WAO :: Volume #12

#1188: Death Battle( the silver pledge's ninth and three asked monthly ticket ~)

When ding-dong! 当当当! The bell resounds. 边钟响起。 The bar center presented a boxing ring. 酒吧中央出现了一个拳击台。 People one after another encircles, is the excited facial expression. 人们纷纷围过去,都是一脸兴奋神情。 Sees only on the stage to stand a full beard robust man of skin floods blue, in him behind, is a man of coach appearance. 只见台上站着一名皮肤泛蓝的大胡子壮汉,在他身后,是一位教练模样的男子。 The Gu Qingshan three people of looks move. 顾青山三人神色一动。 In their present Void, presented the rows of gray small character: 他们眼前的虚空中,出现了一行行灰色小字: Second: Death Battle.” “第二场:死斗。” This is assaulting that a winner can live.” “这是一场只有胜者才可以活下来的搏击。” Opponent: including the city master and disciple.” “对手:连城师徒。” Synopsis: This has killed 300 hundred million All Living Things to master and disciple, hides here and there in the infinite years, finally escaped Night Bar.” “简介:这对师徒杀过三百亿众生,在无穷的岁月中东躲西藏,最终逃到了夜色酒吧。” Attention: They dominate boxing master and disciple of ancient great gate world, rare defeat.” “注意:他们是称霸亘古巨门世界的拳击师徒,罕有败绩。” You can only send a person to go on stage combat, the two appear as the coach and team leader by fist stage, as instruction and keep it up person.” “你们只能派一个人上场战斗,其他两人则作为教练和领队出现在拳台旁,作为指导和加油的人。” Death Battle time does not limit.” 死斗时间不限。” Lives, then won this gambling house.” “活下来,便赢得此赌局。” Died died.” “死了就死了。” Three people look quickly. 三人很快看完。 Ye Feili is ready to fight: On this game of me.” 叶飞离摩拳擦掌道:“这一局我上。” Confident?” Gu Qingshan asked. “有信心?”顾青山问。 Ye Feili shows the sigh with emotion look: Naturally, you not , Ba Li trains me to shadowbox frequently, the Xiao Miao elder sister rather breaks for several days, must help me temper the movement, when the present is I demonstrates the oneself hard work the achievement.” 叶飞离露出感慨神色:“当然,你不在的时候,巴利经常训练我打拳,小喵姐宁愿断更几天,也要帮我磨炼身法,现在正是我展示自己刻苦努力的成果之时。” Gu Qingshan looks to Zhang Yinghao. 顾青山望向张英豪 Zhang Yinghao shrugs, sound transmission said: Ba Li found the fellow who hits does not run with great difficulty, every day happy grinning with ear to ear, as for Xiao Miao- she window-shopped to buy thing daily, the novel has scrawled a result, has ended originally, not exist(ence) broke that serious concern.” 张英豪耸耸肩,传音道:“巴利好不容易找到一个打不跑的家伙,每天高兴的合不拢嘴,至于小喵-她天天逛街买东西,小说早就瞎写了个结局,已经完本了,不存在‘断更’那种严重的问题。” Gu Qingshan is speechless. 顾青山无语。 On me, surely does not have the issue.” Ye Feili full is the confidence say/way. “我上吧,肯定没问题。”叶飞离满是信心的道。 Ok, limelight, do not die.” Gu Qingshan say. “行,注意点儿,别死了。”顾青山道 Ye Feili gets on the fist stage step by step. 叶飞离一步步走上拳台。 Gu Qingshan and Zhang Yinghao also walk, sits down on the chair of ringside. 顾青山张英豪也走过去,在场边的椅子上坐下。 Zhang Yinghao signals with the eyes toward Gu Qingshan. 张英豪顾青山使个眼色。 Hey.” His say/way quietly. “喂。”他悄悄的道。 What?” Gu Qingshan asked. “什么?”顾青山问。 You looked that this Prompt Chaos wants us to defeat this to master and disciple, but mounts the stage actually only then that apprentice- after the apprentice defeats, can Master also go on stage?” Zhang Yinghao puzzled say/way. “你看这条提示-混乱要我们打败这对师徒,但上台的却只有那个徒弟-难道徒弟败后,师父也能上场?”张英豪困惑的道。 Gu Qingshan thinks, said: I am the coach, has the issue on me.” 顾青山想了想,道:“我来做教练,有问题我上。” Zhang Yinghao said: I am the team leader.” 张英豪道:“那我做领队。” Two people under the prompt of Chaos interface, were coach, was team leader. 两人在混乱界面的提示下,一个做了“教练”,一个做了“领队”。 On the boxing ring, Ye Feili and that whole body blue full beard robust man arrive at the center. 拳击台上,叶飞离和那名浑身蓝色的大胡子壮汉走到中央。 Rolls to nurse, brat!” The full beard robust man loudly exclaimed. “滚回去吃奶吧,臭小子!”大胡子壮汉大吼道。 „......” Ye Feili. “……”叶飞离 He took a side handkerchief from the pocket silently, polishes the fleck of saliva of opposite party. 他默默从口袋取了一方手帕,把对方的吐沫星子擦干净。 When ding-dong! 当当当! Clock again loud. 边钟再响。 A waiter acts as the referee, loudly shouted: 一名侍者充当裁判,大喝道: Death Battle starts!” 死斗开始!” Ye Feili body leaps a piece of scarlet light. 叶飞离身上腾起一片猩红的光。 He rushes directly. 他直接冲上去。 Shake the fist! 挥拳! The full beard robust man brow jumps. 大胡子壮汉眉头一跳。 This boy acts very quickly, the fist also has that a meaning. 这小子动作挺快的,拳也有那么点意思。 His rave, does not evade does not hide, simultaneously wields the fist. 他狂吼一声,不避不躲,同时挥出拳头。 both sides have not defended, the fist pounds ruthlessly to the square features. 双方都没有防守,拳头狠狠砸在对方脸上。 Bang! 嘭! A dull thumping sound, Ye Feili was rumbled to fly. 一声闷响,叶飞离被轰飞出去。 Reviewed the full beard robust man, in the profile had several deep bloodstains. 反观大胡子壮汉,半边脸上出现了几道深深的血痕。 Fist his such hitting hard of Ye Feili, instead full is not the sharp meaning, each fist brings 78 red glow, cuts in opposite party body unceasingly. 叶飞离的拳不似他这样的重击,反而满是锋利之意,每一拳都带起七八道红芒,在对方身上不断切割。 This is the boxing, is not the dagger! Your this effeminate!” The full beard robust man called out. “这是拳击,不是匕首!你这个娘娘腔!”大胡子壮汉叫道。 Ye Feili moved under the body, disdains saying: Suiting the own fist is the right fist.” 叶飞离活动了下身子,不屑道:“适合自己的拳就是对的拳。” His figure moves, like riding the wind flies generally to the full beard robust man. 身形一动,如同乘风一般飞向大胡子壮汉。 This full beard robust man was more discrete, meets that sharp red glow, then moves aside carefully. 这次大胡子壮汉谨慎了许多,遇见那锋利的红芒,便小心躲闪。 Two people hit several rounds. 两人打了几个回合。 The Ye Feili body wound are getting more and more. 叶飞离身上的伤越来越多。 The full beard robust man was obviously more experienced, can always find the Ye Feili crevice, ruthlessly counter-attack. 大胡子壮汉明显更有经验,总是能找到叶飞离的空隙,狠狠回击。 Ye Feili was hit to fly frequently. 叶飞离经常被打得飞出去。 This is Death Battle, you let on him, isn't worried?” Zhang Yinghao sits there, curls upwards one leg on the other to ask. “这可是死斗,你让他上,不担心吗?”张英豪坐在那里,翘着二郎腿问道。 All right,” Gu Qingshan is holding the both arms, said calm: I remember that I hit with Ye Feili for the first time, I cut two halves him, he can live.” “没事,”顾青山抱着双臂,淡定说道:“我记得我第一次跟叶飞离打,我把他斩成两半,他都能活。” Gu Qingshan seems very calm , to continue saying: Said again, Ba Li and Xiao Miao are seemingly mindless, is actually very attentive to the oneself person, since they dare to put Ye Feili to come out, explained that Ye Feili has passed through at least in the fight skill.” 顾青山显得很淡定,继续道:“再说了,巴利小喵看上去没心没肺,其实对自己人很用心,他们既然敢放叶飞离出来,说明叶飞离至少在搏斗技巧上已经过关了。” Zhang Yinghao thinks, nods. 张英豪想了想,点点头。 Really, regardless of Ye Feili received the heavy wound, can recover quickly. 果然,无论叶飞离受了再重的伤,都可以很快复原。 Full beard robust man gradually cut and bruised. 大胡子壮汉则渐渐遍体鳞伤。 His coach said suddenly loudly: On, you do not need to fear him, your skeleton compared with his fist front Tenacious, can definitely resist!” 他的教练忽然大声道:“上,你不必怕他,你的骨骼比他的拳锋更坚韧,完全能抵挡住!” The full beard robust man facial expression moves. 大胡子壮汉神情一动。 I understood!” “我明白了!” He rushes, gets up with Ye Feili close combat heartily. 他冲上去,尽情和叶飞离近身搏杀起来。 Come! Come! Come! father has killed tens of billions All Living Things, your such small trash, insufficiently looks radically!” “来啊!来啊!来啊!老子杀过几百亿众生,你这样一个小垃圾,根本不够看!” The full beard robust man is calling out, a fist strikes to fly Ye Feili. 大胡子壮汉暴喝着,一拳将叶飞离打飞出去。 Bah!” “呸!” The Ye Feili spits of mouthful of blood froth, the eyes narrowed the eyes. 叶飞离吐出一口血沫,双眼眯了起来。 The red light flashes. 红光一闪。 He ran upon the opposite party directly! 他直接撞上了对方! „, Dies!” The full beard robust man exclaimed. “啊啊啊啊,去死!”大胡子壮汉吼道。 Two people frequented each other, made really hot, to did not attend to defense finally, all energy were used for the fist! 两人你来我往,打出了真火,到最后都不顾防御了,所有的精力都用来出拳! Flesh and blood flying in all directions. 血肉横飞。 Hit enough 78 breath times continually, they draw back respectively. 连打了足足七八息功夫,他们才分别退开。 hahaha,” full beard robust man whole body is the blood, actually laughs saying that „, since you were dying, I did not fear to tell you, I had seen your physical condition through the strength of Transcendent, my endurance and physique were your three times!” 哈哈哈,”大胡子壮汉满身是血,却大笑道,“既然你快死了,我也不怕告诉你,我通过超凡之力已经看到了你的身体状况,我的耐力和体质是你的三倍!” His that coach under the fist stage, with shouted to shout loudly: You died! human race trash!” 他的那个教练在拳台下,跟着大声叫嚷道:“你死定了!人族的垃圾!” Ye Feili did not speak. 叶飞离不说话。 He puts out one hear of energy drink silently, uncaps, in a single breath drinks up. 他只是默默的拿出一听能量饮料,开盖,一口气喝光。 The full beard robust man complexion gradually changed. 大胡子壮汉脸色渐渐变了。 He can notice that the Ye Feili condition is rising again gradually. 他能看到叶飞离状态在渐渐回升。 Saw only Ye Feili to throw the can, jumped same place gently several, said with a smile: 只见叶飞离丢了易拉罐,原地轻轻跳了几下,笑道: Again come!” “再来啊!” His stamina has restored! 他的体力已经恢复了! Death Battle continues! 死斗继续! Red, two forms twist together, to the meat, hits the blood to scatter in all directions sincerely, the blasting is unceasing. 一红一篮,两道身影绞在一起,拳拳到肉,直打得鲜血四散,震声不断。 Finally the full beard robust man could not support, a fist flies the Ye Feili bang. 最后还是大胡子壮汉撑不住了,一拳把叶飞离轰飞出去。 Ye Feili stands in same place, the body red light winds around, continuously the respite. 叶飞离站在原地,身上红光缭绕,不住喘息。 All wounds restore gradually. 所有伤口渐渐恢复。 This is not considered as that what Transcendent Strength, is only he basic capability as Murdering Ghost and World Destroyer. 这并不算是什么超凡力量,只是他身为杀人鬼灭世者的基本能力。 Like Gu Qingshan through spirit power that cultivation must come. 就像顾青山通过修行得来的灵力一样。 His fighting spirit is just prosperous. 他的斗志正旺。 On quick, his fist technique is careless, but the experience of no life and death struggle, at all is not your opponent!” “快上,他拳法马马虎虎,但没什么生死战的经验,根本不是你的对手!” Under the fist stage, the coach of full beard robust man makes an effort to pat the chair, yelled. 拳台下,大胡子壮汉的教练使劲拍着椅子,大叫道。 As soon as the full beard robust man listens, the nod said: I understood!” 大胡子壮汉一听,点头道:“我懂了!” He charges into Ye Feili. 他冲向叶飞离 Two people enter the deadlock again! 两人再次进入胶着状态! „It is not right.” The brow of Gu Qingshan wrinkled gradually. “不对。”顾青山的眉头渐渐皱了起来。 Yes, is not right.” Zhang Yinghao also said. “是的,不对劲。”张英豪也道。 With the passage of time, that full beard robust man fiercely competes and successfully competes unexpectedly, the whole body injury is also healing slowly. 随着时间的推移,那个大胡子壮汉竟然越战越勇,浑身的伤势也在慢慢愈合。 He starts to press Ye Feili to hit gradually! 他渐渐开始压着叶飞离打! This fellow the strength of Transcendent is to see the concrete body value of opposite party, is impossible suddenly to have such reversal.” Zhang Yinghao is worried secretly. “这家伙的超凡之力是看到对方的具体身体数值,不可能突然有这样的逆转。”张英豪暗暗担心起来。 Gu Qingshan did not speak, the vision in the full beard robust man body stay moment, a revolution, fell on coach body of full beard robust man suddenly. 顾青山不说话,目光在大胡子壮汉身上停留片刻,忽然一转,落在大胡子壮汉的教练身上 On, you can win him!” “上,你打得赢他!” Looks quickly, is a crevice!” “快看,又是一个空隙!” Straight punch! Hook!” “直拳!勾拳!” Pursues, do not let him move sideways!” “追上去,别让他闪身!” Attack! Attack!” “进攻!进攻!” The coach fulfills duty loud shouting that fulfills responsibility. 教练尽职尽责的大声喝道。 Under his urging, full beard robust man full strength take action, fiercely competes and successfully competes. 在他的督促下,大胡子壮汉全力出手,越战越勇。 Gu Qingshan looked at a while, understands. 顾青山看了一会儿,明白过来。 Zhang Yinghao also looked to understand, muttered: No wonder this war makes us be the coach and team leader, although it seems like we cannot go on stage, cannot take action, but can actually release some auxiliary strengths , helping Ye Feili.” 张英豪也看明白了,喃喃道:“难怪这一战让我们当教练和领队,看来我们虽然不能上场,也不能出手,但却可以释放一些辅助性的力量,来帮叶飞离。” The black cat disappears from his shoulder suddenly. 黑猫忽然从他肩膀上消失。 After he enters Night Bar, finally renovated the own ability. 他进入夜色酒吧之后,终于刷新了自己的能力。 playing card appears from Void, was picked up by Zhang Yinghao in the hand. 一张卡牌虚空出现,被张英豪拈在手中。 On this playing card is drawing one flock of monkeys, each nimble and resourceful exceptionally, is gathering to howl in the mountain forest. 这张卡牌上画着一群猴子,各个灵动异常,正在山林之中聚啸。 Zhang Yinghao loses playing card, shouted: buff!” 张英豪卡牌丢出去,喝道:“加持!” playing card vanishes instantaneously. 卡牌瞬间消失。 The forms of 78 monkeys fall on Ye Feili body. 七八道猴子的身影落在叶飞离身上 Ye Feili body were many immediately the one layer fluorescence. 叶飞离身上顿时多了一层荧光。 His figure became slightly quick, whenever the full beard robust man must hit his time, he can always avoid. 他的身形变得略微快了一些,每当大胡子壮汉要击中他的时候,他总是能躲开。 The coach of full beard robust man looked at several breaths, immediately yells: Do not fear, this strength not can always be effective, finds certainly the opportunity, hits ruthlessly!” 大胡子壮汉的教练看了数息,立刻大叫道:“别怕,这种力量并不是总能奏效,找准机会,狠狠打!” I understood!” The full beard robust man called out. “我明白了!”大胡子壮汉叫道。 He rushes, unremitting and Ye Feili dogfight. 他冲上去,不懈的与叶飞离缠斗。 Two people made the vicious tendencies, is almost each fist wishes one could to kill the opposite party. 两人都打出了戾气,几乎是每一拳都恨不得打死对方。 The coach is patting the chair, said loudly: Quadrumana courage is not big, must with the roar!” 那教练拍着椅子,大声道:“猴类胆子不大,要用吼的!” The guys bellow immediately, a fist quick a fist. 大汉立刻大吼起来,一拳快过一拳。 The Zhang Yinghao changes countenance said: I suspected that they have a relation of mystical-class, can through this suggestion enhancement strength, no wonder is so formidabe.” 张英豪变色道:“我怀疑他们有一种神秘系的联系,能通过这种暗示增强力量,难怪这么难对付。” Gu Qingshan seems somewhat hesitant, for a while has not opened the mouth. 顾青山显得有几分犹豫,一时没开口。 Suddenly, the Ye Feili fought with the fists tumbling ground, put out a blood, sways to stand. 突然,叶飞离被一拳打的滚落地上,吐出了一口血,摇摇晃晃才站起来。 The Gu Qingshan look changes. 顾青山神色一变。 Ok, this is you compels me to use this move.” He held the volume, thought aloud. “算了,这是你们逼我用这一招的。”他扶了扶额,自言自语道。 Zhang Yinghao glances back, asks: „Do you have the unique skill?” 张英豪蓦然回首,问道:“你有绝招?” Has.” “有。” Gu Qingshan clears throat, fierce stands, exclaimed: Yo ~ presented fellow men and women you to listen to me to say!” 顾青山清了清嗓子,猛的站起来,吼道:“Yo~在场各位男男女女你们必须听我说!”
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