AS :: Volume #54

#5347: Xia Tian hits back

! 噗! Blood one after another spout from the Xia Tian mouth, although Fire of Life unceasingly treatment he, but treated without enough time. 一口接着一口的鲜血从夏天的口中喷出,虽然生命之火正在不断的治疗他,但还是来不及医治了。 Attack of Xia Tianlong continuously, moreover Xia Tian does not defend. 夏天龙的攻击源源不断,而且夏天根本就一点都不防御。 Father, I am your son, if you are really cruel enough to kill me, that hits.” Xia Tian difficult saying. “父亲,我是您儿子,如果您真的忍心打死我,那就打吧。”夏天艰难的说道。 Bang! 砰! The fist of Xia Tianlong hits on the face of Xia Tian. 夏天龙的拳头打在夏天的脸上。 The meaning of still not having called a halt. 依然没有停手的意思。 Life-saving.” Min soft was unable to continue watching, said no matter how, Xia Tian has also helped them, now saw that Xia Tian must be killed here, they have no alternative but to act absolutely. “救人。”闵柔看不下去了,不管怎么说,夏天也算是帮助过她们的,现在看到夏天就要被打死在这里,她们绝对不能不出手了。 !!! 咻!咻!咻! Flying swords flew to Xia Tianlong. 一道道的飞剑飞向了夏天龙 The rays of these flying swords flash before. 这些飞剑的光芒闪现。 Speed very quick. 速度非常得快。 In an instant had arrived at the Xia Tianlong front. 转眼间就已经来到了夏天龙的面前。 Whiz! 嗖! They also all charged into Xia Tianlong. 她们这些人也全都冲向了夏天龙 dāng! 噹! At this moment. 就在这时。 Xia Tianlong stretched out two fingers, these two fingers grip the flying sword that flew directly. 夏天龙伸出了两根手指,这两根手指直接夹住了飞过来的飞剑。 Finger of Consonance. 灵犀一指 Hahahaha!” Xia Tian started to laugh loudly. “哈哈哈哈!”夏天开始放声大笑了起来。 He saw finally. 他终于看到了。 The father used Finger of Consonance. 父亲使用灵犀一指了。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, the body of Xia Tianlong shakes, a huge strength erupts from his within the body, collision that this strength directly periphery will flush flew. 就在这时,夏天龙的身体一震,一股庞大的力量从他的体内爆发出来,这股力量直接将周围冲过来的撞飞了出去。 bo! 啵! Fire of Life scatters in all directions to go, these females thousand sword mountain all constrained. 生命之火四散而去,将千剑山的那些女子全都拖住了。 Has not made them receive any injury. 没有让他们受到任何的伤害。 Whiz! 嗖! The body of Xia Tian flashes forward. 夏天的身体向前一闪。 Afterward on his face showed the exciting look, his right hand grasps in the air, a flying sword grasped in his hand, later he punctured to Xia Tianlong. 随后他的脸上露出了兴奋的神色,他的右手在空气之中一抓,一柄飞剑抓在了他的手中,随后他刺向了夏天龙 Hit back? 还手了? The surrounding these people have doubts looks to Xia Tian. 周围的那些人疑惑的看向夏天 Xia Tian had said a moment ago, kills will not hit back, but his unexpectedly hits back now. 夏天刚才可是说过,打死都不会还手的,可是现在他居然还手了。 Now but his unexpectedly starts to hit back. 可是现在他居然开始要还手。 However was quick they to discover, Xia Tian this do not hit back. 不过很快他们就发现了,夏天这并不是要还手。 In his hand the speed of flying sword is not fast. 他手中飞剑的速度并不快。 Even can say that seems like playing to be the same. 甚至可以说就像是在玩一样。 dāng! dāng! 噹!噹! Xia Tianlong has also been using Finger of Consonance, but Xia Tian can pull out each time the flying sword, then attacks his father again. 夏天龙也是一直在使用灵犀一指,不过每次夏天都能将飞剑抽出来,然后再次攻击他的父亲。 Originally is this, he is using this means to awaken his father.” The people all nod, they understood the Xia Tian goal. “原来是这样啊,他是在用这种办法来唤醒他的父亲。”众人全都点了点头,他们都明白了夏天的目的。 ! 噗! Xia Tian wound rapidly is also restoring. 夏天身上的伤也是在快速的恢复着。 Finally, when two people hit for a half hour, Xia Tianlong stopped. 终于,在两人打了半个多小时的时候,夏天龙停了下来。 Father, is I, I am Little Tian, did you think?” Xia Tian quickly asked. “父亲,是我啊,我是小天,你想起来了吗?”夏天急忙问道。 Xia Tianlong stands there has not spoken, but he has not attacked Xia Tian temporarily. 夏天龙站在那里没有说话,不过他暂时也并没有攻击夏天 Tread! 踏! Xia Tian also forwarded directly one step. 夏天也是直接向前走了一步。 Has not begun. 没有动手。 Treads! 踏踏! Afterward Xia Tian stand forth step by step. 随后夏天一步接着一步的向前走去。 Xia Tianlong still has not begun, he thorough motionless Xia Tian, has stood there now like this. 夏天龙依然没有动手,他现在已经彻底的不动夏天了,就这样站在那里。 Tread! 踏! The Xia Tian flying goes forward, quickly held his father's wrist/skill, later starts to inspect. 夏天飞身上前,急忙抓住了他父亲的手腕,随后开始检查。 Fire of Life! 生命之火 Fire of Life of his within the body continuous goes to his father within the body class/flow. 他体内的生命之火源源不断的向他父亲体内流去。 bo! 啵! At this moment, a powerful strength repelled directly his strength. 就在这时,一股强大的力量直接将他的力量排斥回来了。 Em?” A Xia Tian brow wrinkle, he held oneself father's shoulder later: Father, you have a look at me, I am Little Tian, you exactly what happened? Do not frighten me.” “恩?”夏天的眉头一皱,随后他抓住了自己父亲的肩膀:“父亲,你看看我,我是小天,你到底发生了什么事?你不要吓我啊。” Xia Tianlong has not spoken. 夏天龙还是没有说话。 Eldest child, close to him, I do not feel that his within the body has a very fearful strength, this strength we repel very much.” The flame quickly said. “老大,别靠近他,我感觉到他体内有一种非常可怕的力量,这种力量我们很排斥。”小火急忙说道。 ! 噗! The right hand of Xia Tian patted directly in his father's the place of dantian. 夏天的右手直接拍在了他父亲的丹田之处。 However does not have any use. 不过没有任何的用处。 His strength cannot enter his father's dantian. 他的力量根本就进入不了他父亲的丹田。 Do not waste the strength, you could not awaken him, he overstated.” A nearby old man shouts. “别浪费力气了,你唤醒不了他了,他是走火入魔了。”旁边的一名老者喊道。 Hears the words of old man, Xia Tian shakes the head: No, even if the demon saw me still to be frightened out of one's wits, this was not the demon.” 听到老者的话,夏天摇了摇头:“不,就算是魔见了我也要魂飞魄散,这不是魔。” Xia Tian never fears any heart demon. 夏天从不惧怕任何心魔。 Even the day tribulation does not dare to cope with him. 甚至天劫都不敢对付他。 Extremely arrogant! 狂妄! What the Xia Tian words saying was extremely arrogant a point, but here also and no one dares to say anything, person who after all Xia Tian was one truly has the skill, if were others, how they have not possibly thought that but if Xia Tian, they also nodded. 夏天的话说的是狂妄了一点,不过这里也并没有人敢说什么,毕竟夏天是一个真正有本事的人,如果是别人的话,那他们可能还不认为怎么样,可要是夏天的话,他们也都是点头。 Because the Xia Tian strength had obtained here everyone's approval. 因为夏天的实力已经获得了这里所有人的认可。 In their cognition, the Xia Tian strength absolutely was the Heavenly Spirit Continent first person. 在他们的认知之中,夏天的实力绝对是天灵大陆的第一人了。 Father, how you were, you think again, I was Little Tian.” Xia Tian unceasing is repeating his name, he is hopes that can awaken his father, but seems the use is not big finally. “父亲,您到底是怎么了,您再想想,我是小天。”夏天不断的重复着他的名字,他就是希望可以唤醒他的父亲,可是最后好像用处不大。 His father seems anything to turn a deaf ear now. 他父亲现在好像什么都听不进去。 Such silly station here. 就这样傻傻的站在这里。 Knows the sea! 识海! Xia Tian tries with knowing the sea covers father's Divine Soul. 夏天试图用识海去笼罩自己父亲的神魂 bo! 啵! The ray flashes, the Xia Tian knowledge sea was pounded directly forcefully. 光芒一闪,夏天的识海直接被硬生生的砸了回来。 Eyes! 双眼! Xia Tian looked with own eyes again to oneself father's body. 夏天再次用自己的双眼看向了自己父亲的身体。 Useless! 没有用! It can be said that although Xia Tian the overall strength is almost on Heavenly Spirit Continent topest, but he cannot see through oneself father, regarding present him, oneself father looks like giant black hole, no matter how oneself want to investigate the use that this black hole has no. 可以说,夏天虽然整体实力几乎是天灵大陆上最顶尖的了,可他还是看不穿自己的父亲,对于现在的他来说,自己父亲就像是一个巨大的黑洞,不管自己怎么想要去探查这个黑洞都没有任何的用处。 This what's the matter?” Xia Tian to retreat one step, the vision looked later in his father's whole body, finally anything has not seen. “这到底是怎么回事?”夏天后退了一步,随后目光在他父亲的全身上下看了一圈,结果还是什么都没有看到。 Right! 没错! This person was his father, this point will definitely not have the mistake, but he looks now no matter how, could not see through own father, now his father body looks like a bottomless pit to be the same. 这个人就是他的父亲,这一点绝对不会有错了,可是现在他不管怎么看,都看不穿自己的父亲,现在他的父亲身体就像是一个无底洞一样。 Touches completely airtight. 完全摸不透。 Looks at front scene, Xia Tian does not know that should describe own feelings with what adjective. 看着面前的景象,夏天不知道该用什么形容词来形容自己的心情了。 Right! 对了! At this moment, Xia Tian at present one bright: Miss Min, you sees my father time, is he normal?” 就在这时,夏天的眼前一亮:“闵小姐,你们见到我父亲的时候,他是不是正常的?” Yes, he was very at that time normal, but was the manner callous one.” Min soft nods. “是啊,当时他很正常的,只不过是为人冷酷了一下而已。”闵柔点了点头。 Afterward the Xia Tian vision looked to the surrounding these people: Senior, you come time, has my father gone crazy?” 随后夏天的目光看向了周围的那些人:“各位前辈,你们来的时候,我父亲是不是就已经发疯了?” Right, we come time, he is a person keeps off here, we do not dare to go forward.” One of them said. “没错,我们过来的时候,他就是一个人挡在这里,我们根本就不敢上前。”其中一人说道。 Xia Tian called these artificial Senior directly, therefore they also had certain favorable impression to Xia Tian. 夏天直接称呼这些人为前辈,所以他们这些人对夏天也是有一定的好感的。 Especially the Xia Tian strength is so strong, but can also be so polite, this was rarer. 特别是夏天的实力这么强,还能这么客气,这就更加的难得了。 In other words, my father by here anything harming this.” Xia Tian has determined now, here has certainly anything, he is convinced to visit here, was harmed this by here thing. “也就是说,我父亲是被这里的什么东西给害成这样的。”夏天现在已经确定了,这里一定有什么东西,他服气踏足这里,然后被这里的东西害成这样。 Thinks here time, the Xia Tian vision looked to Xia Tianlong behind. 一想到这里的时候,夏天的目光看向了夏天龙的身后。
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