WAO :: Volume #12

#1196: Inquires into the truth

Let time back up slightly. 时间稍稍倒退。 Roof lifted instance of library. 图书馆的屋顶被掀开的瞬间。 Do not move!” “别动!” Gu Qingshan said toward other three people of sound transmission. 顾青山朝其他三人传音道。 His figure changes, suddenly changes to a great snake, the opens the mouth draws the mouth three people. 身形一变,突然化作一条巨蛇,张口就把三人吸进嘴里。 This snake height several hundred meters, swam the library from the roof instantaneously. 这条蛇身长数百米,瞬间就从屋顶游出了图书馆。 The scene that in the sky, six nuclear bombs explode simultaneously reflects in that pair of vertical pupil of great snake. 天空中,六枚核弹同时爆炸的情景映在巨蛇的那一双竖瞳中。 They like six star that is sending out the blazing glare! 它们就像六个散发着炽烈强光的恒星! The white light in sky toward spreads in all directions, turns into the white the whole world. 天空中的白光朝四面八方扩散,将整个世界变成白色。 The as far as the eyes can see range, can only see the white. 目光所及范围,只能看见白色。 The shock-wave must come- 冲击波就要来了- Crosses again flickers, six nuclear bombs will explode the shock-wave that will form to arrive simultaneously, destruction ground all. 再过一瞬,六枚核弹同时爆炸形成的冲击波就会降临,毁灭地上的一切。 Although the great snake does not fear the nuclear bomb, but the might of shock-wave is too big, will hinder it to act enormously. 巨蛇虽然不怕核弹,但冲击波的威力太大,将会极大的阻碍它行动。 Hiss! 嘶! in the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint. 电光火石之间 The great snake emits Divine Sense, figure flees forward fiercely. 巨蛇放出神念,身形向前猛地一窜。 When the white light of sky lays out, it also vanishes. 当天空的白光铺陈开来,它也随之消失。 Divine Skill, Shrinking the Ground Into a Inch! 神技,缩地成寸 Displays this grade of Divine Skill by its figure, passed through the long distance directly, arrives at the bank of great river. 以它的身形施展这等神技,直接就穿过了漫长的距离,来到大江之畔。 On the river water, many Apocalypse monster closed the eye. 江水上,许多末日怪物都闭上了眼。 Although the ray radiation is unable to kill them, but Deprive their line of sight. 光辐射虽然无法杀死它们,但还是剥夺了它们视线。 While this proliferation light/only, the river water separates suddenly, reveals an inclined downward muddy road. 趁着这光的扩散,江水骤然分开,露出一条倾斜向下的泥路。 The great snake flees toward below. 巨蛇朝下一窜。 The river water closes up in it behind. 江水在它身后合拢。 The these matter said to be long, is actually only flash's matter. 这些事说起来长,其实只是一瞬间的事。 Next flickers, the glare vanishes slowly. 下一瞬,强光徐徐消失。 The world becomes can see. 世界变得可以看见。 The shock-wave that six nuclear bombs erupt starts to sweep across the entire city. 六枚核弹爆发出的冲击波开始席卷整个城市。 monster open eyes, silently looks at the city to fall into destruction. 怪物们睁开眼,默默的看着城市陷入毁灭 All finished. 一切结束。 monster seeks for that Chaos' seed in the city that wiping to extinguish. 怪物们在抹灭的城市上寻找那混乱的种子。 Then, they march toward other cities. 然后,它们朝着其他的城市进军。 myriad creations destruction. 万物毁灭 Only has the great snake to hide in the bottom of river water silt, calmly is dormant. 唯有巨蛇藏在江水之底的泥沙中,静静蛰伏。 When monster in water also all goes afloat, the great snake then moves slowly. 当水中的怪物也全部顺流而去,巨蛇这才缓缓移动。 It in opposite direction- 它朝着相反的方向- It starts to swim against the stream, seeks for another city of upstream. 它开始逆流而上,寻找上游的另一座城市。 According to the view of Ye Ruxi, that is one already by the city that Apocalypse destroys. 按照夜如曦的说法,那是一座已经被末日摧毁的城市。 The great snake walks randomly in the river bottom speedily, all river water make way for it along the way a road, to guarantee that it moves unimpeded. 巨蛇在江底疾速游走,沿途所有江水为它让开一条路,以保证其畅行无阻。 Now, Apocalypse monster has retreated. 现在,末日怪物已经退走。 Order had been kicked by Gu Qingshan, temporarily is unable to learn the Ye Ruxi life and death. 秩序已经被顾青山踢走,暂时无法获知夜如曦的生死。 As a result of the nuclear radiation and reason of electromagnetic pulse, in human short time was unable to know the final result. 由于核辐射与电磁脉冲的缘故,人类短时间内也还无法得知最后的结果。 Therefore this flees the best period. 所以这才是逃离现场的最佳时期。 After one hour . 一个小时后。 Under tree shade that four people stand in the shore, slightly makes the recuperation. 四人站在岸边的树荫下,略作休整。 If were killed in such backward world, I will die with injustice unredressed.” In Zhang Yinghao point cigarette, throws to Gu Qingshan one. “要是在这样落后的世界被干掉,我会死不瞑目的。”张英豪点上一根烟,又抛给顾青山一根。 Smoke, came the bottle liquor even.” Gu Qingshan attracted one, shakes the head, discards the smoke. “烟就算了,来瓶酒。”顾青山吸了一口,摇摇头,把烟丢掉。 Zhang Yinghao fishes out one bottle of strong liquor to hand over. 张英豪摸出一瓶烈酒递过去。 Gu Qingshan operated the lid, the raising head big mouth was drinking. 顾青山开了盖,仰头大口喝着。 just now real bad risk. 刚才真凶险。 Compared with facing two hundred million Bedeviled bad risks. 比面对两亿入魔者都凶险。 The strength of Foundation Establishment period, in front of six nuclear bombs, only has the vanish in a puff of smoke share. 筑基期的实力,在六枚核弹面前,只有灰飞烟灭的份儿。 If dies here, let alone Zhang Yinghao, Gu Qingshan oneself is unwilling. 如果死在这里,别说张英豪,顾青山自己都不甘心。 Wait, you said like this is what meaning? Aren't you person in this world?” Ye Ruxi keen say/way. “等等,你们这样说是什么意思?难道你们不是这个世界的人?”夜如曦敏锐的道。 Zhang Yinghao shrugs. 张英豪耸耸肩。 Gu Qingshan acknowledged: Yes, we are your similar.” 顾青山承认道:“是的,我们是你的同类。” Ye Ruxi is startled. 夜如曦怔住。 Similar?” Her redundant say/way. “同类?”她重复道。 Right.” “对。” Gu Qingshan remembers in the gulf, that colonel had once spoken words. 顾青山想起在深坑之中,那名上校曾说过的话。 These people dread Ye Ruxi. 那些人是如此畏惧夜如曦 Ye Ruxi as if also thought of anything, the facial expression becomes intense, has an inexplicable anticipation. 夜如曦似乎也想到了什么,神情变得紧张,又带着一种莫名的期待。 Please say that should better not to deceive me specifically.” She said. “请说具体一点,最好不要骗我。”她说道。 Gu Qingshan say: You had certainly done anything, will be so dreaded by your allies.” 顾青山道:“你一定曾经做过什么事,才会被你的战友们如此忌惮。” Ye Ruxi reveals the color of recollection, is gradually sad. 夜如曦露出回忆之色,情绪渐渐低落下去。 Gu Qingshan goes forward one step, stares at her eye saying: Such matter, you will never forget, right?” 顾青山上前一步,盯着她的眼睛道:“那样的事,你永远不会忘记,对吗?” Yes, is unable to forget.” Ye Ruxi is unable to avoid, vision and Gu Qingshan to. “是的,无法忘记。”夜如曦无法躲避,目光与顾青山对上。 Gu Qingshan visits her, said in a soft voice: They therefore dread you, but please believe that we will not work as the different kind you.” 顾青山看着她,轻声道:“他们因此而忌惮你,但请你相信一点,我们不会把你当异类。” Technique of World, time recollection! 世界之术,时光回溯! in a split second. 霎时间 The whole world goes far away from Gu Qingshan at present. 整个世界从顾青山眼前远去。 He discovered that oneself stands in a blank. 他发现自己站在一片空白之中。 The innumerable lines constituted baseless, formed another world. 无数线条凭空构成,形成了另一个世界。 City, street, school, setting sun in the western sky. 城区,街道,学校,夕阳西下。 In the setting sun afterglow, a long hair girl at the back of the book bag, walks on the road of being on vacation from school. 落日的余晖中,一名长发女孩背着书包,走在放学的路上。 Young girl age's Ye Ruxi. 少女时代的夜如曦 Gu Qingshan stands by her, static visits her. 顾青山站在她旁边,静静的看着她。 These words that Order spoke are unable to distinguish true and false, therefore Gu Qingshan decided that oneself comes to see. 秩序所说的那些话无法辨别真假,所以顾青山决定自己来看。 Really was too mysterious. 实在是太神秘了。 Gu Qingshan definitely is unable to imagine, Chaos so Gods that takes seriously one not to awaken. 顾青山完全无法想象,混乱会如此重视一位尚未觉醒的神祇 In comparison, Soul Whistler consumed the long years, helping Era of Chaos arrive, had not attached great importance. 相比之下,灵魂尖啸者耗费了漫长的岁月,帮助混乱纪元降临,也没有受到如此的重视。 Has Ye Ruxi, what made? 夜如曦,到底做过什么? Gu Qingshan stands in the back of young girl, faces forward together with her. 顾青山站在少女的背后,跟着她一起朝前走。 The young girls pull out the telephone, thinks, arouses the courage to move the number: 少女掏出电话,想了想,鼓足勇气拨动号码: Hey, mother, I did not come back to eat meal in the evening.” “喂,妈,我晚上不回来吃饭了。” Un, enrolling in supplementary lessons, right, after finishing, goes back.” “恩,补习,对,结束后回去。” Relax.” “放心吧。” Good, I hung.” “好的,我挂了。” The young girls hang up the telephone, on the face reveal the happy expression. 少女挂断电话,脸上露出喜色。 She picked up the speed, walks in a direction. 她加快了速度,朝着一个方向走去。 Before long. 不一会儿。 The young girls arrive around a movie theater. 少女来到一家电影院附近。 Hi! Here!” “嗨!这边!” , Has sound together to shout by far. 远远的,有一道声音喊道。 Gu Qingshan and young girl look together. 顾青山和少女一起望去。 Sees only several school girls to stand in the entrance of movie theater, beckons toward young girl Ye Ruxi. 只见几名女学生正站在电影院的门口,朝着少女夜如曦招手。 Comes quickly, such as the sunlight, the movie must start!” Another female unfamiliar road. “快来,如曦,电影就要开始了!”另一名女生道。 Ye Ruxi shows the smile. 夜如曦露出笑容。 She is just about to walk toward several friends, suddenly, an unprecedented matter happened. 她正要朝几位朋友走去,突然,一件前所未有的事情发生了。 Earth vibrates violently. 大地猛烈震动起来。 The sky blood red was covered by one piece, has sound together to resound: 天空被一片血红笼罩,同时有一道声音响起: All human, your times of death.” “所有的人类,你们的死期到了。” The lines after lines of meteor drops from the clouds. 一道道流星从天而降。 The these meteor is so crowded, is unable to count clear. 这些流星是如此密集,根本无法数得清。 Bang! 轰! A meteor hits in the square before movie theater. 一颗流星撞在电影院前的广场上。 The roaring flame flies upwards. 烈焰飞扬。 Sees only a giant alligator to crawl from the meteorite crater, a pair of ice-cold vision is gazing at the crowd. 只见一头巨型鳄鱼从陨石坑里爬上来,一双冰冷的目光注视着人群。 It gently leaning leaning head, bites at will. 它轻轻偏了偏头,随意一咬。 78 people were nipped by it, including in mouth. 七八个人被它咬中,含在嘴里。 That fierce tooth opens and closes slightly, immediately blood splash. 那狰狞的牙齿微微开合,顿时鲜血飞溅。 The crowd makes a mess. 人群乱做一团。 Wept and wailed the sound, the squeal, the shouting out sound, is flooding the entire square. 哭喊声,尖叫声,呼喝声,充斥着整个广场。 Young girl Ye Ruxi looks at that monster, for a while forgot fleeing. 少女夜如曦怔怔的看着那怪物,一时忘记了逃离。 Absurd, dares to be in front of my to eat the person unexpectedly.” She muttered in a low voice. “岂有此理,竟然敢当着我的面吃人。”她低声喃喃道。 Gu Qingshan looks askance to look at her. 顾青山侧目望她。 Seeing only her whole face is hesitant and puzzled, both hands get hold. 只见她满脸都是犹豫和纠结,双手握紧。 Originally she knows the own strength. 原来她知道自己的力量。 Then, actually to have what? 那么,究竟发生了什么? Ye Ruxi paced back and forth, the imposing manner that body surged disappeared suddenly. 夜如曦彷徨了一阵,身上涌起的气势突然一消。 Oh- is not good, I cannot-” “唉-不行,我不能-” She is sighing, finally loosens the fist, turns around to depart. 她叹息着,最终松开拳头,转身想要离去。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Just went out several steps, a fierce hit resounded again. 刚走出几步,一声剧烈的撞击再次响起。 Your Apocalypse age open from this moment, human.” “你们的末日时代从这一刻开启,人类。” In the second meteorite crater, figure is huge, the violent bear that whole body braves the brown ray crawled. 第二个陨石坑里,一头身形巨大、浑身冒着土黄色光芒的暴熊爬了上来。 Its body fierce threw forward, held several human. 它身子猛的向前一扑,抓住了几个人类。 That is several young girls. 那是几名少女。 How delicate exist(ence), your existence's significance only has one.” suddenly/violently bear said. “多么柔弱的存在,你们存在的意义只有一个。”暴熊说道。 The young girls are weeping and wailing, erupts the sharp pitiful yell sound. 少女们哭喊着,爆发出尖锐的惨叫声。 Departing Ye Ruxi halts. 正在离去的夜如曦站住。 That several young girls are her friend! 那几名少女是她的朋友! She clenches teeth, runs to go forward hurriedly, said loudly: Lets loose them, I am your opponent!” 她一咬牙,急匆匆跑上前,大声道:“放开她们,我来做你的对手!” suddenly/violently bear looked that has not looked at her one eyes. 暴熊看都没看她一眼。 That endures a giant palm of ratio truck to get hold of suddenly. 那堪比一辆卡车的巨掌突然握紧。 The pitiful yell sound stops immediately. 惨叫声立刻停了。 The blood flows off from the giant palm. 鲜血从巨掌中汩汩流下。 Gu Qingshan looks cannot bear sigh. 顾青山看得忍不住叹了口气。 But here is Ye Ruxi memory, was her past, Gu Qingshan is unable to save these girls. 可是这里是夜如曦记忆,是她的过去,顾青山无法救那些女孩。 He can only look silently. 他只能默默的看着。 At this time, suddenly/violently bear the voice resounded: 这时,暴熊的声音响起: Food always irresistibly own destiny.” “食物从来无法抵抗自己的命运。” It looks to Ye Ruxi, grins, shows the fierce smile. 它望向夜如曦,咧开嘴,露出狰狞的笑容。 Ye Ruxi stayed. 夜如曦呆了呆。 That several fresh/live life. 那几条鲜活的生命 That several good friend who accompanies her to grow together, dies before her like this. 那几位陪伴她一起成长的好友,就这样死在她面前。 Her whole body shivered to continue, falls on the ground, the tears welled up. 她浑身颤抖不止,跌坐在地上,泪水涌了出来。 I said lets loose their, your Apocalypse monster!” Ye Ruxi muttered. “我说了放开她们的啊,你这个末日怪物!”夜如曦喃喃道。 The violent bear walks step by step toward her. 暴熊一步步朝她走来。 Since your sentiment is so good, I make you roll get together.” It walks while said. Ye Ruxi dumbfounded, silent bursting into tears. “既然你们感情这么好,我就让你们团聚在一起。”它边走边说道。夜如曦呆住,无声的流着泪。 The great bear arrives in front of her, stretches out another giant palm, grasps Ye Ruxi. 巨熊来到她面前,伸出另一只巨掌,去抓夜如曦 Shaking the head of Ye Ruxi no handling, looks up to the sky. 夜如曦无措的摇摇头,抬头望向天空。 Come.” “来。” She said. 她说道。 Finishes barely the words, the whole world falls into the deathly stillness suddenly. 话音未落,整个世界突然陷入死寂。 The meteor that these are crashing stops in the midair. 那些正在坠落的流星停在半空。 The crowd of running falls into the static condition. 奔跑的人群陷入静止状态。 The eating to the heart's content alligator is also maintaining the posture of chewing, motionless. 正在大快朵颐的鳄鱼也保持着嘴嚼的姿势,一动不动。 The giant palm of that violent bear stays before the Ye Ruxi forehead, is unable to move ahead the slightest again. 那头暴熊的巨掌停留在夜如曦的额头前,无法再前移分毫。 One second. 一秒。 Two seconds. 两秒。 Three seconds. 三秒。 Rumble the sound conveys from sky depths together: 一道隆隆的声音从天空深处传来: Apocalypse age had not finished, now is not I regain consciousness, is who is summoning me?” 末日时代还未结束,现在也不是我苏醒的时候,到底是谁在呼唤我?” Ye Ruxi said: I.” 夜如曦道:“我。” Sky depths static a breath. 天空深处静了一息。 Originally is......” that sound seems somewhat hesitant. “原来是……”那声音显得有些犹豫。 Helped me kill these monster, but, please do not harm any others, Ok? I asked you.” The Ye Ruxi entreaty said. “帮我杀了这些怪物,但是,请不要伤害任何其他人,可以吗?我求求你了。”夜如曦哀求道。 In the sky has not responded to the sound to get up again. 天空中再也没有回应声响起。 However, fell from Cloud Layers depths by the finger of bronze casting all over the body. 但是紧接着,一根通体由青铜铸造的手指从云层深处落了下来。 This finger connecting heaven and earth, big such as Xiongshan ten thousand li (0.5 km), impartial falling in front of Ye Ruxi. 这根手指接天连地,大如雄山万里,不偏不倚的落在夜如曦面前。 The bronze finger presses on the ground gently, then received, does not appear from Cloud Layers. 青铜手指在地上轻轻一按,便收了回去,再也不从云层中出现。 That exist(ence) has departed. 那个存在已经离去。 Next second. 下一秒。 Entire city. 整个城市。 All. 一切。 vanish in a puff of smoke. 灰飞烟灭
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