AHBC :: Volume #14

#1360: 6 samsara seal the Yin-Yang to execute immortal sword trapped/sleepy Rāhu

Although the powerhouse of various Tianwan awes regarding sidereal revolution star Great Formation of protection great antiquity, but to many of great antiquity ancestor big can, they have not regarded as sidereal revolution star Great Formation defends the foreign enemy protect Great Formation! 虽然诸天万界的强者对于守护洪荒的周天星斗大阵敬畏有加,但对洪荒祖界的诸多大能来说,他们可从来都没有将周天星斗大阵视为防御外敌的护界大阵 Great antiquity ancestor deters the foreign enemy truly, is these beginning of the universe boundaries sages, is can greatly the powerhouse who in emerges one after another incessantly, rather than only formation. 洪荒祖界真正震慑外敌的,是那些混元境界的圣人,是界内层出不穷的大能强者,而不是区区一座阵法 Although this formation is tyrannical, but faces the foreign enemy truly time, actually can only degenerate into assists various Saint to rout the boost of powerful enemy, rather than main force! 虽然这座阵法强横无比,但真正面对外敌的时候,却只能沦为辅佐诸圣击溃强敌的助力,而不是主力! Therefore wields the sidereal revolution star Great Formation fighting female immortal not to hesitate to exhaust the last point of Zhou Tianxing strength not to let loose formation, even if will decide this way however will cause the damage of sidereal revolution star Great Formation, will actually still not care a whoop. 所以执掌周天星斗大阵的斗姆元君不惜耗尽最后一分周天星力也没有放开阵法,即便再这样下去定然会造成周天星斗大阵的损伤,却也毫不在意。 In any case by the strength of great antiquity forehead, from now on some are the means patching stars, restores the original condition the sidereal revolution group star, because even if revolves forcefully to Great Formation brings a big harm still to refuse to balk. 反正以洪荒天庭的实力,过后有的是办法修补星辰,将周天群星恢复原貌,就算因为强行运转给大阵带来不小的伤害也在所不惜。 All, take coping with that several chaos god demons as first! 一切,都以对付那几位混沌神魔为先! So long as can under the suppression these archenemies, who also dare to offend the great antiquity in the future? 只要能够镇压下这些大敌,日后还有谁敢冒犯洪荒? Indeed in universe deep place many star territories decides however also has the beginning of the universe powerhouse, possibly also hid several chaos god demon that the severe wound from the Pangu axe escaped not to make an appearance initially, but after demon ancestor Rāhu they defeated even lost indelibly, decides however to make all parties to the great antiquity awe! 诚然宇宙深处诸多星域中定然还有混元强者,也可能还藏着几尊当初从盘古斧下重伤逃逸的混沌神魔没有露面,但当魔祖罗睺他们战败甚至受到不可磨灭的损失后,定然会使得各方对洪荒敬畏有加! After all other star territories are strongest can have the beginning of the universe boundary powerhouse who all generations do not extinguish to be rare, most star territories actually do not have the beginning of the universe powerhouse to assume personal command, therefore has many beginning of the universe sages facing the great antiquity like this, and can be defeated even causes heavy losses to huge Great World of same level powerhouse, is not willing to provoke. 毕竟其他星域最强能有一尊万劫不灭的混元境强者已经非常难得,绝大多数的星域其实并没有混元强者坐镇,所以面对洪荒这样拥有多位混元圣人,且能够打败甚至重创同级强者的庞大世界,绝不愿意招惹。 Perhaps can let the great antiquity ancestor continuously calm and steady development, after not measures the tribulation the universe developed the pinnacle to present the accident. 说不定就能让洪荒祖界一直安稳的发展下去,直到无量量劫以后宇宙发展到了极致才会有可能出现变故。 Therefore, in fighting female immortal as well as under the full power operation of Zhou Tianxing god, significantly lengthened demon ancestor Rāhu they to get rid of the sidereal revolution star Great Formation time, the beginning of the universe sage who let one's own side had many convenience, particularly that side the Yin-Yang old ancestor, by an extremely difficult situation that two empresses hit. 于是,在斗姆元君以及周天星神的全力操纵下,大大延长了魔祖罗睺他们摆脱周天星斗大阵的时间,让己方的混元圣人拥有更多的便利,尤其是阴阳老祖那边,被两位娘娘打的狼狈不堪。 How many obvious injuries at this time this beginning of the universe old ancestor seems like does not have actually, but the beginning of the universe can between spar greatly, how also to make the injury float in the surface? 此时这位混元老祖看上去身上倒是没有多少明显的伤势的,但是混元大能之间斗法,又岂会让伤势浮于表面? What the Nüwa empress and Mother Earth empress mainly aim is Yin-Yang old ancestor's Great Dao, what stays behind to him is the wound of Great Dao! 女娲娘娘和后土娘娘主要针对的乃是阴阳老祖的大道,给他留下的是大道之伤! The Yin-Yang old ancestor Great Dao is damaged at this time, his Yin-Yang life and death transformation and so on all means are unable to get rid of the prestige of jointly two empresses, finally before sidereal revolution star Great Formation was completely broken suffered the heavy losses. 阴阳老祖此时大道受损,他的阴阳生死转变等等一切手段都无法摆脱两位娘娘的联手之威,最终在周天星斗大阵被彻底打破前受到了重创。 Following close on, these two empresses is attempting the instantaneous separation Yin-Yang that restores the injury while his life and death transformation unexpectedly, isolates the life and death boundary, forcefully derived the First Layer principle wall between the life and death. 紧跟着,这两位娘娘竟然趁着他生死转变试图恢复伤势的瞬间分隔阴阳,隔绝生死界限,硬生生的在生与死之间衍生出了一层法则界壁。 Although this principle is only two empresses deduces temporarily, is not tyrannical, can break by the Yin-Yang old ancestor's strength instantaneously. 虽然这道法则只是两位娘娘临时推演出来的,并非多么强横,以阴阳老祖的实力瞬间就能打破。 But this time he is conducting the life and death to transform, after being divided the life and death Yin-Yang, his did not extinguish a body and does not extinguish Primordial Spirit to present the temporary separation. 但此时的他正在进行生死转变,被分割生死阴阳之后,他的不灭道体和不灭元神就出现了暂时的分离。 Even if only short flickers, had two empresses of preparation to seize the opportunity sufficiently early. 即便只是短短的一瞬,却足以被早有准备的两位娘娘抓住机会。 The Nüwa empress puts out a hand a finger/refers, a mountains and rivers state chart suddenly show/unfolds, changes to the infinity world instantaneously the Yin-Yang old ancestor does not extinguish body income, simultaneously in the middle of this volume of valuable charts the infinite Great Dao generalization makes the chains layer upon layer its mortal body winding blockade, how whatever this does not extinguish a body to struggle dashing, actually cannot come out. 女娲娘娘伸手一指,山河社稷图陡然一展,化作无穷大的世界瞬间就将阴阳老祖的不灭道体收入其中,同时这卷宝图当中无穷大道法则化作锁链层层将其肉身缠绕封锁,任由这具不灭道体如何挣扎冲撞,却始终没能出来。 The Mother Earth empress does not extinguish Primordial Spirit to drag into six samsara while the Yin-Yang old ancestor it that dies by the biochemistry instantaneously forcefully, shortly on reincarnation reincarnation a lot of times. 后土娘娘则是趁着阴阳老祖由生化死的瞬间将其不灭元神强行拉入六道轮回,顷刻间就转世投胎千百次。 This empress behind six samsara by the empty reality, by consolidation empty, among the actual situation transforms back and forth, simultaneously rotates crazily, unceasingly the Primordial Spirit captivity of Yin-Yang old ancestor throws toward the different samsara channels, is experiencing the life and death unceasingly, changes to various god demon Asura evil spirit domestic animal all sorts of different shapes unceasingly, but was just born each time encounters the death, just died each time by again the reincarnation, the reciprocation, has not so stood still! 这位娘娘身后六道轮回由虚化实,由实变虚,虚实之间来回转变,同时疯狂转动,不断将阴阳老祖的元神囚禁其中投往不同的轮回通道,不断经历着生与死,不断化作各种神魔修罗厉鬼畜生种种不同的形态,只是每次刚一降生就遭遇死亡,每次刚死又被重新投胎,如此往复,没有停歇! However, the Yin-Yang old ancestor under the Mother Earth empress's control will certainly not be born in great antiquity, but Yin-Yang old ancestor does not extinguish Primordial Spirit to put in the middle of this six samsara alone, repeat in cycles. 不过,在后土娘娘的掌控下阴阳老祖当然不会降生在洪荒界内,而是将阴阳老祖的不灭元神单独置于这面六道轮回当中,循环往复。 Reincarnation and death time and time again, although has not made the Yin-Yang old ancestor fall into the embryo the fan, but actually was also tossed about dizzy. 一次又一次的投胎和死亡,虽然还没有让阴阳老祖陷入胎中之迷,但却也被折腾得头昏脑涨。 When he struggles with great difficulty from six samsara, by a Mother Earth empress palm of the hand patting, even if he consumes forcefully does not extinguish Primordial Spirit the strength of operation Yin-Yang principle of source to break the samsara, will then discover that outside also the bigger samsara draw in which him. 当他好不容易才从六道轮回中挣扎出来,就被后土娘娘一巴掌给拍回去,即便他强行消耗不灭元神的本源之力操纵阴阳法则打破轮回,然后就会发现外面还有一个更大的轮回将他拖入其中。 With more and more multiple experience samsara, he is more difficult to work loose, finally was changed to the seal by the Mother Earth empress six samsara Great Dao, Yin-Yang old ancestor does not extinguish Primordial Spirit to prohibit. 随着越来越多次的经历轮回,他就越难挣脱出去,最终被后土娘娘将六道轮回大道化作封印,将阴阳老祖的不灭元神封禁在内。 The Mother Earth empress hand one move, the huge six samsara was received in the hand to disappear does not see. 后土娘娘将手一招,庞大的六道轮回就被收入手中消失不见。 From now on, chaos god demon side less/small a strength tyrannical beginning of the universe powerhouse. 自此,混沌神魔一方少了一尊战力强横的混元强者。 But the great antiquity, instead lets the Nüwa empress and Mother Earth empress sets aside the hand. 而洪荒这边,反而让女娲娘娘和后土娘娘腾出手来。 Although these two empresses to suppress the Yin-Yang old ancestor, is unable to use the Innate most precious object mountains and rivers state chart again, needs to branch out the mind suppresses in six samsara does not extinguish Primordial Spirit, temporarily is unable to suppress other opponents with six samsara. 虽然这两位娘娘为了镇压阴阳老祖,一个无法再动用先天至宝山河社稷图,一个需要分出心神镇压六道轮回中的不灭元神,暂时无法以六道轮回压制其他对手。 But even without these, they as before is the beginning of the universe boundary sage, even if still diverts the same level opponent at the conventional strength sufficiently, let alone they would have no other methods except for these! 但就算没有这些,她们依旧是混元境圣人,即便只是以常规的力量也足以牵制同级对手,何况她们除了这些并非就没有其他手段! The Nüwa empress also has the Innate most precious object universe cauldron, the red embroidered ball, does the Big Dipper pull the moon/month whip and Big Dipper to pull the moon/month whips, the day glow divine blades, nine days of breath soil and fine jade locusts to the light scissors, the limitless umbrella wait/etc many Innate Spirit Treasure in the body, what worry does not have Magic Treasure to use? 女娲娘娘还有先天至宝乾坤鼎,还有红绣球,还有七星挽月鞭、七星挽月鞭、天芒神刀、九天息壤、琼蛩离光剪、无极伞等等诸多先天灵宝在身,何愁没有法宝使用? Mother Earth empress besides six samsara principles, but also wields the life and death, the control land principle, has the boundless supernatural power, how also to lack the law of battle? 后土娘娘除了六道轮回法则以外,还执掌生死,掌控大地法则,拥有无边神力,又岂会缺少争斗之法? However these two empresses have not gone to assist three sovereigns, because three sovereigns after the present strength bad appearance, cannot be well-matched with the wicked old ancestors slightly as before. 不过这两位娘娘并没有前去相助三皇,因为三皇直到如今都没有丝毫后力不济的模样,依旧和无道老祖都得旗鼓相当。 They not instigator demon ancestor Rāhu that goes to the exceedingly high founder to suppress this catastrophe jointly, but went to receive and instruct that side the Buddha, prepared about the strength of three beginning of the universe sages, wanting to suppress the nightmare old ancestor. 她们也没有去联手通天教主镇压这次浩劫的始作俑者魔祖罗睺,而是去了接引佛祖那边,准备合三尊混元圣人之力,欲要将梦魇老祖镇压下去。 Because in the middle of these chaos god demons, only has the nightmare old ancestor's Great Dao principle to be strangely difficult to guard, once ran away by it, so long as will not willingly decide however will even provode many confusions in the primitive star territory great antiquity. 因为这几位混沌神魔当中,唯有梦魇老祖的大道法则最为诡异难防,一旦被其逃走,只要不甘心定然会在原始星域甚至洪荒内部引发诸多混乱。 Nightmare old ancestor's Great Dao is extremely strange, can drill into other life dreams directly, leaves behind the method of technique of many cultivation nightmares by all sorts of method seduction life cultivation, must be difficult to guard compared with an demon ancestor's subordinate heart demon clan. 梦魇老祖的大道太过诡异,可以直接钻入其他生灵梦中,留下诸多修炼梦魇之术的法门以种种手段诱惑生灵修炼,比起魔祖麾下的心魔一族还要难防。 The nightmare old ancestor does not have to think oneself are so unexpectedly hapless, first met received and instructed Buddha unable to borrow the strength the big energy, now is besieged by three beginning of the universe sages, immediately the pressure multiplied. 梦魇老祖没想到自己竟然这么倒霉,先是遇到了接引佛祖这個无法借力的大能,现在更是被三尊混元圣人围攻,顿时压力倍增。 Under the startled anger wants to withdraw, but there can also walk takes off/escapes, instead is hard to be released externally by the strength of whole body nightmare three sages suppress, the figure was also limited in a space is unable to withdraw. 惊怒之下想要脱身,但那里还能走得脱,反而被三位圣人压制的周身梦魇之力难以外放,身形也被限制在一片空间无法脱身。 This accident lets in several other chaos god demon hearts immediately in great surprise. 这番变故顿时就让其余几尊混沌神魔心中大惊。 If the nightmare old ancestor were suppressed by the opposite party again, they are not only unable to overturn again, but also the opposite party will be many when the time comes three beginning of the universe sages, how when the time comes should they deal? 倘若梦魇老祖再被对方镇压,他们不但再也无法翻盘,而且到时候对方还会再多出三尊混元圣人,到时候他们又该如何应对? „Hasn't Rāhu, helped me withdraw?” 罗睺,还不来助我脱身?” The nightmare old ancestor was received and instructed the Buddha to wash out the strength of peripheral nightmare by boundless Fokuang, later was pounded by the red embroidered ball by the Nüwa empress on the body, by the great seal suppression that the Mother Earth empress offers a sacrifice to above the top of the head, suddenly only feels the principle to shiver, cannot bear cry! 梦魇老祖被接引佛祖以无边佛光冲散了周边梦魇之力,随后被女娲娘娘以红绣球砸在了身上,紧接着又被后土娘娘祭起的大印镇压在头顶上方,一时间只觉得法则颤动,忍不住大叫一声! Bang!” “轰!” Not only under several chaos god demon shock whole-heartedly, even also somewhat reckless toward the four directions attack, breaks many sidereal revolution star Great Formation nodes, broke the fetter of this Great Formation forcefully. 几尊混沌神魔震惊之下不仅全力以赴,甚至还有些不顾一切的朝四方攻击,打破多个周天星斗大阵的节点,硬生生打破了这座大阵的束缚。 Nightmare old ancestor do not fluster, This Seat helps your helping hand!” “梦魇老祖勿慌,本座来助你一臂之力!” Demon ancestor Rāhu shouts out, must while sidereal revolution star Great Formation shatter overruns the help nightmare old ancestor to get out of trouble instantaneously. 魔祖罗睺呼喝一声,就要趁着周天星斗大阵破碎的瞬间冲过去帮助梦魇老祖脱困。 The present is only Yin-Yang old ancestor one is suppressed, so long as helps the nightmare old ancestor withdraw, their strengths are still tyrannical, in the future will draw other beginning of the universe powerhouses to collaborate again, not necessarily cannot contend with the great antiquity. 现在只是阴阳老祖一个被镇压,只要帮助梦魇老祖脱身,他们的实力依旧还非常强横,将来再拉动其他混元强者联手,未必不能抗衡洪荒。 But in his figure in a flash, prepares drives back exceedingly high founder to rescue the nightmare old ancestor the time, suddenly the complexion changes. 可是就在他身形一晃,准备逼退通天教主施法救援梦魇老祖的时候,陡然面色一变。 The instance that because, breaks open in sidereal revolution star Great Formation, he discovered impressively oneself had fallen into the middle of sword that is full of the endless murderous intention! 因为,就在周天星斗大阵破开的瞬间,他赫然发现自己已经陷入了一座充满无尽杀机的剑阵当中! This sword has boundless murderous aura, the endless murderous intention, has the infinite sword air/Qi to sweep across! 这座剑阵拥有无边杀气,无尽杀机,更有无穷剑气席卷! If convinced Catholicism Lord previously to divide to make a debut the sword air/Qi deduction sword air/Qi world with azure duckweed sword, then now, demon ancestor Rāhu discovered oneself in the middle of a sword air/Qi world! 如果说通天教主先前以青萍剑劈出道道剑气演绎剑气世界的话,那么现在,魔祖罗睺发现自己就在一座剑气世界当中! Please remember this book first round domain name:. The cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版更新最快网址:
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