WAO :: Volume #7

#690: The tribulation of hit

Sword wind ice cold. 剑风凌冽 yellow sand is binding the cutting off limb remnant arm, was always blown. 黄沙裹着断肢残臂,总被吹去。 Gu Qingshan received the sword, toward that big tree that is sending out the emerald green meaning said: Sorry, smeared your place.” 顾青山收了剑,朝着那颗散发着翠绿之意的大树道:“抱歉,把你的地方弄脏了。” The big tree humming sound said: Does not have the relations not to relate, this is the minor matter.” 大树嗡嗡道:“没关系没关系,这都是小事。” Gu Qingshan said with a smile: I walked.” 顾青山笑道:“那我走了。” Un, bye, can play again.” “恩,再会,有空的时候可以再来玩。” Good, bye.” “好的,再见。” Gu Qingshan soars again. 顾青山再次腾空而起。 He recognized the direction, flies toward the black market. 他辨识了方向,朝着黑市飞去。 These has not met anyone time finally again, he departs the tranquil boundary that the big tree covers quickly, figure submerges the billowing sandstorm. 这一次总算没有再遇上什么人,他很快就飞出大树笼罩的平静地界,身形没入滚滚风沙。 After he walks . 他走之后。 A small black scorpion jumps from the desert, makes whisper the sound to front big tree. 一只小黑蝎从沙漠中跳出来,冲着面前的大树发出叽叽咕咕的声音。 Before this is , when Gu Qingshan rest, observes his small scorpion secretly. 这正是之前顾青山休息时,偷偷观察他的那只小蝎子。 Big tree flexible about sways several, denied: Ok.” 大树灵活的左右摇晃几下,否定道:“算了。” Small black scorpion puzzled continued whisper several. 小黑蝎不解的继续叽咕了几声。 The big tree said: „, Because he is very polite, I like the polite person.” 大树道:“啊,因为他很有礼貌,我喜欢有礼貌的人。” Small black scorpion discontented chirp chirp two. 小黑蝎不满的叽叽了两声。 Big tree patient explanation: So, I also the first time am noticed incessantly can play smooth human both profession very much, such person is very rare, certainly has astonishing secret in body, we easily do not make this trouble.” 大树耐心的解释道:“不止如此,我也是第一次看到能把两个职业都玩得很溜的人类,这样的人很少见,一定有惊人的秘密身上,我们还是不要轻易去惹这种麻烦。” During the speeches, one pile of corpses appear quietly from the desert. 说话间,一堆尸体从沙漠中悄然浮现上来。 That more than ten people that Gu Qingshan just now massacres. 正是顾青山刚才杀掉的那十几人。 Besides corpse, a bottle gourd spirit spring. 除了尸体,还有一葫芦灵泉。 these also almost sufficed the dinner, pot spirit water that he delivered, did you look to be good?” The big tree said. 这些也差不多够晚餐了,还有他送的一壶灵水,你看行不行?”大树道。 The small black scorpion has a look at more than ten corpses, has a look at that bottle gourd spirit spring, still some do not want. 小黑蝎看看十几具尸体,又看看那一葫芦灵泉,依然有些不愿意。 It exudes whisper the sound that is unforgiving to the big tree. 它冲着大树发出不依不饶的叽叽咕咕声。 The big tree sighed, said: You that want to eat one freshly 大树叹了口气,道:“你就那么想吃一个新鲜的” Suddenly, on a corpse falls together the machine of twinkle red light. 突然,一具尸体上掉出来一块闪烁红光的机器。 The machine sends out rapidly DDD sound. 机器发出急促的“滴滴滴”响声。 The sound of big tree was broken. 大树的声音被打断。 It and small black scorpion were attracted by this machine. 它和小黑蝎都被这个机器吸引了。 The small black scorpion listened to a while, toward the big tree sends out the doubts chirp chirp sound. 小黑蝎听了一会儿,朝着大树发出疑惑的叽叽声。 „, Do not ask that I did not understand Technology-type thing, later you learned/studied the good words, can pursue advanced studies to understand actually.” The sound of big tree becomes agitated. “啊,别问了,我不懂科技侧东西,以后你学习好的话,倒是可以去深造了解一下。”大树的声音变得烦躁。 The machine of red light twinkle stopped suddenly. 红光闪烁的机器突然停了。 During quick, far was spatial presented dozens black dot. 很快,远空之中出现了数十个黑点 these black dot flies at the extremely quick speed, falls before that more than ten corpses. 这些黑点以极快的速度飞来,落在那十几具尸体前。 Boss, found the place, what a pity the small wisdom they had been massacred.” A person reported the report. 老大,找到地方了,可惜小智他们都已经被杀掉。”一人禀报道。 Before I also think that is the life monitor has problems, now looks like, originally really some people dare to kill our people.” Boss gloomy the face was saying. “之前我还以为是生命监测仪出了问题,现在看来,原来真的有人敢杀我们的人。”老大阴沉着脸说道。 One crowd of person body are sending out the thick malignant influences. 一群人身上散发着浓浓的煞气。 They found that to dare eagerly with the fellow who they resist. 他们急于找到那个敢与他们对抗的家伙。 Old Nine, you have a look.” Boss told. 老九,你去看看。”老大吩咐道。 Yes.” “是。” In one group of people, the figure short and small fellow walks to go forward, digs up drawing from the corpse another miniature machine. 一群人中,有一个身形矮小的家伙走上前,从尸体中扒拉出来另一个微型机器。 Also does not know how he operated, this miniature machine was started. 也不知他怎么操作了下,这个微型机器就被启动了。 Before matter of changed to together the clear light shadow immediately, appeared before everyone. 之前发生的事情顿时化作一道清晰的光影,出现在所有人面前。 From the meet, to finally, a Gu Qingshan sword killed these more than ten to help the numerous. 从相遇开始,一直到最后,顾青山一剑杀了这十几名帮众。 Everyone silently looked at the entire process. 大家默默的把整个过程看完了。 Bastard, although we come Grey-hand World shortly, but is not such trash can bully!” Some person of indignant say/way. “混蛋,虽然我们来灰手世界没多久,可也不是一个这样的垃圾能欺负的!”有人激愤的道。 Right.” “没错。” Very much so.” “正是如此。” If makes one know that we come for two days, died more than ten people, to make these influences laugh aloud?” “假如让人知道我们才来两天,就死了十几个人,岂不是让那些势力笑掉大牙?” Right!” “对!” Saw that everyone one after another should with, Boss nod. 眼看大家纷纷应和,老大点了点头。 He said: „The goal of that boy is the black market, our a while catches up, massacres him!” 他说道:“那个小子的目标是黑市,我们一会儿就赶上去,杀掉他!” His Sword Technique is a little strange, everyone guards carefully.” “他的剑术有点诡异,大家小心防范。” Now, draws in the corpse immediately, then prepares set off!” “现在,立刻收拢尸体,然后准备出发!” Yes!” The people should loudly. “是!”众人轰然而应。 They are tidying up the body of companion fast. 他们快速的收拾着同伴的尸体。 The small black scorpion looks that the these person received the corpse, immediately is not dry. 小黑蝎看着这些人把尸体都收了起来,立刻不干了。 these may be its food! 这些可都是它的食物! The small black scorpion rushes, whisper was calling to the these person. 小黑蝎冲上去,对着这些人叽叽咕咕的叫了起来。 Its appearance, immediately brings to the attention of these people. 它的出现,立刻引起了那些人的注意。 In the desert has sand Xie and so on lifeform, is very normal matter. 沙漠之中有一只沙蝎之类的生物,是很正常的事。 Therefore from the beginning everyone has not paid attention. 所以一开始大家都没理会。 However now, such a small gadget dares to stop everyone to draw in the corpse unexpectedly. 但是现在,这么一个小玩意儿竟然敢阻拦大家收拢尸体。 Looks at like this, did it regard the dinner the these corpse? 看这样子,它是把这些尸体当成了晚餐? Bastards...... 混蛋…… Most approaches its person to walk to go forward, lifts the foot to stamp this small thing. 一个最靠近它的人走上前,抬脚就要踩死这个小东西 This person just lifted starts, immediately falls down. 这个人刚抬起脚,立刻倒在地上。 Un? 恩? What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Others immediately vigilant looks. 其他人立刻警觉的望过来。 They discover immediately, this companion has died. 他们立刻发现,这个同伴已经死了。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” Responded that the quick person called out immediately. 反应快的人立刻叫道。 Dozens people all take out the weapon, exhibits the combat battle formation. 几十人全部取出兵器,摆出战斗阵势。 All around they observe carefully. 他们小心的观察四周。 Then all falls down. 然后全都倒在地上。 The people, died. 人,都死了。 In nihility, an abundant sight of green appear gradually. 虚无之中,一片盎然绿意渐渐浮现。 The quiet green light ray, flies from dozens fresh corpses, falls on the big tree again. 幽绿的淡淡光芒,从数十具新鲜尸体上飞起来,再次落在大树上。 The big tree even more appears the green desire to drop. 大树愈发显得苍翠欲滴。 Saw with own eyes that the these person cannot carry off food, instead turned into fresh food, the small black scorpion happy even/including combination gets up. 眼见这些人没能带走食物,反而变成了新鲜的食物,小黑蝎高兴的连连跳起来。 It to the big tree sends out excitedly whisper the sound. 它冲着大树发出兴奋的叽叽咕咕声。 The big tree humming sound said: Yes, the dinner is very sumptuous, tomorrow's day of food also enough, then you should satisfy, my son.” 大树嗡嗡道:“是的,晚餐很丰盛,明天一天的食物也够了,这下你该满意了吧,我的儿子。” The small scorpion nods. 小蝎子点了点头。 This is good.” Big tree gratified say/way. “这就好。”大树欣慰的道。 With its words, all corpses fall into drifting sand, vanishes does not see. 伴随着它的话语,所有尸体陷入流沙之中,消失不见。 The desert of big piece starts the violent vibration. 大片的沙漠开始猛烈的震动起来。 drifting sand toward diverges in all directions. 流沙朝四面八方散去。 The area has medium city that big black land to stick out fully high, reveals its outline. 面积足有一个中型城市那么大的黑色土地高高隆起,显露出它的轮廓。 This black lands 这片黑色的土地 No, this is not the land, this is highly hard black chitin incrustation! 不,这不是土地,这是高度坚硬的黑色几丁质硬皮! The natural evil texture crawled this almost not to look at the incrustation of boundary completely. 天然的邪恶纹理爬满了这张几乎望不到边际的硬皮。 Through the texture of this nature production, that dreadful ominous severe aura hidden thoroughly, has not divulged. 通过这种自然生成的纹理,那滔天的凶厉气息被隐藏的干干净净,一丝都不曾泄露出来。 Also crossed several breaths, its figure reveals finally thoroughly from drifting sand. 又过了数息,它的身形终于彻底从流沙之中显露出来。 This is one has city huge body Black Scorpion fully! 这是一只足有城市般庞大身躯黑蝎子 It is all over the body jet black, is seemingly terrorist and inconceivable. 它通体漆黑,看上去恐怖而不可思议。 Although its static lying there, has not moved, but believes that any sees its person, the heartbeat will cannot help but stop a racket. 虽然它静静的趴在那里,并没有怎么动,但相信任何看到它的人,心跳都会不由自主的停一拍。 This is the fear of life individual to the Death omen, came from the instinct , without to avoid. 这是生命个体对死亡预兆的恐惧,来自于天性,无可躲避。 body of entire only great scorpion, is only not the black place, is that spooky green glow. 整只巨蝎的身上,唯一不是黑色的地方,便是那一点幽幽绿芒。 That green, fills vitality big tree that can resist the boundless sandstorm. 那颗苍翠的、充满生命力的、能抵御无边风沙的大树。 The tree is not the tree, it is the fatal tail thorn of scorpion. 树也不是树,它是蝎子的致命尾刺。 Entire Drifting Sand World, perhaps again not compared with this tail thorn fatal sharp weapon! 整个流沙世界,恐怕再没有比这根尾刺更为致命的利器了! Goes home, we also played enough, do not let mother wait for a long time.” “回家吧,我们也玩够了,别让妈妈久等。” The giant black scorpion humming sound said. 巨型黑蝎嗡嗡说道。 Sound that this sound, the big tree made before. 这声音,正是之前大树所发出的声音。 The small black scorpion chirp chirp called two, seems setting some request. 小黑蝎叽叽叫了两声,似乎在提出某种要求。 Good, your small glutton, first eats a between-meal snack to you.” The giant black scorpion has the happy expression to say. “好吧,你这个小馋鬼,先给你吃点零食。”巨型黑蝎带着笑意道。 Its conducting the back, suddenly presented a corpse. 它的背上,突然出现了一具尸体。 The small scorpion carefully looked. 小蝎子仔细看了看。 Before this is, wants to step on its person. 这正是之前想要踩它的那个人。 The face of small scorpion satisfied climbing up corpse. 小蝎子满意的爬上尸体的脸。 It started to eat food. 它开始进食了。 The city giant black scorpion, starts slowly in desert move in. 城市般巨大的黑色蝎子,开始缓慢的在沙漠中移动了起来。 „Does that departing person, you also want to eat him?” Giant Black Scorpion asked. “那个离去的人,你还想吃他吗?”巨型黑蝎子问道。 The small scorpion is busy eating thing, only about the rapid uphold tail thorn sways, referred to oneself front food. 小蝎子忙着吃东西,只飞速的抬起尾刺左右摇晃,又指了指自己面前的食物。 Un, this was right, these did not speak the polite person actually to eat casually, because they working as food, actually did not have other use.” Giant black scorpion satisfied say/way. “恩,这就对了,这些不讲礼貌的人倒是可以随便吃,因为他们除了当食物之外,其实也没有别的用途。”巨型黑蝎满意的道。 Chirp chirp?” Gaining ground of small scorpion doubts, asked. “叽叽?”小蝎子疑惑的抬头,问道。 Giant Black Scorpion is teaching the own bloodlines: Politeness is important , because in trillion worlds, it is representing to the unknown awe, is representing the Apocalypse age's individual demeanor, therefore you must be a polite little fellow, this seems has the family education.” 巨型黑蝎子敦敦教诲着自己的血脉:“礼貌之所以重要,是因为在亿万世界之中,它代表着对未知的敬畏,更代表着末日时代的个人风度,所以你也要做一个有礼貌的小家伙,这样才显得有家教。” Chirp.” “叽。” complied that the small scorpion appears to understand but not really understand. 小蝎子似懂非懂的应了一声 They gradually go was far. 它们逐渐去的远了。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 Gu Qingshan flies in the midair, suddenly is thrown into confusion falls. 顾青山飞在半空中,突然手忙脚乱的落下去。 He did not even hesitate to consume spirit stones, arranged Defensive Array, Warning Array and Concealment Array layer upon layer, to counter-attack array and gathering spirit array. 他甚至不惜耗费了一笔灵石,布置了层层的防御法阵警戒法阵隐匿法阵、反击法阵聚灵法阵 This is big expenses. 这是一笔不小的开销。 However Gu Qingshan must spend these spirit stones. 但是顾青山必须花费这些灵石 Because his body spirit power enters the suddenly rising condition that is unable to suppress, must forewarn and protect oneself with array. 因为他身上灵力进入了无法抑制的暴涨状态,必须用法阵来预警和保护自己 This means a matter 这意味着一件事 Does not have the indication, second Life Tribulation finished. 毫无征兆的,第二次命劫就这么结束了。 At this moment, Gu Qingshan is in advanced Thousand Tribulations Late Stage realm. 此刻,顾青山正在进阶千劫后期境界
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