WAO :: Volume #7

#681: Devils and captains

The captain looks to Gu Qingshan. 船长望向顾青山 The devil who sees only this Ghost King level puts on black armor, such as the fog flame heavy line braves from Battle Armor, vertical shoots at Void. 只见这个鬼王级的魔鬼穿着一身黑甲,如雾似焰般的黑线从战甲上冒出来,垂直射向虚空 This devil brings the Golden Armor mask, above etching many close mysterious Rune, covered its facial features. 这个魔鬼带着金甲面具,上面蚀刻了许多细密的玄奥符文,盖住了它的面容。 He can feel devil body that strength. 他能感觉到魔鬼身上的那股力量。 After the trial hand of just now, this devil already the oneself adjustment to peak condition, murderous aura more concentrates is more abundant, swift and fierce Sword Intent Gathering Power due-out, momentarily reckless take action. 经过刚才的试手,这魔鬼已经把自己调整至巅峰状态,杀气越凝越盛,凌厉的剑意蓄势待发,随时都会不顾一切的出手 This is a very dangerous fellow. 这是个十分危险的家伙。 Those who make one have a headache, the devil was summoned laws to bring this place merely. 更让人头疼的是,魔鬼仅仅是被召唤法则带来此地。 The devils can dismiss laws momentarily, returns to the own world. 魔鬼随时都可以解散法则,回归自己的世界去。 If by some chance oneself angered this devil, it can not want the Wang Cheng reward greatly, here massacres air/Qi, then walks away. 万一自己惹怒了这个魔鬼,它大可以不要王成的报酬,在这里乱杀一气,然后一走了之。 ...... This is not good. ……这样可不行。 The captain narrows the long and narrow eye, seems like smiling. 船长眯起狭长的眼睛,看上去就像在笑。 He clears throat, said: Two will not deliberately aim at anyone, this point I believe him.” 他清了清嗓子,说道:“二副不会刻意针对谁,这一点我相信他。” All around in an uproar. 四周一片哗然。 Everyone strange is not the captain is two speeches, but was the captain gave the explanation toward the devil. 大家奇怪的不是船长为二副说话,而是船长朝着魔鬼做出了解释。 This to a certain extent, is concessions. 这从某种程度上来说,也算是一种让步。 However the devil did not appreciate kindness rendered , to continue saying: But Wang Cheng took the test, why two can't actually take the test?” 然而魔鬼丝毫不领情,继续道:“但是王成都接受了测试,为什么二副却不能接受测试?” Some captain hair. 船长有些毛了。 On this ship, no one dares to challenge his authority. 在这艘船上,从来没有人敢挑战他的权威。 Under the captain vision moves, is gazing at the hand of Gu Qingshan quietly. 船长目光下移,悄然注视着顾青山的手。 Gu Qingshan by the hand that black armor covers, according to sword. 顾青山被黑甲覆盖的手,按在剑上。 The sword blade has slight blue white Dianmang to beat unceasingly. 剑身有细微的蓝白电芒不断跳动。 ...... Grasped the element, will also use sword, such devil has never seen. ……掌握了元素,还会用剑器,这样的魔鬼从未见过。 A its sword put to turn one group of people. 它一剑放翻了一群人。 Knitting the brows of the captain slightly cannot be observed. 船长微不可察的皱了皱眉。 Felt obviously this devil is not strong, but why does the own mind tighten gradually? 明明感觉到这个魔鬼并不怎么强,可是为什么自己的心神渐渐绷紧? Is take action, not take action? 出手,还是不出手 This will bring two entirely different aspects. 这将带来两种截然不同的局面。 The captain deeply attracts in a single breath, prepares to make the final decision. 船长深吸一口气,就准备做出最后的决定。 He opens the tastes: Your this devil, I 他张口道:“你这个魔鬼,我” Captain Sir!” “船长大人!” Two actually interrupted the words of captain. 二副却打断了船长的话。 He walks suddenly, was saying to little black bell on own initiative: I want to show before everyone, as two on ship, has not received any advantage, has not wanted to frame to kill any oneself person.” 他突然走上来,主动对着黑色小钟道:“我想要在所有人面前证明,身为船上的二副,从来都没有收取任何好处,也从来没有想要陷害杀死任何自己人。” The voice falls. 话音落。 little black bell is maintaining peaceful. 黑色小钟保持着安静。 It has not made a sound. 它没有响。 Surrounds the people to cheer. 围观众人欢呼起来。 What two said is the truth! 二副说的是真话! He wins everyone's trust immediately again. 他立刻就再次得到了大家的信任。 The captain has gotten back one's composure, visits Gu Qingshan, the vision shifts to Wang Cheng: Look, I said on the entire ship, no one dares to violate my custom.” 船长回过神,望望顾青山,目光又转向王成:“看,我就说整个船上,没有人敢违背我的规矩。” That two designs kill your person, even if you die in their hands, behind I knew the situation, should still revenge for you absolutely!” “那两个设计杀你的人,就算你死在他们手中,后面我知道了情况,也绝对会为你报仇!” When he spoke, similarly to little black bell. 他说话时,同样对着黑色小钟 little black bell still has not made a sound. 黑色小钟依然未响。 The people send out to cheer the bravo again. 众人再次发出欢呼喝彩声。 In two and captain tests after Death Bell one after another, the entire atmosphere was different. 在二副和船长接连通过丧钟测试之后,整个现场的气氛不一样了。 People no longer pull a long face tightly, one after another shows the happy expression. 人们不再紧绷着脸,纷纷露出笑意。 Yes, captain continuously deeply by everyone's faith. 是的,船长一直深受大家的信赖。 The captain will maintain the custom of entire ship absolutely. 船长绝对会维护整艘船的规矩。 Two are also loyal and devoted, will not make in view of the matter of oneself person. 二副也是忠心耿耿,更不会做出针对自己人的事。 Such ship, is worth everyone getting down dull. 这样的船,才值得大家呆下去。 Gu Qingshan stands in same place, is looking at little black bell, is lost in thought. 顾青山站在原地,望着黑色小钟,陷入沉思。 According to Wang Cheng memory, this little black bell from Death Church, is Vying for Hegemony Region commonly used Death holy artifact, was called Death God Death Bell. 按照王成记忆,这个黑色小钟来自死亡圣教,乃是争霸区一种常用的死亡圣器,被称之为死神丧钟 When a person to the Death Bell speech of Death God, little bell will then be distinguishing the genuine and fake that the opposite party said a word from the soul level, and made the determination. 当一个人对着死神丧钟说话,小钟便会从灵魂层面辨别对方言语的真假,并作出判定。 Regarding Death Church, they bestow this Death Bell to various influence uses actually frequently. 对于死亡圣教来说,他们倒是经常将这种丧钟赠送给各种势力使用。 First, can rely on this holy artifact, expands the Death Church influence ; 一是可以凭借这种圣器,扩大死亡圣教的影响力; Second, when some people use this little black bell, then must pay not a poor working cost to Death Church ; 二是当有人使用这个黑色小钟,便要向死亡圣教缴纳一笔不菲的使用费; Third, when little black bell start, will record the matter that has at the scene, and feeds back to Divine Temple of Death, the sect personnel can gain the relevant information. 三是黑色小钟启动之时,会记录当场发生的事情,并反馈至死亡神殿,教派人员可以从中获取相关情报。 Although many organizations know that this is the Death Church wise tactics, but after consideration, is willing to accept this Death God Death Bell. 许多组织虽然知道这是死亡圣教的高明手段,但经过考量之后,还是愿意收下这个死神丧钟 Because there is this holy artifact, the organization no one can lie. 因为有了这个圣器,组织内部就没有人能说谎。 This is the Supreme deterrent force. 这就是无上的威慑力。 As a side influence, they long for organizing internal calmness and steadiness. 作为一方势力,他们更渴望组织内部的安稳。 The innumerable years, never some people can hoodwink Death God Death Bell. 无数年来,从未有人能蒙蔽死神丧钟 When captains and two after test, the people then really felt relieved. 所以当船长和二副通过测试之后,众人便真的放下心来。 Wang Cheng the moment, showed the relieved smile. 王成顿了片刻,露出安心的笑容。 Many thanks the captain, I can feel relieved finally.” Wang Cheng said. “多谢船长,我终于可以放心了。”王成道。 The captain curses saying: Your this brat, you may know that I with this bell one time, how much money can pay to Divine Temple of Death every time?” 船长大骂道:“你这个臭小子,你可知道我每用这个钟一次,要向死亡神殿缴纳多少钱吗?” Wang Cheng on hehe smiling. 王成就嘿嘿的笑。 At this time several people walked from No. 2 spaceship wreckage, arrived at the captain ear light language several. 这时几个人从二号飞船残骸走出来,来到船长耳边轻语几句。 The wrinkle of captain that whole face stretches immediately. 船长那满脸的皱纹顿时舒展开来。 He announced: Bai Yu and Zhang Yi betrayed me, strikes a vicious blow to the oneself person unexpectedly, now, I must confiscate their personal properties!” 他宣布道:“白玉张义背叛了我,竟然对自己人下毒手,现在,我要没收他们的个人财产!” We completed this business time, their properties I will assign to everyone!” “等我们完成这一次的生意,他们的财产我将分配给每个人!” People cheer loudly! 人们大声欢呼起来! Captain Sir not only maintains each crew, but also is so generous! 船长大人不仅维护每个船员,还如此慷慨! Wang Cheng, you are a victim, you will obtain biggest one.” The captain winks toward Wang Cheng. 王成,你是受害者,你将得到最大的一份。”船长朝着王成挤挤眼。 Wang Cheng smiles, said: Many thanks captain.” 王成笑了笑,道:“多谢船长。” The captain spreads out the hand, temperate say/way: Now, all things are solved, you can relieve Summoning Spell, making that damn devil walk.” 船长摊开手,温和的道:“现在,所有事情都解决了,你可以解除召唤术,让那个该死的魔鬼走了吧。” Wang Cheng. 王成顿了顿。 She exchanged the opinion with Gu Qingshan fast. 她跟顾青山飞快的交流了意见。 Captain Sir, actually something, I wants in private with your report/give report.” Wang Cheng said. “船长大人,其实有些事,我想私下跟您禀报。”王成说道。 „?” The captain raises the eyebrow. “哦?”船长扬起眉。 He has a look at Gu Qingshan, has a look at Wang Cheng. 他看看顾青山,又看看王成 The devils still have not walked. 魔鬼依然没走。 Does Wang Cheng actually want to do? 王成到底想干什么? The captain hesitant moment, said: Two, you are responsible for here following work, walks, Wang Cheng you go the captains cabin with me.” 船长犹豫片刻,道:“二副,你负责这里接下来的工作,走,王成你跟我去船长室。” After the moment . 片刻后。 In captains cabin. 船长室之中。 Wang Cheng has made the secret report, said perfectly clear the matter. 王成早已做出了秘密汇报,把事情说了个一清二楚 The captain sits there calmly is listening. 船长坐在那里静静的听着。 His complexion gloomy water. 他的面色阴沉似水。 As the captain, some unexpectedly people dare to hoodwink him! 身为船长,竟然有人敢蒙蔽他! His expression very good to annotate the anger in his heart. 他的表情很好的诠释了他心中的怒火。 Said, is actually the first mate colludes with, the matter that does with Bai Yu and Zhang Yi?” He asked. “这么说,其实是大副跟白玉张义勾结,做下的这件事?”他问道。 Very much so.” The Wang Cheng nod said. “正是如此。”王成点头道。 Two?” “二副呢?” Zhang Yi only said the matter of first mate, was massacred by the impulsive devil, I do not know that also has others, but the first mate determined that participated in this matter.” 张义只说了大副的事,就被冲动的魔鬼杀掉了,我不知道还有没有别人,但大副确定是参与了这件事。” The captain looks to the devil: Why can you aim at two?” 船长望向魔鬼:“你为什么要针对二副?” Smoke shell, we usually like deceiving the enemy with small cheap trick like this.” The devils smiled. “烟雾弹,我们通常喜欢用这样的小把戏迷惑敌人。”魔鬼笑了起来。 Your this devil......” “你这个魔鬼……” Wang Cheng hurries saying: Captain Sir, you use the Death God Death Bell expense, comes by me.” 王成赶紧道:“船长大人,您使用死神丧钟的费用,由我来出。” Listened to this saying, the look of captain was then better. 听了这话,船长的神色这才好了些。 He is looking at the black armor devil, rapid said toward Wang Cheng: Therefore you did not dismiss the summoned devil, because of the reason of first mate?” 他望着黑甲魔鬼,飞速的朝王成道:“所以你一直不解散所召唤的魔鬼,是因为大副的原因?” “That's right.” “正是。” Very good, I understood, since is the first mate is playing tricks, he violates the custom that I set, I will uphold the justice.” “很好,我明白了,既然是大副在捣鬼,他就违犯了我定下的规矩,我会主持公道。” He pressed on the table somewhere, said: Asked the first mate to come.” 他在桌子上某处按了下,道:“叫大副来。” Two people only waited for a small little while. 两人只等了一小会儿。 The first mate came. 大副来了。 On the entire ship, the strength of first mate is next to the captain. 在整艘船上,大副的实力仅次于船长。 The captain why concrete matter, the first mate from is not in fact directing and ruling the person of entire ship generally. 船长一般不干什么具体的事,大副才是从实际上指挥和统治着整个船的人。 The strength of captain was too mystical, no one knows the captain true strength. 船长的力量太神秘了,没有人知道船长真正的实力。 But everyone knows that the first mate is how savage and powerful. 但所有人都知道大副是多么凶残和强大。 Does the captain want to process the first mate now? 难道船长现在就要处理大副? The captain calls the first mate, can lash out at oneself suddenly? 还是说,船长唤来大副,要对自己突然发难? Wang Cheng recalls the passing matter, non-stop judging current aspect, the whole person is tense. 王成回忆起过往的事,又不停判断着当下的局面,整个人不由紧张起来。 Black armor devil static standing in him behind, has not made any response. 黑甲魔鬼静静的站在他身后,没有做出任何反应。 Captain Sir, does not know that what matter you do ask me to come to have?” First mate respectful asking. “船长大人,不知您找我来是有什么事?”大副恭敬的问道。 The captain is pointing at the bookshelf on wall, said: You go third to arrange the 17 th book to take down to Wang Cheng this are I give his thing.” 船长指着墙壁上的书架,道:“你去把第三排第十七本书取下来给王成这是我送给他的东西。” Yes.” First mate complied. “是。”大副应了一声 He turns around, raises head to look to the bookshelf. 他转过身去,仰头望向书架。 The third row...... the 17 th itself/Ben...... 第三排……第十七本…… The first mate raised the head the search. 大副抬头查找。 The captain is looking at the back of first mate. 船长望着大副的背影。 The uphold hand of his quietly, opens the five fingers, is making the movement that stressed ruthlessly turns to the first mate distantly. 悄无声息的抬起手,张开五指,遥遥对着大副做了一个狠狠抓扭的动作。 Ka scratches. 咔擦。 The neck of first mate was wrenched apart directly. 大副的脖子直接被扭断。 The captain waves the arm, separates to pull spatially violently. 船长挥动手臂,隔空猛烈扯动。 ! 噗! The blood fog sticks out suddenly. 血雾暴起。 The head of first mate was twisted. 大副的头被拧了下来。 His corpse falls down, sends out a depressed sound. 他的尸体倒在地上,发出一声沉闷的响动。 As the second person on entire ship, dying of first mate such soundless. 作为整艘船上的第二人,大副就这么无声无息的死掉了。
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