WAO :: Volume #7

#686: War?( Is book friend Something went wrong in addition!)

The thunder and lightning crazy snake winds around on the autumn waters long sword continuous. 雷电狂蛇在秋水般的长剑上缭绕不休。 Gu Qingshan holds up the long sword, strikes an attitude to hold. 顾青山举起长剑,作势欲捅。 The entire spaceship shakes suddenly. 整个飞船突然一震。 Sees only on the spaceship control bench, all instrument Appearance returned to normal. 只见飞船控制台上,所有的仪器仪表恢复了正常。 The spaceship starts to accelerate again. 飞船再次开始加速。 Has this aspect, can only be a reason. 出现这种局面,只会是一个原因。 The captain does not dare to withstand that vicious attack, gave up the fusion with spaceship. 船长再也不敢承受那凶狠的攻击,放弃了与飞船的融合。 He flinched. 他退缩了。 Gu Qingshan places the midair the long sword, no matter what its oneself float. 顾青山将长剑放在半空,任它自己悬浮。 He has turned around, is adjusting various operation instruments on control bench fast, helping the spaceship increase speed. 他转过身,飞快的调整着控制台上的各项操纵仪器,帮助飞船提速。 Quick, the spaceship was the quickest speed. 很快,飞船就达到了最快速度。 According to this speed, so long as flies again for 67 minutes, the spaceship will arrive in Grayhand Black Market. 照着这个速度,只要再飞行六七分钟,飞船就将抵达灰手黑市 After several breaths . 数息之后。 The entrance of control room. 控制室的门口。 figure of captain appears gradually. 船长的身形渐渐浮现。 His body had bloodstain infiltration faintly the clothing, the full cold sweat, looked very pitiful. 身上隐隐有血迹浸透了衣衫,满头冷汗,看上去十分凄惨。 „Does your damn fellow, how you discover my?” “你这个该死的家伙,你是怎么发现我的?” Captain spits of mouthful of blood froth, asking bitterly. 船长吐出一口血沫,恨恨的问道。 Gu Qingshan extends the take action finger/refers, shot under Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword gently. 顾青山出手指,轻轻弹了下六界神山剑 Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword resulted in the order, departs the control room instantaneously, disappears without a trace. 六界神山剑得了命令,瞬间飞出控制室,不知去向。 Gu Qingshan then said: I wander many years experts in trillion worlds, sees you are the metal puppet master.” 顾青山这才说道:“我可是在亿万世界游荡许多年的老手,一眼就看出你是个金属傀儡师。” The captain gets angry exclaims: Fart! I am first person who the technique of technique and the soul puppet metal fusion combines, when you have seen me!” 船长怒吼道:“放屁!我是第一个将金属融合之术与魂傀之术合二为一的人,你什么时候见过我!” Gu Qingshan card. 顾青山卡了一下。 Originally is the Mountain Splitting founder! 原来是个开山祖师! No wonder world profession business department profession encyclopedia, every year unceasing increases new profession. 难怪世界职业事务科的职业百科全书,每年都在不断的增加新职业 Originally in Vying for Hegemony Region, old men who receive the trash can self-create brand-new profession...... 原来在争霸区中,就连一个收垃圾的老汉都能自创全新的职业…… Gu Qingshan silently is thinking, suddenly some admirations. 顾青山默默的想着,忽然又有些敬佩。 Ok, stopped, the expense that the spaceship used I have paid, waits till the black market I to leave immediately.” “行了,到此为止吧,飞船使用的费用我已经付过了,等到了黑市我立刻离开。” From now, we do not owe, there is no gratitude and grudges.” “从此以后,我们互不相欠,也没什么恩怨可言。” Gu Qingshan said. 顾青山说道。 The captain hesitates does not speak. 船长沉吟不语。 This person was too strange, is very obviously weak, at all is not the own opponent. 这个人太诡异了,明明很弱,根本不是自己的对手。 But he can actually completely understand own skill. 但他却能看透自己的技能 Wait 等等 Perhaps he will only completely understand skill, true isn't fighting strength strong? 也许他只会看透技能,真正的战斗力并不强? The care wants to come, oneself also because of the general idea/careless, ate slightly owed. 仔细想来,自己也是因为大意,才吃了一点小亏。 Damn! 该死! This person body has certainly secret. 这个人身上一定有秘密 Must wrestle one...... 到底要不要搏一把…… The captain is hesitating, the vision falls on the ground suddenly. 船长犹豫着,目光忽然落在地上。 That is the cash box that Gu Qingshan throws. 那是顾青山丢出去的钱箱。 Full box No. 7 coin. 满满一箱子七号钱币 Yes, this person not care lost full box coin. 是的,这个人毫不在意的丢出了一满箱子钱币 What person can not care about money? 什么样的人能不在意金钱? Gu Qingshan has not turned head, Divine Sense is actually observing the expression of opposite party. 顾青山没有回头,神念却观察着对方的表情。 Detected that the vision and facial expression of captain, in his heart somewhat understood the idea of opposite party slightly. 察觉船长的目光和神情,他心中微微有些明白了对方的想法。 Gu Qingshan sighed in a single breath secretly. 顾青山暗叹一口气 He is operating the spaceship, while said: Told you also to might as well, actually I just arrived at Vying for Hegemony Region, went to the black market to look for the friend wholeheartedly, therefore also had no money.” 他一边操纵着飞船,一边说道:“告诉你也无妨,其实我刚刚来到争霸区,一心前往黑市寻找朋友,所以也没什么钱。” The speed of spaceship is quick, has gradually been close to the black market. 飞船的速度很快,已经逐渐接近黑市。 newbie? You said newbie that you come?” 新人?你说你是才来的新人?” The captain corners of the mouth pull an angle, full taunts the say/way of meaning: newbie can look that I do hide many years true profession?” 船长嘴角牵起一个角度,满是嘲讽意味的道:“新人就能看出来我隐藏许多年的真正职业?” „Can newbie not care about entire box coin?” 新人会不在乎整整一箱子钱币?” The voice of captain becomes hoarse, full is the sigh with emotion say/way: Arrived my person of this age, will understand a matter, that is during the life of person, so long as oneself can want to open, in the world does not have so many things to be worth caring.” 船长的声音变得沙哑,满是感慨的道:“到了我这个年纪的人,才会明白一件事,那就是人的一生之中,只要自己能想开一点,世界上就没有那么多事情值得去在乎。” Cannot look, you are a so open-minded person.” Gu Qingshan praised. “看不出来,你是一个如此豁达的人。”顾青山赞道。 He looks to the Void orientation diagram. 他望向虚空方位图。 Quick. 快了。 Drew near. 快到了。 Delays a while is also good again. 再拖延一会儿也不错。 The captain shakes the head , to continue saying: This important prerequisite, that is you enough has money to want richly, other anything matter is the minor matter, can definitely not care.” 船长摇摇头,继续道:“这有一个重要前提,那就是你足够有钱只要有钱,其他什么事情都是小事,完全可以不在乎。” „...... I take back to your praise.” Gu Qingshan say. “……我收回对你的表扬。”顾青山道 Captain Gathering Power for a long time, is completing some magical technique at this moment silently. 船长蓄势已久,此刻正默默完成着某个术法 He grins fiendishly was saying finally: You can not care about this box money, definitely is because you have seen more money, has more wealth.” 他狞笑着最后说道:“你能不在乎这一箱子钱,肯定是因为你见过更多的钱,拥有更多的财富。” Knows? just now you throw this box, the appearance that not cares looked like the world's richest that group of people.” “知道吗?刚才你丢出这个箱子,那毫不在意的模样像极了世界上最富有的那群人。” Your this time made a mistake completely, is not so.” Gu Qingshan categorically denied. “你这次完全搞错了,并不是如此。”顾青山断然否认道。 Do not act in a play, your conduct, simply in Bramble Bird exactly the same with legend!” The captain pierces him to say. “别演戏了,你那种做派,简直就跟传说中的荆棘鸟一模一样!”船长戳穿他道。 Perhaps............ truly contaminated some bad customs, but my really no money.” Gu Qingshan tries to argue. “……也许……确实沾染了一些坏习惯,但我真的没什么钱。”顾青山试图辩解。 „Only the corpse will not lie.” The captain exclaimed. “只有尸体才不会撒谎。”船长吼道。 His magical technique completes finally. 他的术法终于完成。 Bang The entire spaceship is split up. 整个飞船四分五裂。 Gu Qingshan is thrown into Void Chaotic Flow immediately. 顾青山立刻被丢进虚空乱流之中。 But behind him, spaceship joining together together, composed one again completely Giant that becomes by the metal melting molding. 而在他背后,飞船再次拼合在一起,组成了一个完全由金属融化塑形而成的巨人 Appearance exactly the same of this metal Giant and captain. 这个金属巨人与船长的样貌一模一样 It opens the mouth, full is the killing intent say/way: You are the first strength are weaker than me, but can also injure to my person.” 它张开口,满是杀意的道:“你是第一个实力比我弱,但还能伤到我的人。” Your wisdom and method, being worth me seriously treating in the hardest shape.” “你的智慧和手段,值得我以最坚硬的形态来认真对待。” Come, fights well with the old man.” “来吧,与老夫好好战上一场。” This is in your my life the most heroical showdown, in us will certainly have a person dead!” “这是你我人生之中最壮烈的对决,我们之中必将有一个人死去!” Finally only has is also standing the person, can obtain all!!!” “唯有最后还站着的人,才能获得一切!!!” Giant stands in Void, erupts roaring sound that has high morale. 巨人站在虚空之中,爆发出斗志昂扬的咆哮声。 He prepared war of life and death! 他做好了决死之战的准备! However opposite of him, that person who pretends Wang Cheng has not actually managed him. 然而在他对面,那个假冒王成的人却没理他。 Individual hand holds a black cloth, looked looked, thought aloud: „It is not far...... wants to have time.” 那个人手捧一块黑布,看了又看,自言自语道:“不远了……希望赶得及。” Giant lives. 巨人顿住。 „Haven't you heard my just now words?” “你没听见我刚才的话?” Giant full is the anger asked. 巨人满是怒意的质问道。 Gu Qingshan does not respond him, has turned around, flies in the direction of black market. 顾青山丝毫不搭理他,转过身,朝着黑市的方向飞去。 He like a filamental flow light, is flying in Void Chaotic Flow at the extremely quick speed. 他就像一线流光,以极快的速度在虚空乱流中飞行着。 Then. 然后。 He flew away. 他飞走了。 Un...... 恩…… He really flew away. 他真的飞走了。 Giant whole body stiff standing on the spot: „......” 巨人浑身僵硬的站在原地:“……” Your this bastard!!!!!!” “你这个混蛋!!!!!!” Giant roared. 巨人咆哮起来。 Its become spaceship, the agitation biggest energy output, raised the pinnacle the speed again. 它再次变作飞船,鼓动最大的能量输出,将速度提升到了极致。 „, The damn boy, I must tear to shreds you!” “啊啊啊啊啊,该死的小子,我要将你碎尸万段!” The spaceship pursued in the Gu Qingshan flight direction. 飞船朝着顾青山的飞行方向追了上去。 Although this is only one is used to tow to entrain the wreckage the medium spaceship, but it is the Vying for Hegemony Region product, underwent the innumerable techniques, is a spaceship that has powerful engine system. 尽管这只是一艘用来拖拽残骸的中型飞船,但它是争霸区的产品,经过了无数次技术改良,是一艘具备强大动力系统的飞船。 It also obtained buff that the metal fusion and puppet of captain operated. 况且它还得到了船长的金属融合和傀儡操纵的加持 At its speed, can definitely catch up with Gu Qingshan. 以它的速度,完全可以追上顾青山 Spaceship full speed advance! 飞船全速前进! Crossed merely for about one minute, the captain had discovered the form of that boy in Void Chaotic Flow. 仅仅过了一分钟左右,船长就已经在虚空乱流之中发现了那个小子的身影。 Soon caught up shortly! 眼看就快要追上了! The captain hates the tooth quickly to bite. 船长恨得牙都快咬碎。 He is controlling the spaceship, erupts a deafening bellow, increases speed again! 他操控着飞船,爆发出一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣声,再次提速! Suddenly, on the spaceship erupts an intermittent warning. 突然,飞船上爆发出一阵阵警报。 Meanwhile, the bellow is getting more and more weak. 与此同时,轰鸣声越来越弱。 The spaceship stopped gradually. 飞船渐渐停了下来。 But the Gu Qingshan side, the azure clothes female appears. 顾青山的身边,却有一名青衣女子出现。 just now in the spaceship control room, the captain contacted himself after the fusion of spaceship, Gu Qingshan makes her in advance depart, for is at this moment. 刚才在飞船控制室,船长接触了自身与飞船的融合之后,顾青山让她先行离去,为的就是此刻。 The azure clothes female pats storage bag, took out a small-scale lifesaving ship this of streamline shape is on the spaceship best, the energy was also full. 青衣女子一拍储物袋,取出了一艘流线形的小型救生舰这是飞船上最好的一艘,能量也是满满的。 Shan Nu said: Young master, besides this lifesaving ship, I according to your meaning, unloaded the most energies of spaceship, all loses in storage bag.” 山女道:“公子,除了这艘救生舰之外,我按照你的意思,把飞船的大部分能量都卸载了,全丢在储物袋里。” Done good.” “做的好。” Gu Qingshan boards the small-scale lifesaving ship, starts to operate the machine, starts the engine. 顾青山登上小型救生舰,开始操纵机器,启动引擎。 Bastard! Do not want to run!” “混蛋!别想跑!” The captain shouted angrily. 船长怒喝一声。 He jumps from the spaceship high, flies toward here. 他从飞船上高高跃起,朝着这边飞来。 The Gu Qingshan rapid start small-scale lifesaving ship, inputs the coordinate position. 顾青山迅速启动小型救生舰,把坐标方位输入完毕。 The small-scale lifesaving ship erupts one to thunder, toward far flies to shoot to go spatially. 小型救生舰爆发出一阵轰鸣,朝着远空飞射而去。 Shan Nu stands on the spot. 山女站在原地。 She grasps Six Worlds Divine Mountain Sword and Tide's Sound Sword in the hand, welcomed the captain. 她将六界神山剑潮音剑握在手中,迎上了船长。 „Don't you want to fight?” “你不是想要战么?” Her cold(ly) say/way. 冷冷的道。 The double sword erupts the heavy heavy sword shadow, the captain will bind. 双剑爆发出重重剑影,将船长裹了进去。 Bang Bang Several times after intense competition, two people separated. 数次激烈的比拼之后,两人分开。 The captain has a look at Shan Nu, had a look at the disappeared small-scale lifesaving ship again, knew in the heart that oneself this time really could not catch up. 船长看看山女,再看看早已不见踪影的小型救生舰,心知自己这次真的追不上了。 He air/Qi curses to say extremely: coward, including does not have with the courage that I fight!” 他气极大骂道:“胆小鬼,连与我一战的勇气都没有!” You may be wrong.” Shan Nu cold say/way. “那你可错了。”山女冷然道。 „, He had so run away, isn't?” Captain gloomy the face was saying. “本就如此,他都已经逃了,难道不是?”船长阴沉着脸道。 You must fight, does the young master then want to accompany you to fight?” “你要战,公子便要陪你战?” My family young master is very busy, where has time to pester with you,” Shan Nu shakes the head, over the face insipid say/way: „The sentence may hurt your self-respect the words you also to match?” “我家公子很忙的,哪有时间跟你纠缠,”山女摇摇头,满面寡淡的道:“说句可能会伤你自尊心的话你也配?” Finishes speaking, she disappears from the captain. 话音刚落,她从船长面前消失。 In the extremely remote front, she appears figure, then vanishes again. 在极其遥远的前方,她现出身形,然后再次消失。 After three fast and continual disappearances, could not see her form again. 三次快速而连续的消失以后,就再也看不到她的身影了。 In entire Void Chaotic Flow, is only left over captain to stand in the midair dull. 整个虚空乱流之中,只剩下船长一人呆呆站在半空中。
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