AT :: Volume #38

#3739: Invasion

The real shape when laughing wildly, the release entirely different aura, that is the Guijue aura! 真形在狂笑之余,释放出一股截然不同的气息,那是诡谲的气息! Really, crane cloud Hexuan complexion changes suddenly. 度真,鹤云和玄都的脸色豁然大变。 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Rolls from my Junior Brother within the body!” “从我师弟体内滚出来!” Why within the body has Guijue unreliably......” “为什么玄都体内有诡谲……” They often cautious spying on Jade Purity Heaven, knew about Guijue, in the heart fully realizes real shape situation troublesome. 他们常在玉清天内小心翼翼的窥探,对诡谲亦非常了解,心中深知真形这种情况有多麻烦。 Laozi performance unusual is calm. 太上老君则表现的非常冷静。 These days he has immersed in the anxiety, always thought that is not right, but could not find this not right origin. 这几日他都一直沉浸在不安中,总觉得有一丝不对劲,但始终找不到这一丝不对劲的来源。 After Guijue in real physique said dug gold/metal beast, in the laozi heart immediately suddenly, perhaps they the Coordinate hide in digging the gold/metal carcasses! 真形体内的诡谲说出“掘金兽”后,太上老君心中顿时恍然,它们恐怕将坐标藏在掘金兽体内! Although big belly of real shape swallows nothing which is not, perhaps is unable to swallow the Coordinate, this Coordinate has kept in his belly...... 真形的大肚子虽然无所不吞,恐怕无法将坐标吞噬掉,这坐标就一直留在他肚子里…… !” “呼,唰!” The laozi half step forwards, fierce racket of both hands on toward really good forehead, mouth big of real shape. 太上老君快步向前,双手朝着真行的脑门上猛的一拍,真形的嘴巴大张。 Immediately he stimulates Shattering Light a Saint stone of medicinal pill size, forces in the mouth of real shape directly, simultaneously numerous closes the mouth of real shape. 随即他将一颗丹药大小的圣石激发出破灭之光,直接塞进真形的嘴中,同时重重的将真形的嘴巴闭合。 ,......” “唔,呜,呜……” On the real shape face reveals the pain the expression, both hands brandishes carelessly, is struggling unceasingly. 真形脸上流露出痛苦的表情,双手胡乱挥舞,不断地挣扎着。 Hid had controlled the real shape in Guijue of figure within the body, but powerful Shattering Light opened at the real physique implosion, making it feel ill. 藏匿在身形体内的诡谲已经将真形控制了,可强大的破灭之光在真形体内爆开,让它倍感不适。 Even Resentment Level Guijue, Hatred Level Guijue has certain tolerance to Shattering Light, but they are still very sensitive to Shattering Light. 即便怨级诡谲,恨级诡谲破灭之光有一定的耐受度,但它们对破灭之光依旧十分敏感。 Rumble......” “咕噜噜……” Really in the unendurable situation, in the earhole of real shape drills the bodies of bunch of white Guijue! 实在难以忍受的情况下,真形的耳孔中钻出一团团白色的诡谲之体! The bodies of quick two Guijue drill from the earhole, restored shape, two Snake Lord under that Snake Spirit Gate place. 很快两个诡谲之体从耳孔中钻出来,恢复了本身的形态,那正是蛇灵门座下的两名蛇主 Snake Lord named the moon/month python, ranks 16 th in numerous Snake Lord, another Snake Lord called the lark, arranged 17 th in Snake Lord, was the nucleus in Snake Lord! 一名蛇主名叫月蟒,在众多蛇主中排名第十六,另一名蛇主叫白灵,在蛇主中排第十七位,算是蛇主中的中坚力量! Hehehe......” moon/month python exudes a series of high-pitched and fine laughter, hides in the place bottom mousie, finally looks for arrived, the mouse is the mouse, even if cautious had discovered that day finally!” “嘿嘿嘿……”月蟒发出一连串尖细的笑声,“藏匿在地底的小老鼠,终于找到了,老鼠就是老鼠,即便小心翼翼终有被发现的那一日!” Snort , because is too small and weak, is not worth waging a war, otherwise my king had eradicated them,” lark disdains to say. “哼,是因为太弱小,不值得大动干戈,否则吾王早就将他们铲除了,”白灵不屑道。 Snake Spirit Gate has detected vacuole existence, but this vacuole is unusual, after determining the position Snake Spirit Gate once encircled several times, but by their quiet running away. 蛇灵门早就察觉到“空泡”的存在,但这个空泡非常奇特,在确定方位后蛇灵门曾围剿了几次,但都被他们悄无声息的跑掉。 The real complexion is cold gradually, his body surface starts to reappear sharp spinous scales, the build of whole person also constantly grows, said, two Snake Lord do wage a war? That Snake Spirit Gate too took seriously us......” 度真的面色渐冷,他体表开始浮现出一块块尖刺状的鳞甲,整个人的体型亦不断增长,同时说道,“难道两名蛇主就是大动干戈?那蛇灵门真的是太‘重视’我们了……” Puts out a hand unreliably gently a buckle, pulls out a giant writing brush from Sumeru Space, icy saying, „, since came, that dies here!” 玄都伸手轻轻一扣,从须弥空间中掏出一把巨大的墨笔,冷冰冰的说道,“既然来了,那就死在这里吧!” The laozis and his apprentices stayed in Jade Purity Heaven were so long, means that naturally one set coped with Guijue. 太上老君和他的徒弟们在玉清天呆了这么久,自然有一套对付诡谲的办法。 Now the position of vacuole has exposed, profound and in sincerity, only then an idea, takes two Snake Lord at the maximum speed, then continues to control the vacuole to hide! 现在空泡的方位已经暴露,玄都和度真心中只有一个想法,以最快的速度拿下两名蛇主,然后继续控制空泡藏匿! Buzz......” “嗡……” Profound the giant writing brush will wield suddenly, azure the strength of space flows on the pen tip. 玄都将巨大的墨笔猛然一挥,湛蓝色的空间之力在笔尖上流动。 The moon/month python and lark response are not naturally slow, two Snake Lord are swaying from side to side the body, separates the two sides to walk randomly, appears the new thing moon-shaped trace from the body surface of moon/month python. 月蟒和白灵反应自然不慢,两名蛇主扭动着身体,分开两边游走着,从月蟒的体表浮现出新月状纹路。 Moon/Month extremely wished!” “月极之祝!” The bright ray appears from the moon/month python body surface, simultaneously shines on the lark. 皎洁的光芒自月蟒体表浮现,同时映照在白灵身上。 Two Snake Lord speeds become extremely quickly, they look just like a mobile band of light, leaves behind tall and slender remnant shades in the vacuole. 两位蛇主的速度变得极快,它们看起来宛若一条流动的光带,在空泡内留下一道道细长的残影。 Moon/Month Jing!” “月荆!” Day oath cold night!” “天誓寒夜!” While random walk, moon/month python and lark already took out own divine ability. From moon/month python within the body monochromatic chaste tree twigs, the lasing toward the laozi come, the lark releases Yin Qi dense ice cones, this ice cone almost covered all directions, suddenly originally not big vacuole interior cold air 在游走的同时,月蟒与白灵已祭出自己的神通。从月蟒体内化出一条条单色荆条,朝着太上老君这边激射而来,白灵则释放出一根根阴气森森的冰锥,这冰锥几乎覆盖了所有方向,一时间原本不大的空泡内部寒气 Filling the air. 弥漫。 The laozis and his four apprentices are Immortal Realm, but is much more powerful than general Immortal Realm. 太上老君与他的四名徒弟都是不朽境,但比一般的不朽境要强大得多。 Initially Elder Xue when granting dreamland, will control the blood mystique to teach to the laozi. 当初薛长老在赐予梦境时,亦将控血秘法传授给太上老君。 Strength the utilization in bloodlines, the masters and disciples five people of strengths could not miss is too many purely. 纯粹在血脉之力上的运用,师徒五人的实力差不了太多。 Vagrant thoughts read......” “随想之念……” On the face that real shape that smiles Hehe appears a more exaggerating smile. 真形那张笑呵呵的脸上浮现出更夸张的笑容。 His shiny belly surface exits threads, under this thread rotation, forms a faint trace way in the surroundings space unexpectedly. 他那张油光铮亮的肚皮表面转出一圈圈螺纹,这螺纹转动下,竟在周围空间中形成一丝丝路径。 As long as is involved in the monochromatic chaste tree twigs and ice cone in thread, was inhaled in the real shape belly rapidly. The Eldest senior brother real body changes again, except for outside scales that is covered with the sharp thorn, his head starts changes is small, both hands turn into the sharp claws of some wild animal, crawls fierce popping after the ground, changes into unexpectedly pursues two snakes together black light 但凡卷入螺纹中的单色荆条和冰锥,便被迅速吸入真形肚子里。大师兄度真的身体再度发生变化,除了一身长满尖刺的鳞甲外,他的头颅开始变小,双手变成某种野兽的利爪,匍匐在地上后猛的弹出,竟化为一道黑光追逐两名蛇 Hosts! 主! The single chaste tree twigs and ice cone might is good, if common Immortal Realm were hit, does not die also wants the severe wound, may spend is really clever under high-speed crawling, effortlessly avoids its one by one. 单身荆条与冰锥的威力不俗,寻常不朽境若被命中,不死也要重伤,可度真在高速爬行下非常灵巧,毫不费力的将其一一避开。 However Snake Lord traveling speed similarly also quick, crazy movement of black two white two bands of light in vacuole, pursues several breath time not to have the front impact unexpectedly! 不过蛇主的移动速度同样也快,一黑两白两条光带在空泡内疯狂的移动,追逐数个呼吸时间竟未有正面碰撞! Eldest senior brother, does not need to seize them with effort, making me come to be able!” 大师兄,不用费力抓捕它们,让我来便可!” Was saying unreliably has wielded the writing brush. 玄都说着已挥动了墨笔。 That writing brush flying high empty check, as if an old master paints, suddenly then outlined two Snake Lord figure. 那墨笔凌空虚勾,仿佛一名绘画大师作画,眨眼之间便勾勒出两名蛇主的身形。 Buzz!” “嗡!” With the ray twinkles of two azure, in flew the moon/month python in vacuole and lark that everywhere flees, was drawn arrived unexpectedly directly unreliably front. 伴随着两道湛蓝色的光芒闪烁,原本在“空泡”内四处飞窜的月蟒和白灵,竟被直接拉到了玄都面前。 Profound nearby crane cloud had prepared for some time. 玄都旁边的鹤云早已准备多时。 In his both hands is gripping tightly two symbol signs, in this symbol sign in -line trace by Saint stone embed, only in the same month the python and lark draw to the profound front checks, crane cloud Shuangshou shoot first with one hand and then the other, pats toward the moon/month python and lark on. 他的双手中紧握着两块符牌,这符牌中内嵌的纹路由圣石镶嵌而成,只当月蟒与白灵拉到玄都面前的一刹,鹤云双手左右开弓,朝着月蟒和白灵身上拍去。 „, bang! “啪,啪! With two resounding, the symbol sign has stuck to the moon/month python and lark, immediately the Shattering Light continuous release, makes two Snake Lord not live is shivering. 伴随着两道脆响,符牌已紧贴在月蟒和白灵身上,破灭之光源源不断的释放,顿时让两名蛇主不住的颤抖着。 They want to throw off symbol sign vigorously, but this symbol sign to cope with Guijue is specially-made, particularly easily can throw off? 它们极力想要甩掉身上的符牌,可这符牌原本就是为了对付诡谲而特制的,尤其是轻易能甩掉? To their crazy struggling, the symbol sign looks like the maggot of tarsal bone to stick to their bodies, how unable to throw off...... 任凭它们疯狂的挣扎,符牌都像跗骨之蛆紧贴在它们的身躯上,怎么都甩不掉…… However the moon/month python and lark eventually are Hatred Level Guijue, common Shattering Light can only suppress them, is unable to cause the substantive damage to them. 不过月蟒与白灵终究是恨级诡谲,寻常破灭之光只能抑制它们,无法对它们造成实质性的伤害。 Makes use with the writing brush is outlining several unreliably on them, azure the strength of space changes into the rope to tie up them firmly. 玄都趁势拿着墨笔在它们身上勾画几笔,湛蓝色的空间之力化为绳索将它们牢牢捆住。 At this time the crane cloud access road/simply said, real shape, looked for quickly the Coordinate in your belly!” Only then knocks except the Coordinate of concealed in real shape belly, can write off two Snake Lord thoroughly. 这时鹤云便道,“真形,快将你肚子里的坐标找出来!”只有敲除藏在真形肚子里的坐标,才能将两名蛇主彻底抹杀。
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