AS :: Volume #82

#8175: This was finished

Shang Jieao is using simplest method of goading somebody into action obviously, but his method of goading somebody into action actually very effective, if hundred wing gods did not act, that will definitely cause everyone's disaffection. 商桀骜显然是在使用最简单的激将法,不过他这个激将法却非常的管用,百翅神主如果一直不出手的话,那肯定会引起所有人的不满。 This time hundred wing gods also cast aside Shang Jieao: Shrewd and crafty.” 此时的百翅神主也是撇了一眼商桀骜:“老奸巨猾。” Right. 没错。 In his eyes, Shang Jieao now seems like a shrewd and crafty thing. 在他的眼中,商桀骜现在看上去就是一个老奸巨猾的东西。 Even he plans. 连他都算计。 Such simple method of goading somebody into action, how he might be willing not to come out. 这么简单的激将法,他怎么可能肯不出来呢。 The dragon god Great Emperor has two Expert. 龙神大帝有两个高手 They have a dragon god to act, that did not need both people to act, but hundred wing god clans only then his, therefore can only he make a move personally. 他们有一个龙神出手,那就不需要两个人都出手了,而百翅神族只有他一个,所以就只能他亲自出手了。 Shang Jieao was said by hundred wing gods, on his face also is the optional facial expression, does not care. 商桀骜被百翅神主这么说,他的脸上也全都是随意的神情,根本就不在意。 Has not placed completely at heart. 完全没有放在心里。 He is waiting, waits for hundred wing gods to act. 他就是在等待着,等待百翅神主出手。 He also wants to have a look to look at hundred wing god these years, has what skill. 他也想要看看看百翅神主这些年来,都有什么本事。 At this time! 此时! These charge into the corrupt wolf the person, although are many, but they also very careful, they do not dare to go all out, the attack unusual terrors of dragon God and ghostdom nine dogs. 那些冲向贪狼的人虽然不少,不过他们也都是非常的小心,他们不敢太拼命,龙神和冥界九头犬的攻击非常的恐怖。 The remaining prestige that their two attack is the incomparable terrifying. 他们两个攻击的余威都是无比恐怖的。 Contacts incautiously, that must die without doubt. 一不小心接触到,那都是必死无疑的。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! dragon God and nine dogs attacks between are also more and more terrifying. 龙神和九头犬之间的攻击也是越来越恐怖。 However obviously was dragon God had the advantage, if hit, the final result was dragon God wins certainly, the ghostdom nine dogs died, naturally, dragon God won even, is still not will end the victory absolutely, will certainly be injured. 不过显然是龙神占据了优势,如果这么打下去的话,最后的结果一定是龙神胜利,冥界九头犬死亡,当然了,龙神就算是胜利,也绝对不会是完胜,也一定会受伤。 Therefore dragon God hitting does not worry. 所以龙神的打的也并不着急。 He must drag hitting, like this he can injury of most mild degree. 他必须拖着打,这样他才能最小程度的受伤。 Tread! 踏! Hundred wing gods forwarded one step. 百翅神主向前走了一步。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 Everyone's vision all looked to hundred wing gods. 所有人的目光全都看向了百翅神主。 This is the climax. 这可是重头戏啊。 Royal family territory, hundred wing god clans two big top influences, but in hundred wing god clans, hundred wing gods are the masters, even everyone believes, hundred wing gods are mainly stronger than the dragon god Great Emperor. 王族领地,两大顶尖势力之一的百翅神族,而百翅神族里面,百翅神主又是主人,甚至大家都认为,百翅神主要比龙神大帝更强。 Such formidable that this time dragon god has displayed, everyone naturally is also hopes that had a look at hundred wing gods to act. 此时的龙神已经表现的这么强悍了,那大家自然也都是希望看看百翅神主出手了。 Hundred wing gods must make a move finally , my whole life unexpectedly has the opportunity to see that hundred wing gods make a move, this matter is really rousing.” “百翅神主终于要出手了,没想到,我这辈子居然有机会看到百翅神主出手,这种事情真的是让人兴奋啊。” It is said that hundred wing gods are in hundred wing god clans, person who first opened hundred wings, in the past and dragon god Great Emperor their war , is also hundred wing gods strives to turn the tide, by an enemy two, can suppress the dragon god Great Emperor they.” “据说,百翅神主是百翅神族里面,第一个开了百翅的人,当年和龙神大帝他们的那一战,也是百翅神主力挽狂澜,以一敌二,才能压制龙神大帝他们这些人的。” Just past years that fights us not to have the qualifications to see the final decisive battle, but today was can broaden the outlook.” “只不过当年的那一战我们没有资格看到最后的决战,不过今天算是可以大开眼界了。” Surrounding these people also all very excited, at this time their vision all centralized on the bodies of hundred wing gods. 周围的那些人也全都是非常的兴奋,此时他们的目光全都集中在百翅神主的身上。 Does not dare to miss tiny bit. 不敢错过一丝一毫。 It seems like the eye, if puts aside for one second, the matter that owes is the same. 就好像眼睛如果移开一秒钟,都是非常亏的事情一样。 Xia Tian vision also centralized on the bodies of hundred wing gods. 夏天的目光也集中在百翅神主的身上。 Today he was also saw royal family territory these people was fierce. 今天他也算是看到了王族领地这些人的厉害了。 It can be said. 可以说。 The person in royal family territory, Expert are many, moreover their abilities are also all sorts of strange and unusual, what has, the strength of everyone is incomparable formidable. 王族领地的人,高手非常多,而且他们的能力也是千奇百怪,什么样的都有,每一个人的实力全都是无比的强悍 The masters of especially these medium influences, their methods are to let Xia Tian feel the shock. 特别是这些中等势力的主人,他们的手段更是让夏天感觉到震惊啊。 If the method of everyone uses, that cannot imagine absolutely. 每个人的手段如果用在人身上的话,那绝对是不可想象的。 dragon Shengeng contends with the ghostdom nine dogs by a person of strength, and is the condition of complete suppression. 龙神更是以一人之力抗衡冥界九头犬,并且是完全压制的状态。 Royal family territory, really lives up to reputation, for these years, trained so many Expert.” Xia Tian says with emotion, spiritual energy of royal family territory was really strong, it is said in the past was stronger than this, can therefore train so many Expert. “王族领地,果然名不虚传啊,这么多年来,培养了这么多的高手啊。”夏天感慨道,王族领地的灵气真的是太强了,据说当年比这还要强,所以才能培养出这么多的高手来。 If spiritual energy on Heavenly Formation Continent can also be so strong, the person on that Heavenly Formation Continent will not worry for cultivation. 如果天阵大陆上的灵气也可以这么强的话,那天阵大陆上的人就不会为修炼发愁了。 Various types of day material treasures will also be innumerable. 各种天材地宝也会数不胜数。 The spiritual energy exuberant place, that types of rare herbal medicines everywhere are, even if were picked, so long as does not destroy the root, several days will be long, the speed of growth will still be raised many. 灵气旺盛的地方,那各种稀有的草药就会到处都是,而且就算是被采摘了,只要不破坏根部,几天还会长出来,生长的速度也会提升很多。 It looks like now these ten thousand years of spirit grass on Heavenly Formation Continent, if in royal family territory place, ten years can grow into. 就像是现在天阵大陆上的那些万年灵草,如果在王族领地这种地方,十年就可以长成。 spiritual energy rich is different, the time of growth was also naturally different. 灵气浓郁度不一样,成长的时间自然也就不一样了。 Also because of this. 也正是因为这样。 Before royal family territory, never lacks various types of panacea, does not lack the weapon material. 王族领地以前是从不缺各种灵丹妙药的,也不缺武器材料。 Has all kinds of day material treasure to accompany a sick person to provide nursing care, they can present so many to cross tribulation later Expert. 有各种各样的天材地宝陪护,他们才能出现这么多渡劫以后的高手 Naturally. 当然了。 After crossing the tribulation, although spiritual energy is also very important, but after crossing the tribulation, needs many, is the strength and the immortal stone immortal, therefore their here people, wanting cultivation to crossing the tribulation, is very easy. 渡劫以后,虽然灵气也很重要,但渡劫以后,需要最多的,还是仙之力和仙石,所以他们这里的人,想要修炼到渡劫,都是非常容易的。 But after cultivation to crossing tribulation . 修炼到渡劫之后。 Also wanted to be difficultly many. 也就要困难不少了。 Makes way!!” Hundred wing gods loudly shout. “让开!!”百翅神主大喝一声。 dragon God hears the sound time, the body is also direct and ghostdom nine dogs separates, he and hundred wing gods were also the long-standing friendships, therefore naturally understands hundred wing god present characteristics. 龙神听到声音的时候,身体也是直接和冥界九头犬分开,他和百翅神主也是老交情了,所以自然是明白百翅神主现在的特性了。 At this time. 此时。 dragon God also fell back on behind, vision such looks at front hundred wing gods. 龙神也是退到了后面,目光这样的看着面前的百翅神主。 The bodies of hundred wing gods move. 百翅神主的身体一动。 His presented hundred wings behind. 他的身后出现了百翅。 Various color hundred wings. 各种各样颜色的百翅。 This is the genuine hundred wings. 这是真正的百翅。 Hundred wings present time, surroundings all rays were all covered in this moment. 百翅出现的时候,周围所有的光芒在这一刻全都被掩盖了。 At this moment. 这一刻。 Everyone as if can only see hundred wing god behind hundred wings. 大家仿佛只能看到百翅神主身后的百翅了。 But hundred wing god this time bodies, presented one set of completing armor coverall. 而百翅神主此时的身上,也是出现了一套完成的铠甲套装。 „A domestic animal, dares to act unruly in my domain.” Hundred wing gods snort/hum. “一头畜生,也敢在我的地盘上撒野。”百翅神主哼了一声。 His domain. 他的地盘。 Perhaps. 恐怕。 Entire royal family territory, in also had him to dare to speak such words. 整个王族领地,也就在还有他敢说这样的话了。 His right hand wields. 他的右手一挥。 Hundred wings start to his palm gathering strength, finally this strength gathered a light sword, this light sword seemed like not very long. 身后的百翅开始向他的手心汇聚力量,最后这个力量汇聚成了一柄光剑,这个光剑看上去并不是很长。 But the light sword presents time, brought the infinite pressure on the surrounding person. 但光剑出现的时候,也是给周围的人带来了无限的威压。 Shake! 震! In the mouths of hundred wing gods put out a character. 百翅神主的口中吐出了一个字。 In this flash. 在这一瞬间。 In the mouths of ghostdom nine dogs made an unwilling sound, this sound presents time, the bodies of ghostdom nine dogs are also starting submitting gradually, his four limbs are shivering, as if must kneel to be the same momentarily. 冥界九头犬的口中发出了一道不甘的声音,这个声音出现的时候,冥界九头犬的身体也是在开始渐渐的屈服,他的四肢在颤抖,仿佛随时都要跪下来一样。 Cut! 斩! In the mouths of hundred wing gods put out a character again, later the light sword in his hand vanishes directly. 百翅神主的口中再次吐出了一个字,随后他手中的光剑直接消失。 ! 噗! Presents again time. 再次出现的时候。 The second head of ghostdom nine dogs was cut. 冥界九头犬的第二个头颅被斩了下来。 ! 嗷! In the mouths of ghostdom nine dogs exuded giant howling, his howling has the anger, is unwilling, there is an ache. 冥界九头犬的口中发出了一道巨大的吼叫声,他的这个吼叫声有愤怒,有不甘,也有疼痛。 Very powerful, did this finish?” The surrounding person is very shocking saying, hundred wing gods just appeared, cut the head of ghostdom nine dogs, formidable was incomparable. “好强,这就结束了吗?”周围的人全都是非常震惊的说道,百翅神主刚刚出现,就斩掉了冥界九头犬的一个头颅,强悍无比。
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