WAO :: Volume #7

#682: Coin

The captain pressed on the table, told: First mate violates my custom, had been killed by me, comes two people, goes back his head seam, then the corpse hangs on the ship, making everyone see.” 船长又在桌子上按了一下,吩咐道:“大副违反我的规矩,已经被我杀了,来两个人,把他的头缝回去,然后尸体吊在船上,让所有人都看见。” The quick then two subordinates come. 很快便有两个手下进来。 They salute toward the captain, head that then a person is hugging the first mate, the corpse that a person is dragging the first mate, quick went out. 他们朝船长行了礼,然后一人抱着大副的头颅,一人拖着大副的尸体,很快就出去了。 The captain looks with a smile to Wang Cheng. 船长笑着望向王成 What kind of?” “怎么样?” Many thanks the captain upholds the justice for me.” “多谢船长替我主持公道。” Then felt relieved?” “这下放心了?” Felt relieved.” Say/Way that Wang Cheng feels a heartfelt admiration. “放心了。”王成心悦诚服的道。 Un, you get down, remember, no one can break the custom that I suppose.” “恩,那你下去吧,记住,没有人能打破我设下的规矩。” Compliant, captain Sir.” “遵命,船长大人。” Wang Cheng then walks with the devil outward. 王成便和魔鬼朝外走去。 The captain is gazing at two people back silently. 船长默默的注视着两人的背影。 Hey, brat.” He said suddenly. “嘿,臭小子。”他突然道。 Captain?” “船长?” Dismisses your devil, otherwise my crew will produce scared.” “解散你的魔鬼,不然我的船员们会产生恐慌。” Wang Cheng has not spoken, his devil actually continued: I will deliver him to his room, this summon contract is completes.” 王成没说话,他的魔鬼却接过了话头:“我将把他送至他的房间,本次召唤契约才算完成。” The captain is listening earnestly, the brow loosens gradually. 船长认真听着,眉头渐渐松开。 He nods saying: „, You must the quick point leave, will otherwise affect my person.” 他点头道:“也罢,你得快一点离开,不然会影响我的人。” Wang Cheng was safe, I naturally can walk.” Demon Ghost Path. 王成安全了,我自然会走。”魔鬼道 Bang! 嘭! The gate was closed. 门被关上。 They left. 他们离开了。 The captain sat a while silently. 船长默默的坐了一会儿。 Gripping of his fist unconsciousness is tight, seems massacres the first mate unable to subside the anger in his heart. 他的拳头无意识的攥紧,好似杀掉大副根本无法平息他心中的怒火。 Bastard......” captain muttered in a low voice. “混蛋……”船长低声喃喃道。 He takes out a small box from the table suddenly, turned in inside looked for quite a while, took out a coin. 他忽然从桌子下取出一个小盒子,在里面翻找了半天,取出一枚硬币。 This is a special coin, the surface smooth, above anything does not have. 这是一枚特殊的硬币,表面光滑,上面什么也没有。 The captain was blowing the tone to the coin, listens humming sound sound that the coin edge is transmitting, summoned: Sorceress, I summoned you.” 船长对着硬币吹了口气,听着硬币边缘传来的嗡嗡声,呼唤道:“女巫阁下,我呼唤你。” With his sound, an appearance of woman appears on the coin. 伴随着他的声音,一个女人的样貌出现在硬币上。 What matter?” The women asked. “什么事?”女人问道。 Sorceress, I wants to ask you to help me conduct a divination.” “女巫阁下,我想请您帮我进行一次占卜。” My expense you are know.” “我的费用你是知道的。” Naturally.” “当然。” Ok, wait a bit, I prepare a ceremony.” “行,稍等,我准备一下仪式。” The woman on coin disappears does not see. 硬币上的女人消失不见。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 The voice of sorceress resounds again: Said in your heart the matter that longs for knowing.” 女巫的声音再次响起:“说出你心中渴望知道的事。” The captain said: This is a very strange matter, I thought obviously the strength of enemy is worse than me, but my intuition told me, with his combat.” 船长道:“这是一件很奇怪的事,我明明觉得敌人的实力比我差很多,但我的直觉却告诉我,不要与他战斗。” „? It seems like a special opponent.” “哦?看来是一个特殊的对手。” The voice of sorceress also took an excitement. 女巫的声音也带上了一丝兴奋。 As exploring the people of all mysterious essences, she is interested regarding any unreasonable matter. 身为探索一切神秘本质的人,她对于任何不合理的事都有兴趣。 The captain continues saying: I want to know now, if really fights, whether I can defeat Ghost King that Wang Cheng summoned.” 船长继续道:“我现在就想知道,假如真的交手,我能否打败王成召唤出来的鬼王。” Wait a bit.” “稍等。” Opposite silent a while. 对面沉默了一会儿。 When the captain is getting more and more disturbed, the voice of sorceress resounds again. 就在船长越来越忐忑的时候,女巫的声音再次响起。 Now, you toss the coin.” “现在,你抛起硬币。” Then?” “然后呢?” If after the coin falls, finally toward on side is your head picture, that showed that you can win.” “假如硬币落下之后,最后朝上的一面是你的头像,那就证明你能赢。” „If the head picture of devil toward on?” “如果是魔鬼的头像朝上呢?” You will die.” “你会死。” Only then these two situations?” “只有这两种情况?” You first did said again, I will observe from the one side.” The sorceresses said. “你先做了再说,我会从一旁观察。”女巫道。 The captain clenches teeth, takes up the coin. 船长咬了咬牙,拿起硬币。 On the coin, the facial features of sorceress vanish instantaneously, the entire coin restored again smoothly traceless. 硬币上,女巫的面容瞬间消失,整个硬币再次恢复了光滑无痕。 The captain wields refers to a ball. 船长挥指一弹。 The coin throws high, tumbles in the midair unceasingly. 硬币高高抛起,在半空不断翻滚。 When! 当! It falls on the desktop, bounced several. 它落在桌面上,弹跳了几下。 It stood! 它立了起来! Coin steady standing on desktop, has not covered toward any side. 硬币稳稳的立在桌面上,没有朝着任何一面盖下去。 The captain stared in a big way the eye, for a while could not speak. 船长瞪大了眼睛,一时说不出话来。 hahaha!” 哈哈哈哈哈!” The laughter that the sorceresses cannot suppress resounds. 女巫抑制不住的笑声响起。 What situation is this?” Captain impatient asking. “这是什么情况?”船长迫不及待的问道。 Really is interesting, that Ghost King strength is far less than you, but if you really fight, is actually the evenly matched aspect.” “真是有意思,那个鬼王的实力远不如你,但若你们真的交手,却是势均力敌的局面。” The sorceresses continue to explain with a smile: Ok, such rare divination result, will bring the good luck to me from the mysticalness, therefore money I do not receive.” 女巫继续笑着解释道:“行了,这样少见的占卜结果,会给我从神秘中带来好运,所以钱我就不收了。” Anticipates your next visit.” “期待你下次的造访。” Then, her sound vanishes from the room. 说完,她的声音就从房间中消失。 She walked. 她走了。 In the room, is only left over captain person dull sitting in there. 房间内,只剩下船长一个人呆呆的坐在那里。 Static a while. 静了一会儿。 He roared suddenly: Damn bastard!” 他突然咆哮起来:“该死的混蛋!” Fist numerous hammers on table. 拳头重重的锤击在桌子上。 On desktop all thing beaten jumped, then scattered about falling on table and ground. 桌面上所有东西都被捶的跳了起来,然后七零八落的掉在桌子和地上。 But that coin is still entirely is still standing. 可是那个硬币依然纹丝不动的立着。 „It is not good, I do not permit “不行,我绝不允许” The captain is talking over angrily. 船长恼怒的念叨着。 He stands, arrives at the wall with stride, put the hand. 他站起来,大步走到墙边,将手放了上去。 Suddenly, his expression changes is very strange. 忽然,他的表情变的很奇怪。 Damn, did that devil detect what?” “真见鬼,难道那个魔鬼察觉了什么?” „...... It is not good, I must prepare.” “……不行,我得多做准备了。” He is reading broken, goes out of the room quickly. 他碎碎念着,快步走出房间。 The door was closed by him ruthlessly. 门被他狠狠关上。 The room is thoroughly peaceful. 房间彻底安静下来。 Also crossed several breaths. 又过了数息。 Suddenly, table the coin on that surface smooth, slowly in a direction but actually. 忽然,桌子上的那个表面光滑的硬币,缓缓朝着一个方向倒了下去。 Another side. 另一边。 Gu Qingshan and Shan Nu enter No. 2 spaceship ruins again. 顾青山山女再次进入二号飞船废墟。 Young master, why do we come to here?” Shan Nu asked. “公子,我们为什么来这里?”山女问道。 Because outside everyone does not know when Bai Yu and Zhang Yi killed people here, went well actually had said the first mates and two matters.” “因为外面所有人都不知道,白玉张义在这里杀人,得手之时其实已经说出了大副和二副的事。” Gu Qingshan continues saying: Laughable that captain, but also put on an act proves the fact with Death God Death Bell.” 顾青山继续道:“可笑那个船长,还装模作样的用死神丧钟来证明事实。” The Shan Nu careful thinking said: This was too strange , helping Bai Yu frame the Wang Cheng person obviously is the first mates and two, but Death God Death Bell has not actually made a sound, does that bell have problems?” 山女细细思索道:“这太奇怪了,明明帮助白玉陷害王成的人是大副和二副,但死神丧钟却没有响,难道那个钟出了问题?” No, those who have the issue is two.” Gu Qingshan say. “不,有问题的是二副。”顾青山道 Shan Nu is startled, asks: Where does young master look?” 山女一怔,问道:“公子从哪里看出来的?” Gu Qingshan asked back: He you may still remember to the words that Death God Death Bell did speak?” 顾青山反问道:“他对死神丧钟说的话你可还记得?” The Shan Nu careful recollection, repeats saying: He said that I want to show before everyone, as two on ship, has not received any advantage, has not wanted to frame to kill any oneself person.” 山女细细回忆,复述道:“他说我想要在所有人面前证明,身为船上的二副,从来都没有收取任何好处,也从来没有想要陷害杀死任何自己人。” Discovery?” Gu Qingshan asked. “发现了吗?”顾青山问。 „...... Does not have.” Shan Nu said. “……没有。”山女道。 Helpless Gu Qingshan said: He only said that two have not done these matters, but avoided carefully to the own title.” 顾青山无奈道:“他只说二副没有做那些事,但小心的避开了对自己的称谓。” Shan Nu is suddenly enlighted, said: Yes, he only said that two have not done, had not said that his oneself has not done.” 山女恍然大悟,道:“是啊,他只说二副没有做,并没有说他自己没有做。” Therefore he certainly is not two.” Gu Qingshan said in a soft voice. “所以他一定不是二副。”顾青山轻声道。 Who can he be?” “那他到底会是谁呢?” Temporarily has not known, but I guess that should not be the person.” “暂时还不知道,不过我猜应该不是人。” Why?” “为什么?” Because he blocked my Life Pursue Severance, although said that according to nature laws, earth Spirit Ability restrains Thunder Spirit, but my sword cuts when his body, actually not talking clearly strange feelings.” “因为他挡住了我的追命断离虽然说按照自然法则,土灵能克制雷灵,但我的剑斩在他身上时,却有一种说不清的奇怪感觉。” Gu Qingshan sighed, present was too treacherous, only had this wreckage to be shown hides and security.” 顾青山叹了口气道,“现在局面太诡谲了,唯有这一处残骸已经被证明是隐蔽和安全的。” Therefore we replace the status here.” “所以我们在这里更换身份。” Gu Qingshan is saying, while unloaded Divine Prestige armor. 顾青山一边说着,一边卸下了一声神威甲。 Young master, I for a long time have not seen you very much so meticulously discrete.” Shan Nu gasps in admiration to say. “公子,我很久都没见你如此缜密谨慎。”山女叹服道。 Vying for Hegemony Region has innumerable profession and life type, perhaps all sorts of strange and unusual Space Monster, so completely inobservable Chaos world, not the discrete point does not walk away.” Gu Qingshan sighed. 争霸区有着数不清的职业和生灵种类,还有千奇百怪的虚空怪物,如此完全不可测的混乱世界,不谨慎一点恐怕走不远。”顾青山叹道。 Shan Nu remembers the incident, frowns saying: Right, young master body also has twice Life Tribulation, may be surely careful.” 山女想起一事,蹙眉道:“对,公子身上还有两次命劫呢,可千万要小心。” Gu Qingshan nods. 顾青山点点头。 The Life Tribulation matter, he does not dare to treat it lightly. 命劫的事,他一点都不敢掉以轻心。 He started All Biology Homologous Mystery, the whole person gradually turned into the Wang Cheng appearance. 他发动了众生同调奥秘,整个人渐渐变成王成的模样。 In spaceship ruins, two Wang Cheng, exactly the same, each other looking at each other. 飞船废墟中,两个王成,一模一样,彼此对视着。 „Was young master this...... I do not need to assume the guise Wang Cheng again?” “公子这是……我不用再扮作王成了?” And Wang Cheng asked. 其中一个王成问道。 Un, I have the premonition, following matter perhaps somewhat unexpected change, therefore From now on, changes me to come.” Another Wang Cheng said. “恩,我有预感,后面的事恐怕会有些意想不到的变化,所以从现在开始,换我来。”另一个王成道。 Good!” “太好了!” First Wang Cheng big relaxing, changed the facial features lonely beautiful azure clothes female rapidly. 第一个王成大大的松了口气,迅速变回了面容冷清秀丽的青衣女子。
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