WAO :: Volume #11

#1040: Sword Technique advancement

Gu Qingshan is looking at Technique of Boundary playing card in hand, said in a low voice: Swallows.” 顾青山看着手中的境之术卡牌,低声道:“吞噬。” The voice falls, playing card changes to the ray of twinkle star immediately, fans into his body. 话音落下,卡牌顿时化作星星点点的光芒,散入他的身躯之中。 Gu Qingshan closes the eyes, immerses in a sword again cuts to kill Chaos myth monster that time. 顾青山闭上双眼,再次沉浸于一剑斩杀混乱神话怪物的那个时刻。 He stays in that moment, is realizing a mystery of life and death sword unceasingly. 他停留在那一刻,不断体会着生死一剑的玄妙。 After a while. 过了一会儿。 The whole piece playing card effect vanished. 整张卡牌的效果消失了。 Gu Qingshan fishes out four playing card again, is border Knight of light and „the coffin of frost seal and hunts for the battle axe of demon respectively and „the machinery magic crystal. 顾青山再摸出四张卡牌,分别是“边境的光之骑士”、“冰霜封印之棺”、“猎魔之战斧”、“机械魔法结晶体”。 These four playing card, in addition have used wind element striking of chase and Technique of Boundary: Dark Inviter, according to the related explanation of Envoy of Conviction, this then can help him master the Sword Technique skill six playing card. 这四张卡牌,再加上已经使用过的“风元素的追逐之击”、“境之术:黑暗的邀请者”,按照断罪使者的相关说明,这便是能帮助他掌握剑术技巧的六张卡牌 Gu Qingshan is all right while this little while, in a single breath will have four card to use. 顾青山趁着这会儿没什么事,一口气将剩下四张牌都用了。 He fell into a mysterious position that is hard to speak. 他陷入了一种难以言说的神秘境地。 All and Sword Technique related picture, fragment and secret art all appear in his mind, unceasing according to some mysterious arranged in order. 所有和剑术相关的画面、片段、法诀全都出现在他的脑海之中,不断的按照某种玄妙的顺序排列。 This arrangement as if revealed brand-new realm on Sword Technique, Gu Qingshan defers to the order to observe the these content, will have the continuous sensibility production. 这种排列似乎揭示了剑术上的一个崭新境界,以至于顾青山只是按照顺序观察这些内容,都会有源源不断的感悟产生。 time passes slowly. 时间缓缓流逝。 Boss had returned to the covert camp. 老大已经回到了隐蔽营地。 At this time the weather is black, everyone rested was similar. 这时天色已黑,大家都休息的差不多了。 Laura thought that the belly is somewhat hungry, looks to Gu Qingshan. 萝拉觉得肚子有些饿,望向顾青山 Sees only Gu Qingshan to be in a daze. 只见顾青山在发愣。 She just about to the opens the mouth shouts the opposite party, was actually blocked by Boss. 她刚要张口喊对方,却被老大挡住。 „-” “嘘-” Boss beckons with the hand to her, lowers the sound saying: 老大冲她摆摆手,压低声音道: Do not disturb him.” “别打扰他。” Laura is startled. 萝拉怔住。 She has a look at Zhang Yinghao and Ye Feili. 她看看张英豪叶飞离 Two people clash her to nod gently. 两人都冲她轻轻点头。 Ye Feili said in a soft voice: Laura your majesty, he is during in -depth sensibility, this situation special, should better not to break him very much.” 叶飞离轻声道:“萝拉陛下,他正处于一种深层的感悟之中,这种情况很特殊,最好不要打断他。” „.” “哦哦。” Laura understands. 萝拉明白过来。 She naturally understands truth, but as the non- combat personnel, she to other these matter not person of sensitivity, therefore had not detected from the beginning the Gu Qingshan situation has different. 她自然懂得其中的道理,只不过作为非战斗人员,她对这些事没有其他人敏感,所以一开始没察觉顾青山的情形有异。 Then Laura does not speak. 这下萝拉也不说话了。 Four people maintain are being silent and vigilant, calmly is defending Gu Qingshan. 四人保持着静默与警惕,静静守着顾青山 flow of time passes. 时间流逝。 The dim light of night is deep gradually. 夜色渐深。 The curtain of night covers Earth. 夜幕笼罩大地 Wind even more cold bone-chilling cold. 风愈发的寒冷凛冽。 Until the first wisp of dawn punctures the darkness, appears from the horizon, Gu Qingshan recovers finally slowly. 直到第一缕晨光刺破黑暗,从地平线上出现之际,顾青山终于缓缓回过神来。 -” “呼-” His released a long breath, this discovered that Laura, Boss, Zhang Yinghao and Ye Feili are in sight him. 长出一口气,这才发现萝拉老大张英豪叶飞离都在望着他。 Excuse me, making you wait is so long.” Gu Qingshan said with a smile. “不好意思,让你们等了这么久。”顾青山笑道。 During the speeches, his all around Void grading splits, forms the lines after lines of vertical heavy line. 说话间,他四周的虚空次第裂开,形成一道道竖直的黑线。 Entire Void in shatter and closes in two conditions alternately back and forth, appears the incomparable terrifying. 整个虚空破碎和弥合两种状态之中交替来回,显得无比恐怖。 Cracks a joke, actually this boy did Sword Technique arrive at what position? 开玩笑,这小子剑术究竟到了什么境地? Why he emits Sword Intent merely, can cut open Void? 为什么他仅仅是放出剑意,就能切开虚空 In the people heart is thinking secretly. 众人心中暗暗想着。 „Did Gu Qingshan, what your body have? Can we approach you?” 顾青山,你身上发生了什么?我们能靠近你吗?” Laura timid asking. 萝拉怯怯的问。 Ye Feili also said: Hey, you seem like very dangerous appearance, later is this?” 叶飞离也道:“喂,你看上去很危险的样子,难道以后都是这样?” Gu Qingshan naturally discovered the around the body phenomenon, pats the forehead say/way: All right, when I process.” 顾青山自然发现了身周的异象,一拍额头道:“没事,等我处理一下。” He closes both eyes, both hands is grasping sword technique, crossed opened eyes some little time again, shouts: 他闭上双目,双手握着剑诀,过了好一会儿才再次睁开眼,喝道: Receives!” “收!” The people look. 众人一看。 Really, floated vanishes in Gu Qingshan all around Void crack. 果然,漂浮在顾青山四周的虚空裂纹都消失了。 Gu Qingshan said with a smile: Ok, will then not have the danger again.” 顾青山笑道:“行了,这下不会再有危险。” Really has the power and influence, congratulates your Sword Technique to enter greatly!” “真是相当有威势呢,恭喜你剑术大进!” Laura said, is preparing to walk toward him. 萝拉说完,正准备朝他走去。 At this time a giant black Void crack shot up to the sky from Gu Qingshan body. 这时一道巨大的黑色虚空裂缝从顾青山身上冲天而起。 Flip-flop! 噼啪! The crack exudes the slight bursting sound, crossed counted breaths vanishes gradually. 裂缝发出轻微的爆裂声,过了数息才渐渐消失。 People: „......” 众人:“……” stop footsteps that Laura can not help, with people together toward relieving shrinking. 萝拉情不自禁的停住脚步,跟众人一起朝后缩了缩。 Zhang Yinghao is looking at Gu Qingshan, sincere say/way: combat rules ten million strip, life safety first's, the murder skill is non-standard, family member friend tears two lines- this was the killer rolls the initial warm prompt, I give to you now seriously.” 张英豪望着顾青山,正色道:“战斗守则千万条,生命安全第一条,杀人技巧不规范,亲人朋友泪两行-这是杀手团当初的温馨提示,我现在郑重的送给你。” Gu Qingshan said hastily: Accident/Surprise, this is accidental/surprised, I just entered this realm, is not quite familiar.” 顾青山连忙道:“意外,这是意外,我刚进入这个境界,还不太熟悉。” He closes the look again, is grasping sword technique, starts Sword Intent that processes oneself body that to keep turbulently. 他再次闭上眼神,握着剑诀,开始处理自己身上那汹涌不停的剑意 After several breaths . 数息之后。 He opens eyes, says with a smile: Then was OK.” 他睁开眼,笑道:“这下可以了。” However the people left him to be farther. 然而众人离他更远了些。 Hey- are you Sword Technique?” Boss shouts distantly. “喂-你这是剑术吗?”老大遥遥喊道。 Un, new Sword Technique realm, can display my current strength doubled and re-doubled.” Gu Qingshan answered. “恩,一个新的剑术境界,能成倍发挥出我当前的实力。”顾青山解释道。 Sounds somewhat looks like the turbocharging the concept.” Zhang Yinghao said. “听上去有些像涡轮增压的概念。”张英豪道。 Right.” Gu Qingshan say. “对。”顾青山道 How is this possible?” Ye Feili is flabbergasted to say. “这怎么可能?”叶飞离咂舌道。 Nothing is impossible,” the Boss to praise sighed: This is because the skill is extremely excellent, flung the individual effort by far after behind, therefore the skill returned to erupt in the way of squeezing the strength, to achieve same level.” “没什么不可能的,”老大赞叹道:“这是因为技巧太过高超,远远把个人力量甩在了身后,所以技巧返过来把力量以压榨的方式爆发出去,以达到同等水准。” Boss continues saying: Cannot think that your Sword Technique skill has reached this degree, perhaps in the entire 900 million world, your Sword Technique can also can be surpassing.” 老大继续道:“想不到你的剑术技巧已经达到了这个程度,恐怕在整个九亿层世界之中,你的剑术也能算得上出类拔萃的。” Gu Qingshan sighed, said: My strength was too mean.” 顾青山一叹,说:“我的实力还是太低微了。” Boss sizes up his look, seeing him is tranquil and calm, not self-satisfied color, nods secretly. 老大打量他的神色,见他平静而镇定,毫无得意之色,不由暗暗点头。 Gu Qingshan has not actually paid attention to these, his vision falls in Void. 顾青山却没留意这些,他目光落在虚空之中。 The rows of glow small character is appearing on playing card interface: 一行行萤火小字正出现在卡牌界面上: conviction playing card: sword cultivator Gu Qingshan, you have completed the promotion in skill.” 断罪卡牌:剑修顾青山,你已经完成了技巧上的提升。” Your skill has reached the Envoy of Conviction minimum strength limit.” “你的技巧已经达到断罪使者的最低实力限度。” But your strength is still weak.” “但是你的力量依然薄弱。” Please seek for random Card of Inner World as soon as possible, thus makes your strength be the Envoy of Conviction minimum strength limit.” “请尽快寻找任意一张里世界之卡,从而让你的力量达到断罪使者的最低实力限度。” When you reach the lowest standard in the strengths and skill two aspects, you can use specific Card of Inner World to come advanced .” “当你在力量和技巧两个方面均达到最低标准,你将可以使用特定的里世界之卡进阶。” Gu Qingshan looks quickly. 顾青山很快看完。 Laura Card of Inner World was used to construct Technique of World by oneself. 萝拉里世界之卡都被自己用来构建世界之术了。 Therefore oneself looks for Card of Inner World again. 所以自己得再去找一张里世界之卡 However this is not the most urgent matter. 不过这不是最紧迫的事。 Now has a more important matter to process. 现在有更重要的事情要处理。 Gu Qingshan looks to the partners, said: 顾青山望向伙伴们,说: Boss, Yinghao, Feili, Laura, Xuan Ya, just now had certainly something, I saw King of Calming Soul Country all previous generations.” 老大,英豪,飞离,萝拉,当然还有泫雅,刚才发生了一些事,我见到了安魂乡历代的国王。” Does not wait for everyone to have anything to respond, Gu Qingshan said the entire intake process. 不等大家有什么反应,顾青山就把整个事情过程说了一遍。 Massacres that child, to guarantee that God of Life was also killed?” “杀掉那个孩子,以确保生命之神也被杀死?” Laura redundant say/way. 萝拉重复道。 Un, they said like this.” Gu Qingshan say. “恩,他们是这样说的。”顾青山道 His vision goes to the people behind, that float in the shadow of midair. 他的目光投向众人身后,那个漂浮在半空的影子上。 Xuan Ya ghost. 泫雅的鬼魂。 Xuan Ya has heard the complexion to change, quickly said a few words. 泫雅早已听得脸色大变,急急忙忙说出一段话来。 The Ye Feili translation said: She asked you do not kill her child, she is willing to tell you secret.” 叶飞离翻译道:“她求你不要杀死她的孩子,她愿意告诉你一个秘密。”
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