WAO :: Volume #11

#1041: secret

„Do you have secret to tell me? To save your child's life?” Gu Qingshan asked. “你有秘密要告诉我?是为了保全你孩子的性命?”顾青山问。 Xuan Ya hurries to nod. 泫雅赶紧点头。 Gu Qingshan beckons with the hand, said: Temporarily do not tell me secret, I actually want to make you first know my decision.” 顾青山摆摆手,说:“暂时不要告诉我那个秘密,我其实更想让你先知道我的决定。” He looks at the opposite party, sincere say/way: I will not kill your child, no matter you tell me are what secret, this point does not change.” 他看着对方,诚挚的道:“我不会杀你的孩子,不管你告诉我的将是什么秘密,这一点都不会变。” Xuan Ya stayed, understands gradually. 泫雅呆了呆,渐渐明白过来。 If oneself said secret, after that all decisions that Gu Qingshan makes seems like, because obtained secret to be willing to do. 假如自己说出了秘密,在那之后,顾青山所做的一切决定就好像是因为得到了秘密才愿意去做的。 However now Gu Qingshan makes the decision ahead of time. 但是现在顾青山提前做了决定。 As the matter stands, between both sides no longer by secret exchange life. 这样一来,双方之间就不再是以秘密交换性命。 By the secret exchange life, is actually a transaction, if honestly, is threatens and forces. 秘密交换性命,其实是一种交易,如果说的更坦白一点,是威胁与逼迫。 When secret is extremely easy to obtain, this man very keen detection to this point. 秘密唾手可得的时候,这个男人很敏锐的察觉到了这一点。 This is actually a very subtle matter, the average people will not haggle over in this above, will only choose first listens to secret. 这其实是一件很微妙的事,一般人都不会在这上面计较,只会选择先听秘密 Xuan Ya is looking at Gu Qingshan, the complexion is somewhat complex. 泫雅望着顾青山,面色有些复杂。 This man...... is not willing to decide child's life and death with the way that the threat and forces. 这个男人……不愿意用威胁和逼迫的方式来决定孩子的生与死。 Therefore, this man is in front of own to mention him and all previous King conversation content, for what? 所以,这个男人当着自己的面讲出他和历代国王的交谈内容,到底是为了什么? Does not allow her to get down, Gu Qingshan has started to explain: 不容她想下去,顾青山已经开始解释: Xuan Ya, I hope that you first understand a matter, we are no one kill.” 泫雅,我希望你先明白一件事,我们不是什么人都杀。” He said slowly: 他慢慢的说下去: If we must be able to solve the problem by a three -year-old child's life, actually will only prove a matter: We are one crowd of incompetent Trash Boss, did you say?” “如果我们要靠一个三岁孩子的命才能解决问题,其实只会证明了一件事:我们是一群无能的垃圾-老大,你说呢?” Boss snort/hum, said: You were too wordy, originally is so.” 老大哼了一声,说:“你太啰嗦了,本来就是如此。” The Gu Qingshan vision falls on Zhang Yinghao body. 顾青山目光落在张英豪身上 Zhang Yinghao coughs to say lightly: My killer association has three not to kill, pregnant woman, child and old person.” 张英豪轻咳道:“我的杀手公会有三不杀,孕妇、小孩和老人。” Gu Qingshan looks to Laura. 顾青山望向萝拉 Laura sweet smiles, said: Gu Qingshan said kills anyone, who is the Bramble Kingdom enemy.” 萝拉甜甜一笑,道:“顾青山说杀谁,谁就是荆棘王国的敌人。” Gu Qingshan looks to Ye Feili. 顾青山望向叶飞离 Ye Feili fishes out a can give Boss, this said: When hits the group, I actually like making auxiliary, because this is true test operation role- I do not like killing people now-, only if puts on the mask.” 叶飞离摸出一个易拉罐递给老大,这才说道:“在打团的时候,我其实更喜欢做一个辅助,因为这是真正考验操作的角色-我现在不太喜欢杀人-除非戴上面具。” The Gu Qingshan vision returns to Xuan Ya body, slowly said: 顾青山目光回到泫雅身上,慢慢说道: You saw, actually we do not like threatening others, will not kill your child, we want to make a friend, after rather than uses each other, passer-by who can abandon.” “你看见了,其实我们不喜欢威胁别人,也不会杀你的孩子,我们希望多交一个朋友,而不是互相利用之后就可以抛弃的路人。” Xuan Ya silent moment, said a few words. 泫雅默然片刻,又说出一句话。 The Ye Feili translation said: She said, you are are so always silly- -” 叶飞离翻译道:“她说,你是不是从来都这么傻-噗-” Was saying he cannot bear smile. 说着他就忍不住笑起来。 Silly? 傻? Everyone is looking at Gu Qingshan, the look somewhat is strange. 大家望着顾青山,眼神都有些怪异。 Gu Qingshan has no expression, but said earnestly: Actually I have killed countless people- adds the person who kills more than all your King.” 顾青山却没什么表情,而是认真的说:“其实我杀过无数人-比你们所有国王加起来杀的人还多。” I and Yinghao are quite similar, takes killing people as to crave matter.” “我与英豪比较相似,都以杀人为热衷的事。” Gu Qingshan grasps from Void Earth Sword, the vision passes falls on the sword blade. 顾青山地剑虚空之中抓出来,目光透落在剑刃上。 Light murderous aura only sends out from him and sword. 一股淡淡的杀气从他和剑只间散发出来。 Gu Qingshan say: Simply speaking, these use the person of sword truly, is basically similar to me.” 顾青山道:“简单来说,那些真正用剑的人,基本跟我都差不多。” Xuan Ya listened, reveals the puzzled color slightly. 泫雅听了,微微露出不解之色。 Truly with the person of sword? 真正用剑的人? Gu Qingshan continues saying: Sword starts is two edges, an blade lord kills, an blade lord rescues.” 顾青山继续道:“剑器开为两刃,一刃主杀,一刃主救。” Under long sword, damn person does not permit to live, this/should rescuing cannot die- died also to live to me.” “长剑之下,该死的人一个都不准活,该救的一个都不能死-死了也得给我活过来。” Saying, Gu Qingshan is grasping the sword, to Xuan Ya gently good a ritual: 说着,顾青山握着剑,冲泫雅轻轻行了一礼: Is quick I to resurrect you, hopes that you in later combat, can stand us.” “很快我就会复活你,希望你在以后的战斗中,能站在我们这边。” If you later see my kills people such as flax appearance, but also please have a psychology to prepare ahead of time.” “若是你以后看见我杀人如麻的样子,还请提前有个心理准备。” Xuan Ya visits him, some little time said the words. 泫雅怔怔的看着他,好一会儿才说出一番话。 The Ye Feili translation said: Actually when you help she coaxes the child, she thought that you can trust, but was worried that you are good, therefore has hesitated in making a move.” 叶飞离翻译道:“其实在你帮她哄孩子的时候,她就觉得你可以信赖了,只不过担心你太善良,所以一直举棋不定。” Good! 善良! The people go to Gu Qingshan by the strange vision again. 众人再次以怪异的目光投向顾青山 Gu Qingshan stares their one eyes. 顾青山瞪他们一眼。 People one after another has gotten back one's composure, then looks to Xuan Ya. 众人纷纷回过神,转而望向泫雅 What vision is this woman? 这个女人到底是什么眼光? Everyone silently is thinking. 大家默默的想着。 However Laura actually slightly nod, some meanings of approval. 不过萝拉倒是微微点头,有些认同的意思。 Xuan Ya sees the meaning that Gu Qingshan has not spoken, then continued. 泫雅顾青山没有说话的意思,便自顾自继续说下去。 The Ye Feili translation said: She asked the golden ring that belongs to King is in your hands.” 叶飞离翻译道:“她问那枚属于国王金色指环是不是在你手里。” In.” Laura rushes to say. “在的。”萝拉抢着说道。 She takes to give back to Gu Qingshan the ring, then on the face brings strange blushing. 她把戒指拿出来还给顾青山,而后脸上带着一丝奇怪的红晕。 Before the God of Life vestige, Gu Qingshan must depart temporarily, gave her to use this ring. 之前在生命之神的遗迹中,顾青山要暂时离去,就把这枚戒指给了她用。 Now returns in full to owner. 现在完璧归赵。 Xuan Ya is gazing at the golden ring, as if relaxing of long. 泫雅注视着金色戒指,似乎长长的松了口气。 She nods , to continue. 她点点头,继续说下去。 She said that now she had understood you, and has set firm resolve, wants to face this combat with you, the hope is Calming Soul Country all God's Descendants does wrestles finally.” “她说现在她已经明白了你这个人,并且也已下定决心,想和你一起面对这场战斗,希望为安魂乡所有的神裔做最后一搏。” How to wrestle?” Gu Qingshan asked. “怎么搏?”顾青山问。 She said that in Calming Soul Country altogether has four rings, abstention of the King, three Ring of Protection.” “她说安魂乡里一共有四枚戒指,一枚王者之戒,三枚守护之戒。” Works as these four ring collection simultaneous/uniform together, can from level command all God's Descendants of soul.” “当这四枚戒指集齐在一起,就可以从灵魂的层面号令所有神裔。” Thump! 咚! Gu Qingshan heard the own heartbeat. 顾青山听见了自己的心跳。 This is true secret! 这是真正的秘密 Gu Qingshan responded rapidly, asked: Four False God original(ly) come God's Descendants, therefore also in the range of command?” 顾青山迅速反应过来,问道:“四伪神原本出身神裔,所以也在号令的范围内?” Is absolutely correct, she said that now you have abstention of the King with Ring of Protection, so long as found another two rings, can order thing that they hand over you to want.” “完全正确,她说现在你已经拥有了一枚王者之戒和一枚守护之戒,只要把另外两枚戒指找到,就可以命令他们交出你想要的东西。” Four gods do not care about this point, because royal family and Guardian , once moves them, afterward monster can retaliate surely.” “四神并不在乎这一点,因为王室和守护者一旦动他们,事后怪物必定会来报复。” Therefore this method can only use one time.” “所以这个方法只能用一次。” Gu Qingshan smiles, said: One time enough.” 顾青山笑了笑,道:“一次就够了。” If really can order four gods, then wants to collect Water God Card is very simple! 如果真的可以命令四神的话,那么想凑齐水神牌就很简单了! Gu Qingshan looks one with several other people, thought that finally saw bit of dawn. 顾青山跟其他几人对望一眼,都觉得终于看到了一丝曙光。 Calms down, Gu Qingshan forces oneself to calm down. 定了定神,顾青山强迫自己冷静下来。 He asked that Xuan Ya said: Enthronement ceremony that at noon today, will hold the new king-, therefore at this time, will four gods really appear?” 他问泫雅道:“今天正午时分,就将举行新王的登基仪式-所以在这个时候,四神真的会出现吗?” Xuan Ya nods, says the words. 泫雅点点头,说出一番话。 The Ye Feili translation said: She said that four gods will not get together basically, only if extremely special time.” 叶飞离翻译道:“她说四神基本不会齐聚,除非是极其特殊的时候。” This time, because Imperial Family basically dies, is only left over the final bloodlines, four gods will also definitely appear, for newly king Zhuchi resurrecting grand ceremony.” “这次因为皇室基本死完,只剩下最后的血脉,四神必然会同时出现,为新王主持复活大典。” Therefore wants to see four gods, this time is the only opportunity.” “所以想见到四神,这次是唯一的机会。” Gu Qingshan is listening, while nods slowly. 顾青山一边听着,一边慢慢点头。 Many thanks your information, your secret is essential to us.” His sincere say/way. “多谢你的情报,你的秘密对我们非常关键。”他诚挚的道。 Xuan Ya reveals the color of starting to speak but hesitating, finally is clenching teeth to speak the words. 泫雅露出欲言又止之色,最终咬着牙说了一番话。 Gu Qingshan is the astute character, does not need the Ye Feili translation, to say immediately: Relax, I will certainly assure your child's safety.” 顾青山是何等精明的人物,不待叶飞离翻译,立刻道:“放心,我一定会保证你孩子的安全。” „It is not, she hopes that you can rescue Calming Soul Country all God's Descendants.” “不是,她希望你能救一救安魂乡的所有神裔。” Ye Feili continues saying: Although asked you is not unreasonable, but God's Descendants were innocent, she asked you to save everyone.” 叶飞离继续道:“尽管这么求你并不合理,但神裔们是无辜的,她请你救救大家。” Gu Qingshan reveals the color of feeling embarrassed, said: „To save so many people are not an easy matter, moreover God's Descendants were always kept in the dark, anything does not know that- they at least must have a taking the lead person, can cooperate with me.” 顾青山露出为难之色,说道:“想救这么多人可不是一件容易的事,而且神裔们从来都被蒙在鼓里,什么都不知道-他们至少得有个领头的人,才能与我通力协作。” Xuan Ya responded to one. 泫雅回应了一句。 Ye Feili said: She asked that you really can resurrect she.” 叶飞离道:“她问你是不是真的能复活她。” Gu Qingshan swept sea of consciousness with Divine Sense, sees only Heaven Sword to shiver in sea of consciousness slightly. 顾青山神念扫了扫识海,只见天剑识海之中微微颤动。 Luo Bingli just awoke, is having the yawn. 洛冰璃刚刚睡醒,正在打哈欠。 Gu Qingshan secret said to Luo Bingli in the heart the sound was sorry, this responded: „......, I can resurrect she.” 顾青山在心中暗暗对洛冰璃说了声抱歉,这才回应道:“……是的,我可以复活她。” Xuan Ya nods, said the words. 泫雅点点头,又说出一番话。 Ye Feili reveals the surprised color, the translation said: She said that Wang Zicai is three years old, not grown, the stipulation according to kingdom, must replace the power of line of rule by his directly-related family member.” 叶飞离露出惊讶之色,翻译道:“她说王子才三岁,并未成年,按照王国的规定,必须由其直系亲属代替行执政之权。” She has had the relation with other two Guardian , each other is together is very harmonious.” “她跟其他两位守护者一直有联系,彼此相处的很融洽。” She said that in Calming Soul Country this world, God's Descendants had heard the Guardian matter, knows kingdom real exist(ence) Guardian , but everyone does not know that who is Guardian .” “她说在安魂乡这个世界,神裔们都听说过守护者的事,知道王国真实存在守护者,只是大家都不知道谁是守护者。” She said that she is Guardian , is the King mother, so long as stands, certainly will be supported.” “她说她是守护者,也是国王的母亲,只要站出来,一定会得到拥护。” „- She is willing to be the Calming Soul Country prince regent.” “-她愿意做安魂乡的摄政王。” She will lead all God's Descendants, with our shoulder to shoulder combat!” “她将带领所有神裔,与我们并肩战斗!”
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