Zheng hand is the good choice. 蛇灵王死在罗征手中是不错的选择。 But in Snake Spirit King implored urgently, changed the mind black light, finally said, felt relieved, I do not certainly look that helplessly you died......” how that I to do!” 但在蛇灵王苦苦哀求之际,黑光改变主意,终于说道,“放心好了,我当然不会眼睁睁看着你去死……”“那我该怎么做!” Had the response finally black light, Snake Spirit King relaxed. 黑光终于有了回应,蛇灵王松了一口气。 Displays your proper strength,” said black light. “发挥出你应有的实力,”黑光说道。 But my strength is not enough to resist him,” Snake Spirit King puzzled say/way. “可我的实力不足以对抗他,”蛇灵王不解道。 Now was enough.” “现在足够了。” Buzz!” “嗡!” The Snake Spirit King Coordinate was the pure golden color, but said after black light, the pure black ray climbs up the Coordinate like earthworms. 蛇灵王的坐标原本呈纯金色,但黑光说完后,纯黑色的光芒如同一条条蚯蚓爬上坐标。
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