AT :: Volume #38

#3791: Misplacing

The body of Guijue has the extremely strong plasticity, let alone twists the bread twist, is tears to shreds does not die. 诡谲之体拥有极强的可塑性,别说扭曲成麻花,便是碎尸万段也不死。 Whish!” “哗!” As sound of wind / rumor flap flap makes noise, Snake Spirit King finally from working loose works loose. 随着风声猎猎作响,蛇灵王终于从挣脱中挣脱。 The giant snake body just like a long whip, sucks in the ground ruthlessly, transmits „” a resounding, entire Jade Purity Heaven trembles, Snake Spirit King inlays the ground directly! Luo Zheng shakes the sword hilt in hand slightly, 15 life iron return home positions compose the irregular heavy sword. 巨大的蛇躯宛若一条长鞭,狠狠地抽入地面,传来“叭”的一声脆响,整个玉清天都为之震颤,蛇灵王直接镶进地面!罗征将手中的剑柄微微一抖,十五块生命铁回归原位组成不规则重剑。 His figure drill, appears in the head of Snake Spirit King forward in an instant. 他身形向前一钻,刹那间又出现在蛇灵王的头部。 „The second sword.” “第二剑。” Does not wait for Snake Spirit King from underground to crawl, Luo Zheng this sword the straight thrust has gotten down. 不等蛇灵王从地下爬起来,罗征这一剑已直刺下去。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The Original Divine Blood strength releases again through the irregular long sword. 起源神血的力量再度通过不规则长剑释放出来。 In the crack on irregular heavy sword sends out the pale blue ray at this moment, that is more than ten abilities of space quadrants. 不规则重剑上的裂缝内此刻发出淡蓝色的光芒,那是十余种空间象限的能力。 Now Luo Zheng or Original Divine Blood, not the clear irregular heavy sword can utilize what kind of method. 现在无论是罗征还是起源神血,都不清楚不规则重剑会运用何等手段。 Original Divine Blood only needs to provide the energy then, Luo Zheng only needs to puncture the sword then. 起源神血只需要提供能量即可,罗征只需要将剑刺出去即可。 The following matter gives the irregular heavy sword to do! 接下来的事交给不规则重剑本身去做! bo!” “啵!” The irregular heavy sword selects again in the Snake Spirit King forehead place. 不规则重剑再一次点在蛇灵王的额头处。 Presents the palm of the hand sizes from the Snake Spirit King body surface the blue triangle trace. 紧接着自蛇灵王的体表出现一个个巴掌大小的蓝色三角形纹路。 From the giant head to the giant end, these blue triangles has about tens of millions...... in the Luo Zheng eye to be somewhat puzzled again, Snake Spirit King feels panic-stricken. 从巨大的头部再到巨大的尾部,这些蓝色三角形大约有数千万个……罗征眼中有些困惑,蛇灵王则感觉到一丝惊恐。 ...... These blue triangles start to separate instantly mutually. 刹那……这些蓝色三角形开始相互割裂。 Is overall Snake Spirit King, is blinking unexpectedly is cut the round number thousands of triangles! 原本是一个整体的蛇灵王,竟在眨眼之间被切割成数千万个三角形! Good quick......” Luo Zheng to exclaim again. “好快……”罗征再次惊叹道。 Previously Luo Zheng to control blood mystique Original Divine Blood also to achieve the similar effect, but used on Snake Spirit King definitely sells at a discount greatly, must sliver the fragment the Snake Spirit King so huge body is impossible! 先前罗征以控血秘法化出起源神血也能达到相似的效果,但用在蛇灵王身上肯定大打折扣,要将蛇灵王如此庞大的身躯切成碎片更是不可能! Whish......” “哗哗哗……” Although was cut the round number thousands of shares, but Snake Spirit King has not given up as before, the small snake that these triangles turn into black and white interactions unexpectedly rapidly, the small snake gathers in the same direction, a little at a time mounts up, concentrates guerilla forces for concerted attack, returns to original state rapidly the complete main body. 虽然被切割成数千万份,但蛇灵王依旧没有放弃,那些三角形竟迅速变成一条条黑白相间的小蛇,小蛇朝着同一个方向汇聚,聚沙成塔,化零为整,迅速还原成完整的本体。 Snake Spirit King just restored, Luo Zheng appears nearby Snake Spirit King again, he does not want to the opportunity of its respite. 蛇灵王刚刚恢复,罗征再度出现在蛇灵王跟前,他不想给其喘息之机。 „The third sword!” “第三剑!” The irregular heavy sword absorbs the Original Divine Blood energy again. 不规则重剑再次吸收起源神血的能量。 In the slits of 15 life irons the greens and grey two colors glitter alternately, this is the ability of creation quadrant and life quadrant, the quantity only has six types! 十五块生命铁的缝隙中绿色与灰色两种颜色交替闪烁,这是创造象限与生命象限的能力,数量只有六种! At this moment in the Luo Zheng eye appears the color of anticipation, wants to know that the irregular heavy sword releases what divine ability. 这一刻罗征眼中浮现出期待之色,想知道不规则重剑释放出什么神通 Not is only he, including Heavenly Venerable Genesis, Nuwa and Fu Xi and the others also whole face happy expression. 不仅是他,包括元始天尊,女娲伏羲等人亦满脸喜色。 Previously Snake Spirit King depended on a guidance space stone then to suppress them, was really aggrieved. 先前蛇灵王靠着一枚引导空间石便压制他们所有人,实在是太憋屈了。 Now looks that Luo Zheng beats savagely Snake Spirit King one, the nature exhales for them. 现在看着罗征蛇灵王一阵暴打,自然替他们出了一口气。 As for the Snake Spirit King heart in depressed. 至于蛇灵王心中则郁闷不已。 Has been pressed by Luo Zheng is hitting was too aggrieved, since thousands of years have never had this matter. 一直被罗征压着打太憋屈了,千万年以来从未有过这种事情。 Then knew certainly irregular heavy sword Snake Spirit King, is not so initially strong in the Ku Shu hand! Dies to me!” 那把不规则重剑蛇灵王当然认识,当初在苦树手中可没有这么强!“给我死!” Snake Spirit King finally starts to counter-attack. 蛇灵王终于开始反击。 That black circular gem erupts layer upon layer black fog suddenly, the destructive strength falls in torrents crazily. 那颗黑色圆形宝石忽然爆发出层层黑雾,毁灭性的力量疯狂倾泻出来。 The sensation of present Luo Zheng to energy is very keen! 如今的罗征对能量的感知十分敏锐! The energy in this black fog containing is so fearful, Luo Zheng has to draw back! 黑雾中蕴藏的能量是如此可怕,罗征不得不退! Whish!” “哗!” Breeds together the black light beam from that matter level black fog, drops down toward the Luo Zheng top of the head. 从那层层黑雾孕育出一道黑色光柱,朝着罗征头顶直落下来。 In instantly, guides the space stone also twinkle blue glow that the black light beam falls, the Luo Zheng surrounding space immediately becomes extremely viscous! 在黑色光柱落下的刹那,引导空间石亦闪烁蓝芒,罗征周围的空间顿时变得极度粘稠! „!” “唰!” The black light beam overhead bang on Luo Zheng, submerges Luo Zheng directly completely. 黑色光柱当头轰在罗征身上,直接将罗征完全淹没。 As the black light beam vanishes, Luo Zheng also vanished. 随着黑色光柱消失,罗征也消失了。 Snake Spirit King that flexible snake head is looking around unceasingly, all knows the stone to investigate limitedly crazily, may not search existence of that fellow completely! In the Snake Spirit King heart is somewhat terrified. 蛇灵王那灵活的蛇头不断张望着,有限全知石更是疯狂探查着,可完全寻觅不到那家伙的存在!蛇灵王心中有些惶恐。 According to black light said, Luo Zheng enters the Earth Temple to be able to defeat Ku Shu, can carry over that sword smoothly. 按照黑光所说,罗征进入地坛应该能打败苦树,也能顺利带出那把剑。 Can win Luo Zheng by its strength with ease, recaptures this sword. 以它的实力能轻松赢下罗征,夺回此剑。 This is one point in plan. 这是计划中的一环。 The Luo Zheng's strength far exceeds its estimate. 罗征的实力远远超出它的预计。 This to incompatible...... is the black light miscalculation that black light did say? 这跟黑光所说的不符……是黑光估计错误? Does it deceive himself? 还是它骗自己? Snake Spirit King searches Luo Zheng, while is thinking deeply about this issue. 蛇灵王一边寻觅罗征,一边思索着这个问题。 If the black light mistake, in addition said fortunately. 如果是黑光失误尚且还好说。 Snake Spirit King knows the black light strength, so long as its take action, Luo Zheng does not help matters again. 蛇灵王知道黑光的实力,只要它出手,罗征再强也无济于事。 If black light really deceives itself, the situation troubled! 如果黑光真的是骗自己,情况就麻烦了! Buzz!” “嗡!” Not far away Luo Zheng's form just appeared, the black light beam goes toward his lasing together. 不远处罗征的身影刚刚浮现出来,一道黑色光柱就朝着他激射而去。 Bang!” “轰!” Black light beam across the Luo Zheng's phantom bang in ground. 黑色光柱穿过罗征的虚影轰在地面上。 Buzz!” “嗡!” The next quarter, the Luo Zheng's form passes in Snake Spirit King behind in a flash, the black light beam shells again...... 下一刻,罗征的身影又在蛇灵王身后一晃而逝,黑色光柱再度轰击下来…… Bang! Bang! Bang......” “轰!轰!轰……” In limited all knows under the stone powerful sensation, regardless of Luo Zheng appears where Snake Spirit King can always know instantaneously, simultaneously by black light beam bombardment. 在有限全知石强大的感知下,无论罗征出现在何处蛇灵王总能瞬间知晓,同时以黑色光柱轰击。 That black gem is very strong, consumption should the strength of other shore be many?” “那块黑色的宝石很强,消耗的彼岸之力应该很多吧?” The Luo Zheng's form conducts the back to flash past after Snake Spirit King leaves behind a few words simultaneously. 罗征的身影在蛇灵王后背上一闪而过同时留下一句话。 This Snake Spirit King does not have the took out black light beam, otherwise must rumble on oneself. 这一次蛇灵王没有祭出黑色光柱,不然就要轰在自己身上。 The energy of thing of Saint assistance is not infinite. 圣佐之物的能量也不是无限的。 Limited all knows the stone to guide the space stone, supine or this black gem, is enormous to the consumption of Saint column energy. 无论是有限全知石还是引导空间石,仰或这块黑色宝石,对圣柱能量的消耗极大。 When on Snake Spirit King uses the thing of three Saint assistances, Paramita Faith Token in entire other shore mostly cannot normally use...... 蛇灵王动用三件圣佐之物时,整个彼岸内的彼岸信物大多都不能正常使用…… How is? “是又如何? The energy of Saint column must be much more, before energy consumption that you imagine I can catch you! ” 圣柱的能量比你想象的要多得多,在能量消耗完之前我能抓到你!” Snake Spirit King said that the guidance space stone blue glow flashes again. 蛇灵王说罢引导空间石再度蓝芒一闪。 Originally in Luo Zheng that in the space goes through, was pushed by forcibly unexpectedly. 原本在空间中穿行的罗征,竟被硬生生挤了出来。 Ka ka ka ka......” Snake Spirit King is this opportunity, the innumerable space walls surround toward Luo Zheng, simultaneously the black light beam covers. “咔咔咔咔……”蛇灵王等的便是这个机会,无数空间墙朝罗征围拢过去,同时黑色光柱笼罩下来。 You may escape roadless!” “你无路可逃!” Snake Spirit King exciting saying. 蛇灵王兴奋的说道。 buzz buzz......” 嗡嗡嗡……” This black light beam leans not falls in torrents reserved on Luo Zheng , to continue more than ten breath time. 这一次黑色光柱倾毫无保留倾泻在罗征身上,足足持续十几个呼吸时间。 Snake Spirit King through limited all knows the stone to be corroded the sensation to Luo Zheng's fleshly body little, the ablation, vanished...... the biggest troublesome solution! 蛇灵王通过有限全知石能感知到罗征的肉身一点点被侵蚀,消融,消失……最大麻烦解决了! In the Snake Spirit King heart full is pleased. 蛇灵王心中满是快意。 But at this moment, the Snake Spirit King back resounds the Luo Zheng's sound again, forgets to tell you, your limited all knows the stone is very actually easy to deceive.” 但就在这时,蛇灵王的背后再度响起罗征的声音,“忘记告诉你,你的有限全知石其实很容易欺骗。” What......” “什么……” Snake Spirit King wants to turn the head. 蛇灵王想要转头。 But just turned around, the irregular heavy sword arrives again on its back, the body of Guijue was cut the round number thousands of shares instantaneously. 但刚刚转身,不规则重剑再度抵在它的背脊上,诡谲之体瞬间被切割成数千万份。 Cut at the same time, dazzling white Shattering Light goes just like tidal racing wells up. 被切割的同时,炽白色的破灭之光宛若潮水般奔涌而去。 Under the corrosion of Shattering Light, the body of Snake Spirit King shatter Guijue collapses rapidly. 破灭之光的侵蚀下,蛇灵王破碎的诡谲之体迅速崩溃。
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