WAO :: Volume #12

#1187: Extorting evidence

The black cat finished eating the strawberry cake. 黑猫吃完了草莓蛋糕。 It jumps up the shoulder of Zhang Yinghao, stretches out the claw in a direction. 它跳上张英豪的肩膀,朝着一个方向伸出爪子。 Meow!” “喵!” The black cat called out. 黑猫叫道。 Zhang Yinghao drinks the last liquor, said: We walk.” 张英豪喝下最后一口酒,说道:“我们走。” Gu Qingshan and Ye Feili stand up, moves toward the bar back door with Zhang Yinghao together. 顾青山叶飞离站起身,跟着张英豪一同走向酒吧后门。 Three.” “三位。” Before a waiter well-mannered arriving gate . 一名侍者彬彬有礼的来到门前。 Outside Apocalypse had not finished, what service do fellow guests need?” “外面的末日还未结束,请问各位客人需要什么样的服务?” Zhang Yinghao looks to the black cat. 张英豪望向黑猫。 The black cat is pointing at the gate with the claw, firm say/way: Meow!” 黑猫用爪子指着门,坚定的道:“喵!” Zhang Yinghao access road/simply said: We want to go out from this gate.” 张英豪便道:“我们想从这个门出去。” The waiters said: Three have not to know, goes out from this door, needs to obtain the agreement of Chaos laws.” 侍者道:“三位有所不知,从这扇门出去,需要得到混乱法则的同意才可以。” Right?” “是吗?” Ye Feili hands over gold coin. 叶飞离递上一枚金币 Please tell us the details.” He said. “请告诉我们详情。”他说道。 The waiters have not met gold coin in his hand, on the contrary respectful good a ritual, said: If everyone can pay to buy the information money, I can inform you situation of this door.” 侍者没有接他手中的金币,反倒恭敬的行了一礼,说:“如果各位付得起买情报的钱,我可以把这扇门的情况告知你们。” Naturally, please tell us.” Ye Feili said. “当然,请告诉我们。”叶飞离道。 Before the waiters arrive at the gate, according to the door knob, said: I am the waiter in bar and make the information business, when I according to this door, laws of correspondence am a secret room.” 侍者走到门前,按在门把手上,说:“我是酒吧的侍者兼做情报买卖,所以当我按在这扇门上,对应的法则就是一间密室。” He makes an effort a sliding door. 他用力一拉门。 The gate opens, inside is really a secret room, suspended a long table, two rows of chairs. 门打开,里面果然是一间密室,摆了一张长桌,两排椅子。 Please.” “请。” Three people of following waiters enter the secret room. 三人跟着侍者走进密室。 The gate closes. 门关上。 Here is peaceful, cannot hear slightly the noise sound of bar completely. 这里非常安静,完全听不见丝毫酒吧的喧嚣声。 „, The honored guest as this bar, the first news offers free of charge.” “那么,作为本酒吧的尊贵客人,第一个消息是免费赠送的。” The waiters said: In the world that this Apocalypse approached unceasingly alternately, Chaos laws in the whole world sets up many living areas, the these living area can assure the life security only the place.” 侍者说道:“在这个末日不断交替来临的世界,混乱法则在整个世界上设立了许多聚居点,这些聚居点是唯一可以保证生命安全的地方。” For example, Night Bar.” “比如,夜色酒吧。” At this point, the waiter shuts up. 说到这里,侍者闭上嘴。 Three people waited, this is understanding. 三人等了一下,这才会意。 The first news this said even. 第一个消息这就算说完了。 Ye Feili takes out one bag of gem to lose on the long table. 叶飞离取出一袋宝石丢在长桌上。 Please continue.” “请继续说。” The waiters take up the gem bag, hefted hefting, said with a smile: 侍者拿起宝石袋,掂了掂,笑道: Enters each living area the condition to be respectively different, so long as enters, can long-time lives in inside.” “进入各个聚居点的条件各不一样,但只要进入其中,就可以长久的在里面生活。” If wants to leave a living area, then must through living area Gate of Chaos, be able to go to the next place.” “如果想离开一个聚居点,则必须通过聚居点的混乱之门,才可以前往下一个地方。” The waiters shut up again. 侍者再次闭上嘴。 Three people waited, this responded again. 三人又等了一下,这才再次反应过来。 However such information is truly precious...... 不过这样的情报确实很珍贵…… Ye Feili loses a big box that packed in the ancient times gold coin and assorted gem, dang flung on the ground. 叶飞离丢出一个装满古代金币和各色宝石的大箱子,咣当一声甩在地上。 gold coin and gem jump, rolling the ground everywhere is. 金币宝石跳出来,滚得地上到处都是。 One time knows you said.” Ye Feili said. “一次性把你知道的都说完。”叶飞离道。 The waiters look at that treasure everywhere, the brow jumps madly. 侍者看着那满地的宝物,不禁眉头乱跳。 When you want to leave the oneself inhabit region, the hand according to Gate of Chaos, the gate knows where should deliver to you goes.” “当你想离开自己所处的聚居地之时,将手按在混乱之门上,门会知道该把你送到哪里去。” His pour out words in a steady flow say/way: But, Gate of Chaos will aim at everyone to issue the gambling house, only then wins in the gambling house, you can go to the next place by Gate of Chaos transmission.” 滔滔不绝的道:“不过,混乱之门会针对每个人发布赌局,只有在赌局中胜出,你们才可以被混乱之门传送去下一个地方。” „- By the way, actually in this world has the dangerous inhabit region, Night Bar is very good place, is safe, you definitely do not need to leave.” “-顺便说一句,其实这个世界上有许多危险的聚居地,夜色酒吧是很不错的地方,非常安全,你们完全不必离开。” Gu Qingshan asked: What does that gambling house need us to use to bet?” 顾青山问道:“那个赌局需要我们用什么下注?” The waiters said with a smile: Naturally is your lives.” 侍者笑道:“当然是你们的命。” Gu Qingshan also asked: „Have you gone to other inhabit regions?” 顾青山又问:“你去过其他聚居地没有?” The waiters shake the head: No, I and bar signed 1000 service contract, to receive in exchange Shelter of bar- you are clear, not who like you rich.” 侍者摇头:“没有,我和酒吧签订了一千年的服务契约,以换取酒吧的庇护-你们要明白,并不是谁都像你们这样有钱。” Gu Qingshan say: Wealth is the pass of bar, other inhabit regions?” 顾青山道:“财富是酒吧的通行证,其他聚居地呢?” The waiters said: Other inhabit regions not necessarily care about the wealth, they have severer entry condition, once does not meet the condition, only then enters the method, that signs the contract like me, serves the long years for the inhabit region.” 侍者道:“其他聚居地不一定在意财富,它们有更严苛的准入条件,一旦不符合条件,只有一个进入方法,那就是像我这样签订契约,为聚居地服务漫长的岁月。” If you can win the gambling house, but must be mentally prepared.” “假如你们能赢下赌局,还需做好心理准备。” Got it.” “明白了。” ...... …… Three people walk from the secret room. 三人从密室里走出来。 The waiters are no longer blocking them. 侍者不再拦着他们。 Gu Qingshan then hand according to this leaf of Gate of Chaos. 顾青山便把手按在这扇混乱之门上。 in a split second, three people of present Void presented the rows of gray writing: 霎时间,三人眼前的虚空都出现了一行行灰色文字: Because your wealth are astonishing, therefore you used the quickest speed to discover the general means.” “由于你们的财富惊人,所以你们用最快的速度发现了通行办法。” „The three mortals on Road to Apotheosis, you will face two gambling houses, is extorts evidence respectively, Death Battle and assassination.” 登神之路上的三位凡人,你们将面对两场赌局,分别是逼供、死斗和遇刺。” Your chips are the own lives, if won, can pass through ; If lost, will immediately then lose the life.” “你们的筹码是自己的性命,如果赢了,就可以通行;如果输了,立刻便会失去性命。” Gambling house starts now!” “赌局现在开始!” The gray writing vanishes gradually. 灰色文字渐渐消失。 In front of three people presents a long-tail immediately, two horns, monster of four hooves. 三人面前立刻出现了一头长尾、双角、四蹄的怪物 It by the tight fetter on the ground, raised the head toward three people puts out spit. 它被紧紧的束缚在地上,抬头朝三人吐出一口吐沫。 My anything will not tell you.” It exclaimed. “我什么都不会告诉你们。”它吼道。 Three people one static. 三人一静。 Their vision become somewhat strange. 他们的目光变得有些怪异。 This fellow-” Ye Feili said. “这家伙-”叶飞离道。 „It seems like......” the Gu Qingshan hesitant say/way. “看上去……”顾青山犹豫道。 Likely cow?” Zhang Yinghao said. “像头牛?”张英豪道。 The new gray small character appears in three people at present: 新的灰色小字出现在三人眼前: First: Extorts evidence.” “第一场:逼供。” This is one does not fear Death Primordial Ox Race expert.” “这是一个不惧死亡原始牛族高手。” You must ask that from its mouth it sneaks the motive and goal of great gate world.” “你们必须从它口中问出它潜入巨门世界的动机和目的。” Time limit: One hour.” “时限:一个小时。” Gu Qingshan said joyfully: Primordial Ox Race...... this I come.” 顾青山欣然道:“原始牛族……这个我来。” No,” Zhang Yinghao said, this closes with your ability, we can certainly, therefore we must retain you to renovate the Transcendent Strength opportunity.” “不,”张英豪道,“这一关用你的那个能力,我们铁定能过,所以我们得保留住你刷新超凡力量的机会。” „Is your meaning?” Gu Qingshan asked. “你的意思是?”顾青山问。 „...... I first try, if did not use Transcendent Strength to solve the problem, that saved our revolution number of times.” Zhang Yinghao said. “……我先试试,如果不动用超凡力量就解决了问题,那就节省了我们的刷新次数。”张英豪道。 Ok.” Gu Qingshan draws back. “行。”顾青山退回来。 Zhang Yinghao goes forward one step, rolls up the sleeves saying: Extorts evidence this matter, actually can also be my old profession.” 张英豪上前一步,挽起袖子道:“逼供这种事,其实也算得上是我的老本行。” He ignores the response of that Ox Race monster, starts slowly in monster body touches. 他不顾那个牛族怪物的反应,开始在怪物身上慢慢的摸起来。 The atmosphere changed. 气氛变了。 From the beginning, three people of the time of challenging Gate of Chaos, many people have a relish encircle, wants to have a look at the situation. 一开始,三人挑战混乱之门的时候,不少人都饶有兴致的围过来,想看看情况。 However now, Zhang Yinghao starts to touch monster. 但是现在,张英豪开始摸一个怪物 The vision of people gradually becomes strange. 人们的目光渐渐变得怪异。 No matter how Zhang Yinghao others think, both hands following monster body, fumble bit by bit. 张英豪不管其他人怎么想,双手顺着怪物身躯,一点一点的摸索着。 Hey, Old Zhang, are you doing?” Ye Feili cannot bear ask. “喂,老张,你这是在干什么?”叶飞离忍不住问道。 Feeling of Zhang Yinghao concentrate one's attention completely, along with tastes: Primordial Ox Race, with the modern cow not quite, I is quite strange, needs first to trace, found his all bones and flesh can have the pain spot.” 张英豪全神贯注的摸着,随口道:“原始牛族,跟现代牛还不太一样,我比较陌生,需要先摸一摸,找到他所有骨头和血肉能产生痛楚的部位。” His hand presses in the monster rib seam gently. 他的手在怪物的肋骨缝里轻轻一摁。 monster erupts to kill pig same howling. 怪物爆发出杀猪一样的吼叫。 - called to do loudly? I have not formally started.” Zhang Yinghao is frowning to say. “唔-叫这么大声干什么?我还没正式开始。”张英豪皱着眉头道。 Five minutes pass by. 五分钟过去。 Zhang Yinghao receives to reach behind the back. 张英豪收回手。 He takes out a strip box from the bosom. 他从怀里取出一个长条盒子。 Opens the box, in seeing is only all kinds of needles, scissors, tweezers, dagger, the spiral thorn, the tip hammer, injector wait wait/etc. etc.. 打开盒子,只见里面是各种各样的针、剪刀、镊子、匕首、螺旋刺、尖头锤、注射器等等等等。 Zhang Yinghao takes out the knife that cold light sparkles, cuts a slice of meat on the Ox Race monster face. 张英豪取出一柄寒光闪闪的小刀,在牛族怪物脸上割下一片肉。 He closes one's eyes, to that slice of meat deep smelled several, said: Good face, few people eat generally, but actually flavor also good......” 他闭上眼,冲着那片肉深深的嗅了几下,说道:“牛脸,一般很少有人吃,但其实味道还不错……” Gu Qingshan took one cooking utensils from Ye Feili there, pulls the sleeve to walk. 顾青山叶飞离那里取了一套炊具,挽着袖子走上来。 This matter does not need what Transcendent Strength, I overcome the hand.” He said. “这种事不需要什么超凡力量,我来打下手。”他说道。 Zhang Yinghao nods. 张英豪点点头。 He inserts the monster left chest that knife, gently a spin. 他将那柄小刀插进怪物左胸,轻轻一旋。 „! My anything will not tell you!” The Ox Race monster anger exclaimed. “啊啊啊啊啊啊!我什么都不会告诉你们!”牛族怪物怒吼道。 Zhang Yinghao simply has not managed it, is only with Gu Qingshan say: Meets, this is its body quite good meat, if possible, makes three maturely.” 张英豪根本没理它,只是跟顾青山道:“接好,这是它身上比较不错的一块肉,如果可以的话,做三成熟。” Understood.” “明白。” Gu Qingshan starts the cooking. 顾青山开始烹饪。 Little leans. 少倾。 Round coin or jade object with a hole in the middle. 肉好了。 Zhang Yinghao met the meat with the tray, squats in front of monster. 张英豪用盘子接了肉,蹲在怪物面前。 His optional inserts the monster body these most painful place various tool, when the opposite party called out the period of time, this takes these tool. 他随意的将各种工具插入怪物身上那些最痛的地方,等对方嚎叫了好一阵子,这才将那些工具取出来。 He uses that knife, cuts cutting to shear in Ox Race monster body. 紧接着,他又用那柄小刀,在牛族怪物身上切切割割。 Cannot think that your fellow, actually has such pulp.” “想不到你这个家伙,竟然拥有这样的肉质。” He is saying, while is in front of monster, ate that slice of meat. 他一边说着,一边当着怪物的面,把那片肉吃了。 Ox Race monster looks at this helplessly, opens mouth, cannot speak. 牛族怪物眼睁睁看着这一幕,张了张嘴,说不出话来。 Its body cold sweat braves unceasingly. 身上冷汗不断冒出来。 Pain next of body. 身体的痛楚还是其次。 The person squats before you, is eating your body meat, while chatted with you. 有一个人蹲在你面前,一边吃着你身上的肉,一边和你聊天。 This has broken through the limit that it has been able to imagine. 这已经突破了它所能想象的极限。 Zhang Yinghao finished eating that slice of meat, took a thinner knife, squats again. 张英豪吃完那片肉,又取了一柄更细的小刀,再次蹲下来。 He starts with the knife makes the mark in the head and abdomen of monster. 他开始用小刀在怪物的头上和腹部做标记。 „Do you want to do?” Ox Race monster cannot bear say. “你要干什么?”牛族怪物忍不住道。 Is also living while you, eats your brain.” Say/Way that Zhang Yinghao does not care at all. “趁你还活着,吃你的脑子。”张英豪满不在乎的道。 monster was startled flickered. 怪物怔了一瞬。 It has a look at this person, has a look at another person. 它看看这个人,又看看另一个人。 Another person is preparing the saw and bottle opener, as well as various types of seasonings. 另一个人正在准备锯子和起子,以及各种调料。 Saying of Ox Race monster machine-gun: Everyone, I made a mistake, I come to the Chaos world to seek for Immemorial Age that whereabouts that extinguishes the world shadow, I want to obtain its strength, asked you, do not eat my brain, must eat I dead to eat again, asks you.” 牛族怪物连珠炮似的说道:“各位,我错了,我来混乱世界是为了寻找亘古时代那个灭世黑影的下落,我想得到它的力量,求求你们,别吃我的脑子,要吃等我死了再吃,求求你们了。” The voice falls. 话音落下。 in a split second, it vanishes from the bar. 霎时间,它从酒吧里消失。 Three people present the rows of small character at present immediately: 三人眼前立刻出现了一行行小字: First: Extorts evidence( has completed).” “第一场:逼供(已完成)。” Congratulations, you have not used any Transcendent Strength, pure went to this gambling house by cruel winning.” “恭喜,你们没有动用任何超凡力量,单纯的以残忍赢下了这场赌局。” Zhang Yinghao, your cruelty obtained the Chaos' favor.” 张英豪,你的残忍得到了混乱的青睐。” To the cruelty of enemy, is actually a strength.” “对敌人的残忍,其实是一种力量。” If cannot achieve continually cruelly, then do not raise facing Apocalypse.” “如果连残忍都做不到,那么更不要提去面对末日。” Now conducts the second gambling house.” “现在进行第二场赌局。” Death Battle.” 死斗。” Gu Qingshan received the cooking utensils, asked: „Have you eaten ox brain?” 顾青山收了炊具,问道:“你吃过牛脑?” Zhang Yinghao receives all tool , said: Good brain is so stupid, how do I possibly eat?” 张英豪收起所有工具,啧了一声,道:“牛脑这么笨,我怎么可能吃?”
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