WAO :: Volume #14

#1357: After Apocalypse,

A long string prompting character appears on War God Interface: 一长串的提示字符出现在战神界面上: skill that in view of the fact that Wei Zun Jade Pendant displays is taking advantage of comes, explains specially:” “鉴于唯尊玉佩所施展的技能是‘借’来的,特此作出说明:” „When works as next skilltaking advantage of, the previous skill trace will vanish thoroughly, therefore you can only comprehend recent skill from the jade pendant. ” “当下一个技能被“借”之时,前一个技能的痕迹就会彻底消失,所以你只能从玉佩上领悟最近的一个技能。” This is not difficult to understand, Gu Qingshan looked said: Got it.” 这不难理解,顾青山看一眼就道:“明白了。” War God Interface brushes the last line of characters: 战神界面刷出最后一行字: Comprehends Life Talisman: Evil Thoughts Burning Spirit, needs to consume the Soul Strength 100 million points.” “领悟命符:恶念焚神,需要耗费魂力一亿点。” Gu Qingshan has a scare, asks: Why wants so many Soul Strength?” 顾青山吓了一跳,问道:“为什么要这么多魂力?” War God Interface said: Because you have not studied any Technique of Life Talisman, therefore needs massive soul source strength to conduct the decomposition, to study, restructure to this/should Life Talisman and completes, after the estimate, is about 100 million.” 战神界面道:“因为你并未修习过任何命符之术,所以需要大量的灵魂本源力量对该命符进行分解、学习、重构、完成,经过估算,约为一亿。” Gu Qingshan also asked: 顾青山又问: If I have studied Technique of Life Talisman, with former such, Soul Strength that this skill did need will gradually reduce?” “如果我学过命符之术,是不是跟以前那样,这个技能所需的魂力会逐渐降低呢?” That's true.” War God Interface said. “确实如此。”战神界面道。 Gu Qingshan reveals the color of recollection. 顾青山露出回忆之色。 Before had also had similar matter. 以前也发生过类似的事情。 For example when comprehending Divine Skill Shrinking the Ground Into a Inch, oneself trained hard was very long. 比如在领悟神技缩地成寸”之时,自己苦练了很久。 With skilled of oneself skill, comprehends skill to need Soul Strength to plummet. 随着自己技巧的熟练,领悟技能所需魂力直线下降。 Therefore the correct view is: 所以正确的说法是: If oneself has the profound recognition to skill , comprehends the expenditure that skill needs, will reduce correspondingly. 如果自己技能有深刻认识,那么,领悟技能所需的花费,就会相应降低。 What a pity, Cultivation World talisman is called the magical amulet, is mainly used to release magical technique. 可惜,修行世界符箓称为灵符,主要用于释放术法 But the Evil Ghost World symbol, is Life Talisman, needs the vitality activation. 恶鬼世界的符,是命符,需要生命力激活。 Entire Evil Ghost World is one group of fans, wants to understand that their Civilization and knowledge skill, is almost the impossible matter. 整个恶鬼世界都是一团迷,想了解他们的文明和知识技能,几乎是不可能的事。 Therefore oneself simply does not have the opportunity to study other Life Talisman, no means through the practice, deepen the understanding this technique. 所以自己根本没机会修习其他命符,也没办法通过练习,加深对这门技艺的了解。 Some Gu Qingshan slightly hesitations. 顾青山微微有些踌躇。 Hundred million Soul Strength, learn Evil Ghost Technique of Life Talisman. 一亿魂力,学会恶鬼命符之术 Is worth? 到底值不值得? He thinks a breath, makes the decision quickly. 他想了一息,很快做出决定。 interface, I must pay hundred million Soul Strength, comprehends Evil Thoughts Burning Spirit the technique.” 界面,我要支付一亿魂力,领悟‘恶念焚神’之术。” On War God Interface, his surplus Soul Strength Points jumps instantaneously. 战神界面上,他的剩余魂力值瞬间一跳。 More than 200 million Soul Strength were cancelled one all of a sudden less than half. 两亿多魂力一下子被抹去了一小半。 The War God Interface sound resounds: 战神界面的声音响起: Soul Strength has received, now starts to consume Strength of Soul Source, decomposes this/should Life Talisman, and records.” 魂力已收到,现在开始耗费灵魂本源之力,分解该命符,并进行记录。” Please note, this had never understood the Civilization domain, interface needs time.” “请注意,这是从未了解过的文明领域,界面需要一点时间。” „After one hour, you will obtain with this/should Life Talisman related all knowledge.” “一个小时后,你将获得与该命符有关的所有知识。” Gu Qingshan said joyfully: Thanked.” 顾青山欣然道:“谢了。” This is Red Ghost Life Talisman, if War God Interface can dismantle this symbol, acquires a vast amount of knowledge, Gu Qingshan thinks that hundred million Soul Strength do not owe. 这是红鬼命符,如果战神界面能把这个符拆解开,获得其中的大量知识,顾青山认为一亿魂力不亏。 War God Interface is slowly quiet. 战神界面慢慢沉寂下去。 Gu Qingshan raised the head, looks to that connecting to the heavens and penetrating the earth broad white light. 顾青山抬起头,望向那通天彻地的恢弘白光。 In that life in white light, rapidly seems to be restoring the strength. 处于白光之中的那个生命,似乎正在快速的恢复着力量。 time each over the past one second, Gu Qingshan felt its become stronger. 时间每过去一秒,顾青山就觉得它变强了很多。 This strength, even also wants to be stronger than Holy Spirit World, almost with Creator of Earth and Lady Fusi in same rank. 这种力量,甚至比圣灵世界还要强一些,几乎与地之造物者馥祀女士处于同一等级。 Really is...... extraordinary.” “真是……了不起。” Gu Qingshan is muttering in a soft voice, thought that had anything to be neglected by oneself. 顾青山轻声喃喃着,又觉得有什么事情被自己忽略了。 He thinks silently, suddenly remembers the incident. 他默默想了想,忽然想起一事。 Before War God Interface had the prompt, said that oneself obtained the Chaos Snake King Ouroboros new student/life baptism. 之前战神界面有提示,说自己得到了混乱蛇王乌洛波洛斯的新生洗礼。 Yes. 是了。 Chaos! 混乱 This is Snake King Awaiter of Chaos camp? 难道这头蛇王混乱阵营的等待者 In Gu Qingshan heart surging intermittent doubts. 顾青山心中涌起阵阵疑惑。 Waited for a long time.” “久等了。” A gentle sound resounds. 一道柔和的声音响起。 With this sound, all holy white lights in sky also receive, fall into Earth. 随着这道声音,天空中的所有圣洁白光随之一收,落入大地 That jungle disappears. 那片丛林不见了。 Lake of the light appears in the jungle original(ly) position. 一片光之湖出现在丛林原本的位置。 Hello, was you helps me relieve Evil Incantation? I must thank you.” “你好,是你帮我解除了恶咒?我必须谢谢你。” Asking of Gu Qingshan politeness. 顾青山礼貌的问道。 That gentle sound said: Does not need to be polite, actually you rescued my life, some time ago I towed from destruction destiny the world, exhausted almost all strengths- who knows the opportunity of continually panting for breath does not have, immediately encounters Plague Apocalypse, almost died.” 那柔和声音道:“不必客气,其实你救了我的命,不久前我把世界从毁灭命运中拖出来,耗尽了几乎所有力量-谁知道连喘息的机会都没有,立刻就遭遇了瘟疫末日,几乎死掉。” In Gu Qingshan heart a surges. 顾青山心中一阵翻腾。 Yes. 是的。 Vanished Monster World and Plague world and Holy Spirit World moved toward destruction, but the Three Worlds remaining source fuses together, starts the space and time to flow backwards, temporarily had the existence's opportunity. 绝迹怪物世界瘟疫世界、圣灵世界都走向了毁灭,但三个世界残余的本源融合在一起,发动时空倒流,暂时获得了存在的机会。 Gu Qingshan say: Taking the liberty asked that actually did your world have what?” 顾青山道:“冒昧的问一下,你们的世界究竟发生了什么?” Is glittering in the light screen lake, the gentle sound continues to resound: 闪烁着光幕的湖泊中,柔和的声音继续响起: Perhaps you are not clear, perhaps you come from the fusion other world, but since you want to listen, I can say.” “也许你并不清楚,也许你来自融合的其他世界,但既然你想听,我可以说一点。” Thanks.” Gu Qingshan say. “谢谢。”顾青山道 The gentle sound said: 柔和声音道: Void said that we for Awaiter, we also called oneself like this.” 虚空称我们为等待者,我们也这样称自己。” In my original(ly) Parallel World, Apocalypse knocked open Gate of World, All Worlds gradually thorough destruction in Void Chaotic Flow.” “在我原本平行世界之中,末日叩开了世界之门,虚空乱流之中的诸界渐渐彻底毁灭。” We of deep sleep have not restored the strength, when waking up, actually saw that all came to the end.” “沉睡的我们并未恢复力量,在醒来之际,却看到一切都走到了尽头。” We are filled with desperately-, because we exhaust the method that the strength arranges, failed in the Apocalypse front.” “我们满心绝望-因为我们耗尽力量所布置的手段,在末日的面前都失败了。” The Gu Qingshan look concentrates. 顾青山眼神微凝。 The so-called method, perhaps is Order and Chaos. 所谓的手段,恐怕就是秩序混乱 But Gu Qingshan did not ask, but remained silent, waited for the opposite party to continue. 顾青山并不发问,只是保持沉默,等着对方继续说下去。 The gentle sound continues saying: 柔和声音继续道: Awaiter died.” 等待者都死了。” „- Only has me, Chaos Snake King, found the only survival means.” “-唯有我,混乱蛇王,找到了唯一的生存办法。” Gu Qingshan hears here, this asked: Your excellency, you really found the means of resisting Apocalypse?” 顾青山听到这里,这才问道:“阁下,你真的找到了对抗末日的办法?” „It is not true.” “并非如此。” Chaos Snake King is somewhat bitter and astringent: I found means that temporarily barely manages to maintain a feeble existence.” 混乱蛇王有些苦涩:“我只是找到了一个办法,暂时苟延残喘。” Barely manages to maintain a feeble existence?” Gu Qingshan puzzled say/way. “苟延残喘?”顾青山困惑道。 I discovered that most Apocalypse have characteristics, that is when it induces to the world has been doomed destruction, will not summon other Apocalypse to come again- it will go with the tide of the current development, silently waiting all ends.” Chaos Snake King said. “我发现大部分末日都有一个特点,那就是当它感应到世界已经注定毁灭,就不会再呼唤其他末日前来-它会顺应当前的事态发展,默默等待一切的终结。”混乱蛇王道。 Please further say.” Gu Qingshan said with deep veneration. “请您进一步说说。”顾青山肃然道。 Chaos Snake King said: Our current world, is actually perished the world, moreover all exist(ence) that enters this world, we request to be the unique independent individuals, as the matter stands, will confuse Apocalypse.” 混乱蛇王说:“我们当前所处的世界,其实是一个灭亡了的世界,而且所有进入这个世界的存在,我们要求必须是绝无仅有的单独个体,这样一来,就会迷惑住末日。” Gu Qingshan is suddenly enlighted, says: Because is the unique independent individuals, opportunity that therefore not exist(ence) multiplication lives, in addition this world originally by destruction, therefore Apocalypse bumps into this world, thinks that this world must perish sooner or later, therefore no longer attacks.” 顾青山恍然大悟,接话道:“因为都是绝无仅有的单独个体,所以不存在繁衍生息的机会,再加上这个世界本就被毁灭了,所以末日碰上这个世界,就会认为这个世界迟早要灭亡,因此就不再加以攻击。” Very much so, you are very intelligent.” Chaos Snake King said. “正是如此,你很聪明。”混乱蛇王道。 In the Gu Qingshan heart just like the surging difficult situation. 顾青山心中犹如涌起惊涛骇浪。 Also can like this! 还可以这样! This was equal to deceiving Apocalypse, but has not deceived Apocalypse. 这等于是欺骗了末日,但又并未欺骗末日 Because of extremely the special individual, is unable to form the ethnic group, cannot the multiplication descendant's opportunity, be doomed the one person alone dead in the world. 因为太过特殊的个体,是无法形成族群的,也没有能够繁衍后代的机会,注定要孤身死于世上。 The world gradually is also truly moving toward radical demise. 世界也确实在一步步走向彻底的灭亡。 Just, this process will be very slow, these unique individuals will live, lives time. 只不过,这个过程会很慢,那些独特的个体将会活下来,活一段时间 You can think that unexpectedly this method, I admire very much.” “您竟然能想到这个方法,我很佩服。” Gu Qingshan said heartfeltly. 顾青山由衷的说。 Chaos Snake King desolate say/way: Lost to Apocalypse eventually, sooner or later must die.” 混乱蛇王落寞的道:“终究是败给了末日,早晚要死的。” Gu Qingshan falls into silent. 顾青山陷入沉默。 Chaos Snake King has not spoken for a while. 混乱蛇王一时也没有说话。 Actually is Apocalypse what? 末日究竟是什么? Why Apocalypse always in unceasing appearance, spread and destruction all? 为什么末日总是在不断的出现、蔓延、毁灭一切? If all Awaiter died, that- 如果所有的等待者都死了,那么- Lady of the Unextinguishing Sand? 不灭之沙女士呢? She is the time partner, can go to river of time, spies on secret that others cannot spy on. 她是时间的伙伴,可以去时光的长河之中,窥探别人所不能窥探的秘密 Also, in that Parallel World, Creator of Earth destiny is so? 还有,在那个平行世界中,地之造物者命运又是如此? Actually the Coin of Earth true strength, Gu Qingshan has not tested to develop completely. 其实地之钱币的真正力量,顾青山尚未完全考开发出来。 Because his strength was too weak. 因为他的实力太弱了。 Creator of Earth is different, it was too powerful. 地之造物者不同,它太强大了。 It can display destiny True Luck thoroughly, but Unextinguishing Sand can borrow the time strength- 它能彻底发挥命运真实幸运,而不灭之沙能借用时间的力量- Other are Righteous God also living? 其他正神是不是还活着? Gu Qingshan remembers when oneself becomes God of Earth, other three Saint Pillars laws manifestation soul artifact once came to witness. 顾青山记得自己成为地神之时,其他三种圣柱法则具现魂器曾经前来见证。 Wind God laws soul artifact is a azure key. 风神法则魂器是一把青色的钥匙。 Key of the Wind. 风之匙 If Wind God in four Righteous God are also living, they even can rely on the Key of the Wind strength, arrives in the random place in Void Chaotic Flow. 如果四正神之中的风神还活着,他们甚至可以凭借风之匙的力量,抵达虚空乱流之中的任意地方。 As the matter stands, time, space and destiny Three Great Laws stood them. 这样一来,时间空间命运三大法则都站在了他们这边。 Perhaps could not resist Apocalypse, but didn't this even go on living? 也许对抗不了末日,但连这样也活不下去吗? Thinks of here, Gu Qingshan cannot bear the probe say: „Did all your companions die?” 想到这里,顾青山忍不住试探道:“你所有的同伴都死了?” Yes, I believe firmly this point.” Chaos Snake King said. “是的,我确信这一点。”混乱蛇王道。 A Gu Qingshan thoughts revolution, asked: Your enemies?” 顾青山心思一转,又问:“那你的敌人们呢?” Enemy?” “敌人?” Chaos Snake King is thinking deeply about the say/way: „The fellows of these Order camps, as if escaped Eternal Abyss.” 混乱蛇王思索着道:“那些秩序阵营的家伙们,似乎逃去了永恒深渊。” time passed was too long, making me think......” 时间过去了太久,让我想想……” Inner World already destruction, but the Eternal Abyss bottom, the channel, can enter destruction Inner World.” 里世界已经毁灭,但永恒深渊的底部,有一个通道,可以进入毁灭里世界。” But there has what terrifying thing to defend probably- because of that thing, Eternal Abyss can only maintain slumber, regains consciousness does not dare......” “但那里好像有什么恐怖的东西守着-因为那个东西,永恒深渊只能保持着沉眠,连苏醒都不敢……” Laughable, Eternal Abyss is strongest primary monster in Void Chaotic Flow, actually fear that thing.” “可笑,永恒深渊乃是虚空乱流之中的至强原生怪物,却害怕那个东西。” The heart of Gu Qingshan raises suddenly. 顾青山的心猛然提起来。 Bottom of Abyss, there is terrifying Demonic Creature. 深渊之底,有一个恐怖的魔物 Boss had also said this matter, was the Boss expression was very not at that time good, as if simply has not re-entered the plan of Inner World. 老大曾经也说过这件事,可是当时老大的表情很不好,似乎根本没有重新进入里世界的打算。 Gu Qingshan can feel that Boss has the idea, what are more is helpless. 顾青山能感觉到老大是有想法的,但更多的是无奈。 Has no alternative, cannot achieve. 无可奈何,做不到。 Chaos Snake King continues saying: Once...... Eternal Abyss exhausted all means that found out weapon that copes with that terrifying thing.” 混乱蛇王继续道:“曾经……永恒深渊用尽一切办法,想出了对付那个恐怖东西的兵器。” Gu Qingshan sighed secretly, has known that was what weapon, but asked: What is?” 顾青山暗暗叹息一声,已经知道是什么兵器,但还是问道:“是什么?” Chaos Snake King sound lonesome, this said: That is Extinction's Shelterer, Sword of Changing Destiny, All Worlds Gate Key and endless Abyss bottom Weapon of Suppressing Demon and legendary twin sword: Heaven and Earth.” 混乱蛇王声音寂了寂,这才说道:“那是灭绝的庇护者背离命运之剑诸界门匙、无尽深渊底端的镇魔之兵传说中的双生剑:天与地。” Endless Abyss bottom Weapon of Suppressing Demon......” Gu Qingshan muttered. “无尽深渊底端的镇魔之兵……”顾青山喃喃道。 Chaos Snake King said: Unfortunately, that is called ‚’ long sword thorough destruction.” 混乱蛇王道:“可惜的是,那柄被称为‘地’的长剑彻底毁灭了。” Gu Qingshan interposed: Hasn't made a again?” 顾青山插话道:“没有再做一柄?” This type of weapon contained the special mission, has karma and secret laws along, only will appear one time in the river of history.” destruction Snake King sigh with emotion say/way. “这种兵器蕴含了特殊的使命,有因果秘密法则随身,在历史的长河之中只会出现一次。”毁灭蛇王感慨的道。 Said, in Apocalypse destruction all final times, the fellows of these Order camps, possibly 1-2 resisted bottom of Abyss that terrifying fellow, is living Inner World that entered destruction- was also possible not to have.” “说起来,在末日毁灭一切的最后时刻,那些秩序阵营的家伙,可能有1-2抵挡住了深渊底端的那个恐怖家伙,活着进入了毁灭里世界-也可能一个都没有。” Gu Qingshan asks immediately: Why do they want to go to there?” 顾青山立刻问道:“他们为什么要去那里?” „...... I do not know.” “……我不知道。” Chaos Snake King full was being at a loss said. 混乱蛇王满是迷惘的说。
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