AE :: Volume #21 我讨厌混乱

#985: The best friend of female god of thunder

Sees Luo Su to speak one's mind to start the solution belt, the robbed white man flusters one batch, shakes the hand of spear/gun to tremble, for fear that he really pulls out a Barrett. 罗素自说自话开始解裤带,抢劫的白人男子慌得一批,握枪的手哆哆嗦嗦,生怕他真的掏出一把巴雷特。 Finally is worse! 结果更糟! Luo Su put out a hand to pull out for quite a while in the pants crotch, suddenly gawked, after fishing out the m249 machine gun disassembled the components, is in front of man, assembled it. 罗素伸手在裤裆里掏了半天,突然楞了一下,摸出m249机枪拆卸后的零件,当着男子的面,将其组装完毕。 Originally conceals here, looked for three months not to find before, I also think that lost it.” “原来藏在这里,之前找了三个月都没找到,我还以为把它弄丢了。” Wait a bit, gives me one minute, which I look to look at the special-purpose magazine in......” “稍等,给我一分钟,我找找看专用弹匣在哪……” This rpg is not, this is not......, I as if touched to Barrett...... damn, this was I leaves the plant the spear/gun of bringing......” “这个rpg不是,这把也不是……咦,我似乎摸到巴雷特了……该死,这是我出厂自带的枪……” „......” “……” After one minute, Luo Su shrugs, apology: Sorry, the arms and ammunition are too many, I could not find Barrett, won't you mind?” 一分钟后,罗素耸耸肩,歉意道:“抱歉,武器弹药太多,我找不到巴雷特,你不会介意吧?” You, who your tm is!?” “你,你你tm是谁啊!?” The white man shakes the hand of spear/gun to keep shaking, in addition on the one hand grasps the windproof coat sleeve cuff to keep wiping away sweat, he knows that oneself was in luck, snatched a big shot incautiously. 白人男子握枪的手抖个不停,另一手抓起风衣袖口不停擦汗,他知道自己走运了,一不小心抢了个大佬。 Luo Su had not replied, pulls out one pile of arm licenses from the trouser pocket, and in most under turns out own police officer to prove: If you see, nypd, this piece is my domain.” 罗素没有回答,从裤子口袋里掏出一堆持枪证,并在最下方翻出自己的警官证:“如你所见,nypd,这片是我的地盘。” The men look at the police officer to prove, watched the present arms exhibition, the Colt muzzle of popularity will raise up silently, said with a smile forced: Disturbed embarrassed, I am come to drink one cup, the meaning without robbed, joked.” 男子看着警官证,又看了看眼前的军火展示会,默默将自己大众化的柯尔特枪口竖起,牵强笑道:“不好意思打扰了,我就是进来喝一杯,没有抢劫的意思,闹着玩的。” You determined that doesn't want?” “你确定不要?” I wanted unable to carry off! 我要了也带不走啊! The male heart shouts wildly to ask to let off, beckons with the hand again and again: „, You received quickly the spear/gun, I also had the matter, this walked, did not disturb you to dine.” 男子心头狂呼求放过,连连摆手:“不了,您快把枪收回去,我还有事,这就走,不打扰您用餐了。” Wait, looked at your the spear/gun, how I thought that inside does not have the bullet!” “等等,看你这把枪,我怎么觉得里面没子弹呢!” Luo Su selects the eyebrow to look to the white man, discontented say/way: Said early you do not have the bullet, I did not pull out the spear/gun, this was tired me, but must put again......” 罗素挑眉看向白人男子,不满道:“早说你没子弹,我就不掏枪了,这把我累的,还要再放回去……” Saying, his magic is the same, returned to spear/gun stoppers on table the clothes. 说着,他变魔术一样,将桌上的枪一个一个塞回了衣服里。 Nearby Max looks at two to straighten, is look that envies, fantasized oneself have the skill of this conceals, then passes in and out in the supermarket. 旁边的麦克斯看得两眼发直,是羡慕的眼神,幻想自己也有这手藏物的本事,然后在超市里进进出出。 You are speaking what nonsense, in my spear/gun has the bullet, really...... do you do, I warned you, to my distant point, otherwise I opened fire.” “你在说什么傻话,我枪里有子弹,真的……你干什么,我警告你,离我远点,不然我就开枪了。” The male voice shivers, lifts gun to aim at Luo Su, person who has the spear/gun obviously is he, actually soon put in great inconvenience to cry. 男子语音颤抖,举枪瞄准罗素,明明有枪的人是他,却委屈得快要哭了出来。 What is most terrifying, he discovered that the Luo Su air/Qi field is too strong, oneself hands and feet does not run errands, touches off the trigger unable to achieve. 最恐怖的是,他发现罗素气场太强,以至于自己手脚不听使唤,扣动扳机都做不到。 Has the bullet, does the non- triggering pulling?” “有子弹,干嘛不扣扳机?” The Luo Su steps go forward, takes down Colt from the male stiff hand, after drawing back the magazine, looked at one: Misunderstood you, originally really had the bullet.” 罗素踏步上前,从男子僵硬的手中取下柯尔特,退下弹匣后看了一眼:“误会你了,原来真有子弹。” Yes!” “是吧!” Bang! 嘭! Luo Su takes down the hook to hit hard the white man abdomen, hits his body to roll up, the latter aside gets up to kneel to shrink in the place, lost the ability to act. 罗素一记下勾拳重击白人男子腹部,打得他身躯蜷缩,后背躬起跪缩在地,失去了行动能力。 Knows, on is pointing at my person with the spear/gun......” “知道吗,上一个拿枪指着我的人……” Luo Su places on Colt the table, looked at the eye to retch the white man: Calculates that your luck is good, today I am also on leave, am disinclined to write the report, otherwise meets later your is not the police vehicle, but is the hearse.” 罗素将柯尔特放在餐桌上,看了眼干呕中的白人男子:“算你运气好,今天我还在休假,懒得写报告,不然待会儿来接你的不是警车而是灵车。” The white man loses the ability to act, is showing the whites of the eyes unable to speak. 白人男子失去行动能力,翻着白眼说不出话。 Luo Su puts out the cell phone, David's call, he remembers that this goods most like being on night duty to gain the overtime pay, should sway in the nearby. 罗素拿出手机,拨打大卫的电话,他记得这货最喜欢值夜班赚加班费,应该就在附近晃荡。 Another side, David in patrol receives the call, is filled with joy to comply. 另一边,巡逻中的大卫接到电话,满心欢喜答应下来。 After hanging up the telephone, David sighed dejected, this afternoon when changing shifts, the chief asked him to talk, out of security concerns, will change a partner to him. 挂断电话后,大卫颓然叹了口气,今天下午换班时,局长找他谈话了,出于安全考虑,会给他换一个搭档。 David is extremely disconsolate, he anticipates and Luo Su very much forms a team, finally the golden partner has not praised, even has not started to cooperate officially, died ahead of time. 大卫万分惆怅,他很期待和罗素组队,结果黄金搭档尚未扬名,甚至还没开始正式合作,就提前夭折了。 The vehicles roll by the bridge, receives the radio station circular, peripheral has the electric current to disturb the phenomenon, he was away from recently, drove to go 200 meters to arrive in the spot. 车辆驶过大桥,接到电台通告,周边有电流干扰现象,他距离最近,开车行驶两百米抵达了事发地点。 Under the lonely bridge, the scrapped car and oil drum find at everywhere, a tramp does not have. 冷清的大桥底下,报废汽车和油桶随处可见,却连个流浪汉都没有。 David grasps the glare flashlight, puts out a hand the holding down waist pistol, cold wind has blown, his nape of the neck had goosebumps. 大卫手持强光手电,伸手按住腰间手枪,一阵冷风吹过,他脖颈起了一层鸡皮疙瘩。 The atmosphere is not very good, when David remembers oneself pursued the younger sister, in the movie theater has watched the horror film. 气氛很不好,大卫想起了自己追妹子时,在电影院看过的恐怖片。 Turns around a bridge pier, the glare flashlight according to a wire netting, the red molten iron that circular gap edge residual high temperature cutting leaves behind. 拐过一个桥墩,强光手电照到一处铁丝网,圆形缺口边缘残留高温切割留下的红色铁水。 He has doubts to look at this, takes the glare flashlight to approach, pondering over is being the natural phenomenon, is artificial practical joke. 他疑惑看着这一幕,拿着强光手电靠近,琢磨着是自然现象,还是人为的恶作剧。 At this time, a whole body silver-white human form object from back close to David, hand blade by thunderclap fast falling, took down him easily in the place. 这时,一个全身银白色的人形物体从背后靠近大卫,手刀以迅雷之速落下,轻而易举将他放倒在地。 The silver-white strange object just like the mercury that a beach erectness walks, after taking down David, the figure contraction sways from side to side, becoming not the slightest difference from David, is exactly the same including police uniform serial number. 银白色诡异物体宛若一滩直立行走的水银,放倒大卫之后,身形收缩扭动,变得和大卫一般无二,连身上的警服编号都如出一辙。 The only difference is the facial expression, although he and David has the same face, but unfeeling like steel. 唯一的区别是神情,虽然他和大卫有着同样的面孔,但冷酷无情如同钢铁。 He takes down David's pistol, drives the police vehicle to swagger away, leaves behind David who remains unconscious same place, once in a while the hands and feet twitches 12. 他取下大卫的手枪,开着警车扬长而去,原地留下昏迷不醒的大卫,间或手脚抽搐一两下。 ...... …… In the restaurant, the white man wakes up, restores the ability to act, was hit hard by Luo Su again falls to the ground. 餐厅里,白人男子醒来,恢复行动能力,然后再次被罗素重击倒地。 Later, for does not affect the restaurant normal order, the unlucky egg forces in the booth by Max and Carolyn, in the Luo Su directly opposite. 之后,为了不影响餐厅正常秩序,倒霉蛋被麦克斯和卡洛琳塞进卡座,就在罗素正对面。 Two females admire to the Luo Su savage performance, offered his small cake free of charge, although his interest does not have. 两女对罗素凶残的表现十分敬佩,免费赠送了他一个小蛋糕,虽然他一点兴趣也没有。 A half hour cannot wait for David, telephones not to meet, Luo Su exhausts patiently, thinks in own hand only then the number of chief, was not very tactful to hit. 半小时都等不到大卫,打电话也不接,罗素耐心耗尽,想想自己手里只有局长的号码,很不识趣打了过去。 The chief seems to be conducting a serious scientific experiment, the population is unclear, receives the Luo Su call to be extremely annoyed, but when Luo Su turns on the hidden switch in his brain, becomes is very immediately polite, arranging the squad car to rush to the restaurant. 局长似乎在进行一场严肃的科学实验,人数不明,接到罗素的电话万分恼火,可当罗素开启他脑内的隐藏开关,立马变得十分有礼貌,安排巡逻警车赶至餐厅。 The white man and his pistol and black garbage bag carried off, two police officers inquired the happening process simply, then waved goodbye with Luo Su. 白人男子和他的手枪、黑色垃圾袋被带走,两名警员简单询问案发经过,便和罗素挥手告别。 Luo Su sees in the restaurant all plot characters, without triggering of System prompt draws, throws down hundred USD to leave refreshedly. 罗素见完餐厅里所有剧情人物,没有系统提示的触发抽奖,爽快丢下一百美刀走人。 Did not need to look, what remaining was the tip.” “不用找了,剩下的是小费。” Max takes the one hundred dollar bill, two shine to look the back that Luo Su leaves natural, delivers to the entrance, discovered that he opens the posture ultra graceful of race car vehicle door. 麦克斯拿着百元大钞,两眼放光看着罗素潇洒离开的背影,一路送到门口,发现他打开跑车车门的姿势超帅。 Max, the car(riage) rear light did not have, this/should chapter of soul.” “麦克斯,车尾灯都没了,该回魂了。” Carolyn put out a hand to shake shaking in front of Max, made an effort to shake from daydream it awakes: Awakes, is only hundred USD, but also being insufficient makes you fall in love with him.” 卡洛琳伸手在麦克斯面前晃了晃,用力将其从白日梦中晃醒:“醒醒,只是一百美刀,还不足以让你爱上他。” Was enough, at least I am love tonight his.” “足够了,至少今晚我是爱他的。” Max places under hundred USD the nose, made an effort to smell smelling, was infatuated saying: I acknowledged that I was mistaken, just started, I thought that he is not graceful, will only stare at the dregs male who the old lady chest is looking.” 麦克斯将一百美刀放在鼻子下,用力嗅了嗅,陶醉道:“我承认我看走眼了,刚开始的时候,我觉得他一点也不帅,还是个只会盯着老娘胸脯看的渣男。” Now?” “现在呢?” He was a rich dregs male...... does not need to look, what remaining was the tip......” “他是个有钱的渣男……不用找了,剩下的是小费……” Max is studying the Luo Su tone, put on airs saying that said excitedly: He pays up the appearance that and drives to be good to lead, like Marlon Brando, you feel?” 麦克斯学着罗素的语气,装腔作势说完,兴奋道:“他结账和开车的样子好帅,像马龙・白兰度,你觉得呢?” Max, sober, outside the play Marlon Brando is the best quality goods dregs male, in the play the godfather will not open two ten thousand USD.” “麦克斯,清醒点,戏外马龙・白兰度是个极品渣男,戏里教父也不会开两万美刀的科迈罗。” Oh, the thousand gold (daughter) young lady of bankruptcy, do you currently have two hundred USD?” “哇哦,破产的千金大小姐,你现在有两百美刀吗?” If some people make the tip with two one hundred dollar bills, I had.” Carolyn curls the lip. “如果有人用两张百元大钞做小费,我就有了。”卡洛琳撇撇嘴。 That was not good, what two ten thousand USD and two million do USD have to distinguish to me?” Max stares the big eye, is much poorer. “那不就行了,两万美刀和两百万美刀对我而言有什么区别?”麦克斯瞪大眼睛,穷得理直气壮。 Ok, if you really send sex-madly, gets off work later to deliver goods to the doorstep, he lives in third floor.” “ok,如果你真的发花痴,下班之后可以送货上门,他就住在三楼。” This also said with you.” “这还用你说。” „......” “……” ...... …… 4 : 00 am, Max wears a bath robe, a face leaves third floor satisfiedly, shoved open own door. 凌晨 4 点,麦克斯穿着件浴衣,一脸满足离开三楼,推开了自家的房门。 Max, how you only wears a bathrobe, is man's...... damn, before I remember for one -and-a-half hours, you are wear the clothes to go upstairs.” “麦克斯,你怎么只穿着一件浴袍,还是男式的……该死,我记得一个半小时前,你是穿着衣服上楼的。” Carolyn covers the head, she knows that Max always all comes are welcome, but this is also too quick...... 卡洛琳捂住脑袋,她知道麦克斯一向来者不拒,但这也太快…… One -and-a-half hours, cannot calculate quickly. 呃,一个半小时,不能算快了。 Carolyn, my love.” “卡洛琳,我恋爱了。” A Max face is sex-mad, looked that his eyes of being enchanted by know, her person came back, but soul also in third floor. 麦克斯一脸花痴,看其迷醉的双眼就知道,她人是回来了,但魂儿还在三楼 Love! You first go to bed with Officer Luo Su, then with his love?” “恋爱!你先和罗素警官上床,然后再和他恋爱?” No, has not gone to bed, the object of my love is the massage bathtub of his family/home.” “不,没有上床,我恋爱的对象是他家的按摩浴缸。” Max has gotten back one's composure, sighs: I bring the small cake to visit, the excuse was family's showering went bad, wants the bathroom of family/home to take a bath taking advantage of Officer Luo Su.” 麦克斯回过神,叹气道:“我带着小蛋糕上门,借口是家里的淋浴坏了,想借罗素警官家的浴室洗个澡。” Finally?” “结果呢?” Finally he has not eaten the cake, has not eaten me, really lends me the bathroom.” “结果他既没有吃蛋糕,也没有吃我,真的把浴室借给我。” Max encounters to oneself pitifully sympathizes , is in high spirits: But the massage bathtub of his family/home is big and comfortable, my could not bear, washed three.” 麦克斯对自己悲惨的遭遇十分同情,转而兴高采烈道:“但他家的按摩浴缸又大又舒服,我一个没忍住,就洗了三回。” Looked, the skin soaked the pleat.” “看出来了,皮都泡褶了。” Carolyn shows the whites of the eyes, complained one speechless. 卡洛琳翻翻白眼,无语吐槽了一句。 Told the truth, I wish one could dead in his family/home bathroom, the oven of kitchen, the television in living room......” “说真话,我恨不得死在他家浴室里,还有厨房的烤箱,客厅里的电视机……” Max clenches jaws saying: Damn, why his on I, I do not have the reason to live in that like this do not walk.” 麦克斯咬牙切齿说道:“该死,为什么他不上我,这样我就有理由住在那不走了。” Max, I remembers that somebody has said that Officer Luo Su stared at her chest to look for 15 seconds, was the proper dregs male.” “麦克斯,我记得某人说过,罗素警官盯着她的胸脯看了十五秒,是个妥妥的渣男。” The Carolyn both arms hold the shoulder, mystifying say/way: On the current situation, somebody seemed to be mistaken, but also overestimated own charm.” 卡洛琳双臂抱肩,阴阳怪气道:“就目前的情况而言,某人似乎看走眼了,还高估了自己的魅力。” No, I still retain the original viewpoint, he indeed is the rich dregs male.” “不,我依然保留原来的观点,他的确是个有钱的渣男。” Max speaking of this, the doubts knits the brows: Carolyn, Officer Luo Su told me, if I can become the best friend of female god of thunder thinly, can consider and me comes an artillery, who was the best friend of female god of thunder?” 麦克斯说到这,疑惑皱了皱眉:“卡洛琳,罗素警官告诉我,如果我能瘦成女雷神的闺蜜,可以考虑和我来一炮,女雷神的闺蜜是谁?” Does not know, but if this is his original words, he indeed is the dregs male.” “不知道,但如果这是他的原话,那他的确是个渣男。” Repeats, is the rich dregs male . Moreover the bathtub of his family/home surpasses to praise!” “重复一遍,是有钱的渣男,而且他家的浴缸超赞!” Max defends the dregs male, saw that Carolyn is tidying up the clothes, the doubts asked: „Are you doing, why can take the spare clothes?” 麦克斯为渣男进行辩护,看到卡洛琳在收拾衣服,不禁疑惑问道:“你在干什么,为什么要拿换洗衣服?” You said that our family/home showered to go bad, I must go to Officer Luo Su in the family/home to borrow the bathroom to use.” “你说的,我们家淋浴坏了,我要去罗素警官家里借浴室用一下。” Damn, your young prostitute pounds, you are greedy his massage bathtub.” Max is angry. “该死,你这个小婊砸,你馋他的按摩浴缸。”麦克斯大怒。 You not also?” “你不也是吗?” No, I am greedy his money.” “不,我还馋他的钱。” ----- ----- Trace to the origin! 推本! Starting today does not work as the demon! 从今天开始不当魔头! Destroys the idiom series, interested can have a look. 一本毁成语系列,有兴趣的可以看看。 ...... …… Has hegemon ‚a lonely son of a bitch reward, owed him three chapters not, was simply absurd. 有盟主‘一只孤单的狗子’的打赏,欠他三章没还了,简直岂有此理。 Another day will certainly make up! 改天一定补上!
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