AHBC :: Volume #14

#1363: The great wild goose honored makes a move 4 Saints to execute the demon

In the Qin Feng heart confuses the barrier to sweep away, does not have the doubts regarding the direction that oneself cultivation again. 秦风心中迷障一扫而空,对于自身修炼的方向再无疑惑。 Only remaining, is only the chance of card beginning of the universe! 唯一剩下的,就只是证道混元的机缘而已! So long as the chance arrives, he can prove time equally directly to become Saint like various Saint initially. 只要机缘一到,他就能如同诸圣当初证道的时候一样直接成圣。 But this chance actually is also the deactivation all can greatly a natural moat, when can arrive, but said that does not permit. 但这种机缘却也是卡死所有大能的一条天堑,到底何时才能到来,可就说不准了。 Perhaps can seek the turning point in next quarter him , on the day of may never unable to wait. 或许就在下一刻他就能寻到契机,也有可能永远都不等不到那一天。 Similar to in great antiquity ancestor these elders to be able greatly, there are much from antique great antiquity self-torture until now existence, they understand regarding their Dao Path similarly clearly, but missed a chance, lacked a card turning point, therefore can only remain to make the stage of perfection to idle one's time away, cultivates to hold the sensibility with hardship, wants to rely on the self-torture expectations of innumerable years some day to break through that matter bottleneck. 就如同洪荒祖界内那些老辈大能中,有不少都是从太古洪荒苦修至今的存在,他们对于自身道途同样清晰明了,但就是差了一线机缘,缺少了一个证道契机,所以只能留在造化境蹉跎岁月,苦苦修持感悟,想要凭借无数岁月的苦修期望有朝一日突破那层瓶颈。 Really is not good, that constantly accumulates the supernatural power, the promotion sensibility, line of that in a strength card method! 实在不行,那就不断积累法力,提升感悟,行那以力证道的法门! This is the stupidest method, is most difficult to walk Great Dao, until now still no one broke the limit achievement beginning of the universe by oneself strength. 这是最笨的方法,也是最难走的一条大道,迄今为止尚无一人凭借自身力量打破极限成就混元。 Therefore the best way seeks to become the turning point of Saint, for example the Nüwa empress realizes from experience the sky overhead, has a feeling suddenly, according to the vivid good fortune of Pangu big god has the person clan, results in the Heavenly Dao to lower immeasurable merit to become Saint. 所以最好的办法还是寻找到成圣的契机,譬如女娲娘娘体悟天心,忽有所感,依照盘古大神的形象造化出人族,得天道降下无量功德成圣。 Therefore the good fortune person clan, is the Nüwa empress proves a turning point. 所以造化人族,就是女娲娘娘证道的契机。 If the Taoist trinity stands to teach the Saint, hands down the Confucian orthodoxy, standing teaches is the turning point of their achievement beginning of the universe. 如三清立教成圣,传下道统,立教是他们成就混元的契机。 Moreover the Mother Earth empress body samsara complement Heavenly Dao, six samsara are the turning points of Mother Earth empress. 再如后土娘娘身化轮回补全天道,六道轮回就是后土娘娘的契机。 Other immemorial can not be do not have greatly such as the energy of Nüwa empress such good fortune , is not not willing to study the Taoist trinity to stand teaches to hand down the Confucian orthodoxy, if even they know the Heavenly Dao to lack, discovered that the world is short of the samsara system, is willing to catch up before the Mother Earth empress body samsara attempts to comprehend the samsara principle, invests to attempt to complement the Heavenly Dao own body. 其他太古大能不是不具备如女娲娘娘那样的造化之能,也不是不愿意学三清立教传下道统,甚至如果他们知晓天道有缺,发现天地欠缺轮回体系,也愿意赶在后土娘娘身化轮回前尝试领悟轮回法则,将自己的身躯投入进去尝试补全天道。 What a pity all these after others complete they know that Nüwa, Sanqing and Mother Earth these are the pathfinders, therefore the situation was occupied by them, Great Dao was won by various Saint, other can not be naturally able to continue the card greatly to say in their directions. 可惜这一切都是在旁人做完后他们才知道的,女娲、三清、后土这些才是开创者,所以先机被他们占据,大道被诸圣夺走,其他大能自然无法沿着他们的方向继续证道。 Even if better than the Western two Saints, saw when the Taoist trinity set up taught the Saint under their heart movement still to found the West to teach, although finally had the big merit to lower being insufficient to let their to become Saint. 即便强如西方二圣,看到三清立教成圣时他们心动之下也开创了西方教,结果虽有大功德降下却不足以让他们成圣。 Luckily these two are the ruthless people, distributes the big great aspirations to owe the Heavenly Dao big causes and effects unexpectedly, breaks that First Layer turning point achievement beginning of the universe sage actually. 幸亏这两位都是狠人,竟然发下大宏愿欠下天道偌大的因果,硬是打破那一层契机成就混元圣人。 But the Western two Saints owed Heavenly Dao causes and effects road to occupy continually, other can naturally not have the means to slice greatly, the discovery that can only lag behind, can prove on beginning of the universe Great Dao like this! 可是西方二圣连欠下天道因果这条路都已经占据了,其余大能当然还是没有办法分一杯羹,只能后知后觉的发现,原来还可以这样证就混元大道 Also has can follow greatly, but the final outcome might follow instead oneself delaying very much inadequately. 也不是没有大能跟风,可最终结果很有可能跟风不成反而把自己给耽搁了。 This point looked that the river of the netherworld old ancestors know, this fellow first studies the Nüwa empress good fortune life, the later student Taoist trinity stands teaches, in also wants to study the Western two Saints to owe the Heavenly Dao causes and effects afterward, finally the causes and effects owe much, as for card actually will never be, instead will let this greatly all parties will be called to murder abundantly in the antique period for no reason the wasting time long years, finally will hit the full large package to be broadminded soberly, will pick up initial killing to say cultivation. 这一点看冥河老祖就知道,这家伙先学女娲娘娘造化生灵,后学三清立教,在后来还想学着西方二圣欠下天道因果,结果因果欠下不少,至于证道却是遥遥无期,反而让这位在太古时期被各方称为杀伐最盛的大能无端蹉跎漫长岁月,最终撞得满头大包才豁然清醒,重新拾起最初的杀道修行 But also has to get sucked is unable to extricate oneself the generation, finally is deeper and deeper, can only invest the opposite party hanger-on, becomes the opposite party hanger-on goon. 但也有深陷其中无法自拔之辈,最终越陷越深,只能投入对方门下,成为对方门下打手。 For example burns lamp ancient, did obeisance several times in the different sage hangers-on, the unceasing revolutions amends the fundamental merit law, the revolutions cultivates different Great Dao, the solemn antique powerhouse ends up not a good reputation finally, although was called in the past Buddha by the Buddhism, but actually lost the future, the achievement halts in this! 譬如燃灯古佛,先后数次拜在不同的圣人门下,不断转修根本功法,转修不同大道,堂堂太古强者最终落得个不好的名声,虽然被佛门称之为过去佛,但却失去了未来,成就止步于此! Has too many learning from another's mistakes, after the Mother Earth empress proves, there is no one to attempt to take the same path with the Mother Earth empress greatly. 正是有着太多的前车之鉴,所以当后土娘娘证道以后,这才没有任何一尊大能尝试跟后土娘娘走一样的道路。 Naturally, the great antiquity Heavenly Dao defective last point had mainly been made up by the Mother Earth empress, other powerhouses want to study are also too difficult to learn. 当然,主要还是洪荒天道欠缺的最后一环已经被后土娘娘补上了,其他强者想学也学不来。 However, actually also some cultivator can see the advantage greatly, backs off, does not study a Mother Earth empress body samsara card beginning of the universe, instead depends upon the six samsara of Mother Earth empress to seek money for oneself. 不过,却也有一些修士大能从中看到了好处,退而求其次,不求学后土娘娘身化轮回证道混元,反而依靠后土娘娘的六道轮回为自己牟利。 For example Buddhism Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. 譬如佛门地藏王菩萨。 This in Western Buddhism many Bodhisattva, do not calculate initially extremely leaves selects, because finally saw the advantage from six samsara, not hesitating to distribute the big great aspirations that the hell is not spatial vows does not achieve Buddhahood, enters the hell trillion ghost numerous, not only sought the enormous advantage for oneself for the Buddhism, is making this Bodhisattva also one of powerhouses the Buddhism has several. 这位当初不过西方佛门诸多菩萨中的一個而已,并不算太过出挑,结果就因为从六道轮回中看到了好处,不惜发下地狱不空誓不成佛的大宏愿,进入地狱度化亿万鬼众,不仅为自身为佛门都谋取到了极大的好处,连带着让这尊菩萨也成为了佛门有数的强者之一。 Even , if after not measures the tribulation , the great antiquity presents the accident, the hell malicious ghost was spent by him seriously, perhaps also really has a possible achievement beginning of the universe to say the fruit. 甚至,如果无量量劫后如果洪荒出现变故,地狱恶鬼当真被他度化一空,说不定还真有一线可能成就混元道果。 However the price is this Bodhisattva can only treat from now henceforth in the hell can not depart, in the innumerable years can only with the malicious ghost be the partners, because if saw too many malicious ghost evil side, if the mind falls into enemy hands, he will instead become worst demon Buddha! 不过代价就是从今以后这位菩萨都只能待在地狱中不得离去,无数岁月中都只能和恶鬼为伴,倘若因为见了太多恶鬼邪恶的一面,万一心神失守,他反而会成为最为邪恶的魔佛! Meng woman who if again makes soup by the forgetting kindnesses water in Naiheqiao, in the ancient times great antiquity was just the immortal who a name did not see to pass on the expertise, finally actually taking advantage of the convenience of six samsara, attained the endless merit by Meng Po’s soup, the achievement, became existence that the entire hell no one is willing to provoke at one fell swoop! 再如在奈何桥上以忘情水熬汤的孟婆,原本在远古洪荒只不过是一个名不见出传经的仙人,结果却借着六道轮回的便利,以孟婆汤获无尽功德,一举成就至强,成为整个地府无人愿意招惹的存在! But Meng woman and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva are the same, gains the advantage at the same time, must be hobbled, is unable to leave the hell henceforward. 只不过孟婆和地藏王菩萨一样,获得好处的同时,也要受到牵绊,自此以后无法离开地府。 In addition ten palace Yama numerous ghost emperors, these may fully enter the establishment of forehead because of existences of six samsara, obtains the authority of Heavenly Dao approval, there is a position also to have the huge merit near the body. 此外还有十殿阎罗一众鬼帝,这些可全部都因为六道轮回的存在而进入了天庭的编制,得到天道认可的权柄,既有身份地位还有庞大功德临身。 However does not study like Ksitigarbha and Meng woman kind a Mother Earth empress body samsara card beginning of the universe, instead depends upon the six samsara of Mother Earth empress to seek the merit for oneself, although the strength rise has the upper limit quickly. 不过像地藏王、孟婆这一类不求学后土娘娘身化轮回证道混元,反而依靠后土娘娘的六道轮回为自己谋取功德,实力提升虽快却有着上限。 Only if the Mother Earth empress rises a stair at the beginning of the universe boundary again, otherwise they can only occupy forever under the achievement of Mother Earth empress, is unable to prove on the beginning of the universe. 除非后土娘娘在混元境界再上升一个台阶,否则他们就永远都只能屈居在后土娘娘的成就之下,无法证就混元。 Therefore most can the powerhouses insist greatly own Dao Path. 所以绝大多数的大能强者都在坚持自身道途 But because also insisted and attempts to create can on asking road of the greatly total defeat. 但也因为坚持和尝试造成了很多大能在求道之路上折戟沉沙。 After all most paths are not necessarily able accepted, or in they have not prepared under completely safe starting to attempt, finally will only make the dying say/way disappears, not to mention these to ask did not hesitate to look existed, this that everywhere other can spar to verify greatly to study caused the powerhouse who left behind antique to be getting fewer and fewer. 毕竟绝大多数的道路都未必能行得通,或者说在他们还没有做好万全的准备下就开始尝试,最终只会将自己弄得身死道消,就更不用说那些为了求道不惜到处找其他大能斗法印证所学的存在了,这才导致太古遗留下来的强者越来越少。 Qin Feng has not certainly thought attaches like the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva under beginning of the universe Great Dao of others. 秦风当然没想过像地藏王菩萨那样依附在旁人的混元大道之下。 Because he not only understands the path, even proved a turning point also to have some ideas indistinctly, saw that the time can succeed at one fell swoop. 因为他不仅明了自身道路,甚至就连证道契机也都已经隐约有了些想法,就看到时候能不能一举成功了。 Moreover he also understands a point, beginning of the universe Great Dao dark has the fate, initially Supreme Profound Old Ancestor and other powerhouses migrated the blue sky from the great antiquity, no doubt to seek Great Dao, but is unable to take the same path with great antiquity several old ancestors as before. 而且他也明白了一点,混元大道冥冥中自有定数,当初太玄老祖等强者从洪荒迁移到了碧落,固然是为了寻求大道,但依旧无法和洪荒的几位老祖走同样的道路。 Can cultivate/repair the same Great Dao principle truly, is immortal, is eternal, is the good fortune, the powerhouses of these boundaries can in different world cultivation same Great Dao, because between the world and world are independent, each world has the alone own Heavenly Dao, not mutual influence and disturbance. 真正能修同一种大道法则的,是不朽,是永恒,是造化,这些境界的强者可以在不同世界修炼同一种大道,因为世界和世界之间是独立的,每一个世界都有独属于自己的天道,并不会相互影响和干扰。 Therefore is unable to obtain the immortal of great achievement in the great antiquity, after going to other world, instead can the relatively relaxed card on Golden Immortal, the achievement immortally even good fortune, because has the great antiquity to be able greatly the road ahead may follow, therefore Supreme Profound Old Ancestor their batch of person clans migrated to the blue sky , after initially can be born so many big energies in the short time. 所以很多在洪荒无法取得多大成就的仙人,去了其他世界后反而可以相对轻松的证就金仙,成就不朽甚至造化,因为有着洪荒大能的前路可循,所以当初太玄老祖他们那一批人族迁移到碧落后才能在短短的时间里诞生那么多大能。 But beginning of the universe Great Dao is different, this was aloof existence of Heavenly Dao, therefore dark by universe principle fetter, each achievement beginning of the universe, the road of this card say/way will be blocked by the universe principle, so as to avoid made more powerhouses prove the destruction universe to be balanced. 但混元大道不同,这是超脱了天道的存在,所以冥冥中会被宇宙法则束缚,每成就一尊混元,这条证道之路都会被宇宙法则封死,免得让更多的强者证道破坏宇宙平衡。 Even if has great antiquity so many to be able greatly the road of card say/way can profit from, the powerhouse who migrates the great antiquity wants the achievement beginning of the universe, needs to try to find out the path as before. 所以即便有着洪荒那么多大能的证道之路可以借鉴,迁移出洪荒的强者想要成就混元,依旧需要摸索出自身道路。 Why this is Supreme Profound Old Ancestor self-torture so many years cannot as before the reason of correct path. 这也是太玄老祖为何苦修这么多年依旧没能正道的原因。 Qin Feng refined the strength in demon ancestor Rāhu essence and blood unceasingly, after the absorption refining up has been sensed, to own magical skill had the promotion, in turn accelerated the rotational speed of Yin-Yang big grinding pan, thus refine to melt many Rāhu essence and blood, caused Rāhu, even if infiltrated many essence and blood to come out, cannot unite the strength to break the Yin-Yang big grinding pan! 秦风不断提炼魔祖罗睺精血中的力量,吸收炼化得到感悟后对自身道行有了提升,反过来又加速了阴阳大磨盘的转动速度,从而炼化了更多的罗睺精血,使得罗睺即便渗透出更多的精血出来,也没能凝聚力量打破阴阳大磨盘! This lets in the Rāhu heart the violent anger, the tyrannical aura sends out from the essence and blood, strange strengths penetrate the Yin-Yang big grinding pan to enter in the middle of the Qin Feng mind unexpectedly, wanting to tempt the Qin Feng heart demon! 这让罗睺心中暴怒,暴虐的气息从精血中发出,一道道诡异的力量竟然透过阴阳大磨盘进入秦风的心神当中,欲要引诱秦风的心魔! The Qin Feng demon read the purifying the mind incantation, immediately was calm like the water, all thoughts, how whatever the demon ancestor tempted, in having prepare can in the heart not be possible to let the heart demon forming greatly. 只是秦风魔念清心咒,顿时心静如水,一切念头不起,任由魔祖如何引诱,在有所准备的大能心中也不可能让心魔成形。 As strength of principle fragment more and more beginning of the universe was absorbed to refine by him , Qin Feng is gradually getting more and more clear regarding the sensibility of Great Dao. 随着越来越多的混元之力法则碎片被他吸收炼化,渐渐地,秦风对于大道的感悟越来越清晰。 The distant place, the nightmare old ancestor by the unceasing retreat that three beginning of the universe sages hit, even if he rises spiritedly to revolt, but how to be able to shoulder the suppressions of three same level powerhouses. 远处,梦魇老祖被三尊混元圣人打的不断后退,即便他奋起反抗,但如何扛得住三尊同级强者的压制。 Receiving and instructing the Buddha golden body is huge, Fokuang shining four directions, extinguish all nightmare strength overflows unceasingly. 接引佛祖金身庞大,佛光照耀四方,不断消弭一切梦魇力量外溢。 The Nüwa empress offers a sacrifice to the universe cauldron, changes to ten million zhang (3.33 m) high, restrains the strength of all nightmares, simultaneously operates the good fortune principle to evolve the infinite vitality, the seal nightmare old ancestor's fleeing route, not, but the strangeness of nightmare old ancestor, will flee any nightmare strength to be treated as the introduction to transfer by him. 女娲娘娘祭起乾坤鼎,化作千万丈高下,收摄所有梦魇之力,同时操纵造化法则演化无限生机,封印梦魇老祖的逃离路线,不然以梦魇老祖的诡异,逃离出去任何梦魇力量都有可能被他当做引子将自身挪移过去。 The Mother Earth empress turns the hand to have the infinite strength to shell, in her place of strength aura coverage, void firm like iron, heavy/thick, if the invisible mountain, extrudes the nightmare old ancestor's activity space crazily. 后土娘娘翻手之间就有无穷力量轰击下来,在她的力量气息覆盖之地,虚空坚固如铁,厚重如无形大山,疯狂挤压梦魇老祖的活动空间。 Gradually, nightmare old ancestor hit approaches the great antiquity more and more, has soon been close to great antiquity ancestor that heavy/thick wall! 渐渐地,梦魇老祖被打的越来越靠近洪荒,不知不觉间已经快要接近洪荒祖界那厚重的界壁! ! 唰! Suddenly, a palm finds out from the great antiquity. 陡然,一只手掌从洪荒探出。 The palm does not seem big, but actually grasps the universe, suppresses ten sides, the appeared instance, patted toward the nightmare old ancestor. 手掌似乎不大,但却掌握乾坤,镇压十方,出现的瞬间,就朝梦魇老祖拍了下去。 Great wild goose honored......” “鸿钧……” The nightmare old ancestor calls out in alarm one, the figure has the infinite change suddenly, transforms the innumerable clone illusory image to run away in the different directions. 梦魇老祖惊呼一声,身形陡然间出现无穷变化,幻化出数不清的分身幻影朝不同的方向遁去。 But under the stops of three beginning of the universe sages, he escapes not to be possible radically to escape, quick was caught up with by that palm, one clone to cover his all nightmares completely, then grabbed the nightmare that one group transformed unceasingly to retract the great antiquity! 但在三尊混元圣人的阻拦下,他根本逃无可逃,很快就被那只手掌追上,一把就将他所有梦魇分身全部笼罩在内,然后抓着一团不断变换的梦魇缩回了洪荒! Trim void suddenly one static. 整片虚空陡然一静。 Several chaos god demons, are under them that huge quantity of can greatly the powerhouse, all was shocked by this! 无论是几尊混沌神魔,还是他们麾下那数量庞大的大能强者,全都被这一幕惊呆了! Is considered that hardest to deal with nightmare old ancestor, was seized by others palm of the hand unexpectedly, this must say that who can believe? 被认为最为难缠的梦魇老祖,竟然就这么被人家一巴掌抓走了,这要说出去谁能相信? But this happened in them at present, wants to overrule is impossible. 可这一幕就是在他们眼前发生的,想要否决都不可能。 No one has thought that with the great wild goose honored old ancestor who Tianhe said that has actually been able tyrannicalally to this grade of situation, although three beginning of the universe sages are helping the suppression, but can seize nightmare old ancestor beginning of the universe big energy with ease, deterred all powerhouses. 谁也没想到已经与天合道的鸿钧老祖竟然能够强横到这等地步,虽然有三尊混元圣人帮着压制,但能够这么轻松抓走梦魇老祖这尊混元大能,还是震慑了所有强者。 Although they know that the great wild goose honored old ancestor depends makes a move to take advantage suddenly its unprepared then held the nightmare old ancestor, moreover by the beginning of the universe can greatly so long as the strength struggles quickly can shake off the fetter. 虽然他们都知道鸿钧老祖只是仗着突然出手趁其不备这才抓住了梦魇老祖,而且以混元大能的实力只要挣扎很快就能挣脱束缚。 But the great wild goose honored old ancestor has not given him this time, grabs him to enter the great antiquity directly. 但鸿钧老祖根本就没给他这个时间,直接抓着他进入了洪荒。 Originally tyrannical incomparable great wild goose honored old ancestor with great antiquity that huge Heavenly Dao principle help this/should as tyrannical as what kind of situation? 在洪荒那庞大的天道法则帮助下本就强横无匹的鸿钧老祖又该强横到何等地步? Any chaos god demon, once enters the great antiquity unable to fight the great wild goose honored old ancestor. 任何一尊混沌神魔,一旦进入洪荒都无法斗得过鸿钧老祖。 Not only this is because after the great wild goose honored old ancestor and Tianhe said the tyrannical strength, because also great antiquity ancestor was opened fused the body of each chaos god demon, even if these chaos Demon God forced to escape initially the life from the Pangu axe, but still kept here the most body, changes into nourishment that the great antiquity grew. 这不仅是因为鸿钧老祖与天合道后的强横实力,还因为洪荒祖界被开辟的时候融合了他们每一个混沌神魔的身躯,即便这几位混沌魔神当初勉强从盘古斧下逃得性命,但也将大半身躯都留在了这里,化为了洪荒成长的养料。 Therefore when the great antiquity ancestor formation, under the will of Pangu big god, naturally can derive to suppress their principles! 因此在洪荒祖界形成的时候,在盘古大神的意志下,自然会衍生出压制他们的法则! Suddenly all powerhouse complexion big changes that intrudes on the primitive star territory, there is have to draw back intent much. 一时间所有进犯原始星域的强者脸色大变,有不少已经心生退意。 Walks!” “走!” Several chaos god demons look at each other one mutually, looked not to fight subordinate powerhouse in intent again, Nüwa empress who as well as were just about to surround and other beginning of the universe sages, even if in the heart were unwilling, actually still can only choose to retreat. 几尊混沌神魔相互对视一眼,看了看再无战意的麾下强者,以及正要围拢上来的女娲娘娘等几位混元圣人,即便心中万般不甘,却也只能选择退走。 By the present, do not say that the rescue Yin-Yang old ancestor and nightmare old ancestor, demon ancestor Rāhu they could not attend. 到了如今,不要说救援阴阳老祖和梦魇老祖了,就连魔祖罗睺他们都顾不得了。 Most distant toward executing immortal sword makes several attacks, attempts from outside vibration sword, to a Rāhu fleeing time. 最多远远的朝诛仙剑阵打出几道攻击,试图从外面震动剑阵,给罗睺一个逃离的时机。 What a pity, but also without and other Rāhu came out, by a remote antiquity ancestor shoulder pole knocking. 可惜,还没等罗睺出来,就被太上道祖一扁担给敲了回去。 Afterward the remote antiquity founder and Yuan Shi Tian Zun fly into together with the Nüwa empress together execute in the middle of immortal sword, four beginning of the universe sages operate to execute immortal sword jointly, wanting to put to death demon ancestor Rāhu! 随后太上教主和元始天尊连同女娲娘娘一起飞入诛仙剑阵当中,四尊混元圣人联手操纵诛仙剑阵,欲要诛杀魔祖罗睺 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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