WAO :: Volume #7

#687: High Tower destruction

Let time back up slightly. 时间稍稍倒退。 When Gu Qingshan hides in the spaceship wreckage, was summoned by Wang Cheng. 顾青山藏身于飞船残骸,却被王成召唤出来之时。 Another side. 另一边。 Beside Vying for Hegemony Region. 争霸区之外。 High Tower world. 高塔世界。 The unprecedented frigid war, is moving toward the end. 前所未见的惨烈战争,正在走向终结。 Bang The Earth distant place, High Tower of that Heavenly Connection earth breaks loudly. 大地的远处,那通天接地的高塔轰然断裂。 Gods knowledge High Tower was ruined! 众神的知识高塔被毁掉了! The sharp female voice resounds through the whole world together: „The life that Gods creates, you about knows nothing desperately.” 一道尖锐的女声响彻整个世界:“众神所创的生灵,你们对绝望一无所知。” The demented male voice also resounds together: Your only values, are the nutrient that in the soul contain!” 一道癫狂的男声随之响起:“你们唯一的价值,就是灵魂中蕴含的养分!” The ultra-high decibel singing sound, erupts simultaneously from the male and female sound: Soul! Gives to me your souls,” 超高分贝的咏叹声,从男女声中同时爆发出来:“灵魂!把你们的灵魂献给我,啊” In the grating squeal, that monster stands in the battlefield central location, opened the mouth. 刺耳的尖叫声中,那个怪物站在战场的中心位置,张大了嘴。 Is falling to the ground in combat people one after another. 正在战斗的人们纷纷倒地。 The soul soars from their body, was inhaled in that monster mouth. 灵魂从他们身上腾空而起,被吸入那个怪物的口中。 In the entire battlefield, innumerable soul one after another fly toward monster. 整个战场上,无数的灵魂纷纷朝着怪物飞去。 Person who fearless this attracting soul only has God Institute, except for them, others fell into the unprecedented terrifying hopeless situation. 唯有神学院的人无惧这种吸魂,除了他们,其他人都陷入了前所未有的恐怖绝境。 These dominate expert of 900 million world, regarding this hands tied No Plan. 那些称霸九亿层世界的强者们,对此束手无策 They drop out the God Institute opponent, erupts the attack of oneself strongest, full strength strokes that monster. 他们抛下神学院的对手,爆发出自己最强的攻击,全力击打那个怪物 But their attack not function. 可是他们的攻击没有一点作用。 Standing of monster come out unscathed there , to continue to conduct is attracting the soul. 怪物安然无恙的站在那里,持续进行着吸魂。 Even many Overlord Level expert are unable to prevent this suction, the souls of many were separated from body at the scene, flies into the monster mouth. 甚至就连不少霸主级强者也无法阻挡这种吸力,不少人的灵魂当场脱离了身躯,飞入怪物的口中。 But these have the person who the ability resists, fell into the unprecedented hopeless situation similarly. 而那些有能力抵抗的人,也同样陷入了前所未有的绝境。 Each one second, their bodies will have received violent devastation time. 每过一秒钟,他们的身体就会受到一次猛烈的摧残。 Almost is several breaths, their body then by invisible strength destruction, the soul did not have to depend on it place again. 几乎是数息之间,他们的身躯便被无形的力量毁灭,灵魂再无所依之处。 To this situation, their soul again also irresistibly monster attracting soul, directly suction by monster, eats. 一直到了这种处境,他们的灵魂再也无法抵抗怪物的吸魂,直接被怪物吸走,吃掉。 In entire battlefield, but also living the person are getting fewer and fewer. 整个战场上,还活着的人越来越少。 The results of 900 million world, seem close at hand. 九亿层世界的结局,似乎已经近在眼前。 Suddenly, Radiance of deep blue as sea covered the entire battlefield. 突然,一片蔚蓝似海的光辉笼罩了整个战场。 Under shining of this azure Radiance, the souls obtained the freedom suddenly. 在这湛蓝光辉的照耀下,灵魂们突然得到了自由。 monster the technique of attracting soul was broken immediately. 怪物的吸魂之术顿时被打断。 Who is! Dares to interrupt my feed unexpectedly!” “是谁!竟然敢打断我的进食!” Male and female sound together violent anger hiss exclaimed. 男女声一同暴怒的嘶吼道。 But in the battlefield also living people, one after another sent out pleasantly surprised yelling. 而战场上还活着的人们,纷纷发出了惊喜的喊叫。 Lady Black Sea!” 黑海女士!” Black Sea your excellency, you came!” 黑海阁下,您来了!” We were saved.” “我们得救了。” Please lead our combat!” “请带领我们战斗吧!” Is hearing the voice of people, in boundless Void resounded a sigh. 听着众人的声音,无边虚空之中响起了一道叹息。 People of these survival, the ear hears the urging sound fast: I will feed in Vying for Hegemony Region you, the Seven Gods arrangement am soon activated there Divine Prestige barrier, entire Vying for Hegemony Region will be hidden.” 这些幸存的人们,耳边传来飞快的叮嘱声:“我会把你们送进争霸区,七神布置在那里的神威屏障即将被激活,整个争霸区将被隐藏起来。” Do not leave Vying for Hegemony Region, because in entire 900 million world, only then Vying for Hegemony Region can escape by luck temporarily!” “千万不要离开争霸区,因为整个九亿层世界之中,也只有争霸区能暂时幸免!” You must maintain the strength, goes on living, discovers to cope with its means.” “你们要保存实力,活下去,找出对付它的办法。” People of surviving bathe in the light of azure, body surrounding congealed rapidly the one layer dark blue ice crystal. 残存的人们沐浴在湛蓝之光里,身躯周围迅速凝结了一层深蓝冰晶。 This ice crystal freezes them, then 这层冰晶将他们冻结起来,然后 All ice crystals soar, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 所有的冰晶腾空而起,瞬间消失不见。 That monster is gazing at this silently. 那个怪物默默的注视着这一幕。 It attempted several times, actually discovered that oneself is unable to stop this divine technique. 它尝试了几次,却发现自己无法阻拦这道神法 Until all finished, it looks to Void somewhere. 直到一切结束,它才望向虚空之中的某处。 The monster female voice sends out one giggle the laughter, asked slowly: Where did the these person go to?” 怪物的女声发出一阵咯咯咯的笑声,缓缓问道:“这些人去了哪里?” All around silence. 四周一片寂静。 No one replied her words. 没有人回答她的话。 However the female voice actually seemed self-satisfied: Even I am unable to stop running away of these life, I guess, only then Spiritual God can achieve this real didn't expect, besides that seven Demon God, Spiritual God is detained unexpectedly here, has not fled from 9.9 billion world.” 但是女声却显得更加得意了:“连我都无法阻拦这些生灵的逃窜,我猜,只有神灵才做得到这一步真没想到,除了那七个魔神,竟然还有神灵滞留在此,并没有逃离九十九亿世界。” Male voice frantic say/way: Without running away, then your fate has been doomed!” 男声狂热的道:“既然没有逃走,那么你的下场就已经注定!” They gave out angry roaring together: You cannot get away, when your destiny had arrived at the end.” 他们一同发出了怒吼:“你走不了,你的命运已经到了终结之时。” In the boundless deep blue light, the female exuded the sigh suddenly. 在无边的蔚蓝之光中,忽然有一名女子发出了叹息声。 She said: Today I will die, the way of but to by you not be eaten.” 她说道:“今日我将死去,但不是以被你们吃掉的方式。” During the speeches, the whole world starts to collapse. 说话间,整个世界开始崩溃。 ...... …… Another side. 另一边。 All the soldiers of surviving by the hard azure ice crystal seal, the in a split second crossed over innumerable world, arrived in Vying for Hegemony Region. 所有残存的战士被坚硬的湛蓝冰晶封印,霎时间穿越无数世界,抵达了争霸区 The ice crystal like the meteor shower that one arrives at suddenly, powder fast in the Vying for Hegemony Region 200 million world levels. 冰晶就像一场突然降临的流星雨,飞快的散于争霸区的两亿世界层中。 The meteor shower finished instantaneously. 流星雨瞬间结束。 After one second . 一秒后。 The Humanoid Light sound resounds through Vying for Hegemony Region all world slowly. 光形人的声音徐徐响彻争霸区的所有世界。 Has the sacred solemn and respectful meaning, Humanoid Light to announce: Circular: The follower who first lights tree of divinity was born.” 带着神圣肃穆之意,光形人宣布道:“通告:第一位点燃神性之树的信徒已经诞生。” Path of Becoming God official opening.” 成神之路正式开启。” „The Divine Prestige barrier that Spiritual God supposes will soon activate.” 神灵设下的神威屏障即将激活。” Vying for Hegemony Region will hide from 900 million world.” 争霸区将从九亿层世界之中隐藏起来。” From now on, any is separated from the Vying for Hegemony Region person, is unable to enter Vying for Hegemony Region again!” 从现在开始,任何脱离争霸区的人,将无法再次进入争霸区!” In 900 million world, entire Vying for Hegemony Region vanishes gradually. 九亿层世界之中,整个争霸区渐渐消失。 People are unable to find that 200 million world again, loses the general methods of these world. 人们无法再找到那两亿个世界,也失去那些世界的通行方法。 But at this time, in Vying for Hegemony Region. 而这时,在争霸区之中。 In innumerable azure ice crystal, crossed over Void Chaotic Flow, the diameter dropped down to Grey-hand World. 无数湛蓝冰晶中的一块,穿越虚空乱流,径直落向灰手世界 In ice crystal all around, innumerable mysterious dignified divine mark often appear. 在冰晶的四周,无数玄奥的威严神纹不时浮现。 these divine mark will guarantee the ice crystal not and detected by any strength disturbance. 这些神纹将保证冰晶不被任何力量干扰和察觉。 Ice crystal soundless, in a split second then cuts the horizon, crashes in a Grey-hand World remote desert. 冰晶无声无息,霎时间便划破天际,坠落于灰手世界的一处偏僻沙漠。 The ice crystal falls into Earth, was surrounded thoroughly dark. 冰晶陷入大地之中,彻底被黑暗包围。 For a long time. 许久。 The female voice transmits from the ice crystal together. 一道女声从冰晶中传来。 Blade...... front............ oath.” “刀……锋……之……誓。” Buzz! 嗡! The invisible ripple leaks toward the world. 无形的波纹朝着世界之外传去。 Dark underground. 黑暗的地底 The female voice fierce cough, just now that incantation has exhausted her complete strength probably. 女声剧烈的咳嗽起来,好像刚才的那句咒语已经用尽了她全部的力量。 Crossed some little time, she off and on say/way: Who...... in opposite?” 过了好一会儿,她才断断续续的道:“谁……在对面?” Immediately has the anxious sound to resound near the ice crystal together. 立刻有一道焦急的声音在冰晶附近响起。 Is Yun Ji? Disaster cloud woman, Serez Lady?” “是云姬吗?灾祸云女,瑟雷娜女士?” This is the Gu Qingshan sound. 这是顾青山的声音。 ...... …… time passes fast. 时间飞快流逝。 Grey-hand World. 灰手世界 Daybreak has not arrived, at this moment is in a day the darkest time. 黎明尚未到来,此刻正是一天中最黑暗的时刻。 Above the remote sky, remembers the sound that a wing flashed suddenly. 遥远的天空之上,忽然想起了一阵羽翼闪动的声音。 Bird wearing out darkness, drops down from sky depths under. 一只飞鸟穿破黑暗,从天空的深处直落而下。 This bird body does not have the least bit powerful aura, regardless of induces with what method, can only draw a conclusion. 这只飞鸟身上没有半点强大的气息,无论用什么方法去感应,都只能得出一个结论。 It is a common bird. 它就是一只寻常的鸟儿。 The bird such as the lightning falls generally, meanwhile makes an effort to fan Two Wings. 飞鸟如闪电一般下坠,同时还用力扇动着双翼 It constantly is still picking up the own speed. 它依然在不断加快着自己的速度。 Some moment. 某一刻。 The bird has fallen from the upper air, soon arrives in the land. 飞鸟已经从高空落下,快要抵达陆地。 It vanished suddenly. 它忽然消失了。 Wears black armor, the man who wears the broad face appears suddenly. 一名身穿黑甲,头戴金面的男子骤然出现。 The men are in the midair, is gazing under the wide and open big desert. 男子身在半空,注视着下方广袤无垠的大沙漠。 He flashes, since the original position vanishes, crosses the big piece the distance, falls on the ground directly. 他一闪,从原处消失,紧接着越过大片的距离,直接落在地上。 Grasps a black cloth, male Divine Sense is dispersing, locked the position quickly. 手持着一张黑布,男子神念散出去,很快锁定了位置。 He dashes to go forward, in a encirclement of sand dune, squats down slowly. 他飞奔上前,在一片沙丘的环绕中,慢慢蹲下。 His both hands pinched a secret art. 他双手捏了个诀。 hou! 吽! spirit power changes into the strong winds, in front of grits him blows to fly. 灵力化为狂风,将他面前的一片沙石吹飞出去。 The gloomily blue ice crystal appears in him immediately at present. 幽蓝的冰晶顿时出现在他眼前。 The beautiful female who in the ice crystal, a whole body stains the bloodstain closes one's eyes, is in the deep stupor. 冰晶之中,一名浑身沾满血迹的美丽女子闭着眼,正处于深沉的昏迷之中。 Her body injury is alarmed, the aura is also very weak, whole person dying. 身上的伤势触目惊心,气息也十分微弱,整个人奄奄一息 The strength of if not for in the gloomily blue ice crystal continually presenting is maintaining her life, perhaps she has perished in this. 若不是幽蓝冰晶之中持续出现的力量维持着她的生命,恐怕她早就殒命于此了。
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