WAO :: Volume #10

#975: ……

Very strange. 很奇怪。 The situation is not quite right. 情况不太对。 Soul Whistler sizes up Dog of End, the doubts in heart is seething unceasingly. 灵魂尖啸者打量着报终之犬,心中的疑惑不断翻腾。 Before combat, this Black Dog body is flooding ancient and powerful Strength of Death. 之前战斗之时,这头黑犬身上充斥着古老而强大的死亡之力 But now, Black Dog body including Strength of Death not to emerge. 可是现在,黑犬身上连一丝死亡之力都没有涌现出来。 What is this fellow actually thinking? 这家伙到底在想什么? Soul Whistler is gazing at the opposite party, recalled seven big Divine Temple pasts. 灵魂尖啸者注视着对方,回忆起七大神殿的过去。 Had been through repeatedly age's to transform and innumerable wind and frost, seven big Divine Temple have become the empty shell, came from Abyss's exist(ence) to operate, then controlled entire Vying for Hegemony Region. 历经了时代的转换和无数的风霜,七大神殿早已成为空壳,被来自深渊的存在操纵着,进而控制整个争霸区 Demi-God that in these Divine Temple remains, never have any comment. 那些神殿之中剩下来的半神们,对此从来都没有任何意见。 Even to survive, they will choose to obey with the coordination generally. 甚至为了生存,它们一般都会选择服从跟配合。 But now, at this moment, Divine Temple of Death Dog of End unexpectedly awakened Strength of Death God. 可是现在,就在此刻,死亡神殿报终之犬竟然觉醒了死神之力 It extinguished own to attack continually twice. 它一连消弭了自己的两次攻击。 The alert in Soul Whistler heart is getting deeper and deeper. 灵魂尖啸者心中的戒备越来越深。 It seems like you have become the enemy who is worth me seriously treating.” The Soul Whistler male voice said. “看来你已经成为值得我认真对待的敌人。”灵魂尖啸者的男声说道。 Its female voice sends out screamed resoundingly: Makes us fight to the death, makes age choose, actually its leader can be stale Spiritual God before remote past, Chaos that boils vastly!” 紧接着,它的女声发出高亢尖叫:“让我们决一死战吧,就让时代来选择,究竟它的主导者会是陈腐于久远年代之前的神灵,还是浩瀚而沸腾的混乱!” Soul Whistler stares at Black Dog stubbornly, the body imposing manner is gradually increasing. 灵魂尖啸者死死盯着黑犬,身上气势逐渐攀升。 It prepared to fight tooth and nail! 它准备搏命了! However, making Soul Whistler feel that what is strange, with increasing of oneself body imposing manner, the opposite that Black Dog tail clip is tighter. 但是,让灵魂尖啸者感到奇怪的是,随着自己身上气势的攀升,对面那头黑犬的尾巴越夹越紧。 It seems like it is also preparing for final preying. 看来它也在为最后的搏杀做准备。 Soul Whistler shows the fierce smile gradually. 灵魂尖啸者渐渐露出狰狞笑容。 Very good, come, making us fight crazily! 很好,来吧,让我们疯狂的战一场! Change on its attitude is understood clearly by Black Dog immediately. 它态度上的变化立刻被黑犬洞悉。 Black Dog grins, reveals the mouthful sharp tooth: „, Makes me tell you, god spirit strength is you may not resist with all one's strength.” 黑犬咧开嘴,露出满嘴锋利牙齿:“也罢,就让我来告诉你,神灵的力量是你根本不可力敌的。” It made the potential of attack. 它作出了攻击之势。 Soul Whistler recalled before twice battles, very carefully exhibits a defensive. 灵魂尖啸者回想起之前的两次争斗,不由小心翼翼的摆出一个守势。 It seems like feels to shame angry about oneself this response, Soul Whistler roared loudly: Death is unable to prevent my path, you cannot achieve this point!” 紧接着,似乎是对自己这种反应感到羞恼,灵魂尖啸者放声咆哮道:“死亡无法阻挡我的道路,你也不能做到这一点!” Its starting to walk stride, goes toward Black Dog running. 它迈开大步,朝着黑犬奔行而去。 Black Dog sees that suddenly loudly shouts: 黑犬见状,突然大喝一声: Slow!” “慢!” Soul Whistler does not know that had anything, lives slightly. 灵魂尖啸者不知道发生了什么,略略顿住。 Black Dog is staring at it, said bitterly: „When despicable fellow, unexpectedly when with I fight a decisive battle, sends people to destroy our Divine Temple!” 黑犬盯着它,恨恨的说:“卑鄙的家伙,竟然在跟我决战之际,派人破坏了我们的神殿!” Soul Whistler is startled. 灵魂尖啸者一怔。 The Black Dog anger shouted: Soul Whistler, you are not a true soldier, you are finding the way to drive away me!” 黑犬怒喝道:“灵魂尖啸者,你不是一个真正的战士,你在想办法赶走我!” Then, its figure rapid contraction, turns into a Black Dog appearance. 说完,它身形迅速收缩,变成一头黑犬的模样。 Black Dog does not stay, hurriedly hurries to the Vying for Hegemony Region direction. 黑犬毫不停留,急匆匆的朝着争霸区的方向赶去。 Its speed is fast, like putting together completely full strength to hurry along. 它的速度非常快,就像在拼尽全力赶路。 It seems like, it sharply seems to be going back to save Divine Temple. 看上去,它似乎急着回去拯救神殿 several breaths the time. 数息功夫。 Black Dog goes was far. 黑犬就去的远了。 Soul Whistler stood was being startled several breaths same place. 灵魂尖啸者站在原地怔了数息。 What situation is this? 这是什么情况? I...... the sect person has not destroyed Divine Temple of Death specially...... 我……没有专门派人破坏死亡神殿啊…… It just about to takes a step to pursue, stops immediately. 它刚要举步追赶,又立刻停下。 Do I pursue it to do? 我追它干什么? Pursues to fight one, to waste my time? 追上去打一架,岂不是浪费我的时间 Divine Temple of Death what happened, what relations also has with me? 死亡神殿发生了什么事,跟我又有什么关系? Soul Whistler tastes slowly. 灵魂尖啸者慢慢回过味来。 It has turned around, looks to the strange region direction. 它转过身,望向奇异区的方向。 Now, no one keeps off before it again. 现在,再也没有什么人挡在它面前。 Delayed too long time, must pick up the speed!” “耽搁了太长的时间,现在要加快速度!” Soul Whistler muttered. 灵魂尖啸者喃喃道。 Roar- 吼- Vibrates during the response of Void, the shadow that endures compared with the huge galaxy flies to it side gradually. 震动虚空的回应之中,一个堪比庞大星系的阴影渐渐飞至它身边。 Abyss Behemoth. 深渊巨兽 Its speed is in Abyss is fastest, can span several world one time. 它的速度是深渊之中最快的,一次就可以跨越好几个世界。 Soul Whistler jumps onto the back of Abyss Behemoth, departs from this piece of Void Chaotic Flow rapidly. 灵魂尖啸者跃上深渊巨兽的背,迅速从这一片虚空乱流之中离去。 Black Dog in the opposite direction, runs counter. 黑犬朝着相反的方向,背道而驰。 Waits for it to detect that Soul Whistler has not pursued, but picks up the speed to depart, this long loosen in a single breath. 等它察觉到灵魂尖啸者并没有追赶来,而是加快速度离去,这才长松了一口气 This fact was too dangerous, fortunately oneself had not been eaten finally. 这件事实在是太危险了,所幸自己终于没有被吃掉。 Snort, stupid, finally escaped by me a life.” “哼,愚蠢,最终还是被我逃了一命。” Black Dog cold sound said. 黑犬冷声道。 Its tail raises high, toward two sides cheerful swinging. 它的尾巴高高扬起,朝两边欢快的摆动起来。 Why does not know, tail suddenly stop. 不知为何,尾巴忽而又停住 Black Dog sighed, mutters: Oh, I can do also only had these, hopes that Anna they can succeed.” 黑犬叹了口气,喃喃道:“唉,我能做的也只有这些了,希望安娜她们能成功。” ...... …… Let time back up slightly. 时间稍稍倒退。 Bramble Kingdom. 荆棘王国 Imperial palace. 皇宫。 In some spacious room. 某个宽敞的房间内。 A man opens eyes, sat from the bed. 一名男子睁开眼,从床上坐了起来。 He silent a while. 他默了一会儿。 „The body wound had been processed......” 身上的伤都被处理过……” It seems like at the last minute, some people saved me.” “看来在最后一刻,有人救了我。” The men get down again but actually, both hands pillow behind, said in a very awkward tone: My such exist(ence), was rescued unexpectedly...... really harms the face countenance.” 男子重新倒下去,双手枕在头后面,以一种十分为难的语气说道:“我这样的存在,居然被人搭救了……实在是有损颜面。” „- Killed this to save my person, found the way to repay him?” “-到底是杀了这个救我的人,还是想办法报答他呢?” Really is awkward.” “真是为难啊。” Male whispering several, smelled fragrance gradually. 男子呢喃了几句,渐渐闻到了一股香气。 He suddenly discovered that oneself was hungry. 他忽然发现自己饿了。 The men set out, get out of bed, size up all around. 男子起身,下了床,打量四周。 The rug is soft and magnificent and expensive, when the foot touches, immediately has the life aura slightly by the sole biography to all the limbs and bones. 地毯柔软而华贵,当脚触上去,立刻就有微微的生命气息透过脚底传向四肢百骸。 The opposite of bed, a long table that on is built by the pure gold, sumptuous food braves the steam, suspends brim full. 床的对面,一张由纯黄金打造的长桌上,丰盛的食物冒着热气,摆得满满当当 In the corner of long table, is putting two black picture frame eyeglasses, below is pressing letter paper. 在长桌的一角,放着两副黑色镜框眼镜,下面压着一张信笺。 The men walk, pulls out the letter paper, looked. 男子走过去,将信笺抽出来,看了看。 Above sees only writes: 只见上面写着: Your eyeglasses have damaged, we gave you to compound one according to the similar proportion, although the material quality was somewhat different, but the effect was the same, hopes that do not mind.” “你的眼镜已经破损,我们按照同样的比例给你配制了一副,虽然材质有些不同,但效果是一样的,希望你不要介意。” Your wound is very heavy, please well rest, if there is any need, only need swing the bell on table, will have the servant to come to obey your instruction.” “你的伤很重,请好好休息吧,假如有什么需要,只需摇一摇桌子上的铃铛,就会有佣人前来听从你的吩咐。” The men put down the letter paper, takes up black frame eyeglasses. 男子放下信笺,拿起一副黑框眼镜。 This is his original(ly) that not only the lens disruption, the frame has also twisted. 这个是他原本的那一副,不仅镜片碎裂,框架也已扭曲。 This was oneself saw some people to wear the eyeglasses at that time, felt seemingly well, makes Demon Dragon buy one. 这是当时自己看见有人戴眼镜,感觉看上去不错,就让魔龙去买了一副。 Cannot think that shattered quickly. 想不到这么快就坏掉了。 The men take up another eyeglasses again. 男子再拿起另一副眼镜。 This is complete eyeglasses, its lithe, firm, clear and automatic dust removal, has both five element resistances. 这是一副完好的眼镜,它轻盈、坚固、清晰、自动除尘、还兼具五种元素抗性。 „......” “啧……” The men put on the black frame eyeglasses, sit before the table. 男子将黑框眼镜戴上,坐在桌子前。 Looks at a table delicacy delicacy, the man thought that the belly was hungrier. 看着一桌子珍馐美味,男子觉得肚子更饿了。 In brief, first eats meal, if thing is delicious, I did not kill you to be good.” “总之,先吃饭吧,如果东西好吃,我就不杀你们好了。” The men said, then starts to dine. 男子说完,便开始用餐。 From the beginning he eats is very slow, but in a while, he eats the thing speed like like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, sweeps clean each plate of food rapidly. 一开始他吃的很慢,但没过多久,他吃东西的速度就像风卷残云一样,迅速把每一盘食物扫光。 „...... Really is not delicious.” “唔……真是好吃。” „The energy that this crab contains is I needs.” “这个螃蟹所含的能量正是我需要的。” Well? Is this sea of stars lobster in legend? Previous Demon Dragon actually said money that we have insufficiently eats this, is really......” “咦?这就是传说中的星海龙虾吗?上次魔龙竟然说我们带的钱不够吃这个,真是……” Delicious delicious!” “好吃好吃!” The men often exude the murmur. 男子不时发出赞叹声。 Cracking a joke, here is 900 million the world's richest most and populous Country. 开玩笑,这里是九亿层世界最富庶的国度 This Country master is food of careful preparation, possibly how bad? 这个国度的主人所精心准备的食物,怎么可能差? The men finished eating food happily, but also is attempting black liquor that drank a meeting air bubble. 男子愉快的吃完了一顿饭,还尝试着喝了一种会气泡的黑色液体。 Hey, this black air/Qi soaks in water, how to drink to have a joyful mood?” “噫,这个黑色的气泡水,怎么喝下去会产生一种快乐的心情?” The men put down the cup with a smile. 男子笑着放下杯子。 This food makes him feel very satisfied. 这顿饭让他觉得很满意。 The men think, turned out a book in Void. 男子想了想,在虚空之中翻出了一本书。 „After my stupor .” The men said. “我昏迷之后。”男子说道。 The books open automatically. 书本自动打开。 The drawing is page after page lifelike, heaves in sight. 一页一页图画栩栩如生,映入眼帘。 All matters that the capture and dialogue between Ancient Bramble Tree of spaceship, Gu Qingshan and Laura as well as Lin wooden arm, as well as has later, demonstrate in the books. 木质手臂的抓取、荆棘古树飞船、顾青山萝拉以及琳之间的对话、以及随后发生的所有事,都显示在书本上。 The men are staring at Gu Qingshan, recalls anything. 男子盯着顾青山,回想起什么。 Book of Destiny once prompted me to find this person, cannot think that we can save with the rescued way meet.” 命运之书曾提示我来找这个人,想不到我们会以拯救和被救的方式相遇。” He was sighing slightly said. 他微微感叹着说道。 The page continues to change. 书页继续翻动。 The men look the situation in with great interest the page demonstrating, has seen last. 男子津津有味的看着书页上显示的情况,一直看到最后一张。 In that page draws Gu Qingshan and the others to go out of the room, prepares to mount the scene of ceremony stage. 那一张书页里画着顾青山等人走出房间,准备登上典礼台的情景。 In fact, when the man looks at this page, the ceremony in imperial palace also just conducts this step. 事实上,当男子看着这一页,皇宫之中的典礼也刚好进行到这一步。 Gu Qingshan and Zhang Yinghao disguise as the guard, got up the ceremony stage with Ye Feili together. 顾青山张英豪假扮成卫士,跟叶飞离一起上了典礼台。 The men receive the books, is stroking gently the chin. 男子收起书本,摩挲着下巴。 I lose too many strengths now, almost is only left over Book of Destiny.” “我现在失去了太多的力量,几乎只剩下命运之书。” That World Destroyer drink, approximately can restore my injury directly, although needs to drink, but has not compared this drink well.” “那个灭世者的饮料,大约能直接修复我的伤势,虽然需要喝很多,但没有比这个饮料更好的了。” Really is the satire, World Destroyer awakened helps others 's mystical-class ability unexpectedly specially- because of his own wish?” “真是讽刺,灭世者居然觉醒了专门帮助他人的神秘系能力-是因为他自己的心愿吗?” The men thought aloud. 男子自言自语道。 Suddenly, outside sky, broadcasts together the dignified sound: 突然,外面的天空中,传来一道威严的声音: Laura Queen, True God in Vying for Hegemony Region Divine Temple you are going to have an audience with.” 萝拉女王,真神正在争霸区神殿之中等你前去觐见。” God Race came. 神族们来了。 The men sit there ponder the moment, stands up slowly. 男子坐在那里沉思片刻,缓缓站起身。 His figure flashes, vanishes from the room. 身形一闪,从房间中消失。
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