AHBC :: Volume #14

#1359: 2 empresses suppress the Yin-Yang old ancestor tyrannicalally

The person clan three sovereigns collaborate, exposes is not weak in the prestige energy of beginning of the universe sage unexpectedly! 人族三皇联手,竟然展露出不弱于混元圣人的威能! Moreover their method varies, jointly under unexpectedly also some restraint wicked old ancestors! 而且他们手段各异,联手之下居然还有些克制无道老祖! Fu Xi combs the principle with the Innate Eight Trigrams (gossip), Suiren by the fire of burning down wicked old ancestor's person clan torch deduction civilization chaotic strength, Shen Nong by the source of god cauldron suppression confusion, three sovereign simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform assume an awe-inspiring pose, unexpectedly suppresses this strength tyrannical chaos Demon God fell leeward! 伏羲以先天八卦梳理法则,燧人氏以人族薪火演绎文明之火焚烧无道老祖的混乱之力,神农氏以神鼎镇压混乱之源,三尊皇者齐齐发威,竟然将这尊实力强横的混沌魔神压制的落入了下风! So, shocks many powerhouses of two side camps the distant place observed immediately! 如此一幕,顿时惊呆了远处观战的两方阵营的诸多强者! They know that the person clan three sovereigns are tyrannical, but no one has expected to be able powerful to this grade of situation! 他们知道人族三皇强横,但谁也没有料到能够强大到这等地步! Must know from antique period cultivation until now big energy, because although the person clan destiny obtained the Heavenly Dao approval tyrannicalally, but not with it fighting, but very some can greatly the old ancestor in some heart deep place contempt person clans. 要知道很多从太古时期修炼到如今的大能,虽然因为人族气运强横得到了天道认同而没有与之争锋,但很是有些大能老祖在内心深处还是有些轻视人族的。 After all the time that the person clan rises was too late, the time person clans of their these elders powerhouse great antiquity have not been born vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, afterward saw person of clan emaciated side in many years, even now the person clan rises, but they have the superiority feeling as before. 毕竟人族崛起的时间太晚了,他们这些老辈强者纵横洪荒的时候人族还没降世呢,后来更是在很多岁月中见到了人族孱弱的一面,即便如今人族崛起,但他们心里依旧有着浓浓的优越感。 But at this moment, all great antiquity family backgrounds can greatly all by three sovereigns tyrannical shocking! 但此刻,所有洪荒出身的大能全都被三皇的强横给震撼住了! Even relates the best dragon and phoenix two clans with the person clan is still so. 即便是和人族关系最好的龙凤两族也是如此。 Zulong and Yuan phoenix, although relates the quite good with the person clan, as the antique period overlord but who dominates the great antiquity, the heart deep place naturally is proud incomparable, is especially is also confident to the tyrannical strength. 祖龙和元凤虽然和人族关系颇佳,但作为太古时期称霸洪荒的霸主,内心深处自然是骄傲无比,对自身强横的实力也是格外有信心。 But sees tyrannical of three sovereigns now, in Zulong heart proud diverges immediately most! 可如今看到三皇的强横,祖龙心中骄傲顿时散去大半! Compared with nowadays person clan, their antique three clans also were really bad. 跟现如今的人族比较起来,他们太古三族还真是差了许多。 The ethnic group quantity and strength, are the contrasts between uppermost layer powerhouses, cannot compare the person clan. 无论是族群数量和实力,还是最上层强者之间的对比,都比不上人族。 The ethnic group quantity was needless saying that even if turned into the stud horse not to compare these pure blood dragon clans the person clan that terrifying multiplication speed, the person the clan had such strong multiplication ability, in addition occupies the great antiquity land, had the innumerable Cave Heaven paradise innumerable resources, but also obtained the inheritance of major religious sects to teach, naturally was the powerhouse pours forth. 族群数量就不用说了,就算把那些纯血龙族都变成种马也比不上人族那恐怖的繁衍速度,人族拥有这么强的繁衍能力,再加上占据着洪荒大地,拥有无数洞天福地无数资源,还得到了各大教派的传承教导,自然是强者辈出。 Even Zulong Yuan phoenix beginning Qilin these three old ancestors passed through went on an expedition several times jointly, thinks jointly, under beginning of the universe invincible, at this moment saw that three sovereigns pressed the beginning of the universe boundary wicked old ancestor to spar, immediately understood itself and between three sovereigns has a big disparity. 甚至祖龙元凤始麒麟这三位老祖经过先后数次联手征战,自认为联手后混元之下无敌,此刻看到三皇压着混元境界的无道老祖斗法,顿时明了自己和三皇之间有着不小的差距。 In fact great antiquity ancestor several Great Tribulation will occupy the ethnic group of the world lead from now on, truly before stronger several points compared with Great Tribulation. 事实上洪荒祖界几次大劫过后重新占据天地主角的族群,确实都比大劫前的更强几分。 The person clan present overall strength strong in Wuyao two clans, the witch monster two clan heyday are also stronger than the dragon and phoenix Qilin three clans, this is the time gives their characteristics, is the Heavenly Dao intends the result under guidance, if otherwise one generation compares one generation of weakness, that also does change the world lead to do really? 人族现在的总体实力强于巫妖两族,巫妖二族全盛时期也比龙凤麒麟三族更强,这是时代赋予他们的特性,也是天道有意引导下的结果,否则若是一代比一代弱,那还换天地主角作甚? Besides Zulong Yuan phoenix outside them, can also change color greatly in abundance. 除了祖龙元凤他们以外,还有很多大能也都纷纷变色。 And included recently because of being promoted the half-step beginning of the universe but complacent river of the netherworld old ancestor. 其中就包括最近因为晋级半步混元而洋洋得意的冥河老祖。 In this moment river of the netherworld old ancestor's look is difficult to cover panic-strickenly! 此刻冥河老祖的眼神中难掩惊骇! He also just shortly after achievement grade of boundary, the person the clan three sovereigns have such boundary and strength completely, moreover possibly was not definitely promoted recently. 他也才刚刚成就这等境界不久,人族三皇却全部都有这样的境界和实力,而且肯定不可能是最近才晋级的。 Thinks here could not bear raise for several points to rejoice by the river of the netherworld old ancestor's say/way heart even, luckily under initially had not obeyed says, instead restrained a Asura clan to defend strictly the nether world bloodshed not to go out. 想到这里即便以冥河老祖的道心也忍不住升起了几分庆幸,幸亏当初没有听从麾下所言,反而约束修罗一族紧守幽冥血海不曾外出。 Otherwise if initially while person clan potential weak time kills and person clan from the bloodshed seriously competes for the world lead, not to mention will receive the Heavenly Dao to push aside various Saint to suppress is impossible to gain the victory, can have the big enmity with the person clan, will unable to do well he himself suppressing by three sovereigns. 否则当初若是趁着人族势弱的时候当真从血海杀出和人族争夺天地主角的话,且不说会受到天道排挤诸圣打压不可能取得胜利,更会和人族结下大仇,搞不好就连他自己都会被三皇给镇压下去。 The person clan destiny does not fade, he only feared that is difficult the opportunity of withdrawing! 人族气运不衰,他只怕难有脱身之机! However quick, many of great antiquity camp big can because three emperors' tyrannical performance like, campaigns soaring kills toward the chaos god demon subordinate many powerhouses. 不过很快,洪荒阵营的诸多大能就因为三皇的强横表现而欢喜,一个个战役高昂的朝混沌神魔麾下诸多强者杀去。 Qin Feng is also one of them! 秦风也在其列! Truly speaking, saw that three sovereigns so display, in his heart is also joyful, as the member of person clan, the person the clan is stronger he naturally is happy. 说实在的,看到三皇如此表现,他心中也是欣喜不已,作为人族的一份子,人族越强他自然越是高兴。 If nothing else, to/clashes three sovereign so strengths, great antiquity ancestor several beginning of the universe sages, only if reaches the agreement, otherwise giving birth will not make other race replace person clans the thought of the world lead at will. 别的不说,就冲三皇如此实力,洪荒祖界的几位混元圣人除非达成共识,否则都不会随意生出让其他种族替换人族成为天地主角的念头。 At this time Qin Feng and Supreme Profound Old Ancestor wait/etc. did the powerhouse to kill to the powerhouse who the invasion comes, exposes the strength that feels to shock for great antiquity ancestor while the powerhouses of these invasions to kill one after another, best rout these fellows in one vigorous effort thoroughly. 此时秦风太玄老祖等一干强者杀向入侵而来的强者那边,趁着这些入侵的强者为洪荒祖界接连展露的实力而感到震撼的时候强杀过去,最好一鼓作气彻底击溃这些家伙。 Demon ancestor Rāhu they have not expected the great antiquity really also to have the powerhouse to contend with them, although about three people of strength, but can achieve to block the situation that the wicked old ancestor even can also slightly be in the upper hand, makes them feel that sufficiently shocked. 魔祖罗睺他们也没有料到洪荒这边竟然还有强者能够跟他们抗衡,虽然是合三人之力,但能够做到拦下无道老祖甚至还能略占上风的地步,就足以让他们感到震撼了。 The most important thing is, beginning of the universe boundary powerhouses of that moment both sides when the Mother Earth empress comes to are impartial, they place in the middle of sidereal revolution star Great Formation are impeded, reviewing great antiquity various Saints can actually draw support from this Great Formation to be handy, now three sovereigns come to divert the wicked old ancestor, immediately made the chaos god demon be short of a beginning of the universe big energy. 最重要的是,当后土娘娘现身的那一刻双方的混元境强者就已经持平,他们又身处于周天星斗大阵当中本就受到掣肘,反观洪荒诸圣却能借助这座大阵得心应手,如今三皇现身牵制住无道老祖,顿时就让混沌神魔这边少了一尊混元大能。 Originally makes them facing various Saints somewhat timid and hesitant under the suppression of sidereal revolution star Great Formation, now the opposite party has a beginning of the universe sage compared with one's own side, this turned around the situation immediately, making several chaos god demons feel that the situation is not wonderful. 本就在周天星斗大阵的压制下让他们面对诸圣有些束手束脚,如今对方又比己方多出了一尊混元圣人,这顿时就扭转了战局,让几位混沌神魔感到情况不妙。 Moreover this time great antiquity various outstandingly skilled sections are uneven, the strength compared with was stronger previously a section, again also no longer previously by the scene that they drove back. 而且此时的洪荒诸圣手段齐出,战力比起先前更强一截,再也不复早先被他们逼退的景象。 Especially the exceedingly high founder, murders the strength only to fear must excel by far various Saint, facing strength tyrannical incomparable magic strange Rāhu, not only does not fall slightly leeward, instead fiercely competes and successfully competes under the assistance of sidereal revolution star Great Formation, evolved the swordsmanship world gradually to suppress the Rāhu momentum with azure duckweed sword unexpectedly. 尤其是通天教主,杀伐战力之强只怕还要冠绝诸圣,面对实力强横无比魔法诡异的罗睺非但不落丝毫下风,反而在周天星斗大阵的辅佐下越战越勇,以青萍剑演化剑道世界竟然逐渐压制住了罗睺的势头。 Although was unable to win, but he evolves a side world to siege scene by the sword air/Qi demon ancestor Rāhu, is actually in the innumerable powerhouse hearts that look at palpitates, one's heart rushes toward one's destination that many swordsmanship powerhouses look. 虽然还无法获胜,但他以剑气演化一方世界将魔祖罗睺围困其中的景象,却是看的无数强者心中悸动,更有诸多剑道强者看的心驰神往。 The exceedingly high founder is a sage, magic arts are exceedingly high, the method of meeting are innumerable, naturally is not the trivial swordsmanship can the carrying/sustaining, but this founder draws support from azure duckweed sword to evolve the method of swordsmanship world merely, actually demonstrated a swordsmanship future cultivation direction to the innumerable sword immortals. 通天教主乃是圣人,一身道法通天,所会的手段无数,当然不是区区剑道所能承载,不过这位教主仅仅只是借助青萍剑演化剑道世界的手段,却是给无数剑仙展示了一种剑道未来的修行方向。 However is most intense, is actually that side the Nüwa empress and Mother Earth empress. 不过最为激烈的,却是女娲娘娘和后土娘娘那边。 At this time these two empresses are besieging the Yin-Yang old ancestor jointly. 此时这两位娘娘正联手围攻阴阳老祖。 The Yin-Yang old ancestor's strength is nothing less, waves to evolve the Yin-Yang, rocks can decide the life and death, even he can transform in the life and death, the contact in the Yin-Yang, avoids the sure-kills of two empresses by this, contends with the magic arts of two empresses by the tyrannical Yin-Yang technique. 阴阳老祖的实力不可谓不强,挥手间就能演化阴阳,晃动间就能决定生死,甚至就连他自身都能在生死之间转换,在阴阳之中往来,以此躲避两位娘娘的绝杀,以强横的阴阳术抗衡两位娘娘的道法。 But quick, the Yin-Yang old ancestor changed the complexion. 可是很快,阴阳老祖就变了脸色。 Because the Nüwa empress most excels at the say/way of good fortune life, this empress once the good fortune person clan resulted in the Heavenly Dao to lower not good merit, but proves saying that thus it can be seen her good fortune life on attainments how are together tyrannical. 因为女娲娘娘最擅造化生命之道,这位娘娘曾经造化人族得天道降下无良功德而证道,由此可见她的造化生命一道上的造诣何其强横。 But the Mother Earth empress most excels is actually six samsara, controls the law of all living things life and death transformation! 而后土娘娘最擅长的却是六道轮回,掌控众生生死转变之法! These two empresses, restrained the life and death transformation of Yin-Yang old ancestor jointly immediately, aimed at his Yin-Yang metaplasia! 这两位娘娘联手下,顿时就克制住了阴阳老祖的生死转变,针对了他的阴阳化生! The Yin-Yang old ancestor by an enemy two is not an opponent, now is also restrained the method by them, Yin-Yang life and death Great Dao of that countless changes somewhat was immediately chaotic, no longer previously transformed at will with no trace. 阴阳老祖以一敌二本就不是对手,如今还被她们克制了手段,顿时那变化无穷的阴阳生死大道就有些混乱了起来,不复先前随意转变不留痕迹。 Let alone he while contending with two empress joint attacks must guard against the diversion of sidereal revolution star Great Formation, has to divert attention he to attend, so several double-hour, the Yin-Yang old ancestor reveals the weak sign. 何况他在抗衡两位娘娘联手进攻的同时还得提防周天星斗大阵的牵制,不得不分心他顾,如此不过数个时辰,阴阳老祖就流露出不支的迹象。 Another side nightmare old ancestor wants to help actually, may receive and instruct the Buddha to change to the huge golden body immovability, how whatever the strength of his nightmare seduced actually cannot do to this mental firm and resolute to the pinnacle Buddha, instead displayed endless Fokuang to evolve India, fettered the strength of nightmare in the Buddha home was the nightmare old ancestor is hard to make the support. 另一边的梦魇老祖倒是想来帮忙,可接引佛祖化作庞大金身不动如山,任由他的梦魇之力如何诱惑却也奈何不得这位心智坚毅到了极致的佛祖,反而施展无尽佛光演化佛国,将梦魇之力束缚在佛国内是的梦魇老祖难以做出支援。 Hence, the discerning person understood at a glance that today's fight great antiquity ancestor definitely aims at early, otherwise the battlefield will not appear absolutely to the great antiquity so advantage. 至此,明眼人一看就知道今日的战斗洪荒祖界这边肯定早有针对,否则战场绝对不会出现对洪荒如此有利的一面。 Three sovereigns jointly by the fire of suppression wicked old ancestor's ordered person clan civilization chaotic disorder, are the Nüwa empress by good fortune life Great Dao and Mother Earth empress the life and death Yin-Yang principles of six samsara Great Dao restraint Yin-Yang old ancestors', absolutely is early deliberate! 无论是三皇联手以有序的人族文明之火镇压无道老祖的混乱无序,还是女娲娘娘以造化生命大道和后土娘娘的六道轮回大道克制阴阳老祖的生死阴阳法则,都绝对是早有预谋! Otherwise if changed other opponents, three sovereigns are both empresses are impossible to have such advantage. 否则若是换了其他对手,无论是三皇还是两位娘娘都不可能占据如此优势。 As for several other great antiquity sages, although is unable to restrain the opponent, but the remote antiquity founder or Yuan Shi Tian Zun, that may be tyrannical incomparable existence, in especially their hands the treasure are all innumerable, have second primal chaos and Pangu streamers great antiquity three big most precious object in hand, by having strength, even if can be the top position in various Saints, can still get the winning side under the assistance of sidereal revolution star Great Formation! 至于其余几位洪荒圣人虽然无法克制对手,但无论是太上教主还是元始天尊,那可都是强横无比的存在,尤其他们手中全都宝物无数,更有洪荒三大至宝之二的太极图和盘古幡在手,论起战力即便是在诸圣当中都能排在前列,在周天星斗大阵的辅佐下也都能占据上风! Then, a chaos Demon God side gradually falls leeward. 如此一来,混沌魔神一方逐渐落入下风。 Especially the Yin-Yang old ancestor, is aggrieved incomparable, world Great Dao promoted and constrained mutually, such as his Yin-Yang Great Dao can complement one another general, now was restrained the method by two empresses, the time one from a long-range point of view naturally is not an opponent, was gradually scattered outside the body to protect the body god by two empresses light/only, washed out the Innate Yin-Yang two air/Qi, injured the unsurpassed say/way body. 尤其是阴阳老祖,更是憋屈无比,世间大道本就相生相克,就如他的阴阳大道能够相辅相成一般,如今被两位娘娘克制了手段,时间一从长自然不是对手,逐渐被两位娘娘打散了身外护体神光,冲散了先天阴阳二气,伤到了无上道体。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” The Yin-Yang old ancestor angry under drinks one severely: Rāhu, the nightmare, you are still rubbing gently anything, hurries to break sidereal revolution star Great Formation the strength, then comes the help!” 阴阳老祖恼怒下厉喝一声:“罗睺,梦魇,你们还在磨蹭什么,赶紧加把力将周天星斗大阵打破,然后过来帮忙!” Under worrying is actually the face of beginning of the universe powerhouse does not attend to opens the mouth to seek help directly. 着急之下却是连混元强者的脸面都不顾了直接开口求助。 Although he is the beginning of the universe powerhouse who all generations do not extinguish, but will not extinguish does not represent will not cause heavy losses! 他虽然是万劫不灭的混元强者,但不灭并不代表不会遭到重创! If by some chance were damaged his unsurpassed say/way body by these two empresses, from now on has not known that wants many years to restore. 万一被这两位娘娘将他的无上道体损毁,今后还不知道要多少岁月才能修复回来。 If injured, if encounters the great antiquity beginning of the universe sage's suppression, he wants to withdraw to be possible from now on to be difficult. 如果只是受伤也还罢了,万一遭到洪荒混元圣人的镇压,那他今后再想脱身可就难了。 Therefore the Yin-Yang old ancestor has to draw back intent now, wants to evacuate, although this fights him to lose greatly, is destroyed by the powerhouse who the great antiquity sends out including the rear world, so long as he can evacuate, in the future will open a world also and that's the end. 所以阴阳老祖现在心生退意,想要撤离,虽然此战他损失巨大,连后方世界都被洪荒派出的强者摧毁,但只要他能撤离出去,日后重新开辟一座世界也就是了。 In any case they are the beginning of the universe powerhouses who all generations do not extinguish, even after this time defeated , still has has the opportunity to stage a comeback. 反正他们都是万劫不灭的混元强者,就算这次败了以后有也不是没有机会卷土重来。 Rāhu and other old ancestors of chaos god demon family backgrounds see the aspect already so disadvantageously, has to draw back intent, therefore when resisting the great antiquity various Via Sacra laws, will start more strengths to be used to shake the starry sky, will try to break sidereal revolution star Great Formation! 罗睺等几位混沌神魔出身的老祖见到局面已经如此不利,也都心生退意,于是在招架洪荒诸圣道法之余,开始将更多的力量用来撼动星空,试图打破周天星斗大阵 In fact is so long after more than ten beginning of the universe powerhouse battles, sidereal revolution star Great Formation has presented the weak sign. 事实上经过十几尊混元强者争斗这么久,周天星斗大阵的已经呈现出不支的迹象。 However even if so, controls sidereal revolution star Great Formation that to fight female immortal has not given up the meaning of formation as before, reassignment Great Formation might that even does not hesitate to consume, even if exhausts Zhou Tianxing strength still to suppress these chaos god demons as far as possible! 不过即便如此,掌控周天星斗大阵的那为斗姆元君依旧没有丝毫放弃阵法的意思,甚至不惜消耗的调动大阵威力,哪怕耗尽周天星力也要尽可能的压制这几位混沌神魔! 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