AS :: Volume #72

#7188: The strength of destruction world

The North Pole wolf fang also stands there has not moved. 北极狼牙也是站在那里没有动。 The enormous and powerful crowd, planned that launched the attack at this time to here. 浩浩荡荡的人群,此时也是打算对这边发起进攻了。 Tread! 踏! Meanwhile, the master right hand index finger of North Pole wolf fang stretches out, later the purple light ball appeared again: This world, is this, the law of the jungle, I in this world, how want how, if I thought that is unhappy, that ruins this world.” 与此同时,北极狼牙的主人右手食指伸出,随后紫色的光球再一次的出现了:“这个世界,原本就是这样,弱肉强食,我在这个世界上,想怎么样就怎么样,如果我觉得不开心了,那就毁掉这个世界。” bo! 啵! The purple light ball is expanding unceasingly. 紫色的光球不断的扩大着。 With the expansion of purple light ball, person also very anxious. 伴随着紫色光球的扩大,现场的人也都是非常的紧张。 Attack!” That military officer felt the fear. “攻击!”那个将领感受到了恐惧。 At this time he also started to order directly, after he ordered, the attack of blotting out the sky hit. 此时他也是直接开始下令了,在他下令之后,铺天盖地的攻击打了出去。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 No one has known that hit many attacks. 已经没有人知道打出去多少攻击了。 ! 噗! These attacks hit , on purple spheroid, the purple spheroid as if must unable to withstand, direct rupturing, but the master of North Pole wolf fang actually loudly shouts, later the purple spheroid became consolidated, surrounding these strengths as if by purple spheroid swallowing. 那些攻击打在紫色球体上的时候,紫色球体仿佛也要承受不住,直接爆裂,可是北极狼牙的主人却是大喝一声,随后紫色的球体变得稳固了,周围的那些力量仿佛都被紫色的球体给吞噬了。 Eating. 吃掉。 This is true all ate the surrounding attack. 这是真正的将周围的攻击全都吃掉了。 Ate these strengths the purple spheroids also to increase several times. 吃掉这些力量的紫色球体也是增大了好几倍。 What?” Sees such scene, the front everyone is all startled. “什么?”看到这样的场面,前面的所有人全都是一惊。 Attack, the attack, cannot make that thing in his hand take shape.” Yang soul is also quickly shouts, she just started in crowd, the words that spoke are not many, but all orders are she incite. “攻击,不停的攻击,不能让他手中的那个东西成型。”阳魂也是急忙喊道,她刚开始的时候在人群之中,说的话并不多,但所有的命令都是她授意的。 Has to say. 不得不说。 She underestimated the opposite party. 她还是小看了对方。 At the beginning, she believes that although the opposite party was not simple, but cannot arrive at the aspect that she could not contend with. 刚开始的时候,她认为,虽然对方不简单,但还到不了她抗衡不了的局面。 But a moment ago that attack failure, making her shock thoroughly. 可是刚才那一次的攻击失败,让她彻底的震惊了。 She can look, that purple spheroid must collapse a moment ago probably, therefore she hopes that the following attack is unceasing, that can ruin this purple spheroid directly. 她看得出来,刚才那个紫色的球体好像已经要崩溃了,所以她希望接下来的攻击不断,那就可以将这个紫色的球体直接毁掉了。 Fearful! 可怕! She felt that this purple spheroid is fearful. 就连她都感觉这个紫色的球体非常可怕。 As if destroys day of the strength of extinguishing the place is the same. 就仿佛是毁天灭地的力量一样。 Late!” Saying that the master of North Pole wolf fang disdains. “晚了!”北极狼牙的主人非常不屑的说道。 That time that just started, his attack was is almost truly ruined, because just took shape at that time, was not very reliable, but now, his attack has taken shape thoroughly, became very reliable. 刚开始的那一次,他的攻击确实是差一点就被毁掉了,因为那个时候刚刚成型,还不是很牢固,可现在,他的攻击已经彻底的成型了,变得非常牢固。 Now wants to ruin his attack, that was the impossible matter. 现在想要毁掉他的攻击,那就是不可能的事情了。 bo! 啵! These attacks hit, when purple spheroid on, all was eaten, at this time purple spheroid also in unceasing increasing. 那些攻击打在紫色球体的上的时候,全都被吃掉了,此时紫色球体也是在不断的变大。 Near body, near body fight, do not send long-distance attacked , protects the high-level evacuation.” Yang soul shouts loudly. “近身,近身战斗,不要发远程攻击了,还有,保护高层撤离。”阳魂大声喊道。 Sir, you must leave.” The military officers said. “大人,您也必须离开。”将领说道。 „It is not good, I cannot walk, I protect a leader of clan, if I walked, where protects a morale of clan? You first lead people carry off the high level and child.” Yang soul shouts. “不行,我不能走,我是守护一族的领袖,如果我走了,守护一族的士气何在?你先带人将高层和孩子带走。”阳魂喊道。 Sir!!” “大人!!” This is the order!!” Yang soul protects a leader of clan, her order, is irresistible, no matter protects any person of clan, hears her order, that must comply. “这是命令!!”阳魂是守护一族的领袖,她的命令,是让人不可抗拒的,不管是守护一族的什么人,听到她的命令,那就必须照做。 Kill! 杀! The North Pole wolf fang also the person who to/clashes there unceasing resisting. 北极狼牙也是在那里不断的抵挡冲过来的人。 But here Expert are now many. 但现在这里的高手很多。 The North Pole wolf fang could not endure gradually, the body is the scar. 北极狼牙也渐渐的吃不消了,身上全都是伤痕。 Was similar, you come.” The master of North Pole wolf fang said. “差不多了,你过来吧。”北极狼牙的主人说道。 Afterward the North Pole wolf fang arrived at the side of his master. 随后北极狼牙来到了他主人的身旁。 Above this time purple ball was full of the terrifying strength, moreover there is a suction, the person who these clash, the body was all attracted above the purple ball. 此时的紫球之上充满了恐怖的力量,而且还有吸力,那些冲过来的人,身体全都被吸到了紫球之上。 But their bodies are touching the purple ball that moment, is the instantaneous smashing. 而他们的身体在碰触到紫球的那一刻,也是瞬间粉碎。 Changes into the blood fog directly. 直接化为血雾。 Saw such attack scene, Yang soul also shocked, he sees the purple ball now finally the might. 看到这样的攻击场面,阳魂也是更加的震惊了,他现在终于看到紫球的威力了。 Then big purple ball, then the big might, here everyone almost will all be destroyed: Retreats, everyone retreats, all retreats to me, do not hit, do not revolt, leaves here, leaves here with you quickest speed.” 那么大的紫球,那么大的威力,这里所有人几乎全都会被毁灭啊:“撤退,所有人撤退,全都给我撤退,不要打了,不要反抗,离开这里,用你们最快的速度离开这里。” Whiz! 嗖! Yang soul also flew directly, later shouts loudly: „Don't you want to know the Xia Tian news? You call a halt.” 阳魂也是直接飞了上去,随后大声喊道:“你不是想要知道夏天的消息吗?你停手。” Retreat! 撤退! Yang soul the order, these people must retreat. 阳魂的命令,那些人必须撤退。 Said!” The North Pole wolf fang shouts. “说!”北极狼牙喊道。 You first call a halt, I said.” Yang soul shouts again. “你们先停手,我就说。”阳魂再次喊道。 But the North Pole wolf fang does not respond him, the purple ball in his master hand is also bigger and bigger. 可是北极狼牙已经不搭理他了,他主人手中的紫球也是越来越大。 Good, I said.” Yang soul shouts loudly: Xia Tian couple days ago truly here, because I want to compel the marriage he, therefore he ran away, he just left does not have many days, remaining I do not know that I can pledge.” “好,我说。”阳魂大声喊道:“夏天前几天确实在我这里,但因为我想要逼婚他,所以他逃走了,他刚离开没有多少天,剩下的我也不知道了,我可以发誓。” Now does not haggle over the point of honor time, he must preserve his behind person now. 现在已经不是计较面子问题的时候了,他现在要保住他身后的人。 His subordinate is still retreating. 他的手下还在撤退着。 If the above purple ball really falls, he does not know that will die many people. 如果上面的紫球真的落下来,他不知道会死多少人啊。 I believe your words.” The master of North Pole wolf fang said. “我相信你的话。”北极狼牙的主人说道。 !! 呼!! Hears here, Yang soul relaxes, the opposite party believes him, that was good. 听到这里,阳魂松了一口气,对方相信他,那就好了。 Finally was out of the danger. 终于算是脱离了危险。 But, even if you said that I do not plan to let off you.” On the main face of North Pole wolf fang showed the facial expression of teasing, at this time his purple ball in hand has thrown. “不过,就算你说了,我也不打算放过你们。”北极狼牙的主人脸上露出了戏虐的神情,此时他手中的紫球已经扔出去了。 You do not keep one's word!!” Yang soul angry shouting. “你不讲信用!!”阳魂愤怒的喊道。 I had said that will let off you?” The after master sound of North Pole wolf fang falls, surroundings all voice radical disappearances. “我有说过会放过你们吗?”北极狼牙的主人声音落下之后,周围所有的声音彻底的消失了。 Because on purple ball round the sound, has been able to cover all. 因为紫球上面发出来的声音,已经可以掩盖一切了。 Sound that not Guanyang soul what kind of struggling, what kind of shouting, has no at this time. 不管阳魂如何的挣扎,如何的呼喊,此时都已经没有任何的声音了。 The purple spheroid pounded directly in the crowd. 紫色的球体直接砸在了人群之中。 Bang! 轰! The ground crushes, the surrounding all are exploding, the person who bumps into the purple ball strength, changed into the flying ash instantaneously, even the flying ash does not have finally remaining, the purple ball explodes the later strength to scatter in all directions, can destroy all. 地面粉碎,周围的一切都在爆炸,碰到紫球力量的人,都是瞬间化为了飞灰,甚至连飞灰最后都没剩下,紫球爆炸开来之后的力量四散,更是能够毁灭一切。 Crushes all. 粉碎一切。 No matter periphery had anything before, in this moment, radical disappearance. 不管之前周围有什么,在这一刻,也已经彻底的消失了。 The whole world seemed peaceful was the same. 整个世界都仿佛安静了一样。 Shivering. 颤抖。 The both legs of North Pole wolf fang are shivering. 北极狼牙的双腿在颤抖。 Frightened! 恐惧! He fears, the person who although launches the attack is his master, but he unusual fear. 就连他都在恐惧,虽然发动攻击的人是他的主人,但他还是非常的恐惧。 Such attack, he has not seen for a lifetime one time. 这样的攻击,他一辈子也没见过一次。 This time, he remembered for a lifetime. 这一次,他就记住了一辈子。 Make him lifelong unforgettable. 让他终身难忘。 The range that the explosion affects is very big, this strength shoots up to the sky, as if must destroy general the world. 爆炸波及的范围很大,这种力量冲天而起,仿佛是要将天地都毁灭一般。 The North Pole wolf fang does not know that actually this exploded continued how long, he only knows, here all vanished, these people who wanted to escape a moment ago, now also having lived did not have, he even felt, even the air did not have remaining. 北极狼牙也不知道这个爆炸究竟持续了多长时间,他只知道,这里的一切都消失了,刚才想要逃跑的那些人,现在也已经活着的都没有了,他甚至感觉,连空气都没有剩下的了。
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