WAO :: Volume #14

#1354: Going

The light according to entering the sea ocean depths, maps a set a blue deep dark Abyss Sea. 光明照入海洋深处,把深暗海渊映成一片淡蓝。 The gentle sound resounds again: 柔和的声音再次响起: This Black Dragon seems like dragon class life, super soul artifact that but actually lives for the war- makes its person, certainly works hard.” “这条黑龙看上去是龙类生命,但其实是为战争而生的超级魂器-制造它的人,一定下了很大的功夫。” It is unique exist(ence).” “它是绝无仅有的存在。” „......, but I felt that its body has an extremely fierce virulent incantation technique.” “……但是我感觉到它身上有一种极其厉害的恶毒咒术。” I am busy with the direction dealing with various Plague now, temporarily cares about your here matters busily, you must bring Dragon King of Crime Prison, looks for me to the place of seal.” “我现在忙于指挥应付各种瘟疫,暂时无暇顾及你们这边的事,你们要带着罪狱龙王,到封印之地来找我。” The sound vanishes slowly. 声音徐徐消失。 Radiance soars from the sea, disappears without a trace instantaneously. 光辉从海洋中飞腾而起,瞬间不知去向。 Only has Black Dragon body, but also has the one layer holy white light to wind around continuous. 唯有黑龙身上,还有着一层圣洁白光缭绕不休。 Black Dragon in this white light, fell asleep comfortably. 黑龙在这白光之中,舒服的睡着了。 If Gu Qingshan consciousness at this time soberly, he will see, on War God Interface braved several lines of glow small characters: 如果这时候顾青山意识清醒的话,他就会看到,战神界面上冒出来了几行萤火小字: You obtained the blessing of Snake King.” “你得到了蛇王的祝福。” „The spell of Evil Thoughts Burning Spirit you withstand was dispelled slightly, you withstood time of this incantation to reduce for one hour.” “你所承受的恶念焚神之符咒被稍稍祛除,你承受此咒的时间缩短了一个小时。” The cage reduces gradually dimly, in the Black Dragon body white light. 笼在黑龙身上的白光渐渐缩小、黯淡。 Black Dragon has a sleep/felt, is following close on the reduction body, changes into human, still kept in oneself bright covering. 黑龙似有所觉,紧跟着缩小身体,重新化为人类,将自己仍旧留在光明的笼罩之中。 After several breaths . 数息之后。 The light vanishes finally thoroughly. 光明终于彻底消失。 Gu Qingshan discontented whispering two, fell into the deep sleep again. 顾青山不满的呢喃了两句,再次陷入沉睡。 The giant beetle roaming comes, very carefully supports him. 巨型甲虫游过来,小心翼翼的将他托住。 I must lead him to see the king now, does anyone of you come?” Giant beetle spirited say/way. “我现在要带他去见王,你们谁来?”巨型甲虫神气的道。 I come!” “我来!” Calculates my one.” “算我一个。” I.” “还有我。” I!” “我!” Say/Way that monster rush to be first. 怪物们争先恐后的道。 According to the view of king, this soul artifact life was hit by Evil Incantation. 按照王的说法,这魂器生命恶咒击中了。 Under having the Evil Incantation condition, it can also defeat Gerhard, the strength is needless saying that 在身怀恶咒的状态下,它还能战胜耶加得,实力自不用说, The present is it most difficult time, if did not take advantage that this opportunity flatters it, climbs the friendship, after also waits ? 现在正是它最困难的时候,若不趁此机会讨好它,攀攀交情,难道还等以后? Later others restored, which can also manage you? 以后人家恢复了,哪儿还会理你? The giant beetle conducts the back Gu Qingshan to leave, remembers anything in midway, said toward Gerhard: „Can't you come?” 巨型甲虫驮着顾青山就要离开,中途想起什么,朝耶加得道:“你来不来?” Double headed sea snake cold -ly snorted and said: You lead this fellow to see the king of my clan, will only put to trouble to it , its original(ly) is very laborious.” 双头海蛇冷哼道:“你们带这个家伙去见我族的王,只会给它添麻烦,要知道,它原本已经很辛苦了。” Giant beetle silent, said: I comply with king's order.” 巨型甲虫沉默了下,说道:“我只是遵从王的命令。” Then, it is conducting the back Gu Qingshan, breaks surface toward the sea level. 说完,它驮着顾青山,朝海面上浮。 Behind it, dozens monster closely follow. 在它后面,几十头怪物紧紧跟随。 Numerous monster floats the Shanghai surface, everywhere looks. 怪物浮上海面,四下一望。 Saw only the sky has become pale yellow, the dark-gray, deep green and scarlet red fog group have delimited the horizon like the meteor, fell unceasingly toward Earth depths. 只见天空早已变得昏黄,深灰色、深绿色、深红色的雾团如同流星划过天际,不断朝着大地深处坠去。 Is 78 new Plague......” giant beetle moan said. “又是七八种新的瘟疫……”巨型甲虫呻吟道。 Strange, we have defeated dozens Plague, why continuously will also present new Plague?” A monster puzzled say/way. “奇怪,我们已经战胜了几十种瘟疫了,为什么还会不断出现新的瘟疫?”一头怪物困惑的道。 Gu Qingshan as if heard these words, stands up from failure on the carapace, talks during sleep saying: Dozens types are anything, has more than 1000 kinds fully.” 顾青山似乎听到了这句话,在甲壳上翻了个身,呓语道:“几十种算什么,足有一千多种呢。” monster look at each other in blank dismay, simultaneously speechless. 怪物们面面相觑,齐齐失语。 Front deals dozens Plague that presents, has made everyone lose seriously, if really more than 1000 kinds of Plague, that can perish? 应对前面出现的几十种瘟疫,就已经让大家损失惨重,如果真的有一千多种瘟疫,那岂不是要灭亡? He is talking in a dream.” The giant beetle said. “他在说梦话。”巨型甲虫道。 Numerous monster looks to Gu Qingshan. 怪物望向顾青山 He rests very soundly. 他睡得很香。 Originally is the lie, this is good.” “原来是瞎话啊,这就好。” Right, just now scared to death me.” “对,刚才吓死我了。” They relax, feel relaxed to say. 它们松了口气,释然道。 The giant beetle silent moment, recognized the direction, the both wings vibrated fast, fierce proposed the speed. 巨型甲虫沉默片刻,认准了方向,双翅快速振动,猛的把速度提了起来。 One crowd of monster hurry to follow. 一群怪物赶紧跟上。 Flew about more than ten minutes, Gu Qingshan has the sound said suddenly: Front has a very smelly flavor, do not forward from here again.” 飞了大约有十多分钟,顾青山突然出声道:“前面有一股很臭的味道,不要再从这边向前了。” Giant beetle. 巨型甲虫一顿。 It pondered several seconds, a both wings leaf, from in the air has delimited together the arc, flies toward another side. 它思考了几秒,双翅一扇,从空中划过一道弧形,朝着另一边飞去。 These monster have to follow. 那些怪物只好跟上。 Hey, Purple Star, you go a long wayed around like this.” Had monster to call out. “喂,紫星,你这样绕远了啊。”有怪物叫道。 Yes, he is talking in a dream.” Another monster said. “是啊,他是在说梦话。”另一头怪物道。 Purple Star has not spoken, but continues to detour the flight. 紫星没吭声,只是继续绕路飞行。 Also flew for several minutes- 又飞行了几分钟- Gu Qingshan lies down on the carapace, the hand lifts one finger/refers: 顾青山躺在甲壳上,手抬起来一指: Here, walks here!” “这边,走这边啊!” The giant beetle follows the direction that he refers to fly immediately. 巨型甲虫立刻顺着他所指的方向飞去。 At this time had to jump at the back of monster of high carapace, flew to block the giant beetle, called out loudly: Purple Star, why don't you walk the deep space rope way?” 这时有个背着高高甲壳的怪物跳出来,飞出来拦着巨型甲虫,大声叫道:“紫星,你为什么不走深空索道?” The giant beetle hangs in the midair, said: Deep space rope way some will not be perhaps right, I listen to Dragon King of Crime Prison.” 巨型甲虫悬在半空,道:“深空索道恐怕会有些不对,我还是听‘罪狱龙王’的。” He fell asleep, said on again deep space rope way that road had guard with large army, very safe- your flies to delay time randomly.” monster reprimanding said. “他睡着了啊,再说深空索道那条路上有重兵把守,很安全-你这样乱飞会耽搁时间的。”怪物斥责道。 The giant beetle does not know how to explain. 巨型甲虫不知道怎么解释。 That monster said: You are falling short of the anticipation of king, I cannot accept this point, gives me Dragon King of Crime Prison quickly, I lead him to walk the deep space rope way, the quick point sees the king!” 怪物就道:“你在辜负王的期待,我不能接受这一点,快把罪狱龙王交给我,我来带他走深空索道,快一点去见王!” The giant beetle had not responded that the meaning of these words, conducts the back actually resounds together the sleep talking sound: 巨型甲虫还未反应过来这句话的含义,背上却响起一道梦呓般的声音: Who is...... is speaking?” “是谁……在说话?” The giant beetle has the sound said: „A snail.” 巨型甲虫出声道:“一只蜗牛。” Snail?” That person of redundant say/way. “蜗牛?”那人重复道。 Right, snail.” “对,蜗牛。” Why can it stay in this world?” “它为何能留在这个世界?” The giant beetle explained: Its strength is very strong-, but this is not the key point, it is the snail that historically only one by one can only talk nonsense, is relying on this unique characteristics, therefore there is qualifications to stay in this world.” 巨型甲虫解释道:“它实力很强-但这不是重点,它是历史上唯一一只会放屁的蜗牛,凭借着这个独一无二的特点,所以有资格留在这个世界。” „......” “呵……” Bears that person of seems like cold(ly) smiled one, lifts the hand to stretch out a finger. 背上那人似乎冷冷的笑了一声,抬手伸出一根手指。 What is this? 这是啥意思? monster somewhat are curious. 怪物们都有些好奇。 Sees only Gu Qingshan to sit suddenly, loudly exclaimed: Snail! Must use ju, does with the fish and good oil cake together! Is joined to ices the strong liquor, is the Human World delicacy extremely!!!” 只见顾青山突然坐起来,大吼道:“蜗牛!要用焗的,跟鱼、牛油饼一起做!配上一些冰镇烈酒,是绝顶的人间美味啊!!!” Roars, had a yawn, leisure going back but actually, close your eyes, was motionless. 吼完,打了个哈欠,慢悠悠的倒回去,闭上眼,不动了。 All monster dumbfounded. 所有怪物呆住 Is robbing to shoulder Dragon King of Crime Prison to see the power of king obviously, how...... to speak to eat suddenly? 明明在抢夺背负罪狱龙王去见王的权力,怎么……怎么突然说到吃上了? They remember beforehand this person Incarnation suddenly are the dragons, presses the double headed snake on the ground, gnaws full mouth is the blood, while shouts wildly „the bloodiness of delicacy. 它们忽然想起之前这个人化身为龙,把双头蛇摁在地上,一边啃得满口是血,一边狂呼“美味的血腥”。 Un...... 恩…… In the Dragon King of Crime Prison recipes has snail dish? 罪狱龙王的食谱上有蜗牛这道菜? His double headed sea snake eats. 他连双头海蛇都吃。 Is omnivorous? 难道是杂食? Is...... this to. 是的……这就对上了。 To. 对上了。 monster have the cool feeling gradually, the atmosphere does not dare to have one. 怪物们渐渐心生凉意,大气都不敢出一声。 That snail monster frightens the whole body to tremble, the body turned made way the road. 那蜗牛怪物吓得浑身直打颤,身子一扭就让开了路。 Indeed, it truly wants to try to please the king, but is not willing to treat as food ingredients to offer together oneself. 诚然,它确实想取悦王,但绝不愿把自己当做一道食材奉献出去。 Does not have monster to work as the giant beetle again. 再没有怪物当着巨型甲虫。 In who not clear Dragon King of Crime Prison recipes has oneself. 谁也不清楚罪狱龙王的食谱上到底有没有自己 The giant beetle was not worried that this issue, the both wings inspire, continue to go toward the forward flight. 巨型甲虫丝毫不担心这个问题,双翅一振,继续朝前飞去。 Then. 接下来。 So long as Gu Qingshan makes noise, requests to replace the vanguard direction, this giant beetle will often act accordingly. 只要顾青山出声,要求更换前行方向,这只巨型甲虫往往都会照办。 Approximately passed two quarters, suddenly meets monster that several escape in a panic. 大约过了两刻钟,忽然遇到几只仓皇逃跑的怪物 The giant beetle calls them, asked hastily: Strange, where do you come?” 巨型甲虫唤住它们,连忙问道:“奇怪,你们从哪里来?” Deep space rope way.” That several monster are still shaken, say/way of panting. “深空索道。”那几只怪物惊魂未定,气喘吁吁的道。 What had?” The giant beetle asked. “发生什么了?”巨型甲虫问。 There in a single breath arrived at more than ten Plague, the defense line collapsed instantaneously.” “那里一口气降临了十几种瘟疫,防线瞬间就崩溃了。” monster simultaneously is silent. 怪物齐齐默然。 Almost the life does not guarantee, has not taken that road fortunately! 差点性命不保,还好没走那条路啊! Everyone awed Dragon King of Crime Prison. 大家更敬畏罪狱龙王了。 Also passed half quarter, numerous monster finally arrives in the destination. 又过了半刻钟,一众怪物终于抵达目的地。 Here is snow white places, the big tree of withering covers entirely the jungle, was covered by the white frost and snow. 这里是一片雪白之地,枯萎的大树布满丛林,被白色的霜雪覆盖住。 In behind of jungle, cannot look at the boundary and end high mountain ridge. 在丛林的后面,是望不到边际和尽头的崇山峻岭。 monster fall by far, careful is maintaining the distance with the frost and snow of ground. 怪物们远远落下来,小心的与地上的霜雪保持着距离。 „The hoar frost on tree increased.” monster said. “树上的白霜又增加了。”一头怪物道。 Yes, does not know how long our world can also insist.” Another monster said. “是啊,也不知道我们的世界还能坚持多久。”另一头怪物道。 monster are gazing at the withered woods heavyheartedly. 怪物们忧心忡忡的注视着枯萎树林。 Sees only on each tree, is covering the thick pure white frost and snow. 只见每一颗树上,均覆盖着厚厚的纯白霜雪。 The wind blows. 风吹来。 Chill in the air biting cold. 寒意彻骨。 The giant beetle forwards slightly, to withered tree wood-road: King, I have brought Dragon King of Crime Prison.” 巨型甲虫稍稍向前,冲着枯萎树林道:“王,我已经把罪狱龙王带来了。” The holy white light falls together baseless, hits in Gu Qingshan body. 一道圣洁的白光凭空落下,打在顾青山身上 Gu Qingshan just showed a comfortable expression, that light/only actually vanished quickly. 顾青山刚露出一个舒服的表情,那光却很快消失了。 The moderate sound also resounds: 温和的声音随之响起: Plague that I can deal with had reached the limit, but the Plague quantity increased several hundred types suddenly, I have to condense it with the energy in my body surface.” “我所能应付的瘟疫已经到了极限,但瘟疫的数量突然增加了数百种,我不得不用能量将其凝聚在我的身体表面。” But these Plague as if can each other communicate, they mix together with my energy, formed the strength of some seal, my seal.” “可是这些瘟疫似乎能彼此沟通,它们跟我的能量混合在一起,形成了某种封印之力,把我封印了起来。” Therefore my strength insufficiently has helped him eliminate Evil Incantation at present.” “所以眼下我的力量已经不够帮他消除恶咒了。” monster 怪物 King, are you all right?” Asking of giant beetle care. “王,您没事吧?”巨型甲虫关心的问道。 The moderate sound sighed: Was difficult saying that perhaps I also-” 温和的声音叹息道:“难说,恐怕我也-” Gu Qingshan jumps suddenly, exclaimed to the withered woods: Light! I want just now that type of light! Light? Why didn't give me light/only?” 顾青山突然跳起来,冲着枯萎的树林吼道:“光!我要刚才那种光!光呢?为什么不给我光了?” Sorry, my strength insufficiently helps you relieve Evil Incantation.” The moderate sound has the apology to say. “对不起,我的力量不够帮你解除恶咒。”温和声音带着歉意道。 No, I want that type of light! You do not give me, I eat clean your strength!” “不,我就要那种光!你不给我,我就吃光你的力量!” Gu Qingshan changes to orange cat, throws directly toward the place of hoar frost. 顾青山化作一只橘猫,径直朝着白霜之地扑去。
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