WAO :: Volume #7

#689: drifting sand and sword( 4000 character section Bu seventh night of the seventh lunar month number of words, love you greatly!)

Gu Qingshan stood in same place, silent the moment. 顾青山站在原地,默了片刻。 He pinched a secret art, gathers all around yellow sand, covers on the divinity frost congealing crystal. 他捏了个诀,将四周的黄沙聚拢过来,重新覆盖在神性冰霜凝晶上。 Then pats storage bag, takes out side array disk. 然后再一拍储物袋,取出一方阵盘 Gu Qingshan both hands link on array disk speedily. 顾青山双手在阵盘上疾速连点。 Soon then has the lines after lines of miraculous glow to brave from array disk. 很快便有一道道灵光从阵盘上冒出来。 Is centered on the divinity frost congealing crystal, various large-scale Concealment Array launch layer upon layer. 神性冰霜凝晶为中心,各种大型隐匿法阵层层展开。 A Gu Qingshan slightly thinking , the arrangement single layer small-scale Transmission Array as the matter stands, he can from the other places of this world, return to here. 顾青山略一思索,又布置下了一重小型传送法阵这样一来,他就可以从这个世界的其他地方,回到这里。 Completes all these, he receives array disk. 做完这一切,他收起阵盘 Ok, although these array what too major role, but the good and evil also gathered entire 17 Concealment Array, can cover divine crystal slightly. 行了,这些法阵虽然起不了什么太大的作用,但好歹也汇聚了整整十七种隐匿法阵,可以稍稍遮挡一下神晶 Then, if wants the means to cure Yun Ji. 接下来,就要想办法治愈云姬了。 According to Wang Cheng memory, here is Grey-hand World, is the Vying for Hegemony Region black market ranked the 11 th. 按照王成记忆,这里是灰手世界,也是争霸区排名第11的黑市。 Although Wang Cheng half a lifetime stays on the spaceship, no experience, does not hate to spend what money, but at least he knows that the black market is what kind of liveliness, knows that in the black market has various strange thing. 虽然王成半辈子都呆在飞船上,没什么见识,也舍不得花什么钱,但至少他知道黑市是何等的繁华,知道黑市之中有着各种稀奇古怪的东西 The entire Vying for Hegemony Region 200 million world, were born innumerable Civilization, innumerable expert, but also has various rich resources and strange treasures. 整个争霸区的两亿层世界,诞生了无数文明,无数强者,还有着各种丰富的资源和奇异宝物。 But black market place, does not accept levying taxes of any Country and Civilization, all transactions here are protected by black market master. 而黑市这种地方,不接受任何国度文明的抽税,在这里的一切交易都受到黑市主人的保护。 The master of black market is very often intelligent, they only gather the little service costs. 黑市的主人往往都很聪明,他们只收取少许的服务费用。 Therefore these by guest from all walks of life the astonishing profit moves, naturally comes in swarms. 所以那些被惊人利润打动的各界来客,自然是蜂拥而至。 In the black market, will perhaps have some knowledge and information, can help Gu Qingshan understand how to cure Overlord Level expert. 黑市之中,兴许还会有一些知识和情报,能帮助顾青山了解如何去治愈霸主级强者 Therefore now the best choice, is goes to the black market to have a look. 所以现在最好的选择,就是去黑市看看。 The Gu Qingshan idea has decided that then no longer hesitant. 顾青山主意已定,便不再犹豫。 He takes out grain of spirit medicine, including in mouth 他取出一粒灵丹,含在口中 This world is quite vast, even by his Thousand Tribulations Middle Stage cultivation base, still needs long and difficult trek to arrive in the black market. 这个世界相当辽阔,就算是以他千劫中期修为,也需要长途跋涉才可以抵达黑市。 All are ready. 一切准备就绪。 Gu Qingshan rushes to the sky, changes to stream of light, flies toward the distant place. 顾青山冲上天空,化作一道流光,朝着远方飞去。 ...... …… Grey-hand World. 灰手世界 In upper air. 高空上。 Sandstorm everywhere. 风沙漫天。 In the whole world deep sinking into drifting sand. 整个世界都深深的陷于流沙之中。 Occasionally some extremely rare sections, because of certain mystical strength exist(ence), the sandstorm can circle. 偶尔有一些极其罕见的地段,因为某些神秘力量存在,风沙才得以绕了过去。 Gu Qingshan flew for one day and one night, finally had slightly lacked intent. 顾青山飞了一天一夜,终于略略有了些乏意。 At this time the skylight is just fierce, in a day burning hottest time. 此时天光正烈,一天中最炎热的时间到了。 Is high noon. 已是正午时分。 Above the boundless sandstorm, seven Sun combines to make one row, sends out the meaning of intense burning hot. 无边风沙之上,七个太阳并成一排,散发出强烈的炙热之意。 myriad creations is deeply worried. 万物焦灼。 If not with the spirit power guard, Gu Qingshan thought that oneself was roasted early ripe. 若非用灵力护身,顾青山觉得自己及早就被烤熟了。 In the Wang Cheng cognition, this was one once almost by the destruction world. 王成的认知中,这是一个曾经差点被毁灭的世界。 What a pity the Wang Cheng strength is mean, the status is mean, does not know the long and short of the story of whole thing. 可惜王成实力低微,身份低微,根本不知道整件事情的来龙去脉。 Gu Qingshan somewhat is slightly regrettable. 顾青山微微有些遗憾。 The information are too few, does not help the follow-up strategy arrangement. 情报太少,不利于后续的策略安排啊。 He is feeling the oneself spirit power consumption degree, then lowers the head to look toward Earth. 他感受着自己灵力的耗费程度,然后低头朝大地望去。 The agitated vast desert covered the sky, blocks the line of sight, all cannot see clearly. 汹汹沙海覆盖了天空,阻挡住视线,一切都看不清。 Unavoidablily, he emits Divine Sense, carefully observes the sandstorm following world. 不得已,他又放出神念,仔细观察风沙下面的世界。 Under the sandstorm is still the sandstorm. 风沙下面依然是风沙。 Some little time, finally temporarily Gu Qingshan sought one to stop over was. 好一会儿,顾青山终于寻了一处可以暂时落脚的所在。 Under of innumerable sandstorm, in vast boundless big desert, unexpectedly a exist(ence) flake vitality abundant place. 在无数风沙的下方,辽阔无垠的大沙漠之中,竟然存在一小片生机盎然的地方。 That is a green forceful big tree. 那是一颗苍翠遒劲的大树。 This tree searches from the back of sand dune, sends out the emerald green glimmer, scatters all around sandstorm. 这颗树从沙丘的背面探出来,散发出翠绿微光,将四周的风沙驱散。 Nearby that the big tree is, because this emerald green glimmer, formed piece of quiet and vital small small world. 大树所在的附近,因为这种翠绿微光,就形成了一片静谧而充满生机的小小世界 Gu Qingshan not hesitant, then flew. 顾青山没怎么犹豫,便飞了下去。 Flew in the sandstorm was so long, on stamina many losses, he needs to rest, ate to select thing. 在风沙中飞行了那么久,体力上多少有些损耗,他需要休息一下,吃点东西 He falls before the big tree, all around Divine Sense letting out careful exploration. 他落在大树前,神念放出去细细探索四周。 Nearby anything does not have. 附近什么都没有。 Before Gu Qingshan then arrives at the big tree, earnest good a ritual, said: I am well-meant, but flew tired, therefore came to take a break.” 顾青山便走到大树前,认真行了一礼,道:“我没有恶意,只是飞累了,所以前来休息片刻。” As soon as he pats storage bag, takes out a bottle gourd spirit spring, falls on the trunk and branches of big tree. 他一拍储物袋,取出一葫芦灵泉,倾倒在大树的枝干上。 This is conduct laws that Gu Qingshan oneself wants to come out. 这是顾青山自己想出来的行事法则 In the desert, contains the spirit power spring water to be rare like this. 沙漠之中,这样蕴含灵力的泉水应该非常罕见。 If this tree has life and wisdom, such spring water should make it satisfy. 如果这颗树有生命和智慧的话,这样的泉水应该会让它满意。 Gu Qingshan obtained Wang Cheng memory. 顾青山得到了王成记忆 Although Wang Cheng is only most low rank trash search, but in deep understanding Vying for Hegemony Region may not register, the inconceivable strange life type too to be really many. 王成虽然只是一名最低级的垃圾搜寻员,但也深深的明白争霸区中不可记数、不可思议的奇异生命种类实在太多。 The Gu Qingshan attempt thought along this mentality carefully. 顾青山尝试沿着这个思路细细想了一番。 From now on, journey of oneself in Vying for Hegemony Region is long. 今后,自己争霸区之中的旅途还长。 If oneself arrived in a strange place, will inevitably bring to the attention of local survival species. 假若自己抵达了一个陌生的地方,势必会引起当地生存物种的注意。 In such a case, the best processing mode indicates the own wish and attitude ahead of time. 在这样的情况下,最好的处理方式就是提前表明自己的意愿和态度。 Even in the most wild environment, the good intentions and avoidance are always one of the most basic survival laws. 就算是最蛮荒的环境中,善意和退避从来都是最基本的生存法则之一。 Other more aggressive lifestyle, naturally is the battle. 其他更激烈的生存方式,当然就是争斗。 However after experiencing the Humanoid Light matter, Gu Qingshan felt, cannot underestimate the wisdom of any life absolutely. 但是经历了光形人的事情之后,顾青山觉得,绝对不能小看任何生灵的智慧。 Because Humanoid Light appears in trillion lives, Space Monster obtained announcement of Humanoid Light. 因为光形人出现在亿万生灵之中,就连虚空怪物都得到了光形人的宣告。 This proved a matter. 这证明了一件事。 Seven Gods thinks that in Vying for Hegemony Region All Living Things all has Spiritual Wisdom, can step onto Path of Becoming God. 七神认为争霸区之中众生皆具备灵智,可以走上成神之路 Meaning of this as if a little All Living Things equality. 这似乎有点众生平等的意味。 Therefore, if treats as equal existence's wisdom life all All Living Things, when moving onto others' turf, naturally must indicate the attitude. 所以,假如把一切众生都当做平等存在的智慧生命,那么在进入别人的地盘之时,当然是要表明态度的。 No one will welcome a stranger of unknown origin to rush in the own home. 没有人会欢迎一个来历不明的陌生人闯进自己的家。 But if the stranger indicated the good intentions, was a different matter. 但假如陌生人表明了善意,那么就是另一回事了。 Believes in such a case, so long as is not extremely savage exist(ence), generally will not begin to kill people directly. 相信在这样的情况下,只要不是太过凶残的存在,一般都不会直接动手杀人。 This is Gu Qingshan to the first viewpoint that Vying for Hegemony Region has. 这就是顾青山争霸区产生的第一个观点。 Therefore at this moment, Gu Qingshan came to indicate the attitude directly, but also was donating a spirit spring to the big tree. 所以此刻,顾青山一来就直接表明了态度,还对着大树赠予了一道灵泉。 Actually sees that say/way spirit spring to fall on the big tree, quick was then absorbed by the big tree. 却见那道灵泉倾倒在大树上,很快便被大树吸收。 Suddenly, humming sound the sound conveys from the big tree together. 突然,一道嗡嗡的声音从大树中传来。 „The fresh tasting spring water, I have not to drink very for a long time, can the words, please give me again a point, thanks.” “如此甘冽的泉水,我已经有很久没有喝到了,可以的话,请再给我一点,谢谢。” Gu Qingshan is astonished looks at the big tree. 顾青山讶异的看着大树。 He took a bottle gourd spirit spring, waters on the big tree. 他就又取了一葫芦灵泉,浇灌在大树上。 All spring water are absorbed to result in thoroughly immediately. 所有的泉水立刻被吸收得干干净净 Graciousness......” “恩……” The big tree transmits together the satisfactory sigh. 大树传来一道满意的叹息。 It continues saying: „The long and difficult trek traveler, your spring water made me feel joyful, you can rest here.” 它继续道:“长途跋涉的旅人,你的泉水让我感到了愉悦,你可以在这里休息。” The meaning is very obvious, before then does not allow you to rest in this. 意思很明显,在这之前是不允许你在此休息的。 Gu Qingshan understands immediately. 顾青山立刻就明白了过来。 It seems like oneself does right. 看来自己做的没错。 He held holding the fist in the other hand, said: Many thanks.” 他就抱了抱拳,道:“多谢了。” Is impolite, if Ok, please give me again a bottle gourd,” big tree is saying, as if requests somewhat is also embarrassed regarding own: Because my child was about to come back, I forgot to keep some it to like this spring water to it probably.” “不客气,假如可以的话,请再给我一葫芦,”大树说着,似乎对于自己的要求也有些不好意思:“因为我的孩子就快回来了,我忘了给它留一些它大概会喜欢这泉水。” Gu Qingshan smiles. 顾青山笑了笑。 This was Drifting Sand World, oneself flies is so long, has not seen any water source. 这是个流沙世界,自己飞了那么久,也没有看到任何水源。 It is said this world almost on almost destruction. 据说这个世界几乎就差点毁灭 No wonder the spring water so will be popular. 难怪泉水会如此受欢迎。 However is the spring water, what oneself are many are. 不过是泉水而已,自己多的是。 Gu Qingshan takes out bottle gourd spring water, places near the big tree ground. 顾青山就又取出一葫芦泉水,放在大树边的地上。 Gave to you.” He said. “送给你了。”他说道。 The grit of ground spreads out a deep hole, submerged the bottle gourd. 地上的沙石摊开一个深洞,把葫芦淹没了进去。 „, Thanked.” Big tree delighted say/way. “啊,非常感谢。”大树欢欣的道。 Does not need to be polite, must borrow your excellency treasure trove rest, I naturally brought the small gift.” Gu Qingshan beckons with the hand to say. “不必客气,要借用阁下的宝地休息,我自然带了一点小小的礼物。”顾青山摆手道。 The big tree said: Human form robber who my not these do not understand the politeness, therefore my also a little gift makes a return gift you are not good thing, hopes that do not shut out.” 大树道:“我并不是那些不懂礼貌的人形强盗,所以我也有一点礼物回赠予你不是什么好东西,希望你不要嫌弃。” Sees only on the big tree, a shiny black wood branch break, falls directly side Gu Qingshan. 只见大树上,一根黑黝黝的木枝断裂,径直掉落在顾青山身旁。 Please taking, this is my intention.” The big tree said. “请拿着吧,这是我的一点心意。”大树道。 Gu Qingshan looks at that branch. 顾青山看着那树枝。 Such can thing...... be useful? 这样的东西……能有什么用? But he very does not receive, otherwise to embarrass the opposite party? 但他也不好不收,不然岂不是让对方难堪? Many thanks your excellency.” He thanked. “多谢阁下。”他感谢道。 Un.” The big tree said. “恩。”大树道。 The words, do not need to say at this point again. 话说到这里,就没必要再说下去了。 Gu Qingshan caused a secret art at will, separates spatially the branch directs, to load storage bag. 顾青山随意使了个诀,将树枝隔空一引,装入储物袋 Then he takes out a rush cushion, sits to eat and drink, then starts to rest. 然后他取出一个蒲团,坐上去吃吃喝喝,而后开始休息。 time quickly in the past. 时间很快过去。 After two double-hour . 两个时辰后。 Gu Qingshan opens the eye, the whole person is beaming and buoyant. 顾青山睁开眼睛,整个人神采奕奕。 He suddenly discovered, on oneself front sand, there is palm of the hand big Black Scorpion. 他忽然发现,自己面前的沙地上,有一只巴掌大的黑蝎子 This Black Scorpion seems only taking a look at him curiously. 这只黑蝎子似乎正好奇的打量他。 Gu Qingshan opens the eye time, frightened the scorpion to jump. 顾青山睁开眼睛的时候,吓了蝎子一跳。 This scorpion hides into the grit quickly, disappears without a trace. 这只蝎子很快躲入沙石之中,不知去向。 Gu Qingshan also thinks little, smiles, stands up the preparation to leave. 顾青山也不以为意,笑了笑,站起身准备离开。 Your excellency, said goodbye.” He said toward the big tree. “阁下,告辞了。”他朝着大树道。 Where do you want to go to?” Big tree curious asking. “你要去哪里?”大树好奇的问。 Goes to the black market, I have not gone to that place, therefore has a look.” Gu Qingshan say. “去黑市,我还从来没去过那个地方,所以去看看。”顾青山道 „Do you go to there are for what?” The big tree continues to ask. “哦你去那里是为了什么?”大树继续问。 I want to study the knowledge and skill in some cure, because the friend of mine received very serious wound, my means do not have.” Gu Qingshan confident say/way. “我想学一些治愈方面的知识和技能,因为我的朋友受了很严重的伤,我一点办法都没有。”顾青山坦然道。 Cure,” big tree sighed, cured this matter I not to have the means that you were a nice and kind little fellow, went quickly.” “治愈啊,”大树叹了口气,“治愈这种事我也没有办法,你是个心肠不错的小家伙,快去吧。” Un, said goodbye.” Gu Qingshan cups the fist and says. “恩,告辞。”顾青山抱拳道 Bye.” The big tree said. “再会。”大树道。 Gu Qingshan shoots up to the sky, toward far flies spatially. 顾青山冲天而起,朝着远空飞去。 He leaves no sandstorm region that the big tree covered. 他离开了大树所笼罩的无风沙区域。 Immediately, the infinite sandstorm raids. 顿时,无穷的风沙袭来。 in a split second, he suddenly discovered, the own flank presented more than ten people. 霎时间,他忽然发现,自己的侧方出现了十几个人。 Gu Qingshan sees the opposite party at the same time, the opposite party also saw him. 顾青山看见对方的同时,对方也看见了他。 both sides good skillful unfortunately happen to goes in a direction. 双方好巧不巧的正好朝着一个方向去。 It seems like hurrying to the black market. 看来都是赶着去黑市的。 Gu Qingshan thinks, made way silently the road, to help the opposite party first fly. 顾青山想了想,默默让开了路,以便于对方先飞过去。 First, the opposite party person are many ; second, he does not want to hit, causes the trouble ; third, Yun Ji is also in the severe wound, he must concentrate on the own matter, hurries to find the way to save her. 一是对方人多,二是他不想撞上去,惹出事端,三是云姬还处于重伤,他必须专注于自己的事,赶紧想办法救她。 That more than ten people see him so to handle affairs, in the surface reveals the color of satisfaction. 那十几人见他如此行事,面上露出满意之色。 They looked at one mutually. 他们互相看了一眼。 A person lifts the hand, slightly toward Gu Qingshan. 一人抬起手,微微朝着顾青山 In his hand wears an equipment of watch appearance. 他的手上戴着一块手表模样的装备。 Looks at this watch on some thing, that person sent out a value toward the partner. 看着这块“手表”上的一些东西,那人朝着伙伴报出一个数值。 One group of people listened to that number, immediately facial expression relaxed gets down. 一群人听了那个数字,顿时都神情放松下来。 Was that person of head thought slightly, gave a hand signal toward the people. 为首的那人微微思索了下,朝着众人做了个手势。 Meanwhile, danger omen appears in the Gu Qingshan heart together. 与此同时,一道警兆顾青山心中浮现。 Gu Qingshan understands suddenly. 顾青山突然明白过来。 Life Tribulation! 命劫 Damn, second Life Tribulation has come! 该死,第二道命劫早就来了! It has been ambushing, until will soon diverge at this moment, unwilling sudden launching an attack! 它一直潜伏着,直到此刻即将散去,才不甘心的突然发难! Among caught off guard 猝不及防 Bang! 轰! Gu Qingshan evaded 78 attacks, were actually hit by magical technique finally ruthlessly, the whole person flew upside down. 顾青山避过了七八道攻击,却被最后一道术法狠狠打中,整个人倒飞了回去。 It looks like together the parabola, before Gu Qingshan flies to fall directly the big tree . 就像是一道抛物线,顾青山直接飞坠回大树前。 Bang! 嘭! He hits on the ground, the huge impulse raised dreadful sand wave, hidden the black land under vast desert appears faintly before him. 他撞在地上,巨大的冲击力掀起了滔天沙浪,就连隐藏在沙海之下的黑色土地都隐隐浮现在他面前。 Gu Qingshan shakes the head, flying. 顾青山晃晃脑袋,飞身而起。 This is a chance encounter of no premeditation, murderous intent that as well as has an intention temporarily. 这是一次毫无预谋的巧遇,以及临时起心的杀机 Has Divine Prestige Battle Armor fortunately in the body, oneself actually not by what wound. 幸而有神威战甲在身,自己倒是没受什么伤。 But on Battle Armor presented a wee bit slight cracks. 只不过战甲上出现了一丁点细微的裂纹。 Gu Qingshan jumps high, extracts the night rain bow instantaneously. 顾青山高高跃起,瞬间抽出夜雨弓。 That more than ten people flying has come. 那十几人早就飞身而来。 They stop in the midair, is gazing at Gu Qingshan laughing. 他们停在半空,嘻嘻哈哈的注视着顾青山 Chile , Colombia, this person was an archer, the combat value was too weak, no perquisite.” A person said with a smile. “智哥,这人是个弓箭手,战斗数值太弱了,也没什么油水儿。”一人笑着说道。 Mosquito again slightly is also the meat, since bumped into, killed.” “蚊子再小也是肉,既然碰上了,就杀了罢。” Is called the men in Chile , Colombia not to care to say muddily. 被称为智哥的男子浑不在意道。 A tall and strong guy said: Is an archer, this feeble, I can kill one dozen casually.” 一名魁梧的大汉道:“是个弓箭手啊,这种弱鸡,我随便都能杀一打。” Gu Qingshan hear their meanings. 顾青山听出他们的意思。 He again no matter also other. 他再也不管别的了。 Kills people this matter 杀人这种事 At this time, another short person took out the dagger, said: Who kills, whose first searching for 这时,另一名矮个子抽出匕首,道:“谁杀的,谁就第一个搜” ! 啪! His a few words have not said, was shot the violent by a Gu Qing arrow the head. 他一句话没说完,被顾青一箭射暴了头。 Blood fog sticks out suddenly. 一蓬血雾暴起。 Several people change color immediately. 几人顿时变色。 Bastard, really understands some Archery probably, gives me on together!” Chile , Colombia exclaimed. “混蛋,好像还真懂些箭术,都给我一起上!”智哥吼道。 Several people of one after another put out the weapon, to/clashes toward Gu Qingshan. 十几人纷纷拿出武器,朝着顾青山冲上来。 Gu Qingshan flies to draw back, while extracts arrows. 顾青山一边飞退,一边抽出箭矢 ! 唰! Chaotic Dance starts! 乱舞发动! Five arrows change to afterimage, enters the crowd by the arc bang of distortion, kills two people instantaneously! 五道箭矢化作残影,以扭曲的弧形轰入人群,瞬间又杀两人! Chile , Colombia are annoying. 智哥懊恼至极。 This time is actually oneself believes the estimate of machine, therefore was made a counter-attack by the opposite party. 这次却是自己太相信机器的预估,所以被对方打了个反击。 Damn! His Archery compared with fierce of machine accounting, we probably immediately near body!” “该死!他的箭术比机器计算的要厉害,我们必须立刻近身!” What a pity 可惜 The truth who understands, but Gu Qingshan Shrinking the Ground Into a Inch moves is too quick, the these person cannot catch up. 道理谁都懂,但顾青山缩地成寸移动太快,这些人根本追不上。 time of breath. 一息的时间 Another person hit a target the arm by Gu Qingshan. 又一人被顾青山射中了胳膊。 This person of that tall and strong guy. 这人正是那名魁梧大汉。 His violent anger arrows on extraction arm, exclaimed toward all around person: All come!” 他暴怒的抽出胳膊上的箭矢,朝着四周的人吼道:“全体过来!” People listened to his roar, immediately one after another depends toward him. 人们听了他的这一声吼,立刻纷纷朝他靠过来。 Tall and strong guy gnashing one's teeth is staring Gu Qingshan, said toward the people: „The life and thing of this person, are my.” 魁梧大汉咬牙切齿的瞪着顾青山,朝众人道:“这个人的命和东西,都是我的。” Good!” People one after another nods. “好!”众人纷纷点头。 The guys are stroking the ring on finger, immediately starts magical technique on ring: primal chaos shift!” 大汉摩挲着手指上的戒指,立刻发动了戒指上的术法:“混沌转移!” primal chaos shifts, the space technique, Divine Skill, leads the around the body diameter immediately the companion within ten meters, the crossed over space wall barrier, appears around enemy within one kilometer directly, and forms an encirclement ring. 混沌转移,空间技,神技,立刻带领身周直径十米内的同伴,穿越空间的壁障,直接出现在一千米内的敌人周围,并形成一个包围圈。 in a split second, on the ring erupts the white light that soars to the heavens together. 霎时间,戒指上爆发出一道冲天的白光。 Everyone disappears completely. 所有人全部消失。 They appear around Gu Qingshan, surrounds completely Gu Qingshan. 他们出现在顾青山周围,将顾青山完全包围住。 Regarding an archer, their surrounding are just right. 对于一名弓箭手来说,他们的包围恰到好处。 Long-distance profession is unable to withdraw from such surrounding. 远程职业根本无法从这样的包围中脱身。 Boy,” tall and strong guy said with a smile ferociously, archery was cheap trick that the woman played, now you may be unable to run away.” “小子,”魁梧大汉狞笑道,“射箭是娘们儿玩的把戏,现在你可跑不掉啦。” On the Gu Qingshan face shows the strange expression. 顾青山脸上露出奇怪的表情。 He did not speak. 他也不说话。 The long bow and arrows vanish suddenly. 长弓和箭矢忽然消失。 Wipes the cold light to cut the expansive sky, explodes to rise a round of blazing full moon sword dance. 一抹寒光划破长空,爆涨出一轮炽烈圆月般的剑舞。 Secret Sword, Life Pursue! 秘剑,追命 Divine Ability, Severance! 神通,断离 Secret Sword, Cutting Moon full moon Consecutive Slash! 秘剑,月斩圆月连斩 Everyone stands rigidly same place, motionless, whatever sword aura cuts the round number truncation, the corpse was blown to fly disappear without trace by the ice cold sword wind. 所有人僵立原地,一动不动的任凭剑芒斩成数截,尸体又被凌冽的剑风吹飞得无影无踪 Gu Qingshan receives the sword slowly. 顾青山徐徐收剑。 He looks on yellow sand the dripping blood, shakes the head, sighs. 他看着黄沙上淋漓的血,摇摇头,叹了口气。 Excuse me, Archery warms up, kills people I to use the sword truly generally.” “不好意思,箭术只是热身,真正杀人我一般用剑。”
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