AS :: Volume #64

#6301: Small five information

At this time his vision is also sizing up the wind crane below, sees the appearance of wind crane, later looked at Xia Tian, naturally understands with his experience, the strength of Xia Tian gentle breeze crane will not differ absolutely too in a big way, these two people seem like a combination.! 此时他的目光也是在下打量着风鹤,看到风鹤的样貌,随后又看了看夏天,以他的经验自然明白,夏天和风鹤的实力绝对不会相差太大,这两个人看起来像是一个组合。! A wind crane acted a moment ago is very formidable, if adds Xia Tian again, he will think that does not cope well, therefore he now also the strengths of these two people in the face of the judgment of innermost feelings. 一个风鹤刚才出手已经是很强悍了,如果再加一个夏天的话,他会觉得不好对付,所以他现在也是在内心之判断面前这两个人的实力。 none of your business?” Wind crane very impolite saying. 关你什么事?”风鹤非常不客气的说道。 Xia Tian discovered, the wind crane was near Mohists was really black, mixed with him, now will start to install 13. 夏天发现,风鹤真的是近墨者黑了,跟他混的,现在都会开始装13了。 Luckily small five and small six did not have this. 幸亏小五和小六还没有这样。 Before the tavern, Xia Tian had not said anything to them, even said goodbye does not have, but small five actually fully realized that meaning of Xia Tian, naturally was also and small six completes Xia Tian directly to his mission. 之前在酒馆的时候,夏天并没有对他们两个说什么,甚至连告别都没有,但小五却深知夏天的意思,自然也是和小六直接去完成夏天给他的任务了。 For these days Xia Tian had not received the small five any information, but Xia Tian understands, the small five-character jue to will not disappoint him. 这几天夏天并没有接到小五任何的情报,但夏天明白,小五绝对不会让他失望。 Snort, I am revering of Mishan hole, two should not be the people of ghost sect, I urged good that two do not mind others' business.” Saying of six master tone ice cold, although he also knows that front these two people are not good to cope, but he after all is revering of Mishan hole, therefore he cannot recognize at this kind of time instigated, especially his subordinate was just injured by the opposite party. “哼,我是密山洞的尊者,两位应该不是鬼宗的人,我劝两位还是不要多管闲事的好。”六爷语气冰冷的说道,虽然他也知道面前这两个人不好对付,但他毕竟是密山洞的一名尊者,所以他在这种时候可不能认怂,特别是他的手下刚被对方打伤。 Where do you come so many idle talk? The thin people, punch him.” Xia Tian simply has not said anything, he understands, continued, was the pleasantries, might as well while the opposite party has not found out their actual situation the time, began directly. “你哪来那么多废话?瘦子,揍他。”夏天根本没有多说什么,他明白,继续说下去,也是客套话,还不如趁着对方没有摸清他们虚实的时候,直接动手。 This can also create certain shock and awe to the opposite party, can make the opposite party see their attitudes. 这样也能给对方造成一定的震慑,同时也能让对方看到他们的态度。 He does not want to kill this six masters directly. 他可不是想要直接杀死这个六爷的。 Because he knows that wants to kill top Expert is difficulty how, only if their two expose oneself status, such has the opportunity to cut to kill the opposite party, once exposes, the opposite party definitely escapes immediately, how possibly to fight with them. 因为他知道想要杀死一个顶尖高手是多么的困难,除非他们两个都暴露自己的身份,那样才有机会将对方斩杀,可是一旦暴露的话,对方肯定会立刻逃跑,怎么可能和他们两个打。 Therefore what Xia Tian must do is to make the wind crane frighten off him. 所以夏天要做的是让风鹤将他吓走。 In this case, small ten definitely thought their revering formidable of wholeheartedly. 这样的话,小十一心肯定认为他们尊者更加的强悍了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The wind crane and Xia Tian were almost the intention were quickly interlinked, therefore he also understands that Xia Tian was what meaning, came is various enlargements incurs, lethality and destructive power most powerful attack. 风鹤和夏天几乎快是心意相通了,所以他也明白夏天是什么意思,来是各种放大招,杀伤力和破坏力最强大的攻击。 This was also too fearful, is this person?” Small 11 see the forms of defensive action of wind crane, had been shocked completely, the strength of wind crane exceeded his imagination simply. “这也太可怕了,这还是人吗?”小十一看到风鹤的攻击方式,已经完全被震惊了,风鹤的实力简直是超出了他的想象啊。 Fearfully to the extreme. 可怕到了极点。 This destructive power, simply is the war machine, if launches the war, such a person, is an entire army cannot block. 这种破坏力,简直是战争机器啊,如果发动战争的话,这样一个人,算是一整支军队也挡不住啊。 Too fearful. 太可怕了。 Moreover now he has thought invincible revering, now unexpectedly passive scurrying about everywhere. 而且现在他一直认为无敌的尊者,现在居然被动的到处乱窜。 This is only a person, if two people collaborate, how fearful, no wonder they said that must cut to kill the wind crane and North Pole wolf fang, such strength is not really able to imagine, must inform the father a bit faster.” Small 11 quickly give oneself father pass on message, quickest pass on message way. “这只是一个人啊,如果两个人联手的话,那将是多么的可怕,难怪他们说要斩杀风鹤和北极狼牙,这样的实力真的是无法想象啊,必须快点通知父亲。”小十一急忙给自己的父亲传讯,最快的传讯方式。 Although the price of this thing is very high, but he knows, here information was too fearful. 虽然这东西的价格很高,但他知道,这里的情报太可怕了。 He does not dare to delay. 他是一点也不敢耽搁啊。 Although he also guessed that before the strengths of these two people are very strong, but now is not very strong issue, now formidable of these two people have surpassed his foreknowledge. 虽然他之前也猜测这两个人的实力很强,可现在已经不是很强的问题了,现在这两个人的强悍已经超出了他的预知。 Only can describe with the fearfulness. 只能用可怕来形容了。 Small 11, is this revering of your mouth?” Xia Tian looked at one slightly 11, the face is the facial expression that disdains. “小十一,这是你口的尊者?”夏天看了一眼小十一,脸全都是不屑的神情。 Moreover he looks at that six masters, at the same time shakes the head. 而且他边看那个六爷,一边摇头。 Actually that six masters now are so passive, does not want to meet the tough head-on with toughness, one side also Xia Tian eyes covetously here, if his gentle breeze crane meets the tough head-on with toughness e, that is unwise . Moreover the wind crane has exploded at the there crazy bang randomly, the enlargement incurs to be the same, so long as is the intelligent point person, definitely unceasing dodging like him. 其实那个六爷现在之所以这么被动,是不想硬碰硬,一旁还有一个夏天在这里虎视眈眈,如果他和风鹤硬碰硬的话娿,那太不明智了,而且风鹤一直在那里狂轰乱炸,放大招一样,只要是聪明一点的人,肯定会像他一样不断的闪避。 Naturally looked that was also more distressed. 自然看去也狼狈一些了。 Hey, you have not to end.” Six masters is a little are obviously impatient, this method of attack makes him very depressed. “喂,你有完没完。”六爷显然也是有点不耐烦了,这种攻击方法让他非常的郁闷啊。 No matter how said, he is also Mishan hole top Expert, but goes to be pursued hitting by the opposite party now. 不管怎么说,他也是密山洞的一名顶尖高手,可是现在去被对方追着打。 Moreover like this makes him not have the face very much. 而且这样让他很没有面子啊。 Do not run, today must get rid of you.” The wind crane loudly shouts, later attacked becomes swifter more and violent. “别跑,今天必须干掉你。”风鹤大喝一声,随后攻击变得更加的迅猛了。 Six masters are very depressed, if here, only then a wind crane person, he will definitely not recognize instigated, perhaps he started, otherwise is other wind cranes puts the weary time counter-attack after big move, now what he most worries is side also has summer Heavens!. 六爷是真的很郁闷啊,如果这里只有风鹤一个人的话,那他肯定不会认怂,他说不定来开打了,要不然是等风鹤放完大招之后的疲劳期反击,可是现在他最犯愁的是旁边还有一个夏天啊 This fat one thin, one high one short, so long as is not the fool, can look that is a powerful combines. 这一胖一瘦,一高一矮,只要不是傻子,都能看出来是一个强力组合的。 We walk.” Six masters want not to acknowledge that the punishment is deserved, the words that but gets down are not the means that he can only evade the point temporarily, when he investigates these two people, then tidies up again is not late. “我们走。”六爷想要不认栽,可是这么下去的话也不是办法,他只能暂避锋芒,等他调查一下这两个人,回头再收拾也不迟。 Moreover he thinks that oneself violates to disagree such two strength formidable person to fight. 而且他认为自己犯不和这样的两个实力强悍的人对打。 Ran. 跑了。 Revering unexpectedly of Mishan hole ran. 密山洞的一个尊者居然跑了。 é! 额! Young 11 their three all looked stupidly, they had a dream have not thought, top Expert of solemn Mishan hole, unexpectedly ran like this, this was really makes them not know how should describe own feelings. 小十一他们三个全都看傻了,他们做梦也没想到,堂堂密山洞的顶级高手,居然这样跑了,这真的是让他们不知道该怎么形容自己的心情啊。 Surpassed their foreknowledge completely. 完全超出了他们的预知啊。 This ran.” Xia Tian disappointed shaking the head of: Any nonsense revering, was too useless.” “这跑了啊。”夏天失望的摇了摇头:“什么狗屁尊者,也太没用了。” He runs was too quick, does not pursue easily.” Saying that the wind crane also puts on airs. “他跑的太快了,不容易追。”风鹤还装模作样的说道。 Ok, hurries along.” Xia Tian said that continues to walk forward. “算了,还是赶路吧。”夏天说完继续向前走。 Senior.” Small 11 this time did not suspect that Xia Tian strength, he now was the true experience to Xia Tian their real skills, was too strong, even his father strove to excel. 前辈。”小十一这次再也不怀疑夏天的实力了,他现在算是真正的见识到夏天他们的真本事了,太强了,甚至他父亲都要强啊。 Before this Expert is him, has not imagined. 这种强者是他以前从来都没有想象过的。 What's wrong?” Xia Tian looked at one slightly 11. “怎么了?”夏天看了一眼小十一。 Senior, actually I thought that the North Pole wolf fang is not good to cope, moreover people like him, normal outside will not injure to your person again, he is few heart region, in this has certainly anything to misunderstand, chief criminal that wind crane is right.” Small 11 quickly said, he does not think before Xia Tian they have that skill, therefore has not said anything. 前辈,其实我觉得吧,北极狼牙是非常不好对付的,而且他这样的人,正常也不会再外面伤害到您的人,他很少出心区域的,这里面一定有什么误会,罪魁祸首还是那个风鹤才对。”小十一急忙说道,他之前不认为夏天他们有那个本事,所以也没有说什么。 However now sees that Xia Tian they had the real skill, he also wanted to explain. 但是现在看到夏天他们有真本事了,他也想要解释一下。 Because their time destinations are the heart regions, moreover must look for the North Pole wolf fang. 因为他们这次的目的地是心区域,而且是要去找北极狼牙的。 His father and North Pole wolf fang have the little small friendship. 他父亲和北极狼牙还是有一点点的小交情的。 Do not tell me, you know the North Pole wolf fang.” Xia Tian unemotional looks at 11 slightly. “你别告诉我,你们认识北极狼牙。”夏天面无表情的看着小十一。
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