AS :: Volume #54

#5348: Again with statue

Jet black! 漆黑! There jet black piece. 那里漆黑一片。 However his eyes do not care about the darkness. 不过他的双眼可不在乎黑暗。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded one step, later his brow wrinkle, he saw, he saw finally oneself father behind had anything. 夏天向前走了一步,随后他的眉头一皱,他看到了,他终于看到了自己父亲的身后有什么。 A statue! 一个雕像! This statue he is not strange. 这个雕像他一点都不陌生。 Before that is, he has seen one of the two statues! 那就是之前他见过的两个雕像之一! Moreover there should have two statues. 而且那里原本应该是有两个雕像的。 But another statue was destroyed, therefore here only had a statue. 可是另外一个雕像被破坏了,所以这里只剩下了一个雕像。 Before Xia Tian, has tried, even if Golden Blade cannot break this statue, but this statue is actually broken one now, moreover Xia Tian remembers, broken that statue name is: Liu straight!! 夏天之前试过,就算是金刀都破不开这个雕像,可是现在这个雕像却被破开了一个,而且夏天记得,被破开的那个雕像名字叫做:刘直!! Before that statue has told him the name. 之前那个雕像告诉过他名字。 Remaining is another statue. 剩下的就是另外一个雕像。 These two statues should be complement one another, Liu straight statue should be is used to suppress the statue of opposite party, now Liu straight statue crushed, therefore in the statue of opposite party presented a terrifying strength, but my father was also controlled by this terrifying strength, will therefore turn into this.” Xia Tian thought through this point suddenly. “这两个雕像应该是相辅相成的,刘直的雕像应该是用来压制对方的雕像的,现在刘直的雕像粉碎了,所以对方的雕像里面就出现了一股恐怖的力量,而我父亲也是被这股恐怖的力量控制了,所以才会变成这样。”夏天突然想通了这一点。 Although he does not understand that who these two outcomes are. 虽然他不明白这两个究竟是什么人。 Also does not know that actually among these two statues to have what relation. 也不知道这两个雕像之间究竟有什么样的联系。 However he understands. 但是他明白。 The master of here two statue certainly is very fearful. 这里两个雕像的主人一定是非常可怕的。 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian forwarded one step: Is my father who you harm turns into this, today I must also destroy you.” 夏天向前走了一步:“就是你害的我父亲变成这样的,今天我一定要将你也毁了。” ! 唰! Xia Tian charged into that statue directly. 夏天直接冲向了那个雕像。 Bang! 轰! Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Xia Tianlong also moved, he also charged into Xia Tian directly. 夏天龙也动了,他也是直接冲向了夏天 Really, I guess right, was it harmed my father, therefore I must destroy its time now, my father active offense I.” Xia Tian innermost feelings secretly thought, he has seen through all these now completely. “果然,我猜的没错啊,就是它害了我父亲,所以现在我要破坏它的时候,我父亲才会主动攻击我。”夏天内心暗道,他现在已经完全看穿这一切了。 All because of this thing. 所有的一切都是因为这个东西。 Whiz! 嗖! Xia Tian went round his father, later in the right hand golden light flashes, cut directly to the statue. 夏天绕开了他的父亲,随后右手之中金光一闪,直接斩向了雕像。 Ka ka ka! 咔咔咔! Has not succeeded. 没有成功。 Golden Blade really cannot break the defense of this statue. 金刀果然还是破不开这个雕像的防御的。 Extinguishes the immortal swordsmanship! 灭仙剑法! Xia Tian dodges the attack of his father unceasingly, simultaneously pounds this statue with the attack. 夏天不断的闪躲他父亲的攻击,同时不停的用攻击砸这个雕像。 Afterward is Fire of Devouring! 随后是吞噬之火 All kinds of attacks all pounded above this statue. 各种各样的攻击全都砸在了这个雕像之上。 May unable to succeed! 可还是无法成功! Certainly has the means that certainly has the means.” Xia Tian in the innermost feelings is summoning at this time. “一定有办法的,一定有办法的。”夏天此时内心里面在呼唤着。 Calm! 冷静! He is a person who depends on the brain survival, he must calm down, he must guarantee that own being clear-headed, he must try to find a solution. 他是一个靠着脑子生存的人,他必须冷静下来,他必须保证自己的头脑清醒,他必须想一个办法。 Means that copes with this statue. 一个对付这个雕像的办法。 Right!” The Xia Tian vision placed below of statue suddenly. “对了!”夏天的目光突然放在了雕像的下面。 Although the statue is destroys the hardest defenses, but the statue following ground is not, although here ground is also very firm, but here ground absolutely does not have the statue to be firm. 虽然雕像是无坚不摧的,可是雕像下面的地面并不是啊,虽然这里的地面也很坚固,但这里的地面绝对没有雕像坚固吧。 Since Xia Tian cannot destroy it directly, he long buries this statue in the underground. 既然夏天不能直接毁灭它,那他就将这个雕像长埋于地下。 Whiz! 嗖! Xia Tian across his father body, the body vanishes above the ground later directly. 夏天穿过他父亲身体,随后身体直接消失在地面之上。 The strength of aurora! 极光之力! Xia Tian these begins from the place time, he submerged under more than 3000 meters distances directly, later excavated, the earth and stone that will dig received in all things. 夏天这一次是从地底下动手,他直接潜入到了地底下三千多米的距离,随后开挖,将挖出来的土和石头收入到了森罗万象之中。 Dig! 挖! Makes an effort to dig! 用力挖! The present affection discussed that seems like with these earth has a grudge to be the same, such unceasing effort is digging. 现在的喜爱谈就好像是和这些土有仇一样,就这样不断的用力挖着。 Quick! 很快! This underground hollowed out by him, later he continues to dig! 这地下就被他挖空了,随后他继续挖! Still is digging that non-stop! 依然是不停的挖! Such unceasing upward digs. 就这么不断的向上挖。 Quick! 很快! Entire statue under all hollowed out by him. 整个雕像的底下就全都被他挖空了。 Afterward his body appears above the ground. 随后他的身体出现在地面之上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! As soon as he fought with the fists above the ground. 他一拳打在了地面之上。 Crashes to me!” Xia Tian directly the smashing that hits the ground, below at this time is also the vacuum, therefore the statue also falls toward below. “给我崩塌吧!”夏天直接将地面打的粉碎,下面此时也是真空的,所以雕像也是向着下面掉去。 bo! 啵! The body of Xia Tianlong charged into the statue, he wants to rescue obviously the statue. 夏天龙的身体冲向了雕像,他显然是想要将雕像救上来。 But Formation kept off him above directly. 可是一个阵法直接将他挡在了上面。 Ten Rank 2 Formation, the Xia Tian clothes can store up the Formation clothes, therefore he also used one to defend Formation a moment ago instantaneously, blocked his father above. 二级阵法,夏天的衣服可是能够储存阵法的衣服,所以他刚才也是瞬间使用了一个防御阵法,将他父亲拦在了上面。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The endless soil and stone come out from all things directly, buries that space completely. 无尽的土壤和石头直接从森罗万象里面出来,将那片空间全部掩埋。 Bang! 轰! The black wind and Fire of Devouring appear, directly there ground drying! 黑风和吞噬之火出现,直接将那里的地面烘干! Like this ground became is also more reliable. 这样地面也就变得更加的牢固了。 bo! 啵! Xia Tian withdrew 16 levels of Formation, later his vision looked to oneself father: Father, you should also awake.” 夏天撤去了十六级阵法,随后他的目光看向了自己父亲:“父亲,你也该醒醒了吧。” Now that statue had been buried by Xia Tian. 现在那个雕像已经被夏天掩埋了。 Then his father should not need is so blurry. 那么他父亲应该也就不用这么迷糊下去了。 Really! 果然! His father called a halt again, but still has not sobered. 他父亲再次停手了,不过依然没有清醒过来。 Statue, although was buried by me, but my father has not sobered, this has certainly what reason.” The Xia Tian brow tight wrinkle, he is still trying to find the solution, he knows, certainly has the means. “雕像虽然被我掩埋了,但我父亲还没有清醒过来,这一定是有什么原因的。”夏天眉头紧皱,他还在想办法,他知道,一定有办法的。 World myriad things. 天地万物。 Promoting and constraining mutually. 相生相克。 Since his father can turn into this, that has certainly the means to make his father sober. 既然他父亲可以变成这样,那就一定有办法能够让他的父亲清醒过来的。 Thinks of here time, Xia Tian nod of silently. 一想到这里的时候,夏天默默的点了点头。 He arrived at father's side again, later starts to get father's physical exam. 他再次来到了父亲的身边,随后开始检查父亲的身体。 Well! 咦! At this moment, Xia Tian suddenly discovered anything, later he quickly got his father's entire physical exam, later on the face showed the smiling face. 就在这时,夏天突然发现了什么,随后他急忙检查了一下他父亲的整个身体,随后脸上露出了笑容。 Restoration! 恢复! His father is restoring. 他的父亲正在恢复。 Because of this time, gradually resisted his strength a moment ago also is vanishing. 因为此时,刚才抵抗他的那种力量也在逐渐的消失着。 These strengths will vanish from his father's within the body quickly, when the time comes his father can also get back. 这些力量很快就会从他父亲的体内消失,到时候他父亲也就可以恢复过来了。 You can walk, here road passed.” Xia Tian looked at surrounding these person of one, later cups one hand in the other across the chest slightly. “你们可以走了,这里的路通了。”夏天看了周围的那些人一眼,随后微微拱手。 These people also cup one hand in the other across the chest to Xia Tian, later their directly stand forth. 那些人也都是向夏天拱手,随后他们直接向前走去。 These females in thousand sword mountain also saw Xia Tian and his father, finally all left. 千剑山的那些女子也都是看了一眼夏天和他父亲,最后全都离开了。 They stayed here before , because by Xia Tianlong blocking, sees that now Xia Tianlong does not begin, they were also plan to continue to penetrate, after all here was too mystical. 他们这些人之前留在这里,就是因为被夏天龙给挡住了,现在看到夏天龙已经不动手了,他们也是打算继续深入了,毕竟这里太神秘了。 Everyone believes that this inside has the thing. 大家都相信这里面有东西。 Father, the restoration, I had too many issues to ask you a bit faster.” Xia Tian sees front father, in the eyes all anticipated. “父亲,快点恢复吧,我有太多的问题想问您了。”夏天看着面前的父亲,双眼之中全都是期待。 He and father are too respectively long, now finally can meet with the father. 他和父亲已经分别太久了,现在终于可以和父亲相见了。 He wants to know, actually the father how turns into this. 他想知道,父亲究竟是怎么变成这样的。 Also, his mother? 还有,他的母亲呢? Wife? 妻子呢? Where these people went. 这些人都去了什么地方。 His father knows anything. 还有他父亲到底知道些什么。 In his heart had too many questions, he is to solve these questions now, but solved these questions the means to only have one, that was his father. 他的心中有太多太多的疑问了,他现在就是想要解开这些疑问,而解开这些疑问的办法就只有一个,那就是他的父亲。 Waiting! 等待! Although he does not know how long needs to wait, but he can determine, his father, will certainly open the eyes. 虽然他不知道需要等待多久,但他可以确定,他的父亲,一定会睁开双眼的。 When his father looks to his moment, was he waited for such long that day. 而当他父亲看向他的那一刻,就是他等待了这么久的那一天。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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